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"Category B+" PROJECT

Construction of a new kindergarten – Municipality of

Kisela Voda, Skopje


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Prepared by:

Slavjanka Pejchinovska-Andonova, MSc, Environmental Engineer

Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist

Page 3: · Web viewJULY – AUGUST 2019INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT"Category B+" PROJECTConstruction of a new kindergarten – Municipality of

INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda


INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................11 DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION............................................................................22 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT........................................................................5

2.1 Project Activities.....................................................................................113 MAIN DATA....................................................................................................12

3.1 Climate features......................................................................................123.2 Seismology..............................................................................................123.3 Water......................................................................................................123.4 Air quality................................................................................................133.5 Waste......................................................................................................143.6 Geology and soil......................................................................................153.7 Flora and fauna.......................................................................................163.8 SENSITIVE RECEPTORS............................................................................17

4 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND RISK, AND IMPACT AND RISK ASSESSMENT.......................................................................................................185 MEASURES FOR MINIMIZING POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT AND RISKS..............................................................................................19


Image 1 Location of the Kisela Voda Municipality (in orange)...............................................................................4Image 2 Microlocation of the new kindergarten...................................................................................................5Image 3 Macrolocation of the new kindergarten..................................................................................................6Image 4 Field photos of the current situation at the project location...................................................................7Image 5 Location of the FF unit in Drachevo in relation with the kindergarten.....................................................9Image 6 The external appearance of the envisaged new kindergarten in the neighborhood Drachevo.............10Image 7 Internal layout of the internal facility elements in the neighborhood Drachevo...................................11Image 8 External layout (longitudinal cross-section) of the designed kindergarten facility................................12Image 9 Seismological map of the Republic of North Macedonia.......................................................................14Image 10 Average annual concentration of PM10 and the number of exceeded values in the year...................15Image 11 Average annual concentration of SO2..................................................................................................16Image 12 Maximal daily eight-hour median values of the CO concentration......................................................16Image 13 Types of soil in the Kisela Voda Municipality, area and percentage representation............................18Image 14 Protected areas in the wider environment of the project location......................................................23


Table 1 Planned project activities in the Drachevo neighborhood, Municipality of Kisela Voda.........................13Table 2 Potential environmental and social impact and risks from the implementation of the project activities............................................................................................................................................................................ 19Table 3 Assessed waste quantities from the project activities............................................................................22Table 4 Impact assessment of the project activities in the construction phase...................................................24Table 5 Impact assessment of the project activities in the operational phase....................................................25

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

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MoEPP Ministry of Environment and Physical PlanningRM Republic of MacedoniaIEEES Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology MIS Mercalli Intensity ScaleMLSP Ministry of Labour and Social PolicyPE Polyethylene FF Fire-fightingESMP Environmental and Social Management PlanRNM Republic of North MacedoniaESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

INTRODUCTIONThroughout the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia, the accommodation capacities

of the institutions for preschool children do not meet the needs of the citizens, resulting into low percentage of accommodated preschool children. Having in mind such data, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, with financial support of the World Bank, has commenced the realization of the Social Services Improvement Project which envisages increase in the capacities of the existing institutions through their reconstructions, upgrading or construction of new facilities.

The Kisela Voda Municipality has applied with a project for construction of a kindergarten in the urban part of the Kisela Voda Municipality, Drachevo neighborhood. The location envisaged for construction is with surface of 600 m2 and envisages accommodation of 135 children. The realization of the envisaged project activities for kindergarten construction in the Kisela Voda Municipality shall provide for more quality conditions for accommodation of children, as well as increase in the current capacities in the Drachevo neighborhood.

In accordance with the legal requirements in the field of environment, when preparing such type of projects, it is necessary to submit a Notice of intent for commencement of a project to the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) which initiates the environmental impact assessment procedure. According to the legal requirements, the Kisela Voda Municipality shall have to prepare a Letter of Intent to commence a project and submit it to the MoEPP, followed by preparation of an Opinion by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning determining whether the Project for kindergarten construction in the Kisela Voda Municipality, with its specifics, is in accordance with the Appendix to the Regulation for activities for which Report has to be prepared, and whose approval is under the competence of the mayor of the municipality (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 32/12) or the Mayor of Skopje or the mayor of the municipality, chapter X – Infrastructure projects, item 5 Social protection facilities. The Report shall be prepared in accordance with Article 24 of the Law on Environment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 53/05, 81/05, 24/07, 159/08, 83/09, 48/10, 124/10, 51/11, 123/12, 93/13, 187/13, 42/14, 44/15, 129/15, 192/15, 39/16 and 98/18) and the Rulebook on the form and contents of the Report for environmental protection in accordance with the types of activities for which the report is being prepared, as well as in accordance with the entities performing the activity and the scope of activities being performed by the legal and natural entities, the procedure for their approval, as well as the method for keeping of the register of approved reports (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 44/13, 111/14).

If according to the Opinion of the MoEPP, a Report shall have to be prepared, the Kisela Voda Municipality shall prepare the Report and submit it to the MLSP together with the Decision for its approval.

By implementing the requirements of the World Bank, an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) was prepared as part of the Social Services Improvement Project of the MLSP of RNM; it was prepared in May 2018 by the Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist. ESMF was selected as the most appropriate tool for conducting an in-depth analysis of the environmental and social issues. The objective of ESMF is to ensure that the proposed project is being conducted in accordance with the environmental and social issues standards of the World

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Bank, the policies for protection and the local environment protection legislation which is to be used as practical tool during designing, implementation and monitoring of Project activities.

In accordance with the nature, size, location, as well as the specifics of the potential environmental impacts during the construction of the kindergarten in Kisela Voda Municipality, the project was classified as category B+ project/project with significant risk, which requires the preparation of an Initial limited impact assessment with an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).

1 DESCRIPTION OF LOCATIONThe Kisela Voda Municipality is located in the south-east part of the Skopje valley and covers

an area of 46.86 km2. It borders the following municipalities: Centar, Karposh and Aerodrom, as well as the municipalities Studenichani and Sopishte.

The eastern border of the municipality is next to the central city area of the Centar Municipality. The northern border stretches along the railway line Skopje – Veles, and borders the Aerodrom Municipality along the same route. To the east and south-east, it borders the Studenichani municipality, whereas to the south, it borders the Vodno Mountain, along the border line with Sopishte municipality. Image 1 presents the location of the Kisela Voda Municipality.

Image 1 Location of the Kisela Voda Municipality (in orange)

The neighborhoods Cheshma and Birarija are located in the immediate vicinity of the municipality, whereas the neighborhoods Crniche and Przhino are on the lower parts on the north side of the Vodno Mountain, and the neighborhoods Pripor and Usje are in the eastern part. The following neighborhoods are in the central part of the municipality: 11 Oktomvri, Kisela Voda and Cvetan Dimov. The neighborhoods Pintija and Drachevo are located in the eastern part of the Municipality.

The new kindergarten shall be located in the eastern part of Skopje, in the Drachevo neighborhood which is part of the Kisela Voda Municipality. Its address is at the Street Pristapna No 1, although to the north, it borders the Street Ivan Hadzi Nikolov, and to the west side it borders the Str. Slavka Dinkova, and to the south side the Street Branko Zarevski. Across the Slavka Dinkova Street at the west side, the primary school Rajko Zhinzifov is located, and to the east side, it borders

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

a green recreational area and commercial-service facilities, whereas to the north and south side, it borders housing units of the local population.

Image 2 Microlocation of the new kindergarten

Markova River and the Blvd Boris Trajkovski are in the extended area, stretching in the north-south direction, at 800 m west of the project location, followed by the main Post Office and the Macedonian Defenders Square (in the Drachevo neighborhood), located at 500 m or 700 m, respectively, in the same line, to the east, with the projected kindergarten. The primary school “Kuzman Shapkarev” is in the north-east part of the neighborhood at a distance of 800 m from the kindergarten in the same direction. The Church of the Ascension of Jesus and the secondary school SUGS “Brakja Miladinovci” is south-east of the project location at distance of 700 m or 1000 m, respectively.

Image 3 Macrolocation of the new kindergarten

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

During the document preparation, field visit was conducted on the project location for construction of a kindergarten in the Drachevo neighborhood so as to scan its current situation (for example, the existence of sensitive receptors, the type of facilities located in the vicinity, etc.). The conducted field visit resulted into concluding that the subject location for construction of a kindergarten already has an existing kindergarten for accommodation of preschool children. The location has a concrete-based canopy, which is envisaged to be removed in accordance with the Main Design. While clearing the subject location in the preparatory phase, the existing high forest (deciduous and coniferous trees) should be taken into consideration. If their removal is envisaged, the Investor shall have to ensure planting of the appropriate autochthonous vegetation at the project location. Part of the vegetation at the location is presented at the photographs given below.

Image 4 Field photos of the current situation at the project location

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The construction plot for construction of the kindergarten shall be with an area of 600 m2,

whereas the kindergarten shall be with Basement + Ground floor + 1.

The functional solution of the facility was prepared in accordance with the Project Program envisaging capacity of 95 children at age of 2 to 6 years, and 30 children up to age of 2 years.

The room for the burner, storeroom for heating material and the shaft for supply with heating material, are envisaged to be placed in the basement. Four play rooms (nurseries) and the main entrance to the kindergarten shall be at the ground floor, from the north-west side. Through the anteroom with a windshield, together with an area for the children’s cribs, it will be connected with a corridor which shall serve the kindergarten’s contents. The anteroom is vertically connected - with stairs and an elevator, leading to the first floor, which has two rooms – crèche, as well as auxiliary rooms.

The corridor at the nurseries is dimensioned to be used for communication, changing facilities and playing. This corridor enables the communication with the nurseries, kitchen, storeroom for didactical materials, room for individual work, and it is connected with the corridor serving the laundry and the room for the cleaning personnel.

The crèche with accompanying contents, as well as the room for the Manager, administration room, changing rooms for the employees with a toilet, common room for the employees, and an isolation room with toilet, are envisaged to be on the first floor. The crèche shall also include a dairy kitchen connected with the ground floor distribution kitchen through a platform.

Energy Efficiency Report was prepared for the facility. According to the Report, it can be concluded that the new facility, according to the energy consumption shall be in “B” class of energy efficiency with annual energy consumption per m2 of 45,57 kWh/(m2a), which is significantly better than the minimal requirements defined in the Rulebook on energy specifics of buildings of 100 kWh/(m2a).

Heating of the area is envisaged with installation of a hot-water boiler on biomass (pellets) with capacity of 60 kW. Based on the calculated and assumed values, a solar system was adopted for obtaining hot sanitary water with 5 collectors, 500 l-boilers with two heat inverters and installed additional electrical heaters with capacity of 5 kW.

All bathrooms and toilets shall be ventilated with aspirators placed on the external walls.

The facility shall be of IV degree of fire resistance, and refractory FF doors, partitioning sector walls and inter-floor constructions shall have to be placed. The facility shall also be equipped with fire-extinguishers for protection against fires and a hydrant network for the same purpose. Following the analysis of the facility, a proper number of manual fire-extinguishers shall be placed. It is envisaged to place manual fire-extinguishers of the type S9, CO2. Two type-S9 fire-extinguishers are envisaged to be placed in the basement. Four type-S9 fire-extinguishers and one CO-type fire-extinguisher are envisaged to be placed in the ground floor. Two type-S9 fire-extinguishers are envisaged to be placed on the first floor.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Direct access is enabled to the facility for a FF vehicle in case FF-unit intervention is needed. This enables fast and uninterrupted internal and external intervention of the fire-fighting units in this part of the City of Skopje-Drachevo. FF vehicles shall arrive in 2 minutes.

Error: Reference source not found presents the location of the FF station in the neighborhood Drachevo in relation with the project location.

Image 5 Location of the FF unit in Drachevo in relation with the kindergarten

The facility envisages connection to the existing street water supplying network, whereas regarding the wastewater drainage from the facility, it is envisaged to be connected to the city sewage network. The water supply connection is from the existing street water supplying network. The external installation is foreseen with PE water pipes. The kindergarten shall be connected to the water supplying network (to the water-gauge shaft), with 100 mm diameter pipe, and from the shaft with 80 mm diameter pipe. Dimensioning of the connection from the street water supplying network was executed in accordance with the required fire-extinguishing water quantity, i.e. the simultaneous operation of 2 hydrants 5 l/s. The drainage sewage shall be with a 150 mm diameter pipe with slope of 0,1%.

Lighting in the play rooms, crèche, common rooms and corridors is envisaged to be executed with LED diode fittings upgraded for IP20 protection level.

Combined lighting with LED and ordinary fittings is foreseen in the sanitation rooms, the entrance, terraces and toilets. In addition to the basic lighting of the premises, panic lights are also foreseen with markings for exit and movement direction toward the exit.

The landscaping area is with surface of 1.320 m2. The location can be accessed from all sides. The area is foreseen to be divided with main entrance for children and parents, as well as an economic entrance (providing access for parents with vehicles). Landscaping shall be executed with inter-locker pavers, as well as green areas to be used as park and children’s playground.

The sides of the yard, oriented toward the streets with frequent traffic, are closed with the existing fence of the old kindergarten, whereas the sides oriented to the north and east shall be

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

fenced with a new fence made from reinforced concrete parapet wall on which fence shall be placed. Parking area for the employees and the parents is arranged on the north-east side.

Both the internal and external appearance of the envisaged new facility for the kindergarten in the Kisela Voda Municipality are presented on Error: Reference source not found, Error: Referencesource not found and Error: Reference source not found.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Image 6 The external appearance of the envisaged new kindergarten in the neighborhood Drachevo


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Image 7 Internal layout of the internal facility elements in the neighborhood Drachevo


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Image 8 External layout (longitudinal cross-section) of the designed kindergarten facility


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

2.1 Project Activities

The envisaged project activities shall be executed in three phases: preparatory (geodetic marking of the facility's location and preparation of the terrain for construction of the facility), construction of the kindergarten, and operational phase – activities related to regular and preventive maintenance thereof. The main project activities, in project phases, are presented in Table 1.

It is important to note that the use of asbestos-containing materials is prohibited in the construction of the new kindergarten.

Table 1 Planned project activities in the Drachevo neighborhood, Municipality of Kisela VodaProject phases Project Activities

Preparatory activities

Clearing of the project location (removal of construction waste, humus and other waste material) and its marking, including the demolition of the existing canopy made from concrete foundation with steel construction;

Placement of the protective fence around the location;

Construction phase

Excavation of earth material (combined mechanical and manual excavation) Concrete works (placement of reinforced concrete foundations, reinforced

concrete slab, walls, etc. Installation of a water supply, sewage and storm water sewage; Heating and cooling installation (central boiler on pellets, installation of

aluminum radiators, installation of solar panels, etc.); Carpentry works: assembly of wooden beams and rods; Joinery works: procurement, transport and assembly of internal doors (and

internal and external PVC dripping edges, windows, etc.); Blacksmith, sheet metal works, ceramic and plaster and painting works; Execution of roof construction; Locksmith works, carpentry – covering works and sheet metal works; Isolation works, procurement and installation of isolation materials; Façade works: execution of photocatalytic façade; Installation of an elevator with two stops (Ground floor + 1) for facilitated

access for people with wheelchairs; Installation of an electronic lift platform for delivery of food; Clearing of the project location from the generated waste from the

construction activities; Placement of flower boxes; Planting of appropriate (autochthonous) vegetation;

Operational phase

Preventive and regular maintenance of the new facility by the employees and the authorized persons in accordance with the requirements indicated in the Plan for maintenance of the facility;

Generation of waste; Conducting regular health controls of the employees by an authorized health

institution in the field of occupational medicine.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

3 MAIN DATA 3.1 Climate features

The Municipality of Kisela Voda is under the influence of continental and Mediterranean climate. Its position and local orographic conditions have particular influence on the climate features. The average annual air temperature in the Kisela Voda Municipality is 12,5 ᵒC. The absolute minimal temperature in this neighborhood is 22,9 ᵒC, whereas the annual maximal temperature is +41,2 ᵒC. Kisela Voda Municipality is characterized with hot summers, sometimes rather hot and dry, and moderate, cold winters. Autumn is relatively warmer than spring.

3.2 Seismology

The subject location is on the territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality, and from the seismological map of RNM it can be observed that it belongs to areas that are subject to frequent and strong earthquakes, caused by the local and more distant epicenters.

According to the expected seismic intensities, this location is exposed to quakes exceeding intensity IX according to the Mercalli intensity scale. In addition, the Katlanovo – Mirkovechki fault, one of the most active faults in the Skopje valley, is in the vicinity of the location, more specifically from the west side. In general terms, the terrains with Pliocene sediments are favorable for construction, with exclusion of the possibility for occurrence of catastrophic earthquakes during the exploitation duration of the facilities.

Проектна локација Project location

Image 9 Seismological map of the Republic of North Macedonia

3.3 Water

The wider area of the Municipality of Kisela Voda is part of the territory of the Vardar river basin, presenting the largest water potential in the Republic of North Macedonia. There are other water resources on the territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality, i.e. Markova river and Mala Rada (village

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Drachevo), and there is presence of ground water. Markova River is the right tributary of the Vardar River, flowing south from the City of Skopje in length of 30 kilometers. The waters of Markova River are solely used for irrigation of the cornfields, fields with wheat and the orchards in the villages Varvara and Markova Sushica, and for watering of the cattle in the upper flow (Markova Sushica) and extraction of sand for concrete in the Batinci village. In accordance with the Regulation for categorization of water streams, lakes, reservoirs and ground waters (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 18/99), these water streams belong to the river of category II (river with eutrophic status, low level of organic load, high level of auto-purification, etc.).

3.4 Air quality

In the Republic of North Macedonia, monitoring of the ambience air quality is performed by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, which manages the State automatic air quality system composed of 17 measuring stations of which 5 are located in Skopje, and the closest measuring station to the project location is the one in the Lisiche neighborhood, in the south-west part of Skopje. In this air quality measuring station, monitoring is performed of the following:

- Sulphur dioxide - Nitrogen dioxide - Carbon monoxide- Ozone - Suspended particles with size of 10 micrometers (PM10)

The sources of suspended particles are burning of fossil fuels and biofuels, different industrial processes, traffic, incineration of waste and wild fires. One of the most important sources is heating of homes and administrative capacities, mainly due to the incomplete incineration of wood in the old furnaces. The average annual concentration of PM10 at the Lisiche measuring point in 2017 amounted 80 µg/m3, and there were 144 days in the year in which the annual Upper Value was exceeded. Error:Reference source not found presents the average annual concentration of PM10 and the number of exceeding the values in 2017.

Image 10 Average annual concentration of PM10 and the number of exceeded values in the year

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

In the Republic of North Macedonia, the key and dominant source of Sulphur oxides in the air are the processes of burning of fuels (coal and fuel-oil) during electricity production with 92 %. The average annual concentration of Sulphur oxides at the Lisiche measuring point is 3 µg/m3, whereas the average concentration in winter is 4 µg/m3. The average SO2 concentrations at this measuring station have not exceeded the threshold values (Error: Reference source not found).

Image 11 Average annual concentration of SO2

Carbon monoxide is formed during the incomplete incineration of fuels in internal combustion engines and energy plants, as well as during different industrial processes, public institutions and households. Maximal daily eight-hour mean values of carbon monoxide for the measuring point Lisiche amounted 10 mg/m3 for 2017.

Image 12 Maximal daily eight-hour median values of the CO concentration

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

3.5 Waste

Significant number of industrial and economic capacities has been located on the territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality; therefore, it can be indicated that almost all types of waste are being generated: communal waste, industrial hazardous and non-hazardous waste, inert waste, packaging waste, as well as special types of waste.

Communal waste is generated by natural entities from the households and the commercial waste. The average annual generation of communal waste at national level for 2015 amounted 786 tonnes, and at the level of the Kisela Voda Municipality, 380 kg per resident have been generated.

Industrial non-hazardous waste is generated during the industrial production processes and it does not contain any hazardous features, whereas according to the properties, composition and quantity, it differs from the communal waste. This waste is most often disposed at the local industrial landfills together with the remaining process waste.

In accordance with the Law on Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste, the requirements for environmental protection are regulated, which have to be complied with by the packaging during its production, release on the market and use. The quantity of packaging waste released on the market in 2014 was 59.572,83 tonnes, of which about 25.000 tonnes on the territory of the City of Skopje. The total percentage of packaging waste recycling for 2014 was 27,08 %, whereas the percentage of recovery or incineration in furnaces for incineration of waste with energy recovery was 27,38 %.

Inert waste is waste which is resistant and is not subject to any significant physical, chemical or biological transformations, is not soluble, does not incinerate and does not react to another physical or chemical manner. Due to lack of records, the inert waste data are rather limited and cannot be foreseen. This waste is generated during the execution of construction, craftsmanship and processing activities.

Medical waste is generated in the medical and health institutions. The quantity of reported generated medical waste for 2015 at the level of the Republic of North Macedonia was 704,61 tonnes. The medical waste generated in the infirmaries is separately collected by the PCU “Komunalna higiena” and is transported to the incinerator in Drisla. 2,6 tonnes of medical waste is annually collected from the daily hospital for treatment of addictions in the Kisela Voda neighborhood.

3.6 Geology and soil

The territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality is a relatively young geological structure created by tectonic means. The entire territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality was created by tectonic sinking of the earth in the southwest-northeast direction. According to the geological mapping of the wider area, quaternary sediments are present, of which the Miocene (MC) and Pliocene (PI3) sediments are with more significant presentation and are represented by sand, clay, clay soil and quaternary proluvial sediments (pr) represented by gravel material mixed with sand and clay substances.

The following types of soil can be found on the territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality: vertisol, fluvial soil, cinnamonic forest soil, rendzina soil and vertisol, anthropogenically modified, limey-Dolomite dark soil, colluvial soil, cinnamonic forest soil and vertisol. Error: Reference source not found presents the pedological profile of the Kisela Voda Municipality.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Soil type Surface (ha) Percentage (%)Vertisol 7,3

Fluvial soil 724 21,2Cinnamonic forest soil, rendzina and

vertisol896,23 26,3

Soil in inhabited area 945,08 27,7limey-Dolomite dark soil 90,51 2,7

Colluvial soil 14,32 0,4cinnamonic forest soil and vertisol 491,68 14,4

Source: LEAP for M. Kisela Voda (2016-2021)

Image 13 Types of soil in the Kisela Voda Municipality, area and percentage representation

3.7 Flora and fauna

Forests and pastures within the borders of the Kisela Voda Municipality are in state or private ownership and their plans are not managed. Most of the forest areas, as a result of their proximity to the inhabited areas have been transformed into arable lands, pastures, vineyards or orchards. In phytocenological terms, the following forest associations and sub-associations are currently represented on the territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality:

1. Ass. Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum – subass. Querco-Carpinetum orientalis macedonicum buxetosum

This forest community on the territory of the Kisela Voda Municipality is currently distributed on a greater number of smaller localities on the hilly area, next to the locality Tri Krushi – Drachevo, locality Porupa – Drachevo, Chuprijan – Drachevo. They can be found at shallow limestone soils, shallow rocky silicate soils, and develop at almost all expositions, up to altitude of 600 meters.

The following species of vertebrates and invertebrates can be found in this forest community: grasshopper, butterflies, carabidae, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals (wild cat, wild boar, rodents, hedgehog, squirrel)

2. Ass. Helianthemo-Euphorbietum thessalae Mic. 1973

This community inhabits the abandoned agricultural areas and the bare forest areas in the oak region in the hilly-mountain area of the Vodno park-forest.

Animal species are similar to those described for the previous community.

3. Ass. Salicetum albe

Near the water streams of Markova River and Mala Rada, in Drachevo, riparian vegetation was formed, which is characterized by specific floral composition mainly due to the influence of the water streams. The biotope is characterized with continuous humidity, light structure and texture of the soil. The following species can be found in this community: mammals (small rodents, small carnivore species, fox), birds, reptiles (grass snake) and amphibians (lake frog).

4. Ass. Tamarici-Salicetum amplexycaulis

This community is a shrub with pioneering importance, and occurs along Markova river. This biotope is

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mainly a shrubland where Tamarix parviflora and Salix amplexicaulis are dominant. These shrub species form the specific plant community Tamarici-Salicetum amplexicaulis (Kárpáti 1962) Em 1967. It develops on sandy and gravel river drifts. The stands are flooded during the spring period. In the herb layer, Lycopus europaeus, Equisetum arvense, Juncus articulatus, Mentha longifolia, Agrostis alba etc. are common. In addition, numerous annual species from the neighboring areas are common.

3.8 SENSITIVE RECEPTORS The construction of the new kindergarten shall be executed in an urban inhabited area, i.e. in the

Drachevo neighborhood in the Kisela Voda Municipality. The main sensitive receptors within the subject scope shall be: children, parents and employees of the existing kindergarten, students of the primary school Rajko Zhinzifov, as well as the residents living in the individual housing facilities. As a result from the above, the main attention and preventive measures should be directed toward them.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda


The implementation of the project activities for construction of the kindergarten in the Kisela Voda Municipality shall be executed in the following project phases: preparatory phase (marking of the project location and placement of safety signalization) and construction phase (construction of civil engineering structure with structural elements – carpentry, sewage, water supply, electricity, etc.). Potential impact and risks which could potentially result from the above project phases, shall be identified and described in the following project phases: preparatory phase, construction phase and operational phase of the facility. Error: Reference source not found provides a tabular presentation of the expected / potential adverse environmental and social impact and risks from the execution of the project activities.

Table 2 Potential environmental and social impact and risks from the implementation of the project activities Phase Environmental aspects General environmental risk

assessmentPreparatory phase

Health and safety of workers and of the local population (in particular, the population living near the project location)

Local importance, short-term duration, significant importance/ magnitude

Construction phase

Health and safety of workers and the community (the residents in the immediate surrounding area, in particular)

Local importance, short-term duration, significant importance/ magnitude

Air quality Local importance, short-term duration, moderate importance/ magnitude

Noise Local importance, short-term duration, significant importance/ magnitude

Waste creation Local importance, short-term duration, significant importance/ magnitude

Impact on water and soil Local importance, short-term duration, low importance/ magnitude

Impact on the flora and fauna none Impact on the cultural heritage none

Operational phase

Waste creation Local importance, long-term duration, significant importance

Safety of employees, children and parents at entrance, stay and exiting the facility.

Local importance, long-term duration, significant importance

During the realization of the envisaged project activities (described in the sub-chapter “Project activities”), no significant environmental impact is expected. The potential impact on the environment, as well as on the health and safety of workers and of the population can be perceived through the occurrence of incidental injuries/ accidents related to the inappropriate construction site management; increased noise and air emission levels from the operations of the construction machinery and equipment; and generation of waste and its inappropriate management.

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Aspect: Health and safety of workers and local population

In location terms, the project activities shall take place in the urban area of the Kisela Voda Municipality (in the Drachevo neighborhood). For the purposes of preventing potential injuries of the employees and health risks for the local population, the Contractor shall be obliged to prepare and implement an Occupational Health and Safety Plan. In addition, the Contractor shall be obliged: 1) to fence, mark and secure the construction site with safety signalization; 2) to secure uninterrupted transport of goods and people within the subject location during the project activities through preparation and implementation of the Traffic Management Plan. Prior the commencement of the project, it is necessary to publish an Information/ Announcement on the type and duration of the project activities so as to inform the local population, wider public and to disseminate the information through the urban local community of the municipality “Boban Trpkov” (in the neighborhood Drachevo), municipal information board or the municipal website (

At the same time, as general measure for minimizing potential risks from implementation of this project phase, it is recommended for the project activities to be executed during the summer period (during the summer holidays) due to the reduced frequency of children and the local population living near the project location.

General risk/impact assessment: Potential impact on this aspect is expected to be adverse, direct, with significant importance, at local level.

Aspect: Noise In accordance with the national legislation for environmental noise protection (Official Gazette of

the Republic of Macedonia No 79/07, 124/10, 47/11 and 163/13 and 146/15) and the Rulebook on the locations of measuring stations and measuring points (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 120/08), the subject location belongs to an area of II noise protection level where the noise values shall not exceed the threshold values of 45 dB(A) for the night period and 55 dB(A) for the day and evening period. Such classification of the project location (regarding the noise protection) is in accordance with the presence of the sensitive receptors located in the vicinity - houses of the local population and the primary school Rajko Zhinzifov. Therefore, the Contractor shall be obliged to respect the proposed preventive measures in the Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on the environment, as well as the requirements pursuant with the national noise protection legislation.

Adverse noise impact is expected to occur as a result of the usage of the construction machinery and equipment at open areas, movement of vehicles during the project activities, with expected increased level of noise and vibrations generated in the environment.

General risk/impact assessment: Noise impact during the construction phase is expected to be adverse, short-term with high magnitude and of local importance.

Aspect: Air quality Air emissions are expected from the realization of project activities as a result of the project

activities in the preparatory phase and the kindergarten construction phase. During the clearing of the terrain and disposal of the earth material in the preparatory phase, fugitive air emissions are expected, as well as mobile sources of air emissions from the operations of the construction machinery. During the

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construction phase, air emissions are also expected as a result of the operations of the construction machinery to be used for transport of workers, construction material, excess earth, etc.

During the operational phase of the kindergarten, the air quality impact is expected from the heating system due to burning of the pellets as energy fuel.

The construction equipment and machinery, as well as the vehicles to be used at the project location, shall be maintained with authorized maintenance shops, shall be in accordance with the relevant standards for emissions and their speed shall be adjusted against the prescribed speed in the Traffic Plan for movement in and around the construction site. During excavation and transport of excavated earth, occurrence of dust is expected, which can be reduced or fully avoided by spraying the earth with water.

Some of the measures to be undertaken to reduce the potential air pollution are as follows: construction materials shall be kept at appropriate locations so as to reduce the dust dispersion in the environment and the vehicles and the construction machinery shall have to be regularly maintained (washing of wheels). It is necessary to appropriately cover the material being transported by the vehicles which could cause dust emissions, so as to minimize and eliminate adverse impact on the local population around the construction site.

General risk/impact assessment: Air emissions impact is assessed as local and adverse, with short-term significance.

Aspect: Management with the created waste fractions The following generated waste fractions are expected, as a result from the realization of

construction works: excavation of earth, waste from clearing of the project location alignment (vegetation, construction waste, etc.) and communal waste generated by the employees. The Bill of Quantity of the Main Design specifies the fractions and quantities of generated waste presented in Error:Reference source not found. Generated waste fractions shall have to be selected and classified in accordance with the List of Types of Waste (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 100/05). In order to meet the legal requirements for proper waste management, the Contractor shall be obliged to develop and implement a Waste Management Plan which shall define the guidelines and directions for proper management of the generated waste. In addition, the Contractor shall have to sign a Contract for collection of the generated waste by authorized entities for waste collection. In the Kisela Voda Municipality, the PCU “Komunalna higiena” from Skopje is the entity responsible for collection of the communal waste which is disposed on the Drisla landfill (located at about 4,8 km south-east of the project location).

Table 3 Assessed waste quantities from the project activities

Types of wasteWaste code in accordance with the List of

Types of Waste (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 100/05)

Waste quantity

Removal of construction waste, humus and other waste material

17 09 04 – combined construction and demolition materials not mentioned in 17 09 02 and 17 09 03

460 m3

Excavation of earth 17 05 06 – excavated earth not mentioned in 17 05 05 555 m3

According to the initial conducted field visit of the project location for construction of a kindergarten in the Kisela Voda Municipality, presence of high forest vegetation (trees) is established. It is recommended, if possible, not to cut the mentioned trees. If it cannot be avoided, appropriate vegetation is recommended to be planted, after the facility is constructed.

General risk/impact assessment: Waste management impact in the construction phase shall be adverse, short-term with significant importance and at local level.

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Aspect: Impact on surface and ground water and soil

Markova River (right tributary to the river Vardar) is passing in the extended environment of the project location (about 700 m south-west of the project location). In accordance with the Regulation for categorization of water streams, lakes, reservoirs and ground waters (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 18/99), these water streams belong to rivers of category II (river with eutrophic status, low level of organic load, high level of auto-purification, etc.). During and after completion of the project activities, temporary or final disposal of waste is prohibited (contaminated soil with motor oils from the construction machinery, etc.) near or in the riverbed of Markova River, thus avoiding the impairment of the water quality in this river recipient.

General risk/impact assessment: Water and soil impact is expected as direct, adverse at local level, with low magnitude.

Aspect: Biodiversity impact

There are no recorded protected areas of nature or endemic, endangered or relict species which could be adversely affected from the realization of the project activities in the closer environment of the project scope. The following protected areas are located in the wider project location environment in the Kisela Voda Municipality: PA Ostrovo (about 4 km north of the project location); Park-forest Vodno (about 7km west of the project location); and Park-forest Gazi Baba (at about 8,5 km north-west of the project location).

PA “Ostrovo” Park forest “Vodno”Image 14 Protected areas in the wider environment of the project location

General risk/impact assessment: Since these protected areas are located in the wider environment of the subject scope, the realization of project activities shall not cause any adverse impact on the existing biodiversity.

Aspect: Cultural heritage One of the more important localities, in terms of cultural heritage, located in the extended

environment of the subject scope, is the monastery complex “Pelenica” (at about 3 km south-west from the project location).

General risk/impact assessment: The implementation of project activities shall not cause any adverse impact on this important cultural heritage locality.

In order to avoid the adverse impact from the project implementation (described in this chapter), complying with the national legal requirements of all above-stated aspects (health and safety of workers and local population, waste, noise, air, etc.) by the Contractor is of particular importance, as well as his

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cooperation and timely communication (through regular organization of meetings) with all involved parties of the project: Mayor, Engineer, Environment Inspector, Communal Inspector, Head of Project from the Kisela Voda Municipality, MLSP Implementation Unit, employees of the kindergarten (Director, educational personnel, etc.) and other relevant persons. During the project, the Head of the Project from the Kisela Voda Municipality shall have to prepare Reports every 2 weeks and submit them to the MLSP Implementation Unit.

The tables presented below provide the impact assessment from the project activities in the construction project phase, and provide detailed descriptions of the main measures for reduction of the adverse impact on the environment media, as well as the monitoring of their implementation.

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Table 4 Impact assessment of the project activities in the construction phase Impact assessment – Construction phase

Environmental aspects


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Physical and natural elements of the environmentGround water indirect (-) low volume delayed short-term reversible potential localHydrological situation – quantity, flows or levels of rivers, small streams etc. indirect (-) low area delayed short-term non-reversible potential local

Landscape direct (+) significant area/ volume immediate Long-term non-reversible certain local

Air quality direct (-) medium area/ volume immediate short-term reversible certain local

Water quality direct (-) low area/volume immediate short-term reversible potential local

Soil pollution cumulative (-) low area delayed short-term reversible potential local

Different types of waste direct (+) significant area/ volume immediate short-term non-reversible certain local

Chemicals / motor oils direct (-) medium area delayed short-term reversible potential localBiodiversity indirect (-) low area immediate short-term reversible potential localSocial issues New employment direct (+) medium dispersion delayed Long-term non-reversible certain local

Occupational safety and health direct (-) significant dispersion immediate Long-term non-reversible certain local

Local economy development direct (+) medium dispersion immediate Long-term non-reversible certain regional

Noise and vibrations direct (-) significant dispersion immediate Long-term non-reversible certain local

Community development direct (+) significant dispersion delayed Long-term non-reversible certain regional


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Table 5 Impact assessment of the project activities in the operational phase Impact assessment – Construction phase

Environmental aspects


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Physical and natural elements of the environment

Different types of waste direct (+) significant area/ volume immediate long-term non-reversible certain local

Social issues

New employment direct (+) significant dispersion delayed Long-term non-reversible certain local

Regular health controls of the employees direct (+) significant dispersion delayed Long-term non-reversible certain local

Maintenance of the new facility direct (+) significant dispersion delayed Long-term non-reversible certain local

Local economy development direct (+) medium dispersion immediate Long-term non-reversible certain regional

Community development direct (+) significant dispersion immediate Long-term non-reversible certain regional


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda


Potential impact Degree of impact Proposed mitigation measures Responsible person

Project activity: Fencing/marking of the project location and placement of safety signalization along the construction site alignment in the Kisela Voda Municipality

Aspect: Health and safety of workers and of the local population

Potential risks and adverse impact could occur as a result of: Unsecured

commencement of the construction works;

Injuries while passing near the project location;

Non-compliance with the occupational safety and health measures;

Inappropriate access to the construction site in the Kisela Voda Municipality;

Local impact level / within the subject scope in the Drachevo neighborhood

Short-term during the preparatory activities / construction phase of the project for construction of a kindergarten in the M. Kisela Voda

Significant importance

Implementation of activities during project location marking shall include:- Preparation, approval and implementation of the Occupational

safety and health plan and Safety plan for the local population for the purposes of minimizing the occurrence of injuries / accidents of the workers and the local population before the beginning of the construction activities;

- Preparation, approval and implementation of the Traffic Management Plan so as to enable good traffic communication within the construction site in the Drachevo neighborhood before the beginning of the construction activities;;

- Provision of information through the municipal Information Board and through the website of the municipality ( in relation with the construction activities – their commencement and completion for each day, location for their realization and their duration;

- Application of Good Construction Practice during the construction activities, including:

- Securing of proper marking of the construction location for realization of the project activities:

- Placement of signalization signs near the project location;- Securing of strips and warning signs (for example “authorized

personnel only” within the construction site); - Placement of an Information Board at the project location with

general data on the project, Contractor and the Engineer;

150 Euro

200 Euro

Contractor Engineer Authorized persons

from the Kisela Voda Municipality (Communal inspector and Environment inspector)



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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Potential impact Degree of impact Proposed mitigation measures Responsible person

- Facilitated access for the local population to their homes during the construction activities in the Kisela Voda Municipality;

- Obligatory application of health and safety measures: fencing of the construction site, usage of appropriate protective clothing and equipment by the employees, warning signs for the local population near the subject location, maintenance of proper hygiene level – placement of washing facilities at the project location, health protection – first aid kit and medical services at the construction location, etc.;

- Organize 24-hour guard watch of the site; - Installation of mobile toilets at visible place and their regular

cleaning;- Construction machinery and equipment shall be operated only by the

experienced and trained personnel so as to reduce the risk from accidents;

- Presence of a person responsible for OSH at the location;- It is obligatory to have firefighting devices continuously in place in

case of fire or other damages;- All workers shall be introduced to the fire dangers, shall apply the fire

protection measures and shall be trained to handle the fire-extinguishers, hydrants and other fire extinguishing devices;

700 Euro/monthly for safeguard

500 Euro/monthly maintenance – 100 Euro per emptying

Project activities: Construction of a kindergarten in the Drachevo neighborhood, Kisela Voda Municipality

Aspect: Air quality

Potential emissions from the transportation vehicles and impact on the air quality within the construction site:- emission of gases

with dust particles and emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2 from mobile sources (vehicles and construction machinery)

Near the project location with local impact level

Short-term duration/ Moderate significance/ magnitude

Limited vehicle speed within the construction location Use of protective masks by the workers; The vehicles and construction machinery shall be well maintained and

shall be in accordance with the relevant emission standards; Regular maintenance of the vehicles and construction machinery so as to

reduce motor oil leak, emissions and expansion of pollution; The dust-emitting cargo transported with the vehicles shall be covered; The construction location, transportation roads and locations where

materials are being handled shall be sprayed with water during dry and windy days, especially because of the existing kindergarten and because the location is within an individual housing area;

The construction materials shall be kept covered at proper locations so as to reduce dusting;

Waste incineration at open areas is not allowed;

/ Contractor Engineer

Aspect: Noise level Local impact level/ along the subject

Since the project location is characterized by high sensitivity level in terms of increased noise protection (housing facilities and existing

The workers are going to wear

Contractor Engineer


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Potential impact Degree of impact Proposed mitigation measures Responsible person

Potential distortion from noise and vibrations resulting from the machinery and vehicles used for excavation of earth, transport of workers, construction material and waste

scope alignment

Short-term/ Significant importance

kindergarten), it belongs to II noise protection level area, with threshold values from 45 dB(A) for the night, up to 55 dB(A) during the day;

Noise level shall not exceed the allowed level in accordance with the existing laws;

Noise level monitoring shall be performed during the realization of the construction activities;

Construction activities shall not be executed during the night period; Operations in the location shall be limited for the period from 7:00 to

19:00 hours; The workers shall be supplied with ear protection equipment (plugs

and/or muffs).

regular noise protective devices

Aspect: Waste management Potential adverse environmental and health impact could occur as a result from the creation of different types of waste and their inappropriate handlingInappropriate handling of waste and untimely waste collection and transport

Local impact level / within the project location

Short-term during construction of the kindergarten

Significant importance

Preparation, approval and implementation of the Waste Management Plan;

Identification of different waste fractions at the project location (earth, food, paper, etc.);

Waste classification and selection according to the national List of Waste (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No 100/05);

The main waste shall be classified according to the Chapter for waste 17 “Waste from construction and demolition (including excavated soil) with code 17 05 06 – excavated earth not mentioned in 17 05 05) and 17 09 03 – combined construction and demolition materials not mentioned in 17 09 02 and 17 09 03;

Designation of locations for temporary disposal of the generated waste and placement of waste disposal containers;

The transport and final disposal of inert and communal waste is performed by the PCU “Komunalna higiena” from Skopje which is the entity responsible for collection of the communal waste and it disposes it on the Drisla landfill (located at about 4,8 km south-east of the project location).

Potential hazardous waste (motor oil, vehicle fuel, excavated earth containing dangerous substances) shall be collected separately and Contract shall be concluded with a sub-contractor authorized to collect and transport hazardous waste for transport and final disposal of the hazardous waste;

Incineration of the generated waste is prohibited.

500-700 Euro Contractor Engineer Mayor of the Kisela

Voda Municipality PCU “Komunalna

higiena” Skopje

Aspect: Water quality

Potential impairment of the quality of Markova river (II class pursuant

Local / at about 700 m south-west of the project location

Short-term during

Prohibited disposal of different waste fractions in or near the riverbed of Markova River. In addition, it is not allowed to implement construction works such as: removal of vegetation, river water level and water regime changes, etc.

/ Contractor Engineer Authorized persons

from the Kisela Voda Municipality


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Potential impact Degree of impact Proposed mitigation measures Responsible person

with the national legislation for classification of water bodies) through disposal of generated waste fractions

construction of the kindergarten

Low importance

(Communal inspector and Environment inspector)

Project activities: Operational phase (functioning) of the kindergarten in the Drachevo neighborhood, Kisela Voda Municipality

Aspect: Safety of children, parents, and employees in the kindergarten

Inappropriate traffic signalization within the kindergarten could contribute to occurrence of accidents/ injuries of the local population

Regular maintenance of the facility and prevention in case of fire

Local impact / within the newly-built kindergarten Long-term effect

Significant importance

Placement of appropriate traffic signalization in the vicinity of the new kindergarten and compliance with the placed traffic signalization by:

- the local population (drivers moving near the kindergarten); - children and parents visiting the children’s institution on daily basis;

Installed FF devices; Development and implementation of a Fire Prevention Plan which shall

define the potential risks and sources of fire and measures to prevent fast spreading of fire and smoke;

Preparation of an Evacuation Plan in case of accidents; Development and implementation of a Plan for Preventive Maintenance

which shall refer to the preventive and regular maintenance so as to secure proper functioning of the overall infrastructure in the new kindergarten (sewage, storm water sewage, water supplying system, heating devices, etc.);

200 Euro

400 Euro

Regular kindergarten maintenance

Mayor of the Municipality Kisela Voda

Director and employees of the kindergarten

Aspect: Waste management

Inappropriate management with generated waste fractions (collection, transport and final disposal)

Local impact / within the newly-built kindergarten

Long-term effect

Significant importance

Conclusion of a Contract with the PCU “Komunalna higiena” from Skopje for collection and transport of communal waste (in accordance with the List of waste with code 20);

Waste classification according to the national List of Waste (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No 100/05)

Waste selection (paper, plastic, etc.) and conclusion of a Contract with an authorized entity for collection and handling of each waste fraction;

Introduction of educational contents for waste management (selection, recycling, etc.) of the older child groups in the kindergarten by the employees;

/ Director and employees of the kindergarten

PCU “Komunalna higiena” from Skopje

The implementation of the project for construction of a new facility for accommodation of preschool children is expected to have overall positive impact (more space, facility with high energy-efficiency features, energy savings, reduction of the emissions of greenhouse gases). This shall be achieved through the use of materials and elements with energy-efficient properties (in accordance with the Main Design for construction of a kindergarten):

Installation of a boiler on pellets; Installation of solar panels; Installation of innovative façade material (so-called photocatalytic façade) with purification properties – smog-absorbing (equivalent to 40 trees)


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Potential impact Degree of impact Proposed mitigation measures Responsible person

which shall be self-purifying.


Which parameter shall

be followed?

Whereshall the parameter be


Howshall the

parameter be followed?

Whenshall the

parameter be followed

(measuring frequency)?

Why shall the parameter

be followed?

Costs Responsibility Construction Function Construction of

a kindergarten Operational phase

of the kindergarten

Project activity: Fencing/marking of the project location and placement of safety signalization along the construction site alignment in the Kisela Voda Municipality Application of the measures for protection and safety of the local population and the occupational health and safety measures (OH&S)

Around the construction site (near the subject location and the houses of the local population)

Visual inspection At the commencement of the construction activities (first day)

Each working day during the project activities

To reduce the risks for the health and safety of workers and of the local population

Included in the budget for construction of the kindergarten

Contractor – Bidder / Engineer/Municipal personnel (Communal inspector for environment)

Representatives of the kindergarten

Project activities: Construction of a kindergarten in the Drachevo neighborhood, Kisela Voda MunicipalitySafe realization of traffic through the inhabited area (diverting traffic at the streets around the construction location)

At the construction location in the Drachevo neighborhood

Visual monitoring During the rush hour (8 - 9.00/16.30-17.30 h)

To ensure coordinated traffic regime

Included in the Contractors bid

Environment inspector of the municipality together with theTransport engineer from the Municipality


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Which parameter shall

be followed?

Whereshall the parameter be


Howshall the

parameter be followed?

Whenshall the

parameter be followed

(measuring frequency)?

Why shall the parameter

be followed?

Costs Responsibility Construction Function Construction of

a kindergarten Operational phase

of the kindergarten

of Kisela Voda Exposure to high noise from the vehicles, machinery and electrical tools and equipment

Within the subject scope in the Kisela Voda Municipality

Control of technical specifications in terms of noise from the vehicles, machinery, and equipment used for outdoor operations

Monitoring of the noise level dB (А) with appropriate calibrated instruments

Prior the commencement of the construction activities (first day) for all vehicles and equipment

On regular basis, during the construction activities, through construction site visits

To protect the workers against exposure to high noise level, taking into account the technical specifications of the equipment and duration of the outdoor operationsTo establish whether the noise level is above / below the allowed sound level for such area

Envisaged in the costs for construction of the kindergarten

Contractor - Company authorized to perform measuring of the noise level, hired by the Contractor

supervision by theEnvironment inspector who collects the noise level measuring results

Initial selection of waste at the construction location

Within the construction site in Drachevo

Control of the documentation – establishing the type of waste according to the List of Waste

At beginning during work with new material(s)

To separate the hazardous from the non-hazardous waste as well as the inert from the biodegradable waste

Included in the budget for the construction phase of the project

Contractor – Bidder


Collection, transport and final disposal of the solid waste

On and around the construction location in the Kisela Voda Municipality

Visual monitoring and control of transport and waste lists of the sub-contractor

On regular daily basis, following the collection and transport of solid waste

So as to not leave the waste on the location, thus avoiding the impact on the environment and the health of the residentsTo have actual data on the generated waste and to improve its management

Envisaged in the costs for the Bill of Quantity

Contractor – Bidder who shall sign a Contract with an authorized company for collection, transport and disposal of solid waste


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Which parameter shall

be followed?

Whereshall the parameter be


Howshall the

parameter be followed?

Whenshall the

parameter be followed

(measuring frequency)?

Why shall the parameter

be followed?

Costs Responsibility Construction Function Construction of

a kindergarten Operational phase

of the kindergarten

Completed Report for collection, transport and disposal of waste

At the construction site

Control of documentation – List for identification of waste

Following the completion of the collection, transport and temporary and final waste disposal

To improve the waste management at local and state levelFor harmonization with the national legal requirements

In accordance with the budget for construction of the facility

Investor Mayor of the Municipality Kisela Voda

Dust level – small particles

At the construction site

Visual monitoring and measuring instruments

During sunny and dry days

To avoid and reduce the dust concentration in the air and to reduce the health risk for the employees and residents

Included in the Contractors bid

Contractor – Bidder and authorized company for measuring the dust level

Potential adverse impact on the quality and the good environmental status of Markova river through disposal of different waste fractions in or near its riverbed

At about 700 m south-west of the project location

Visual control of the riverbed of Markova river

During project activities (once a week)

In order to prevent impairment of the good environmental status for II class river in accordance with the Regulation for categorization of water streams, lakes, reservoirs and ground water (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No 18/99)

In accordance with the budget for construction of the kindergarten

Contractor – Bidder

Environment inspector

Monitoring the work activities of the Contractor

At the project location and in its surrounding area

Visual inspection During project activities (in the construction phase)

Establishing the situation of realization of the construction phase of the project (whether the project activities are realized in accordance with the foreseen dynamics

Included in the construction phase costs

Contractor- Head of Project from the Kisela Voda Municipality

Project Management Unit in


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Which parameter shall

be followed?

Whereshall the parameter be


Howshall the

parameter be followed?

Whenshall the

parameter be followed

(measuring frequency)?

Why shall the parameter

be followed?

Costs Responsibility Construction Function Construction of

a kindergarten Operational phase

of the kindergarten

including all environment protection measures and OSH)

cooperation with the Expert for environment and social issues

Project activities: Operational phase of the new kindergarten in the Drachevo neighborhood, Kisela Voda Municipality Permit for use of the new facility

Investor/Engineer Control of the required documentation – Report for performed technical control by the Engineer

Prior the commissioning of the new kindergarten

To establish whether the new facility is a construction-technical and functional entirety which meets the standards pursuant with the national legislation in the field of construction.

In accordance with the Investor’s budget

Investor Engineer

Quality of drinking water

Prior the commissioning of the kindergarten, it is necessary to establish the drinking water quality by an Accredited Laboratory for testing drinking water

Laboratory equipment for physical – chemical analysis and microbiological analysis of the drinking water quality

Prior the commissioning of the kindergarten

To secure distribution of high-quality drinking water for the children by minimizing the health risks from waterborne diseases

Included in the costs for commissioning of the new facility

Municipal personnel/Representatives of the kindergarten Accredited laboratory for analysis of drinking water

Fire Protection Plan (including the Evacuation Plan) for the newly-built kindergarten

Prior the commencement of operation of the kindergarten

Control of the plan / Review of the Plan

At the commencement of operations of the kindergarten

To secure that all fire protection measures have been applied

Municipal personnel (Communal inspector for environment)

Employees of the kindergarten

Plan for regular and preventive

Prior the commencement of

Overview of the plan

At the commencement of

To ensure proper implementation of

Included in the

Municipal personnel


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Which parameter shall

be followed?

Whereshall the parameter be


Howshall the

parameter be followed?

Whenshall the

parameter be followed

(measuring frequency)?

Why shall the parameter

be followed?

Costs Responsibility Construction Function Construction of

a kindergarten Operational phase

of the kindergarten

maintenance operation of the kindergarten

operations of the kindergarten

the measures pertaining to preventive and regular maintenance, procurement of spare parts, replacement of old parts which shall reduce the defects, increase the duration of the equipment and shall ensure continuous and safe functioning of the kindergarten

maintenance budget for the new facility

(Communal inspector for environment)

Employees of the kindergarten

Health status of the kindergarten employees

In premises of the authorized health institution in the field of occupational medicine

Through regular health controls by an authorized health institution in the field of occupational medicine (Center for Public Health, Skopje) Control of the health records of the employees by the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate

In accordance with the dynamics prescribed with the national occupational health and safety legislation

To prevent / minimize health risks against diseases for the children’s population in the kindergarten and the employees

Included in the annual budget of the kindergarten

Director and employees of the kindergarten

Authorized health institution in the field of occupational medicine

State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate


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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Annex 1 Minutes of Meeting for the Public Hearing Event to inform citizens and stakeholders about the activities for construction of a new kindergarten and the document "Initial Limited Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Aspects for Construction of a New Kindergarten" in Kisela Voda Municipality held on 09.08.2019


1. Presentation of the “Social Services Improvement Project” by Natasa T. Stojanovska

2. Presentation of "Basic Project for Construction of Kindergarten" by Maja Daskalovska

3. Presentation of “Initial Limited Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for New Kindergarten Construction”

4. Questions and answers5. Other

The invitation for the public hearing as well as relevant documents were posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and on the website of the Municipality of Kisela Voda so that those interested had the opportunity to see the documents and get acquainted with the planned activities. The public debate was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, representatives of the Municipality of Kisela Voda, employees of kindergartens, employees of the Center for Social Work Kisela Voda and citizens of the Municipality of Kisela Voda. (attached to the document is a list of attendees – Annex 1).The public hearing was held in the Municipality of Kisela Voda on 09 August 2019 at 11:00.Photos from the presented audience are shown in Annex 2.Тhe participants expressed their gratitude for the realization of a project that is more than needed and implemented after so many years. Most of the questions asked was regarding the types of rooms that will be within the new kindergarten, does the boiler capacity will meet the heating needs, what will be capacity of the kindergarten regarding the accommodation of children, when will construction begin and what is the deadline for construction? All questions were answered by the MLSP representatives in order to convince the audience that the kindergarten will be built on the latest standards, with best materials and this will increase capacity to accommodate children in the Municipality of Kisela Voda.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

The LESIA document was presented by the Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist. No remarks/comments were recorded by the participants in terms of the environment.

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

List of attendance on public hearing event in Municipality of Kisela Voda

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INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Page 43: · Web viewJULY – AUGUST 2019INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT"Category B+" PROJECTConstruction of a new kindergarten – Municipality of

INITIAL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT "Category B+" PROJECT – Construction of new kindergarten – Municipality of Kisela Voda

Photos from the public hearing event held in Municipality of Kisela Voda

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