Download - Ciputra-GEPI In-House Entpreneur Program Info Session

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Ciputra  GEPI  Incubator    In-­‐House  Entrepreneurs  

Mon,  Nov  11th,  2013  

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About  GEPI  

About  CGI  

About  In-­‐House  Entrepreneurs  



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GEPI  is  a  non-­‐profit  founded  in  January  2011  by  13  prominent    business  leaders  in  Indonesia  and  iniGated  by  U.S.  State  Department  

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Ir.  Ciputra,  Ciputra  Group  

Jakob  Oetama,    Kompas  Gramedia  Group  

Chris  Kanter,    Sigma  Sembada  Group  

Shinta  W.  Kamdani,    Sintesa  Group  

Giuseppe  Nicolosi,    Ernst  &  Young  South  East  Asia  

Theodore  P.  Rachmat,    Tri  Putra  Group  

Setyono  D.  Darmono,    PT.  Jababeka  Tbk.  

Eddy  Sariaatmadja,    PT.  Surya  Citra  Televisi  

Jaka  A.  Singgih,    Bumi  Laut  Group  

Erwin  Aksa,    Bosowa  Group  

Ananda  Siregar,    PT.  Graha  Layar  Prima  

Sudhamek  W.S.,    Garudafood  Group  

Rachmat  Gobel,    PT.  Panasonic  Gobel  Indonesia  

About  GEPI  1

Honorary  Chairmen   Board  of  Chairman   Board  of  Founders  Members  

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GEPI’s  mission  is  to  catalyze  &  shape  Indonesian  entrepreneurship  ecosystem  through  5  focus  areas  

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About  GEPI  1

Inspire   Connect  Groom   Advocate  Fund  


Catalyze  &  shape  Indonesian  entrepreneurship  ecosystem  for  stronger  economic  growth,  

reslience  and    job  creaGon  

Inspire    people  to  be  entrepreneurs  &  

provide  pla@orm  for  new  business  ideas  

Educate  &  mentor  entrepreneurs  &  public  to  start  &  grow  businesses  

Link  to  relevant  stakeholders  &  

fellow  entrepreneurs  in  community  

Provide  access  to  capital  to  start  &  

accelerate  growth  for  businesses  

Recommend  pro-­‐entrepreneurship  

policies  in  naIonal  &  internaIonal  seJngs  

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Some  of  GEPI’s  concrete  programs    in  reaching  its  mission  (I)  

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About  GEPI  1

Program   Focus  Areas   Highlights  DescripGon  

Entrepreneur-­‐ship  DelegaIon  (EDel)  [May-­‐July  2011]  

Select  Indonesian  best  tech  &  non-­‐tech  start-­‐ups  2011  that  serve  as  sources  of  inspiraIon  for  larger  entrepreneurship  movement  to  come  

§  2  winners:  Indomog  (tech)  &  Go-­‐Jek  (non-­‐tech)  selected  from  over  500  start-­‐up  parIcipants  

§  32  finalists  received  mentoring    on  business  model  generaIon  &  pitching  skills  

§  Coverage  by  17  naIonal  media,  inc.  Kompas,  SWA,  Business  Indonesia,  Jakarta  Post,  Tempo,  Daily  Social,  Antara,  etc  to  spread  the  inspiraIons  

 ASEAN  Regional  Entrepreneur-­‐ship  Summit    in  Bali  [22-­‐  24  July  2011]  

Regional  pla@orm  for  discussions    &  collaboraIons  on  entrepreneurship.  The  event  also  serves  as    GEPI  inauguraIon  

§  A]ended  by  over  400  entrepreneurs,  investors,  educators,  officials  from  ASEAN,  India,  and  China  

§  Topics  include  entrepreneurship  &  economic  development,  social  entrepreneurship,  entrepreneurship  educaIon,  youth  entrepreneurship,  empowering  women  through  entrepreneurship,  microfinance,  investment,  etc  

§  Prominent  authoritaIve  speakers,  inc.  Mari  E.  Pangestu,  Hillary  R.  Clinton,  M.  Ha]a  Rajasa,  Eric  Schmidt,  Gita  Wirjawan,  M.  Junus,  John  May,  Tony  Fernandes,  etc  

§  Media  coverage  by  33  naIonal  media,  inc.  MNC  TV,  SCTV,  Kompas,  SWA,  Bisnis  Indonesia,  Tempo,  Republika,  Jakarta  Post,  Antara,  DeIk,  Techinasia,  etc  


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Some  of  GEPI’s  concrete  programs    in  reaching  its  mission  (II)  

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About  GEPI  1

Program   Focus  Areas   Highlights  DescripGon  

Research  on  entrepreneurship  for  women  economic  empowerment  [Aug-­‐Dec  2012]  

Collaborated  with  UN  ESCAP  to  idenIfy  the  needs,  gaps,  barriers,  &  recommendaIons  to  increase  women  economic  parIcipaIon  with  entrepreneurship  

§  Conducted  qualitaIve  research  on  4  women  entrepreneurs  &  quanItaIve  research  (sample  size:  66).  IdenIfied  key  sociocultural  &  insItuIonal  key  areas  for  future  development  

§  Presented  findings  in  NaIon  ConsultaIon  a]ended  by  government  senior  officials,  private  sector,  academia,  and  women  entrepreneurs  on  13  December  2012  

§  Presented  findings  in  Asia  Pacific  Regional  Forum  on  Women    Entrepreneurship  in  China    [17-­‐18  Apr  2013]  

Intellectual  Property    (IP)  App  Challenge  [Oct    2012  –  May  2013]  

Collaborated  with  the  U.S.  Embassy:  A  compeIIon  in  building  IP-­‐themed  mobile  apps  to  spur  the  creaIve  &  technology  sector  while  bringing  awareness  on  the  importance  of  IP  

§  ParIcipated  as  challenge  sponsors  in  Asia  Bandung  Hackathon,  13-­‐14  Oct  2013,  that  was  a]ended  by  528  developers  &  185  visitors  

§  Selected  2  top  teams:  Eyja  Labs  (professional)  &  Bojonegoro  United  (undergraduate)  out  of  40  teams  to  execute  their  app  concepts  

§  Mentored  teams  on  the  applicaIon  of  gamificaIon,  moneIzaIon  alternaIves,  markeIng,  etc  

§  Launched  the  IP  apps  as  part  of  World  IP  Day  2013  commemoraIon  

§  Coverage  by  Swa,  Tempo,  Kompas,  Techinasia,  CHIP,  etc  

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Some  of  GEPI’s  concrete  programs    in  reaching  its  mission  (III)  

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About  GEPI  1

Program   Focus  Areas   Highlights  DescripGon  

Entrepreneurship  Bootcamp  [Jan  2013]  

Collaborated  with  Mandiri  Bank.  A  4-­‐day  intensive  well-­‐rounded  training  camp  for  young  entrepreneurs  

§  ParIcipated  by  100  Indonesian  young  entrepreneurs  §  Training  topics:  business  model  generaIon,  finance,  operaIons,  markeIng,  compeIIve  analyses,  customer  discovery  &  validaIon,  case  studies,  pitching  

§  Event  culminated  in  an  angel  investor  pitching  session  to  apply  the  learnings  obtained  &  open  doors  for  investment  

Angel  Investment  Network  (ANGIN)    [2012  –  now]  

The  first  formal  angel  investment  network  aiming  to  educate  the  public  on  angel  investment  &  to  fill  the  capital  needs  of  new  innovaIve  businesses  

§  Women  Fund  was  the  first  fund  established  within  ANGIN.  The  investors    are  10  women  angel  investors  that  are  also  prominent  business  &  community  leaders,  inc.  Shinta  W.  Kamdani,  Noni  Purnomo,  Svida  Alisjahbana,  Tience  SumarIni,  etc.  Primary  objecIve  is  to  foster  women  entrepreneurs  in  innovaIve  businesses  

§  First  investment  made  in  June  2013:  ~USD  30K  (in  4  tranches)  to  Wangsa  Jelita  

§  Angels  provide  acIve  mentoring,  networking  besides  capital  

§  Media  coverage  by  Bisnis  Indonesia,  Republika,  Tempo,  Techinasia,  Antara,  Berita  Satu,  Suara  Pengusaha,  etc  


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Some  of  GEPI’s  concrete  programs    in  reaching  its  mission  (IV)  

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About  GEPI  1

Program   Focus  Areas   Highlights  DescripGon  

G20  Youth  Entrepreneurship  Alliance  (YEA)  [2012  –  now]  

GEPI  is  the  official  Indonesian  entrepreneurship  organizaIon  representaIve  in  G20  YEA  

§  Conducted  annual  entrepreneurship  barometer  surveys  to  idenIfy  needs  &  aspiraIons  of  young  entrepreneurs,  and  also  serve  as  benchmarking  across  countries  

§  ParIcipated  acIvely  in  annual  G20  YEA  Summit  to  advocate  internaIonal  policies  &  prioriIes  that  are  conducive  for  innovaIon  &  budding  entrepreneurs  

§  Expose  Indonesian  entrepreneur  delegates  to  internaIonal  opportuniIes,  workshops  &  dealing  with  other  cultures  

Digital  Empowerment  [June  2013  –  Now]  

CollaboraIng  with  U.S.  Embassy.  A  training  program  for  youth  in  web  development  &  providing  them  real  commercial  projects  by  connecIng  them  with  women  entrepreneurs  that  require  online  presence  

§  The  program  aims  to  increase  youth  employability  especially  in  fast-­‐growing  technology  sector  &  also  supporIng  women  entrepreneurs  by  providing  websites  for  awareness  building  &  e-­‐Commerce  

§  Planned  to  be  held  in  3  ciIes.  Completed  training  program  in  Universitas  Indonesia,  Depok  in  June  2013  and  next  will  implement  in  Bandung  and  Surabaya  

§  Besides  providing  technical  skills,  the  program  educates  youth  about  client  management  (perspecIves,  moIvaIons,  and  typical  requirements  of  entrepreneurs  for  websites)  as  well  as  project  management  

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Some  of  GEPI’s  concrete  programs    in  reaching  its  mission  (V)  

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About  GEPI  1

Program   Focus  Areas   Highlights  DescripGon  

Ciputra  |  GEPI  Start-­‐up  Community  Incubator  [launched  in  Sep  2013]  

A  pla@orm  to  conInuously  inspire,  educate  &  nurture  future  Indonesian    start-­‐ups  that  will  hopefully  can  go  internaIonal  

§  ~500  m2  of  physical  space  at  strategic  locaIon  in  Kuningan  §  Sub-­‐programs  include  seminars,  workshops  &  classes,  co-­‐working  space,  networking  events,  investor  nights,  bootcamps,  etc  

§  Addressing  large  audience:  aspiring,  budding,  growing,  and  successful  entrepreneurs  

§  Strong  links  with  venture  capitals  ,  universiIes,  media,  established  entrepreneurs  /  mentors,  governments,  corporates,  start-­‐up  communiIes,  fellow  non-­‐profits  to  provide  conInuous  lasIng  support  to  the  ecosystem  



Social  InnovaIon  (SI)  Camp  Jakarta  2013  [Oct  –  Dec  2013]  

An  event  that  creates  start-­‐ups  based  on  web  /  mobile  technology  aiming  to  addresses  social  issues  

§  Part  of  an  internaIonal  SI  Camp  movement  that  started  in  the  U.K.  and  has  spread  to  16  countries  all  over  the  world  

§  Large  exposure:  universiIes,  relevant  non-­‐profits  (eg.  Inotek,  AKSI),  Ministry  of  Research  &  Technology,  technology  communiIes.  Great  opportunity  to  showcase  technology  as  well  as    in  delivering  posiIve  contribuIons  to  society  

§  Winner  from  Indonesia  will  be  sent  to  Singapore  for  SI  Camp  Asia  to  celebrate  with  winners  from  Hong  Kong,  South  Korea,  Singapore,  Malaysia,  Thailand,  and  the  Philippines  

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Strategically  located  at  Ciputra  World  1  |  DBS  Bank  Tower,  Kuningan  

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About  CGI  2

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>  500  sqm  equipped  with  high  tech  corner,    working,  collaboraGon,  meeGng,  and  leisure  areas  

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2 About  CGI  

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The  incubator  enables  stronger  support  &  higher  engagement  with  the  entrepreneur  community    

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Community:  Already  secured  support  from  key  players  of  the  startup  ecosystem    

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Three-­‐Gered  programs  that  cater  to  the  enGre  entrepreneurial  stack  

1.   Entrepreneurs  –  In-­‐House  Entrepreneurs  –  Boot  Camp  –  GEPI  Signature  &  Casual  Events  

2.   Startup  Community  –  Partners’  Events  

3.   Public  –  Open  House  

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About  CGI  2

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What  CGI  Offers  In-­‐House  Entrepreneurs  

§  FREE*  space  (Mon-­‐Fri,  9  am  –  6  pm,  We  are  working  on  ager  office  hours  and  weekends)  

§  Mentoring  (with  GEPI  team  and  others,  i.e.  top  entrepreneurs,  peer  entrepreneurs,  experts,  investors,  etc.)  

§  FaciliGes  (fast,  reliable  internet,  self-­‐serving  “café”  area,  pantry  area,  meeGng  rooms,  virtual  office  services,  tech  corner,  siesta  &  library  area)  


§  Other  services  and  support  (network,  capacity  building,  access  to  capital,  etc.)    

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3 About  In-­‐House  Entrepreneurs  

*Yes,  you  read  that  right!  

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How  to  be  An  In-­‐House  Entrepreneur  @CGI  

§  Let  us  know  that  you’re  interested  

§  Start  using  our  space    –  E.g.  for  working  alone,  for  meeGng  with  the  team,  for  chaong  with  peer  entrepreneurs,  for  geong  mentorship  and  support  

 §  Join  our  events,  they’re  mostly  Free!    

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3 About  In-­‐House  Entrepreneurs  

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Thank  You  

§  Please  email  any  comments  or  queries  to  CGI  at  [email protected]    

§  To  learn  more,  visit  our  websites:  and    

 §  Join  our  conversaGons  on  Facebook:  and  Twiser:  @GEPIndonesia    

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CGI  is  a  Startup  too!