Download - Clinical Report Sidra

  • 8/6/2019 Clinical Report Sidra


    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    Name: ABC

    Age: 43

    Gender: Female

    Education: Primary

    Marital status: Married

    Husbands Name: XYZ

    Husbands Occupation: OGDC Employee

    No. of Children: 8, 2 daughters and 6 sons

    No. of Siblings: 6

    Birth order: 3rd one

    Father: Dead

    Mother: Alive

    Mothers Occupation: House Wife

    Family Monthly Income: 35,000

    Religion: Islam


    The client has been brought into the psychiatry ward of shifa international hospital by her

    husband for showing complaints such as i-e headache, back pain, loss of appetite, lack of

    sleep, losing control, fear of heart attack, fatigue or loss of energy, lack of interest in all

    pleasurable activities, low mood.

    Presenting complaints:

    The client has been suffering from these complaints for last 4 months.

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    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    According to the client:

    Following symptoms has been observed according to the DSM-4 TR (2000).

    y Losing controly Having a heart attacky Going crazyy Insomniay Low moody Fatigue or loss of energyy Restlessnessy Lack of interest in all activities


    Client belongs to a middle class family a having a nuclear family system. It has

    been reported by the client that she has 3 brothers and 3 sisters and she is on 3rd


    Her father was died when she was 35 years old and her mother is still alive. Her parents

    were very caring and loving and her relation with her siblings was quite good.

    Client reported that no one in her family suffering from this problem. She is the only one

    who suffers from this problem.

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    Client gets married 24 years ago with her first cousin. Her marriage was an

    arrange marriage. She is living with her husband and children. Her husband is working in

    OGDC and they belong to a middle socio-economic status.

    Client reported that currently her relation with her husband and children is notmuch good. Before this problem her relation with her husband and child was quite good.


    It has been informed by the client that her birth was normal. Her relation with her parents

    was caring and loveable especially she was quite attached with her mother. It has been

    reported by client that in her childhood, she was so quiet person, she made friend but

    rarely. She didnt like to play with everyone.

    Client reported that her mother told her when she was 1 year old, she had some

    problem in her leg and due to this reason she cant walk easily (she started walk at the

    age of 1 but suddenly she suffered with that problem). Her parent didnt take her to

    doctor, they show her to baba and after 6 months she started walk normally. After that

    she had never suffer from this kind of problem.

    She studied at primary level, she told that she was good in her study and get good marks

    in exams. She had not enough friends because she remain quiet in her class, she dont like

    to talk to others or made friends. She also told that she wanted to study further but her

    parents didnt allow her because there was no concept of education for girls in her family

    thats why she couldnt study further.


    Client was in complete state of health 4 months back when her problem started becauseof weakness in her body, headache, lack of sleep, loss of appetite and lack of interest in

    all activities.

    Client reported that 4 months before she attend the event of muharam, when she was

    listening the lecture of ALIM, during the lecture she feel uncomfortable and started

    sweating. She suddenly losing control on herself and become faint within 10 minutes.

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    Then her family took her to shifa hospital in emergency after 3 days she had been

    discharged. Her reports were cleared there was no any medical illness.

    After that day she started fear to go outside or to meet any one.

    she reported that she had a fear that if she go outside, again this will happen with her, so

    she try to avoid to go outside in gathering or public place. She further told that now she

    dont like any one not even her husband and children. She said that she was quite

    religious, but now she cant properly offer prayer.

    Premorbid personality:

    Before the onset of the problem, the client was quite social and interactive, has much

    interest in different activities like stitching, and cooking, and she also stitched clothes



    Client appearance was quite normal and looking neat and clean. She was very

    communicative and talkative. She was also very co-operative in giving her life history,

    but she was not interested in administering the test. Its quite difficult to convince her for

    administering the test. She also takes time to giving the tests.

    Client was given by some formal tests which she done properly. These tests and scales


    y Case history interview.y Clock Drawing Test (CDT).y Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).

    Intellectual Functioning:

    To measure the client intellectual functioning, CDT is used to determining the mental

    ability of client and it has been measure that client intellectual level is very low and

    below average. Another problem was that client was not agreeing to administer the test,

    so its difficult to judge her in some manner.

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    Personality Assessment:

    As client depressed about herself and her problem, so when Beck Depression Inventory

    (BDI), of the client was administered, she score 34 in the range of 31-40 which depicts

    strong evidence of severe depression.


    Axis : 300.21 Panic disorder with Agoraphobia

    296. Xx Major Depressive Disorder.

    Axis 2: Avoidant Personality features.

    Axis 3: None

    Axis 4: None

    Axis 5: GAF= 60 (current)


    The client is 43 years old married women. This was her 4rth appointment with Dr. and

    she come with her husband to a clinic having complaints of bodily pain and insomnia,

    low mood, lack of interest in all activities and headache.

    A behavioral therapy approach focuses on how your behaviors are contributing

    to and maintaining your symptoms and difficulties. It is believed that maladaptive

    behaviors are learned through a conditioning process and that bad, or unwanted,behaviors may be unlearned. As client has fear of going outside in public places that

    brought her into uncomfortable situation so she avoids going outside. But this avoidance

    behavior doesnt help, it does, unfortunately, serve to reinforce the behavior.

    A cognitive therapy approach focuses on how your thoughts perceive and give

    meaning to your world. Distorted and unrealistic thoughts result in misinterpretations that

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    are believed to contribute to and maintain your symptoms. As client was in the majlis and

    she had a panic attack.

    A person feels immediate danger or experiencing a life-threatening event. As client

    became faint, so she learned that negative behavior, that whenever she goes outside she

    will face this dangerous situation.

    This line of thinking has not helped your situation. Unfortunately, it is laying the ground

    work for reinforcement of an illogical fear.


    As the client was suffering from panic disorder and depression. To overcome this problem

    some therapies are:

    Systematic desensitization can also be effective. This approach involves

    gradual exposure to real-life feared situations.

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy reflects the importance of both behavioral and

    thought processes in understanding and controlling anxiety and panic attacks. The focus of

    treatment is on inadequate, obstructive, and damaging behaviors and irrational thought

    processes that contribute to the continuation of symptoms. For example, uncontrolled

    worrying (thoughts) about what may or may not happen if you have a panic attack may

    lead to avoiding (behavior) certain situations.


    As the client has an insight of her problem and she was also motivated to take the proper

    treatment and wanted to recover as soon as possible so that she can happily live with her

    family and continue her all activities normally. So the prognosis or the chances of

    recovery /betterment is good.


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    1st Session:

    During first session, I have developed rapport with my client and take some initial

    information e.g. identifying data.

    2nd Session:

    During second session, the main problem and its causes were asked from the client and

    also take some history of her family and her illness too.

    3rd Session:

    During third session, some tests e.g. clock drawing test (CDT) and Beck Depression

    Inventory (BDI) were administered from the client.

    4th Session:

    The fourth session is the termination session. So it was informed to the client that to take

    medicines regularly and also give some suggestions and instructions that how to improve

    your health and what possible steps should be taken her to live a stable life with her

    family. Furthermore, ask her try to interact with others family members for few moments

    and try to remember good memories which you spend with her family, feel relaxed. Also

    suggests her that if you follow these instructions, you herself feel a great improvement in

    your health and you can live a happy life.


    All the information was taken from the client, there was no informant. As the client has

    well oriented towards time, place and person and has an insight of her problem and the

    client was also co-operative in giving information about her problem.

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    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    Name: ABC

    Age: 11

    Gender: Male

    Education: one class

    Fathers Name: XYZ

    Mothers Name: XYZ

    Marital status: Single

    No. of Siblings: 6

    Birth order: 6th


    Father: Alive

    Mother: Alive

    Fathers Occupation:

    Mothers Occupation: House Wife

    Family Monthly Income: 25,000

    Religion: Islam


    The client has been brought into the special education school for mentally retarded

    children by his parents for showing complaints, lack of facial expression, impairment in

    eye contact, slow learner, lack of interest, and nail biting, Show repetitive patterns of

    behavior, concentrating on single object for long time period.

    Presenting complaints:

    The client has been suffering from these complaints by birth.

    According to the Informant:

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    Following symptoms has been observed according to the DSM-4 TR (2000).

    y Lack of social interaction.y Lack of facial expression.y No eye contact.y Inability to initiate a conversation to others.y Stereotyped and restricted pattern of interest.y Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects.


    Client belongs to middle class family a having a nuclear family system.

    It has been reported by clients informant that he has 3 brothers and 3 sisters and he is on

    last number. His father is alive and working in a private company. Their monthly income

    is 25000.

    Clients mother reported that her others children are normal and they have never

    complain such time of problems, there is no any such type of illness in their family

    except him. His relation with his parents and siblings are quite good. Clients mother told

    that before her delivery time, she felt fever but her delivery was normal.

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    According to clients mother before her child delivery she felt fever but her delivery was

    normal. After 14 days he suffered from measles but after treatment he was fine.

    Clients informant told that he started walk at the age of 1 year and start talking at theage of 3 year. Further clients informant reported that at the age of 3 year of her child

    they came to know that their child having the problem, she said that doctors told her that

    her child situation always remain same.

    Clients mother also told that, when he was 7 years old he had tonsils in his neck and he

    had operation at age of 7 year. After operation he was totally fine, he didnt even

    complain about neck pain and no problem in speech and no effect on voice. But he was

    still unable to cope with his problem. At the age of 9 they admit him in special education

    for mentally retarded children school (MRC).


    Client was not in complete State of health by birth, two years before he was admitted to

    special school for children (MRC).

    According to clients mother he is not socially interactive. Client show repetitive pattern

    of behavior like persistently focus on one object. He also is doing nail biting. He was

    moving his body all the time while giving interview. Asking again and again same

    question, what time is it now?

    Client also showing such kind of problems i-e lack of interest and attention (client was

    not paying attention to whatever asked from him), and not initiative to anything (if asked

    from him then he answered otherwise he didnt talk to anybody). No eye contact and lack

    of facial expression (his eye contact was not good and flattened expression).


    Client appearance was quite normal and looking neat and clean. He was not

    communicative and also not initiative to communicate with others. Client was not

    interested in administering a test, his main focus on writing tables. Client has lack of

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    concentration. Client was too young to give history of their family. Family and past

    history was taken from his mother.

    Client was given by some formal tests which he has done. These tests and scales are:

    y Case history interview.y House Tree Person (HTP)y Draw A Person (DAP)

    Intellectual Functioning:

    Client can now recognized some objects, he can only write tables up to 20 but not having

    logical concept and having inability in other areas.

    Personality Assessment:

    Client keeps himself all the neat and clean. Try to make everything proper and perfect

    and dont like untidy things.


    Axis : 299.0Autistic Spectrum Disorder

    Axis 2: 318.0 Moderate Mental Retardation

    Axis 3: None

    Axis 4: Educational problem

    Axis 5: GAF= 51 (current)


    The client is 11 years old boy, living with his parents. He was studying in special

    education school for children (MRC) for last two years and he is still there with such

    complaints, slow learner, lack of attention and interest in all activities, lack of speech,

    flattened expression and no eye contact.

    According to Applied Behavioral Analysis:

    A 2007 clinical report of the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded that the

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    benefit of ABA-based interventions in autism spectrum disorders (opinion that one ABA-

    based approach (theLovaas technique created by Ole IvarLovaas) is "well-established"

    for improving intellectual performance of young children with ASD.

    Different techniques are used to change the behavior of autistic child that are:

    ASDs) "has been well documented" and that "children who receive early intensive

    behavioral treatment have been shown to make substantial, sustained gains in IQ,

    language, academic performance, and adaptive behavior as well as some measures of

    social behavior.

    Researchers from the MIND Institute published an evidence-based review of

    comprehensive treatment approaches in 2008. On the basis of "the strength of the

    findings from the four best-designed, controlled studies," they were of the

    task analysis, chaining, promoting, fading, shaping, and video modeling.


    Behavioral therapy and other therapeutic options:

    Behavior management therapy helps to reinforce wanted behaviors, and reduce unwanted

    behaviors. It is often based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

    Speech-language therapy can help people with autism improve their ability to

    communicate and interact with others.

    Occupational therapy can help people find ways to adjust tasks to match their needs and


    Physical therapy design activities and exercise to build motor control and improve

    posture and balance.

    Educational and/or school-based options:

    Public schools are required to provide free, appropriate public education from age 3

    through high school or age 21, whichever comes first.

    Typically, a team of people, including the parents, teachers, caregivers, school

    psychologists, and other child development specialists work together to design an

    Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to help guide the childs school experiences.

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    Medication options:

    Currently there are no medications that can cure autism spectrum disorders or all of the

    symptoms. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any medications

    specifically for the treatment of autism, but in many cases medication can treat some of the

    symptoms associated with autism.

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclics, psychoactive/anti-psychotics,

    stimulants, and anti-anxiety drugs are among the medications that a health care provider

    might use to treat symptoms of autism spectrum disorders.

    Secretina hormone that helps digestionis not recommended as a treatment for autism.


    Clients mental age is too weak then its chronological age, he is intellectually disable but

    according to clients informant he is being improving himself since he come, according to

    informant he can improve himself, some behavior pattern cannot be change but his

    recovery chances are good in some manners.


    1st Session:During first session, I have developed rapport with my client and take some initial

    information e.g. identifying data. As the clients was not much able to give history about

    his problem so further family and past history was taken from his mother.

    2nd Session:

    During second session, the main problem and its causes were asked from the clients

    mother and also take some history of his family and his illness too.

    3rd Session:

    During third session, some tests e.g. draw a person (DAP) test and House Tree Person

    (HTP) was administered from the client, but client was not interested in making drawing,

    he was focusing on writing tables all the time in session.

    4th Session:

    The fourth session was the termination session. So it was informed to the clients mother

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    that how she will improve performance of her child. Involve him in different mental and

    physical activities so that there should be improvement in his sensory processing and



    All the information was taken from the clients informant. Client has no insight of his

    problem. Client behavior was under analysis.

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    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    Name: ABC

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Education: F.SC

    Fathers Name: XYZ

    Mothers Name: XYZ

    Marital status: Single

    No. of Siblings: 6, 5 brothers 1 sister

    Birth order: 3rd

    Father: Alive

    Mother: Alive

    Fathers Occupation: Businessman

    Mothers Occupation: House Wife

    Family Monthly Income: 40,000

    Religion: Islam


    The client has been brought into WADAH Clinic by his elder brother. The client has been

    taken drugs and for having complaints such as lack of sleep, feeling of restlessness and

    fatigue, lack of appetite, lack of interest in daily life activities and weight loss.

    Presenting complaints:

    The client has been suffering from these complaints from last one month.

    According to the client:

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    Following symptoms has been observed according to the DSM-4 TR (2000).

    y Dysphoric moody Nausea or vomitingy Muscle achesy Diarrheay Yawningy Fevery Insomniay Pupillary dilation, piloerection, or sweating


    Client belongs to an upper middle class family a having a nuclear family

    system. It has been reported by the client that he has 3 brothers and 1 sisters and he is on


    number. His father and mother are alive. His parents relation was good before they

    know about his drug addiction, after that his relation with his parents and family was not

    as good as before the problem.

    Client reported that no one in his family suffering from this problem. He is the only one

    who suffers from this problem.

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    of sleep, loss of appetite, weakness and restlessness.

    Now client is taking treatment from WADAH clinic and he is in withdrawal situation.

    Client reported that when he stopped taking drug (chars) he suffered from these

    complaints such as restlessness, weakness, fatigue, and feeling of fever and lack of sleep.

    client also reported that he didnt like this place and he wanted to leave that place as soon

    as possible he become fine. He wanted to continue his life normally and wanted to study

    further. Client said that he never take drugs again in his entire life.

    Premorbid personality:

    before the onset of the problem, the client was healthy and very joyful person. He was

    very social but after having bad company and taking drug his family avoid him and

    nobody like to talk with him.


    Client appearance was not good and he was not properly dressed. He was not

    communicative, slow voice and giving pauses during speech. Client was interested in

    administering a test,

    Client was given by some formal tests which he has done. These tests and scales are:

    y Case history interview.y HTPy DAPy RISBThe client on RISB scored 127 which indicate a little difficulty in adjusting to his

    environment as he now lifted his addiction of 9 years so sees word as new. His most

    responses reveal hisguiltand regret on his addiction.

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    His response reveals the other factor of his continuous addiction otherthan peerpressure.

    His responses show hisself motivation and willingness to leave the addiction which

    was due to his friends.

    On HTP the client draws all three things very alternatively. He draw house and tree with

    heavy pressure and indicate his tension, as he reported that he was worried about his

    treatment, the tremors of line shows that he was in the withdrawals phase. The house

    drawing shows his social personality, he wanted to hide himself or his feelings from

    others as he didnt draw the windows. The tree was drawn more or less countered on the

    page, which indicate clients well balanced personality and he was receptive to both

    masculine and feminine influences and able to create both man and women. The person

    drawing reveals that his guilt feelings as he okay tiny eyes. The unusual treatment may

    indicate hisfeeling of inferiority and impotency. His emphasis on the mouth suggests his

    oral conflicts that in his addiction. Omission of the arm and legs reveal the client

    inadequate and guilt feelings. Emphasis at waist show his tension conversing his bodilyimpulse that his urge to continue with addiction.

    On DAP the client score 31 and his IQ level is 103.33% thats mean client IQ is

    above average and he seems to be good in mental health.

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    Intellectual Functioning:

    clients intellectual functioning was good, he give all information which is needed. He

    was good in administering the test. He easily and quickly did the test. Is IQ level is above

    average that means he is intellectually good.

    Personality Assessment:

    Client appearance was not much good and his dressing was also not proper. His behavior

    was normal. He sit properly and listening carefully whatever asked by him.


    Axis : 292.0 Opioid Withdrawl

    Axis 2: v71.09 No Diagnosis

    Axis 3: None

    Axis 4: Occupational problem

    Axis 5: GAF 51(current)


    The client is 30 years of age, resident of Rawalpindi and belongs to the middle class

    family. He has been a opioid (chars) user for 9 years. Due to the peer pressure and

    continued in order to get pleasure and calmness, at that time he was too young. After 2

    years his parents came to know about his addiction which was shocking for them and this

    situation cause some disturbance in relations with his family. He took his last dose 3 days

    back of admission in clinic. He has presented with withdrawal symptoms.

    According to the reinforcement theory reduction of tension, rising of spirit, a

    sense of well being produced by a drug has a reinforcing effect and increases the

    likelihood that user will seek this reaction again (Cappell & Greely, 1987). In this case

    the client used chars which gives him an analgesic effect and that provoke him to

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    continue this substance. As reported by client that when he wanted peace he was urged

    toward, chars addiction.

    The cognitive factors also play important role in addiction. According to Kandel

    modeling of drug taking behavior by peers is also quite important in the development of

    drug problems. Seeing other using any substance including chars and dealing with their

    problem of entertaining themselves will encourage the observer to use drug for similar

    purpose (Kandel, 1994), the client started his addiction as his friends used chars and

    reported him that it had soothing & pleasant effects, so his cognition changed and he

    wanted to try the chars like his friends.

    According to social perspective exposure to psychoactive substances serves as a

    necessary prerequisite to their use and possible abuse (Pierce & Gilpin, 1995). The client

    is exposed to chars by his friends and with the passage of time it became the necessary

    part of his life.


    Aversive therapy can be effective for the client. The theory is aimed at creating negative

    association with drug use. This therapy can provide prevention against restraining ofheroin addiction by the client.

    Peer-Pressure Resistance Training can help the client to learn skill that will help him

    in avoiding or resisting peer pressure.


    As client shown relax 3 times. As this is 3rd admission of client, although he has insight

    of the problem but he is not willing to leave the drug as he said he wanted to but cant.

    Attitude of family was also not good so the prognosis of client is not better or good.


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    1st Session:

    During first session, I have developed rapport with my client and take some initial

    information e.g. identifying data.

    2nd Session:

    During second session, the main problem and its causes were asked from the client and

    also take some history of his family and his problem too.

    3rd Session:

    During third session, some tests e.g. HTP, DAP and RISBE were administered from the


    4th Session:

    The fourth session is the termination session. So it was informed to the client that to take

    medicines regularly and also give some suggestions and instructions that how to improve

    your health and what possible steps should be taken him to live a stable life with his

    family. Furthermore, ask him try to interact with others family members for few moments

    and try to remember good memories which you spend with his family, feel relaxed. Also

    suggests him that if you follow these instructions, you himself feel a great improvement

    in your health and you can live a happy life.


    All the information was taken from the client, there was no informant. As the client has

    well oriented towards time, place and person and has an insight of his problem and the

    client was also co-operative in giving information about his problem.

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    Name: ABC

    Age: 40

    Gender: Male

    Education: FSC

    Marital status: Married

    Wife Name: XYZ

    Wifes Occupation: house wife

    No. of Children: 4 sons

    No. of Siblings: 3 brothers and 1 sister

    Birth order: 2nd one

    Father: Alive

    Mother: Alive

    Fathers occupation: Retired Officer

    Mothers Occupation: House Wife

    Family Monthly Income: 15,000

    Religion: Islam


    The client has been brought into the psychiatry ward of poly clinic hospital by his wife

    for showing complaints such as i-e headache, back pain, loss of appetite, lack of sleep,

    low mood, , fatigue or loss of energy, lack of interest in all pleasurable activities, always

    worried and right hand and right leg was not working.

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    Presenting complaints:

    The client has been suffering from these complaints for last 3 weeks.

    According to the client:

    Following symptoms has been observed according to the DSM-4 TR (2000).

    y Weight lossy Feeling of guilty Psychomotor agitationy Insomniay Low moody Fatigue or loss of energyy Restlessnessy Lack of interest in all activities


    Client belongs to a lower middle class family and having a nuclear family

    system. It has been reported by the client that he has 2 brothers and 1 sister and he is on


    number. His father and mother are alive. His relation with his parents and other

    family members was good.

    Client reported that his younger brother is also suffering from this problem.

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    Client is 40 year old married person and working in PM house as an electrician.

    His marriage was an arrange marriage, his wife is his first cousin. He is living with his

    wife and his 4 children. Their monthly income is 15000 in which their survival is quite


    Client reported that currently his relation with his wife and children is good.

    Client said that he love his children a lot.


    It has been informed by the client that his birth was normal. Her relation with his parents

    was caring and loveable. Client told that his upbringing was normal. It has been reported

    by client that in his childhood, he was so active and fun loving child. Every one loves


    Client also reported that he was good student in his class and take average marks in

    exams. He further told that he has a lot of friends in his child hood. He likes to play and

    he mostly plays in street with his friend.

    Client reported that when he was 8 years old he had a fracture on his arm for 1 month

    he cant move his hand properly for one month but after that till now he never feels pain

    in his arm.

    Client told that before 5 years, he and his parents live together but because of some

    financial crisis his parents and his elder brother separated and take another house.

    Client informed that some he feels quite alone he miss his parents a lot.


    Client was in complete state of health 3 weeks back when his problem started because ofweakness in his body, headache, lack of sleep, loss of appetite and lack of interest in all

    activities, low mood, and cant move his arm and leg.

    Client reported that 3 weeks before when he was at home he wake up in the morning and

    then he suddenly unstable and fall down, he feels that his right arm and right leg is not

    working. He couldnt stand up properly. His wife took him to the hospital and there he

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    Axis : 296.2x Major Depressive Disorder

    Axis 2: v79.01 No diagnosis

    Axis 3: None

    Axis 4: Financial problem

    Axis 5: GAF= 61(current)


    The client is 40 years old married man. This was his first admission in poly clinic

    hospital, and he comes with having complaints of fatigue restlessness and insomnia, low

    mood, lack of interest in all activities and headache.

    From a Behavioral Perspective, learning theorists assume that depression and lack of

    reinforcement are related. Behaviorists have theorized that once a person becomes

    depressed, they become less likable, thus getting less reinforcement because more friends

    and acquaintances avoid a depressed person and as a result the depressed person may

    become more depressed.

    According to Lewinsohn, depressed people are precisely those people who do not know

    how to cope with the fact that they are no longer receiving positive reinforcements like

    they were before.

    From a Cognitive Perspective, the theory is that depression is a result of faulty thinking

    about oneself, one's current life situation, or the future. Cognitive theorists assume that

    the cognitions of depressed people differ from people with an anxiety disorder. Those

    with an anxiety disorder have thoughts that focus on uncertainty and worry about the

    future. The thoughts of depressed people focus on the negative aspects of past events and

    project a negative outlook on what the future might bring. (Sarason & Sarason, 1989).

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    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    From a Humanistic - existential perspective the view of depression is as a result of a

    loss. The loss does not have to be the loss of a loved one, it can also be the loss of status,

    power, social rank or even money. The nature of the loss itself is not important, it is the

    effect on the individual's self-esteem as a result of the loss. "As Kierkegaard pointed out,

    depression is likely to result when the difference between the ideal and the real becomes

    too great for the individual to tolerate." (Sarason & Sarason, 1989)


    As the client was suffering from depression. To overcome this problem some therapies


    Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one form of psychotherapy that has been shown

    to be successful in treating major depression. CBT combines the fundamental concepts of

    behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy. The term cognitive refers to our thought

    process and reflects what we think, believe and perceive. Put together, CBT focuses on

    the behaviors and thoughts and how they are contributing to our current symptoms and


    Psychodynamic therapy, which are sometimes used to treat depressed persons, focus on

    resolving the patient's conflicted feelings. These therapies are often reserved until thedepressive symptoms are significantly improved.

    Behavioral therapy help patients learn how to obtain more satisfaction and rewards

    through their own actions and how to unlearn the behavioral patterns that contribute to or

    result from their depression. Short Term Psychotherapy Two of the short-term

    psychotherapies that research has shown helpful for some forms of depression are

    interpersonal and cognitive/behavioral therapies.

    Interpersonal therapy focus on the patient's disturbed personal relationships that cause

    and increase the depression.

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    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    As the client has an insight of his problem and he was also motivated to take the proper

    treatment and wanted to recover as soon as possible so that he can continue his life

    normally with his family. So the prognosis or the chances of recovery /betterment is



    1st Session:

    During first session, I have developed rapport with my client and take some initial

    information e.g. identifying data.

    2nd Session:

    During second session, the main problem and its causes were asked from the client and

    also take some history of her family and his illness too.

    3rd Session:

    During third session, some tests e.g. BGT, DAP and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

    was administered from the client.

    4th Session:

    The fourth session is the termination session. So it was informed to the client that to take

    medicines regularly and also give some suggestions and instructions that how to improve

    your health and what possible steps should be taken her to live a stable life with her

    family. Furthermore, ask him try to interact with others family members for few moments

    and try to remember good memories which you spend with his family, feel relaxed. Alsosuggests him that if you follow these instructions, you himself feel a great improvement

    in your health and you can live a happy life.

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    International Islamic university Islamabad

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    All the information was taken from the client, there was no informant. As the client has

    well oriented towards time, place and person and has an insight of his problem and the

    client was also co-operative in giving information about his problem.

  • 8/6/2019 Clinical Report Sidra


    International Islamic university Islamabad
