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7 key steps to building, and delivering a great digital strategy

How To Go About Building a Great Digital Strategy……and disrupt the IT department!Myron Hrycyk – Maple Hawthorn Digital

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Digital strategy refers to the strategy a company takes to become a digital company, where digital denotes deeper interactions with their customers, more customized and personalized offerings and interactions, data driven decision making, and organizational models and processes that are more reactive to changes in the company's environment

So what is a Digital Strategy?

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Why is “Digital” so high profile?Digital is synonymous with customers

CEO’s see an immediate impact on:Revenue, Sales, Brand, Marketing, Customer Experience,Visibly beating the competition

Companies are responding to the opportunity and the threat

IT investment, activity is relevant

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The Best Digital Strategies are Business In!....

This is where I

want to be!

So how do I get there?


The Real World of Business Driven Strategies

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Digital Strategies Start with People

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CIO’s are thinking differently IT is acting differently

Expert Partners

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In summary….my 7 key steps to building, and delivering a great digital strategy

Be clear about what a digital strategy means to your company

Consider exactly how “digital” will impact on your business – it is high profile

Transform IT - Think Big Start Small, think design, simplicity, consumer

It’s part of your business strategy – maybe it is your business strategy!

Identify exactly where, when and what the real value digital interaction are

Map out your transformation – but it is more than technology

Start and end with people, customers and colleagues

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How To Go About Building a Great Digital Strategy……and disrupt the IT department!

Myron HrycykThank you

7 key steps to building, and delivering a great digital strategy

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