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  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences



    1 Abenmeh 1379 Y.Z.(November 1st, 2009)

    1= M2= L2= M.M.

    3= K3= M.M.M.

    4= I4= J5= H6= G6= Li7= F7= Ik

    8= E8= H.M.L.

    8= K.H.8= L.L.L.L.

    9= D9= K.K.K.

    10= C10= EL

    10= L.L.L.L.L.11= B

    11= EK12= A

    12= D.K.12= M.B.

    13= N14= I.C.14= J.C.

    14= J.F.K.14= O

    15= H.H.H.15= Ka

    15= LAM15= O.M.

    15= P

    16= IBM16= J.B.M.16= M.I.B.

    16= Q17= Aim (23)

    17= Gimli17= Ha

    17= Hell17= I AM

    17= Kal17= Khem17= OK17= R18= Iff18= IO18= I'o18= S

    19= D.C.19= T

    20= Egg20= U

    20= V21= Bel

    21= ECK21= Gimel21= I AM I

    21= Jah21= Kali21= Life21= Mu21= W

    22= B.B.22= Emma

    22= F.B.I.22= L.H.P.

    22= UL22= X

    23= Ab23= D.A.L.23= Elam

    23= H.G.A.23= H.P.K.

    23= Ku23= Loki23= Magi

    23= Y24= A.A.

    24= E.G.C.24= Igigi24= Kalki24= Leo

    24= M.B. M.B.24= Z

    25= Geb

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    25= H.H.H.H.H.25= HU

    25= I.M.U.25= K.M.W.25= R.H.K.25= S.K.I.

    26= A B K26= AGfM26= AO

    26= C.I.A.26= Had26= Hum26= King26= Man

    26= Mika'il27= Dimeh27= H.K.T.27= H.R.H.

    27= IHS27= Jod

    27= K.J.V.27= Milu27= OMA27= ON27= Pa

    28= E.V.28= F.E.M.A.

    28= F.L.T.28= H.AB.28= Heka

    28= Huk28= Khu

    28= M.O.N.29= Aha!29= Ain29= God

    29= Helal29= Kala29= Maia29= Oak

    29= Q.B.L.29= Ra

    29= T.C.29= Will

    30= C.C.C.30= IAO30= Irem30= OAI30= Zil

    31= E.O.D.31= E-O-Ih

    31= IAOM31= Kihief

    31= Madimi31= Mahdi31= S.A.M.31= S.L.B.

    31= Sam31= U.B.31= Xem32= Agla

    32= B.B.C.32= B.E.A.M.

    32= Edom32= Lex

    32= Ulhim33= A.M.U.

    33= Abel33= Allah

    33= Ankh33= Aum

    33= Bael (1)33= Eloih33= Jew

    33= Lugh33= Magic

    33= Nu33= Pele33= Tile33= U.N.33= Yig

    34= Adam34= Bab

    34= C.F.R.34= DNA

    34= Elohim34= Gaia34= Head34= Hina34= I.C.U.34= IHVH

    34= Isa34= JHVH

    34= Jihad34= Sol

    34= V.A.L.35= Agni35= Eckal35= Glon35= Gobi35= Hex

    35= IHWH

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    35= JHWH35= Law

    35= Maldek35= Neo35= ONE35= Sin

    36= A.A.A.36= Algol36= Amy (58)

    36= Badi36= Bible

    36= C.N.N.36= D.A.P.36= Eagle

    36= Gemini36= Kane36= Lilith

    36= Magick

    36= NEMO36= S.P.K.

    36= S.S.36= U.G.L.E.36= Ummo

    36= Via37= Aluk37= Baal

    37= C.R.C.37= Chela

    37= F.I.G.U.37= Fool

    37= Gral37= Hagal37= Hua

    37= I AM U37= I.O.T.37= Islam37= J.P.S.37= Kiblah37= Lumiel37= MABN37= Maui37= Odal

    37= Ohio37= R.H.P.37= Rigel

    37= Ru37= Seb37= U.R.38= Affa

    38= Balam (51)38= Black

    38= Bon38= ECU

    38= F.F.Z.38= G.W.B.

    38= I am Life38= I See

    38= I.N.R.I.38= Khidr38= Legis38= Maine38= Mana38= O.I.V.

    38= Ogham38= T.T.38= U.S.

    38= V.I.O.39= Belial (68)

    39= C.B.S.

    39= C.T.C.39= Cain39= Eye39= Five39= Got

    39= Hagall39= Hand39= Hiram39= Irmin39= O.N.A.

    39= Rael39= S.R.I.

    39= T.S.L.40= Ahab

    40= Amon (7)40= Ave

    40= IAhOh40= Inti

    40= Knigge40= Mung40= Odin

    40= Ose (57)40= OU MH40= P.A.N.

    40= Pan40= Tir

    40= Tum40= U.U.

    40= W.H.O.40= Yah41= Ajna

    41= Algedi41= Ammon

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    41= Angel41= C.E.T.I.

    41= Camio (53)41= Dabih41= Dieu

    41= Gillon

    41= Grail41= H.R.T.41= Hawk41= Hiding

    41= Joy41= Mecca

    41= Orc41= Pleja

    41= U.F.O.41= V.W.41= Vir

    42= Adad

    42= Akon42= Aleph42= Allala42= Dot

    42= Hera42= Hope

    42= Maldec42= Mammon42= Michael

    42= Miru42= Moon42= To Me

    43= Aat43= Al A'in43= Devil43= FOX43= Goy

    43= Henok43= IAON43= Jahilia43= Jar El43= L.Y.S.

    43= Lia Fail43= Lono

    43= Lys43= Manni43= Naga

    43= Nommo43= Shu43= Vril

    44= Adolf44= Baha'i44= Fear

    44= FIAOF44= Hweig44= Idaho

    44= Isis44= Kneph44= Liber L

    44= Love44= LUX44= LVX

    44= Mirfak44= Roma

    44= Six44= Wheel44= XCIII45= Aloha45= Binah

    45= Demon45= Dios

    45= Gaap (33)45= Gollum45= Greal45= Ignis45= Jor El45= Jubel

    45= Karma45= Melkor45= Merlin

    45= P.O.E.E.45= P.P.P.45= Raja

    45= Set45= Skull45= Tomb45= Uhu

    45= Vine (45)45= Y X

    46= Adama46= Amun

    46= Benmeh46= Esu46= Fate

    46= G.H.R.S.

    46= Ieuo46= Libra

    46= M.E.S.T.46= Maria

    46= Moloch46= Muslim

    46= Not46= Nun

    46= P.M.C.V.

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    46= S.E.M.T.46= Ton46= Yod

    47= Adameh47= Arali47= Baju

    47= D.E.R.N.47= Eris47= Hadad47= Khut

    47= O.T.O.47= Omkar

    47= Sar47= U.N.O.47= U.S.D.47= Viril

    48= Achad48= Aditi

    48= Adon48= AL-GO-LA

    48= Ayam48= Bera

    48= Goyim48= H.P.K. + R.H.K.

    48= Holon48= Jachin48= Kapila48= Mars48= Maya48= Moria

    48= N.W.O.48= O.B.O.D.

    48= OVAL48= Shan48= Vrihl49= Alya49= Apis49= Clear49= Graal49= Hadit49= Jahve49= Jubal

    49= Khabs49= Monad

    49= N.A.E.Q.49= NOX

    49= Padma49= PAX

    49= S.E.T.I.49= Tule49= Yao

    50= Adar50= Agam Lok

    50= Alyn50= Apep

    50= Aum Ha50= B'moth

    50= Cohen50= Diana50= E-Meslam

    50= Enoch50= Evoe!

    50= Gaonim50= Heru50= Hoor50= Huna

    50= I.G.W.T.50= Kaaba

    50= Kamagol

    50= King Leo50= MANZ

    50= Mayhem50= Obama50= Obeah50= Q'uo

    50= R.A.W.50= Raum (40)50= Rimmon

    50= Seth50= Simon50= U.S.A.

    50= Vahid50= W.T.C.51= Circle51= Dove51= Dugja

    51= E.J. Ekker51= Helios51= Iowa

    51= Ipos (22)51= Juno51= Khuit

    51= Leraje (14)

    51= Mabon51= Manna

    51= Mohammed51= Onoel51= Ptah51= Sun51= Teth51= Uriel51= Xemu

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    52= A L G M O R52= Abra52= Arche52= Aten

    52= Aumgn52= Balon

    52= Bune (26)52= Dorje52= Ekara

    52= Eligos (15)52= Hriliu52= IOUO52= Khepri52= Kteis

    52= Memphis52= Mulier

    52= Nephilim52= Nut

    52= O.S.V.52= Pope52= Rhyhl52= Salu

    53= Agape53= Alakh Lok

    53= Alayi53= Amrit

    53= Beleth (13)53= Big Ben

    53= Cimeies (66)53= Cuba

    53= Daimon53= Delight53= Jadoo

    53= Jon Gee53= Lanello53= Mitra

    53= Moksha53= Moriah53= Orlog

    53= Q.E.Q.N.53= Samael

    53= Tula

    53= Xmas53= YHVH

    54= A.M.O.R.C.54= Awen54= Azag

    54= Babaji54= Cohan54= Dagon54= Dirigo

    54= eBay54= Erra

    54= FedEx54= Hadith

    54= Ik Omkar54= Jah Bul

    54= Jibra'il54= Logos54= Malona

    54= MUAUM54= Ordo54= Papa54= S.S.S.54= Siva

    54= Snake54= Tai-Ch'i

    54= Thule54= VISA

    54= Vual (47)54= Yaho

    54= YHWH55= Ares

    55= Arman55= Berlin

    55= Bohemia55= Chi-Rho55= Daleth55= Dallas55= Deosil55= Deus

    55= Fatima55= God Man55= Hekate55= Henoch55= Hitler55= Indra55= Jhesu

    55= L Moriah55= Lorelei55= Maius

    55= Mensch55= Michigan

    55= Mohammad55= N.A.S.A.55= Na'amah55= Nekalah

    55= Pales55= Rinri55= R'lyeh

    55= Salome55= Shua

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    55= Sieg Heil55= Thelema

    55= Thor55= Zion

    56= Albedo56= Anoah

    56= B.O.T.A.56= Balor56= Buer (10)56= Dharma56= Dogon56= Dollar

    56= Einigen56= El Meru

    56= Gort56= Gotha56= Ihowa56= Isais

    56= Kheper56= Laylah

    56= Liber AL56= Liberal56= Nemicu

    56= Nephelim56= No God

    56= Nuit56= Paar

    56= Phtah56= Pthah56= Solis

    56= Sollog56= Svali56= Utah

    56= Valac (62)56= VALIS57= Adolph57= Amenti57= Amerika

    57= Ankar57= Apas57= Aset57= Cairo

    57= Daath57= Daemon57= Emerald

    57= Eros57= Fanisk57= Gorloj

    57= Hermes57= In Lak'ech

    57= Isabell

    57= Jubela57= Kampala

    57= Khezr57= Lagrgal57= Lucibel57= Magus

    57= Meharmeh57= Muhammed57= Naos

    57= O Nommo57= Ogmios

    57= Rose57= Shax (44)

    57= Thyle57= Wicca

    58= A E I O U58= Abenmeh

    58= Aton

    58= Azael58= Belet-ili58= Brahma58= D.P.V.O.

    58= Ek Omkar58= FENEX

    58= Gott58= Hawaii58= IO Pan58= Khauga58= L'Gy'Hx58= LuWEF

    58= Mason58= Midgard58= Mithra58= Monas

    58= N.A.T.O.58= Nergal58= Nest

    58= Nimrod58= Othiq58= Rebis58= Sidon58= Uhane

    59= A.A.S.R.59= Alaska59= Apollo59= Aries

    59= Balder59= Cefalu59= Chakra59= Chaos

    59= Chohan

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    59= Druid59= Eleven59= EURO59= George

    59= Had & Nu59= Jubelo

    59= Kachina59= Kutha59= Lai Tsi59= Mayab59= Mexico59= Mouth59= Onkar

    59= Paimon (9)59= Puella

    59= Seere (70)59= Shiva59= Spica

    59= Thirmeh59= Tlaloc

    59= Tyr59= Urilia

    60= Amoun60= Asket

    60= Dejung60= Duat60= Fifty

    60= Gabriel60= Irminen60= Jehovih

    60= Jewish60= Kadath60= Kether

    60= Lidagon60= Monos

    60= Mormon60= Obelisk60= Odalism

    60= Pepsi60= Puer60= Tara60= Ubar

    60= Yahu61= Absu

    61= Al Azif61= Alchemy

    61= Anami Lok61= Aosah61= Ayala61= Besz61= Boaz

    61= Bolon Ik61= Ceres61= Earth

    61= E-Meter61= Frodo

    61= Gandalf

    61= H.A.A.R.P.61= Halgadom61= Heart61= Hotep61= Illinois

    61= Immanuel61= Israel

    61= John Dee61= Ketub61= Krist

    61= Mentu61= Muhammad

    61= Nuith61= Pallas

    61= Phthah61= Sekhet

    61= Smeagol61= Telos61= Urlac61= Virgo

    61= Yamski62= Akasha

    62= Alabama62= Azelia

    62= Bfmaat62= Birsa

    62= Cybele62= Diamond62= Djeudje62= Draco62= Dugpa62= ECKist62= Ganesh62= Gerion62= Hecate62= Iannu

    62= Kutu62= Lamagra

    62= Lhamanha62= Liahona62= Mabus

    62= Mahatma62= Marduk

    62= May King62= Oghmios

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    62= Orion62= Ramkar62= Samna'il62= Sitri (12)62= Skidoo62= Taro

    62= Thoth62= Tollan62= Tora

    62= UNICEF62= Vimana62= Wah Z

    62= Wild Man63= Albus63= Aralu63= Atlas

    63= Atma Lok63= Auriel

    63= Chiron63= Collins

    63= Crocell (49)63= El Moriah

    63= Goetia63= Guru

    63= H.R. Giger63= I, Witch63= Kalighat63= Kapalika63= Kephos63= Kosmon

    63= Kraat63= Krsna

    63= Mathrem63= Mizraim63= Moroni

    63= Oklahoma63= P'taah

    63= Qulielfi63= Set-Heh63= Shemesh63= Shining63= Shugal

    63= Silence63= Sollon63= Theta

    63= Tolkien63= Tuella63= WWW63= Xenu63= Zonei

    64= Adarmeh

    64= Adonai64= Ahriman

    64= Ambigram64= America64= Andolo64= Ashar

    64= Bathin (18)64= Berith (28)64= Brasil

    64= B'rit Am64= CCXX

    64= Clonaid64= Esus

    64= Israfil64= Kallisti

    64= Lemuria64= Marax (21)

    64= Mein Kampf

    64= Mer Ka Ba64= Ogdoad

    64= Ompehda64= One God64= Pelican64= Petale

    64= Pleione64= Rongo64= Srulik64= Teufel64= Tubal

    64= UR-OMA

    64= Virgin64= Wanga65= Amrita65= Apsu65= Arhat

    65= Athene65= Barack65= Benfica65= Bennu65= Bon-pa65= Darda'il

    65= Emmanuel

    65= Fascio65= Florida

    65= Gog & Magog65= Gramaha65= INGSOC65= IO Eris65= Kahuna65= Khephra

    65= Malphas (39)

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    65= Mothman65= Noahide

    65= Orias (59)65= Pasu

    65= Saklas65= The Mark

    65= Vajra65= Woden65= Yahuh66= Abhoth

    66= Alloces (52)66= Altair66= Bafath

    66= Botis (17)66= Buddha66= Camelot66= Chacra66= Clergy

    66= Cutha66= El-Sollog66= Freeman66= Gaubni66= Heaven66= Hestia66= Hydra

    66= I am Alone66= Ik Onkar66= Jubelum66= Lobesam

    66= Mana-Loa

    66= Mathra66= Merdedmeh

    66= Messiah66= Ramtha

    66= Sallos (19)66= Selorik

    66= Spot66= Star

    66= Sugmad66= The Bab66= Thugee66= Tulan

    66= Tyella66= Wenohim67= All is God67= Amarna67= Anckar

    67= Bethlehem67= Birsha

    67= Black God67= Bon-po

    67= Falcifer67= Georgia

    67= Hu & Saa67= Indiana67= Isaria

    67= Ithobal

    67= Janus67= Kalikata67= Kamehameha

    67= Martial67= Morya

    67= N.S.D.A.P.67= Peter

    67= Phidias67= Pileus

    67= Ta-Nech67= The Law67= The One

    67= Tiamat67= Torah

    67= Wisdom67= Zagan (61)

    68= Atenai68= Beast

    68= Belicena68= Belisama

    68= Black Flame68= Chac Mool68= Dagdagiel68= Ekankar

    68= Foras (31)68= Gregor68= Grigori68= Jacobin68= Jehovah

    68= Jesus68= Judaism

    68= Julius68= Kanaloa68= Klaatu68= Kraath68= Lucifer

    68= New Age68= New Man

    68= Nura'il68= Orgasm68= Phallos68= Pwcca68= Reficul

    68= Religion68= Retz

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    68= Simon Iff68= Sohang68= Sophia68= Theban68= Thuella68= U.S.S.A.

    68= UNITA69= ARC+KRC69= Athena

    69= B'rith Am69= Chackra69= DeMolay69= Free Will

    69= Goslar69= Graphiel

    69= Halphas (38)69= He's Here

    69= Hesus

    69= Jah-Bel-On69= Kalibur

    69= King Felix69= Kullulu69= L Morya69= Maka'ara69= Malehuda69= Merkabah

    69= Nibiru69= Orus

    69= Raflifu69= Semjase

    70= A Mason70= Aaton70= Adonis

    70= Ammon Ra70= Aurum

    70= Bramaha70= Brazil

    70= Cancer70= Columba70= Demeter70= DHvSS70= Dracul

    70= Dryad70= Ek Onkar70= EL Elyon70= Em Hotep70= Faithism70= Fascism70= Hail Eris

    70= Heka-On-Ka70= Iak-Sakkak

    70= Kalagya70= LAShTAL

    70= Oriflamma70= Pashu70= Pindar70= Pluto

    70= Samigina (4)70= Set-An70= The US

    70= Tuat70= VIAOV70= Wyrd70= Xeper70= XXXI

    70= Yah-Sa70= Zeus70= ZoSo

    70= Zwack

    71= Amissio71= Art Bell71= 'Azra'il71= Baldur

    71= Behemoth71= Bokrug

    71= Brahman71= Chief of All71= Dark Flame

    71= Dragon71= Egypt

    71= Eltanin

    71= GOTOS71= Marbas (5)71= Milarepa71= N'Aton71= Nigredo

    71= One Light71= Pater

    71= Phanes71= Phenex (37)

    71= Raphael71= Set-Hen71= Shalicu

    71= Shamash71= Shanti

    71= Skiddoo71= Soltec71= Sphere

    71= T.O.P.Y.71= Thyella

    71= Unihipili72= Algol Lilith

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    72= Annwn72= Apollon72= Aprilis72= Arddhu72= Aset Ka

    72= Attis

    72= Belesama72= Chilam Balam72= Clarion72= CREST72= Darkat

    72= December72= F.U.D.O.S.I.

    72= Grummet72= Hagbard

    72= Hashishim72= Hathor

    72= Humbaba

    72= Itztli72= Khaled Khan

    72= Krishna72= Monolith

    72= Moonchild72= Mordor

    72= Most High72= Mothallah

    72= Nazism72= Oahspe72= Oregon72= Peacock

    72= Pinda Lok72= Vepar (42)

    72= Vrillon72= Zohar

    73= Agares (2)73= Aiwaz73= Argus

    73= Avalon73= Beltane

    73= C.C. Zain73= CDXVIII

    73= Christ

    73= Coph Nia73= Demiurge73= Evil Eye73= Eye See73= Fasces

    73= Germania73= GESARA73= Gnosis73= Gondor

    73= Hagalaz73= Herakles

    73= Hubur73= I am Nuit

    73= Jhesus73= Joshua

    73= Kal force73= Kalatan73= Khazar73= Khonsu

    73= Love God73= Merkava73= Mulciber73= Nalvage

    73= New Deal73= Phorlakh

    73= Pisces73= Semjasa

    73= Sowilo73= Submit73= Terra

    73= Vajroli73= Wadjet

    73= Wisemen73= Xolotl74= Abatu

    74= Ahamkara74= Algorab74= Atonai74= Azoth

    74= Black Fire74= Bobileth74= Carcer

    74= Chardad74= Columbia

    74= Dark Mark74= Ganesha74= Hafskjold74= Harakiri

    74= Horus74= I am You74= Ishkomar

    74= Kalagiya74= Kata Daki74= Madonna74= Mahanta74= Mahound

    74= Melencolia74= Nevada74= Nothing74= One Eye

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    74= Phallus74= Pohnpei

    74= Sanat74= Satan

    74= The Moon74= Thelemite

    74= Vryal74= Wrath74= Xibalba74= Yahweh74= Yaohu74= Yeshu

    75= Agharti75= Aussik75= Azonei75= Azrael

    75= Babalon75= Bashar

    75= Daoloth75= F.U.C.K.U.P.

    75= Genesis75= Gusion (11)

    75= H.P.K. + R.H.K. + H.R.H.75= Hoderagi75= Leonard75= Matrix

    75= Maypole75= Minerva

    75= Nag Hammadi75= Niantiel

    75= Nodens75= Osiris

    75= Palladism75= Ridvan75= Roerich75= Rudra

    75= Sat Nam75= Shamballa

    75= Vayu75= Wendigo75= Zos Kia

    76= Algoliath

    76= Anthon76= Aossic

    76= Arcadia76= Armanen

    76= Authiq76= Bonzo76= Bundy

    76= Cohanul76= Cyaegha

    76= Druk-pa76= Focalor (41)

    76= Ganzir76= Guru Ma

    76= Hanuman76= Hatonn

    76= Havona76= Jerusem76= Jim Eshelman

    76= Kansas76= Key of Life76= Kukulkan

    76= Lamb of God76= Mahabone

    76= Mana-Mana76= Mithras

    76= Mnbsnmt76= Murmur (54)

    76= Myrddin76= O.I.V.V.I.O.

    76= Rofocal76= Sunna76= Tamuz76= Tekton76= Texet

    76= The Wheel76= Thetan

    76= Tzadikim76= V.I.O.O.I.V.

    76= Vindex

    76= Viridis76= Virya

    76= Wiligut76= Zepar (16)77= Akhkharu77= Any God77= Arachne77= Arahat77= Aryan

    77= Bafometh77= Beltaine77= Caellsan

    77= Cthugha77= Druids

    77= El Morya77= Hidden God

    77= Ia-Besz77= IEOUAMS

    77= J.F.C. Fuller77= Kennedy

    77= Life Force

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    77= Lucifuge77= Magical Child

    77= Man-Sun77= Men In Black

    77= Minerval77= Nazgul

    77= Nu-Isis77= Ponape77= Tammuz77= The Skull77= The Tomb77= Tir Odal77= Vampire

    77= Vesta77= Vulcan78= Anubis78= Arjuna

    78= Armilius

    78= Astar78= 'Azazil

    78= Be as God78= Cypher78= Deitus

    78= Derketo78= Dumuzi

    78= Eckankar78= Golgotha

    78= Green Man78= Hag-All All-Hag

    78= Melencolia I

    78= Merkavah78= Metharia78= Oannes78= Sothis78= Tubalo78= Vindos78= Volund78= Vril Ya

    78= Zionism79= Artemis

    79= Baffomet79= Bona Dea

    79= Cumorah79= David Icke

    79= Eternal79= Exxon

    79= Haagenti (48)79= Harakhan79= Heru Aha79= Heru Ra

    79= Hoor Aha

    79= Hoor Ra79= Iacchus79= Irminsul79= Junius79= Kronos

    79= L. Luycx

    79= Leysola79= Oak of God79= Plejaren79= Rubedo79= Tahuti79= Texas79= Unity79= Venus79= Wotan79= Yaohuh

    80= Abaddon80= Abramelin

    80= Alaya Lok80= Astor

    80= Aumakua80= Bahamut80= Belisana

    80= Billy Meier80= Blue Lodge

    80= Davcina80= Fulcanelli80= Genitalia

    80= Haures (64)80= Heracles

    80= Higher Self80= Hiram Abiff80= Holy Bible

    80= Jahwus80= Jeheshua

    80= Koot Humi80= Kthunae

    80= Kundalini80= Laetitia

    80= Liber Legis80= Liber OZ80= Lucifera

    80= Marianne80= May Day

    80= N.E.S.A.R.A.80= Qliphoth

    80= Red Shield80= Sai Baba80= Sara Kali

    80= Sator80= Scarab

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    80= Secret80= Seraphim

    80= Shamballah80= Shambhalla

    80= Therion80= Thuban

    80= Truth80= Uriens80= V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

    80= Valefor (6)80= Virginia80= Vishnu

    81= A E I O U Y81= A'ano'nin81= Ain Soph81= AL Morya

    81= Andras (63)81= Annuit

    81= Atonism81= Baha'u'llah

    81= Belarion81= Boleskine

    81= Brugpa81= C K L S F V W

    81= Cthulhu81= Dubh Sidh

    81= Dzyan81= Ethiopia

    81= Havah-Jod81= Ichthus

    81= Illuminati81= Jah-Bul-On81= Jod-Havah81= K'Taagar

    81= Maha Sun81= Mah-Ha-Bone81= Man In Black

    81= Nug & Yeb81= Oldspeak81= Phoenix81= Pyramid

    81= Quest

    81= Rebirth81= Sabnock (43)

    81= Set-Hor81= Sirius

    81= Smirnoff81= Target81= Tarot

    81= Thamuz81= Triangle

    81= Utchet81= Vapula (60)

    82= Abuldiz82= Abyss

    82= Aosoth82= Araliya

    82= Ashars82= Aussic82= Ausso82= Azazel

    82= Bill Gates82= Celephais

    82= Communism82= Dracula82= Europe

    82= Had & Nuit82= Hatton

    82= Kali Yuga

    82= May Lady82= Melchizedek82= Nu & Hadit

    82= Orthon82= Polaris82= Reason

    82= Rod of ECK82= Sethos

    82= Shudde M'ell82= Thammuz82= The USA

    82= Vruna

    82= Wyoming82= Xochipilli83= Agartha83= Apophis83= Ashtar

    83= Baal-Moloch83= Bahlasti

    83= Bel Marduk83= Canicula

    83= Columbine83= Djwhal Khul83= Dor Jar El

    83= Hexagram83= Hikuptah83= Kukulcan83= Leo Taxil

    83= Leo Zagami83= Melancholia

    83= Moglthox83= Ras Algol

    83= Santini

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    83= Semiramis83= Shaitan

    83= Stolas (36)83= Sunbeam83= The Sun

    83= Vukodlak

    84= Adramelech84= Alphabet84= Athtar

    84= Avinash84= Baal-Hadad

    84= Bayern84= Bifrons (46)

    84= Coca Cola84= Dark Kiss

    84= Divine King84= Egregore

    84= Fight Club

    84= Furcas (50)84= Hunab Ku

    84= Hung Mung84= Ichthys

    84= Knowledge84= Krumm-Heller

    84= Kutulu84= Lamed Vav

    84= Liberty84= Max Heindel

    84= Minister84= Montana

    84= Oholyao84= Ordeal X84= Perfect84= Plejares84= Reward84= Rofocale84= Samurai

    84= Satori84= Shasta84= Stars

    84= The Pope84= Uncle Sam

    84= Vaincre84= Wal*mart85= Adalwulf85= Aiwass

    85= Akhnaten85= Anahata85= Arcanum85= Asmitor85= Bafomitr

    85= Baphomet85= Clear Light

    85= Fallen Angel85= Hallowe'en85= Holy Grail

    85= Hukikat Lok

    85= Jeheshuah85= Kakodaimon85= Katigara85= Noachite

    85= Novus85= Omri-Tas

    85= Russell85= Sarah Kali

    85= Sorath85= Sujata

    85= Tzaddikim85= Voodoo

    85= Witch-King86= Adam Kadmon

    86= Asetian86= Bacchus

    86= Belphegor86= Caraya

    86= Elohim Gibor86= Europa86= Fat Boy86= Fiat Lux

    86= God is One86= Gremory (56)

    86= Hathoor86= Jehoshua

    86= Jim Eschelman86= Lord Pakal86= Maha Anta86= Orobas (55)

    86= Phaeton86= Ronove (27)

    86= Tefnut86= Telekton86= Theosis86= Vitiris

    86= White God86= Xesus

    86= Yeshua87= Alfa Romeo

    87= Alpha & Omega87= Baal Rimmon

    87= Because87= Chantico

    87= Cult of Lam

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    87= Deseret87= Fire Circle87= God Aton

    87= Hidden Hand87= Isengard87= Jupiter

    87= Man & Woman87= Manasseh87= Manly P. Hall

    87= Old Glory87= Olympos87= Posidon

    87= Primal Fire87= S+ARC+KRC

    87= Vi-Guru87= Yamatu87= Yaohudi88= Aleister

    88= Antron88= Azanigin88= Bavaria

    88= Bean Sidhe88= Bellringer

    88= Coeptis88= Cuthalu

    88= Dark Gods88= Dhammapada88= Divine Child

    88= Djehuty88= Dreizehn

    88= Einherjar88= Furfur (34)

    88= Ga Wath Am88= Gargoyle

    88= Gopal Das88= Harold Klemp

    88= Hercules88= Hypnos88= Ithaqua

    88= Kalachakra88= Kirtimukha88= Koothoomi

    88= Kuan Yin88= Liber Liberi

    88= Mayapan88= McDonald's

    88= Niranjan88= Nistarim88= Prithivi88= Pyrena

    88= Rami Nuri

    88= Sangreal88= Secrete

    88= So Below88= Tarsis

    88= Weyland88= Yaohudim

    89= Akephalos89= Ambrosia89= Anapur

    89= Anima Mundi89= Asmoday (32)

    89= Avesta89= Bafometr89= Basilius

    89= Bealtaine89= Benpadiah89= Binan Ath89= Black Sun

    89= Coccyx89= Dag-Dugpa89= Delaware

    89= ECK-Vidya89= Eunethia

    89= Eye of God89= Eye of Ra89= Giausar

    89= Hand of God89= Haunebu

    89= I Am That I Am89= Ixaxar

    89= Iyob Filiae89= Kull-i-Shay89= Kwan Yin

    89= Lazaris89= Lodge of God89= Maha-Chohan

    89= Maryland89= Mehushua

    89= Nahui Ollin89= New Aeon

    89= Nythra89= Rukha Ulhim

    89= Russia89= Samael & Lilith

    89= Sananda89= Sanatka89= Sathya

    89= Set & Isis89= Shangri-La

    89= Tribann89= Tuebor

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    89= Typhon89= Ura Linda89= Vorilhon

    89= Zamradiel90= Agni Yoga90= Ahrimanes

    90= Amenophis90= Anunnaki90= Aruseak90= Azal'ucel

    90= Black Pope90= Deneb Algedi

    90= Draculea90= DuPont

    90= Enola Gay90= Homo Habilis

    90= Jerusalem90= Luciphagia

    90= Muladhara90= Ohrmuzd90= Qlippoth90= Samsara90= Satania

    90= Seclorum90= Shugara

    90= Surya90= Tehachapi90= Temphioth

    90= Terton90= Toniose

    90= Vatican90= Zazas

    91= Akhnaton91= Aragorn

    91= Baha'i Faith91= Caniculae91= Chronos

    91= Gargouille91= Grimbergen

    91= Hastur91= Herr Wolf91= Huwawa

    91= Jacobinism91= Jehoshuah

    91= King of Kings91= Law of One

    91= Libertas91= Light Giver

    91= Martius91= Melek Taus91= Nasz-Dom

    91= Nirvana91= Oera Linda

    91= Omnec Onec91= One Dollar

    91= Quaoar91= Regulus

    91= Sabaoth91= Sar Alden91= Sut-Har

    91= Tikkun Olam91= Unukalhai91= Verdelet91= Vulcano

    91= Zero Kama92= Anarchy92= Annedoti

    92= Anno Mung92= Athanor

    92= Aurora92= Avatar

    92= Ayyam-i-Ha92= Catigara92= Colorado92= Cymatrili

    92= Ellis Island92= Fomalhaut

    92= Frabato92= Hill Cumorah

    92= Hrumachis92= Humwawa

    92= Jahbuhlun92= November92= Nyogtha92= Prozac

    92= Sangraal92= Scorpio92= Senzar92= Serapis92= Sirius B92= Tantra

    92= Thelemites92= Vermont

    92= Watcher92= Wayland92= Wiligotis

    93= Akhenaten93= All That Is

    93= Allah'u'Abha93= Anatana

    93= Arik Anpin93= Azoetia

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    93= Baph-Metis93= Bhairava

    93= Bilderberg93= Billy Yank93= Cannabis93= Centeotl

    93= Chintamani93= Circle + Dot93= Cthonos

    93= Deep Ones93= Divine Self93= Falun Gong93= Juno-Hera

    93= Kristos93= Lugh Lamhfada

    93= Maha-Guru93= Meslamta'ea

    93= October

    93= Olympus93= OnStar

    93= Pakal Ahau93= Pineal Eye

    93= Prophet93= Saruman93= Saruman

    93= SSS AAA MMM93= Stenay

    93= Sun & Moon93= Tharsis

    93= Third Eye

    93= Thirteen93= True Will

    93= Union Jack93= Ursus

    93= Viktoria93= Yuggoth

    93= Zarahemla94= 'Abdu'l-Baha

    94= Amdusias (67)94= Ars Regia94= Arussem94= Asklepios

    94= B'nai Noach94= Bucksfan94= Characith94= Destiny

    94= Divine Fire94= Druk Yul

    94= Hu Gadarn94= Imaginarium

    94= Ixnextli

    94= Key of it All94= Magen David

    94= Manipura94= Merkaba Field94= Middle Earth

    94= Nebraska

    94= Nephren-Ka94= Orumphul94= Overself94= Palantir

    94= Palenque94= Ragnarok

    94= Ra's al Ghul94= Reptilian

    94= Rex Mundi94= Rubeus

    94= Samonios94= Sara-la-Kali

    94= Sauron94= Tishtar94= Varuna

    94= Yin-Yang95= Accuser

    95= Ahnenerbe95= Amenhotep

    95= Andrameleck95= Annwyn95= As Above95= California95= Crowley

    95= Decarabia (69)95= Giauzar95= Haroeris95= I See You95= Jschwjsch95= Kalachacra95= Leviathan95= Pantheism95= Poseidon95= Priapos95= Sassani95= Sextilis

    95= Son of God95= Son of Ra95= Spectre95= Uraeus

    95= Usir-Hapi95= Venusia95= Volundr

    96= Aldebaran96= Arizona

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    96= Baal Pehor96= Bala Mudra96= B'nai B'rith96= Dagobert96= Derwydd

    96= ECK Master

    96= Eye of Algol96= Fatima UFO96= Gehenayad96= Heru Ra Ha

    96= Jewish Mafia96= Las Vegas96= Maitreya96= Mercury96= Missouri

    96= Mogen David96= Neptune

    96= N-SATAN-D

    96= One Heart96= Pahascht

    96= Rockefeller96= Sarapis

    96= Satanael96= Sphynx

    96= St. George96= The Union96= Tyr Odal

    96= White Lodge96= Yaohu UL

    96= Zelator

    97= Adalruna97= Age of War

    97= Atomic Bomb97= Barzabel

    97= Capitalism97= Chief Adept97= CONTACT97= Dianetics97= Discordia

    97= Divine Eye97= Equinox

    97= Forneus (30)

    97= Forward97= Gol-Goroth

    97= Hanab Pakal97= Heil und Sieg

    97= Jahrmin & Jana97= Ka'auhelemoa

    97= L.Cretara97= Monadologie

    97= Onassis

    97= Our Lady97= Patecatl97= Petrus

    97= Purson (20)97= Satanism

    97= Schaharimeh

    97= Serpens97= Shibboleth97= Urantia

    97= Velpecula97= Violet Flame

    97= Xibalbay97= Yggdrasil97= Zabaoth

    98= AeonFlux98= Ahathoor

    98= Arikh Anpin98= Chthonos

    98= Dantalion (71)98= Der Teufel

    98= Eliphas Levi98= Hufflepuff

    98= Illuminaten98= Iluminatti98= Jarl Widar

    98= Kalachackra98= Kaliksetra

    98= Keep Silent98= Laf-Tar-Ar98= Masonry

    98= Morpheus98= Newspeak

    98= Nyarlat98= Pepsi Cola98= Rotschild98= Satsang98= Semyaza98= Serpent

    98= Shining One98= Skorpion

    98= St. Germain98= Tarshish

    98= Tir na'n Og98= Yrminsul

    98= Zoth-Ommog99= Adam Qadmon99= Adi Mahanta99= Adolf Hitler99= Akhenaton99= Akhetaten

    99= Antares

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    99= Asa Uana99= Atlantis

    99= Atonment99= Augoeides

    99= Black Earth99= Bread of Life

    99= Caligastia99= Catholicism99= Chanology99= Chorazin99= Corvus

    99= Free Zone99= Isa Rashid

    99= John M. Tapia99= Kentucky

    99= Line Drawn99= Lion's Paw

    99= Lord of Light

    99= Louisiana99= Malak Taus99= New York

    99= Red Queen99= Sarah-la-Kali

    99= Saturn99= Silent Self99= Tarnhari99= Trinity

    99= Valum Chivim99= Yeheshua

    100= Achad Ayin

    100= Adoniesis100= Aluna Joy100= Asklepius100= Asmodeus100= Athalwulf100= Athushir

    100= Auramoth100= Bolon Tiku

    100= Chrysler100= Devil's Eye100= Eternal Life100= Heru-Seth

    100= Hoor-Apep100= Hy Breasil

    100= I AM Ashtar100= Ialdabaoth

    100= Ku Klux Klan100= Mactoron

    100= MDCCLXXVI100= Memento Mori

    100= Pentagon

    100= Quintilis100= T C K L S F V W

    100= The Beast100= Tutulu

    100= Ueiskuinig100= Uranus

    100= V.V.V.V.V.100= Vassago (3)100= Victoria

    100= Wildes Heer100= Windows101= Aormuzdi

    101= Armageddon101= Asteron

    101= Bde 'byung101= Chavajoth101= Cloverfield101= Doris Ekker

    101= Hierarchy101= I am Perfect101= In Hoc Signo

    101= Internet101= Ixaxaar

    101= J.R.R. Tolkien101= Jotchavah

    101= L.L. & L.Cretara101= Los Angeles101= May Queen101= Mithrandir

    101= Most High God

    101= Nepthys101= New Mexico

    101= Priapus101= Quan Yin101= Quetzal

    101= R.A. Wilson101= Robin Hood101= Sa Ananda

    101= Sol de Mayo101= Sun of God101= Uiligotos101= Varcolaci

    101= We Are One101= Yaohuh UL102= Acephalus102= Amprodias102= Beetlejuice102= Circled Dot

    102= Domini Canis102= Frater X

    102= Great Seal

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    105= Yehoshua105= York Rite105= Zagreus

    106= Anno Lucis106= Azothos

    106= Az'ra Lumial

    106= Bennu Bird106= Be-With-Us106= Chozzar

    106= Excalibur106= Gyeorgos

    106= I AM Sananda106= Inner Circle106= Lord Adonai106= Manhattan106= Nephthys106= Parzival106= Procyon

    106= Ragoczy106= Rosmerta106= Schlaraffia106= Sep Tepy

    106= Septimania106= Smeagol-Gollum

    106= Taurus106= The One Eye106= Tonalamatl

    106= Tonatiuh106= Walt DeLong

    106= Weisthor

    106= Yaohu Ulhim107= Aphoom Zhah

    107= Asclepius107= Atonement107= BaphoMetis

    107= Blue Star107= Coronzom107= Drunvalo

    107= Esu Immanuel107= Golden Dawn

    107= Holy Bible KJV107= Innsmouth

    107= Jolly Roger107= Liberty Bell107= Lucifugus107= Naw Ruz

    107= Nikola Tesla107= Octirodae107= Octonimos

    107= Ra Hoor Khu107= Sapanur

    107= Schibboleth107= Set-Thoth107= Swastika

    107= The Matrix107= Thule Tempel108= Alice A. Bailey

    108= Aotearoa108= Betelgeuse108= Circle of Fire108= Citlalinicue

    108= Codex Magica108= Cor Bovis

    108= Illumination108= Illuminator108= Iluminatto

    108= Janus & Jana108= Led Zeppelin108= Liber Logaeth

    108= Megor-Marduk108= Might is Right108= Minas Morgul108= Monadology

    108= Omnia in Uno108= River of Life108= Sacred Name

    108= Shoghi Effendi108= Star of ECK108= Sun of May

    108= Thelema Agape108= Vulkanus

    109= Acharya S109= Asetianism

    109= Black Dragon109= Cerberus

    109= Earth Shan109= Eternal Flame

    109= Gargophias109= Gorgoneion109= Hermanubis109= Huiracocha109= Isa Raschid109= Jachin Boaz

    109= Lex Luthor109= Light-Bearer

    109= Luc Luycx109= Navutan

    109= Nietzsche109= Ohol Yaohu109= Satanicum109= Set fighting

    109= Skull & Bones

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    109= Slytherin109= Star Seed109= Traellison

    109= Witch-Blood110= Azathoth

    110= Benjamin Creme

    110= Bera & Birsa110= Caput LVIII110= Corpse-Enki110= Dan Brown110= Great Bear110= Great Rite

    110= Kitab al-Azif110= Liliya Devala110= Linda Falorio

    110= Michael W. Ford110= Mummu-Tiamat110= One Dollar bill

    110= Sacred Fire110= Shaddai El Chai

    110= Shariyat110= The Beatles

    110= Tulzscha110= Van Duyn110= Watchers110= Zeitgeist111= Aetherius111= Alektryon

    111= Caput LVIIIm111= Christus

    111= Demiourgos111= Demon Star111= Disneyland

    111= Flaming Star111= Flower of Life111= George Green

    111= Hiperborea111= I AM Overself

    111= Indwelling God111= Jacobin Club111= Joseph Smith

    111= Law of Thelema

    111= Mahatma Gandhi111= Marchosias (35)

    111= Mighty Ones111= Ophiuchus111= Red Cross

    111= Rhode Island111= Sa Na Tana

    111= Saa-Hu-Maat111= Sacagawea

    111= Secretion111= Star Gate

    111= Tetragram111= The Eternal111= Ubermensch111= Vlad Tepes

    111= Yaohuh Ulhim112= Adolph Hitler112= Aeon of Maat112= All-Seeing Eye112= Atlach-Nacha

    112= Azothoz112= Big Brother112= Capricorn

    112= Caput Algol112= Cocyrus

    112= Eye of Aten112= Hogwarts

    112= Io Eris Eris!112= Khabs am Pekht112= Liber L vel Legis

    112= Liber XXXI112= Melek Tawus112= Merovingian112= Rasalhague112= Royal Arch112= Set Nubti112= Thanatos

    112= The Higher Self112= Totenkopf

    112= Ultima Thule112= Wiccan Rede113= Asphandar

    113= Book of Eibon113= Da Vinci Code

    113= Dionysos113= Eye of Dangma

    113= Gary Olsen113= George Bush113= Golden Heart113= King in Yellow

    113= Nehushtan

    113= Norlatiadek113= Nosce alios

    113= One with God113= Owl of Bohemia113= Peacock Angel

    113= Sandalphon113= Sons of God

    113= Star Trek113= Stella Maris

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    113= Telektonon113= Teletekton113= Tennessee113= Varloorni

    113= Vlad Dracul113= Yes We Can

    114= Alpheratz114= Barbatos (8)114= Bes Na Maut114= Body of Light114= Chichen Itza

    114= Cocytus114= Daniel Schulke114= ECK Masters

    114= Eko Eko Zomelak114= Finn mac Cumhail

    114= Gobi Desert114= I AM Presence

    114= Kama Sutra114= Kurgasiax

    114= Master Hiram114= Om Tat Sat

    114= Path of Aleph114= Rastaban

    114= Sam Bourne114= Secret Key

    114= Theta Helios114= Theta-Teth114= Triangulum

    114= Virgin of God

    114= We Are None114= Ychronos115= Annwvyn

    115= Barack Obama115= Bera & Birsha115= Christ Michael

    115= Cykranosh115= Divided We Fall

    115= Edgar Cayce115= EuroDollar115= Gesellschaft

    115= House of God

    115= I AM St. Germain115= Illuminatus!115= Imp Crowley115= Julleuchter115= Liber Ivonis

    115= Luveh-Keraph115= Memphis & Mizraim

    115= Mercurius115= Neo Liber Legis

    115= Nuith & Hadith115= Palat-Kwapi

    115= Pazuzu115= Ragotzy

    115= Ravenclaw115= Rising Hotch

    115= Sacred Chao115= Sananjaleen115= Sarstro

    115= Secret Self115= Spiritual "I"

    115= The Columbine115= Theoricus115= Tzarogy

    115= Ursa Major115= Uwe Speer115= Vulcanus115= Vywamus

    115= Walpurgis115= Wisconsin115= Xexanoth

    116= Ardibehesht116= Aschmunadai

    116= Ashtarot116= Astaroth (29)

    116= Azagthoth116= Bartzabel116= Cagliostro

    116= Chao Ad Ordo116= Circle + Point

    116= Forces of Life116= Immortality116= Ingolstadt

    116= Isis-Hathor116= Kalki Avatar116= King Arthur

    116= Konx Om Pax116= Leo Scorpio116= Minas Tirith

    116= Om Mani Padme Hum116= Saxe-Gotha

    116= Scorpius

    116= Shining Ones116= Solar Temple

    116= The Fight Club116= Tristitia

    116= Ursa Minor116= Yad-Thaddag

    117= Aeshma Daeva117= Circumspice117= Great Work

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    117= Gryffindor117= Hagbard Celine

    117= Hierosgamos117= Hypercube

    117= Nekronomikon117= Planet Shan

    117= R P S T O V A L117= Revelation117= RPSTOVAL

    117= Sar Yesir117= Simon Peter

    117= Sollog Immanuel117= Son of Sun

    117= Time Capsule117= Tishtrya

    117= Vajra-Dorje117= Volkswagen117= Word of Sin

    118= Belicena Villca118= Bilderberger

    118= Black Pharaoh118= Deo Favente118= Deo Proximo118= Eye of Aton

    118= George Adamski118= Hemethterith

    118= Hephaistos118= Horus-Maat

    118= Johnny Rebel118= Klarkash-Ton

    118= Neanderthal118= Noahide Laws118= Ordibehesht

    118= Ordo Ab Chao118= Pax Romana

    118= Ras Tafari118= Rudolf Hess118= Taiyo no Kai

    118= Thelma Terrel119= Agape Theou

    119= Allen Greenfield119= Aquarius

    119= Atargatis119= Black Triangle

    119= Carpenter119= Chinnamasta

    119= Coronzon119= Dionysus

    119= Double Wand119= Enlightenment119= Gate of Death

    119= Golden Wisdom119= Haile Selassie119= Hollow Earth119= Homo Novus

    119= Le Roi du Monde119= Mississippi

    119= Nuclear Bomb119= Oroboros119= Phree Messen

    119= Sato Kuraj119= Set-Horus

    119= Temple of Set119= Threefold Flame

    119= Velatropa119= Xipe Totec119= Yaldabaoth

    120= Aufklaerung120= Barack H. Obama

    120= Beta Persei120= Black Goddess120= Face of Glory120= Heart Chakra120= Huna Kupua120= Illuminatrix120= Ipsissimus120= Januarius

    120= Juda Ihariot120= Katsupari

    120= Kitab-i-Aqdas120= Liber Loagaeth

    120= Luciferianism120= LVX et PAX

    120= Magnum Opus120= Malak Tawus120= New Jersey120= Noctulius120= Pashupati

    120= PAX et LVX120= Photon Belt

    120= Rene Guenon120= Sa Na Kumara120= Satan-Moloch

    120= Svartsol120= Wakan Tanka

    121= Acquisitio121= Agathodaimon121= Age of Horus

    121= Algol Baphomet121= Antichrist121= Ashtaroth

    121= Chang-Shamballa

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    121= Conjunctio121= Dark Pharaoh121= Dhyan Chohan

    121= Essassani121= Etheric Plane

    121= Hawk-Headed God

    121= Holy Spirit121= Hor-pa-kharad121= Iao Sabaoth

    121= John Goodricke121= Karu Samsu121= Liberty Cap121= Micronation121= Persephone121= Pseudonym

    121= Rigden Jyepo121= Rite of Memphis121= Shield of David

    121= Submission121= The Builders

    121= The Eye of God121= Thelema Theou

    121= Uiliguotos121= Venio Ad Lucem

    122= Andromalius (72)122= Angels & Demons

    122= Asetian Bible122= Father Dagon

    122= Fiery Gates122= Gorgon's Head

    122= Granth Sahib122= Great Old One

    122= Holy Fire of ECK122= Homo Sapiens

    122= James A. Eshelman122= LCF Rothschild

    122= Mercedonius122= PortuGral

    122= Severed Head122= Soldier of God122= Sudar Singh

    122= The Black Pope

    122= The Enterer122= Theta Cipher122= Tlaltecuhtli122= Weishaupt

    122= White House122= Woodstock122= Xpoferens123= Alta Astra

    123= Angel & Abyss

    123= Biblia Hebraica123= Book of Mormon

    123= Cesidio Tallini123= Eighty-Four123= FourWinds

    123= Galactic Maya

    123= Haile Selassie I123= Industry123= Law of the One123= Lord of Lords123= MasterCard

    123= Nu Hiding Hadit123= Perdurabo123= R'lyeh Text123= Sahasrara

    123= Snow White123= United Kingdom

    124= Ahura Mazda

    124= Allen H. Greenfield124= Choronzon124= Cult of Aten

    124= Desiree Green124= Flaming Sword124= Isis Rejoicing

    124= JesuSataN124= Lafcursiax

    124= Liber AL vel Legis124= Monos Theos124= Osiris Slain124= Osiris-Apis

    124= Remember Death124= Roman Church

    124= Rose-Croix124= Satanic Bible124= Seth-Horus124= Shakespeare

    124= Talmud Jmmanuel124= Trowyden

    124= Two Ball & Cane124= Ubbo-Sathla

    124= Vampirmensch124= Vrykolakas

    124= Witchcraft124= Witch-Queen

    124= Yod He Vav He125= Ashmunaday125= Attiq Yomin

    125= BaphoMedusa125= Book of Thoth125= Chicomoztoc

    125= Dominus Liminis

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    125= Hercolubus125= Isis in Welcome

    125= Jot Niranjan125= Lord of the Flame

    125= Moon Calendar125= Mother Earth

    125= Owl of Wisdom125= Practicus125= Prometheus

    125= Rigdan Tagpa125= Round Table125= Saint George

    125= Toutatis125= Unordnung125= Vanaspati

    125= Washington125= Witch Star125= Yaoshorul

    126= All Hallow's Eve126= Ankh-f-n-Khonsu

    126= Aurum Solis126= Battle Born126= Cernunnos

    126= Chang-Shamballah126= Creator God126= Deus Pater

    126= Dianus & Diana126= English Qabalah

    126= Great Mother126= Hunbatz Men

    126= Khut-en-Aton126= Lord of Silence

    126= Master Path126= Nazirutha126= Neptunus

    126= Otherworld126= Pallas Athene126= Pan-Europa

    126= Ra Hoor Khut126= Satan's Head126= Tepeyollotl

    126= Throne of God

    126= Unknown God126= Widdershins

    127= Atmospheric "I"127= Equal Rights

    127= Forces of Time127= Heart Chacra

    127= Imperial Guard127= Kundabuffer

    127= Manly Palmer Hall

    127= Mormon Church127= New Hampshire

    127= Rays of Light127= Saint Germain

    127= Sri Harold Klemp127= Um'r at-Tawil

    127= UR Terton127= World Mother128= Abada Kedabra128= Alpha Zoo Loo128= Arche Tekton128= Baghavad Gita128= Call of Cthulhu

    128= Circle-Cross128= Emerald Tablet128= Eye of Kanaloa128= Eye of Lucifer128= Frater Achad

    128= Galactic Peace128= Hephaestus

    128= I AM Activity128= Kultu Ktulu

    128= Lucifer Risen128= Mansur el Hallaj128= Mark L. Prophet128= Omega Project128= Rongo-Rongo

    128= Star Elders128= Tau Cross

    128= World Order

    129= Age of Reason129= Apocalypse

    129= Diana-Artemis129= Divine Tzadik129= H.P. Lovecraft129= Heaven's Gate129= Kuxan Suum

    129= Number of a Man129= Pacal Votan

    129= Queen Mother129= R.C. Christian

    129= Re-Atum-Khepri

    129= Robert Shea129= Space Opera129= Thaphabaoth129= The Equinox

    129= The Violet Flame129= Tsirk Susej

    129= Unity of God129= Yaohushua

    130= Abrahadabra

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    130= Ain Soph Aur130= Antahkarana

    130= Atu Tahuti130= Book of the Law

    130= Celtic Cross130= Cosmic Council

    130= Council of Light130= Cult of Aton130= David Cherubim130= Diana Lucifera130= Eko Eko Azarak130= HadTemNifSou130= Heart Chackra

    130= Hyperborea130= Jack-in-the-Green130= Jan Van Helsing

    130= Lapsit Exillis130= Lucifer Rising

    130= Mother Hydra130= Osculum Infame

    130= Pallas Athena130= Philosophus

    130= Ra Hoor Khuit130= Sirius-Sion

    130= Star-Mother130= Sun & Venus

    130= Urusvati131= Andrealphus (65)

    131= Annie Besant131= Authiq Yomin

    131= Ceres-Demeter131= Credo Mutwa

    131= Elevenfold Seal131= EU Parliament

    131= Ever Living God131= Ghatanothoa

    131= Irminenschaft131= Kebra Nagast

    131= Key of Solomon131= L. Ron Hubbard

    131= Lion-Serpent131= Lugh Samildanach

    131= Maya Calendar131= Necronomicon131= Phi Beta Kappa

    131= Rigor Mortis131= Roerich Pact131= Rukha Yaohu131= Scientology

    131= Seventh Seal131= The Lion's Paw

    131= The Red Queen131= Thirty-Six131= Tonantzin

    131= Tsathoggua131= Walter DeLong

    132= Apophrasz

    132= Baldur-Krist132= Brigham Young132= Budsturga

    132= Cthulhu Cult132= Isis Mourning

    132= James A. Eschelman132= Lege! Judica! Tace!

    132= Lord of Thebes132= Mahazhael Deval132= Mansur al Hallaj

    132= Nasatanada132= New Jerusalem

    132= Phrygian Cap132= Rite of Mizraim

    132= Secret Chiefs132= Seraphim Nephilim

    132= Six Six Six132= Soul Travel

    132= The Pentagon132= Vajroli Mudra132= Wewelsburg

    133= Angra Mainyu133= Arcturus

    133= Arehisosur

    133= Augustus133= Body Thetan

    133= Bohemian Grove133= Eugen Grosche133= Gott mit Uns

    133= HIM Haile Selassie I133= Lord of Misrule133= Love is the Law133= Owl of Minerva133= Prime Numbers

    133= Proserpina133= Pseudonyn

    133= Ra-Atum-Khepri133= Righteous Men

    133= Saint Peter133= This We'll Defend

    133= Valum Votan134= Alice Ann Bailey

    134= Aton-Hatonn134= Aum Shinrikyo134= Aura Rhanes

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    134= Cosmic Trigger134= Death & Rebirth134= Deus Homo Est

    134= Eye of Horus134= Februarius

    134= George W. Bush

    134= Gotos-Kalanda134= Homo Erectus134= Invisible College

    134= Kuthumi Lal Singh134= Magister Templi

    134= Morning Star134= Oxlahun Tiku

    134= Pardes Rimmonim134= PortuGraal134= Rose+Cross134= Serapis Bey134= Set-Typhon

    134= Sirius Cycle134= Solomon's Seal

    134= Spartakus134= Sridpai Khorlo

    134= Star Wars135= Abracadabra

    135= Angel of the Dark135= Audi Vide Tace

    135= Cxaxukluth135= Divine Spirit135= Esu Sananda135= Eye of Osiris

    135= Eye of Rudra135= Frankenstein135= Gorgonis Ora135= Ground Crew135= Holy Brother

    135= Horus & Mentu135= Illuminati Online

    135= Janus Lucifer135= Knights of Malta

    135= Kryptonite135= Leo Lyon Zagami135= Loyal Zion Mage

    135= Manannan mac Lir135= Monjoronson135= Monsters Inc.135= Osiris Risen

    135= Phoenix Lights135= Satanatas

    135= Sauthenerom135= Silver Star135= Tlazolteotl

    135= Tree Calendar135= Trigrammaton

    135= World Goodwill135= Yaubl Sacabi136= Anton LaVey136= Aster Argon

    136= Bloated Woman136= Bornless One136= Crata Repoa

    136= Dragon Rouge136= Era Vulgaris

    136= Gerald Gardner136= Gorgon Star

    136= Kinich Hanab Pakal136= Lord of Shambala

    136= Lucifer Reficul136= Minerva-Pallas

    136= Mynarthitep

    136= Pharavardin136= Seraphim Nephelim

    136= Sign of Horus136= Sirius-Zion

    136= Teotihuacan136= The Golden Apple136= The Rising Hodge136= Violinio Germain

    136= Voarchadumia136= Weiser Books

    137= Babalon Rising137= Dreuwydden

    137= Heru-sa-Aset137= Jose Arguelles137= Lapis Ex Coelis137= Noriel of Aton137= North Dakota

    137= Project Mayhem137= Rubae Rosae

    137= Saturnus137= Sign of Babalon

    137= ThanatEros137= Valiant Thor137= Yog-Sothoth

    138= Agam Purusha138= Book of Babalon

    138= Disney World138= Divine Tzaddik138= Elders of Zion138= Evening Star138= Freemasonry

    138= Itzpapalotl138= Lord Maitreya

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    138= Marduk Kurios138= Parfaxitas

    138= Serapis Bay138= Tenochtitlan

    138= The Aim of Religion138= Triumph of Light

    138= Xiuhtecuhtli139= Aesculapius139= Ayin Quadma'ah139= English Socialism139= Germanen Orden139= House of Moksha

    139= Jah Rastafari139= Kindler of the Flame

    139= L'Etoile Du Nord139= Llew Llaw Gyffes139= Lord of the Ages

    139= Loyalty Day

    139= Michael Tsarion139= Novus Ordo

    139= Paul Twitchell139= Sanat Kumara139= Typhon-Seth139= Urantia Book

    139= White Goddess139= Zweitracht

    140= Ba-Neb-Tettu140= Chalchihuitlicue

    140= Connecticut140= English Alphabet

    140= Flying Saucer140= Great Old Ones

    140= Harpokrates140= Hoor Pa Kraat

    140= Illuminati Cipher140= Kali Chinnamasta

    140= Law of Liberty140= Love under Will140= Minerva-Athene140= Padmasambhava140= Prophet of Had

    140= Shambhala-Tollan

    140= Teletektonon140= To Mega Therion

    140= Yajnavirya141= Abbey of Thelema

    141= Alakh Purusha141= Aster Argos

    141= Captain Fuller141= Deadly Poison141= Francis Bacon

    141= Jesus Christ141= Kundalini-Shakti

    141= Lord of Shambhala141= Lucifer-Christ141= Lucifer-Gnosis141= New Atlantis

    141= Saddam Hossein141= Satan Falcifer141= Spartacus

    141= Star of David141= The Eternal Flame141= The Skull & Bones

    141= Will to Unity141= Winged Scarab142= Aeon of Horus142= Asha Vahishta142= Blessed Beast142= Gorakshasana

    142= Jesus-Satan142= Keeper of the Flame

    142= King of the World142= Knights Templar

    142= Kutulu-Nergal142= Liberty Island

    142= Lord of the Aeon142= Old Testament

    142= Religion of the ECK142= Rinri Project142= Sixfold Star142= Sol Invictus

    142= The Watchers142= Vorvadoss

    142= Wizardiaoan143= 4 6 3 8 2 4 3 24 89

    143= Abdul Alhazred143= Age of Maitreya143= Alpha Draconis143= Amado Crowley

    143= Ashtar Command143= Babalon & Beast

    143= Bodhisattva143= Catholic Church

    143= Charles Manson143= Cthulhu Fhtagn!143= Guido von List143= House of Aset

    143= Lords of the Flame143= Marilyn Manson

    143= Minerva-Belisama143= Omar Ta Satt

    143= Parnassus

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    143= Peddar Zaskq143= Phoenix Rising

    143= Restriction143= Tartessos

    143= The Hiding of Hadit143= The Law is for all

    143= Thoth Tarot143= Verwirrung143= Vesta-Hestia

    143= Zoroaster144= Anahata Chakra

    144= Aqua Toffana144= Arcadia Academia144= Beast & his Bride

    144= Book of Dzyan144= Crawling Chaos144= Cry of the Hawk144= Dianus Lucifer

    144= Eris Discordia144= Fifty Stars

    144= Flower Power144= Glasya-Labolas (25)

    144= House of Aton144= Huitloxopetl

    144= I AM Saint Germain144= Illuminati Theta

    144= Lysistrata144= Madonna Oriflamma

    144= Manifestation144= Mayan Calendar

    144= Minerva-Athena144= Ordo Seclorum

    144= PanDaemonAeon144= Ras al Shaitan

    144= Sat Purush144= Sekhet-Maat Lodge144= The All-Seeing Eye

    144= Thirty-Three144= Tower of Babel144= UL Shuaodday

    144= Violinio Germaine144= Washington DC

    145= Asar Un-Nefer145= Cesidian Church

    145= Crossed Circle145= Dorushka Maerd145= Double Triangle

    145= Eye of the Enemy145= Heru-Pa-Kraath

    145= Living ECK Master145= Nightside of Eden

    145= Perfect Heart145= Rosh ha-Satan145= South Dakota145= Tecciztecatl

    145= The Da Vinci Code145= Tyler Durden

    145= Vinum Sabbati145= World Wide Web146= Adarpahascht

    146= Alliance of People146= Avada Kedavra

    146= Boleskine House146= Children of Aset

    146= Chthonic Star146= Cthulhu dreams!146= Cuthalu-Nergal146= Daughter of Job

    146= Gnarled Oak of God

    146= Illuminati Order146= Mabon ap Modron146= Messiah of Chaos

    146= Rosie Crosse146= The I AM Presence

    146= Tubalo Lucifer146= Varg Vikernes146= West Virginia

    147= Algol Demon Star147= Armanenschaft

    147= Bahlasti! Ompehda!147= Book of Knowledge

    147= Caput Larvae147= Chalice of Babalon147= Chalmecatecuhtli

    147= City of Pillars147= Cosa Nostra147= Cynothoglys147= Harpocrates

    147= Holy Chosen One147= Lucis Trust

    147= Mysteria Magica147= Norey Latona147= Prophet of Nu

    147= Rainbow Bridge147= Saddam Hussein

    147= Sar Validivar147= Scarlet Woman147= Sic Luceat Lux147= Simon Petrus

    147= Solomon's Temple147= Vicarius Filii Dei

    148= Aussik Aiwaz

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    148= Banner of Peace148= Braunau am Inn

    148= Earth Wizard148= Et In Arcadia Ego

    148= Graf Ragoczy148= Huehuecoyotl

    148= Ia-Apophrasz148= Illuminatio Regale148= Inner Divine Self148= Lucifer Reborn148= Mictlantecuhtli148= Nosce te ipsum148= Rolling Stones

    148= Vampiric Order148= Warner Bros.

    149= Adeptus Major149= Anami Purusha

    149= Aossic Aiwaz

    149= Budhisattva149= Darwin Gross

    149= Delirium Tremens149= Dyaus Pitar

    149= Earth Charter149= Eochaid Ollathair

    149= Franz Bardon149= Liber V vel Reguli149= Mission Ignition

    149= Pax Cultura149= Queen of Space149= Ring-Pass-Not

    149= Rosy Cross149= Sagittarius

    149= Serpent Circle149= Son of the Sun149= Tezcatlipoca149= Thantifaxath

    149= The Great Work149= The Nekronomikon

    149= Venus Pudica149= Word of the Law150= Adeptus Minor

    150= Ankh-af-na-Khonsu

    150= Baptism by Fire150= Capricornus

    150= Claude Vorilhon150= Cynocephalus

    150= Day out of Time150= Fortuna Major150= Galactic Center

    150= George Cecil Jones150= Harbinger of Light

    150= Heart of the Eagle150= Immanuel Sananda

    150= Koothoomi Lal Singh150= Lux E Tenebris150= Master Leonard150= Masters of Light

    150= Mordecai the Foul150= Palden Dordji Lhamo150= Shift of the Ages

    150= Spiritual Eye150= Temple of Solomon

    150= Towart Managi151= Anahata Chacra

    151= Arnold Krumm-Heller151= Ashtar Lucifer151= Circle Squared151= Fortuna Minor

    151= Georgos C. Aton

    151= Hassan i Sabbah151= Janus Bifrons

    151= Jeshua ben Ekara151= Mordecai the Elder151= Nergal-Meslamta'ea

    151= Reptilian Brain151= Rose Ceremony

    151= Thoum-aesh-neith152= Academia Masonica

    152= Aloster Kerval152= Belatucadros152= Biggest Secret

    152= Boddhisattva152= Caput Medusae152= Cirque du Soleil

    152= Fire of the World152= Fratres Lucis

    152= Marjorie Cameron152= Marquis de Sade152= North Carolina

    152= Raelian Movement152= Sanchoniathon152= Sri Gary Olsen

    152= Strasbourg

    152= Tonacacihuatl152= Totenkopfring152= Voice of Power

    153= Babalon Working153= Coatlaxopeuh153= Holy Brothers

    153= Imzaia Fellowship153= Lord of the Rings153= Lucifuge Rofocal

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    153= Magus of Power153= Mercury-Hermes

    153= Mighty Waters153= Nicholas Roerich

    153= Pennsylvania153= Runen Wissen

    153= Self-Created One153= Supreme Sugmad154= Anahata Chackra

    154= Destiny Books154= Deus Unum Est154= Earth Ascending

    154= Eye of Sauron154= Familiar Spirits

    154= Fifty States154= Gerald Suster154= Gotos Raunen

    154= Gwynn ap Nudd

    154= Mark of the Beast154= One Government154= Satan-Jeheshua

    154= Star of Bethlehem154= Tempel von Thule154= The White House

    154= Tony Shearer155= Astron Argon155= Ayin Tau Ayin

    155= Babalon & Therion155= Crux Ansata

    155= Eko Eko Karnayna

    155= Fabian Society155= Germania Devicta155= Knights of Eulogia

    155= Life, Death, Rebirth155= Master Therion155= Prieure de Sion155= Quintessence155= Scottish Rite

    155= Sheol-Nugganoth155= The Book of Mormon

    156= Adam Weishaupt156= Alastor Kerval

    156= Angels and Demons156= Ashtar Sheran

    156= Aumgn, Aumgn, Aumgn156= Aureae Crucis

    156= Bearer of the Flame156= Don't Tread On Me

    156= E.J. Ekker & Doris J. Ekker156= Frater VIOOIV

    156= Karl Maria Wiligut

    156= Nicholas K. Roerich156= Reincarnation

    156= Robin Goodfellow156= Romulus & Remus

    156= Rudolf Steiner156= Scarlet Thread

    156= Shaitan Aiwaz156= Shub-Niggurath156= Silent Watcher156= Svaddhisthana156= Thartharaoth

    156= The Eagle has landed156= Xochiquetzal

    157= Akashic Records157= Angel and Abyss157= Arizona Wilder

    157= Externsteine157= Fubbi Quantz

    157= Gloria Excelsias157= Graf Ragotzy157= Graf Tzarogy

    157= Horus-Maat Lodge157= Jesus Sananda157= Jupiter-Zeus

    157= Livri Luciferius157= Malleus Maleficarum

    157= Ordo Saturni157= Rod of ECK Power

    157= Sanguinarius157= Stregoicavar

    158= Aiwass Aiwaz158= Buddhisattva158= Christoferens

    158= Great White Lodge158= Hierarchy of Light158= Illuminati Ciphers

    158= Iztapaltotec158= Laura Cretara

    158= Lij Tafari Makonnen158= Lord of the World

    158= Order of Chilam Balam158= Quetzalcoatl

    158= Samael Aun Weor158= Sanchuniathon

    158= SixtyStone158= Two Ball and Cane

    158= Vril Gesellschaft159= Asa Uana Sippe

    159= Bermuda Triangle159= Compass of Enoch159= Dieu et Mon Droit

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    159= Federal Reserve159= George T. Mortimer

    159= Great Equinox159= Illuminatenorden

    159= King Arcturus159= Leo Young Zagami

    159= Mouth of Madness159= New Testament159= Nyarlathotep

    159= Scipio Aemilianus159= Sirius Sothis

    159= World Society159= Yogge-Sothothe

    160= Andrew Chumbley160= Astron Argos160= Aussik Aiwass

    160= Book of Urantia160= Cauda Draconis

    160= Dog of Azathoth160= Ewige Blumenkraft160= Fatherhood of God

    160= Frater Soror160= Gates of Matter160= House of Horus

    160= Illuminati Gematria160= Jachin Boaz Mabon

    160= Keepers of the Flame160= Lamed Vav Tzadikim

    160= Nothing is true160= Perfektibilisten

    160= Priory of Sion160= Serpens Cauda160= South Carolina

    160= The Call of Cthulhu160= The I AM Activity

    160= The Professor160= The Sex Magicians

    160= Tlalchitonatiuh160= Twenty-Three

    160= United by a Coin161= Aossic Aiwass161= Aten's Horizon

    161= Atlantis Rising161= Beauty & Beast

    161= Commander Hatonn161= Cthulhu Mythos

    161= Eastern Star161= Huitzilopochtli161= Judas Iscariot161= Kristos Lucifer161= Lords of Truth

    161= Lucifer Trust161= Lucifuge Rofocale161= Ordo Baphometis

    161= Reign of Terror161= The Age of Reason

    162= All-Seeing Eye of God

    162= Ancient of Days162= Ascended Master162= Audible Life Stream

    162= Chalchihuitotolin162= Church of Satan

    162= Eztapaltotec162= First Contact

    162= Hieroglyphic Monad162= Independence Day162= Knights of St. John162= Maitreya Buddha

    162= Olalam Imal Tutulu

    162= Pentagrammaton162= Sign of the Beast

    162= The Book of the Law162= The Great Beast162= Typhon-Christ

    163= Galactic Compass163= John Barleycorn163= July the Fourth163= Phoenix Journal163= Rumpelstiltskin163= Spectral Monkey163= Spirit of Aither

    163= The Necronomicon163= Wheel of Fortune

    164= Alliance of Peoples164= Daughters of Job

    164= Death Posture164= Dove of Oneness164= Horizon of Aten164= Master Builders

    164= Mayer Rothschild164= Morya, Mark & Mother

    164= Ohol Yaohushua164= Perfectibilists

    164= Summit Lighthouse164= Tzadikim Nistarim

    164= Zos Kia Cultus165= Bacchus Diphues165= Bilderberg Group165= Caniculares Dies165= Castor & Pollux

    165= Causa Nostra165= Chintamani Stone

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    165= Chorazos Cult165= Herne, the Hunter165= Kabbala Denudata

    165= Luis Felipe Moyano165= Pace Ac Bello Merita

    165= Ras ash Shaitan

    165= Resurrection165= Shamus-i-Tabriz165= Solve et Coagula165= Terry Melanson

    165= The Righteous Men165= Zecharia Sitchin

    166= Advent of Ahriman166= Age of Aquarius

    166= Brothers of Light166= Earth Wizards

    166= Great Wild Beast166= Harry Potter

    166= Illuminati Papers166= John the Baptist

    166= Nature Spirit166= Per Me Caeci Vident

    166= Saturn Falcifer166= Scientific Illuminism

    166= Son of God's Army166= Son of the Morning166= Stele of Revealing

    166= V for Vendetta166= Venus Project

    167= Alfred Rosenberg

    167= Amanita Muscaria167= Aton's Horizon167= Christ Overself

    167= Constitution167= Dreamspell Nation167= Goddess Baphomet

    167= Gyeorgos Ceres167= In nocte consilium167= Nibiruan Council167= Perfectibilisten

    167= Red Brotherhood167= Silver Serpent

    167= Sleeping Beauty167= Spirit of Aether167= Tonacatecuhtli167= United States

    167= Walter Jantschik168= Alaya Purusha

    168= Caput Gorgonis168= Caput Mortuum

    168= Ecclesia Gnostica

    168= In God We Trust168= IOUO - The Name of God

    168= One to follow Thee168= Phoenix Project168= Piltzintecuhtli

    168= Ragnar Redbeard

    168= Shaitan Aiwass168= Torch of Reason168= Witches' Sabbat

    169= Aloster de Kerval169= Andrew D. Chumbley

    169= Annuit Coeptis169= Armeria Veritas169= Aurora Aureae169= Dr. Parnassus

    169= E Pluribus Unum169= Edred Thorsson

    169= Eye in the Pyramid

    169= Eye in the Triangle169= George Green Aton169= Georgos C. Hatonn

    169= Hermetic Seal of Light169= Hoor Paar Kraat

    169= Horus and Mentu169= Illuminati + Bavaria

    169= Lamed Vav Tzaddikim169= Lord Michael Archangel

    169= Lord of the Hosts169= Planetary Holon169= Remanifestation

    169= Rumpelstiltzkin169= Sathya Sai Baba

    169= Sauroctonos169= Schutzstaffel169= Serpentarius

    169= Thanatos & Eros169= Thule Gesellschaft169= Unus in Omnibus

    169= War on Terror169= Willaru Huayta169= World Servers

    170= Alchemia Arcanorum

    170= Chief among the Mighty170= Christophoros

    170= Elevenfold Gematria170= Horizon of Aton

    170= League of Nations170= Liber Lapidis Lazuli170= New World Order170= Red Order of Seth170= Sar Hieronymus

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    170= Set Triumphant170= Tetragrammaton

    170= The Book of Babalon170= Thet Oera Linda Bok

    170= Vimanika-Shastra170= William Shakespeare

    171= Attitude of Pan171= Black Brotherhood171= Day of Be-With-Us171= Deus Meumque Jus171= Double Wanded One

    171= European Union171= Gizeh-Intelligenzen

    171= Grand Omnific Word171= Nimrod de Rosario

    171= Order of the Temple171= Philippe Rothschild171= Vairagi ECK Master

    171= Woman of Whoredom172= Angel in the Abyss172= Apophis & Typhon172= Child of thy bowels172= Clark Ashton Smith

    172= Jesus Barabbas172= Mercurius-Hermes172= National Socialism

    172= Ralph Maxwell Lewis172= Saturn-Gnosis

    172= Sign of Chastity172= The Mayan Factor

    173= Caput Draconis173= Christos Lucifer173= Esto Perpetua

    173= Hukikat Purusha173= Jesus Christos

    173= Le Serpent Rouge173= Mystic Masonry

    173= Quinotaurus173= Rennes-le-Chateau

    173= Serpens Caput173= Spes Mea In Deo Est

    173= Stephen Flowers

    173= Thomas Anderson173= Tzaddikim Nistarim

    173= United We Stand174= Corvus Corax

    174= Gyeorgos C. Aton174= In Hoc Signo Vinces

    174= Ishtar Antares174= Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

    174= Secret Destiny

    174= Solar Tradition174= Sons of the Mighty

    174= Walpurgisnacht175= Babalon & the Beast

    175= Bringer of Pests175= Closer of the Cycle

    175= DreamSpell Calendar175= Gorgoneum Caput175= Itztlacoliuhqui

    175= Kundartiguador175= Lucifugus Reficul

    175= My number is Eleven175= One Lighted Source

    175= Secret of Satan175= Wine of Ecstasy

    175= Zarathustra176= Angel of the Abyss176= Book of Desolation

    176= George Walker Bush176= Libraries of Akasha176= Lord of the Triangle

    176= Nu, the Hiding of Hadit176= Osoronnophris

    176= The Beast & his Bride176= Tuatha de Danann176= Two Balls and Cane177= Aluna Joy Yaxk'in177= Babe of the Abyss

    177= Children of the Voice177= Freedom and Unity

    177= Galactic Warrior177= Illuminatenordens177= Integral Fellowship

    177= Itztapaltotec177= Thirteen Stars

    178= Alliance of the People178= Avalokiteshvara178= Cannabis Sativa

    178= Celestial Temple of ECK178= Cleared Theta Clear178= Eye of Providence

    178= Gloria Deo Altissimo

    178= Holy Guardian Angel178= Illuminatus Theta

    178= John the Evangelist178= Massachusetts

    178= Paul the Venetian178= Sataninsamaelilith

    178= Simon Peter Kephas178= Wizard's Council178= Yahweh-Satanas

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    179= Alaster-a-dekerval179= Black two-headed Eagle

    179= Center of the Sun179= Jesus Christus

    179= Sons of the Alliance179= Square & Compass

    179= The Book of Knowledge179= The City of Pillars179= The Holy Chosen One

    179= Western Shamballa180= Alpha & Astron & Omega

    180= Ascended Masters180= Baldur-Chrestos

    180= Bringer-Forth of Life180= Brotherhood of Man

    180= Holy Books of Thelema180= Mahacakra Society

    180= The Method of Science

    181= Asetian Bloodlines181= Asetian Vampires181= George Van Tassel181= Johannes Bureus

    181= Masters of Wisdom181= Mater Triumphans

    181= Order of the Illumined181= Our Lady of Space181= Phoenix Journals181= Schwarze Sonne

    181= Stephen E. Flowers181= Thelma "Tuella" Terrel

    181= Unity of all things181= Woman riding the Bull

    182= Bavarian Illuminati182= Co-Worker with God182= Eduard Albert Meier

    182= Fritz Springmeier182= Jubela Jubelo Jubelum

    182= Lord of the Forties182= Order of B'nai B'rith

    182= Star Seed Signals182= Tehachapi UFO Cult182= The Shift of the Ages

    182= Universal Religion182= Venus-Aphrodite

    182= World Government182= Zanthu Tablets

    183= Aleister Crowley183= Amprodias A'ano'nin

    183= Arcturian Codes183= Argentum Astrum

    183= As Above, So Below

    183= Azure-Lidded Woman183= Brazen Serpent

    183= Brother Jonathan183= Day of Independence

    183= George & Desiree Green183= Liber DCLXVI Satan

    183= Lord Jesus Christ183= Lucifugus Rofocal183= Monas Hieroglyphica

    183= Neptune-Posidon183= Operation Mindfuck183= Order of Nine Angles

    183= Qutub the Point183= Royal Arch of Enoch183= Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad

    183= Silver RavenWolf183= Ten World Regions

    183= Theophobia the Elder

    183= Whore of Zabaoth184= Book of Ashtaroth184= Cosmic Awareness184= Creator God Aton184= Do what thou wilt

    184= Francis Barrett184= George Washington

    184= Induced Brain Change184= Liber Mysteriorum184= New Aeon of Horus184= Operating Thetan184= Ordo Lapsit Exillis

    184= The Biggest Secret184= Three Rays of Light

    184= Walter Lewis DeLong185= Ad Rosem per Crucem

    185= Ardhanarishvara185= Cult of Bubastis185= Great Invocation

    185= Hosts of the Mighty185= Jachin Boaz Mahabone

    185= Light, Life, Love & Liberty185= Mayer Amschel Bauer

    185= Oath of the Abyss

    185= Order of Saturn185= Ruler of the Balance

    185= Rumpelstiltzchen185= Seven Noahide Laws185= Simon Peter Cephas

    185= The Babalon Working185= The Lord of the Rings

    186= Agni Yoga Society186= Frater Parzival

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    186= Georgia Guidestone186= Karl Maria Weisthor

    186= Machiventa Melchizedek186= Nebuchadnezzar

    186= Project Chanology186= Rukha Yaohushua

    186= Skull & Crossbones186= Sound and Light of ECK186= Unity of Unities187= Ars Gratia Artis

    187= Prometheus Rising187= Thirteen States

    187= Threefold Book of Law188= Haunter of the Dark188= My prophet is a Fool188= Way of the Eternal

    189= Abrahadabra Cipher189= Drunvalo Melchizedek

    189= Had Nu Abrahadabra189= Heart of the Master189= Johannes Scolvus

    189= Magus of the Eternal189= Merovingian Bloodline189= Montani Semper Liberi

    189= Mysteria Mystica189= One Light of Creation

    189= Phoenix Starship189= Scarlet Concubine

    189= Vairagi ECK Masters190= Beamtenherrschaft

    190= Birth of the Phoenix190= Brotherhood of Light190= Friedrich Nietzsche190= Gregor A. Gregorius

    190= Lords of the Elements190= Sigillum Militum Xpisti

    190= White Brotherhood191= Ala'aster-a-dekerval191= Aleister E. Crowley191= Argenteum Astrum

    191= Audible Life Current191= French Revolution

    191= Jonathan Barlow Gee191= Lucifugus Rofocale191= Neptune-Poseidon

    191= Number of the Beast191= Ordo Saturnus

    191= Principia Discordia191= Rebazar Tarzs

    191= Thurn und Taxis192= Elizabeth Clare Wulf

    192= Gyeorgos C. Hatonn192= Love Alway Yieldeth

    192= Sacred Name Movement192= Six-pointed Star

    192= The Fatherhood of God192= Tremblez Tyrans

    193= Beauty & the Beast193= Great Seal of the US193= King of Kings of Ethiopia

    193= Temple of Golden Wisdom193= Vault of the Adepti194= Great Central Sun

    194= Illuminatus Dirigens194= Klaatu Barada Nikto

    194= Light and Sound of God194= Osiris-Dionysus

    194= Point within a Circle194= Zeitgeist Movement

    195= Barack Hossein Obama195= Dark Night of the Soul195= District of Columbia195= Follow Your Heart

    195= Lapis Philosophorum195= Manu Vaivasvata

    195= The Wheel of Fortune196= Alliance of the Peoples

    196= Asta Galactic Command196= Comte de Saint Germain196= Esu Immanuel Sananda

    196= Great White Spirit

    196= Iuracrunu Codex196= Manawyddan ap Llyr196= Statue de la Liberte

    196= The Summit Lighthouse197= Anuttara Amnaya

    197= De Vermis Mysteriis197= Equinox of the Gods197= Ol Sonuf Vaoresaji197= Rose Edith Crowley

    197= Warner Brothers198= Book of Revelations198= Gateway to Freedom

    198= Order out of Chaos198= The Great Wild Beast198= The Illuminati Papers198= The Stele of Revealing

    198= The Venus Project198= Zos vel Thanatos199= Arahat Athersata

    199= Bacchus-Dionysos199= Ol Sonuf Vaoresagi

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    199= Order of the Illuminati199= Order of the Quest

    199= Order of the Sat Bhai199= Secret Government

    199= Secret of Secrets199= The United States

    200= Beast Six-Six-Six200= Funfwissenschaft200= Illuminatus! Trilogy

    200= Ordo Templi Orientis201= Arcanum Arcanorum

    201= Barack Hussein Obama201= Fama Fraternitatis

    201= I AM Creator God Aton201= Magister Arcanorum

    201= Statue of Liberty201= The Eye in the Pyramid201= The Eye in the Triangle

    201= The Phoenix has landed202= Die Schwarze Sonne

    202= Eye in the Triangulum202= Georgos Ceres Aton

    202= Groupe LCF Rothschild202= Isis-Apophis-Osiris

    202= Magical Heir of the Beast202= Spirit of Democracy

    203= Circulus Domini Canis203= Esu "Jesus" Sananda

    203= Frater Perdurabo203= Harmonic Convergence

    203= Hermes Trismegistos203= Herr Adam Weishaupt203= In ONE God We Trust203= World Trade Centre204= Ascension Ceremony204= Blue Spectral Monkey204= Georgia Guidestones204= Microsoft Windows

    204= Saturnus Falcifer204= Semjase Silver Star205= Bacchus-Dionysus

    205= Gabriel Lopez de Rojas

    205= Glastonbury Tor205= Great Seal of the USA

    205= Magickal Heir of the Beast205= Ponape Scripture

    205= Sanctus Germanus205= Sul inat it nis othen

    205= Torch of Enlightenment205= Valplads Gesellschaft205= Vulcan-Hephaestus

    206= Apophis and Typhon206= Blue Star of Eckankar206= Galactic Confederacy206= Israel Defense Forces

    206= Le Comte de Saint Germain206= ONE Nation under God

    206= Primus Inter Pares206= Son Altesse Royale206= William Josiah Sutton

    207= Aetherius Society207= Brotherhood of Death

    207= Disclosure Project207= Earth + Air + Fire + Water207= George Hunt Williamson

    207= Goddess of Democracy207= Learned Elders of Zion207= Pontifice Hiperboreo

    207= Sionis Prioratus

    207= The Closer of the Cycle207= The Secret of Satan

    208= City of the Pyramids208= Doctrine of the Heart

    208= Golden-tongued Wisdom208= Ophiuchus-Serpens

    208= The Book of Desolation208= Trilateral Comission

    208= Vindos Maq Noudons209= Hermes Trismegistus

    209= Know, Will, Dare, Be Silent209= Nineteen Eighty-Four

    209= Pleiadian Council of Light209= Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

    209= Sign of Harpocrates209= Societe des Nations

    209= Sport Lisboa & Benfica209= Summit University

    209= Trilateral Commission210= Andrew Colton Aton

    210= Betelgeuse Beetlejuice210= Child of the Forces of Time

    210= Deutsches Ahnenerbe210= European Parliament

    210= Homo Sapiens Sapiens210= La Statue de la Liberte210= Love Alway Hardeneth

    210= Natalis Solis Invicti210= Ordo Algolis Infernalis210= The Eye of Providence210= The Wizard's Council

    211= Aeon of Cthulhu Rising211= Germania Devicta MCMXLV

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    211= Kemetic Order of Aset Ka211= Lord of the Forces of Life

    211= Mind Your Business212= Adeptus Exemptus212= Conspiracy Archive

    212= If you build it, he will come

    212= In God Is Our Trust212= Planet Art Network212= Ptah-Apophrasz-Ra

    212= Round Table of Camelot212= Satan Atan Tan An N

    212= Sinister Tradition212= Spiritual Hierarchy

    212= The Ascended Masters212= The Brotherhood of Man

    212= Unity through Faith213= Corrupter of Mankind

    213= Flaming Torch of Reason

    213= Homo Neanderthalensis213= Neptunus-Posidon

    213= Pontiff of the Illuminati213= Sothis Silver Star

    213= Vymaanika-Shaastra214= Deo Favente Perennis

    214= Fay ce que voudras214= Lord of the Gate of Death214= Patrick & Anne Bellringer

    214= Sanctus Satanas214= Washington Monument214= Woman riding the Beast

    215= America First Party215= Ocean of Love and Mercy

    215= Operation Chanology215= Order of the Nine Angles

    215= Spiritual Liberation215= Thala'aster-a-dekerval

    215= We Are One, We Are None216= Attitude of Baphomet216= Be Wise As Serpents

    216= Liber Liberi Lapidis Lazuli216= Sirius Silver Star

    216= Violet Flame of St. Germain

    217= Attitude of Bacchus217= Baphomet Nasatanada

    217= Johann Adam Weishaupt217= One World Government

    217= Ordo Astrum Sophiae217= Sanctum Sanctorum

    217= Spirit of the Primal Fire217= Sport Lisboa e Benfica217= The Great Invocation

    218= Ashtar Galactic Command218= Death & Resurrection

    218= Golden Age of Enlightenment218= Great Divine Director218= Sic Semper Tyrannis

    218= Unity in Diversity

    218= Unknown Flying Object218= Year of the Scorpion219= Church of Scientology

    219= Commander Aton-Hatonn219= Congregational Illuminism

    219= Federation of Planets219= Mass-Energy-Space-Time

    219= Priest of the Princes219= Spirit of the Nature

    219= Threefold Book of the Law220= Georgos Ceres Hatonn

    220= Law, Light, Life, Love, Liberty

    220= Mayer Amschel Rothschild220= Wheel of the Eighty-Four

    221= Ad Astra Per Aspera221= John Ronald Reuel Tolkien221= Liberte eclairant le monde221= Moriah Conquering Wind

    221= Neptunus-Poseidon221= Oracle of the Mighty Gods221= Prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu221= The House of Rothschild

    221= Uiliguotos Ueiskuinig222= Our Lady of Guadalupe

    222= Son of the Hosts of God222= The Birth of the Phoenix222= The Brotherhood of Light222= The White Brotherhood

    222= Theosophical Society223= Ayin Quadma'ah Movement

    223= Esoteric Astrology223= Great Transformers

    223= Lords of the Black Stone223= Star Spangled Banner223= United States Dollar

    224= Billy Eduard Albert Meier

    224= Deoxyribonucleic Acid224= Dionysus Zagreus

    224= Michael, Gabriel, Raphael,Uriel

    225= Abraxas Iao Sabaoth225= Conquering Lion of Judah

    225= Gyeorgos Ceres Aton225= Order of the Blue Star

    225= Order of the Golden Dawn

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    225= Prophet of the Eternal225= The Great Seal of the US225= Triangles in Education226= Builders of the Adytum

    226= Doctor Parnassus226= Had Manifestation Nuit

    226= Jose Antonio Arguelles227= Beauty and the Beast227= Gnostic Catholic Church

    227= Harvey Spencer Lewis227= Holy Royal Arch of Enoch

    227= Nil Carborundum Illegitimo227= Temple of the Holy Spirit

    228= Illuminator + Illuminatrix228= In God is all our Trust

    228= Lucifer Yasmin Sananda228= Messenger of the Old Ones

    228= Tezcatlipoca-Ixquimilli

    228= Zeus Arrhenothelus229= Akhtya Seker Arimanius

    229= Bloodlines of the Illuminati229= Brotherhood of Luxor

    229= I do not believe anything229= Novus Ordo Seclorum229= Robert Anton Wilson

    229= Shekhinah Avir Metatron229= The Equinox of the Gods229= Yaohushua Mehushkhay230= Spiritual Enlightenment

    231= Daughter of the Firmament

    231= Illuminati International231= Nuit Hadit Ra-Hoor-Khut

    231= Secret Fourfold Word231= Zeus Arrhenothelys

    232= Ardet Nec Consumitur232= Australopythecus

    232= Ein Volk, Ein Reich, EinFuhrer

    232= Gradus OTO Saturni232= S Sa Sat Sata Satan

    232= The Illuminatus! Trilogy233= Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

    233= Lord of the Triumph of Light233= Sollog Immanuel Adonai-

    Adoni233= The Project Hate MCMXCIX

    233= The Statue of Liberty233= Vulcanus-Hephaistos

    234= Blue Star of the Mahanta234= Father, Son, Holy Spirit

    234= M'girachich UnchirikC'thanogh

    234= Mysteria Mystica Magica234= Mystery of the Stone

    234= Necronomicon Ex Mortis234= Six-Pointed Star of ECK

    234= The Eye in the Triangulum234= Tomeros Maasu Korton235= Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    235= Herbert Victor Speer235= La Liberte eclairant le monde235= Nuit! Hadit! Ra-Hoor-Khuit!

    235= Universal Recollection236= American Federal Reserve

    236= Beautiful Brotherhood236= Equality Before the Law

    236= Liberty and Independence236= Phosphorescent Magus

    237= Chosen Priest & Apostle237= Pnakotic Manuscripts237= Scientia Est Potentia237= Servus Servorum Dei

    237= The Great Seal of the USA237= Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli

    237= Under God the People Rule238= Esoteric Order of Dagon

    238= Many Tongues, One Voice238= Shining Trapezohedron238= Yig, Father of Serpents

    239= Chesuncook Witch Coven

    239= Jeova Sanctus Unus240= A B K A L G M O R Y X R P S T

    O V A L240= Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein

    Fuehrer240= George Terrence Mortimer240= The City of the Pyramids241= Novus Ordo Saeclorum241= Powers of the Waters

    242= George the Dragon Slayer242= Order of Vairagi Adepts

    242= Phoenix Church of Christ

    242= Xepera Xeper Xeperu243= Anton Szandor LaVey

    243= Creator Son of Nebadon243= Galactic Federation of Light

    243= Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn243= Holy Bible - King James

    Version243= Order of the Martinists

    243= Supreme and Most Holy King

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    243= Vulcanus-Hephaestus244= Eko Eko Azarak, Eko Eko

    Zomelak244= Miskatonic University

    244= Nunc Scio Tenebris Lux245= Ashram of the World Mother

    245= Everything is permitted245= Katsupari Monastery245= Supreme Love and Truth246= B'nai B'rith International

    246= Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli246= Ruler of Flux and Reflux

    246= United States of Aton247= Hoor-Pa-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khu247= Lord of the Fire of the World

    247= Rosarium Philosophorum247= Universal Brotherhood247= Yellow Galactic Warrior

    248= Peger Etiae Gisig Eaite Regep248= Prince-Priest the Beast

    249= Apopantos Kako Daimonos249= Fraternitas Saturni

    249= Novus Ordo Seculorum249= United States of Israel

    250= Great One of the Night of Time250= Howard Philips Lovecraft

    250= Yaohushua hol-Mehushkhay251= Abomination of Desolation

    251= All-Seeing Eye of Providence251= Book of Coming Forth by Day

    251= The Priest of the Princes251= The Threefold Book of the Law

    251= Unitarian Universalism252= Final Secret of the Illuminati

    252= Great White Brotherhood252= Heru-Pa-Kraath Ra-Hoor-Khu

    252= Perfect Perfect Perfect252= United States of America

    253= Brotherhood of Saturn253= Nephren-Ka Nyarlathotep

    253= Order of the Knights of Malta253= The Manifestation of Nuit

    253= Underground Kingdom ofLight

    254= And they called His nameImmanuel

    254= Book of Coming Forth byNight

    254= Brotherhood of the Beast254= Greater Nibiruan Council

    254= Liber AL vel Legis - Book ofthe Law

    254= Treasure-House of Images255= Grand Secretary General

    255= Lord of the Gates of Matter256= AL (Liber Legis) The Book of

    the Law256= Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica256= Jupiter Optimus Maximus

    256= Science of the Spoken Word257= Child of the Sons of the Mighty257= Crowley - The Book of the Law

    257= Cult of the Bloody Tongue258= Secret Chamber of the Heart259= Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

    259= Secret Destiny of America259= Son of the Hosts of Heaven

    259= Tantalus Leucocephalus

    260= Creator God Aton-Hatonn260= Daughter of the Mighty Ones260= One People, One Earth, One

    Time260= Shu supporting the sky

    260= Stone of the Philosophers261= Church of Starry Wisdom

    261= Hidden Church of the HolyGraal

    261= Illuminates of Thanateros261= Illuminati Corporate Logos261= Nosce te ipsum; Nosce alios

    261= Novus Ordo Saeculorum261= Wisdom Justice Moderation

    261= World Order out of Chaos262= Dajansini Arg Lasergnoralin

    262= Hermetic Brotherhood ofLight

    262= Lafayette Ronald Hubbard262= Magus of the Voice of Power

    262= Terribilis Est Locus Iste263= Christian Rosenkreutz

    263= Son of the Heavenly Hosts263= The Reward of Ra Hoor Khut

    264= Ceres Anthonious Soltec266= Hoor-Pa-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khut268= Knights of the Holy Sepulchre

    268= Liberty and Prosperity269= Manifestation Hiding Reward269= Non Illegitimati Carborundum

    270= Christian Rosencreutz270= Daughter of the Reconcilers270= Goat of a Thousand Young

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    270= Hoor-Pa-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khuit270= Jose Arguelles Valum Votan270= Premium Internet Services

    270= Strength through Unity271= An' it harm none, do what ye


    271= Heru-Pa-Kraath Ra-Hoor-Khut272= Future World Currency

    272= Pure positive God worlds273= Brothers of the Yellow Sign

    273= Daughter of the FlamingSword

    273= Love is the Law, Love underWill

    273= Ordo Algolis Interstellaris274= Edward Alexander Crowley274= Insinuating Brothers of S

    274= Minister of Hoor-Paar-Kraat275= Confessio Fraternitatis

    275= Daemon Est Deus Inversus275= Heru-Pa-Kraath Ra-Hoor-

    Khuit276= Council on Foreign Relations276= Hoor-Paar-Kraat Ra-Hoor-

    Khu276= Montessori International

    276= One Light of Creation Source277= Crowned and Conquering


    277= House of the Winged Serpent277= I am alone: there is no God

    where I am277= Omnia In Uno, Unus In

    Omnibus277= The Violet Flame of Saint

    Germain277= Union, Justice and Confidence277= Unus In Omnibus, Omnia In

    Uno278= Nichts ist so wie es scheint

    279= Circle Squared in its Failure

    279= Collegium ad SpiritumSanctum

    279= Had, the Manifestation of Nuit279= Semjase Silver Star Center280= Liberty Enlightening the

    World280= Lord of the Hosts of the

    Mighty280= Ophiuchus-Serpentarius

    280= Order of the Knights of St.John

    280= Rex Summus Sanctissimus281= Alektryon Christophoros281= Earth Project Transition281= Yaohushua Organization

    282= Dweller between the Waters282= Project World Evacuation282= Thelemic Order of the Golden

    Dawn283= Foundation for the Law of

    Time283= Spirit of the Mighty Waters283= Universal House of Justice284= Brotherhood of the Serpent

    284= Si Quaeris PeninsulamAmoenam

    284= The Great White Brotherhood

    284= The United States of America284= Tonantzin Coatlaxopeuh

    284= Warrior Lord of the Forties285= Order of the Silver Serpent285= Summit University Press

    286= Liber AL vel Legis - The Bookof the Law

    286= The Treasure-House of Images288= Hermetic Seal of Quintessence

    288= Satan, thou Eye, thou Lust!288= The Day the Earth Stood Still288= United We Stand, Divided We

    Fall289= Deadly Poison Vampiric Order289= Deus Meumque Jus - Ordo Ab

    Chao290= Black Man of the Witches'

    Sabbath290= Weaving Spiders Come Not

    Here291= The Secret Destiny of America293= Illuminati Conspiracy Archive293= Rubae Rosae & Aureae Crucis294= Brotherhood of the Universe

    294= Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath

    294= Galactic Research Institute295= Benedictus Decimus Sextus295= Honest Weights for Honest

    Men295= Hoor-Paar-Kraat Ra-Hoor-


  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    296= Thee Temple ov PsychickYouth

    297= Behold! it is revealed byAiwass

    297= Hermetic Order of the GoldenDawn

    297= Liber L vel Legis sub figuraXXXI297= Perfect Pontiff of the

    Illuminati297= Quantum Est Quod Nescimus

    298= His Imperial Majesty HaileSelassie I

    299= Hoor-Paar-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khuit

    299= Keepers of the FlameFraternity

    300= A B C D E F G H I K L M N O

    P Q R S T U W X Y Z300= Bavarian Order of the

    Illuminati300= Novus Ordo Aurora Aurea300= Victoria Victoria Victoria

    301= Ancient Master Builders of Ur301= Independent Order of B'nai

    B'rith301= Jacobus Burgundus Molensis301= Liber MCXI - The Birth of the

    Phoenix301= Molkhiul Yaohushua hol-

    Mehushkhay301= Sigil Ecclesiastic Minerva

    Thebes302= Qui Transtulit Sustinet

    302= Secret Rituals of the Men inBlack

    303= Ancient Science of Soul Travel303= Liber AL vel Legis sub figura

    CCXX304= Brotherhood of the Black

    Pharaoh304= New Group of World Servers

    305= Goddess of Democracy andFreedom

    306= Child of the GreatTransformers

    306= International Monetary Fund306= The Minister of Hoor-paar-

    kraat307= Gotos Raunen - Runen Wissen308= Ascended Master University

    309= Affinity - Reality -Communication

    310= Daughter of the Lords of Truth310= Rota Taro Orat Tora Ator

    312= May Day the Rising Hodgearrives

    312= Psychic Dictatorship inAmerica313= Church of Spiritual Technology

    313= Priestess of the Silver Star313= Satan Adama Tabat Amada

    Natas314= Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    315= Religion of the Light andSound of God

    315= Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts315= United States of Awareness318= Curse them! Curse them!

    Curse them!318= The Method of Science, the

    Aim of Religion318= United Nations Organization320= Europe - Many Tongues, One

    Voice320= Livri Luciferius - The Book of

    Lucifer320= Rubae Rosae et Aureae Crucis

    321= Ancient Order of VairagiAdepts

    321= Order of Bards, Ovates &

    Druids321= Swedenborgian Rite of

    Masonry322= Federal Emergency

    Management Agency322= Great Seal of the United States

    322= Salus Populi Suprema LexEsto

    323= Ordo AntichristianusIlluminati

    323= Parliament of the World'sReligions

    324= A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OP Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    324= Child of the Powers of theWaters

    324= King of Kings of Ethiopia andElect of God

    324= Virtue, Liberty andIndependence

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    327= Deus ChristianorumOnocoetes

    327= Great Architect of the Universe327= S. Georgius Equitum Patronus329= Opus Orbis Terrarum Iunctum

    330= Liber AL vel Legis and the

    Illuminati Cipher332= Servants of the Star and Snake335= United Soviet States of

    America336= Nimrod de Rosario (Luis

    Felipe Moyano)336= Son of the Morning, Chief

    among the Mighty337= Conquering Lion of the Tribe

    of Judah337= Holy Order of Rose Croix of


    338= Annuit Coeptis E PluribusUnum

    339= Dajansini Ern RuanNitrapralano

    339= The Galactic Federation comesin Peace

    339= Trinity Broadcasting Network340= Abrahadabra Reward Ra-

    Hoor-Khut340= Church Universal and

    Triumphant340= Fatherhood of God,

    Brotherhood of Man341= Imaginarium of Doctor

    Parnassus342= Satan the Phosphorescent

    Magus343= Hoor-Pa-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khu

    Heru-Ra-Ha343= Igne Natura Renovatur Integra

    343= Knowledge - Responsibility -Control

    343= Never whistle while you'repissing

    343= Sigillum Sanctum FraternitatisA.A.

    343= The One Light of Father-Mother Source

    345= Order of the Holy Royal Archof Enoch

    345= Order of the Knights of theHoly Ghost

    345= United Future World Currency

    346= Ancient Order of OrientalTemplars

    348= Heru-Pa-Kraath Ra-Hoor-KhuHeru-Ra-Ha

    348= There is no Religion higherthan Truth

    349= Sovereign Grand InspectorGeneral351= Zas Zas Satanatas Zas Zas

    353= Ciphers of the Illuminati & theOne Dollar bill

    354= Ceres Anthonious "Toniose"Soltec

    354= The Great Seal of the UnitedStates

    355= Order of Bards, Ovates andDruids

    357= Iesus Nazarenus Rex

    Iudaeorum358= Ancient Mystical White

    Brotherhood358= Emerald Tablet of Hermes

    Trismegistus358= Robert Shea & Robert Anton

    Wilson359= Jose Antonio Arguelles Valum

    Votan359= Satan Atana Tanat Anata

    Natas359= Sator Arepo Tenet Opera

    Rotas359= The Great Architect of the

    Universe360= And they called His name

    Immanuel - I AM Sananda362= Hoor-Pa-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khut

    Heru-Ra-Ha363= Ra-Hoor-Khu Ra-Hoor-Khut

    Ra-Hoor-Khuit364= Sator Arepo Teset Opera Rotas366= Hoor-Pa-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khuit


    367= Heru-Pa-Kraath Ra-Hoor-Khut Heru-Ra-Ha

    368= Sator Arepo Texet OperaRotas

    369= Church of ScientologyInternational

    371= Aye! listen to the numbers &the words

  • 8/14/2019 Cipher List of Numerical Correspondences


    371= Heru-Pa-Kraath Ra-Hoor-Khuit Heru-Ra-Ha

    372= Hoor-Paar-Kraat Ra-Hoor-Khu Heru-Ra-Ha

    373= Supreme Love and Truth ofthe Cosmos

    373= The Imaginarium of DoctorParnassus375= Vast Active Living Intelligence

    System379= Satan Azasa Tanat Asaza Natas381= Ancient Mystical Order Rosae

    Crucis381= Antient and Primiti