Download - Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - presented to Central Valley Café Scientifique

  • 1. CITIES AND BIODIVERSITY OUTLOOK- A global assessment of the links between urbanisation, biodiversity and ecosystem services

2. Mission:Serve as the first global synthesis on how urbanization impacts biodiversity andecosystem change. Requested by the parties of the CBD.What it does:Provide an overview, analysis and response to knowledge gaps on effects ofurbanization on social-ecological systemsFocus on solutions:Address how urban biodiversity and ecosystems could be used, designed andrestored in innovative ways for addressing current and future challenges andhighlight how cities may contribute to protect biodiversity and generateecosystem services 3. Ban Ki Moon:The principal message is thaturban areas must offer betterstewardship of the ecosystemson which they rely, including bygenerating multiple ecosystemservices through design andrestoration and reducing theirenvironmental impact throughimproved efficiency of materialand energy use and by makingproductive use of waste.October 2012 4. II. CBO-Scientific AssessmentGlobal Urbanization, Biodiversity and ecosystem services: Challenges and Opportunities 13 chapters written by more than50 scientists Covering urbanizationpatterns, biodiversitytrends, ecosystemservices, climate change, food andwater, governance, learning Extensive scientific peer-review Published by Springer (openaccess e-book + print on demand)2013 5. Global Urbanization, Biodiversity, and Ecosystems Challenges and OpportunitiesCities and Biodiversity Outlook Scientific Analyses and AssessmentsChapter 1 A global outlook on urbanization - challenges, and opportunitiesThomas Elmqvist, Robert Costanza, Charles Redman, Stephan Barthel, and Guy BarnettChapter 2 Urbanization and trends in biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem functionsRobert McDonald and Peter MarcotullioChapter 3 Patterns and trends in urban biodiversity and designNorbert Muller, Charles Nilon, Maria Ignatieva, and Peter WernerChapter 4 Urban ecosystem servicesErik Gmez-Baggethun and sa Gren, Erik Andersson, Timon McPhearson, and David N.Barton, Patrick OFarrell, Zo Hamstead, and Peleg KremerChapter 5 Shrinking cities and impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversityDagmar HaaseChapter 6 Urban ecological restorationSteven Handel, Bruce Clarkson 6. Chapter 7 Typologies of urbanization, effects on land use, biodiversity, andecosystem servicesKaren Seto, Michail Fragkias, and Burak Guneralp, Julie GoodnessChapter 8 Urbanization, climate change, and urban biodiversityWilliam SoleckiChapter 9 Food and water in an urbanizing worldRob Dybal, Lisa Deutsch, and Will SteffenChapter 10 Urban governance for biodiversity and ecosystem servicesSue Parnell, Cathy Wilkinson, and Marte SendstadChapter 11 Urban landscapes as learning arenas for sustainable management ofbiodiversity and ecosystem servicesMarianne Krasny and Cecilia LundholmChapter 12 Indicators: scientific evaluation of City Biodiversity IndexRyo Kohsaka, Henrique Pereira, and Thomas ElmqvistChapter 13 Summary and synthesisCoordinating Lead Authors / Editorial Team 7. Knowledge Gap Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) theworlds largest assessment of ecosystems - fewreferences to urban areas World Development Report - World Bank theworlds largest assessment of urbanizationpublished annually - few references toecosystems 8. Assessment of recent science 9. Four urbanization trends The total urban area is expected to triple between 2000 and 2030, while urbanpopulations are expected to nearly double This urban expansion will heavily draw on natural resources, including water, on aglobal scale, and will often consume prime agricultural land, with knock-oneffects on biodiversity and ecosystem services elsewhere Urban expansion is occurring fast in areas adjacent to biodiversity hotspots andfaster in low-elevation, biodiversity-rich coastal zones than in other areas Urbanization rates are highest in those regions of the world where the capacity toinform policy is absent and where there are generally under-resourced andpoorly capacitated urban governance arrangements 10. Predicted Urban Growth 2010-2025 11. Dynamic view of human domination 12. Urbanization in IndiaMumbaiDelhi Urban Corridor - approximately 1,500 kilometers longEven the largest Indian cities retain a high proportion of native plants, birds, butterflies, andother taxa 13. Urbanization in ChinaUrban expansion - 1,800-kilometer coastal urban corridor from Hangzhou to ShenyangUrban expansion rapid in the interior and increasingly affect biodiversity hotspots 14. Cities are beginning to take an active role in the management ofresources and impacts on the regional or even globalscale, considering the multi-scale, interconnected resource chainsand their diverse actors. But, cities need to form large networks and must jointly takeincreased responsibility for motivating and implementing solutionsthat take into account their profound connections with and impactson the rest of the planet. 15. Examples of large Natural Remnants incities: Mata Atlantica in Rio de Janeiro Evergreen forests in Singapore National Park El Avila in Caracas Bushland in Perth, Sydney, andBrisbane Forests in York, Canada Sonoran desert parks in Tucson andPhoenix Ridge Forest in New Delhi Semi-evergreen forest of SanjayGandhi National Park in MumbaiRua Gonalo de Carvalho, Porto Alegre, Brazil 16. Wetlands in Accra, GhanaIntegrated management forecosystem services 17. Estimated monetary value of urban woodland per hectare per year (average value based on studies in 9 cities in the world) Air quality regulation - 602 USDRecreation 5230 USDEnergy savings - 1303 USD30% of cost of restoring 1 ha of urban woodlandCarbon storage - 2906 USDStorm water reduction - 802 USD Sum = 11,927 USD per hectare per yearElmqvist et al ms 18. Value of biodiversity and ecosystems TEEB 2010 19. Green areas and health Perceived health, mortality, green space (N = 250 782). The percentage of green space inside a three km radius from home had a significantpositive relation to perceived general health Maas J, Verheij RA, Groenewegen PP, et al. 2006. Green space, urbanity, and health: how strong is the relation? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 60(7) 20. Green areas and healthAn observational population study of the populationof England younger than retirement age (N= 40 813236). A significant association between residence in themost green areas and decreased rates for all-causeand circulatory mortality in 2001-2005 (366 348deaths) with control for potential confoundingfactors.Mitchell R, Popham F 2008. Effect of exposure to natural environment on health inequalities: anobservational population study. Lancet 372(9650): 1655-1660. 21. Green areas and health A type of gammaproteobacteria Acinetobacter - strongly linked to thedevelopment of anti-inflammatory molecules The more gammaproteobacteria on the skin the larger immunologicalresponses which are known to suppress inflammatory responses Gammaproteobacteria are more prevalent in vegetation such as forests andgrasslands, but rare in built-up areasHanski et al 2012. Environmental biodiversity, human microbiota, and allergy are interrelated. PNAS vol. 109 no. 21 8334-8339 22. We already passed 400 ppm Co2 in the atmosphere(June 2012) 23. Cities vulnerable to sea level rise 24. Local climate in YokohamaNew tax to support green areaexpansionGoal of 30% green area 25. Climate Action plan jn Mexico CityLarge green roof programReward private landowners to restoredegraded habitatsSupport community groups inconservation efforts 26. Every city is unique, with its own social and ecologicalprerequisites for development and evolution - there are noglobal panaceas to sustainability. - But, there is much to be gained from questioning currenttrajectories and values while learning from others, producingbetter evidence and sharing information and experiences. Nocity can solve the current challenges alone. 27. Tool box Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (LBSAPS) - CBD Cities Biodiversity Index (CBI) CBD, IUCN, ICLEI TEEB for cities URBIS Urban Biosphere Initiative, ICLEI-IUCN-UNESCO- CBD Local Action for Biodiversity ICLEI-IUCN-CBD Cities and Biodiversity Hotspot Initiative ICLEI-CBD 28. Take home messagesRedefining the role of cities - increasingly become sources of ecosystem services rather than sinks - provide stewardship of marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems elsewhereDeveloping the concept of nature based solutions:- urban ecosystems used to address challenges related to climatechange, food and water security,- explore how attributes of ecosystems, such as diversity, modularityand redundancy may be interpreted, applied and used to build resilienceIn the urban landscape. 29. 30. Thank You!