Download - Classical and Post-Classical Trade


Classical Trade

Classical and Post-Classical Trade

Which trade routes are visible on this map?

Silk RoadsIndian Ocean Sea LanesMediterranean Sea Lanes

My Journey on the Silk Road Webquest

Indian Ocean Trade

Importance of the Monsoon SeasonEffect on Agriculture-rice and milletWinter winds aided trade/travelInspired Literature

Impact of the MonsoonsGrowing of rice and millet -Flooded PlainsWinds used to aid trade and travel in the winter months after harvestingInspired Literature


Arab ZoneIndian ZoneChina ZoneTextilesCarpetsIvoryGoldSlavesCottonSaltPaper, Silk PorcelainSilverSpicesSpicesTrans-Saharan


Role of the Bantu Migrations

Brought agriculture from the Upper Nile using Sahara DesertDeveloped the Nok Culture in W. Africa**Introduced iron workingMigrated to all parts of Africa

Nok Culture-present day Nigeriaheart of Savanna.known for artistry (sculpture), agriculture and most importantly iron working. Over course of 1000 years migrated as far SOuth as Natal (South Africa). Created a common linguistic and cultural base in Africa7

Trans-Saharan Characteristics Multiple RoutesGold and SaltRole of the BerbersIncreased importance of TimbuktuLater Introduced Islam to W. AfricaAmerican Trade

Role of the Pochteca:Aztec merchants of varying degrees of statusLong distance traders (i.e. middlemen)Spied on enemies. Trusted ones could declare warPochteca Aztec (long distance) merchants of varying degree. Higher ranking dealing with nobility, lower with commoners. Gathered information (spied) on enemy territory, could declare war. Could fall anywhere in the class system, dangerous but potentially highly profitable position. Post-Classical.


Domesticated Pack Animals

Maritime TechnologyConditions that enabled Long Distance Trade

Yokes, Saddles, StirrupsHorses, Oxen, Llamas, CamelsLateen SailDhow ships

A yoke is a wooden beam, normally used between a pair of oxen or other animals to enable them to pull together on a load when working in pairsLateen Sail-The ancient square sail permitted sailing only before the wind; the lateen was the earliest fore-and-aft sail. The triangular sail was affixed to a long yard or crossbar, was capable of taking the wind on either side, and, by enabling the vessel to tack into the wind, the lateen immensely increased the potential of the sailing ship.The lateen is believed to have been used in the eastern Mediterranean as early as the 2nd century ce, possibly imported from Egypt or the Persian Gulf. Its effective use by the Arabs caused its rapid spread throughout the MediterraneanDhow Ships made use of the Lateen Sail. Mostly Arabian ships used in the Indian Ocean Trade network

10New Food sourcesImpact of Trade

Spread rice and cotton to Middle EastIntroduction of Qanat SystemThe qanat system consists of underground channels that convey water from aquifers in highlands to the surface at lower levels by gravity. The qanat works of Iran were built on a scale that rivaled the great aqueducts of the Roman Empire11Disease


Impact of TradeSmallpox, measles, Bubonic PlagueContributed to declineRoman and Chinese urban populations loweredBuddhism, Christianity and later IslamSuccess depended on blending with cultures they encountered

Smallpox, C -blending holy days with pagan holidays (i.e. Spring Equinox and Easter) to encourage converts, Idea of a god-man who is killed and then reborn. Christian symbols such as fish (Greek word for fish is Ichthys-an acronym for 'Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior. Also used by Christians to identif y each other during times of persecution. Pagan religions used it as a symbol of birth and fertility. H -focus on three forms of Brahman in Hinduism (Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma), B- blending because no god and can work with other religions better than other religions