Download - Circuit Training Workout # 23

  • 8/4/2019 Circuit Training Workout # 23


    Circuit Training Workout # 23 Ultimate Fighting Workout

    Need: Dumbbells, Medicine Ball, Kettlebell

    Burpee Reptile Holds 1m (on lower alternate reptile hold)TO Standing Core Twists 1m EachSide TO Single Medicine Ball Push Up Diagonal Knee Tuck 1m Each Side

    Medicine Ball Knee Drives 1m TO GSP Flying Knee Drives Sprawl(jump, drive, drive/switching knees, drop to sprawl) TO Flipped Kettlebell Surrenders 1m Each Side

    Single Leg Rows 1m Each Side TO T-Alternating Dumbbell Push Ups 1m TO Step UpMedicine Ball Knee Drives 1m Each Side (ball overhead then over knee on step up)

    Paused Prisioner Jump Squats 1m (pause in low squat 5 count, explode up) TO DuckUnders with Medicine Ball with Overhead Tricep Throws 1m (duck under, overhead

    extension, duck under, repeat) TO Plank Fast Hand Taps 1m

    Single Leg Sit All Ups 1m Each Side TO Medicine Ball Full Body Blaster 1m (jump toplank, complete 3 climbers, jump to low sumo, stand with tricep press, repeat) TO Elevated Bridge

    Touchdowns 1m Each Side


  • 8/4/2019 Circuit Training Workout # 23


    Dumbell Burpees 1m TO Side to Side Plank Knee Tucks 1m (tuck knees in high plank inbetween sides) Each Side TO Raised Leg Full Sit Ups 1m Each Side

    Single Leg Bicep Curl 1m Each Side TO Twisting Side to Side Kettlebell Throws 1mEach Side TO Rotated Side Push Ups 30s Each SIde

    Prone Scapular Lift & Pulls to Press Up 1m (3 lifted pulls, press up, knee tucks, lower & repeat)TO Dumbbell Sit Up & Press 1m Each Side TO Single Leg Climber Hops 30s Each Side

    Step Up Leg Lift to Step Off Knee Up 1m Each Side Elevated Single Bridge Leg Lifts 1mEach Side TO Plank Walk Ups on Step 30s Each Side TO

    Medicine Ball Between Legs Choppers 1m TO Alternating Diagonal Ball Sit Ups 1m (rollout onto hip, lift to center)TO Feet on Wall Plank Push Ups 1m(hold 10s , lower, lift & repeat)

    Kettlebell Row & Squat 1m Each Side TO Alternating Tricep Dip and Reach 1m TODynamic Push Ups 30s(legs jump to jack on lower, in on up)