Download - Ciplukan flower

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By :T.Chrestella Meryl11.70.0020Yuni Rusiana 11.70.0055Yoceline Natania 11.70.0036Jonathan Ali 11.70.0107Febby Ernita S 11.70.0054Tjan, Ivana 12.70.0057Nora Csillag

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Bioactive Compounds & Functions


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The classification of Ciplukan flower Kingdom : Plantae Division : Spermatophyta Class : Dicotyledonnae Ordo : Solanales Family : Solanaceae Genus : Physalis Species : P. angulata L

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BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS (1) Leaves : physalin B, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K. Root, leaves, flower : saponin, with

angulatin A and flavonol glycoside (example : myrcetin neohesperidoside, pigrin as alcaloid compound)

Fatty acid : palmitic and stearate acid Fruits : 24,5 mg of vitamin C, 6% of

sugar, and 7% of protein in 100 ml of juice and rich in cryophytoxanthin

Terpenes, flavonoid and citric acid.

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1. Saponins and alkaloid : bitter taste, efficacious as anti tumor and prevented cancer growth, especially colon cancer whereas flavonoids acted as antioxidant

2. Physalin : prevent the growth of some cancer cells, whereas B physalin was cytotoxic to some of cancer cell and leukemia cancer cells.

3. Etanolic : cytotoxic effect and trigger the apoptosis in breast cancer.

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BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS (3)4.Antidiabetic : leaf extract with 20% and 40% had the

effect of decreasing glucose concentration on mencit.

5. Myrcetin neohesperidoside : strong cytotoxicity against the three tested cell lines. The strongest action being observed with lymphocytic leukemia P-388 cells

6. Antimicrobial : physalin-containing fractions were effective in against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium kansasii, Mycobacterium malmoense and Mycobacyterium intracellulare

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7. Antiinflammatory : 5 mg/kg extract of Physalis angulata L. effective effects to treat the acute and chronic skin inflammatory conditions

not recommended to eat immature ciplukan flower because it had a toxic effect like the other family of solanacea.

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1. Traditional medicine Laxative Drugulcers bleeding gums Sprains Stomachache Gonorrhea Diabetes Epilepsy Inflammation throat infections Diuretic analgesic (pain relieving) neutralizing toxins activating the body's glandular functions.

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2. Food ApplicationA. TEAmade from leaves and stem of ciplukan which if consumed three times a day can help to cure influenza,whooping cough, bronchitis, and paroritis

B. TRADITIONAL BEVERAGE boil the ciplukan plant such as leaves, root, flower orstem with water for some minutes.


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