Download - Claude Monet / The Quintessential Impressionist - · Claude Monet was a key / figure in the Impressionist movement that transformed French painting in the second half


/ Claude Monet was a key figure in the Impressionist movement that transformed French painting in the second half of the nineteenth century. He was the most consistent practitioner of expressing one’s perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plain-air painting. The term Impressionism is derived from the title of one of his works.


July 16

12:30 – 2:00 pm


Armando Droulers is an art historian, lecturer and educator. He studied at Bard College, La Guardia Academy of Aeronautics, Flight Safety International, Academia de Arte Federico Brandt, New World School of the Arts and the University of Florida. He lectures on art and culture at universities, schools, museums, galleries, cultural centers, corporate events and cruise ships and organizes international art history tours and art and wine culinary events. Armando has lived and worked in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the United States. He is a former corporate and airline pilot and speaks fluent English, French and Spanish.

Claude Monet / The Quintessential Impressionist