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Page 1: CIS13: FCCX and IDESG: An Industry Perspectives

1  Na%onal  Strategy  for  Trusted  Iden%%es  in  Cyberspace  

NSTIC  in  Mo+on  Pilots,  Policy  and  Progress    Jeremy  Grant    Senior  Execu+ve  Advisor,  Iden+ty  Management  Na+onal  Ins+tute  of  Standards  and  Technology  (NIST)  



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2  Na%onal  Strategy  for  Trusted  Iden%%es  in  Cyberspace  

NSTIC  Workshop  Agenda  


1pm   Part  1  •  “The  State  of  the  NSTIC”  –  Jeremy  Grant  

•  Pilot  Report  #1:  MFA  in  the  Commercial  Sector  –  Cathy  Tilton,  Daon  

2pm   Part  2  •  Pilot  Report  #2:    AKribute  Exchange  Network  –  Dave  Coxe,  Criterion  Systems  

•  Pilot  Report  #3:    Scalable  Privacy  and  MFA  –  Ken  Klingenstein,  Internet2  

3pm   Part  3  •  Iden%ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group  (IDESG)  –  Bob  Blakely,  Ci%group  

•  Federal  Cloud  Creden%al  Exchange  (FCCX)  –  Jeremy  Grant  (NIST)  and  Doug  Glair  (USPS)  

•  NSTIC  and  the  Na%onal  Cybersecurity  Center  of  Excellence  (NCCoE)  –  Nate  Lesser  (NIST)  

•  Discussion  and  Perspec%ves  

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State of the NSTIC

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4  Na%onal  Strategy  for  Trusted  Iden%%es  in  Cyberspace  

Imagine  if…  

Four  years  from  now,  80%  of  your  customers  arrived  at  your  website  already  holding  a  secure  creden+al  for  iden+fica+on  and  authen+ca+on  –  and  you  could  

trust  this  creden+al  in  lieu  of  your  exis+ng  username/password  system.  

Interoperable  with  your  

login  system  (you  don’t  

have  to  issue  creden%als)  

Mul%-­‐factor  authen%ca%on  

(no  more  password  


Tied  to  a  robust  iden%ty  proofing  mechanism  (you  know  if  they  are  who  they  claim  

to  be)  

With  baked-­‐in  rules  to  limit  liability  and  protect  privacy  

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What  would  this  mean…  For  Security  and  Loss  Preven+on?  • 5  of  the  top  6  vectors  of  aKack  in  2011  data  breaches  %ed  to  passwords;  76%  of  all  2012  records  breached  %ed  to  passwords.  

• The  number  of  Americans  impacted  by  data  breaches  rose  67%  from  2010  to  2011  

• Weak  iden%ty  systems  fuel  online  fraud,  make  it  impossible  to  know  who  is  a  “dog  on  the  Internet”  

For  Reducing  Fric+on  in  Online  Commerce?  • Today,  75%  of  customers  will  avoid  crea%ng  new  accounts.    54%  leave  the  site  or  do  not  return  

• Today,  45%  of  consumers  will  abandon  a  site  rather  than  aKempt  to  reset  their  passwords  or  answer  security  ques%ons  

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Two  years,  two  months  and  24  days  ago…  

An  Iden+ty  Ecosystem…with  4  Guiding  Principles  •  Privacy-­‐Enhancing  and  Voluntary  •  Secure  and  Resilient  •  Interoperable  •  Cost-­‐Effec%ve  and  Easy  To  Use  

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There  is  a  marketplace  today  –  but  there  are  barriers  the  market  has  not  yet  addressed  on  its  own  

Why  NSTIC?  

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Barriers:    Security  is  a  big  issue  

Source:    2012  Data  Breach  Inves%ga%ons  Report,  Verizon  and  USSS  

2011:    5  of  the  top  6  aKack  vectors  are  %ed  to  passwords  2010:    4  of  the  top  10  

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Business  Models  

But  –  it’s  not  all  about  security    



Interoperability  Privacy  

Source:    xkcd  

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There  is  a  marketplace  today  –  but  there  are  barriers  the  market  has  not  yet  addressed  on  its  own.  

Government  can  serve  as  a  convener  and  facilitator,  and  a  catalyst.  


Why  NSTIC?  

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Our  Implementa+on  Strategy  

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We don’t want to boil the ocean.

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Let’s go surfing where the waves are…


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Private  sector  will  lead  the  


Federal  government  will  provide  support  

• Not  a  government-­‐run  iden%ty  program  • Private  sector  is  in  the  best  posi%on  to  drive  technologies  and  solu%ons…  

• …and  ensure  the  Iden%ty  Ecosystem  offers  improved  online  trust  and  beKer  customer  experiences  

• Support  development  of  a  private-­‐sector  led  governance  model  

• Facilitate  and  lead  development  of  interoperable  standards  

• Provide  clarity  on  na%onal  policy  and  legal  issues  (i.e.,  liability  and  privacy)    

• Fund  pilots  to  s%mulate  the  marketplace  • Act  as  an  early  adopter  to  s%mulate  demand  

What  does  NSTIC  call  for?  

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Where  do  we  stand?  

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The  marketplace  has  started  to  respond  

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But  instead  of  this…  

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…I  now  am  managing  one-­‐off  2FA  solu+ons  for  

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NSTIC  has  funded  5  pilots…with  more  coming  


• Focus:    Develop  public-­‐private  partnership  to  strengthen  private-­‐sector  creden%als  with  aKributes  from  a  state  DMV  

• Virginia  DMV,  Microsom,  CA,  AT&T  are  key  partners  

• Coming  soon:    an  important  health  care  RP  


• Focus:    deploy  smartphone  based,  mul%-­‐factor  authen%ca%on  to  consumers  

• AARP,  PayPal,  Purdue  are  key  relying  par%es  

• A  major  bank  (not  yet  publicly  named)  will  also  be  an  RP  


• Focus:  develop  a  viable  business  model  for  Iden%ty  Ecosystem  and  aKribute  exchange  

• Broadridge  Financial,  eBay,  Wal-­‐Mart,  AOL,  Verizon,  GE,  Experian,  Lexis  Nexis,  Ping,  CA,  PacificEast  are  key  partners  


• Focus:  deploy  smartphone  based,  mul%-­‐factor  authen%ca%on  across  3  major  universi%es,  integrate  it  with  a  privacy-­‐protec%ng  infrastructure.  

• MIT,  University  of  Texas,  University  of  Utah  are  deployment  sites  


• Focus:    test    “privacy  enhancing”  infrastructure  in  health  care  and  K-­‐12  environments.  

• AMA,  American  College  of  Cardiology,  LexisNexis,  Neustar,  Knowledgefactor  are  key  partners  

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Pilots  lessons  learned  

Each  pilot  has  run  into  the  same  challenges  –  underscoring  the  need  for  a  robust  Iden%ty  Ecosystem  Framework.  

Common  considera%ons:  

  o  No  standard  way  to  bring  on  new  RP’s  (technical/policy/legal)  o  Exis%ng  trust  frameworks  only  go  so  far  

o  RP’s  struggle  to  sort  out  how  to  apply  risk  assessment  to  determine  creden%al  strength/LOA  (800-­‐63  aside,  no  great  alterna%ves)  

o  Trust  frameworks  do  not  extend  to  aKribute  providers/verifiers    

o  How  to  ensure  “data  minimiza%on”  in  aKribute  exchange,  when  some  APs  offer  “data  promiscuity”  

o  How  to  flow  down  consent  requirements  to  end-­‐users  in  a  logical  fashion  


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The  Iden+ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group    

Source:    Phil  Wolff,  hKp://  

             First  plenary,  August  2012  

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The  Iden+ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group:      Bringing  together  many  types  of  stakeholders  

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•  200+  firms/organiza%ons;  60+  individuals  

•  Elected  Plenary  Chair  (Bob  Blakley/Ci%)  and  Management  Council  Chair  (Peter  Brown);  Elected  16  delegates  to  Management  Council  

•  Member  firms  include:    Verizon,  Visa,  PayPal,  Fidelity,  Ci%group,  Mass  Mutual,  IBM,  Bank  of  America,  Microsom,  Oracle,  3M,  CA,  Symantec,  Lexis  Nexis,  Experian,  Equifax,  Neiman  Marcus,  Aetna,  Merck,  United  Health,  Intel.    

•  Also:    AARP,  ACLU,  EPIC,  EFF,  and  more  than  65  universi%es.    Par%cipants  from  12+  countries.      

•  CommiKees  include:  

The  Iden+ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group  

o Standards  o Policy  o Privacy  o User  Experience  o Security  

o Trust  Frameworks  &  Trustmarks  o Health  Care  o Financial  Sector  o Interna%onal  Coordina%on  


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Linking  Strategy  to  Execu+on  

•  Voluntary,  mul%-­‐stakeholder  collabora%ve  efforts  are  hard.    

•  What  is  the  art  of  the  possible?  

•  What  incen%ves  might  be  needed  to  fully  realize  the  NSTIC  vision?  

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NSTIC  envisions  the  poten+al  need  for  new  policies  

“The  Federal  Government  may  need  to  establish  or  amend  both  policies  and  laws  to  address"  concerns  such  as  "the  uncertainty  and  fear  of  unbounded  liability  that  

have  limited  the  market's  growth.”                    -­‐NSTIC,  page  31  

•  The  IDESG  Policy  CommiKee  is  reviewing  this  topic  

•  A  unique  window  of  opportunity  

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Ensuring  the  U.S.  Government  can  be  an  early  Adopter  

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Making  progress  in  government  is  tough…  

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…but  not  impossible  

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Where  we  started  FICAM  (TFPAP)  



Cer+fica+on  Agreements  

IdP   IdP  






RP   RP  

RP  RP  


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Current  Agency  Environment  Ci%zens  Government  

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A  befer  way  Ci%zens  Government  


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New  study  shows  real  USG  cost  savings  from  NSTIC  •  Funded  by  NIST  Economic  Analysis  Office  ,  conducted  in  partnership  with  the  IRS  

•  Focus:    cost-­‐benefit  analysis  comparing  federa%on  (NSTIC)  approach  vs.  one-­‐off  proprietary  authen%ca%on  system  

•  Looked  at  3  scenarios:    20%,  50%,  70%  adop%on  

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New  study  shows  real  USG  cost  savings  from  NSTIC  Key  Findings  

•  Over  a  10-­‐year  period,  IRS  would  save  $63  million  to  $298  million  by  aligning  its  ci%zen-­‐facing  iden%ty  and  authen%ca%on  efforts  with  NSTIC  (vs.  building  a  stovepiped,  IRS-­‐only  system)  

•  Up-­‐front  adop%on  savings  would  be  $40  million  to  $111  million      

•  Savings  driven  both  by  avoidance  of  duplica%ve  iden%ty  proofing  and  authen%ca%on  costs,  as  well  as  increased  customer  uptake  of  online  offerings      

•  Opportunity:    IRS  spent  over  $1  billion  communica%ng  with  taxpayers  on  paper  and  by  telephone  in  2012  


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A  final  thought  

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$2        Trillion  

The  total  projected  online  retail  sales  across  the  G20  na%ons  in  2016  

$2.5  trillion    What  this  number  can  grow  to  if  consumers  believe  the  Internet  is  

more  worthy  of  their  trust      

$1.5  Trillion  

What  this  number  will  fall  to  if  Trust  is  eroded  

Trust  mafers  to  online  business  

Source:    Rethinking  Personal  Data:  Strengthening  Trust.    World  Economic  Forum,  May  2012.      

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Jeremy  Grant  [email protected]  202.482.3050      Iden+ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group  [email protected]        

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NSTIC  Workshop  Agenda  


1pm   Part  1  •  “The  State  of  the  NSTIC”  –  Jeremy  Grant  

•  Pilot  Report  #1:  MFA  in  the  Commercial  Sector  –  Cathy  Tilton,  Daon  

2pm   Part  2  •  Pilot  Report  #2:    AKribute  Exchange  Network  –  Dave  Coxe,  Criterion  Systems  

•  Pilot  Report  #3:    Scalable  Privacy  and  MFA  –  Ken  Klingenstein,  Internet2  

3pm   Part  3  •  Iden%ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group  (IDESG)  –  Bob  Blakely,  Ci%group  

•  Federal  Cloud  Creden%al  Exchange  (FCCX)  –  Jeremy  Grant  (NIST)  and  Doug  Glair  (USPS)  

•  NSTIC  and  the  Na%onal  Cybersecurity  Center  of  Excellence  (NCCoE)  –  Nate  Lesser  (NIST)  

•  Discussion  and  Perspec%ves  

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Created  to  administer  the  development  of  policies,  standards,  and  accreditaHon  processes  for  the  Iden&ty  Ecosystem  


The  Iden+ty  Ecosystem  Steering  Group