Download - ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

Page 1: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

FILE 0 Departmo<rt of Ik.Gt1eu ."d Profess






FEMC Case No.: 2010030532 License No.: PE 39909

________________________ ~I


Deputy Agency C

ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~

Date 5/4/2011 Fn. # 2011-Q298C

THIS CAUSE came before the BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (Board) pursuant to

Sections 120.569 and 120.57(4), Florida Statutes, on April 21, 2011, in Tampa, Florida, for the

purpose of considering a settlement stipulation (attached hereto as Exhibit A) entered Into

between the parties in this cause on April 4, 2011. Upon consideration of the stipulation, the

documents submitted in support thereof, the arguments of the parties, it Is hereby:

ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the stipulation as submitted be and is hereby adopted in

to and incorporated herein by reference. Accordingly, the parties shall adhere to and abide by

all the terms and conditions of the stipulation.

This Final Order shall take effect upon being flied with the Clerk of the Department of

Business and Professional Regulation.


Page 2: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

Srzl DONE AND ORDERED this --day of May, 2011, by the Florida Board of

Professional Engineers.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Final Order has been

furnished by U. S. Mail to Mr. Edward Savitz, Esquire, Buss Ross, P.A., 1801 North Highland Ave.,

Tampa, Florida 33602-2656 and by interoffice mail to Michael T. Flury, Assistant Attorney

General, Pl-Ol The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050, and John J. Rimes, Esquire, 2507

Callaway. Road, Suite 200, Tallahassee, Florida 32303, this ~day of

bJ{~ .2011


Page 3: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the




v. FEMe cae No. 2010030532 CLARK SC~ P.B.,

__________________ ~I


CLARK SCHERER, P. E., heleinafter refeaed to as ''RespoDdeDt,'' BDd the

Florida EngiDeers Management Corporation, heleiJafter referml to as "FEMe,"

hereby stipulate aud 88R'C to the following joint stipulation and to entry of a Final

Order of tile Board, incoJporating this Stipulation in the above-styled matter.


1. For aU times peatiDent ~ Respoudent, CLARK SCHERER, P.R,

was a licensed engineer in the State of Florida, having been issued license number


2. RespondeDt was charged with violatioDS of Chapter 471, Florida

Statutes, in an Administrative Complaint filed by the Florida Engineers

Management Corporation, and properly served upon RespoDdeDt. True and correct

Page 4: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

copies of tho Admjnistrative Complaint is attached heRto amd iDcorporated by

reference as Exhibit A


1. Respondent, in his capacity as a Jicensed engineer, admits that in such

capacity he is subject to provisioDs ofCbapter 471, Florida Statutes, aDd the

jurisdiction of the Dep8ltment, FEMC, and tile Boanl

2. While Respondent does not admit to the &c1s alleged in the

Administrative Complaint, Respoadem does admit that the filets set 1i:mh, if

proveD, constitute violations ofCbapter 471, Florida Statutes, as alleged in tile



1. Respondent shall comply with Chapters 471 aDd 455, Florida Statu1es,

BDd the rules promulgated pursuant thereto in all future activities.

2. Should ReBpODdcmt WI to timely comply with the terms of the Final

Order, this case will be submitted to the Board for review and determiuation of

whether additional disciplinary action should be taken.

3. The Respondent agrees 1bat he will not renew his liceuse, which

expires on February 28, 2011 aud he agrees that he shall not reapply for 1iceDsure

as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of


FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-

Page 5: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

4. Respoudent sball remit the COSTS of the investigation, totaling

$3,517.00, to FEMC within 180 days of the entry of tile Final Order accepting this


S. It is e:xpn:ssly understood that this Stipulation is subject to approval of

the Board and FEMC BDd has no force aDd effect until the Boud issues a FiDal

Order adopting this agreement.

6. This Stipulation is executed by Respondent for the purpose of

avoiding further administrative action with respect to this cause. In this regard,

Respondent authorizes the Board to review and examine all investigative file

materia1s concemiog Respondent prior to or in conjunction with consideration of

the Stipulation. Furthermore, should this joint Stipulation not be accepted by the

Board, it is agreed that presentation to and by the Board shall not unfilirly or

iIIegany prejudice the Board or any of its menan from further participation,

consideration or resolution of these proceedinp.

7. Respondent expressly waives all fiarther procecIuraI steps and

expressly waives an rights to seek judicial review of or otherwise challenge or

CODtest the validity of the joint Stipulation of Facts, Conclusions of Law , and the

Final Order of the Board incOlpOratiDg said S1ipulation.

8. Notwitbsfanding anything to the contrary herein, each party sball bear

its own attorney's fees BDd costs. In consideration of executing this Stipulation

FBMCv. CllrkSha'crt P. E.t Cue 2010030532 3

Page 6: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

Agreement, Petitioner expressly waives its rights to seek attorney's fees and costs

ftom Respondent, aDd Respoade:nt expressly waives his rights to seek attorDey's

fees aDd costs from Petitioner. By entering iuto this Stipulation Agreemcmt, the

Parties agree that there shall be DO monetary penalty, fee or costs, of any nature.

imposed against Respondent.

WHEREFORE, the parties hereto request the Board to euter a Final Order

accepting and implementing the terms comained herein.

~~ ~lb4'2011 CLARK. SCHERER, p RIIspoDdeDt Cue No. 2010030532

APPROVED this _ day of __________ ~. 2011

~-·J"I.~xecutive Director of Professional Bap1eers

FBMe v. Clark Sbcrcr. P. B., Oaao 2010030532 •

Page 7: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

( FI LED ...----....--..-, De!M'J /wIN., a.dc

CLEIIC EwIIa .... lll\oIIIQaIof



R.espoadeal,. ____________________ ~I

0.. 1211a12010 PIle.

FEMe CI8C No. 2010030532


COMBS NOW tbc Florida RnaInec'n MIIuIgemcut Colporation (FINC) 011 behalf of

PetiIioDcr, Florida Board of Pm1ilsaiollll Bnat-n, hllliDaftDr refiImId to • "'PeIidODa'," aDd

files this AdmiDisInItive CompJaiDt apiDSf CI..ARK SCHER.BR. JR., P.B., heRiDafler Jefemcl to

1S"'RapoDdeDt". This AdmiDistrativc Camplaiat iJ issued pullCllllt to SectioDl 120.60 and

471.038, Plorida Stamres. ADy proe«eIina coacemIDa this compJalm ahaIl be CXIIIductai

pDIUIDl to Section 120.S7. Florida S1aIuIes. III support of this complIiDt. Petitioner alleges the


1. PelftfODlll', PIDtida Board ofProfessiODll BngInecn. II duqed with Je8\1111fins the

practice of qincc:riDs pursuIDt to CIapIcr 455, Florida Sfal1Ds. TbiJ compIaim is filed. by die

Florida FngInecn ManagrmG CoIporation (FEMC) OIl bebalf of PctitioDlll'. FEMe is cDrpcI

with providiDa admiDistra1ive, inveatipdw. aud pmsecutorial services to tho Florlda Boanl of

ProfessioDa1 :BDsim:crS J'Ul'8U8IIt to Section 471.038. Florida SIatutH (1991).

Page 8: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

F \

2. Respoudcot is, ad baa bela at aU tImas IIIIIImial herem, a licensed profeuiOD8l

mghrecr in the State olPlor.ida, bavias beea iaued 1icae DUIIlber PH 39909. Beapcmdcmt',lIIt

IaIoWD acIdrwI Is 4711 341b Street N, Suite 0, St. Petmbar& FL 33714.

3. Rapcmdeat "thmjtted a .... lIi&ud ... daIal letter (LeIbIr) elated Fcbnuay 2S,

'Screen Pool Enclosuro' located at 1460 B~ Way, SpriDs Hill, FL 34609 (Nomi.kos Project).

1k fOUowiDg drawiDs and delail sbc:etI, all or which (wltb. the excepdClll of IhcdB L-O) MfC

. sealed, siped and dated by RespoadeDt an February 26, 2010. WIn attacad to the Letter:

A. A saraeJl eaclosure layout dmwiDg indicated IS Pap I.

B. A drawiDs showiDs the side elevations ofa ICMDCDCIosure iDdfc:atecl as p. 2.

C. A footing detail iDdic:atecl as Page A-I01-10.

D. An &DChorago de1aiI iudfcatecl as Page 8-102-10.

E. A COIIDCCUon cIctaillabclod p. C-I01-IO.

F. A shoulder CODDCCtion detai1labelcd Page 0-101-10.

O. A gusset plate CODIlGcdon detail labeled Page B-1 02-10.

H. AMDnection detaillaheleclPl&c P·I03-10.

L A guta:r bnce delaillabekd Pile 0-101-10.

1. A Cable CttDDeCdon deIaillabelecl Pap H-I0(6?}10.

K. A cable COIIDeCtiOD de1ail1abe1Dd Paae H-I07-10.

L. A table titlc:d MPOUDdatiaa 120B-IO".

M. A table titled "Upright l2OB-lO".

N. A table titled "Beam Span 1208-10'".

O. A table titled "Allowable Span 1208-10.

BPS ft,. a.Ic Scbarcr, Jr. P.e.. c.No. 2OUI03Dm

Page 9: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

r (

4. Respondmd's engiaeeriDs doammtw _ tho Nomitos Project lIN lIIIIaWly

ddcJar 18 folloWl:

A. Delisa .... in tbe ~4 5MB sable roof bam .... ents • ..,.,,,,lIy exceed

tbc Ipjlmpliate dowable IItIeIIIeI mr tbe maIerial of ooaa1nJCtioD at code prescribed lCJadiDa.

B. Deafp __ in the 2K4 8MB will colUlDll elemeatl ..... tiaJly exceed Ibe

appropriIre alJowabJe IIRlSIeI for the mafIIIiaI of OCJIIIInIotfcm at·code prescribed 1oadiua.

c. Dcsisn stn:uc:a in the splice pJaIea aad the wteuor bcadaa stressea for the ridge

splice razmecdon of the 2x4 pble roof beams ..... "'iaJly exceed tile appropriar.e aIlowIIJle

m.IDS for tile maIarials of CODS1rIJcticm at code prescr.ibed 10ldiDg.

D. Dc:sisn stresses in the 2"x 2"x 118" • 5032 8-32 aluminum .... es OIl

DnIwiDB 8-102-10 to am:hor tbe uprisbt Dame column elements to abe CODa'eIID slab,

subngdiaUy exceed the appopdat.e allowable Ib'eIsc8 for die material of coDStrucdoD at code

pacriIIcd IoadiDg.

E. The dcs:isn matins is DOt deIrty act fbrth on the pc:rmit documcnb. Tbc refmalce

made to SeedOll 2002.6 of the 2007 PlorJda BuiIdiDa Code by Reapondeat is not appropriaID for

scrceIl eaclosurc structures.

F. The dimension ofthc "Ii'" ofthc pble roofbelm eJenwncs is DOt indioaled

5. The Board bas adopted Rr:spoaaibility RuIas of Pmfessioaal Ena:irwn

(Rapolllibility Rules). lbese Rules are COD1IinaI ill ClJIpter 61015-3010 Chaptr.r 61015-36.

PIa. Administrative Colle. Profr:uiollll Fnginecrs who perform .-vices ccmred by Cbe

RespoasibiIity Rules are requind to CODlJIl)' with die RuIa.

6. Rule 61015-30.002(1), F. A. C., mmdlltes that R.cspondeGt. 18 the Cllgineer of

m:ord, is professionally rcspcmsiblc far tile documenll pmpaed for die Nomikos Pmject. As

Page 10: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

, I (

IUCb, Bapondrm is ~ibIc mr JIICduc:inI cbumems ~ c:omply with the appUcable

portIoDl of die RespoaIibility R.ules.


alhat tam is cIefiucl in Rale 61015-31.002(1). F. A. C. Alluch allltl'uctlnl ~

JHcparcd, aigaod. sealed &lid cIatecl by &spoadmt IIl1I8t COJdIIbL the iDfbImatioD set out in Rule

61015-31.002(5), F. A. C., als """""ted by Rule 61015-3t.OOI, F. A. c., aellingouttbc

(or die Nomitos Project fail.., this iDfoDDaIion aDd thus filii to comply wi1h the

RespoD8ibiIity Rules.

8. Sedion 411.033(1X8). FIaricIa SbIIuIa, provides that an engineer is subject to

diJcipliDe Ibrqaps in rqligmre ib 1bc pracdc:e ofenpJneeriq. Rule 61015-19.001(4), PIa.

Admin ~ provides tbat negUgeace coasri1Ias "'ure by 'a profeasloIIal eagineer to utilize

due CInI in perfonnina in III CIJIincaiaa C8JIICily or 1iIiIiIJI to have due n:pnl for acc;epfabJc

sbmd8Ids of cnsincerins piDcipJes. "

9. R.uIe 61015-19.001(4) allO pmvidesdJat "(fJailurc to complywJ1h the procedures

let tbrth in tbc R.esponsibility Rules as adopted by the B..t ofProfessiODll Eqineen sba11 be

jlll1Uled by the specific ciremusllmces ofthc ptOject ia question and the BOUDd profi:aional

judgrnmt olthe professional mam-."

10. The IWponclcars dmrinp and c:alcuIatiODI for file NamiIIIJS Project CODIBiD ~

clefidac:ies hEludiDs; but not limited in, tboae set fartb in PlIBpIph (4XA}(F). Rapcmdad

violaJrd the provisions ofSeccioD 471.033(1)(g), Florida SIatutes, aDd Rule 61015-19.001(4), F.

A. c., by sealing. sipiDs and cIatiDa enainceriD& dOCUlllCllu that VIm' isIued IIIId fiIcd fOr public

FBPB no CIIIk ...... It .• f.a. c.. No. 2010030532

Page 11: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the

m:ard lIdIen such documents Wa'C III8Iafa1Iy deficient in respec:t to ... DDt ill compIiace with

appHcablo <lOde ~ or aceeptIbIe enalneeriaa prfDClplea.

11. BuccI on the forcgolas. RaporJdcaI is cbqed with violltiDa Section

471.033(1Xs), Florida StatuI.eI" aud Rule 61015-19.001(4), P. A. C .. by • ..,;", in ~

in the practiCe of~

WHBRBFORB. the PelitioDBl' rcspectfa11y reqwata tbe BoIl'd of I'lvUssional Pnafneen

to eater III cmIcr imposiDs oae or more of tbe tbJIowiDg pena1des: pemupwrt I'm)C8tiCll or

lUlpCDSion oftbe Rapoudent's J1ceaae, restrJcdoD oftbl RapGadeat"a practice. impositioa of."

admfnistratM: fine, issuIDce of a reprimand. plecemcnt of tbe Rapoadc:at on probation, the

UIC aaent of coats relaU:d to tho inwstiption aacl prosecution of this OllIe. other dum COI!IIII

usociatr:d with an attorI1CT. time, u paMdecI for fa Sec1ion 455.227(3)' F1o.rlda Statutes, lDIlIor

lID)' ofIH:r n:licfthat the Board dccma appmpriare.

SIONPDthis 1ft, dayof .,b,eCl m/!4h,. .2010.


101m J. Rimes, m rn-adiDa Attomey Plorida Bqiaee:nl MllDlpment ec.pondion 2507 callaway Road. Suite 200 Tal" ...... Florida 32303 Florida BarNo. 212008 1RIrm PCP DAm: Ncmmbcr 30. 2010 PCP MaDben: Rebme, Hahn & Bmb

PIII'E ... a-t ..... 1t.'.&.. c..Hct. 2010Cl30S32

CmJeFlyDn Bxecutive Direetur


Page 12: ClERJ< Brandon Nichol~as a Professional Engineer or Certificate of AuthoriDtion holder in the State of Florida. FBMC v. Cllrk _, P. B., Cue 2010030532 2-4. Respoudent sball remit the


I_by certify that • copy oflbe fmesoiuI WIlt_Wheel II) N. Suite 0, St. Petc:rsburg, PL g3714, by cati1led mati, OIl