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PRESENTATION ONCLOUD SOLUTIONSBY:Manoj Kr. Guragai(069-MSCS-658)Krishna Pd. Neupane(069-MSCS-657)INTRODUCTION:The cloud application architecture brings together the business services, security, infrastructure and integration required for an optimal solution.Cloud services represent any type of IT capability i.e. provided by the cloud service provider to cloud service consumers.Here, solution indicates over-coming mechanism from the trouble created using IT services provided by the cloud.BRIEF OVER VIEW OF TOPIC:Cloud Solution TerminologiesCloud EcosystemCloud Business Process ManagementCloud Service ManagementOn-premise cloud orchestration& provisioning EngineComputing on Demand (COD)Cloud SourcingTERMINOLOGY:Cloud application planning: The design and development of cloud application requires many unique considerations:Business functions .Application architecture.Security for cloud computing.Cloud delivery model.User experience.Development, testing and run-time environment . CONTINUE.BSS :Business Support Service are the components that cloud operators use to run their business operations.

Customers orders, managing customer data, billing, rating, and offering services are the activities related to BSS. CONTINUE:OSS : Operational Support Services(OSS) are computer systems used by cloud service providers.OSS describes network systems dealing with n/w itself, supporting processes such as maintaining n/w inventory, provisioning services, configuration n/w components &managing faults. CLOUD ECOSYSTEM

CLOUD BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT :BPM governs an organizations cross-functional, customer focused, end-to-end core business processes.The cloud environment can help in the following ways: Integration of business Value-focused efficiency Continuous Cultural CONTINUE.BPM is divided into two sections:

Identifying BPM opportunities

Cloud Technical Strategy CLOUD RELATED CASES:IaaS based

PaaS based

SLA based(Application cloud) (Service Level Agreement)

SaaS based(To end user)CLOUD SERVICE MANAGEMENT:A service management system provides the visibility, control and automation needed for efficient cloud delivery in both public and private implementations.Simplify user interaction with IT.Enable policies to lower cost with provisioning.Increase system administrator productivity.KEY CLOUD SOLUTION CHARACTERISTICS:The essential cloud orchestrator and engine key characteristics capabilities are:

ScalabilityHigh AvailabilityApplication Life-CycleMulti-tenancy/Role based AdministrationPoliciesAlarmsApplication Awareness and Policy based allocationResource Awareness and policy based allocationElasticity based on performanceReporting and AccountingService PortalON PREMISE CLOUD ORCHESTRATION AND PROVISIONING ENGINE:

COMPUTING ON DEMAND(CoD):On demand computing is the need of the hour.It is very essential even in a super computing environment.Cloud uses the virtualization concept so on-demand computing can be implemented using various virtualization techniques.CONTINUE.

CONTINUE..For on-demand computing following options are necessary:


On-Demand CPU/Memory/VM Resources

Dynamic CapacityCLOUD SOURCING:Cloud sourcing means outsourcing the end to end solution using cloud methodology using public cloud, infrastructure and platforms.Cloud sourcing includes the whole cloud implementations, IT business consulting, integration, and configuration of the business.Real deployment of the cloud sourcing will require the business model with the impact on cloud customer and cloud vendor requirements. BIBLOGRAPHY:Cloud Computing By DR. Kumar SaurabhCloud Computing By Bible THANK YOU ! !! !!! ANY QUESTION. ? .?