Download - CLAIRVOYANCE is the ability to gain extrasensory knowedge. Great prophets had both the ability of clairvoyance and describing what had already happened.


CLAIRVOYANCE is the ability to gain extrasensory knowedge.

Great prophets had both the ability of clairvoyance and

describing what had already happened.

The 19th century esoteric literature distinguished the

following types of clairvoyance according to

the used organs of a subtle body:

➲ Astral clairvoyance➲ Mental clairvoyance➲ Clairvoyance cause

The following people had the

ability of clairvoyance:

➲ NOSTRADAMUS – a French doctor, astrologer and mathematician.

➲ EDGAR CAYCE – in ot her words „Sleeping Prophet” , an American known as a clairvoyant mystique and healer.

➲ STEFAN OSSOWIECKI – a Polish engineer dealing with paranormal phenomena. He is regraded as a clairvoyant. He graduated from the university in Petersburg.

➲ JANE DIXON – an American astrologer and parapsychologist well known thanks to her prophecies and her biography titled „A Gift of Prophency : the Phenomenal Jeane Dixon”. It was written by Ruth Montgomery and published in 1965.

➲ INGO SWANN – an American painter, artist and writer, author of several books on parapsychology. The most famous of them is „Penetration” and „Beyond our mind and senses”.

Word Search

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and four passwords associated with

clairvoyance. Good luck

Clairvoyance DIXON CAYCE



Text and word search by:

Iza Lendor &

Bartosz Hermanowski

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