Download - Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

Page 1: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

CamellLaw School Class of2018 Summary Report SaJarla

Number Raparted

%of Reported

#with Salary

251h Pen:eadle Mecllm

7S'tb Percentile

To1al Reported • 19.6

Employmmt Stama I<Dcnm:

Bar Passage Required/Anriciplll!d 179 92.3 154 180,000 190,000 . 190,000 164,975

JD Advantage 7 3.6 I

Non-professional 3 1.5

Continuillg Studies Full-lime 1 I 0.5

Not Bmployed-SeekiDg 2 1.0

Not Employed-Not Seeking 2 1.0

Subtotal 19' 100.0

Note: Categories withno graduates reported are not shown.A minimum offive salaries is required for each sallliy amlysis. Employmentby sector does not includegraduates for whomemployertype was not reported.

Table prepared by NALP, August 2019 NALP Summary Report data may vary slightly from the school-specific data published by the ABA because ofdefinitional

differences between the two organizations and because NALPs quality control process can resuh in changes which may not be reflected in ABA data. For more on trus, see

Page 2: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public


CornellLaw School Class of2018 Summary Reporl-Page 2


Full-time Long-term I Number %of #wJdl. 25th 7Sda !

Reported Reported Salary Perceadle Median Percentile Mean

Total Employed or Cmmnulna Studies Full-time:

Continuing Slndies Full-time 1 0.5

Employed 189 97.4 158 174,000 190,000 190,000 · 162,775

! Subtotal 190' 97.9


Employment bySector

Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955

Public Sector 39 20.6 25 53,810 61,218 68,666 60,737

Subtotal 189 100.0

Full-tlme/ParMlme Jobs:

Bar Passage 179 94.7 154 180,000 I 190,000 190,000 164,975 Req/Anticlpated-Full-time

JD Advantage-Full-time 6 3.2 . 1

JD Advantage-Part-time· l 0.5

Non-professional-Full-time l 3 1.6

Sublota1 189 100,0

Employment Categories:

Education 2 u .1 .. Business 7 3.7

• I

JudicialQei:k 18 9.5 12 54,905 61,218 63,648 59,714

Private Practice 143 75.7 131 180,000 190,000 190,000 183,351

Government 11 5.8 8 62,117 68,833 75,000 67,612

. Public lnll!rest 8 4.2 5 48,950 50,000 I 55,000 52,190

Subtotal 189 100.0

Note: Categories with no graduates reported are not shown. Aminimum of five salaries is required for each salary analysis.

Table NALP, August 2019 NALP Summary Report data may vary slightly from the school-specific data published by the ABA because of definitional

differences between the two organizations and because NALPs quality control process can ~tin changes which may not be reflected in ABA data. For more on this, see

Page 3: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

CornellLaw Sclwol Class of2018 Summary Report-Page 3



Full-time Lq-:ter.m SalarJel

Number, %at #wldl 25th· '75th R1.'J>Orted Reported Salary Pen:mdle Medim Pll'Hldle M..

Bdncatlon Jobi:

JD Advantage 2 100.0

Subtatal 2 100.0

Bnslnai Jobs:

, Bar Passage ~uired/Anticipated 1 14.3 . JD Advantage 3 429

Non-professional 3 42.9

Sabt.ota1 7 100.0

Private Practice Jobs:

Bar Passage ~uired/Anticipated 143 100.0 131 180,000 190,000 190,000 183,351

Subta1a1 143 100.0

Govel'IIIQlllt Jobi:

Bar Passage Required/Anticipated 9 81.8 6 68,000 68,83.3 75,000 68,278

JD Advantage 2 18.2

SublDtal 11 100.0

Judldal CJemblpl:

Federal 11 61.1 8 61,218 • 62,148 67,000 62,605

State 7 38.9

SubCutal 18 100.0

Note: Categories with no graduates reported are not shown. A minimum offive salaries is required for each salaiy analysis.

Table prepared by NALP, August 2019 NALP Summai:y Report data may vary slightly from the school-specific data published by the ABA because ofdefinitional

differences between the two organiutions and because NALPs quality control process can result in changes which may notbe reflected in ABA data. For more on this, see



Page 4: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

CornellLaw SclUJol Class of2018 Summary Rl!porl-Page 4

-FuJMlme Lcmg-tmn Salu:IM

Namber RIJportacl

%of Rapm1lcl

#with Salary

251h[ Pen:mdle 'i Median

75th Percmtle Mea

Public Interest Jobs:

Bar Passage R.equfred/Anticipaled 8 100.0 5 48,950 50,000 55,000 52,190

SublDlal 8 100.0

She atFlrm (by# atAUDrDey):

1-10 1 I


11-25 1 0.7

26-50 2 1.4

51-100 2 1.4

101-250 7 4.9 5 160,000 160,000 180,000 163,000

251-500 22 15.4 21 180,000 180,000 190,000 115,714 I

501+ 106 74.1 103 180,000 190,000 190,000 186,835

Unknown She 2 1.4

SubtuCBl H3 100.0

Type Clf'Law Firm Job:

Alllociate ·143 100.0 131 180,000 190,000 190,000 183,351

Subto1al Hl 100.0

Note: Categories graduates reported are not shown. A minim1nn offive salaries is requiredfor each salaiy analysis.

Table prepared by NALP, August2019 NALP Summary Report data may 'Vary slightly from the school-specific data published by the ABA because ofdefinftional

differences between the two organizations and because NALPs qualify control process can result in changes which may not be reflected in ABA data. For more on this, see

Page 5: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public


ConuiQLaw Schaol Class of2018 Summary Report-Page 5

Fddme Long-mm SalarJel -· ~

Nmnber .bported

%of Reported

#db. Salary

25th Peramdle Median

75th Pcrcendle Mean

Jobs TumbyRegion:

NewBngland 8 4.4 ; 6 180,000 185,000 190,000 163,333

Mid-Atlantic 114 63.3 104 180,000 190,000 190,000 175,929

BNorth Central 6 3.3 6 170,000 180,000 190,000 173,33.3

W North Central 1 0.6

I South Atlantic 24 13.3 19 75,000 174,000 180,000 139,327

W South Central 6 3.3

Mountain 3 1.7

Pacific 10 5.6 9 180,000 190,000 190,000 171,778

Non-US locations 8 4.4

Submtal 180 100.0

LocadoD ofJobs:

In-Slate 106 58.9 100 180,000 190,000 190,000 178,818

OutofState 74 41.1 51 76,000 180,000 190,000 145,538

Subtotal 180 100.0

# States udTerrltoriea w/Bmployed Grads:


Total 21

Note: Categories withno graduates reported are not shown. A minimum of five salariesis required for each salary analysis.

Table prepared by NALP, August 2019 NALP Summary Report data may vary slightly from the school~ data published by the ABA because ofdefinitional

differences between the two organizations and because NALPs quality control process can result in changes which may not be reflected inABA data. For more on this, see

Page 6: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

CornellLaw School Class of2018 Summary Report-Page 6


Table prepared by NALP, August 2019 NALP Summary Report data may vacy slightly from the school-specific data published by the ABA because.of definitional

differences between the two organizations and because NALPs quality control process can result in changes which may not be reflected in ABA data. For more on this, see

N11111ber R.q>0rml

%at Rl!pm1ed

Source ofJob

, FallOCI 23 25.8

Job &ir/COD8Clrtia 32 36.0

Job posticg in CSO 1 1.1

Job posted online or in print 2 2.2

Clmship application process or OSCAR

3 3.4

Return ID prior job 2 2.2

Rmrral 1 1.1

Self..initiated/letler 22 24.7

Other 3 3.4

Snbtotal 89 100.0

Timing ofJob Ofm

Befbre graduation 184 97.4

Aftm-graduation 5 2.6

Subta1al 189 100.0

Search Status ofBmployed Gradl

Seeking a dlfferentjob 2 1.1

Not seeking a differentjob 186 98.9

Subtotal 188 100.0

Note: Figures are based on jobs for whichthe itemwas reported, and thus maynot add to the total numberofjobs. Timingofjob offer figures exclude any graduates startiDg their own practice.

Page 7: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

CorneaLaw School Class of2018 Summary laport-Page 7


Table prepared by NALP, August 2019 NALP Summary Report data may vary slightly from the school-specific data published by the ABA because ofdefinitional

differences between the two organizations and because NALPs quality control process can result in changes which may notbe reflected in ABA data. For more on this, see

Number arJobi Reported a:

Lon&-tmn (l+yan)

~ (Le1athan


Duratkm atJobs byl!laployer Type

Bducation 2

Busicess 7

Judicialaeik 18

Private Practice 143

Government 11

Public Imrest 8

Total Reported 187 2

Tatal Number atJobs R.epar1ed. u Funded byLawSchool


Total Reported 2

Note: Figures for job duration are based onjobs for whichthe item was reported, and thus may not add to the total number ofjobs.

1 The coum ofjobs funded by the lawschool ls a !X>tal. regardless of duration.

Page 8: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public


<:kiss ef2018--ConwlLaw School Table12

Source qfJob byBmp'loyer '.l}7,e

Soma ofJob by Bmployer Type

Bmdnm Judldl1 clenel•I{• Lawftrma ofSI or

finNr Lawilnm of51 m"


Number B,partecl

% of

Jlepo,:tad Number I


% of

lllportecl Number K,pmud

% of

lllpor1acl Number Repomd

% of


PIIOCI 0 0 1 12.5 1 100.0 20 28.2

Jobl>Clltfaala.CSO l 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CJerlmhip app&:atfaa proea urOSCAB. 0 0 3 37.5 0 0 0 0

Pre-Jawaoalaplayer 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2.8

Bd!rn11tomMIid 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

Letrlr/Nlf-ialfamd 0 0 l 12.5 0 0 17 23.9

Alladler 0 0 3 37.S 0 0 32 -6.l

TOTAL l 100.0 8 100.0 l 100.0 71 100.0 1

Source ofJob by Bmployv Type

Govenmumt PublicIDtm'llt .All Emp1oyv Typell*

Nanber '.ReportN

% of

Rlpamd Namber


% of

Raported Nlllllber of

I. " llepomd 'Reported

FallOCI l 20.0 0 0 23 25.8

.Job hldlg la. cso 0 0 0 0 l 1.1

Clerklblp applbtlon pro~ orOSCil 0 0 0 0 3 3.•

Pre-lawIChoal emplayer 0 0 0 0 2 2.2

Jldlrral fl'omfi:imul l 20.0 0 0 1 1.1

~ 2 -40.0 2 66.7 22 24.7

All.other l 20.0 l 33.3 37 •1.6

TOTAL 5 100.0 3 100.0 89 100.0

• Excbulajobsforwhich a soma, ~~ orji,m rizs war not1YfJH111M . "Othr" a1lo incbulajobfain, spring OCI, non-CSOjob ms anllpodlngs, an4tM-,,.~

7ableprqantlbyNALP, Augu,12019

Page 9: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

Class qf2018-ConwlLtzw School Tablel3

Number qfJob& Repo,te4 7amby StJlle



New England

Mid Atlantic

E. NOI!h Central

W. North Central

South Atlantic

w. South Central





New Jersey








Wlllhingtoo, DC




West Vhginla




Pacific Catifomia



Non US loca.lions Non U.S. locations


%# ar of

J11~ Jiip;.. 7 3.9

1 0.6

8 4,4 '



4 I






1 0.6

1 0.6

2 1.1 I


7 3.9





2 1.1


6 3.3

6 3.3

2 1.1

1 0.6






4.4 .













. 2.2






180 100.0

Exdutl.u m,playedgratbllltafor wlu»njob 'IDealilJn was notreportBtl.

Tableprepa,etl by NALP, Aupst2019

Page 10: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

Chm q/2018--ConwlLaw ScluJol Table14

Localian qf1"811a Job$

hHCm location

# of


% of


Brooklyn 1 . 0.9,

Ithaca 1 0.9

New York City 99 93.4

Other/unknown New York 3 2.8

I Rochester 1 0.9 !

Syracuae l 0.9

116 100.1


Excbula ffllJ1lo.,,algra,luatafor wlunnfeb kH:adon war not ,wporta.

Tableprqared bJI NALP, August2019

Page 11: Class of 2018 Summary Report - Cornell Law School · bySector Private Sector 150 79.4 133 180,000 190,000 190,000 181,955 Public

Clim q/2018-Cornell Law Sdwol Table15

Full llllllPalt-'time Joli« byEmployer 1}?

I Panand ParM:lme Jobi by Employer




Part-dma 'Jl

Number R.epamcl

% of

Reparad Numller R.epomd

% of

B..,w Number Rlpor18d

% of


Bcac■don 1 50.0 1 50.0 2 100.0

B--■I 7 I

100.0 0 0 7 100.0

Judicial derbhlp 18 100.0 0 0 18 100.0

Lawflnn 143 100.0 0 0 143 100.0

Govermamt 11 100.0 0 0 11 100.0

Nillctnt.rat 8 100.0 0 0 8 100.0

'l1ais tabk acbulajolJ«forwlridifi,ll orJllll'Ui,M iiffonnallon was not NpOnetl.

Tablepl¥/lllffllbyNALP. Au&usl2019