Download - Coastway Laser Scanning Cavanacaw Gold Mine

  • 8/4/2019 Coastway Laser Scanning Cavanacaw Gold Mine


    Ls Scg Cc, Gl M


    This site itself consists of a

    large pit 400m x 200m x 40m,

    surrounding stockpiles, access

    roads and tailings ponds.

    The aim of the task was to

    complete a survey of the entire

    site for comparison against a

    base survey carried out prior

    to excavation to determine

    volumes of cut and fill from

    the site. Deliverables were to

    include volumes for the pit and

    stockpiles along with a plan

    drawing showing the overall

    site layout and cross sections

    at specified intervals across

    the site. A combination of

    survey equipment was used

    including Terrestrial Laser

    Scanner, GPS and Total Station,to complete the survey in 2

    days with just 2 surveyors.

    SHorTHiSTorY onTerreSTriaLLaSer

    SCanninGTerrestrial Laser Scanning is

    a remote sensing technology

    first developed in the 1990s as

    a means of surveying hugely

    complex structures such as oil

    refineries. Traditional survey

    techniques were not capable

    or were far too time consuming

    to capture enough information

    to draft adequate plans for

    such complex pipe networks.

    By having millions of measured

    points on the pipe networks

    full 3D models could be

    generated with automatic pipefitting vastly reducing the time

    required in the field and greatly

    This paper describes Terrestrial Laser Scanningsurveys carried out at the Cavanacaw GoldMine, Omagh, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland,

    owned by Omagh Minerals Ltd (OML), a whollyowned subsidiary of Galantas Gold Corporationto provide the following:

    High accuracy geo-referenced 3D CAD Models.

    High accuracy volumetric calculations.

    Cross sections

    Rock Face Profiling.

    Visualisations such as flythroughs andwalkthroughs of the site for planningapplications.

    Laser Scanning Cavanacaw

    Gold Mine, Omagh, Co TyroneA Case Studyby Chstph By BSc aMCistCeS, Gsptl eg

    Cavanacaw Gold Mine

  • 8/4/2019 Coastway Laser Scanning Cavanacaw Gold Mine


    Ls Scg Cc, Gl M


    improving the accuracy of thefinal deliverables. The industryhas rapidly developed sincethen and applications for theseinstruments are virtually limitless.

    From mining to dam monitoringto reverse engineering,anywhere where rich 3D data isrequired to measure or definecomplex structures, remote ordangerous locations TerrestrialLaser Scanning is withoutcomparison. There are 3 typesof system generally available:Time Of Flight (TOF), PhaseComparison and Triangulation

    Time Of Flight (TOF) instrumentsemit a laser beam at theobject and calculate the timeit takes for the laser to reach

    the object and return to thesensor to calculate the rangefrom the instrument to theobject. Onboard angle encoderssimilar to those found in TotalStations calculate the horizontaland vertical angles and thusa 3D coordinate for that pointon the object is calculated.This is done in real time at upto 125000 points per second.These types of scanner typicallyhave ranges from 1-2500m withsome instruments capable ofup to 6000m. Accuracies for

    these instruments vary but aretypically 10-50mm depending onrange This is the most commontype of instrument for largescale excavation survey work.

    Phase Comparison instrumentsemit a stream of light with aknown frequency and phaseand by comparing the emittedphases to the returned phasesthe distance to the objectcan be determined. Theseinstruments tend to have amuch shorter range of 1-100mbut far greater measuring

    speed at up to 1,000,000 pintsper second. Because of thisthey lend themselves betterto shorter range applicationssuch as indoor architecturalwork, complicated industrialplant applications or situationswhere access time is verylimited. Accuracies are similarto those for TOF instrumentsover shorter ranges

    Triangulation instrumentsutilise two sensors whichsimultaneously record thereflected laser pulse anddetermine the position. Thesetypes of instruments typicallyhave a very short range (>1m) but can achieve submillimetre accuracy. They aremostly used in archaeologyfor recording artefacts and

    reverse engineering or

    aerospace applications where

    tolerances are very tight.

    The output from all of these

    instruments is the same, a point

    cloud, essentially millions or

    even billions of individual 3D

    points which together form what

    looks like a 3D picture of the

    survey area. The data can be

    viewed in a number of different

    ways depending on the users

    preference. It can be coloured

    by intensity values where thedata is coloured depending on

    the intensity of the return signal,

    where the surface reflectivity

    of the scanned object dictates

    its colour. This can be useful for

    identifying certain materials from

    others such as one type of stone

    from another in a stockpile.

    The data can be viewed in

    greyscale for other applications

    or by elevation where the

    colour is dictated by elevation

    to better display the scale of

    an object. Finally the data can

    have full colour RGB where high

    resolution colour photographs

    are draped over the scan data

    which gives a real photo realistic

    quality to the point cloud data.

    This is especially useful for

    visualisations such as flythrough

    or walkthrough animations.

    Some manufactures have

    christened the technology High

    Definition Surveying due to the

    fact that you now have millions

    of points where traditionally youhad hundreds recorded with a

    Total Station or GPS. It is from

    this point cloud that accurate

    mesh models, volumes and

    cross sections can be produced.

    LaSerSCanninGCavanaCawGoLd MineThe Cavanacaw mine has alarge pit which does not lenditself to survey by traditionaltechniques. It is quite deep soacheiving accurate GPS signalsat the bottom of the rock facescan be problematic. It is alsoa dangerous place to workwith a lot of heavy machinerymoving around during the day

    transporting raw material upand down the access roadsfrom the vein to the crushingplant. The method chosenwas to laser scan the pit andsupplement the scan data with

    GPS data for the stockpiles,tailings ponds and access roads.The laser scanner used was aLeica Scanstation 2, a Time OfFlight instrument which has a

    scan speed of up to 50,000 pts/sec and a range of up to 300m.

    The scanner was set up at tenpositions along the top of thepit or rock head. The operatorcontrols the scanner via alaptop and using the inbuiltdigital camera is able to seethe instruments field of viewfrom that setup position. Theoperator then chooses the areato scan by fencing off the areaof interest on the laptop andsetting the point resolution orpoint spacing. For Cavanacaw

    mine the point resolution wasset at 100x100mm over 300m.That equates to a point every100mm at 300m from thescanner. As much of the pit aspossible was scanned from eachposition to insure good overlapof the data for registration or

    joining of the separate scansand also to get into all thenooks and crannies not visiblefrom certain viewpoints. Theinstrument relies on line of sitemeasurement and multiplesetups are usually requiredto fully capture the object.

    A number of metal reflectivetargets on tripods wereused to join or register theten different scans togetherTheses targets were positionedaround both sides of the pitand precisely scanned fromeach of the 10 scan positionsproviding accurate commonpoints between the scans.

    The scanner processing software

    then performed an initialregistration of the 10 scansusing these targets to positionthe scans together to createa fully combined point cloudof the entire pit. The softwareLeica Scanstation 2 Terrestrial

    Laser Scanner

    The same laser scan data with intensity values above, and full RGB below

    Metal target with vertex placed in centreand surrounding pointcloud data

  • 8/4/2019 Coastway Laser Scanning Cavanacaw Gold Mine


    Ls Scg Cc, Gl M


    ProCeSSinG &deLiveraBLeSBack in the office the point

    cloud data was cleaned of noise

    such as machinery, measuredas the scanner swept its way

    across the pit and a solid 3D

    mesh of the pit created in

    the Leica Cyclone laser scan

    software. From here the mesh

    was brought into AutoCAD

    Civil 3D 2009 and combined

    with the line work produced

    from the GPS data to provide

    a complete picture of the site.

    Once combined the various

    deliverables including volumes,

    cross sections and plan drawings

    were produced and comparisonsmade to the base survey.

    reSULTSThis modern approach

    has proven itself to have

    a number of key benefits

    over traditional survey

    techniques. These include:

    SPeedThe entire site including the

    large pit was recorded in high

    detail in a matter of two days

    using just two surveyors. To

    achieve this level of detail using

    traditional techniques alone

    would take up to a week

    then analysed the overlapping

    scan data and tightened up

    the registration using common

    areas of overlap between the

    separate scans. All 10 scans

    were successfully registered

    to an accuracy of 7 millimetres

    using both targets and cloud

    constraints. This was completed

    on site to insure full coverage

    was achieved. The centre of

    the metal targets were also

    recorded by reflectoress Total

    Station set up over site control,

    in this case Irish Grid Northern

    Ireland. Recording the position of

    the targets in this way allowed

    for the Geo-referencing of all

    the scan data to site grid during

    the registration process.In total over 20 million points

    were measured providing a

    complete and highly accurate

    3D dataset of the pit. The Leica

    Scanstation 2 Instrument also

    has the ability to overlay high

    quality photographs onto the

    data providing a real photo

    like quality to the dataset

    making it easier to visualise

    what had been captured.

    The second day on site was

    used to carry out a GPS survey

    of the stockpiles, access roadsand tailings ponds using a Leica

    GPS900 base and two rovers

    to compliment the scan data

    and complete the site survey.

    Two separate scans showing target positions and the final registered dataset of the entire pit below

    Cross sections comparing the base survey with pit excavation and stockpiles

    Highly detailed 3D mesh model coloured by intensity values

    aCCUraCY& deTaiLBy using multiple setups with the

    laser scanner every last detail of

    the pit is recorded. This objective

    approach leaves nothing

    to chance unlike traditional

    subjective techniques which

    simply cannot be as accurate or

    complete. Far greater accuracy

    can be achieved for volumes

    due to the sheer number of

    points covering the object as no

    interpolation is required between

    points for the calculations.

    SaFeTYThe entre pit was recorded

    remotely in high detail

    without the need to venture

    down into the danger areas.

    Attempting to survey an activeexcavation with live plant

    machinery constantly on the

    move poses obvious dangers

    which can be completely

    avoided using this approach.

  • 8/4/2019 Coastway Laser Scanning Cavanacaw Gold Mine


    Ls Scg Cc, Gl M


    ConCLUSionSTo date the Cavanacaw gold

    mine was successfully surveyed

    on two separate occasions.

    The laser scan data allows

    for excellent visualisation of

    changes to the pit over time.

    The image below is of the

    two laser scan point clouds

    Plan drawing in CAD showingcontours and cross section positions

    Overlay of two separate surveysshowing movement of pit from thesouth to the north (left to right)

    Christopher Byrne, a GeospatialEngineer for Coastway carriedout this survey on behalf

    of Cavanacaw Gold MineCoastway were one of thefirst companies in Ireland toadopt this technology and haveused it on countless projects,including infrastructureprojects, archaeology sites,cultural heritage sites, as-builtsurveys and anywhere whereit can be used to supplementtraditional techniques toprovide much improveddeliverables.For more information or contact:


    Director, Coastway, SurveyHouse, Tougher Business Park,New Hall, Naas, Co. Kildare,Irelandtel: +353 (0)45 435880mob: +353 (0)86 8525108

    placed on top of each othershowing how the pit is movingas the excavation follows thevein toward the north. Thisapproach to surveying large

    excavations or mines is relativelynew to Ireland but has beenproven for over a decade inAustralia and Canada whereit is routinely used on most ofthe large mining operations formonitoring, volume calculationsand visualisation purposes.


    Terrestrial LaserScanning



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