Download - CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler

Page 1: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler

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' fee A n t r i m lleporter, ' . P a b U a h e d B i r c r y W e d a c a d a y .

&. W. EJLDKEDeE, Editor & Pabllsher

Boston & Maine fiailroad --^•OONCOIlt>-DIVISION.


'^-2r«..'.6 33.

W i n t e r ATrangeniunt , U) elTect Oct. 13, 1902.

VIA COKOOSD. A i z l v e . . . Leave . m p^iB. . STATIOHS. a . m . p . iii. OS. 6 33. K e e n e 7 00 2 33

U S S . f t 57 P e t e r b o r o 7 4 0 SIO 10 06 6 00 E l m w o o a 8 10 3 S2 10 SO '4 53 ' • Benn ing ton 8 15 3 37 10 45 4 45 . An t r in ) 8 20 3 4.> 10 38' 4 28 / H i l U b o r o 8 48 . 3 £6 10 IS 4 n W. H e n n i k e r 9 00 4 00 1014; . '4 0 5 . H e n n i k e r « M 4 U 10 03 8 « W. MupVintoii 0 17 \-l\ '9S5 8 41 Contoocook 9 41 ..tSii • 80 8 15 Concord 10 if) 4 IU 6 40 100 I v . Bos ton a r . 12 23 7 05

a . m . p . m . p . in . p .m. VIA N A S H V A .

A r r i v e . ' L e a v e . ' a . m . ' p . m . 8TATI029S. a . i n . p . ' m . 1187 607 BllTsbbro ' 730 250 11 Sl 5 52 A n t r i m 7 45 3 0 ' 11 IS-J 547 B e n n i n m o n 7 30 : 13 11*5 6 57 P e t e r b o r o ' 7 40 a ifl 1102 638 Elinwooci 800 S.'iQ 940 . 4 3 0 N a s h u a a r . 9 06 441 9 08 8 41 L o w e l l 9 47 fii-l 880 3 00 I T . Bos ton a r . 10 40 cso


As it Will be Observed in Antrim on May 29th, 1903 One Day Earlier than the Usual Custom, Owing

to'Bennington Dedication Exercises.


Arrive. p.m. . 4 6 3

• 4 84 4 2 8 4 IS 8 37 2 00 1 00 I v .

SUSDATS. Leave .

STATIOKS, , a ,m. H i l l sbo ro ' - 6 20

A n t r i m C 42 Benn ing ton 6 48

Elm-wood 7 00 Nasliua 8 33 Lowel l !> IS Boston a r . IU 13

D . .1 . FLANDERS, Oen. P a s s . & T'lc't Ag t .

Departnre & Amval of Malls DEPARTUKE.

;,25 A. M. F o r Bos ton ; a l so Mil ford , E e e n e a n d intei-venint; i io iots .

&00A. M.. ForConcoi-d.-wfty s t a t ions , and t h e N o r t h ; u l so Pe te rboro a n d sou th o f t h e r e .

11.45 A.M.. For North Brunch . 3.25P,M, For Greenfield, F r a n c e s t o w n , Bos­

ton , and al l po in t s I lust , South a n d w e s t . %iSi p . m . F o r B i l l s b o r o nnd Concord , 4 J 5 p , m . F o r Bennluj i ton, Hancock , Keene ,

a n d wny: s t a t i o n s ; a l so Bos ton , and all p o i n t s w e s t and South .

A R R I V A L . At8.30,11.00,I] .4SA.M.; '6.05ana 6.10 P. M

Postoffice will opon a t CIS A. H . , a n d c osc a t 8,00 P. v . , e x c e p t T u e s d a y even ing , w h e n it wUI c lose a t V.45,

A L B E R T C L E M E N T . Postmi is to t .

Ciiii.Tch' and Lodge Dii-eetory P r e s b y t e r i a n ChuvDh. Sunday m o r n i n g ser­

v ice a t 10.43. Wct-k-day m e e t i n g s Tuesday and Tbi i r sdav evenings .

B a p t i s t Cl"urch. Sunday m o r n i n g se rv ice a t 10i43. Week-dny mee t ings Tuesday ami T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g s .

' V e t h o d i s t Church . Sunday m o r n i n g se rv ice a t l 0 . 4 \ Week-day meet ings Tnesday and T h u r s d a y even ings .

Congrega t iona l Cliurcli, a t Cent re . Smidny m o r n i n g survicc at 10.4'->. Week-day meel -

. j n g s Tuesday and Thurs<lay e v e n i n g s . Snnday School a t each of the a b o v e bhurchcs

a t 13 o 'clock, noon .

-Waverley Lo<lge, I.O.O.F., m e e t s Sa tu rday ov. e n i n g s in Odd FoUows block. Hur d in Hand Rebekah Lo<1ge m e e t s sfecond a n d lour th Wednesday e v e n i n g s of each mon t l i , i n . above hall .

- A n t r i m Grange , I*, of IL, m e e t s i n t h e i r h a l l , I a t t h e Cen t re , on the flrst and t h i r d Wednes­

d a y e v e n i n g s in each m o n t h . A n t r i m Corne t B a r d mee t s J l o n d a y even ings

In t i ie i r room on West s t r ee t . E p h r a i m Weston Post , So . ST, U. A. R., m e e t s

In t h e i r hull in -.Taniusbii Itlock, second and fonr th F r i d a y even ings of each m o n t h .

Woman ' s roleif Corps mee t s In U. A . R. ball , first and th i rd Kriday e v e n i n g s ot each m o n t h .

George W. Chandle r Camp , Sons of Ve t rans , m e e t in G. A. R. ha l l , fii-st and th i rd .Mon. d a y e v e n i n g of each m o n t h .


SCHOOL DISTRICT. p . W. COOI.KV, Chiiirman, H. W. EI.I>KKD<:E. Clcik, C . F . BUTTEIIFIELI),

\ Scliool I Board.

Meets regularly in Town Cleik's Boom, in Town hall building, the first Saturday afternoon in each mouth, from I to 4 o'clock, to transact School District busiaes!", and to hear all par-

;' ties coiiceruing School matters.

. H. Colgate, Jr., M J . doonELL's BLOCK,

Antrim, N. H. W- QflBcc hours: Until 9 a.m.; 1 to |iZ-00 p^In.; and Eveninfrs. ' Connected by Local Telephone



Surgeon Dentist Office at Residence,

Concord Street, Antrim, N . H,

[odol Dyspepsia GUPO Digor t* w h a t y o u 0 a t .

Memorial D a y wil l be observed in A n t r i m as fo l l ows : Ephraim Weston Post, No. 87^ G. A. K., will leave Grand Army hali in carriages at 8 o'clock a. m., arriv­ing at Campbell's corner a t 9 o'clock where the column wi l l be foi'iiied under the direction of E. C. Faige . Marshal of the D a y , in the fol lowii ig order:

Antr im Band, Ephraim Weston Post, No. 87,'G. A. R., G. G. Whi tney , Commander, W. R.

C , and S; of V.. and Cit izens in columns of twos , Uar-riapes in rear of co lumn.

March to North Branch Ceme­tery and decorate the graves of the departed comrades. Return to Antrim Centre and perform the usual service in the cemetery . Returning to Antrini fpr dinner, which will be served free to vet­erans and their famil ies in G. A. R. hall .

Soldiers' graves in Meet ing House Hil l and East cemeter ies wil l be decorated by special de­tails from the Post.


>-The'-column wil l form at 1 o'clock, p . m., in front of G. A. R.; hall for a short parade on Main street. Services in the Town hall at 1.30 o'clock as fo l lows:

Music by Band President of the D a y , Squires

Forsaith Reading of General Orders,

Adjt . George D . Dresser Prayer , i Exercises by the Schools. A t tl'fi c'o«*! of the services in |

the hull the column will form j with the right restinj; opposire | tiie Presbyterian church in t h e ! fol lowing order: j

Antr im Band. Ephraini Wes ton-Post No. 87i G. A. K., Georiie | H. Chandler Camp. No. 11,Is. j of v . , Boy's Club, Cit izens in i

Columns of twos, carriages containing Woman's Rel ie f Corps, Clergymen and Disabl­ed Soldiers, Citizens wil l form in rear or coluihn.

The route wil l be Main, E lm and Concord streets to Maple­wood Cemetery where the follow­ing exercises will take p lace :

Prayer Dirge by Band Decoration of Soldiers' Grraves

at sound of the bugle. Column will refprm ana march

via. Concord street to Soldiers' Monument w^here the services will be in charge of the S. of V.

Remarks Music by Baiid-Return to Grand Army hall

where the column will be dis­missed.

Al l war veterans are cordially invited to fall in with the Post .

Contributions of flowers, ever­green, etc., are earnestly solicited. Evergreen may be left at G. A. R. hall Thursday afternoon after 4 o'clock. Flowers, Friday morn­ing, on or before 9 o'clock. The ladies of the W. R, C., will have charge of the hall, Avreafhs and flowers.


Memorial Sunday services in the Town hall on May 24, at three o'clock, pi m. Sermon by Rev. Wm. Hurl in.

The members , of the Post, W. R. C , and S. of v . , are requested to meet at G. A. R. hall on Sun­day afternoon at 2.45 o'clock to march to the hall for the Memor­ial s ermon; wear uniformsy badges and whi t e gloves.

By command of G. G. W H I T N E Y ,

Post Commander. G. D. DRESSER, Adjt. . A n t r i m , May 20. iy03.


E n t e r t a i n A n t r i m P e o p l e a n d O u r N e i g h b o r s in

M o s t P l e a s i n g M a n n e r

The largest audience ever pre.«ent at tbe Town hall at nu entertainment to Tvbich an admission was charged greeted the "Belles of Bluckville*' on Friday evening of week and it proved to be one of the best, if not the be&t eotertainment ever given in this towo.

Miss Sadie M. Adams was inter­locutor, Miss Stella Wallace and Mrs. Hattie Goodwin ts'ere manipu­lators o( the cbooy, and the sheepskin wielders. Misses Kmma 'Whitney and •Mary McClure. They were assiitod bv the following Indie.s: AnjreliDa Snowball, Blanche Bullard Celia Lippe, Maude Miller Fannie Funnybone, Blanche Cooley Lilly White, Bessie Parmentcr Snlly Forth, Tilly Barrett Pinky Pelton, Annie Poor Hauner Hammcrhandlc, Stella Nay Ophelia Pulse. Lucy Martin Martha George Washington, Eva

Webster Juno Jefferson, Fannie Burnbam Liza Ann Dusty, Alice Hatch ChloeZion, Lena Balch RoKa Riggie.<i, Ethel Brooks LuHa Lippincatt. Lizzie Go 'ey

The following i s ' the program, interspersed with jokes, most of a local character and were well received and appreciated. Nearly overy number on tbe program received an encore.

Curtain raiser and introduction Opening Ensemble—Company Song— Juno .Jefferson and Com­

pany Vocal .«olo—Lilly White Trio—Ophelia Pulse, Lilly White

and Celia Lippe Choi us—Kntirc Compaay

Song—Fannie Funnybone aod Company

Selection—Washinjiton Pie Quartet Vocal Solo—Martha George Wash­

ington Chorus-—Entire Company Duct—Au^jelioa Snowball and Liza

Ann Dusty Medley—Belles ol Blackville Selection—Rastus Section Orches­

tra .Stump Speecd—Mary .McClure .Select ion —Oi'c;hestr a" GrHndCake Walk. The iM'Ogram wns fol lowed by a

season of proracnadinjr, .•Vppleton's orclie.-itra furnishing music throughout the evening. Tbe object of the enter­tainmeut was for a benefit to our F, ee Publio Library and something in the neighborhood of %\'2h cleared.

Fred L, Nay was stage manager, to his untiring work ia due in great measure the su^eess of the entertain­ment. Congratulatiens are due to all who io anyway participated io tbis worthy object.

On Saturday CToniig llic Minstrel company called upon .Mr. Nay and aa mark of appreciation for his assistance to Uiem presented him a sum of money. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening enjoyed.

Six Years the Sentence.

After a trial lasting for some days in Minneapolis, Es-Mayor Amos of that city was convicted of taking a bribe and he was seotenced to six

I years imprisonmcut. He has ap : pealed. J t


Slaking any improvemeuts io the ap-pearence of your bouse, inside oi: out­side, this spring, if so, we should be pleased to give you an estimate, both as to paiuting and paperiog the same. .

We not only carry a small stock of wall paper on hand, but bave sample books from several firms, and we can get you anything in the wall paper line at one day's notice.

• We will seud sample book to your bouse for your inspection at any time.

Mouldings to inatcb air shades.

Capplage Painting.

Nothing but tbe best aud Paint used. Graining, H»rdwood fin­ishing, Kal.somining, Whitewashing, Glossing, Furniture Painting, etc., in fact we paint everything.


Business Cards

Base Ball.

Antrim met defeat at Peterboro in the best game thus far tbis season. Antrim played good ball but could not hit when they wonld have netted runs. Both pitchers were at their best, Smith having the best support.

The score: Peterboro a i 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 — 3 Antrim 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0—1

Hits—Peterboro 4 ; Antrim 9 ; Er­rors—Peterboro 5 ; Antrim 7; Bat­teries-—Smith and Collins; Taylor and King.

Heoniker won from Hillsboro Sat­urday at Hennikei- in a well played game. .

The score: Henniker 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5—8 Hillsboro . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1—2

Hits—Henniker 13; Hillsboro 7; Errors—Henuiker 1 ; Hiilsboro o ; Batteries—Powers and Dow; New­man and Bartou.


Peterhoro Henniker .Antrim Hillsboro


Won 3 8 2 0

STA x i ) i x < ; LnsSt

1. 1 2


Pet. 7.5(1




Saturday afternoon Bennington de­feated Antrim on Jameson's grounds, 18 to 7.

The High School play at Ilillsboro Saturdav.


The contract for the new Methodist cliurch which is to be erected at the corner of Grove aud Main st'reet.i has been awarded to John H. Smith of Lance.ster for the sum of $5906.2.1. Work is to be commenced at an early date and will he ready for oc-cup.incy Dec. 1, 11*03. The tolal cost ot the Inii'dinu: w-hcn finished is tij'iircd Ht about $'-sOOO. A. I. Law-reni'i: ot Bt'vlin was Uio iirchiiect.

. \ Litt le Kiirlv Kiser

now and then Mt bedtime will cure constipation, hilliousucss and liver troubles. DeWiit'c Little Karly Uisers are the famous little pills that euro by arousing the secretions, mov-int! the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving slfch tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver tbat" the cause of the trouble is re­moved entirely and if tlicir use is con­tinued for a few dnys there will be no return of the comiilainl. .Sold bv

W. F. Dickey, Antrim, Joslin's, Bennington.

To Rent.

to Tenement on Depot street Apply

K. W. BAKF.K, Ageiit.

(ows to Pasture.

Parties io'tending to keep cows can fnd pastiirinz for snmc, at reasonable I ales by applying to

NATHAN C . FAMI-SW, An'rira, May 1!>.

T o a n d F r o m A n t r i m K a i l r o a d S t a i i o n .

The Stage leave,s the Post-office, as follows:

• ' ' - A . 31

Leaves at. 7.30 o'clock, for 7.4o train 8.05 8.20

' 10.30 10 45 ll'.O.J 11.21

V . J I .

Leaves at 2 5'2 o'cloek, for 3 07 train 3 30 :i 42

- 4 ao 4'•!.-) 5'35 6 52

Stage will, call for passengers If word is left at the Express Ofllce in Jameson Block.

JOHN C. .IBBOTT E S T M TTndertaker.

O. W. B r o w n e l l , E m b a l m e r . CLINTOX YILLAGE, Antrim, X. H.

Slalc \:iui:.-. iilw.ij's tn stock.

49-Connecte '1 l.y Tiong DUtance Te lephone *»-CHllsilav or niKht p r o m p t l y attuiiilcd to


H l l i b b o r o ' B r i d g e , K . H . iU operations carefoUy piaitumii

Fint-class work and moderaU feea onr notto.

B. D. PEASLEE M.D. SciD)! 3:.-j!., I I;) ro'3 ridge, N, H Special Attei tion Given Eye, Ear,

and Chronic C-seases. Hours, 1 to 3 P.M. Sunc'ays 12 to 1 P.M


H i l l s b o r o Bridere .

Tardif & Bellavance, <.-I>NTI{A(:TOI!S OK

CoDcreie jiflewalks. CrO't.'iing.s Cel l i ir Fioor.<?, A r t i ­ficial StoiK', G r a v e l K o o l i n g , C e m e n t vVork ol" all kiiul.-^.

ion Tolles St., Nashua, X. H. TJOWtl'lIONK < ONKKCTION.

' W i l l bo A n t r i m alU-r ..Tune Lst.

O r d e r s f o r W o r k m a y h e L e f t at l l ie C a r t e r H o u s e .

"Cows For S a l e r I h a v e T l i r o r ' N o w M i l c h C o w - fj.'-

sn i i ; , n n d t i i cy a r t ; j imxi D U O S .

G K " R ' ' 1 ' - . !•'.' Coi,I ' .v.

.Antrim, N H.

STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. l l i lNl 'orii i i>.-l i , s ^ . :

Till '.li!il;r<'111 l*rtili!it<' t u i ' t l i c (-I'linlv' o f \w:.*. boroi i^r l i , ill The .-Intl* of SCw II:iiii),>}iTr,', Vo t l i c Hi ' i r .s Ht I.iiw (It t h " K» t :U i ' r i l Kl : . .n-

iK^tli Wl i i t i i i : ; . l iUc (.; r i . i i u ' c - t c u v i i . in •'I'vl ( . 'oll l l ty. i l c c c i i - " , ! , l . " . t ; i ; r . .Illll :i:l o ' l n r s -.'t I P l r o t c d t l l t ' t c l l l .

Vou iii't' 1,CI''Il.v iK. ' i r ' . , ' ! . t l m t l.t-ttxiii' Y'. DowiK'S, t n i . t . ' c m i l l , f t l i " lii«t w i l l ot . : d lU'ccii .-icl . liji* t i i iu lc i ip])) ' lit i<iii t i l i '("iiU'i '•.-"• i i c c o m i t o f t h e .«Mii! ; i . i - l , :it I h r (,-iiiirt n t r r o l i i i l c t o l l " l i ' iMcii lit l'i Ii ' i l i ' i iouj^V, in M' . I . I i . i i i i t uy , on 111"-.''Hll il.i.\ o l M.iy i u ' \ ! , lit wiK ' r\ t i m e mil l p l i t co \ c u l i re i u r c ' h v c i t o : ! t o ; t p -p c i i r , t l i i i t y<iii n i i iy b e licni-i! o'n i i i r «.ii,l r.o-c i i i i n t .

Tlic ncooimt oi -.iilil ' rr i islec liaviiifr boon filciI In tlm I ' loba tc iifllcc tor suliI Cotintv.

Anil It i-. ot'ilcrpil tlml llw i-iiiirrriisH'c .TCVVO UK: nlioTi.'t'liHtion bT cjiii^lnp Mic .-iimi', nn'* tills oi'doi' tiicreon,' to 1M' pnblislivil t h r r c weeks s.ic-i'CfsiVfly in tlur ANTitIM IJifoK-TKii, prliitc 'l lit An'.rlin In snbl county , the la^t ptibtii'iition U'lici'i <if to be ;it least Onti week before .«iii<l <l,iy <i( lieniiin.'.

,\ni1 i-eliini the sunic, with bis ilolnirs, to till! Coiu-t nroi'i-«nlil.

( i lvrii at Nii»1iiiii. Itl siiiil coimlv. th.i- i«t iliiy of May, A. 1>. I'.ii.,.

Hy o n l e r , K.-I. t «>Pr . Kppi . l r r .

_.«Dr. David Kennedyli taroiite Remedy C U R E S A U . KIDNEY. S T O M A C H « ^ ' • ^ ^ i ^ . ' A N O LIVER T R O U B L E S *

Foley's Honey and Tar torcbildr.en,sate,sure, Noopiates.

. : . 'CJJ3

Page 2: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler


Hear t From AttacH of LaGripp«>. /

jPalpitationV Smother­ing, Shbr tBreat lx .

D T . Miles ' Heart Cure Cured Me.

T h e tkn-ible after effects of LaGrippe are most when thev attack the h e « t , J h e i n c i h e o f life. -Weak hearts are as com-

Sventuafly liie of heart -aisease.the d r w d of mil l ions:-DI: . Miles' Heart Cure strjrn^hens and rec»l.«tcs the heart'is action, enriches the blood -jtid improves the circulation.

- S o m e years ag-. .I had an a t lacVorthe ; rrip. and it left me ui th a. very weak heart. ?af. itation, shortne».> of.breatti and fmotier-ins- stiells that made me .i.t up >n;^bed to breathed robbingraeoi sleep, made m e «no>' miserable, l^vou ld Income latieued and exhausted from the least exertion and^was in such a critical condiiion. that. 1. co'oU not . atteiiil to mv busiiless. My phvsic.ian seemed unable to coutrol liiy, case, and »»t.eaJ.«'| crttinc better I ^yas .gradually gro-wing weaker everv day. Then 1 bec jn taking Dr-•Jliles' Hc.irt Cure and af^er J Iwd U-' d two bottles I was Kredtlyimoroved. 1 continued " " " t h e remc'lv until I had taken in all SIX bottles, whi-n I was nb'e to a'.tend to l> wilhout inconven-ence.. 1 was com­pletely and permanently cured of heart froul'le by Dr.'Miies' lieijrt Cure, and cnecr-' f u l v rec.>mn>end it t'-) 3ll>sufferers from that "r l ib le affliction."-!!.. 11. K I I L E , Olovers-v i l l c N . V. . ^ , ^

MI druc'ists seil and guarantee first lipt-tte Dr. .Mllt-s'^. ^Sciui tor 'r^';,'''"''; on Ker^'ous. an.l .'le-^rc l>| ea--e=-. AddrtSS Dr. Miles Medical Co.„Elkhart, Ind.


iBo«a S o i l , T l t o r o a s i i C a l f l - r a t l o a ' a a A -S o m e H a a i d -Woelc R e Q a l r e A .

A young clover, sod plo-wed In the spring aad tUoroughly • piulverized-\rould make a good seed bed Ior lliua;-beaas. The soil sUpuld be deeply plowed aud worked as flue as possibly. Mauur^ is usually broadcaisted aud worked thoroughly Iuto the soil. As a rule the plaut food Is •iiot plaeed in the hill. The pole limas are usutiUj' plant­ed three aiid ai half or four feet apar t The poles are abouftou feet long aud set. flrmly In the ground. After the poles a re . set a small hill Is made around the base of each pole and packed down reasouably Arm- Kve or. 8l» beans are theii plautcd by pushing them down Into; the ground, taking piilusto have the "eye down. The best frvrtners Ic•avt •al>out th'f«>e Vlues'to the;

ile.-'OuUtv^UwU is coiitliiuiidaa.lOPK, as posslble.Jbut after the vines begin to run rapU*y It Is not prdfltable to use the. horse, as a careless. man would tear out or break down too mauy vinos. The cultivation Is much the same a s . for ^'orh, and the hills are kept rouiiiled up. Cultivation Is kept up as,long as iwssible, but the vines make a vlfiordus jirowth, aud consider­able hand v.-"i'.c is uceessarj-. Great rabor Is reijuirod In tyliig up the vines. This must, lie done just a t the right time, aud soinolimes two or three dlf-.iereiit tj-Iiigts will be uocessarj'. Wheu the'Vl"o ivai'lios the top of the. pole, the ll ft u-i'owii's iisutiUy nip it off. An a\-enii.'o of one.nuart of shelled beans to tlu' poie would be a very large crop.

i lil many eases the yield falls below a I pint tl) till' pol". The gre.nt profit is.lif


WITGHKAZEL OIKTMENT ! •The (Jrcate-t Hivihr on I'luitli."

This is the ii!o_'in>il SVinli Huz-! piiii.'iieiitj a i ld . is DOK: oliicr like -. il-.

"Yoiir- U so tiiiiC'Vi 'leller tlmn. <.!ln;r .Vi"-:; Uil/lel salve-"."11 I..!o,.i;...t like to bi; wit It;"—>1l-S..I. "-. M'lK'-.'"""""'"•'-=''"-

"I^ilmv loot vvii'i tiie'iteil /.ilie, 'be top l,«i.i._'on..' hii'L'.; bll-l.'r. • I Weill '"•"'.'• •;";'.•'", plie.I v.iiii-<ii''i!iiicii'. wi;i, tn.' !'.•.- ics . ius . Jau sav it is 111.' !'.'s! ..Iti'.'!i-iit 'noU- fo, burtiii."-I'L-ii-i' l-'l-i-ii'ib' Ivewi'iiec, l ib

very early Hums.—Itural New. i'orker. ; .

E a p t 5 » . ' \ o t i i e a v e n . In a t F a u l t .

I A l a d y reader telLs. of i n s t a n c e s o f i t o m a t o v i n e s m a k i n g a t r e m e n d o u s 1 vim? frt'owth w h i l e yet . . g i v i n g s c a r c e l y I a n y r ipe fru i t a n d o thers ' o f p o t a t o 1 p l iu i t s l i m k i n g Dleuly of top g r o w t h , ;

v e t pi-odueii ig but f o w a n d s m a l l po ta -"t.ji>s. I h a v e o b s e r v e d wbiiihir i u s t a n c e s : n o w i>1id t h e n , a l l h o n g h t h e ru l e i s t h a t

; i t t a k e s si l a r g e a m o u n t o f f o l i a g e to i s u p p o r t a h e a v y y i e l d of t o m a t o e s or i pottiToes. Goml farii iera a n d g a r d e n e r s I do u o t a n y more p u t t i ie b l a m e on t h e i lii .xm o r t i i e s i g n of t h e zod iac : In f a c t , i t h e r e i s v e r y l i l t l e i n y s t e r y a b o u t t h e s e

.' t i l i n g s . T h o fiiiilt is i n e a r t h l y r a t h e r I t h a n in heaveii l .v or Uuiar c o n d i t i o u s .

. \ n e x c e s s o f n l t r o g o n o u s e l e i n e n t s or a C'0!iii):ii'iitive Itiok of m i n e r a l e l e m e n t s in t h e soi l m a y g i v e nn e.>:eess o f l ea f ji i-owth a t the o.icpi'nse Of f r u i t or tuber . Sollil! toi i l i i t" vjirii'Uos.tive n a t u r a l l y In- , eliii'.'d Vo uiiilio s t r o n g l eaf g r o w t h , j T h o s o w e m u s t pl:\lit o u soil t h a t i s u o t I e x e o s s i v o l y p n i v i d i i l w i t b n i t r o g e n o u s | or »r'_-:'.n!i" imi t ter mid p l a n t t l i em far- i

i th iT apiu't l i cs ides .—T. G r e i n e r in Farur Mid I' i l 'es ide.

S m i S i n i ' t i o n GutirtinH'Od or M o n e v UKfu.;i'..'d !

W e c i l i i i K Mutle Kas i i - r . Api"opos Of il I'l'iuiirk thut t h e b e s t

w: iy t o w e e d o n i o n s i s to got d o w n o n _ „ I . n^4.'t.'\ /s 1 ' t h e k n e e s a s t r i d e tlie r**.- a K u n i l N e w F o r H o r s e s a n d U a t t i e I , v o i k o r eorresromlo i i t sue.-O'Sts a m o r e

•—•- . • ^ .(j^.ivciiUle iiio-aioa a s f o l l o w s : W i t h a n o r d i n a r y board coustrui ' t a s tool a s be-

! l o w . , s i t o n it iisirid..' t h e r o w a u d a s i y o u w e e d bitch.voui ' .s i ' l f a l o n g . l . u s t I si.rinu'. not In-iiig in go.xl h o a l t h a n d

u n a b l e to s t a u d the f a t i g u e o f g e t t i u g

N a matter how long you have suffered, ^ 0 1 6 / * $ K i d n e y C l i r e will help you. This we will gaurantee.

I t has Ciired many cases of BrighfsDisease^ had been thought incurable, however we do not claim tha t it will cure these diseases in advanced stages as no medicine can

-make new kidneys for you, but Foley's Kidney Cure iU positively cure every <:ase of kidney or bladder trouble, if taken in timC^ and even in the worst cases of Bright's Disease and Diabetes it always gives comfort and relief.

Remember when the kidneys are afected the work of destruction never ceases, so commence taking F O ? e y ' S K i d n e y C u r e at once and avoid a fatal malady. '

F o l e y ' s K i d n e y C u r e is made from a prescription^of a specialist in kidney diseases and was used for years in private practice before it v ras put oji the market.


W L YANCY of Paducah , Ky. , wr i t es : ' I h a d a s eve i e case of k i d n e y disease a n d th ree of t h e bes t phys ic ians in sou the rn ^Ken tucky t r e a t e d m e withot i t success . I

then took Foley's Kidn^ Cure. T h e first b o t t l e gave i m m e d i a t e relief and t h r e e

bot t les cured m e pe rmanen t ly . I g lad ly r e c o m m e n d this wonderful r emedy . "

S U F F E R E D T W E N T Y - F I V E Y E A R S . • SEVMOUR W E B B of Moira, N.Y.. wr i t e s : " I had b e e n ' t r o u b l e d wi th m y k idneys for

twenty-five years and had t r i ed several phys ic ians b u t rece ived n o relief un t i l I

bough t a bo t t l e of F o / e y ' s / i r W i i e j ' C o r e . 'Af ter using^two bo t t l e s I was abso lu te ly

cured. I ea rnes t ly r e c o m m e n d f b / e y ' s W<toey C « « - "

Mr. M. A' Kent i.f U" to'i . T'lu-s.. a well known liiisiii-s-' m.a'i amLmiir.u-fat'turer wrile-s ns

• "I wi- ihlo siiv thut -.•veriil i.t tiiy .h"i-'-ci-hiul onzeiifii. mr.i t v n niiiiIie:iiioii> ot I.i-t.r ^

• V i l e l , II.lZ"! '->! tli.clit . iitll-"l.v-.clil.'.l ...' .1. il.i.lMi.'I'. i;i,v >.",'ii 11'. v.; iivi, ot >!.' u.'i ..IV sliiec 111..;'.I'.'vi..11-1;. ..'iiii.l'iv.^o .1 .M;'"11-'! ^ .-y •vMli".li'ill.v l"""iH wlil.lev, 1' I .ii.y.' I -il-<. 11—'1 i; in iiiv liimily lor yeiu-r' wiili s i i t i - :

•V-iuiiioii'': • • • i

• j I . . .laof.l. Ki'iida.r, of Temi'le. N . | H , !i liti-.liii^ fanut-i' at'"' S'iicc.-st''.l I diaryman^ propi ivtor' of Blood Brook j Fat m, niid Iivet'ili^r of .Iiv soy <'>it'.le, ami '•, Hwkslfii-i^ swine, nuikc? ihi" siatement: j

'-'l-lli.velis.'.l Ililia-^ Wi!c?l llltzel Ollltliieilt . foi-«cV'i'iil vei,,..M,i.l ciiii tlmt liiiv.'^c'ver

. st'i'ii it^.iiiii .! •!> •• h.'i.liiiu "iiitiii.'Kl' l-.v !-> I ,*iiir\ -i.iiHi -iH'--. tiiii'iN 1

Wrn. F. Dickey, Town Hall Drug Store , Antrim, N. H.

.•tlm-t-j'.>h<>nl(l li.'ul*. it.

Slar.y ncwspapofe';:«% r •;- Ic l j •'.-.•fr. r-j-.Tn-'r.-T ; torcixjri.'ibyirresi-.oiisiij'.c niirtiui to tli'.'tlVejt | that* , • • I

THE MEWKORSeSEVi-mG lV3A3Hi;«PCn ^ ; I'litcri'd !i trust or <->:nb:.-'.-'li'in-. v.-c v.-ii'li J i toiiS'^'ure the pulillc thiil tliero if tiotriitU I'l , ': !-'iicJi r.'iK.rts. We iiuv.' l."'!. iiviiititriiin-iii.; i !i'.''.vili)? iii'iK-liinesr<ir"V..';',^,'iii;ii--.v'ro!i. .'I'lilii- ]

lind luivoi'St:iblis''C'li. '.•"'.tion f.,r oiir-iiiul oi-.r iiiiici.iii' llio envy of nil

150% Mftellfr. W c can abso lu te ly guaran tee the above increase in t h e vahiat ion of t h e .shares of: the

d v . 'irr- i /«; ; i»- riiiu-liiii- lii---

:iineitiiii-.—II ';,.'.--.'V.-ll!-.'

i* A.*-; - *

Is Easily Dige$ted. DeHcate, Delicious, Nourishing. Good For The Aged, The Sick, and TheWelK

§old in 2-ll>, pacViaRCS by all IC'iding Orocers. - . .

FmUiA Miiis Co.; Lockport, N.Y.

o s i o v wr,F.mso STOOI. . do-.'.-n <-;•.:!'" l;:..---^. I b i ' c'l t h e a b o v e i d e a . M.v liii'i'd i i i i i n l a u s l i e d iit w h a t b o t e r m e d "a ia'-i.v m a n s wa.v," b u t ver>- quirkl.v a d o p t e d t b e i d e a w h e n be f o u n d l l i o " i i i v i v ! i d " outstn;ii>iiig_ liiAi

; a t t l ie riitc of t w o rf>ws to o n e . N o fa-' ti'.;i'.o IK foi t ia t h i s nietlK-Kl. T b e l e g s • f o r t l io s too l s l ioi i ld bo m a d e frotu t b e 1 s i i i n e tjonrd a s t h e s e a t s o aa t o a v o i d I tiltiti);. T h r e e r o w s a r e w e e d e d a t o n e e I -tbis way. _^___

lit iicr.'*. Our '*.'• ii.'Vcr lu'Hi rivtii,.; •y.-M 'liiiji'.y -,.; .tit.'^.'it t'le !ic;o',o.''ji'*' '''!?'t.'"'' t->. •.';,i''\'':-, :'!i'l ;;i>' ^ ll :; -,f>i' .; Tlir..'' 'J-Ci^:s !2r,i:if" •'::::;.• i.

HIiiSl. CJS.ii'-iS'-.c."!.•«.'; OW thn 7i;:tyT:ct.

I; i'l not i-.<vr«.-i, r.v r.-ir '.:.- Vt: nt' t'l Mivi'iiiir cr. llit I'f i'l y i e.v l i " irni . l l i-1 > t'liy. '.••.'•: .'iv. II' v' • c.i!ii;..'t;i!.. ; wii.' :.. i;. i..i"l-.r. ;•: I ili'iil,:i..i<'iw:i.'-i •'•..•.•! : .-• KCeii- I :,>.< iiC 1-iiy •iitriii';''' : V n'.'. 't ''. ivi'il.n'inii .yo:i ..-.ii't.'," .-' -. ' i l l voiir v.ioTi'V ."V.-:.;.- ir'iiii li. •• .r.-'ir iSii!:ir" l>.-ti'.-:•. >.: • }'/iter ;;i.i. l'i;." :•-:- : . - - • • .•>••''•' .'.I;"wlifr«\ II" tii;-r.-,:.; i. i i'...' vr i lc 'HTI ct tor.. .

' THE NEW HOME SEWifiG MACHINE GQ i O R A M G E , JVIASIS. : Xciv S'oru. i:;.;..'-:'-.'. ,iii...-i' i'0:-.i.». ?':o., .'M!II:I-i ta, «a.-, lAiik.i-, Tr:;., ff-i.-ii'.-1-.'|. ^'•••t' --••

Ins ide I yea r if pu rchased now at $ l . 0 0 .

yoi: .

i'li i'.il

'That B l e « . » * B n b y . I "My dear," said a .f#?btened bus-:

band In tho niiddlo of the niglit, shak­ing bis wife, "where did you put that bottle of'"

"On the shelf ne'xt to the ixspper-mint." ' '-.-.•' ,• ' . «Oh, l.iord!'' bo groaned- "I 've swal-lowei l i t r ' • . , >j,

"Well; for goodness" saltei." vrhlsperM ills" wife. 'Tvo-'P aniet or .voti'll wake tlie baby!"—rhliadclpbia i.oagcr.


',o.i trust i ^7.' hiivo I ,. .

-'"'-•••"^'i i W a u * c - \ V e have.secured ivll of the reeent patents of Mr. Jolin M. K"^"", ' '•:t/{:::-ZI Un manv vear, .onn-eied vvi.h the Burton Su.ik Car Co., :.nd wbo will — ''on'!' iiave cliarge of all our coustrnctinn work. • iivo^oi HecaU'.e'^Twcke different Railway Companifi. I.|.ve prononncKfl o - ' r e w ^ h .

• hest and mo.,lin}renoiis.Sleeping C.r over .ievi.e.l ami stand ready to adopt il the moment it is built. , », AA

['Directors wiil only sell a si.meient nunaber of at 81 ^ to SiuiM and '..ave voted to advance, the to iK»r, 82.50 per -sliare, immediately on c.-)mpletion of tho first car . . „ u '

IJccab'^e-Tlie car will go into service the moment it i» biiill and m .3 months

can pay diviileuili'. . , » ' « , . ^ Bce«nsfl-.Slcepin.T Cars retnrn annu.tlly fo the cviH^rs 4.-> per on -

their cost priee.

to write A>T onr coafidestlal letter befoie "! -' - ' •- •*' —— i,^ TTorth ir""

and Foreign

jttcr oeioiBBp. 5ls1n8f"forpitont; it may be . worthjwmey. We yrompOy obtun V. 8.1

PATENTS _ .t.- _ — " - ^ ox Tctom

rid modc l i—- , - -

m^Rm.?e adtice, and oor

or Tctorn E H " ~ modelj.tlcctdi

. . •photoand -wt - .^ P ' R E E report on-patenuB the K < legal »en-iee Wd - _ chSrgea are moderkto. .Try as.

SWIFT & CO., t»tt^iit Ittwyorst

U.S. f>«teiit Offlce,Wa8MBaton,O.C

- T b e • -Woy • f o S n c e e e U . If yon would win. succcsS' In. life,

don't waste time r«dlng-maxims and "taking advice from tjfce sncccwfnl. Jnst get busyz-^Soinerville (Mass.) Journal, i _

No cars in the w^ria earn as iiuidi mriiicy at. Sl-^eptng Car s ! _ _ One Corapaoj^ias aecumiiVatcd 8^ in the*.. ami their

You^cann^tilnd a safer, .oan.Ier or better proposition for big returns. ...^ This Comoany also owns patcnts.on tlic best Steel Box F ^ e i e h l C « r . ^ ^

er i n ^ S ^ S S first car hnlU is «>uiracted for by a p ^ ^ NevJ York Railway Co. ' n i e United Staten Car & Vfehide Go. also o i f • . » ; v a l L K a U n t s p i ^ ^ ^ ^ Ritilwayenufprnent. Altogether, f o m n n g .

safe and solid foundation for y»<'«J.n^^.*I"":'"-. „ • '" Send for our Book entitled "Tl ic Whole Story. • Address all commariicatioiiis to

The IT. S. Car & Vehicle Co., Boom 942, Tremont Bldg., Boston.

B ^ b e Company will soon establish a Car Plant,; we *r»ot. good . capable men and ine.hBnics to fill the various positioos.

"5 • ''



DM Sl... „ •/

' ' . • • ' * '


• :

1 4 J^.^^'^iSLk^iAk^'Ii.^lt.^,^., ^ et..„ "_i£2_ j^tttitttmaUm ^^teHJiri

Page 3: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler


X / 52S- •

BONE ^ /

Soft and crooked boniss mean bad feeding: Call the disease rickets if you want to. The' growing child must eat the rijg^t food for owth. . Bones must have bone fobd. blood must haye blood food and so on through the list

Scotf s Emulsiop is the right tr^tmeut: for soft .bones in children. Littledbses everyday give the stiffness and shape


s ^ - - .


B o w t ^ S becOHlg'Slradjigfateiy from Milford -over: Snnda; loose joints grow stronjger and firmness comes to the. soft heads..: ••:.„,:

Wrong. food ifcaiised the trouble. Rightfood viili

In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right iood for soft bones in childhood.

. .Send for f i ee^mple . S C C r t & -BOWNE. Chentilsts.

409-4T5 Paairl Street. Naw Vork. 5SC sud £1.00: aUdnigSiit..' -

I NewsFrdiM(^^ t


. Miss. MinoieTobie was in Blan^ber-ter Saturday. - Mr. E. Witson has been coufiued to the bouM the piast week.

Mrs. .Eliner Wil«on and daughter, Mrs. Bert Smytb, spent the. day io Billsboro the first of the:week.

Ber. Whi -HiirKn of Antrim occn' pied tbe iihlpit at the Congregatiooal cbnrch. May .J 7.

SI iss fflaiy"; tlTeiodbnify was libme

- / • •

<isO. Alnn.v»-rclL'il>I(-. iJutEnt. MIC nn:;pcU!t foi cntvaEtveKsti. aani\,\Tiit in st««f aod Gold ta..*tulllc fco.i'.^ Ntfiili-.l Wltli Lliitf ribbon. Talce a « o t b e r : iitetiimr' itarijs'vrotis HUIMU-taUeoMSBd taUial loiU' . liuy..; yiMirUrUKSlst. nr fleud'lc. Ill ..tiuitps I'le W'ur'.iraltum. T<wU*

' Bumialit and -U<.i:c.r fvr {.ailim.*.' in trtler, by re<nra MslL. lu.ueoreMi.iMiiiktb,. rioldb/ all VnngsSfta.

CBICBBSTZR CSBMICAI, OO. ' w o e Uf•«ll»og >Uinag». l'i:'.

" I suffered tsrribly and was ex­tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was alt turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsapariila, and was soon feeling all rigbt again."

Mrs. J. W. Rala, Hadlyme, Ct.

No matterhow long you have been ill, nor how poorly you may be today, Ayer's Sarsaparilia is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en­riching the blood.

Don't doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else.

/..ycyttvr iloetnr vhat fa« thtnkf of Ayer** .SAti.n^Minn.'t.' II.. IcDew<aIIatw>ntthIsfrrao4 old tsiT'iIy m-'.II.-lTiri. Fallow buadrlcoalid we -trill I'C iU4tT.<r,«fd.'

J. C. ATEB Co., Ixiwell. Mast.

PATENTS (Seml iaodel,fketcli or Pfreereporton r" PHowtoSecnxe' t Patem« and

oitoTentiODS For free I


GA'SNOW posite U. S. Patent WASHINGTON 1

Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing c a n ever surpass i t

Dr. King's NtwDiscevery

»^^'m1SM -A Perfect . For AH Throat and

Cure: Long TrouWies. Mener back if It fails. Trial BetUee fi;M.

Henry Knight is. on the sick list. Ml 8.-Mary Colby visited io Lynde-

borii) last week. Edward Hill and family of Bost >o

are havfof; their suintiaer bome-^HilU side—patia'readiness . for their ar­rival. >• - "

Maj> .r R|xby Hud wife are visit'icg their son in Lyun, Mass . , for two weeks. •,-•

The traveling showmen; who have been here for a week, left for Aotrim Monday.

^. Q u i c k .Arres t . .

J . A' Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the' hospital from a severe ca^c of piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed. Bucklen'b Arnica Salve quickly ar­retted furiher iuflHmmation- and cured him. It conquers aches and 'kill.<i pain. 2.5c. at \V. F. Dickey.

I Will Pay to Investigate .

the plan, of our Manufacturing Co. who will employ one man or woman,in each town in the state, to take the agency of our goods, which have been sold foir 25 years, -WHOLLY by our aptents, wbo earn good wages tbe year, round. ' .Ypu take orderi for our giKxIs. We , send them to you anV'

; where in the U S. freight prepaid. j Yoa: deliver and collect the money. j Fur a profiiable' business, address A.

I>a Wade, (general Agent. ( 6 2) Bc'Ston. Mass., for full particulars.


j The C. -K. prayer meetings are I very interci-ting and well attended.

I Mrs. Josie Fuller is in Eufleld witn : friends.

I Chas. Wilkius* snle was .well at-: tended and thiugs sold high.

I Mr. Curtis moved into their new bome Thursdav.

I , ' ' . * .

• Miss-Bessie Bailey has ai ven up her school in Div. 6, 00 account of

! illness and Mrs. .Sta. Millard is to I finish the term.

The Ladies' Aid Society reorgnniz-ed last Wednesday with tiew otlicers. A fine ..<-upper was .served to the mem­bers nnd their families, about .30.

Dr. S. O. .Gribsoa has all be can do iu his line of business.

A . very heavy, thunder shower p:.S''.ed over this villHge about 10 o'clock Thursday evening.

R. E Ordway is having extensive repairs made On his house.

A Sure T h i n g .

It is said that nothing i.i sure r.K-' cept death and taxes, but that i.< not; altogether true Dr. Kiug's New j D'.seoiery fi.r Con'»uuipiio.n is a-.sure j cure for all lung and ihroat troubles.! Thousands cao testify M that. Mrs. • C. B. VauMctre of Sheperdtown, W. j A'a., s a y s " ! had a .•'cvere case of Bronchitis and f<'>r« year tried every­thing I hc-irt'-of, but got no relief. Ooe bottle of Dr. King's New Dis­covery then cured mc .ab>olutely." It's infallible f(ir Cmiip,..Whooping Congh, Grip, 'Pauumonia nnd Con-!>umption. Try it." It's puarantccd by W. F. Dickey, druggist Trial bottles (rcc. Rog. size.s .'>0c; $1 .00 .


The Slinstrial shpw at .Beoninzton atihicted many frpm here Hast Wed-.nrsday evening.

' Arthur logram and wife oi Aotrim were guests here last week.

Henry Holt, Mrs. F. J. Aiken.aDd Levi Holt attended the fuoeralof Mis<. Gertrude Bills in Hillsboro last w.eek Mooday.

Mrs. Mary Williams h&i returned to her hone'ip Benningtoo.-' , ~

-Last-Wednesday. ia-Sanday-^School. institute was.beld ib the church bere, day and evening.. The churches of Peterboro, Hancock, Greenfield. Ben­nington, Antrim, and' Hillsboro were represented- b y - a goodly number .ot dell gates.. At ieaCh session an inter-e.*ting and instructive program was carried out. Dinner and supper were provided by "..'bur. people aod the gathering proved to be a most success­ful one. . ' •

George Ws Hunt,

We have in stock a Full and Cotnpiete Line of the JPollowing Goods which we Offer at Eeasonable Prices:

Tbe W a s t e s o f the B o d y .

Every, seven days the blood, mus­cles and bpnes of a man of average size loses two pounds of wornotit tis-' sue. .This'Waste cannot be replen­ished and the health and strength kept up without perteei digestion; When the stomacb and. digestive or­gans fail to perform their fuoctions, the strength lets up, health gives way and disease sets up. Kodol Dyspep­sia Ciire euables tbe stomach and di­gestive organs to digest and assimi-latie all of the wholespine foocl that mny be eaten into the kiud of blood that rebuilds tbe tissues and protects tbe hiealth aud streogth of tbe mind and body. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles.. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by

W. F. pickey, Antrim, G. 0 : .Joslin, Beiiniogton.


. Deferred from last week., The Ladies' Circle at Mrs. C. O.

Woods last Thursday was a large one.

Dr. W. H. SHwye;r from Bo. <ton visited hib old Inme Inst Week.

Miss Faiulie Prescott came home last week, her school in Hancock beipg cloiied ou account Of ineasle.-i.

There are now fifteen scholars regislereci at the Brauch .»chool. .

Mr. Coolev who has been at Mr. Taft's has rieturned home.

j Squires Forsaith paid • us a vi<ii , last week aud left a little reminder of I nnr. iudebtedness to the town. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ford went to I Waiert'iwn, Mass., on Tuesday. j , Crombie is putting on asphalt roof-i ins; to tlis hui'dings

ire, e, Plows,

yators, Harrows, arrows,

" eens * o.i-uves, Screen ber Hose, etc., ete.

GEO. W. HUNT, Antrim.


Amid the Singing Pines Away From Frost and Cold.

I. Just now a number of onr reader.-* are planning where they will go for

! the wiuter aud 00 doubt the majority of tiiem will do as they, have doiic in

j the past, buy round-trip e.\cur.->ion I tickets, gootl for si.'c moullis, to Soiith-I em Pines,- N. C , aud those wbo want j 10 make side-trips of a (ew wcek.'s to i Florida, Louisiaua or Te.\»s. ::'aii get irrnnd-trip tickets from .Southern.

Pines to the points, tliey desire to visit at the most' tHVorahle rati'S aiiii thus savo unnecessary expenses. Souihem Pines is the l .>ad'( uHrIl'r '• for Northern Tourist. It is located in the high saiid hills Among the I-oog Leaf Pines .ui the .Senboard Air Line Railway, which is the mosJ di­rect route between New York. Wash­ington aud Jafksonvillc, Florida,

Wis advise our readers who are ex­pecting to make a .Southern trip to write to Mr. John T. P.itrick, Pine­bluff, N. C , and iui will setid them, free.of charge, prioted matter thai will be of much interest.

WITH CONCLUSIVE PROOF. There is an old formula in philosophy

which says that no two things can oc­cupy the same place at the same tiiiic. i As iV .•-iiiiple illnstration, drive a nail in-^ to a, board and you -will find with every j ..stroki? of tlu- liii-imiier, the nail will fiirc-f i aside the partii k's of -wonil into whi<-li it i.s bpiuj: (Iriycu. ."i-ally inakiii}? a I'law for itself, ai-il vroviii;,' that tfiie nail and tiie wood do -tmr occupy the same place at the s;ime tiiiii'.

DISEAS15S OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER and Dr. David Ken­nedy's Favorite Reuu-dy cannot oc-curij-the "same place lirlheVaini-tiiiie. If you are tronbled -with f-fipieut jiains in the back; it your urine stains li!i«'ii: if yqu nriuate frequently tlHrin ' the iiijrht, and a buruing pain ac.'.iiiipiinics its passage, yo'.ir kidneys .au.l li'c.ild.T ;ii-e in sliape uud shoiiM lie tr.iated.iit (Hici-.

Ev.-rv dose n,f DR. DAVID KEX-N'KDY-el FAVORITE REMEDY slowly liiir .M-trely pa.shes asidr- som..>..f tIw- \a.r-ticlt's of the drcid dist-asps of the kid­neys and bladder, liver, .blood, rhfunia-tis'ii. dy.-*pepsia and (•oiistipiition. I'.ntil tlicy cOHifiletely disappf Hr Do not los>c faith or find you are not eiilirely c'lirt'd by ouelKittle, lK<-a«.se if thfsodis-i--j.-n--< have fast<'!if'd ll-.i-ir .u'vip on ynu tlu' longer aud harder it is to drive them :i\v,-,y.

D r i i s g i s t s soil i(- in New SO tietttSiie anil till' regular $1.00 .MZO botti'.'s. • .

Sj"i,*lt' bot'tie~encut:h for fritil, fr.-,- iy intiil. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondotit, N.Y.

-w».T*-',>-*itc"rT^ .v'!ti&'« i2rr''v.

Pr. Dmld Kpniifily'si 'lasif Ki<>'«'»IT''lor all Diji-it-'i I r Inli»niiiiii.iim«»l Iht F;(>. .•,(..


Front a Cat- Scratch.

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure IHyiiste ytdtaX you eafc

Ipoley's Kidney Cure gudces^kidmeyu aad bladder rkffkt.

Tbrtfe Ilollars worth -of- Nursery ] Stock for one dothcr. , I o order to e^ • tablish our trade -w'itli' yon, we will I "send you twelve McKinley Strawber-. I riies; six Csiumbian Raspberries,:One Campbell Early Grape V ioe. four.'ap-

! pie and four [>each-tre(<s, standard va-.j Ha^el .Siilve is a quick cure, rietiesj all for one,dollar. Do notTail. jtjg Witch Hazel .Salvc» be to write for our wholesale catalogue - —.

Rochester &; Brighton Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y


COPYRIOHTS & C . Anrone jendlng * flirtrli and rtpscrlptlnn nmy

C«I«'iilr'i.9<'ff''*'*in ftur opinion freo wlieiher:nn

tSnii. siric-.lyconilrtcTitlM. HANDBOOK onl*.iipnt« MM. froe. oMwt^

I'.ii.-int-i tAkcn tliPi.uch Matm-& Co. receive tpft-fii iiotlef, without cttsnro. In ibij

Scientific Jhtiericdtt. A lianrtnomclr lUnrtrsIed wwJtlT. Jjoisesl-gr-'nilntifiii of nnysrlcnlllK! J"«ITI»I.. Tcrmf. Wa imr-. (.inr mombStlL Sold tiy all nensdeiilent.

J!ftUNN^Co."«ro.<«iT. New York Branca UIBco, CiS P St., WMhlsctoa. S. C

Kodo! s>yspepsja Cure "KC'e.'ts wf'at yon cat."

Kodol DyspspsSa Cure Foley's Honey aad Tar 0iB€6ts wLi::t ysu 6ati \ cares colds, prevents paeiuaoala.

On the arm,- to the worst sot t o f a bumi'Sore' or boil. DeWitt's Witch

In hiiy-partiou-

lar to get DeWiit's:—this is the salve that heaia wilhont leaving a scar. A specific for blind,, blcertiiig. itching and protruding piles. SoUl by

W. F. Dickey, Antrim, G. 0.' J.6slin, Bennington.

Kddof Dyspejpsia Cure *Wgests what you eat.**

"Tlic Leghorn a Great Layer.

The Single Gamb 'Brown Lcphoras have lakei; tbeir place among the gen­eral untility fowls, hecause they pro­duce more egss of larger si/e tlian the Asiatics and mobt other breeds a'jd because they begin !nying sootier, do liot conisiims .'o much time ic setliag. are liardy, easily raised, do a hit of hustling ami c-oti-seriiic-ntly can be raised at much less expense. . . .No one desiring ey^is will make a mistake iri Itracding llrown Lesihorus. If tlipy fail to come up to your expo;:-tHtioiis in e;;^ prodiiL-tion, be sure there is sometiiini: wrong in the maU'. a^rement.

It is .claimed by iiiaiiy hi coders that no variety of doin.'Stio towl,« nmong tiic iiiiprovod brecls nt (iri sent will

; prixliice during- the year a hsrg.M- lui'.n-I tier llf Cflgs wilh the Siiino f'td au'.l j euro than Brown I-v-.'horri'rf.

Tiic liiyinu of ci'iis seriU". to i->o their crcat forte, .iiid so ru^iilar a;,! uniform is thi.s qiiall'y, iha' il i-i a rare occurrence to find a p.>0'.' liiVer in the ilock.

Tlmy arc-a. jn-o'id.- spriahtly and handsome'vari.nty .of fowls and con>-niend tlicinselves to all lovei's of (n-.v.r poultry.- '.

From the thoroughbred single ciVmb Bi'owo Leghorns, Howell's strain of Klmiia, N . Y; •

Thvs is the best Inying strain that can Ixs" loiind. They, lay largo ^cgs 'Hud lots of thorn.

If packed for shippiusj. pri<-c fir ''"•. eggs, .Sl .00. If got at the farm. 50 cents. '.

Ceo. P. Craige^ The »fiiiI.l''St'r<'ii'cilv for l:i<II«ostinii, omi-l

•tii.iiiioii.!>iIi<ni-!M-s«un<I tim iiiniiy ulUiii'lit," i ari-init II ili^orrtiirril jtoiinu'li. liyiir or linvcl" i« Ililinii^Tnt.iilcs. Thi-v liiive aocOBJ-! i.liiiH'.l vvon'li'i-s.iii'.l lli.'ii-tinn-ly uM rctii.ivrs • li.o n-i'.'-^itv of <'iii;iiij£ .11 iil;y.-',i-li>." loriiiiiiij-

^i^ii^ V;.^;;::';:\!.n:!V ir'!;^S:,;;;l.\"i:^Si: l Manager and rropriotor Valley Pine mi.i aivv iii.'svj-.Mii mri'iiM'iii t<.iiii)(!iij->. Tivc Poultry l*arm, f-iv.'. I'liI imok.'l !•< "•iioiii.'li for ail or'.liniirj^ j . fKTii-toii' 111-f:niillyViltlc.>'.(i >•>•.. (•nntnln>j , A M ' T R l l V i l N H iiMijiliIS Mi-uy-io-' .\li..hii!.'i<i^ts Mill thein. / \ 1 N I r i l IVI,. IN , n .


Jji-Bfiih Ml <iiP' 'i -*° >-"' i*riiiA«;.'rio,Aii, ..l i-tfrrlfc^t ^^^^L ' ^ • - ' • -

Page 4: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler


Go To The New Store! ——ASD SKE FCLt LIKE OP-



Musical Instruments and Supplies, Sheet Music, Athletic Goods, Pocket Books, Toilet

Articles of All Kinds.

Watch, Clock, Jewelry-and Mlscelianepus- Light "- R€tyatriTiy-a-Specia:lty.

BR. E. M. BOWERS, Dentist.

OfiSce over Alexander's Jewelry Store;, .open r^ularly each month from the 9th to 15th aad 24th to SOth incliisiv#. .

All dental operations carefully perr formed.

Special attention giveu to Crown and Bridge work.

Etberi gasor local anaesthetic, for painless extraction of teeth.

Cases requiring much time can ad­dress, for appointment, Hillsboro Bridge, N. B.

.> T,M« X-R^ys...-•

Recent experimeots, by practical tests and cxainination. with the. aid of tbiei' X-Rays; 'eBtablished i f as a faer Ahat-Catarrh. of the ..Stomach i». iirit". a

L. H. OARPENTiBR, (Successor to F. M^ Alexander) ANTRIM.

PttblUtied •v«rjr iy»dne««l«y.

' H ; WEBSTER ELDREpGE, Publisher and Projirietor

Hobserlptlon Price, St.OO per -Vear

Notices of concerts, .lectures, entertain-rnvnU. etc., to -which an .a.lmlssloi>,K!e Is eharged, or from whicli a revenue Is derived, must Dc paid for ».•< ailvertlsementa by line. . Canls of Thank* are cliarBe l for at the rate

dt.V) cents i.ach.. ' , _, lU'soltillons olor.Ilnary lungth, .3c.

WKbNESDAY, . MAY 20. 1903.

Enturei •: tS« POII-OIHK '« MitriBi »• »w»nii-el»ii nultw.

A Serious Fall-

Saturday afternoon while at work . on bei/back pbich Mrs. Granville G.| Whitney fe,l aud unfortunately went head-long down the steep stairs autl was rendered unconscious by the lall. Dr. .Warner was cidled and it was found that Mrs. VVIiit.ney was suflering from a had cut over the eye, one of the bones iu the lore arm was dislocated arid she was badly shaken up. At priesent writing she is some­what improved and is getting along as nicely as cau be expected.

How's Thi s?

WciiffcrOni-IlunrtriMl Itt.war.l for . any c-.tsuof Ciitarrlithateuiinol Ui ciiroil by H.;il'sC'atarrh^p«rc;^j^,^.^^. ^ ^^^ ,,„„,„„,o.

Wc, the uniUirsiuncd, have known K. ,J-<;lu•n .ly forthe lust I'.years.and hulicve hlm ncrfecUy hononible In nil business ti'iinsjic tion? and financially able to cany out any obligations made by their firm. • „ , , WtM&TlinAX, Wholesale liruggists, Toleilo,

WALDISO, KISSAS & .SIAKVIS, Wholesale DruBKlsts, Tolcilo, Oliio.

Ilall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aolliiir <llructl>- upon the blooil aiul mucous surfaci's of the system. Toslimonlals sout tree. Price 7.10. per Iwttlo. Solil b.V all Drug, gists. Hall's Kamilv I'ills are tbo best.

Landmark Gone.


Miss Mary J. Emerson of Nashua is visiting ai Broo'.<side Farm.

Miss. E. L. MacCraiiken and Miss A. Li Pet'ry of Massachusetts are,the Mountain.Vlew House for a season.

Alvin Townsend of Peterboro and Mr. Dodge of Contooeook were at Hazelhurst Farm on Mouday. They cuuie in an auiomobile. Mr. T;, has just purchased a new Rapibier auto-tnobile.

Mrs. Lucy Swett was very agree­ably surprised this week by being presented with a purse bf money. She was unfortunate enough to lose her cow last winter, so this gift will be doubly appreciated.

disease of itself, but that it result from, repeated attacks of indigestidn. **How Can I/Cure My Indigestion?" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure . is curing thousands. It will cure yoii 6t indi­gestion and dyspepsia and prevent or cure Cati ri'h of the Stomach. Kodol digests, what you eatr-Makes the s'tomachsweet. Sold by

W. F. Dickey,' Antrim, Geo. 0 . Joslin, Bennington.

TO CURB A COLD IX OXE DAY , Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab­lets. All druggists refund.the money if it fai s to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­nature i s pn each bos.-- 2.5c..

B A N N E R 8 A L V E

Jim Qomps gascd ent oa sidewalks hot. And looked iB>aIa for one «oel spot;

Aad^swed he ne'er again would eat '' A Insch of heat-prodndng meat. Once more haa " Force " restored hli vim. Although tie h9t, he's«' Snai^ Jim.'

TbaSaalr-waerte Ctral coibfoft |M»ssiibl ' : on a 4iweltering day.

' Beisi Hlm ta Keev CeoL . ".*Fotce' ia a blessing to hot hnmsnity. I find

. since eating.It—and I want It everT- morning—, tbat r am able to go tbrpngh a hot day-with mach

-mote comfort than wlieii I' used to eat hearty. meat'breakXuta, It has tatight me how to live.

"B;-B. CuiTBcaasB.".


Oxfords and Low Shoes the niest healing salve In the world.

kodol Dyspepsia Cure "Digests what you cat."

Recently the large elm tree in front of the resideiipo of John M. Duncan, i'isqi, was cut down and oue of. the landmaiks v as removed. It had beeu marked by the Tree Warden and his consent had been given.

The tree was an old one and was estimated to be. over 200 years old ; the Uuncan family have resided here ior over 130 years and the tree was of good size when the house was Iniiit.: The tree was. about o feel in tlianii'ter aud contained over 7 cords cf wood.-

Deferrcil from last -week.

.Mrs. Anna I.,o\ye of W>'ton is visiting at her son's, Geo. Lowe.

Mr. and Mrs, Llewellyn Living­ston., a'ld family drove to New Bos­ton I ist week, Mrs. Livingstone and the children will remain aU indefinite time.

Heiiton Tutlle of Meredith was at Chas. Goodwin's last week looking after cattle whicb he is pasturing.

Miss Mary Cochrane was in Hills­boro Bridge on business last Friday.

J . Warren Webber of Revere, MasS', is boarding iat W. E. Ellin-wood's.

Miss Bulah Townsend of Peterboro is visiiing ber sister, Mrs. Bessie Goodwin, for a few days.

Mrs R. E. Jellisoti of Stoneham, Mass . has been visiting at Waller Gould's.

Miss Bertha Bryer and Kenneth I McLeod visited at the Mountain View house on Friday.

Mi$s Auna Diincan is visiting friends in Lowell and Hoston. >

That reckless auiomobile driver, who caused the accident at the Coch­rao farm recently, has been given a chaucc to settle, but has not seen fit to do so as yet.

For Spring and Summer.

Latest Fashions Trirhmed & Ready^tb-Wear Hats

Children's Hats for 2oc. A Few Ladies' Untrimmed Hats,

for 25c.

T I S ' SliUCs


I e>'"ii I • f weatlier when you ueed Oxfords and Cool U e have a goo 1 line to "select froim. Prices Right..

Queen Quality and Hadcliffe for Ladies.

W. L. Douglas and King Walker for Gents.

MISS MOORE, Whittemorc Block, HiUsboro Bridge, N", H.

Black and Brown 'Tennis, Red Tennis Oxfords for Clildren.

Gail in and Examine, and Compare Prices with Those Elsewhere.

lOifiWII, T11 SiOllMi ANTIIIM.

Lostr—Between the store of D. E. Gordon in Hillsboro and Antrim, a package printed with Gordon's name and marked H, W. Kldredge, con­taining a pin aud child's neck chain. Fiiidef will please leave at Gordon's, or at REI'QRTER (.Rice.

Wanted at once 10 labnring men to work on new paper mill at Benning­ton.

Apply to W. T. BAUKKR & Co,

Bennington, N. | l . '

NOVy ON, at the Store of

Davis-Patterson Co., (Successors to Patriey & Little) Antrimi N. H.

Read Our Flyers! I



May rcicvc that dull, tired feeling, that coirics oyer your eyes some­times..,- Persohs desiring, to ..know 'Whether they should or should not wear glasses can have the benefit of careful c.\amination of their eyes iCree of charge. When. glasses are needed my prices will be found very moderate.' •


Jeweler and Optician,

The White Front, Hlllsboro Bridge, N. H.

The Enterprise Blue Flame Oil Stove,—more points of superiority than any other'^tove on the market. Perfectly Sale, Odorless, InsUntaneons Heat, will do all the cooking and liaking that you can do on a kitchen stove, and in a more satisfactory manner. So sure are wc on this Stove, we are willing to give yon a week's trial. Let us put you one in your house, if not satisfactory let us know. Wc furnish a. large sized oven with every stove. They come with two and tliree burners.

The "Eiiterprise." TPrice $11 and $12^ '•[

.i'-• . Are yod looking l6r agood Two Seat LaWn Swing ai a Low Price ? If so, we have it I Stand-attl full size make, at a price most retailers have *o pay. We hate a limited number at only |8.50 each. Call and aee* one "

Two Seat Liawn Swing, only $3.60

A. M. I". • / - - , : .




>1 U^:^l.^Y..<^\^^^,L'^Z^±.^ X. ->!..



Page 5: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler



E- Village and Town News. 0

Stoxy, the . Expert .Watch-maker, Billsboro Bridge, N. H.

Ben Woodbnry is at'hir home bere.

Dr. Anthoine was here the first of this weok. . . ' .

C. E Hills has discontinued' his milk route. /" ^

Bobert Proctor has been a visitor hereof late.' •'•;''.':'•,•.•'

Mrs. Hiriim Muzzey visited last week in Newport^ ^^ \ ; \ „ '„,

*Mrrand Mrs. w!' w"Gro8hy are in —ButstotrfmrirsfflaiPifV " . .

Dr. Stevens of Francestown was in town a day last week.

O. H. Robbmade'a'busihesstrip to Manchester Thnrsday '

Mrs. Richard W. Stewart has re­tarned to her home bere.

Mrs. Hiram Ontler of^West Derry is a guest at C D . Sawyer's.

Miss Lillian . Dhnbar visited over Snnday at her home iti Peterhoro.

Ed. Ross of Lyndeboro was the gaest of relatives here, over Sunday.

James Cutter and family of Stod­dard were guests pf relatives here Sunday.

Frank Bald<«'iti and daughter of Keeoe were recent gnests. of relatives in lowu.

Mrs. W. F. Diokey and Miss Jennie Bullard were in Peterhoro Saturday.

Morris Nay is confined to his home by illness, being threatened witb

. poieumooia. Mrs. Wm. Roach of Hillsboro was

here Friday eveniug to,, attend the minstrel show.

Starr Elmore of New Britain, Conn., has been a receut guest of his

• cousin, W. W. Brown. Lettuce and radishes for sale at

.Cooley's green house; also tomato plants. CuCamhers soon ready.

Tenement of four rooms to let low . to right party.-.

L. D. COLE. Will Clapp is to occupy the tene­

ment in the bouse of Mrs. Lizzie Buckminster on North Main street.

;-» Mr. and Mrs Clark of Lowell, Mass., were the receut gnests of her parents, Mr. aud Mts. Ephraim Sim­onds.

Carl Perkins of Sunapee was at his former bome here a few days the past week; he was accompanied by Ed. Clark. . Among those who followed the fortunes of the Antrim's .at Peterboro Saturday were C. W. Farmer and Dr. Colgate.

Davis-Patterson Co. are distrnbut-ing large flyers thron&bput this and sarrouodiog towns.. It is profitable readiug and a genuine bargain sale.

We are in receipt of copies of the Los Angeles Tiines and LoS Angeles Herald forwarded by Mrs. Alice Madden, for which the donor will please accept our tbanks.

Carpenter the jeweler has a new adv.. -

Percy .Farmer #as m Nashua Mon­day/ • • * .•.

. Henry Brooks is home from Mun­sonvilie.:

Abram Cobnrli wais : in Barre, Mass., the first of.the week. -

John B. Jamesoa is in New Chy for ten days onbtasiness.-.

Scoit.Emery was called, to Chester Tuesday on jury duty. -" H.T.''Roiir^ll and daug ^ ^





•!iPe(»STBrrti*«rfO"rrttreTmmmBr-Beai George Taylor .of Boiston has been

a recent guest of his brotheir . here, Elias Taylor;

s««/)i7tri/n Store-Antrim's Busiest Store

A drive tp Our Store of anj reasonahle distance will save you money oh Gnrden Seeds, Flower Seed*, Grass Seeds,, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Wire Netting, or Hardware of any kind. . It vnatters not to us how low qiiotf^tionsyou get,, we- \y iil 3S"0T Be Undersold. "Rvpt-v Hollar's worth oT these advertised eoods vou'll find

JOur.Prices As;Lo.\ ^ t i i t e Lead, Oil,

I! kind. . It vnatters not to us how low qiiotf^tionsyou get,, we-sold. Every dollar's worth oT these advertised goods you'll 1 jp.w As -The liowest,. Rubber Hose, Nozzles, Reels, etc., etc. i, "Paintei's'Supplies.

1 . 1 . I I . . . 1 1 II I I . 1 . I I m i f * « I I 1 1 , 1 . . 1 I l l I . . I , I . • I


Band give another the Town hall on

.'S. \ '


Spring Medicine There is no other season when good

tnedicine is so moch needed- as in the Spring.

The blood is impure, weak and bnpoterished—a condition indicated by piiinples and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss ot appetite, laok.ot strength, and want of animation.

Hood's Sarsapariila and Pills

Make the blood pnre, vigorous and rich, create appetite, givo vitolity, strength and animation,' and cure idl eruptions, Ha^e the whole family begin to take them today. .

••Hood's Sarsaparina has'tieda nsed In • onir tsmily for some time, and always wltb

good resnlts. Last spzlag Z. was aU nm down aad got a bottle ot It, and as inoal*

. teodvM great beneflt." Mus Bseijks . BotiBB,Stpwe,Vb •-'. *> . •

Hood's Sanmpami* promlM* t» •cuie«n<lk0«|M!thepromlM. :

The Antrim social dance' at J'riday evening. ' .

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heritage of Amesbury, .Mass., aire gues.t8 of Dr. Warner and family.'

John Bass and (leo. Craige killed a black snake one day recently which measured five feet.

W.K. Flint. Esq., arid family of Milwaukee, Wis , are at their summer home at North Bruuuh.

Mrs. Giist. Walker' and Mrs. Weeks of Cdbcord are gnests with Mrs. Walker's sister, Mrs. Nathan C. Jameson.

"Wm. L.; Thurber, who for some time was employed in Hanceck by C. E. p. Hayward, has secured n situation as brakeman on the Boston Elevated Railway.

Twenty-three boys were at the Y. M. C. A. Rooms and : heard Albert Smith tell oi the snmmer life at Camp Belknap. iSeVeral from here expect to enjoy a two weeks outiug there.

A Startling Test. •

To save a life, Dr.T. G. Merritt, No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startl­ing test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes "a patient, was attacked with-violent hemorrages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had of­teu found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver tronbles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Bitters are positively guaraiileed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,. Constipation and Kidney troubles. Tiy them. Only 50c at W. F. Dickey. "* .

. . A Card.

We, the undersigned^ do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cnre yonr cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded.

' W. F. DICKEY, Antrim, G. O. JosLiNi Bennington, EA'TON STORE, Hancock.

Card of Thanks.

We wish to thank the many kind friends and. neighbors for their acts of k indn^ and- words of sympathy duriog the illness and death of our husband and father.

MRS. J. N. P. WopDB0BT, . and family.

Death In. Greenfleld.

News was leccivcd here this (Wed­nesday) morning of the death at his home inGreenfield of Frank Brooks, Esq. He w;a» a mernber of Waiverley

One Small Cottage near Lake George, enitable for a Sammer Osiap. Also, lot of Land hear, new Paper MilK about two acres Will be sold iShesp. Apply to

H. W, WILSON; Beunington, N. H- '

Lodge, I. O. O. F., and they will have charge of the services which are to be hield in that place oa Friday af­lernooa at 1 o'clock.

Hair Holidays.

Beginning'with last Saturday the cntlery shops of tbe Goodell Company will be closed eyery Salurday after­noon, throngh the summer, thus al« lowing the workmen' a half holiday. -This action bythe coinpany is much appreciated by the emplbyeeSi

Hamessesi, Harnesses;

I have a pair ot second hand, heavy, team harnesses in good repair for sale.


Kodol Dyspepsia Cure . **agedta what yoo eat.** ..

Kodol byopepola GOPO Ofgeets i(vb«t yM • • ! •

]-lAF?R>.^ I31BAOOM.

The Busy Store, MILFORD, N.H.,

Beats all previous records this Spring. Our Easter Opening , demonstrated that we Leaders in Our Line for. this vicinity. Ladies were loud in their praise of the elegant showing of

• Up-to-date Merchandise, New Tailored Suits, Garments and Skirts, in greater variety and better values than ever before in our history.

LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS In a Gity Assortment at Less Than City^Prices, incb-^.i^S H^"^-some Silk Waists, Light Wool Waists, MercerizedWaists. Lawn Waists, P. K. Waists,- Madras and Chambray Waists. •

WALKING SKIRTS The Most Complete Assortment of these Most Sensible Skirts ev­er brought into Milford. Least Possible Prices consistent with quality.

DRESS SKIRTS , We are showing a most deligiitful assortment of J^rcss Skirts in the Latest and Up-to-date Fabrics and Styles, from $2.98 to $8.00 each.

In the line of General Dry Gods, Dress Goods, Wash Goods. Domestics, Hosierv, Gloves and Underwear, THE BU&X STORE is second to none in the state, and-our constant aim is

• to give our patrons "The Best For The Money." We have many patrons and friends in Auirim and _vicinity and hope we may reckon you among them. TRY US!

Andrew J . Hutchinson, MiLFORP, N. H.

Antrim Eeporter $1. a Year, in Advance.

Soda Water -^ASU-r

Ice Or eai 11 Season

Has Opened — A T —


Book and Opmrnercial Printing Neatly and Promptly Done.

I Ctiban Onfoit Hare rtkiiVlit from $2. to $4.10 a Bnsliel

the last 10 weeks, arid can ho raided to reach New York and Kor-r-m Mar­kets several weeks before lit-nniKla onions are ready We Control a Tract of tiitvBest

Vegetable Land in Ciiha located but 15 miles from th-- Ciiy ot Havana with Railroad touciiiii;? our property. •

100 Acres Will he Plaiiua With Onions in Aiipust, SepKiiiber and October iu time for next winter's early market.

OHIO ONIONS from (-Soveriiuient Report.- have yielded 11)00 bushels to the ac-" anil CuVia will do 3.5"o better. Figure on­ly .500 bushels to the acre at $2 'lO p<sr bushel and see this enormous protlts-on .100 acres in a land where I'ertil-ixer is unknown.

Take Yoar Pencil and figure the profit on one acre. :il-: lowing SOO bushels to an acre at $2'.'>0 a.bushel, theh multiply same by loO and you get result of .profit on 100 acres.

We OfTer Bnt 30,000 Shares of stock at $1.00 a share, par v.sluo which will pay you a.very large div idend the first year. This is a propo. sltion .vou will readily understand as every Agriculturist knows all aboiit onions.

Write for particulars and pros­pectus. .

Havana Market Garden Comp'y 680-681 Colonial Bnllding. 100 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., aifd Havana, Cuba.

^J*ii^:^'U-j'^^^-'^rti''iiP^'*^.->'it&.. < r , . ~ If

•t<i.t^\ ,^...v- - ^ •iU^t^M S ^ ^ ^ - . I ^Mum .s** • * i ' ^ > ' - \ ^

Page 6: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler

niim mum in


inwuwvtw^twmr^mtnt v n r n n n ii v.v wv vvvvvrnvj^t

,^ti^t^^ia fc^MMitehti MMiiWrilb^MKAibfaMifal

The Bennington Ball Team went to [manner and many oMhe selections Aulrim Saturday afiernoon andde- ' ^ • - "•• —•— feated the team there 18 to i.

' Fred Odell has traded horses with parlies ia Antrim.

Automobiles arc becoming quite numerous oil lale.

Saturday afternoon f-r the summer is a lialf holiday at the Goodell Com-. pauy's cutlery shops.

-Five new men from Lowell arrived JbLei cJLQLkejemployeA by .the , G.oodell

Co..; Work on the extedsioo of the Benr

nington Water system is being pushed rapid ty towards completion. A. com­pany br Italians arrived Monday of this' week. C. P. Wright of the Osgood Concrete Company of Nas­hua is superintending the work.

' .1. Illl Cram of .. Weare: has moved oijto the acre.

(Jeorge Herrick and George .Kim-l)!ti;.were in Peterboro Saturday.

Frank Young was a recent guest of friends here. .


received a heaily encore. "I'lic jokes were well, taken, causing, many a hearty laugh. •

The profrram which, was a ipng one was divided into two. parts, the last being broughl to a close by. a fajie entitled, ••The Five Cent Barker >»h6p," which proved to be a mirth producing affair. . A social dauce followed the pro gram and many enjoyed this, pastime uiitil tbe-^malt faoursr Music for iHiB evening was 'furuished,, by the Ben ningiou Grange Orchestra. The fol lowing Lad charge of the affair: busi­ness manager, Frauk Keeser; stiise mauaser, Ruel Crnm; musitMl direc-t >r, Miss Edith Lawrence; trea.surer, Fred .Kimball

Four Waya io Bealtli.. n.vglenic living demands Imperative­

ly the absolute purity of the four fol-. lowing necessities: Air, water, food and thoughts. Granted these, you havethe constituents out of whicb nature for­mulates ^ucb a pertect creature tbat the inward purity seems to lend a ra'di-

.'ance to tbe personality.- .It Is not sim­ply a few breaths Of fresh air a half dozen times a day thtit a woman needs, but a coutlouous supply, aud Just as tub greater part of women are half star^'ed for fresh air so thCy" nre also stinted, oftener from Ignorance than necessity, ift the quantity of water the body requires to l£Cep it. clean': -and healthy. Pleasure of a pure, elevat­ing nature has come to be recognized as havliig a distinctly therapeutic of­fice, and hence to be oiie of those .fac­tors which, merit the same considera-do n and attention aS other neceissarles


Th ree Years Ago This Month

A Drenm ond » neBlItT;--' An trisbman and a Scotchman once

went traveling through a western prai­rie. ' It happened tliat oiie afternoon

The^e with the others | they shot a single quail, which -would who took part are to be congratulaled j do tor the breakfast of one of them on

JIri«. Josie Odell and son, wer-J in Hancock Sunday. Wilson and family were recent guests at Wm; Wilson's.

George Keeser of Bristol is visiting with relatives .in town.

A large number aitended the minstrel show in Antrim Friday evening.

Ned Duncklee while .(about a -vveek) caught 435 trout from the nearby brooks.

Mrs. Hawkins and Miss ICnny of Fitcliburg, Mass., are gue-ts of Miss Ildi lb Lawrance.

Christie G. Vose; has ino'ved with his fatnily to Tihon.

The Whitney Electric Works at I'enacook have been burned within a few (lays, this the firm by whom A. W. Piei:ce is employed.

I'obert Knowles was in Lawrence, M «'">', recently.

i;-v. Fr. Cocoran was here Mon-i l . :y . .:..


on their success The proceed." of. the entertaininent

went to <he mduiiment fund and the treasurer of the minstrels was a'jle lo turn over''to the ireasurcr of the Ladies' Aid Society the sum. oi, 8160.40 as the resiilt of their effort: This goodly sum was made pQS:<ible by a gift from Miss Jeunie George who kindly paid all the pxpeuses in­cident to the.entertaiiiiucul.


IS home from n'. R H i i U l i o r o .

Miss Ethel Burtt and lady friend v.'1'r.- nt the former's home here over S;:'':(i:iy. • , ' -

.J'_hh Adams was iu Boston a few ibys recenily.

. Deferred from last -weok.' This is the first snake story of the

season. Frank. Holt reports liaviiii: killed a black snake near his baruj 5 ft;, 3 1'2 iu. loug..

Lewis Burpee is at home wjth his mother, Mrs J. M. Hutchinsou. .

The Men's Club will hold a Straw- : berry Festival in the Vestr-y. of ttic church, Friday .eveuing. May 22. :

Mrs. .4DBie Ollis of Peterboro is; with Mrs. M.VV. Ho'm«u, Mrs. M. ; .J. D.nUe having returued to her • home iu Stoddnrd.


She cemeteries at ihe Centre haye i l.eeu cared .for, the others will bei spon> • • !

Mrs. Susan Stearns is at her homci lor a lew days. •

Miss Flood, our tcaclior, t-ttik visit-' ing day Fi-idny and visited schools in lioston. :

A. L. Smiili has had hU IKIU'C ' painted. W. W. iMerrill fioiii||.ili« work.

the following morning. Knowing that the bird was not enough for two. they agreed to have It eaten by the one who should have the best dream during the night. . '

'When they woke early in the morn­ing, the. Irishman said to the Scotch­man. !'An' pbwat did you dr-ream, San­dy?"

"Well," answered the Scot, "I dream­ed that; i saw a beautiful basket de-sceiul from heaven, anil then I got Into it i'.nd was borne up' to paradise.

'•All' I dr-reamed." said the Irishman, "that I Sii-w you goin* up an', thought yqu wouldn't come back, an' so I ate the quail."

A Store which has become the trade, center for miies around. .A store which gives to its trade Jf ood, honest goods, for as small a profit as any store in exieitence. It makes no differjehce in what lin« of merchandise you may. be interested, we are boiind to suit you-in every- rW:ay,--Prieie^-Q

--^a-ai:c-celebratiog-.-oucJ3ii:thdaiy— •by holding an jmportaiit Mark Dbwii Sale hi dur various departments.

H^a-ren a H o m e ot -Wea l th . I'aas. they's life au* happiness a-plenty

in cheerful labor in the open flelds au" a mighty slim chance for the doctor. Why, tliey's even wealth in it of it's lived right; not riches, maybe, but wealth. Why, the w.iy I read Scripture, it seems to lue .we're given to understand thet heavon is a home of wealth. "Many mansions" sounds that a-w-ay, I'm shore, an' golden Streets shows thet they won't anytblng be considered too {rood foi: use. An' sometimes I've thou.i:lit thet mn.vbo it hieant to give us to understand thet simple riches, llko g(jl(l. was to be trod underfoot .\n' all the llevolaUoiiiil jewels, -n-hy, they s<K'm to bo set. cither in the -\vall3 or doors or somewhere, not let loose in piles, to be swapped or S(iuabble<l over. No riohes to. possess, but thoss wealth to eujoy,.—Ilutb Mc-Eueo' Stuart in Century. .

Of .Special Interest in our .

Suit Section Is a Sale of

MODEL SUITS. Suits made up to represent ai man-

iif.iuturcr's liue, showing the materi­als, styles, qiiality of linings, etc; These are strictly, high class models lind a rare opportiinity is. here present­ed to get one at greatly, reduced price.-

Anotber . pecial Oflfer, an Important One too.—Si.v haudsome "uiis rauging. in price frnm 815. to 817..")0. aud ev ery suit well worth ibc price at which it is marked.'to be cut for the occa­sion to • $ 9 . 0 0

Matk Down of ' CHAMBER SUITS

Golden Oak finished, worth SI8.O6; for this sale 813.oO . '

820 Chamber .Siiits for 815 22 . " " - '« 18 -23. . " " " 21

S i d e b o a r d s - r ^ M a r k e d D o w n Good size, plate ihirror, regular val*

ue 816, for this sale $12 Others at $2.5, 829 aud S38

Metal Beds Enameled and fioished with brass

trimmings; Prices from 83.50 up

Sultana. Co t t age Carpe t Just the thing for summer use. Wavh*

able, reversible. Yard wide. It's all right. 29c yard

H. H. earlier, Milford. A LETTER FROM

Heir. Charles H.Hickokv pepaptitient Chaplain, Massachusetts, C. A. R.

Wakefiuld. Muss . Dec The K .C . .•\U(l-ewsCO'.


(LV:ix«iUKGATiox.\L Ciiciicii NOTES.

r.ov; W..T. Barlioy' and wife.Ht-t''i 'lel the Siii'iliiy School Institute a: '-irtfenllcl'l iast week Wednesdayv

NVx'v Siinday morning, it being Me,noiial Sund'ay. the.Cx. A R . ' L . A. S . , and S of 'v; , will attend i n a I'Oiiy 'he iiior"iiig services at Uie Coiigr fifational cliurch, the pastor's !>avjecl will be. "Peace, its Lessons.'^

Sundav evening's subject, "Twice liorn."

ll-.v. W. T. Hartley attended the ii)iiii-t.ers' moeting in Nashua lasi week.

Made Yoiiti},' Agui i i . i

"One of Dr. King's New Life Pills ' each night foi: two weeks has. put me^ in my 'teens' wriles D. H. Tiinier. of i Deinpseytowo. Pa. They're th'i host j

l.iil tiie world for Liyer, .Siomac-li .a'ld., i liowels. Purely" vegetaiil«. Ne'i'er! 2i-'ipe. Ouly •2..")c at W. F. Dickey-'i ; driis; stoie. i

T h e - M o n t l i M o f I .*nveB. : The botanLst, tho real investigator

who has got down to making real ex­plorations for liiinself, -will "talk to you about th(; thousands of niinuto sto-matc'S on the surface of a leaf. These Invisible stoiuatos aro really tho moullis .throu;,-h which the leaves take iu carbonic ai-i<l. .Xhoy are most abun­dant on the iijipor surface of. leaves. Eaeh is an oval oMonliiK guiirUed by a pair of Ups wlii<-li open ami close n'tiuii-t'iiieiits. 'i'liey vary from li'ss tbnii l.d'iO to ninre Ihau :20,-000 to the sqiuir. iiidi of loaf surface.

GentUni'-n : I connriCneed taking llic tablet'-* Dec. lirli and since ihen 1 have (inly hnd two .«'ight aUncks and of ijifilit' duration. For ihore Uian thirty (.iO) y<;ars I. liave< uffered from'bo tormenU of D.vsp.', iu-i 'volvi!i<; sour stouiai-h, wati-r brash,; heart burn, etc., et''-. with scarcely 2-li iiours iiilerveniog 10 he Creed from it.i '111(1 I C;ui assure vou ii liiis been a j sireat i-elief to act some resr. The old I

25, 1902. fiis of vomilirg have not as yet re iiurned. aud pray thai they may not. 11 have takeu llie (Aiidrews) Only


Dyspepsia ("lire tablets so fiir at the ch'Se of CHch meal, sour stomacb or. Ol. siiiir stuniaclr. I expect a complete cure and-will surely follow your di-rccli()ns. rilwy the Lord help, Noth­ing thus far has ever given'me perma­nent cure.

Trusting to hear .from jou soon, I remain. .

Verv truly vours, C. H. HICKOK.

'The Land of Mahaiee,"


51'JO 1:0 MONI'.MKXT



.V Gt'a<-eful Coni' iHti ic i i t . Some fainons wnipliiiii'iits huve been

. pnid to nii-niliei's of Uic stcitu-r ses. ,,., . .„ t . 11 ", • .• ' and one of Uu; must Kt'accf'.iUy turned Ihree beauliful booklets dc.>=criptive,.^^ ih-u mu-r.-.i bv l'...i!c;ui. wlm,

of an i-teresling and de!iy:litful reuion ; .^.j^^,,, ^,j,. vivnions lie M(:sincs." Uie West Ccast of Khirida. below I ^j . ,. ^f o.'.c; p.-u-liaincnt «f. I'siris. -\v;is the frost line. For copies, frcv.', call I elected an !U'iul<'nrK'i:'.ii. ('onjjraU'.Iatod on niienis cf the Seaboard Air Line i iiini in.tlieso tonus: "I have come to

Letters from Women LIFE mmi\

If you want Lite Insurance buy the best. Some cUlini to be as good as the

llriilw.ay. or address 0 . P.. Kyaii. (.Tiin­cral Passenger Agt., Portsmoiiih, Va.

'I'll') Plif'> p.ix Minstrels.'coraposed cf iot-al talent appciiit'ii iri the TOWL. liail i>n Wednesdny evening of lan wcf'k. and were greeted by a crowded

•Loii-f . .

- Wlien the curtain rose at 8 o'clock the following'ladies and gentlemen were fo'iud. to be the eu.tertairi<>rs: luiorhiciitor, .'Morris Cheney'; boue;*-,, GooPiXC ('heney, Mi ." Iicrtha Nourse, .Fr- nk K.cscr ; tainljos, OharKis Force •Misii. .I'-rtsie Keeser, Kuel Crbiin; circle, left Geo. Wilson, Fred JvilA-" bail'. Mlss.Nellh Thompson, Mrs, Miodic K'-escr, Miss Esther Richard.

. 'SfD ;- t'l^li', .IHIPCS May, Frank Trax-I«r, Mi^i .LenOra.rC'icliols, Miss.Grac«-WiNpn. ^iiss Jennie Wilson.

A well arranijiid progrnm was pre-Bcntoii in. a competent and ple...sing

Manager Wanted. .

Trustworthy, either sex, by Whole- j sale Mereli!(iKli.*o Company of- sollii j financial slaiidin>r, lo niaiiajze Local j ll'ipreseiitat'ives wht) will orgiinizc i clubs ainonpr ciii-isinnei-si 10 per cent • saved for onr customers. HusiucS'STio ' experim'eiit but a proven succes?. SaU hry Sl'*' 00 a week, expenses advanc­ed. Kxperieqce unnecessary. Ad­dress I). 1$. Ci.AiiKsos. M<iK., 3:54 I)eai'bt>rii St., Chicago. 111...

yon. sir. in' oi'dcr Unit ,von ina.v eon-gratuhito ine on liiivinf; .vou for one of lay fellow .a<*.'iil<'iiiicians."'

1 .*. r i i i l x l i c a Orator . I Tourist—I.arkiiis. wlio cniiie out here ! two yoiU's njio—111' blosscmioil into finite

a iHiblic spoakcr. didn't lie? UoWldor Jim Yop. I s'pose he's

what you'd cnll a, Ibiislicd orator. Made if speech (Icmuiiiciii' the bo.vs for lyncliin' a jrrcas r boss tliicf.- mnl tbey liuisbod hiiil.- K;;usiis City .lonrnal.

Cured by the us* of Kodol are received daily. I Their troubles nearly all begin with indiges­tion or other stomach disorier.

If the food you eat fails to give strength :to ysur body, it is because the juices se- | _ _ y . _ ___ — - _ ^~ m r\^ •«.• creted by the stomach .and digestive organs | Vlf xk. O JCL 1. JS VT X v l XW are inadequate to transfoi'm the nutrient prop: ' ,- 1 .... • • :'' --^ erties of the food into blood. That is : "Ut none are better. indigestion, the system is depTived of the : AI. 0 Afteiit for l i i e MassacllUS-amountof nourishment required to keep up ; g^j^ j iu tua] Accident Association.

.70 coraGU-iPTivES.• ^ '^tii..'.,t;.r.. -tiCt'i i'.'ivir ' it^i rtri- '.-.'fp It'-ih-altll

IlV f.„rr,..c',t:t- '-tf 1 mr sc.vrral vc.-irj With a !,'v'vric- h:rTnAef.'.-r.. .-» t;..~.i. <)r«d if.!-.t<e Cohfu:riti3n,t ki..\ ..i;sionu..c itaovjil to llil ;«;..->«- v'..i.crfr» iho n f;iov ol csre. To i'.iw.'; wlo.aciirr u. lii" v.iT'i chccrluliy scr.d (fre« e>t chir^-cl a f'>',''V<' (tic•,>.r<'..-.-<i •.!"'•. «•. iliwricn the* WiU Sntl a »"'« .«';••-• •>-•' Cj:-.-:t-miitiot>, Atthain. 'C.-'ir.-.\ llrftr- .*;;."• - ' - I ' •; .•fr.i ttti hiCiir Mala:.:.:' '•'> I' ••••:'• ''.:.'"-', will try hiVr-'me'v,ift.'.';» ; - • - • ' - ' •' -e t;-r.>r-.!tz Ihc rc^wfir'''"'*.'''-'''^*' '••' " '- "' -"""-..r.jf, an.l si.iv pri?\>e & ;!c > r ^ v -;i \.'.c..-^i\t.:rcv... Ve». enWiiaOi.WlLSOX, t.-oc'v;-.-., .Xevf Yurie.

Kodol by$pepisia Cure "Digests What you eat.*'

V o n o n c f t p r . .. "My uncle died yestci'diiy, sir. and I

w.niit you to oiri(-UUe. Can ybu sfiy SOiuethiU'S nice about hiniV"

"Cut I didii't know him." "aooti: Vou're jnst the man."—Life. Beans thrive iniicb lienor whosi plant­

ed at a depth of tbree' iiu-hes; Poles S foet Ions. S liy ;?1 mhos, are set four iu oach row. Twine is strniin and nround thoia* forming a trellis. The boan '.woavo* it.« way up tUroush the strtURS, which form a good supiiort. and .mnkes a fine appear.inco whon growinc r.nd'.'i' the old way of setthis poles-it each hill'when the vines eiiiiib thepote t'.'.fj' bind eaeh other so closely that their IvariiiR iiiialltics are grcitly hampered. • . ' - . '

To Cure a Cold in Oiie Day Take Laxative Bromo Qufaime TaUecs. f^J^ >v»MOBeNaiK»essoi^iiipastUBMBfiis. : Tlife tiigiiatnre,^* ^^^*^^*^^

Cores Grip fa Twe Days.

OA every

the strength, and the result is. that one or more of the delicate organs gradually grows i wisak; and then wea'Ker, until finally it is j diseased. Here a great mistake is made. | That of treating the diseased organ. The • best doctors in the land make this, very • mistake. Why should thoy ? It is so easy . to see that the troubie is not there, ; :

Kodol Curps,' . 1 This famous remedy puts the siomach and ' digestive organs in a healthy condition so • that rich, red blood is s«U coursing thr(5Ugh '. the'veins ar.d arteries of every musclei tiss'je • andfioer througnout every organ ef ihe en- • lira body, and-by Nature's law of health, full i strength and vigor is soon restored to each. •

Kodol cures indigestiori, dyspepsia and all : stomach disorders. ' [

I have taken Kodol for nearly two months i after each meal and ft.Is the oaly remedy | that gave relief from the 'terrible pains I endured. After a time I wciiild take tt but

' once a dajr. itnd now; 'while. I keep a bottle handy.' {'seldom need It, as it has cured me. MRS. J . W . COOLBAUOH. MIVO Center, N, Y.

Kodol Digests What You Cat. Bottles (jnly. S\ .90 Size h$jaine Wt timM tba trial

slza. wMeh sells'for SO esnts. Prtparad by E. O. DaWITT& CO., OHIOAGO


Agent for N. H. If yon vyaiit to buy or sell Rea l

Estate 4:ive hini a call.


Qnl'jkl'p ncttrd OBTAniED. ~ ena Tsz Bvs WHBC rAvsifT

S«nil moaci, tlictch cr plK>t«. with-dMcrjpHon fir fi»« rtr«rt *> t) rill»nt«>.ililr'. M-fASS XAim.BOOX r u s . . Ci mr.lnl Kri>r.nm« >||<1 Ml tDTonsktin. WaiTS rOK 00?V OF OVK SKCIAL

- l'r*IS'.iti''n.verm»d« IT tntituinit.T, Ull£m7 ucvsmoa raotruD

M . n k|>|>l7iat fDr-fotut. Addten:

^rrsa. rtllthvmostlll'.'ral t-r T t itr'n-rermad, 1 • Mtntttt ' " UAD JX


uaiaitsMt.. WASHINGTON. D. C.


When In Want of GOOD

Jot) Printing! Give the REPORTER

Oflice a Chance,

>.'.'OF ArlEKlCA. 4C CSonts pari for throo nsnUn' mimliiBiriiipk £«! G«eh BcialMT reeciras tboaiaaliil elQb omia aTerj'maiith.laeladingtplccesethiitb-cUuavookl ftnd InAtremastal n e w music cftdi znontb. 18 I piccM ia all! Also a CettiScata of Metabcnbip j wtiick clTat tba privilece ef Clab Roam in Kaw | York Cit7> aad or bnritiK litaratura, music or mn-Maallaitmmeiitsotaaydrserlplionat'-'balanlo I priees. sariaK yoa from ttiX to Wi oayoor jar- I chases. Denlifalltojo'inatonca.YonwilTK«tmaeh | mera'ttaaayaiBT money's worth. MtrcVAi, 7..rTR9 ABT-McnaCl.VB, Dept. .'IMZtasssiiSUM.-ir.

•f X ) ' v -^^"" 'tit isil£.^t^..i>...:i&^Ahiit'iii.iSt.;*&..>ig^

Page 7: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler

T^m^} 'Tfc'r'^tf^ I V * ^ * i ^ i H T tti ma w"#^F^ii i|«ft»« I

^-'if?'?'J'5'" r

••!%•• ^•<W<»,r i» .»1*T' |a» ^^C^"^»1 . / . . . , _ . . . • , . . A . . . . . . > . _ . - . . • • ! ; .



s torr o ( a n BaRllnhn^am's At­tempt to Pnrcltase It.

In Ws "Souvenirs d'uu Voyage^.M. Spoil describes a visit to ArabUi and tUo attempt of an EnsIlsU friend to buj' an Arabian hoi'se. The Englishman was at great paius to induce the Arab j Who owned tlie hoi'ise to agree to sell hlm; He persiuided the mau to make an appointment to conclude the salo after employluK "as much diplomacy.

or breaking the Iwlnncc of power In Europe." ' '

Oil the oventtnV day the Eusllshman, with M.' Spoil and M. Lascaris. rode to the rendezvous and.found tho Arijl) sit­ting by his horse, which w a s browsing quietly.


l ee l l . Dresaed -Womea W b o .^We*» Oboda Seat oa Approval..' .

When a ie -ways of soine women are considered, it is less remarkable that such'numbers of women dwelling In this largQ cities dress extravagantly man before their methods ioi securing rich costumes for all occasions havo beeu scruUidxed.

Thero aro women, and many of them verv weiilthy, who maUo. a regular

alter eiiipiujiuB »» *»•»».*. «.,..»——,. ,vi.« ,,,....»...,. ••— ;-OS would be used in a year lu mating practlcft of havinig elcgaut garments

. ' . . . . - ..1..^-i.Ai..m.u^ ^t vu\«.iDi. In ..4. *»''.*iini,: 1i.xv>ioa All nnnravii l . wearr scut to thoir" homes ou approval, weatr iii^' tliem once aud then ref urulug them to stores or costuiners, Somo women 'will wear a dress or a c the opera and «eiid It back, nest morning.

'Or they will get i hiit or wrsip and go driving or visiting in I t The average


•'Las salam aleili"^(I siiliite you); be- ' person would be astouished to know all -gall the Englishman va.utiou8ly. '''\Vhut, -tlie things,- from .handsome umbreUas '»i.nii I n.-iv you for your b o r s e r - • ' — "* '""•"*•-• •" i-wrfrv

"• - " tile"' "Who knows?" ' said "Throw oh m y cloak heris you plfer."'

Aran, whatever

and fyns of great beauty to jeweUry and riothes, that sjoSSe" iK>w from the shop's.


Often The. Kidneys Are Weakened br: Oyer-Work.

Unbealtby Kidneys Hake Impure Blood. It used to' be considerwl tliat only

urinary and bladder troubles wtre to Ixj traced to the .kidneys, 'biit uow motleru scieucc prove; "that nearly all i.-rx-ases have'lheir l>i-; uning ih ' the dis ' . c.r oi. th<ise most i-.-.i/'jitiiiit-organs. -

TUe. kidncyii filter and pui-ify thu oloo'l— •

^ tliat is their wor".:. 1 Therefore, when youi: kidueys arc wea'n • or out of order,.you can understa!id-h(jw ! quickly your entire Ixxly is affects >i tiiiU ; how. every organ-seems, to fail to do its

"lA'ou are sick or " feel badly," l)egiw takiiiK the great kiduey remedy; Dr. KilHiCT's 8wamp-Root,;;becanse. .os soou

-aajai.«Jcidneys are well they j w d l b e ^ al l the other organs to uealfBT-TC-tnar

ou piier. Of course all of these women are not Three thousand plasters fell at the j. wed offi but they all dress well and

feet of the Impassive Aral), then 10.000. \ go out a «reat deal, aud although the

•will convince anyone. • If you are sick yoii can make no miSr

. take by first doctoring your kidneys. . - - - . , go out a -great deal, and although the'j The mild and ^ ^ e ^ ^ o ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

then . 10.000 umre. 'The Arab's eyes i shopkeepers often discover the manuer . S^i„^!'*° |^ |dy. is Soon realized. U shone. Ten thousand plasters more won I jn '^hlch they are behig deceived, they gj^^^^tjjeijigil'^st for its wonderful cures hini. ".Ui, * he said, going up to .his.: do hot always like t<> make a f'.'.ss for • ^j ^j^^ ^^^ S t r e s s i n g cases, and iS sold maguifleent animal, "wo must part" ' fear of losing a good customer. Besides ^jj ^^ iherits by all t

Tlie Englishman begau to bridle the j they know that if they incur the enml-horse. The Arab sobbed': Siuldouly the : ty of such impostors the women are intelllsent animal, iwrceivihg. his new quite capable of abusing their goods owner, sprang: away aud • ueighed I and robbing them of other.and more

tells how she' was permanently cured of inflammation of the ovaries, arid ^scaped the surgeon's knifey by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound^

The universal indications of the approach of woman's great enemy, inflam­mation and disease o l the ovaries, are a dull throbbing pam, accompauicd by » s e n s e of tenderness and heat low down in f h e side; with occasional Bhootinff pains. Oh examination it may be found £hat the region of pain wil l show s(?me swel l ing. This is the first stege of inflammation of the ovaries.

" D E A R MRS. P I N K I I A J I : - ! s-ish to express my gratitude for the lestored health and happiness-Lydia E . P inkham's Vegetable Com­pound has brought into my life. - . „. .v„x ,_„„^

«I had suffered for three yeara v,ith terrible pains at the tune of menstruation, and did not know what the trouble was until the doctor DTonouncad it' infiaminatioix of the ovaries^ and pressed an operation.

« I felt'so weak aud sick that I felt sure that I could not survive the ordeal, and so I told him that I would not uiidcrp;© it. I h e foUowuig ^ e e k i read adver t i sement in the papsr of your Y^egetable Comiiouiid tosuahaiiemerg3ncy,and s o l decided to try it. Great ^'^s my loy to flnd that I actually improved after talung two bottles, so I kept taking S for ten weeks; and at the end of that tfme I was cured. I had gamed eighteen nounds and was in excellent heahh, and am now.^^ .

"You surely deserva great success, and you have my very best . rtgh.:.s " — M I S S AMOS BAILSY, 50 North Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga.

Another woman saved from^asurgicaT operation by Lydia E. FiokUam's Vegetable Compound. Read what s.lie says, •—

«DF.S;R Hits. PiNKnAMi—I cnnnot thanlE vou enough for-nhat your Vegetable Com-

i TOund has done.for n-.e. If it had not been for I your medicme, I think I -would ha-ve died.

" Iwi l l tell you how I suffered. I could ' hardly walk, wa.< unable to sleep or eat. Mi-n-struation was in-egular. At last 1 had to stay in my bed, and flowed so badly that

thev sent for a doctor, 'vvho said I had in-fla/mnation of the ovaries, and ro«?t go through an operation, as noniedicme coma help

me, but I could not do that. • • - . . " I received a little bock of yours,

and after reading ir, I concluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am now^ a well

>.^«^». woman. I shaU praise your medicme a s long as I Uve, and also recommend the same to anyone suffermg as 1 'was."—MRS. MINOTE OTTOSON, Otho, Iowa. • ^ ^ , , .,,.. w

All sick women would be wise if they -would t ake Lydia E . P i n k h a m ' s Vegetable Compound a n d be weu. .

ir.ourufully;-X6,ono could d'.)Ubt that he know what was goiiis on.

V.'uli oue bouud the cU:id of the des-eit w:is ill the saddle. ''Adk".::" he said. "Vour u-.owey. could never replace my only rrieiidl". Aiid he; vaiil..J.a in a fcloud of dust.

"StUpidi" cried my Eu^lls'.i friend, and then wo rode homo hi silence. .

honest customers. Strange^ as It may seem, thesb women generally mingle in

ried on so often by a customer of a cer-^ , tain large firm that its memhers. deter-

M i r t h . Xot . lIlNery. L o v e - C o m p a n y . ,1 mi l iwl to put .1 Stop tO h e r flauiltlng I liuvc aiwavs doubted UA- piipposi-I about in borrowed plumage, at least

tion that "misery loves coui:>!iii.v" and ; when the plumase belonged to them, have believed that such a iitatcmciit! One Saturday .this woman had a spleu-was first put forth by some arch hypo- did Wrap sent home ou approval, anil .j,^ 1 ...!.,»«.- 'K-.d i.iit n nri'tniise; nn finn<i!i\- one of the head clcrks of

on i ts liierits by all druggists in fifty^ent i aud onedollar '»ze[ botUes.- You may have a sample .bottle • noma'otSwamp-Boot.. by mail free, also a pamphlet tell ing you how to i n d out if you have kidney or

„v,.,.., . - „ _ - 'bladder trouble. Mentioii this paper pretty good society, or the fringes of i t !. . ^jj^^ 'jj-ntingto Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bmg-aud have some iuauencc In the matter hamton.N.Y. Don't make any mistake, of dress, since they have won the rcpu- ; but remember the name, Swamp-Root, tatlon bf alwnys dressing elegantly and j Dr. Kilmer's Swamp^Root, and^Vhe^ad. in tl.e newest thliigs. j dress. Binghamton, N:. Y.. onev ery bottle.

This sort of imposltiou had beon car- _ : — . •- r -r—

on Sunday due of the head clerks of the firm w-ho knew Mrs. Blank as the ofCendet*. stationed himself near her pew. in the fashionable church 'which she attended. When she sailed down the aisW after service, resplendent in the borrowed cloak, this man stepped up to her and said:

"How do you do, Mrs. Blank? I am delighted to see that you like our cloak well enough to keep it."

Of course after that she could not re^ j turn the cloak.

Still, with all the efforts put forward | by shops and costumers to break up i

' the pernicious babit of forcilile borrow-; ing ou the part of sundry.feminine cus­

tomers; the practice goes merrily on, I t and many a fair dame with ah ehvlr 1 I able reputation for c.^quisite dressing

appears but once In garments and hats


crite whose misery was but a pret/juse and who was beckoning some other sham sufferer. iuto a (lutet corner whore they could '. oth be jovial ou the siv.

liowover slight my kllo^ylodse of uul-, vei-sal misery may be. I can attest; from personal experience that my own I miserv elaima solitude and slips away j all bv" itself and turns the key iipoii the curious ^ -orld. asking nothing so much as to be "let alone." I do uot care to •weep in company, nor would it cheer nte to have a chorus of other weepers to sob in unisim with me. Ilathor would 1 remain iu unmolested wretchoduess until my tears had vanished-and my eyes alid nose USSUUKHI normal apiienrr ance.

•Tis mirth thou., and not misei'y, which phios for compauy. Fuu caunot :„J,J„:UL., .^..V ^..-- ... ^ -thrive alone and tloiirisltes. only among i timt when next seen arc bedecking an-. congenial sjiirit'S. Our laughter must • other woman or hanging hi the show-ibo sliariHl. our sintlos respomlwV to. niid.; room of some smart shop.—Washington ever.v glauto of meri'iuHMit iK^ods I'pvog-: Star. uitihu 'to make it worth the while.— . ' . , . Carollne-TicknoM^^^Vthui^ ; | ^ ^ . . ^ - ^ - - V b ^ k C ^ r birds

and (lUiidrupcils wliirh it is absolutely prohibited to introduce into this coun­try, says tho C"li!ittahoo}.'a Times. The mongoose, the ilyiiijr fox aud tho star­ling are on the list. The mongoose is a species of ferret, a native of India, where it is doir.t'sticatcd as a sort uf animal rat tniii .ir.d sr.iUio dostioyi-i'. It was iut:'oilii(.-(xl into .I.'iuiaii'a to get rid of the" su!.'ar eaiic rats. These e s -tcrmlnated, howevci:, the mongoose wout on to diet off the insect destroy-hig birds, witli tliu ri-sult that the crops have been devastated by insects In some sections of tlio island. Tho ani­mal Is exceedingly crafty, nocturnal in its habits and evades traps, wltli ease. Tho flying fo.\. known also iis tho fruit bat. Is a voracious harvester of fruits and vp.«otabU'S. The sUu'liug belongs to tho crow family.

Reduced to F I F T Y C E N T S A YEAR

New Idea Woman's Magazine


One Dollar

Would bn a i-rc-ry piace. Music ia «n injpiration—a tor.ic. Vou expect to l!uy ..-! Piano romctimc- why liol n o w ? A Piar.0 i.i funvt'Jrc, i'.".; enter-tainmcr!, i f s i: you s«t An UJIERSO:^ r-lANO r.-s <:-KS i-..>t i . fk:t it. I; '"'••• • •: ti:S'--'c-ti !ivf v:'"-! f ron now ~i '.'y-.<'-"! y w Iw.f:-.'.':-.'. Csiicndcxanineihcnv

^^«i«lS€e€€S©e6e::----'-" „•; -

PonioiitlK K.H.

<li <v vl;


« (J)



ODlum. Laiidanuin. Cocaine and all Drug Habits '!!S.nentl'y - ^ . S S g ^ ^ P ' ^ V j ^ ^ S t S e ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' ^ t ' p f f i ^ lU^^J

preparedTby an eminent ph^ldM. ^ WE eVARANTCE A CUME

• Oeelt. A ; • I . '

T h e K s s e n t l n l T l i in i s . i The primary class iu Sunday. school'

was listeiiiiig to a lesson on patiimce. j This. sK-cordinjr to tbe I'.ostou Ileraia,; was what caUii of it, at. least in the minds of the more literal minded, ehil-; dren: . „

Tlu» topic hud b<!OU carotully ex-pliiiui'd. ami i'.s au aid to uiidi'i'staud-lii^' the tmu-hcr had siiveii each pupil a , card bearing the picture of a boy tJsh-j lug. . , !

"Kyeii pleasure," said she. "rciiulres ^ the exereise of patioiico. Seo the boy I fishiiu:. l i e must sit and wnit and f wait. l i e must be patient." . 1

Having treated the subjix't vorj' fully. | she began with tho simplest, most ^ pnictit-al (luostion: . . ,! '

".Vnd now can any little boy toll mo what wc uotKl most when we: go lish-iugV" The answer was shoutinl, witli one voice:

"Bait!"' '__ _ _ _ 1 I Whore I . l fc lK Stpenaoni*.

.Hera in tlipuortinvest ono oiieoimti^rs tb(> living ropri'soiilatioii ol' Uiestn-ini- . ous life. Here men work to^'ctbor iu a : Wiiv niikiiowuauywhoriVcIso. Tlie e.nst is insular, every man for biinsolf. ITIO norlhwcst. indivd tho whole v o s l . lias learii'.xl 'the value of <-(voiiei'iition aud community iuterest. Mij-'ratins,' to a now countrv. with diiV.cultt<^s and clan­gers ou every liaiid. Uio people hnvo boon foK'od to i-ombiiio and stand with solid front to the World. .Vs a result Imiiimorable organizatious have spniug-iip having-for their purpose the nd-vaiicomoiit of some community imer-esL—U.iy !^t:-.iinai'd HaUor in i:oiitur>'.

• No.Cnnne Por Alnrm. "All.*' sighed .Mr. Ilcupeck, "it's a;

pity tiio way most great- men** sous m m out. -It's only in rare casos that^ they amount to iiuythiiig.". . <.

"I hope." the hidy returned, " you aro not worrying idiout our child; in this coniiection."-t.'hlcago Ucconl-: Herald. ' . . i

: " '• T ~ • • ' ' O u t ' O f P I « e e .

A sentry, au Irishman, was on post; flutv for the first time at niglit, wheu thc'ofBccr of the day approHchcil.

Ho called, "Who comes thercr* "Officer of tlie day," was the reply. "Then whnt arc yea doin' out at

nightr.' asked the sentry.-London Fun. .

THIS is the ch^pest and best Fa^on Magazine now be­

fore the Amerlc«n pttbhc. Itshows >iew Ideas in Fa&Mons, In Millinery, in Embro idery , In Cooking, in •Woman's Work and in Reading: beautifully Illustrated in- colors ar.d in black and white. Above all. it showsthevery fashionable NEW ICEA S-rYi«, made from NEW IBE'A PAT-TEaNs, wWch cost isply lOCi each.

Send Tive Cents To-day forislnela rapyof tha NEW IOEAWOKAS-S MAtMZINS, and sea what e r e a ' val-je for tha money 11 can give yo-j.

THE HE-W IDEA PUBLISl":! 636 Broadway, K e v Yerk.

r, CO. K. V'

- r • I

Sapo , . "IIoW did tho doctor toll you to take

the modicino, Larr.v—internally or es-t erua l lyr

"Naylhor wan, sor." "I'.iit it must havo biv^n ono or the

other." "l>ivil a bit. sor. NiiyiV'i r -M',-I:I." "Rut lo.oIi horo. Liivry: t lmfs nb'^unl.

It iiuist litive beon ono or tlu; other. y.<iu li-now." -

".Vaytber wan, 1-tt-ll.vo. Ilo touhl mo to suiiff 11 up mo ii<>.<'''."-St- Lcuis Ilo-public.

SSKMSSr AB SeiiiiJ: Mhwii :«il Pr-'n.v

the ft«lini >nd Si-''-,: '. Only 16 '•»'"! IS t-.t:\ - i ' A l k for t i l ' - ; N' ''. ••• •--i'; • and town, rr Jiv r.'.; tr n

T H E M c C A L L C H3-1I3.1I7 WV(t 3is!SI. A .

rr?."- -.sJ


Knew nnpn's I.iinltiinon* m her

iiuiubei? • Sbe wns a duoior's littlo i-'irl father's olJli* SIKVIUKI soon ii of boxes on wlii'-li was wi-itton. "This side up with oiin." lu answer to her . (piostiou hor niotlier had said, "'iou i see. when papa gets those hoses ho , d'wsiVt know what is in them, and if it Is s«'imothin^' thnt wight brp- ik l t wouldu't he gootl for it to sot it upside

down." ' -'' . . , , The littlo g ir lpo i i ' l cwl «'ycr it tor

somo time. A tew dayis later she came (o licr mother, saying. "XIanuuii. '« 'hou God mado ua did he put a sign On ou^ left sides that says. 'This side up with care'r'" "Why?" asked the niother, smiling. "Because 1 heard.pnpa tell somebody that it was bad for people to lie on their left sUles^'cause it wouldn t be good for'their hearts, and I know papa doesn't know * h a t Is inside ns.".-U t t l e Chronicle-

. If Ton li.'iv.T.'t IV Tt-snUT. ^r"';\T,,T';'T'' ,.

clear and closn Is lo take


i-f c r ' t k * ";. I9je ' iii'.IOOtlb. !<• iH.wei*



«*IWge8ts whiait yoa eat."

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "Dfeests what you cat *

r—iT^-r-.-r^'- >-'a.,v;«i^. ii^i.i.-^:\'^.-.,:.;.»<tov^. • '.s:-;.!^.^.^^:^;

Page 8: CoDcreie jiflewalks. Cows For Saler

'^x •i:.

- i i - i rr -—-'*•—'" ' ^ - — •^ii"?*?*!!!!




,Bia,Metho«a Were Cnide, « B « Bto j. .-Sbiterlala Went Batke* Qgoteegae, j >at Be' TMraed Oat Qoed, Beaeet I in'ork, Band Mitebed Threeskoat. ',

. The first indnstry bf the world was .{tailoring. Tbe first maker of clotbes land tbe first wearer was Adam. Of (this strange character wbo appears on ithe pages of history In tbedtuJroleof .tlie first tailor and tbe flrst en;Btomer -we have but a brief biography. The meager details requite sympathetic In-.

' teri>retation tO' make a' complete story. Of his father and mbther nb uieution is made, but the record shows :be was.destined tp.-be ia dotbler of some sort, 'ivas put into Eklen to

•-> ^

l o Wbicb be conM maM a decent 8i»> pearance and began Ufe apew with tbe courage, hope, pride and confidence that comes from tbe conscionsness of being well dressed.—William Ceorge Jordan In Fashioner. .

- J

-cress - tnegaracn. we uo nbt Know If he . obeyed this, command,. as his biographers do not so state, for, it seems; instead of "dressing"^ the gar­den he "dressed" himself. . * - . '.Ilis early'marriage and the trbnble

' i relating tb the theft of some -fruit with sundry other unpleasant details pre-

. .ceded his -work as^a tailor, l i e began in .". hnmble-way; Jtist bimself and

' bus i-..<is!stant He was one of the early •'settlers In a-ne-vfly opened country, a land of nattiral advantages which'must soon attract other inhabitaiits. 'With

- a hu'ge and'increasing population he .foresaw that there must co;nc a.'grow-

' ing demand for clothing if he could in-jtrtiducc them aud make popular fals' inew invention. He was a pioneer. He :|luid no 'Competition. He controlled the Itailuring trade of. the world.. Thus jwith the first Industry came tlie first jtrust I As he bnsily plied bis needle; we ikuow hot what visions of future bnsl-jnessaiid -wealth .filled his ambitions m-Ind. But never in his wildest dreams did ho conceive that his little taiioring ostabllshment, emplo.vlhg only four .hands, diilng only a local thide and tuniing out the first custom made gar­ment., would be the beginning of a ready - made Clothing business that In the United States alone gives labor to

. Ihondreds of thousands of hands and |Coveri an inyesttuent of a great many million dollars, r

., But of the great Tfenlth that has icome from his-Invention Adam, like imost pioneers, made ho money what­ever and died leaving his family with-jout a penny. Even his name is not as-'Sociated -with his wonderful discovery, >nt—such is the sarcasm of time—it ap-ipears only in the word Adam's apple, lln iiii'tuory not of hi« virtues, but of an 'escrifride of hla wife. -

Jh'-i;gh even Carlyle has not recog-nizwl .Vdaih's sartorial genius, there .are soiue Capita! points iu the work of !thi ' first tailor..

Ho originated the style himself. He iWiiS not a petty trader on the reputa-iti(>'ii of others and imitating, their fash-'lon . Even in the names' for the gar-;nu-r.ts lie was origlhai. The flrst suit of ciothes, in reality only a girdle or :bo!.t. he humorously termed an "apron." : It is difficult to determine the season .of the year. Judging, froin the coolness ^f the suit, it might have been a sum­mer style, but as it was just a little atier the fall it was probably early in the winter.

Tlioy were hand stitched throughout : Thf'r contained no machine work or chp!i[i labor. The worksliop was in the open air. and, althouj^h tailored in the iswont of bia broiv, no sweatshop work iwiis i)os«ible.

The mutcrlalwas not of the best bnt ifAd.-im found no be;:er at hiind. Some jof the moo'^n t.'iilnrs. making shoddy garmfnts at sJiofi' ly prices, imitate Adam, who used "leavings."

As to Adam, the first cusrtomer, when iho was alone in the world he never .thought of dress, but when he. came to the rCiilization of himself t^ an indl-.vldnal and in relation to otncrs he be­gan to spruce np. Courtshtp led him to ';'!tify himself, to .ipporir well in \ ;1h<' (•;. -s of "tlic only worn: ii tte ever lovi'i!." Human natiire*as n.-t changed mtu'i:. |--'

V ;:li the entry of sociut.v drf-ss be­gat;, rerhaps this Is why di-<>ss forms iso I roM!Incnt.a fcatnrc in goclcty to-i<l«.T . I ', After .eating tbe .apple'of luu>wle<lge -'(the ni'ir.d of Adam -nias.suddwily l l iu-i 'mlni'.roc! as if by .-i thons.TmJ electric • llghfr. A great thongbt of laHrc. prac­tical. W'Srldly wlsdoiu flashed before, hini. He realized - that to anspnnt to . an.rtliiiig In tbe world he must m s k e a ' ! good npiipaninoe. In this lie Mmck a •. kevnoto of bnslness'saccc'ss. _ • I Snrr.l.y'. he ncMed to keep np appear- j lancos.; lleirefiected over bis anions | Ifor tht ttvo. weeks prior and-tl.»^n i 'looked ff* '-.te fctnrc. '11^ lind Leen In bad scf'inl.r and bad been seen tvltb a. disrepuijible serpent he bad been -led' into.tciitp.MtipB. be had broken fhe. law, . ibe wns implicated in.ati nppic tt.cft as etxosMXf nCttr.tbe iaet, be: bad 'mm*.. «f the stoles «ood8 in his possessfen . 'ttnd he was a fngltive from Jiistlce, for be was then In. Ibidlng." DiscoveiT .was certain. He was to be evfcted [from his home and In disgrace had to {face the awfainess of actually eamliig jbis own living by work. Tb«n, after a jmild sttaci: of remorse, be was eqoal.. jto the sltnatlon and In a manly my oe. fcepted It. made.bbBself asaitc€ clotbe*

„ THE PRY FOR SLEEP. nilBiber !• of Oreater Iai»mr«aaee to

I.tfe Tliaa la Food. In "Witcbery of Sleep" is 'printed

thisi.Tbe cry for s l e ^ IS ever greater than, tbe cry for bread.' Existence de­pends on both, but.we eat to sleep, while we sleep to live. Sleep te of far greater importance than food for tbe preservation of life. Bleegjiitbe cfalef< .est thing in pbysla It baffbeitber sob-stitute nor ilval. Take iiway-sleeps boi>e even is gone; nothing te. left. Most .of. tbe miscbjiescias. stoiieA. told abont the ability of greiat men to do •wJtbbnt-sk ish man who redds that Napoleon slept only tliree or four boors at nigbt and cuts down bte own faonrs of sleep might better open a ve in and lose a qoart of blood tlian lose the sleep which te life itself. It te. undonbtedly true that Nai^ieou, an inconceivably foolish, rmdtless man in matters af­fecting hte pbysical welfare,. did de-. prive himself of sleep In bis early years,, bnt be paid fbr it dearly.: In bte'test'battles hte iiower.of resistance was so slight that be acthally went to sleep dnring tlie. fighting.. • Chroiiie drowsiness weakened his brain, weak­ened his force of character. The foun­dation of hte downfall was laid in Rus­sia, wben.lack of sloop and unwise liv­ing generally had taken away his men­tal elasticity, deprived liim. of alf pow­er to form and carry otit resolutions nnd resulted in hte final ruin.

H E A I ^ T H t

At the last sessioo of tbe I^ters-it^e a law was enacted plociog; s bonntr oa bedgebngs aa follow*:

Sect. 1 If any person sball kill a bedgebog wiihio this state and shall prodace the head therieof td the select.^ men 6f the tbirb » whicb It WAS killed, and >haU prove ta their satis­faetioa that :sach. hedgehog wa* Itilled by saiS person, the selectmen of said town'shkll destroy the bead so pro^ duced. so tbat' it cannot be offered again for ^lanty, and shall pay the snmoftwenty-five centsfoY Mcband

1,ff-tf„lr -B'gejryJiedgebbg.go destroyedr


*Wbr. I'm One of the CoirardlT Xla-eompo.opH Myaclf."

Unexpected frankness now and then gives a sjpeclal zest to the humor of a sitiMtion in congress. When Gabe Bouck was tbe representative from tbe Oshkosh dtetrict of 'Wisconsin, a pen-: sion bill came before the house, to bte great vexation of spirit for, while hte personal c-onvlctlons wero directly bp posed to it, his political interests were strong enough to whip him into line. Oh the d.ay the bill came up for final disposal a fellow member met Bouck in the space behind the. last row of seats walking back and forth and gesticulat­ing escItedlA bringing . his clinched

right fist down Into the hollow of bis ihe public liealthV he left hnnd to the accompaniment of ex- ' pletlvos which would hardly.look well in print.

"What's the trouble. Cnhc's" Imiuired hte friend. "Why all this excitement?"

'•Troubley snorted the irate law­maker. "Trouble enough! That pen­sion bill is up, and all the cowardly niu-coUipoops in the house are going to vote for It:. It's sure to pass—sure to pass I"

"But why ^n' t you get the floor and sp«ik again.* it—try to stop ItV'sug-gostcKl the other. " "Trj- to stop it?" eohoed Bourck. "Try to stop it? Why, I'm one of the cowanlly liincompooiis myself r'—Kran-cl<» E, Ixjupp'ln C'entiiry.

As there has sot been any bonnty oh h»]gehogs in this state foryears^ a very few have been killed, -therefore tliej have . become very nnmerous. The twenty-five cents boonty not.onty makes it a paying, business,' but fur-nislies amqsemeot; quite a nnmber have availed themselves of tbis oppor­tunity, as the Selectinea havs. islready received over one iiondred. - But somebody bas forgotten a part of their duty, as they, have left the bodies of these animals on top of the groond to become putrid aod offensive: For the benefit of those we refer them to chapter 108, sectu-ns 1 and 12, of the Puhlio Staftiles :

Section 1. The health officer of towns may make regulations for tbe prevention and removal of nnisances, and *uch other regolitions relating to the polilic health as in their jadgment the health and safety of the people I'fquire, which shall take tffect when approved by the selectmien, recorded by t ie town clerk, and published in soihe newspaper printed io the towi>, or copies thereof have been posted in two or more pnblie places in the town. Aoy person willfnllyviolatiug such regulations shall be punicbetl by a fine often dollars for eachoffepce..

Sect. 12. If a person sball place,, leave, or catise &>'be placed o t left, inor near a highway, street, alley, publie, place, or wharf, or shail allow to be exposed, noboriedi aoy animal ur other substance liable to become piitrid, or offeosive, or iojurions -to

shall be lined not exceeding twenty dollars; and

j the health officer shall remove tbe I same. I Per order, BOAKD of HEALTH I •- • - '

Ufelnstti^flceCo : ; ^iie XARGEST--^N6ne c ^

The SAj^ST-^None Can be Better. The BEST—I*iien WHY.'. m

Insure in Any Other •

• -•




Is . I. II. flemcrs, 1


A Full and Complete


Making and Trimming A SPECIALTY.

Look Over

.A Matcrnnl Co'IIIe. "Tlie cpllip." sahl a man whb kiiows

thom. 'Is tlie most intelligent of dogs, roruilt me lo tell you:a true collie sto­ry.. Tliere was a Scottish shepherd whoso dog gavo Iiirth to a fitter'of pups; .\ll but one <rf rthem fifp«l, nnd") all . S p c i o g G o o d s of- t h e the motlior-d^'Otcd herself'?*'so thor- j S t y l e s a n d N o v e l t i e s , oughl.v to this sMereinainlng child .that ' hor master's work was quite neglected. The slH.K.>p.wero not lookerl aftcr-atiall. Tho man. enrngod nt this stato of af­fairs, took the pup and drowned it in a bucket!l)efpre Its mothor's eyes. Then he w e n t off to tbe town for the day. In tlie (woning. en Ills retum. the drown(Nl pup was missing. The sbep; herd .«aid to his follio. imititins lo thi-li'ifUet. 'What did j'.jii do witli your piil>. ' I'.<'ss?* The eollio g:ive a low uiKiiruful howl and set off. .lr>ol<ing i ba<-:«-w::r.l often to wignifj* to ll(;r mas- j I'or iliat he shonld follow. She iMlhim ; lo a kiioH O'lMl'pnuSMl. moaning;, beside i a Sliot where tbe earth had a fresh look. | TIio shrplierd tamed up the soil. aU'l { there lKmtr>t\\ it the drowned puppy | liiy. - l i s n!Ot;:<-r bad t.iken'It ont of the J biioket an/1 given- It dcf-ont burial."'^ ] rhilad(>lplii<i Hocord. ,

Line of • Latest

Call Early and This Display.

I FORSALE! 30,000 Apple trees, l.i to 25c. each 10,000 Peach trees. 10c. each .5,000 Japan Plnm trees. She. each

' .5,000 Std Pear trees, 3.5c. each .5,000 Hardy Rose iiushes, 25c each 5,000 Hardy Shrub--, 3.5c. each

. First-class; fine irooted; buy yonr stock all cliniated right at home .

THE GRANGERS'. NURSERY, Ellsworth Brown & Go.,

. . Seabrook, N . H .

Clerical Frojralitr.' itt tlie far.,ir days, of ITiiO. the year in

whicii Coli'^mlth wrAe his immortal "Vh'** of WakoBekl." tlie. Universal -Masnislne contained this uidttiary ni>r flrtS: •-, • "I'/iteiy. Rev; Jllr. Mntttason. cnntte of rattcrdai^ Wcatm'orland. for sixty years. The., first IniTaht he christened was .aftRrwnnI his wife,'t^r whom be had one mn nndthrcc dnnglitors. all of wKohi h» married In his own_chnrcb. His 'sflprtid'iras f«rty yeacs £12 and j iifactured for the last twenty not £28 per anti. t Cooimencihg April I, Family '^*'Lw'?'i^"lil!fT;?.'K''^'''^"*'''»! Rates for Icc Wiir be afc. per worth £1.Mv, £800 ef which was «.ived t , _ j_..>j .«^ _ j . ' ' " out of hte stipend." • hundred pounds. ^ .

The correspondent of Xotcs and Que-' A l s o ' agent for the Henniker rics wiM.qn tes this nst6nteliin« record : Laundry. . Collects Tuesday^; de-of fnwiiity asks-if Obldsmith piay not 'Hvers Fridays. ' : have r<>cctv««l ttae first linpetok to the ! ^ - ' _ '

Ihave secured the agency for i "Honest Fertilizer,''' the 'best man-

contposltioa <>f Ms tbte MDOBncement

novel by reading J G. H. HUTCHINSON, Depot St, Antrim, N. H,

Ladies? Oxford Ties, cool and comfortable, •2X)0, ^1.50, $1.26, $];0p. •

Boston .School Shoes, for Misses and Children, $1.50, I1.25, $1.00. . '


Have You Seen Our Offerings For The Spring and Summer?

We have been months in gathering from the best lines bf Goods what seemed to ns to be the besl that each afforded; onr warerooms are crowded WUh the resolis of out efforts, and we now wish everybody to make examina­tion and then when in need of goods to determine whether we are the people to do Quainesa with or not.

F U R N I T U R E F T Every Room in the House, and'Special Prices and Values in Every Line. Chamber Sets, Steel Beds, Cheffoi.ieres, Dining Tables, Dininsr Chairs, Sideboards, China Closets, Couches. 45 patterns Rockers, Center Tables, Divans, Upholstesed Chairs and Rockers.

C A R P E T S Velvet, Tapestry. Extra Heavy Wool, Extra Super Wool, Ingrain. Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Mattings, Fibre Carpet, Art Squares, Tapestry Rugs to cover the room, Smyrna Rugs from LS in. to 3 yds; wide.

R A N G E S The '"Richmond," best Baker made, full line of Patterns, warranted for one year. Kitchen ware in all the several grades.

B A B Y C A R T S ' Carriages ntid Go Caits; Special Bargains in patterns that there are only one of a kind.

REPRICERATORS The Only Lines ever sold same firm in Milford.

"Eddy" aod "White Mountaiu," for five consecntive years by the

People are more and more coming to dpnbt the extravagant claims of traders as to the goods and prices tbey offer. We invite vou to make your own inspection.



If you are contemplating going South, during the win ter of 1902 and 1903 you can get valuabje information free of charge by writing John T. Patrick, Pinobluff, N. C. He can.dave you money in hotel rat^sj can direct ypn which is the W t railroad route to travel; can direct yon where to rent neatly furnished cottages or single rooinR. '


Job and Book Printing Eeporter Print Siiop,

^ ' i •

iA... Ii "i / II - i " <im »iiw«^iirSii«ff