Download - Client Administration

Page 1: Client Administration

Client Administration:

To create Client:

Go to scc4 -( It shows the existing clnts with the details) - click on change - click on new entries and specify the clnt no,city,std currency,and clnt role and save.

Note:when we create clnt there wont be any data to get the data login to the clnt and login with usr sap* and pass and export pfl sap_user.

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To delete client:

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Go to scc4 - click on change option- sel the clnt and click on delete to delete the clnt

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Client Copy:

Local client copy: done between the 2 clnts with in the same system.

When clnt is created it dont have any we need to login with usr sap* and pwd pass and copy the use sap_usr to create the usr.Because sap_usr is a usr master record..

To do clnt copy first create a clnt and login with sap* and pass

In tgt system gve the tran sccl.Gve the dtls selected pfl,description and in source clnt (from which clnt u want to copy).Sel test run.Sel the options whether u want to run it in "schedule back ground" or "start immediately".(If u want to start immediately sel "test run".If u want to schedule background uncheck test run)After that it verifies the dtls which we have gvn right or not.Click on resource check.To view the process(clnt logs) from scc3.

If we schedule clnt copy in background it will ask for the background server(Instance name) and select immediately,no print dialog and click on schedule job.

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Remote clnt copy:

Will be done between 2 sap systems with same patch level and version which are in the landscape.We need to build RFC connection between 2 systems.To build RFC connection login to tgt clnt login with sap* and pass pwd and execute sm59 to build RFC connection.After creating RFC connection.Execute scc9 transaction in tgt clnt and gve the dtls selected pfl,description,in source destination gve the RFC connection.Remote clnt copy is not used to copy repository objects

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How to lock client:

Go to scc4 and under restrictions tab option "locked due to client copy".

scc5 is used to delete the clnt.

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SCC1:To transport the client objects with transport request.Difference between sccl and scc1:sccl only profiles will be copied between 2 clnts with in the same system.scc1 copy done with in the same system between 2 clnts with transport request

Client Export and Import:

between 2 systems which are not connected.STMS configuration needs to be there.Usr like sap* can not perforem clnt copy.

To do clnt copy login with usr like ddic and 000 clnt.In the source system execute scc8 (Export)

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It asks for the profile,description and Target system id.Click on start immediately.It will show the details what ever the detais that yo u have gvn.Click on continue.It will create requests depend upon the profile selected.It will generate the files in usr/sap/trans/cofiles(K) and data(R) directory

After that we need to go the import system and copy the Export system files (data and cofiles) in the Import system cofiles and data directory.

After that we need to login to the import system and execute stms_import - click on import overview(truck).Here the files which ae generated in Export system are displayed in Import system under requests.Select the request and clcik on import.

Scc7 is the post installation activity.

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