Download - Class of 2015, 16 & 17 Registration



Class of 2015, 16 & 17 RegistrationIts time to plan for next year!!!

1Slide #1: Hello, and welcome to Jackson High Schools 2014 15 Registration video for the classes of 2015, 2016 and 2017. Todays paperworkPlanning Guide - which now includes your Registration Worksheet

Online Course Registration directions

Copy of your Transcript Evaluation

Also, reference your 4-year plan Youve saved this to your JHS server account! A hard copy is also available on Pg. 58 of Planning Guide

2Slide 2 = The materials you are receiving today include the 2014-15 Planning Guide inside which you will now find a registration worksheet, directions about how to register online, and a copy of your transcript evaluation to help you pick appropriate classes. Dont forget to also reference your 4-year plan. The majority of you have saved this to your JHS server account during last years registration meetings. You can also use the hardcopy available towards the back of the planning guide on page 58.ConsiderationsWhat classes are required for graduation?

What classes are most appropriate for me?

What classes will help me with my future plans?

3Slide #3: Things you should be considering as you start this registration process: First and foremost, what classes are required for graduation? What classes are most appropriate for me? and what classes will help me with my future plans?Registration TimelineToday = Registration Video

NEW this year

5th period Registration Advisory MeetingThis meeting date is provided in the registration packet you received today.

Input course registration online from home (complete by March 20)

4Slide #4: A little bit about the registration process today is the official start of the registration process with you watching the 2014-15 Registration Video. The next important date in the registration process is new this year. Later this month, you will meet with your counselor during a 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting. This meeting date is provided on page 61 of your planning guide. It is during this meeting time that you will be able to get questions answered about your individual course registration. If you dont have any questions, your counselor can just double check your course selection information. Throughout the month of March, you will be able to log on to input your course registration information online from home. You need to complete this piece by March 20. It is essential that you complete your 4-year plan, review your graduation requirement needs and get your questions answered before you finalize your online course registration.

Who can help me decide?My Teachers can recommend appropriate placementMy Counselor can help me understand graduation and college requirements (all students should have a 4-year plan already completed before your upcoming 5th period Registration Advisory meeting)My Family Can advise me about my choices

5Slide #5: Who can help you decide these things? Well, you can gain many answers via your planning guide, but you can also get help fromYour teachers they can recommend appropriate placement for the subject matter in which they teachYour Counselor can help you understand graduation and college requirements. And, your Family can help advise you about your choices and help you make the decisions that are best for you.

Make wise decisionsYour final course selection is used to build the JHS Master Schedule

Students will be held to their registration choices

Choose your classes wisely!

The Schedule Change policy is available on the JHS Counseling Webpage

6Slide #6:Remember, your final course selection is used to build the JHS master schedule. Because of this, students are held to their registration choices. So choose your classes wisely! If youd like to review the schedule change policy, it is available on the JHS Counseling Webpage.Factors to Consider When Choosing Classes

7Slide #7: Some factors to consider when choosing classes. Colleges want to see rigorous coursework!

Make sure you continue to take core courses, even if youve met your graduation requirement!!

Graduation Requirements ~ P.G. page 5

Slide #8: Like we said first and foremost, graduation requirements everyone wants to graduate, so obviously the 1st thing you want to look at what is required to graduate. And all of these graduation requirements can be found on page 5 of your planning guide and on the JHS Counseling Webpage.

Be sure to look over the graduation requirements for your grade level. You will notice there are some differences for example, if you are in the class of 2015, you only have to earn 3.5 credits of English to graduate, but 4.0 credits of English are required for the classes of 2016 and 2017.

It is also recommended that any student wishing to go to college plan to take an AP course.

For those of you in the classes of 2016 and 2017, youll also need to take an additional semester of Social Studies and a senior year Quantitative Elective. Courses that fulfill the Quantitative Elective requirement include math and many of our upper level science courses. More information can be found in this years planning guide.

8P.G. page 7

Slide #9: The Everett Public Schools Board of Directors has adopted a policy to grant course equivalency credit for career and technical high school courses. The policy provides greater options and pathways to graduation by allowing students to complete two graduation requirement at the same time. More information about CTE Course Equivalencies can be found on page 7 of the 2014-15 Planning Guide. 910th Grade Course Requirements (6 credits)

English 2 or Honors English 2

World History or AP World History

Math (generally Geometry or Algebra 2)

Science (generally Biology, Honors Biology or other upper level science)

PE, CTE, Fine Arts, World Languages or other Electives depending on your 4-year plan

10Slide #9: Students entering 10th grade must register for a full course load of 6 classes each semester. New this year, example grade level schedules can be found on page 59 of your planning guide.For English youll be choosing between: English 2 or Honors English 2For history or Social Studies, youll be choosing between: World History or AP World HistoryFor Math youre going to go into the next level of math which for must students will be Geometry or Algebra 2, depending on the math you are in this year. This is something you can discuss with your math teacher.Science most students will be moving into Biology or Honors Biology. If you are currently in Biology, you should talk with your science teacher to find out what next science class he or she recommends.Your other classes will be a mix of PE, Career & Technical Education, Fine Arts, World Languages or other electives depending on your 4-year plan. Also, if you didnt take Family Health during 9th grade, you should take it during 10th grade.11th Grade Course Requirements (6 credits)

English 3 or AP English Literature

U.S. History or AP U.S. History

Math (generally Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus)

Depending on your 4-year planScience, PE, CTE, Fine Arts, World Languages or other Electives.

11Slide #10: Students entering grade 11 must register for a full course load of 6 classes each semester. Those credits includeEither English 3 or AP English LiteratureU.S. History or AP U.S. HistoryFor Math youre going to go into the next level of math. Typically this would be Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus, depending on the math you are in this year. This is something you can discuss with your math teacher.Science though most juniors will have met their Science Graduation credit requirements, most students will choose to take a 3rd year of Science. You should talk with your science teacher to find out what next science class he or she recommends.Your other classes will be a mix of Career & Technical Education, Fine Arts, PE, World Languages or other electives depending on your 4-year plan. It is recommended you finish up any required PE, Fine Arts and CTE credits during your junior year.12th Grade Course Requirements

English Elective: English 4, UW English AP Eng. Language, Myth & Legend, Speech, etc.

Government or AP Government

Culminating Seminar (CE)

Depending on your 4-year plan & your credit needsScience, Math, World Language, Fine Arts, PE, CTE or other Electives.

12Slide #11: Students entering 12th grade must register for as many credits as are needed to fulfill the minimum graduation requirements. Most seniors will choose to still take a full class schedule.You can meet your 0.5 credit senior English requirement in several ways by taking a semester long course such as: English 4, Myth and Legend, Contemporary Authors, Journalism, Creative Writing, etc. Or, through a yearlong course such as UW English, AP English Language or EvCC English. Remember, 4-year colleges require a minimum of 4 years of English to meet their college entry requirements.

For history or Social Studies, youll take a semester of either Government or AP Government. And, if you havent completed your WA State History requirement yet, make sure you take that course as well.

Each student must also pass the semester long Culminating Seminar class.

For Math and Science most students will have completed their graduation requirements. But, for math remember, 4-year colleges now require a senior year quantitative course (which includes our math courses and many of our upper level science courses). Most of our seniors will continue taking math their senior year. You should talk with your math and science teachers to find out what courses your teacher recommends you take to keep you on track for your post high school goal.

And, remember community & technical colleges also agree that (1) students should complete a minimum of Algebra 2 during high school (so that you have the skills needed to enter a college math class), and (2) that most students who take a year off from math, forget their math concepts enough where theyll need to take a remedial math class when they enter college, before they are able to take their college math requirements. You can save time and money by improving your math skills so that you are ready for 2 or 4 year college entry requirements.

Depending on your credit needs and your 4-year plan, as a senior your other classes will be a mix of World Languages, Fine Arts, PE, Career & Technical Education or other electives.

All students must pass exams in Reading, Writing, Biology and 1 End-of-Course math exam.

Depending on your grade level, the tests may be made up of the HSPE, End-of-Course Exit Exams, &/or the new Smarter Balanced Tests.

Slide #12:Along with your high school graduation requirements, you also need to fulfill the Washington State Testing requirements.

If you need more information about these exams, please see page 6 of your planning guide. For more detailed information, you can also refer to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction State Testing webpage.13Studying Beyond High School -

Will you be prepared?

14Slide #13: Studying beyond high school - Will you be prepared?Course Selection Matters!A more rigorous high school curriculum will better prepare you for success inCollege/University (2-year and/or 4-year)Specialty/Trade SchoolWorkforceMilitary

15Slide #14:Its important to remember that course selection matters!A more rigorous high school curriculum will better prepare you for success in College or Universities whether they are 2-year or 4-year, Specialty/Trade Schools, for the Workforce and for the Military. Regardless of what you are doing after high school, the more rigorous the courses you are taking, the better prepared youll be for success.

Early College: Meet the ChallengeA.P.College-in-the-High-School (U.W. & EvCC)HonorsTech-PrepRunning Start

P.G. page 9

16Slide#16:At Jackson, we offer Advanced Placement courses, University of Washington and Everett Community College College-in-the-High-School courses, Honors courses and Tech Prep courses. Students can also access Running Start during 11th and 12th grade. Check out these options on page 9 of the Planning Guide, and challenge yourself during high school by making use of these rigorous early college course opportunities!4-year College RequirementsIn addition to JHS graduation requirements Most 4-year colleges/universities require:4 years of math (including 1 during senior year)3 4 years of Science2+ years of a same World Language 3+ years of Social StudiesRequirements vary by institution. Check with the colleges you are considering for specific requirements.

17Slide #17:In addition to Jackson graduation requirements, most 4-year colleges/universities require:4 years of math - including 1 taken during your senior year3 4 years of Science2 or more years of a same World Language3 or more years of Social Studies

Most of our students end up completing these additional math, science, World Language and social studies requirements, but it is important to know that these additional classes are usually required for 4-year college entry.

Because entry requirements do vary from college to college, it is essential you check with the colleges you are considering for specific requirements. For example, some colleges will waive their world language requirements for specific majors if the student has taken 3 or more years of the same world language during high school. Other colleges require a student to have taken chemistry or physics for entry. Long story short double check the requirements of the colleges you are considering attending so that you complete the needed entry requirements.Community/Technical Colleges, Specialty/Trade Schools, Military Require a minimum of a high school diploma or GED for admission

Encourage students to take 4 years of Math (through Alg. 2) and/or Science

18Slide #18:Community/Technical Colleges, Specialty/Trade Schools, and the Military Require a minimum of a high school diploma or GED for admission and they do encourage students to take 4 years of Math (through Alg. 2) and/or Science. So even if it isnt required to do additional math or science to get into a community or technical college, a specialty trade school, or the military, it is still highly recommended - as it will better prepare you for success once you get there.

The Bottom Line isKnow what the admission requirements are for any post-high school program or college you are considering.Minimum requirements are just that MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS!! Challenge yourself!If you have questions, write them down to cover with your counselor during your Registration Advisory Meeting.

19Slide #19:The bottom line is this you need to know what the admission requirements are for any post-high school program or college you are considering.And you need to remember that minimum requirements are just that MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS!! Challenge yourself!If you have questions, write down your questions so that you can cover them with your counselor during your upcoming 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting. We look forward to discussing your plans and establishing what you need to do to be successful when you leave Jackson High School.

College Planning DayAttend the upcoming college planning day at SPU on: March 20, 2014

See Mrs. Allen (Career Center) to sign up!

20Slide #20To help you prepare Juniors, you are invited to attend College Planning Day. This years event is being held at SPU on March 20, 2014. If youd like to attend, please visit Mrs. Allen in the Career Center to get signed up!Career PlansExplore career interests in elective classesConsider career development classes (such as JHS CTE courses, Sno-Isle, NJROTC, Auto, etc.)Consider taking Performing & Visual Arts classes Find detailed descriptions of all elective classes in the 2014-15 Planning Guide

21Slide #21:As far as career plans go, we have a lot of different course options available to help you determine what career path you may want to follow after high school. You can explore career interests in elective classes, you can consider career development classes (such as JHS CTE courses, Sno-Isle, NJROTC, Auto, etc.), you can consider taking Performing & Visual Arts classes, and you can find detailed descriptions of all elective classes in the 2014-15 Planning Guide.

Running Start, Online HS, NJROTC & Sno-IsleStep #1: Still register for 12 JHS Classes (6 per semester)

Step #2: Check the appropriate box on your April RSVP form

Step #3: Complete entry paperwork & requirements

Step #4: Once accepted, meet with your counselor to finalize your JHS classes and periods

22Slide #22:If you plan to take Community College Courses through Running Start, online HS classes through our district Online HS program, if you have applied to the Sno-Isle Skills Center, or if youd like to fit Everett High Schools NJROTC program into your schedule, during March Registration we still want you to register for 12 classes at JHS.

The next step is to check the appropriate box on the RSVP form you will receive in April.

Step #3: Complete entry paperwork and requirements.

And, step #4: Once you have been accepted into the program, meet with your counselor to finalize your JHS classes and periods.

Additional ConsiderationsThink about the amount of time you will have for homework, extra-curricular activities & jobs

Talk with teachers about expected workloads in classes

Know yourself! Schedule the most rigorous classes you can successfully manage

Stay balanced dont overload your schedule

23Slide #23:Additional Considerations

Think about the amount of time you will have for homework, extra-curricular activities and if you have a job. This is very important to think about when deciding how many classes to take, the level of rigor you are going to undertake and things of that matter.

Talk with your teachers about the expected workloads in classes. If you are unsure about a class, go and talk to the teacher who teaches the class and ask them about expectations in the class and see if its realistic to take on that challenge.

Its very important to know yourself schedule the most rigorous courses you can successfully manage. Its important to challenge yourself, but its also important to be realistic about your schedule and about your own abilities.

Staying balanced is important dont overload your schedule. We want you to plan accordingly now so that next fall youll feel like you are in the right blend of classes, have the right amount of free time, and have enough time to do homework and be successful. Every fall we have a handful of students come in hoping to get out of an Advanced Placement or Honors class, since they didnt fully look into the amount of time and level of work being completed. Because the master schedule is built off of what YOU register for this spring, remember, YOU will be held to your registration choices and you wont be able to change your schedule, so please make your course choices wisely!

Additional ConsiderationsNew Classes: Peer Tutor for Adaptive PE (Elective) AP Environmental Science (CTE & Science) 12th grade AVID/CE (Elective & CE) AP Microeconomics (CTE & Social Studies) Beginning Stained Glass (Fine Arts) Computer Science Principles (CTE)

24Slide #23:During 2014-15 we will be offering a few new courses to help you plan, well be showing a lunchtime powerpoint in the Commons which will enable you to learn more about the JHS Course options, new course names and other registration reminders. Online Registration

Next steps

25Slide #24:The next step is online registrationOnline RegistrationOnline registration will be open February 24 March 20

Between now & March 20, you need to log on to the registration site to input your 2014-15 class requests (directions are in your registration folder)

26Slide #25:Starting tonight, you will be able to input your 2014-15 course choices from home via the online registration system. Just so you know, this isnt a 1st come, 1st served system so take your time. The online course registration system will be open until March 20 at 2:30pm for you to update and finalize your course choices and alternate course choices. Directions about how to enter your courses online is located in your registration folder. Remember, you are not picking your class periods or teachers this system only allows you to input the names of the courses and alternates you would like to take next year. The computer program we use will then schedule your actual courses and teachers over the summer, and like usual, youll receive your schedule on the first day of school.

The deadline to input your course requests is March 20 at 2:30pm. Dont wait until the last minute!!Computer accessFrom home or a friends homeJHS Library computers are available before and after schoolPublic Libraries have computers availableMarch 17 20th Computers in the Commons during lunches

27Slide #26:Computer access most students will do this from their home or the home of a friend. Computers are also available in the JHS Library before and after school, in the Mill Creek public library, and from March 17th through the 20th, well also have a few computers in the Commons during lunch for students to use. Online RegistrationNEW 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting. This date is noted in your Planning Guide on page 61

Deadline to input course choices is March 20 at 2:30pm. Dont wait until the last minute!!

28Slide #27:As stated earlier, your 5th period class has been scheduled on a specific day to allow you to connect with your counselor. During your 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting you will meet with your counselor to review your 2014 15 course selection and to get any questions answered by your counselor.

Remember, the deadline to input your course requests is March 20 at 2:30pm. Dont wait until the last minute!!

Steps to Register OnlineComplete the 2014-15 Registration Worksheet

Dont forget to list alternate course choices

Meet with your counselor during your 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting

Input your course choices and alternates into the online system by March 20

29Slide #28:Again, the steps to register online first, complete the 2014-15 Registration Worksheet provided in your Planning Guide, dont forget to list alternate course choices, meet with your counselor during your 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting, input your course choices and alternates into the online system by March 20.

Course VerificationApril you will receive your RSVP form on which you will be able to verify your course selection & alternatesMake sure youSign the RSVPHave your parent/guardian sign the RSVPIndicate any alternative programs (e.g. Online HS, Running Start, etc.)Turn in to your 2nd period teacher

30Slide #29:As usual, in April, you will receive your RSVP form on which you will be able to verify your course selection and alternates, or make adjustments to your requests. You and your parent/guardian will need to sign the RSVP form, youll need to indicate any alternative programs (for example, Online HS, Running Start, etc.), and youll need to turn it into your 2nd period teacher. The RSVP form is the place for you to double check and correct any errors in regards to your 2014-15 course requests.

Thank you!

31Slide #30:So, good luck registering. Remember, you will be able to meet with your counselor to get any questions answered during your 5th period Registration Advisory Meeting. Also, dont forget to watch the lunchtime powerpoint that will be playing in the Commons to learn more about the JHS Course options, new course names and other registration reminders. Its also important to remember to talk with your teachers to make sure you are making the choices that make the most sense for you. Happy registering!