Download - co a ching a nd s uppo rt im pro ves s urvey D irecto rs o ...


The client experienced repeat turnover in the Directorof Nursing role at a facility. The local talent market wasextremely competitive. This left the position open forseveral months. Eventually, the position was filled by astrong unit manager with no direct DON experience.The new DON was clinically confident with a focus onquality. The staff took to her quickly thanks to herwarm, caring nature, and willingness to assist inchallenging situations. Her staff, several of whom werealso new to their roles, were very busy and she did notwant to overwhelm them.Yet, the DON lackedmanagement experience and felt isolated andoverwhelmed. In doing so, she routinely worked 10 to12 hour days, including weekend on call.


The provider recognized the need for coaching andsupport for the new DON. LW Consulting, Inc. (LWCI)fulfilled this need, providing mentoring and educationalservices. The experienced LWCI Consultant aided thenew DON in understanding her role, preparing for thesurvey process, addressing the plan of correction, andfocusing on quality of care. Together, the DON andConsultant developed a daily checklist to act as aguide. Communication processes were improved thoughdaily clinical meetings and rounding, weekly leadershipcheck-ins, and monthly staff meetings. Additionally, theDON and Consultant partnered with Human Resourcesto improve the hiring process.


Results show that providing newDirectors of Nursing with individualcoaching and support improves surveypreparedness and morale.

DON focus shifted from day-to-day management to quality ofcare and strategic leadership.Enhanced survey preparedness.Unified and supportive clinicalleadership team.Improved staff communications.DON is competent andconfident in their role.


No accountability for managers and staffLack of experienced clinical leadershipMultiple clinical deficiencies and an outstandingplan of correctionPoor communication between leadership and staff


LW Consulting, Inc. is a recognized leader inproviding reimbursement, operational andclinical consulting solutions across the fullcontinuum of healthcare delivery.

We also provide interim staffing for post acutecare providers.

We are an Independent Review Organizationperforming audits under CIA's and an expertresource to providers, attorneys, andgovernment agencies in ensuring organizationsmeet the myriad guidelines, requirements, andstatues that regulate the delivery of healthcareservices.

About LW Consulting, Inc.

100 bedsFaith-basedSoutheastern United StatesMulti-site provider

Organization Details

CASE STUDY:The Benefits of DON Mentoring

5925 Stevenson Ave, Harrisburg, PA


Winter/Spring 2019

Time Frame