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Page 1: Club Garibaldi News · Club Garibaldi News November 2015 ... a HUGE thanks to David Da Vanzo who was instrumental in getting together a fairly new team, ... Club Garibaldi, ...

Club Garibaldi News

November 2015

Club Garibaldi PO Box 6451, Wellington

[email protected] Note from the President

Trophy finally back in Wellington! When I was young and we would have steak for dinner, I always left the mashed potatoes and peas till last, because for me, that was the best part. And this year Club Garibaldi did just that when we held our final social event of the year on 7 November – in my opinion, we certainly saved the best till last! Although Michael DeGregorio will recap the soccer game later in this newsletter, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who played a part in helping us make the 20th soccer game between Club Italia and Garibaldi, such a success both on and off the field. Firstly, a HUGE thanks to David Da Vanzo who was instrumental in getting together a fairly new team, with of course, some of our old familiar players. And to Michael De Gregorio who coached the side. Thanks to all the boys who took part in the game. Your dedication, commitment and passion was outstanding. It was so nice to see the camaraderie between teams and players of both clubs. Thanks to Josephine Van der Donk and the social committee, the Executive committee and others who spent hours decorating the Club (which by the way looked fantastic), heating the food and getting it out on the tables and cleaning up the mess afterwards. Thanks to all Members and friends that came along, brought lots of fantastic food and made this event the great party that it was. Thanks again to our sponsors – Interislander; Fratelli Restaurant; Mediterranean Food Warehouse, Newtown; Newtown Fish Market; Joe & Maria Di Leva; Island Bay Little Italy and Fish Finns. Your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Ambassador Carmelo for taking part and supporting this event.

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Thanks to the junior members of the Club who took part in the curtain raiser. Twelve promising players displayed great talent. They were personally congratulated by Ambassador Carmelo, and presented with a goodie bag after their game. Thanks to Angelo Moreno who kept the game under control. We have received some wonderful feedback from those who attended. Photos and story of the day appear later in this newsletter. Ciao for now – Linda Match Report: Club Garibaldi vs Club Italia – Mission AcCUPlished By Michael DeGregorio

Fantastico! The Aldo Cuccurullo Memorial Trophy will now spend the next 12 months (and longer we hope) housed in the Club Garibaldi clubrooms following our 1-0 win in the 20th annual football game against Club Italia. This was Club Garabaldi’s first win since 2008 and sees the return of the trophy to Wellington after five long years. It is fair to say, the team, Club and their supporters were pleased to see the trophy return. The game was played in typical Wellington conditions, beautiful sunshine with a slight northerly breeze. We started the game brightly with Raffaele, Anton, Giancarlo bossing the midfield and Luciano closing their defenders down. On the flanks we started with Carlo on the right and Matt on the left. Across the back we had Dave, Michael, Paul and Antonino with Jacques in goal. The team was a good mix of experience and youth. In the first 20 or so minutes we created some chances to open the scoring but were unable to take advantage and were generally solid(-ish) at the back apart from the odd time that Joe Lupi used his blistering pace to get in behind the defence. In the second 20 or so minutes of the first half Club Italia started to get more into the game and had some good chances to score but fortunately for us they failed to capitalise on them. At the end of the first half the score was nil all. In the second half we played into the breeze, but given our fitness, number of subs and youth, this wasn’t going to pose too much of an issue. Again, the game flowed from end to end and while the commitment was abundant (e.g. crunching tackle from Dion on George), it lacked a little bit of quality. We finally broke the deadlock midway through the second half via a nice finish from Luciano after a splendid pass from Dion. 1 nil up with 25 minutes odd minutes to go, was it too early for catennaccio? We’ve been in this position before – (remember last year) so knew we had to keep playing until the final whistle. After some nervous moments towards the end of the game, including a lovely run from George Molnar (again reminiscent of last year) that was brilliantly intercepted by Giancarlo, we held on and secured our win.

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Queue, start the celebrations – for some long into the night. All members of the team performed superbly but the Club Garibaldi player of the day was Luciano Colucci. The players representing the Club in the game were: Jacques Cuccurullo, Carlo Petagna, Marco Costa, Antonino De Gregorio, Giancarlo Cuccurullo, Michael De Gregorio, Michele Domaneschi, David Da Vanzo, Raffaele De Gregorio, Luciano Colucci, Matt Dicken, Anton Di Leva, Paul Muollo, Justin Palmer, Dion Laney, Roberto Colnago, Dominic Esposito and Tony Volpicelli. While it was great to secure the win (and keep Dominic Palumbo quiet for about 10 minutes) the result was secondary, as it is day to get together with our friends and family from Nelson to celebrate our shared heritage and the sporting spirit of a young man. It was wonderful to see two of the original players from the 1995 game – Francis Miccio (only person to have played in all 20 games) and Tony Moreno – attend the celebrations and cut the anniversary cake. While the day was superb, there were some familiar faces missing this year including PJ Lupi and we look forward to catching up with them in Nelson next year. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank Club Italia, Francis, George and their players and all the supporters who joined us from Nelson. I would also like to thank Club Garibaldi, Linda & John De Gregorio, Dave Da Vanzo, Tony Volpicelli, Maria Colucci, the Garibaldi players and all those that provided food on the night. A special mention about the amazing team in the kitchen at the Club – your efforts are truly appreciated. And finally our thanks to all the supporters from both clubs, for making this another memorable day to celebrate a fantastic individual and maintain that special bond Children’s Christmas Party

The children’s Christmas party will be held at the Club on Sunday 22nd of November 2015 starting at 11am-2pm, for children aged 10 years and under.

This promises to be a fun-filled, creative and magical experience for kids, followed by lunch and a visit from Santa. Please contact either Josephine (934 8720), or Maria (383 8602) if your child would like to take part. Please note that only current financial Members can attend and it is important that you let us know you are coming, so we can cater for your child. RSVP: by 18 November – Please make sure you provide a wrapped gift for your child with their name on it, valued at no more than $15 and put under the Christmas tree. Thanks.

Seniors Christmas Luncheon

The annual senior members’ Christmas lunch will be held at the Club on Sunday 29th November. Please contact Josephine (934 8720), or Maria (383 8602) to book your seat ASAP.

Lunch will be provided with one complimentary drink. Cash bar available & raffles.

Il Coro Italiano The last singing practice for the year will be held on Saturday 21 November at 2.30 pm.

Melhop Trust Award Club Garibaldi, which administers the Melhop Trust, invites applications for funding from eligible students. Applicants should be no older than 30 years at the time of application and be engaged, or about to engage, in a formal course of study provided by a recognized educational establishment in one or more of the following fields, namely: language and literature, including the publication of Italian migrant histories, vocal and instrumental music, the graphic arts or architecture and engineering. Applications close on 31 January 2016 with any successful applicant to be advised shortly afterwards.

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Applications, citing the course of academic study or project and demonstrating the applicant's Italian heritage, are to be sent in writing to the secretary, Club Garibaldi, PO Box 6451, Wellington 6141 or [email protected]. The criteria for this annual award is available on request from the secretary, Caterina Costa.

Children’s Italian Classes: 2016 Would you like your child to learn the Italian language? If so, we have a wonderful teacher Eleonora Bello, who is keen to help them learn. Club Garibaldi gives great discounts to its members for classes. To find out more, and to register your child/ren, please contact the club via our email. The first classes will begin in February 2016, so get in quick to avoid disappointment.

"A Night at the Garibaldi” – Awhimai Fraser Benefit Both March performances are now SOLD OUT. Waiting list enquiries to Rex Da Vanzo on 977 7609.

Bus Trip 2016 – Destination, Rotorua Next year the Bus Trip will travel to Rotorua – land of geysers, hot pools and great tourist attractions. Travel time is the first week in February 2016, so keep that week free for now. To register your interest, please contact Maria on phone 383 8602 ASAP.

COM.IT.ES Mailing List If you would like to join the Comites database in order to receive information from them, please visit their website to sign up to their mailing list. COM.IT.ES Administrative Volunteers The Comites are looking to co-opt a NZ born Italian to serve on their committee. A brief description of what is involved follows – for more information please contact their website. Service as a Com.It.Es volunteer member entails attending meetings (five in 2016); supporting the executive with admin and organisational tasks; receiving requests from the community; supporting initiatives that fall within the Committee’s mandate; looking into legal and admin documents in both English and Italian in order to do so appropriately. The Committee operates both through videoconference and through formal open meetings to which the Italian community is invited. Reasonable travelling expenses are reimbursed and factored in our future budget. We are a positive and committed working team, animated by a desire to be of service, and meetings are held in Italian. Anyone interested is welcome to visit the website to gain a better understanding of our group and the way it operates:

Radio Cartolina Programme for December/January

1 December: Crossing Rachmaninoff, with the Italian pianist Flavio Villani and New Zealander Rebecca Tansley, film director. The documentary of this title was screened at the International Film Festival this year. It follows the preparation and the presentation of a celebrated and difficult concert held in Calabria, as well as telling Flavio’s personal and professional story.

16 December: Sandra Giusti and Axel Castigli work as guides in Arezzo, and in the wider context of Italy and Europe, specializing in all aspects of history, art history, and food. They talk about their fascinating job and give useful suggestions on what to look for, when planning that special trip.

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30 December: Titina Merolla, a true Neapolitan lady, talks about the rituals and food of New Year’s Eve in Naples, and the Neapolitan songs of Lina Sastri. It’s Cartolina’s way of wishing “Thank you for listening, and Buon Anno a Tutti!” 13 and 27 January 2016: this year our summer series is about “The Italian Connections”: the stories, songs and favourite recipes of Cartolina’s Sponsors, who are either Italian or connected with Italy. Our fundraising is going well, but we still need help to cover all of Cartolina’s broadcasting fees. If interested in adding your business, or your private contribution, please contact the Christchurch Dante Society: [email protected] Grazie in anticipo! For details on the Italian Connection series, please look at the Dante or Italian FB pages. As usual all programmes are available via internet live or in podcast from: Cartolina producers Wilma Laryn and Denis Walker wish you all Buon Ascolto, Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! Travelling to Italy Soon? Did you know that Emirates now fly direct to Bologna daily from Auckland and Christchurch? For more information contact your nearest travel agent. Dates for your Diary

Saturday, 21 November (2.30pm) Il Coro Italiano Practice (Club Garibaldi)

Sunday, 22 November (11am) Children’s Christmas Party

Sunday, 29 November (11.45am) Senior Christmas Luncheon

Thursday, 3 December Cancer Foundation Diplomatic Charity Ball

February 2016 Annual Club Bus Trip Rotorua

Friday 4 & Saturday 5 March 2016 ‘A Night at the Garibaldi’ – Awhimai Fraser Benefit

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Back Row L-R:

Marco Costa, Dion Laney, Matt Dicken, Antonino DeGregorio, Carlo Petagna, Roberto Colnago, Michele Domaneschi, Giancarlo Cuccurullo, Justin Palmer, Dominic Esposito.

Front Row L-R:

Jacques Cuccurullo, Luciano Colucci, Antony Volpicelli, Anton DiLeva, David Da Vanzo (c) Michael DeGregorio, Paul Muollo

Absent: Raffaele DeGregorio

“… It is with a great deal of gratitude and appreciation that we participate once again in the 20th anniversary of the Aldo Cuccurullo memorial soccer match between Club Italia and Club Garibaldi. Few events have helped unite our extended families better and this fixture is an important activity that helps draw in our members and bind a naturally fragmenting community. On behalf of Club Italia I would like to extend our thanks to the players, organisers, and supporters who continue to participate in this wonderful and important community event.

Win or lose, this years game marks another special occasion for both clubs and we encourage all Club Garibaldi members to come along to next years event to be held in Nelson; we will do our best to make your stay in our sunny city memorable. salute a tutti…..

John Esposito- President, Club Italia Nelson

“…Club Garibaldi is delighted to host the 20th soccer match between our two clubs. Who would have thought all those years ago when a soccer match between the two clubs was just an idea, that it would actually happen and we would be here 20 years later still playing? What a great milestone, and a great credit to past and present players and organisers. The Italians in Wellington and Nelson have always shared a very special bond – whether it be through family ties, the Italian Clubs, marriage or just good friendships, and today’s event helps reinforce that special bond…”

Linda DeGregorio, President Club Garibaldi

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Tony Moreno and Francis Miccio.

L-R: Alfonso Basile, John Esposito, Mikey Musso

The upcoming soccer players for Club Garibaldi.

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