Download - CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood

Page 1: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



Sunday 6th May Easter 5

Caldbeck 11.00am Holy Communion MR

Sebergham 11.00am Morning Prayer

Rosley 9.30am Matins MR

Westward 9.30am Holy Communion NR

Welton 11.00am Matins

Sunday 13th May Rogation Sunday

Caldbeck 8.30am Holy Communion NR

Westward 1.30pm Rogation Walk

Castle Sowerby 11.00am Rogation Service@ Roe Foot MR

Thursday 17th May Ascension Day

Rosley 6.30pm Holy Communion NR

Sunday 20th May Sunday After Ascension

Caldbeck 8.30am Holy Communion MR

11.00am Family Praise MR

Rosley 9.30am Family Holy Communion NR

Westward 9.30am Lay-Led NR

Welton 11.00am Holy Communion NR

Sunday 27th May Pentecost

Caldbeck 8.30am Holy Communion HC/MR

11.00am Lay-Led

Sebergham 11.00am Holy Communion NR

Rosley 9.30am Family Holy Communion NR

Westward 10.45am Matins AF

MR= Rev Malcolm Riches; AF= Ann Finlay; ER= Eileen Reid; GH= Geoff

Hine; NR= Rev Norman Robinson; LH= Linda Huckle; GB= Geoff Bland; HF=

Helen Farish; KA= Rev Kathleen Ashbridge; WW= Rev Walter Wade; MH=

Maggie Howard; J H-T= Jean Harper-Tarr.

* Indicates who is preaching ** Includes a Christening

St Kentigern’s, Caldbeck St Mary’s, Sebergham

St Kentigern’s, Castle Sowerby

Holy Trinity, Rosley

St James’, Welton

May 2012

Parish Magazine

Page 2: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



Priest-in-Charge: Rev Norman Robinson

The Vicarage, Rosley, Wigton, CA7 8AU

Tel: 016973 43723 e-mail: [email protected]

Associate Priest: Rev Malcolm Riches

The Rectory, Brewery House, Caldbeck CA7 8EW

Tel: 016974 78233 e-mail: [email protected]

CALDBECK - St Kentigern's

Churchwardens Mrs E Boydell, Mr R Brough, Mr A Grieve

Treasurer Mr Ian Shaw

Secretary Mrs S Beale 016974 78353

e-mail: [email protected]

CASTLE SOWERBY - St Kentigern’s


Treasurer Mr B Mallinson

Secretary Mrs J Mallaband 016974 78143

e-mail: [email protected]


Churchwardens Mrs E A Luck, Mr R F de Robeck

Treasurer Mrs. Tracey Wetherell

Secretary Mrs M Brough 016974 78213

e-mail: [email protected]

ROSLEY - Holy Trinity

Churchwardens Mrs P Elliott, Mr J Atkinson


Secretary Mrs A Burgess 016973 49741

e-mail:[email protected]

WESTWARD - St Hilda’s


Treasurer Mrs Rebecca Brockbank


WELTON - St James’

Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337



6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger

13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood

20th May 6.30pm Mr. D. Ward

26th May 6.30pm Miss D. Chalk


016974 78470

Sunday School each Sunday 10.30am

Sunday Evening Service 6.30pm


Sunday Morning Service - 10.30am with Communion on the first Sunday

Junior Church - 10.30am. All children welcome.

Helen Stobart 016974 78669


From April until October we will meet on Sunday mornings at 10.30am

Everyone is heartily welcome to attend.

Frank Cosgrove 016974 78024


Sunday Mass: 9.00am and 6.00pm

016973 42379

Page 3: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood


Caldbeck Area Community First Responders Registered Charity No 1108013

In Association with North West Ambulance Service If you have a medical emergency, dial 999 or 112

(Please note that you cannot call First Responders direct) If appropriate, the Ambulance Service will call the First Re-

sponders as well as (not instead of) an ambulance


Editor: Rev Norman Robinson 016973 43723

[email protected]

Assistant Editor: Mrs Roberta Bowen

Tel: 016974 78100 email: [email protected]

(PLEASE SEND AS AN ATTACHMENT) NOTE: copy deadline 12th May for inclusion in June’s magazine

Treasurer and Contact for Advertisers: Mr Stephen Hollins-Gibson

Tel: 016974 76276 email: [email protected]


Caldbeck: Dr Ron Davie: [email protected]

Sebergham: Mr Stephen Hollins-Gibson

Castle Sowerby: Mrs Jean Mallaband 016974 78143

[email protected]

Rosley and Welton: Mrs Lyn Williams 016973 45162

[email protected]

Westward: Mrs Rebecca Brockbank 016973 42794

[email protected]

Subscription Enquiries: Mr Stephen Hollins-Gibson

Distribution Enquiries (Caldbeck, Sebergham & Castle Sowerby):

Tel: Mrs Joan Todhunter 016974 78453


Your Priest-in-Charge Writes

Dear friends,

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN on the Swiss French border is a machine built

by physicists to give enough energy to some very tiny particles in order that they can

accelerate to speeds near to that of light. Once they have done this in two streams of

particles going in the opposite direction they point them at each other in order that

some of those tiny particles could smash into one another. In the record of the debris,

as it were, they hope to learn more about the way in which the world of matter has

been put together. It is the ultimate toy for the sort of child who in order to find out

how some things work must take them to pieces before putting them back together

again! Mind you it is a very expensive toy costing many billions of Euros. Yet it has

produced some wonderful advanced engineering and computer information analysis

systems able to analyse the huge amounts of data generated while the machine is on

doing its stuff.

This year there is a great deal of excitement surrounding the possible confirmation

that the Higgs-Boson particle will be finally tracked down by this experimental evi-

dence. Until now the Higgs-Boson has been a theoretical possibility only. The physi-

cist Higgs working at Edinburgh University proposed its existence in the 1960s to

explain how all the other very tiny sub-atomic particles acquire mass. If confirmed

this summer it will be a great advance in our understanding of how the universe of

matter has been put together. It is so important a particle in the architecture of sub-

atomic physics that it has been dubbed “the god particle” on account of the fact that

it gives to all the other particles their mass without which they would not interact or

produce effects like gravity that are necessary for life.

The Psalmist of old sang his song of praise saying, “One generation shall laud your

works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendour of

your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.” (Psalm 145: 4—6). In

this poetic way he brought together the worlds of nature, men and the Creator in an

act of worship and testimony. We too can appreciate the wonders of our universe,

the marvellous engineering and computer ingenuity that have gone into building the

Large Hadron Collider. At the same time as men and women of Faith we can put

these together in a story of how a wise and loving Creator has given us our world to

enjoy and take care of for each other and future generations. As you walk the fells

with the many visitors to our lovely county this summer or look up into star-filled

night skies meditate on these words from another of those ancient songs of Israel’s


“O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! ….

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon

and the stars that you have established;

what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals

that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:1, 3—4)

Every blessing Norman Robinson

Page 4: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood




1st Community Lunch, Fellview School.

2nd Caldbeck WI, ‘Members’ Night’, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

9th Westwood WI 7.30pm Westward Halls

10th Lunch Club 12.30 Westward Halls

10th Thursday Club Quiz Caldbeck Parish Hall 2pm

14th Caldbeck Annual Parish Meeting, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

14th Heartstart Session, 7.30pm, Millhouse Village Hall.

15th Caldbeck Mothers’ Union, ‘Outing’.

16th History Soc., ‘Reivers’, E Rutherford, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish


19th Annual Plant Sale, Hesket Newmarket, 10.00am.

21st Caldbeck Annual Council Meeting, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall

24th Caldbeck Lunch Group 12noon at the Oddfellows Arms.

28th Westwood Flower Club 7.30pm Westward Halls


5th Community Lunch, Fellview School.

6th Caldbeck WI, ‘Birthday Outing’, Denton House.

7th Heartstart Session, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

14th Thursday Club Outing

19th Caldbeck Mothers’ Union, ‘Sister Ann from Grange-over-Sands’,

2.00pm, Caldbeck Methodist Chapel.

20th History Society, ‘Black Settlers in Cumbria’, Susan Dench, 7.30pm,

Caldbeck Parish Hall.

25th Caldbeck Parish Council, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

28th Caldbeck Lunch Group 12noon at the Oddfellows Arms

30th Country & Western Night 7.30pm Westward Halls


3rd Community Lunch, Fellview School.

4th Caldbeck WI, ‘Warnell House Garden’, Lyn Brunetti.

11th Gardening Club, ‘Visit to Hazelwood’, Jacqueline Iddon’s Garden.

12th Thursday Club Photographic Challenge CaldbeckParish Hall 2pm

18th History Society, ‘Cumberland Food and Folk’, JohnCrouch,7.30pm,

Caldbeck Parish Hall.

26th Caldbeck Lunch Group 12noon at the Oddfellows Arms


6th Caldbeck Parish Council, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

30th Caldbeck & Hesket Newmarket Sheepdog Trials


5th Caldbeck WI, ‘Music & Wit of Gilbert & Sullivan’, G & S Singers,



PRACTICE All aspects of general dentistry:

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Teeth whitening, Cosmetic dentistry.

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Damp Marks Filter & Fitting Faults

Contact us to discuss how we can

help to prevent environmental hazard

Tel: 016973 61543 M: 07970 491026



FELLSIDE, CALDBECK Well equipped, comfortable accom-

modation, with panoramic views.

Sleeps 2-3.

Tel: 016974 78214

E-mail: [email protected]


Tel: 016973 49282

Mobile: 078284 74398


016974 76910 - Paul Good beers

Traditional home cooked food

Parties catered for

Function room available

Cotton Baby Easy to use real nappies

Wide range of washable nappies


Free home demonstrations.

£30 money-off voucher available.

Tel: 01228 712699

E-mail: [email protected]

Rosley Pre-School Busy Bees Admission from 2 years 6 months

Sessions from 9.00 - 12.00, term time


Lunch Club Available

Further information available from Sue

Shardlow on 07919 422527

or Liz Osborne on 016973 44225

The ZAHRA method of


Tired of Shaving, waxing too painful

Why not try sugaring,

an ancient art of hair removal?

Any part of face or body can be


Contact Karen 016973 42785

(over 20 years experience)


For help around your home

Cleaning services, laundry& Ironing

Carpet cleaning & Rug Doctor hire

Spring cleans & ‘one off’ cleans

Dry cleaning agent

Tel. 016973 42972 or 07905 991788

Page 5: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



Boot and Shoe Repairs

- only the best materials used - Open: Mon to Friday: 9am to 5pm

Closed for lunch Monday & Friday 12.1-15pm

Shop Tel: 016974 78225

Home Tel: 016974 78424

ANDREW WARD, BSc IT Systems Computer Technician

Website Designer & Technician Hardware & software installation, upgrades,

problem solving. Websites for small businesses &

organisations. Maintenance & aftercare.

Home and Office visits

Tel: 016974 77156

Email: [email protected]


Ease away aches, pains and stress

and discover the ancient art of massage. HEAL THE BODY



tel: 016974 78443

Email: [email protected]

WATERMILL CAFÉ LTD Priests Mill, Caldbeck, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 8DR

016974 78267


9.00AM - 5.00PM


10.00AM - 4.00PM



Tree Maintenance Fully qualified

Fifteen years experience

Competitive rates

Call Justin Garbutt

Tel: 01697478536

Mob: 07766052669

ANDREW WHITE Professional Driving Instructor D.O.T. Approved, Long-established.

GRADE 6. Excellent Pass Rate.

Car - Car + Trailer - Mini bus - LGV - PSV

Friendly & Patient

Tel: 016974 78605


Beginners of all ages to Grade 4

Music theory to Grade 5

Mrs Rosemary White B Ed Hons(Music)

Greystoke Rectory, Greystoke,

nr Penrith Tel: 017684 83293 Years of experience in school, private tui-

tion at my home

Individual lessons from £10.00

THE WOOL CLIP Priests Mill, Caldbeck

A local co-operative selling a wide range

of locally made woollen goods.

Open: 11am-5pm Easter to Oct 31st

11am-4pm Mid-February to Easter,

Nov and Dec, Jan 2nd - 5th Closed: Jan 6th to Mid-February

016974 78707

THE FAIR WORLD SHOP Fairly traded foods, teas and

coffees, unusual crafts and gifts.

Opening hours 1.30 to 4.00pm Monday to Friday

Saturdays and Sundays

April – Dec 2.00pm—4.00pm

Contact: Lynette 016974 78544

Wills, Inheritance Tax Planning And Elderly Client Issues

Lynn Emery LLB (hons),

Solicitor (TEP)

016974 78303/07901 229218

[email protected]

22 years experience, Member off

Solicitors for the Elderly and the Law

Society’s Private Client section



Weddings Neil Graham and Sharon Tracy Pattinson

18th February 2012

St Kentigern’s Church, Caldbeck

Robert James Bainbridge and Victoria Laura Little

10th March 2012

St Kentigern’s Church, Caldbeck

Baptism: Harry Rye Fowles

8th April 2012 St Kentigern’s Church, Caldbeck

Joint meeting at Mungrisdale WI.

13th Thursday Club Members Afternoon Caldbeck Parish Hall 2pm

17th Caldbeck Parish Council, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

18th Caldbeck Mothers’ Union, ‘Rev Gay Pye from Borrowdale’,

Caldbeck Methodist Chapel.

19th History Society, ‘Ladies of the Lake - from St Bega to Beatrix’, Diana

Stewart, 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall.

A CHURCH FOR ALL SEASONS Our churches are beautiful buildings that attract many visitors over the year but they are not just heritage sites. Some are indeed drawn by the sense of history and the architecture but for many they are places of quiet and calm where they can spend time in reflection and prayer. The PCC is keen to explore having a team of hosts for our visitors. We do not propose a formal rota which is difficult to maintain but rather get together people willing to spend time in church when it is convenient for them to do so. Their role will be to welcome visitors and to be a guide and ambassador for St Kentigern’s in the commu-nity. If you think you would be interested in supporting this initiative please contact Ron Davie - 016974 78364 or [email protected]

Page 6: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood




May 6

Acts 8: 26—40

John 15: 1—8

May 13

Rogation Sunday

Acts 10: 44—48

John 15: 9—17

May 17

Ascension Day

Daniel 7: 9—14

Acts 1: 1—11

Luke 24:44—53

May 20

Psalm 1

Acts 1:15-17, 21-26

John 17: 6—19

May 27


Ezekiel 37: 1-14

Acts 2: 1-21

John 15: 26-27, 16-4b-15


As I drove up Ratten Row at 6:20 AM on Easter morning for the Easter Day

Dawn Praise, I did wonder if anyone else was as daft as me out at this hour –

maybe two or three I guessed.

How wrong I was and what a big surprise then, to find around thirty people

standing in the dawn light at Blue Gate car park …....................

It was a moving and joyous half hour service of prayers, praise, readings and

hymns – accompanied by an electronic keyboard – amazing! Malcolm

Riches and Kim Hurst led our worship, the sun broke through [just], the

light and colour over the Solway were beautiful, even the skylarks and cur-

lew joined in the praise.

We all then descended the “mountain top” to the Methodist Church room for

breakfast. Not just coffee/tea and croissants as imagined, but hot bacon, sau-

sage and baked beans with buttered baps and fellowship.

Thank you to all who made this possible, but especially to Margaret

Ashbridge and Anne Hannam for cooking the breakfast even before the

crack of dawn!!

By 8:00 the mist had closed in and a thick, wet drizzle was falling

…...............we were blessed indeed!. Rosemary Bailey


Jardine Finan Ltd Chartered Independent

Financial Adviser

Investment & Long Term Care

Specialist Home visits available

David Finan FPFS 01228 406397 We are authorised by the FSA 506138 Registered in

England & Wales Company number 06966976

SEBERGHAM SERVICES LTD Churchtown, Sebergham

Vehicle repairs and MOT testing

Services and diagnostic tuning

Gas and mig welding/resprays

Insurance accident repairs

016974 76234


Offering Real Ale

and home-cooked traditional food.

Also Brewery Tours in partnership with

HESKET NEWMARKET BREWERY For Brewery Tours and meal bookings:

Tel: 016974 78288


PLASTERING CONTRACTOR All aspects of plastering work un-

dertaken, internal and external

21 Summerfields, Dalston

Tel: 07506218671 Email: [email protected]


For all your outside catering:

Weddings, Christenings, Buffets,

Parties and Funeral Teas. Home-made food using local produce

Tel: 016974 78417




Tel: 016974 78277




Nail trimming, thickened nails, corns &

hard skin removed, ingrown toenails,

fungal nail infection

For a home visit contact

016973 43834/07801 785366


Derv, tractor diesel,

heating oil, lubes,

tanks, hoses, etc.

Tel: 016974 76575

Fax: 016974 76577



Todghyll, Brocklebank, Wigton,

Cumbria CA7 8DH

Tel: 016974 78570/07711 256243

E-mail: [email protected]


Manufacturers and Retailers of

Newlands Quality Farm Foods Newlands Mill

Hesket Newmarket

016974 78261

Page 7: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



Al fencing and hedge laying

(agricultural and domestic)

Cattle and Sheep Pens

supplied and erected

Tel: 016973 43851

07961 914658 / 07894 459025



Bridal, Christening, Communion

and Evening Wear and Prom Dresses

Clothing repairs (however small)

Curtains and Blinds made or altered

Julie - 016974 76743/07880 880739


Painter, Decorator, Handyman

3 Upton Cottages, Caldbeck CA7 8EU

016974 78161

07787 710061


Private Care Home

Respite and Day Care Facilities

Single En-Suite Rooms

For details and brochure contact

Gordon or Julie Tickle

016974 78528


Appointment times:

Tuesday 8 am -12 am

Wednesday 9 am - 4 pm

Thursday 2 pm - 8 pm

Friday 9 am - 4 pm

Saturday 8 am - 2 pm

Barbara Mitchell 016974 78609

JOHN MURCHISON Electrical & Plumbing Services

For all your electrical

and plumbing installation and repairs.

ELECSA Approved Electrician

Oftec Oil Registered Technician

Tel/fax 016974 78201

Mobile: 07775 691867


Award-winning holiday cottages

In a courtyard setting, sleeping 2-14

Please visit our website or

Contact Jennifer or Andrew Collard

016974 76254

NETHER ROW Construction Consultants

Quantity Surveying,

Construction Cost Consultants, CDM

Co-ordinators, Surveys, Plan Drawing

JW & SE Wells Nether Row Hall, Hesket Newmarket

016974 78355 Double balconied, A-framed timber

lodges, sleeping 2-8, at Sandyhills Bay

on the Dumfries and Galloway Coast. Apartments ideal for short city breaks

in a canal-side development in the

centre of Manchester

016974 76254


Good Beers, Good Food

Ensuite Accommodation

Weddings & Private Parties

Contact: Allan

016974 78227

Fax: 016974 78056


Welcomers’ Rota


Sanctuary Duty

(8.30am unless specified) Welcomers’ Rota




No service Margaret Tinniswood


Margret & Richard


13 Susan Beale

No Service

20 Rachel Nicholson

Rachel Bonnington

27 Liz Boydell

Charlie Rolfe




6th May

Easter 5

11.00am HC

Liz Boydell

13th May

Rogation Sunday

8.30am HC

Susan Beale

20th May

Sunday after Ascension

8.30am HC

11.00am Family


Alick Grieve




8.30am HC

11.0am Lay-led

Rachel Nichol-



Page 8: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood


Ladies’ Bright Hour Caldbeck Methodist Chapel

Tuesday 1 May at 2.00pm Speaker: Ruth Bainbridge








May 9 9.30am


Lynda Huckell

Jennifer Hetherington

17 6.30pm HC



20 9.30am FHC Dorothy Smith

Elma Coulthard

27 9.30am FHC

Harry Ravell

Bryan Gibson

St Kentigern’s Church, Castle Sowerby

CLEANING & FLOWER ROTA May Elizabeth Mounsey June Jean Mallaband Spring Clean last week in June



Outing TBA Tuesday 15th May

St Kentigern’s Church, Castle Sowerby

Rogation Sunday, 13 May. This service will take place at Roe Foot, Sowerby Row

the home of John, Connie and Malcolm Foster at 11.00am.

Everyone is most welcome to join in this special event..

There will be a service at 2pm on Lammas Day, Sunday 29 July, followed by the

Parish Picnic. Everyone most welcome.


E-MAC BUILDERS LTD for all your building needs

For a free estimate on new building

work or house/property maintenance

call: Ewan MacFadzean

Qualified Builder Tel: 016974 78367

Mob: 07901577498


Having a party?

Buy a barrel, pump supplied.

Wholesale prices

from 18 pints (2.25 gallons) upwards.

Phone or Fax 016974 78066 E-mail: [email protected]

K & A FEARON Magnesian & Ground Lime


Stone, sand & gravel

Lime Rigg, Hesket Newmarket

Tel 016974 78403


Gallery, Alternative Gifts & Interiors

Adults & Childrens Craft Courses

Childrens Parties

Open Daily 10.00am to 4.00pm

Tithe Barn, Midtown, Caldbeck

Tel: 016974 78015


Sheet Metal Work

and Steel Fabrications

Turning facilities,

Design Work & Repairs

Contact: Tel: 016974 76124

FAX: 76452 Mobile 07979 316715


Three self-catering cottages to be found in

totally detached country location. Enjoy

the panoramic views, peace & tranquillity.

Sleeps 2-5

Contact: Sonia Hill

016974 78430


Peter Macdonald Service, repairs, MOT, for cars,

vans, bikes and machinery

Tel: 016974 78392

Emergency: 016974 78291


Chris Wilson Home Improvements and

Maintenance For all manner of jobs around the

home give HIM a call!

016974 76413 / 07929 421163


LTD ELECSA registered

Re-wires, alterations, testing,

aerial installations, security systems.

Tel: 016974 78086

Mob: 07747 114058 / 07796 397427

Friendly & reliable


PLUMBING SERVICES Full bathroom installations, toilet and

tap repairs, leaks, blockages,

radiators moved, etc

No job too small - free estimates

016973 42354

07944 902559

Page 9: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



Self catering cottages on the fringe of the

Lake District National Park. 10% discount to

bookings from local or family/friends


[email protected]

Tel: Gill Iredale on 017684 84111

FIONA COX I buy and sell vintage clothes,

accessories, textiles,

linen and lace

016974 78302

[email protected]


COUNSELLING SERVICE depression - bereavement - abuse

self-harm - post abortion - relationships etc

Tel: 01228 596900

[email protected]

34 Aglionby Street, Carlisle, CA1 1JP


& RESTAURANT Outside Catering for all occasions.

Sunday Lunches

En-suite rooms available

Tel: 016974 78415 [email protected]



All types of building and stone work

undertaken, property renovation and

maintenance—Free estimates

Friendly, reliable and fully qualified

Tel: 016973 43039 Mob: 07595 355774

[email protected]

ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING Commercial—Industrial—Domestic


Approved Electrician

Trevor Studholme

Tel: 016974 76455 Fax: 76680

Mobile: 07710 015319


Quality home-cooked food for weddings, funerals, parties,

business functions, dinner parties.

Debbie Bainbridge 016974 78535

Email: [email protected]

PILATES Sebergham

Tuesdays 9.30am in the Village Hall

6 week blocks £30

(single taster class £5)

Tel Tracey Hodgson: 07982063069

Or Sylvia Tallontire: 016974 76441


Approved Driving Instructor Pass Plus approved

Patience and 1st class motivational skills are

central to my way of teaching. Happy to work

closely with parents to improve effectiveness of

private practice.

Tel: 016974 78111 Mob: 07788 170491

E-mail: [email protected]


TEA ROOM Hesket Newmarket

Local produce, Homemade food, Grocer-

ies, Off-licence, Take-away food, Home

deliveries and Post Office

Shop open Mon-Sat 8am-6pm

Tea Room open Mon-Sat 9.30am-4.30pm

016974 78229


The PCC of St Mary’s are planning, once again, to employ Mr Geoff Pever-

all to cut the grass in the churchyard during the growing season. Geoff is

able to keep our churchyard looking beautiful due to the generous donations

which we receive from those of you who have some connection with our

church. We are very grateful for your support and hope that we can rely on

you again this year.

If you are able to help, please make cheques payable to Sebergham PCC.

These, as with cash, may be handed to any PCC member or sent to Mrs T

Wetherell, High Buildings, Sebergham, Carlisle, CA5 7EB.

Thank you.

Elizabeth Luck, Richard de Robeck, Churchwardens.


May 6th & 13th Mrs Horn

May 20th & 27th

Mrs Luck






Service Welcomer’s














Stephen &





Roe Foot






20th No Service No Service No Service No Service

27th HC Pentecost Poppy Hollins–


Elizabeth Luck &

Trevor Hebdon

Ros & Trevor


Page 10: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood


Caldbeck Bowling Club

The Bowling Club held its annual Coffee Morning/Bring and Buy Sale on Easter

Monday morning that was well supported with over 60 members and friends in


Ladies President, Mrs Marion Robinson, welcomed everyone and declared the

event open upon which there was a rush to snap up the bargains from a variety

of stalls

selling groceries, cakes, flowers, plants and general items of bric-a-brac etc. etc..

Coffee and biscuits were served throughout the morning by lady members of the


There were various competitions etc., very popular being the shuffle board when

winners scoring the highest points were, for seniors, John Martindale, and for

juniors, Amy Robinson. Other competition winners were as follows:-

Guess the weight of a fruit cake; joint winners Margaret Bell and Jenny Bow-

ness, both being correct at 4lbs 4.25 ozs.; The Treasure Hunt winner, Mike Dick-


A raffle for generously donated prizes was drawn by Ladies President Marion,

winners being Mike Dickinson, Robert Mounsey, Patricia Richardson, John

Martindale, David Robinson, Bryan Jackson, Jean Scott, Brenda Butcher, Doro-

thy Osborne, Pat Jackson, Susan Armstrong, Clive Richardson, Joan Adams,

Henry Bell and Barbara Todd.

In conclusion Marion thanked everyone for making it a successful event raising

£517 for club funds.

On Easter Monday evening the very popular annual session of Bingo was held in

the Bower that was full to capacity, with Lawrence Hayton calling the numbers,

Ten games were played followed by a 'quickie' game that caused great excite-


During the interval John Martindale and Bryan Jackson sold tickets for a raffle

that was drawn by Ladies President, Marion Robinson, lucky winners being Jake


Rebecca Pigg, Andrew Speak, Rachel Graham, Muriel Blackett, Ann Hayton,

Bob Ritchie, Bryan Jackson, John Martindale and Gwen Coulthard.

At the end of the evening President John Martindale thanked all who had donated

raffle prizes, the Bar Staff, Lawrence Hayton and all who had assisted in any


A further profit of £115 was raised for club funds



Garden maintenance

Grass cutting,

Strimming, Hedge cutting, etc. also

Painting and Decorating

Tel: 01228 538798

Mob: 07936 243234

MARLOWE COTTAGE, CALDBECK 5-Star Gold Award luxury holiday


Sleeps 5

Contact Jen Arkell

016974 76417

[email protected]


Building & Roofing Contractor

Lyndene, Sowerby Row

Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 0QH

Tel: 016974 76384

Mobile: 07831 485 520

DAVID BOWEN Cane & Rush Reseating

Lloyd Loom Repairs Quality Materials, Collection & delivery

Located behind the village pond

at Caldbeck

tel: 016974 78100

E-mail: [email protected]




Fairtrade and local produce

Contact: Sally Vaux—016974 78626

[email protected]


Workshop & showroom Avondale, Hesket Newmarket, CA7 8HR

Tel/Fax: 016974 78385

Mobile: 078315 72301


Email: [email protected]

THE BAROMETER WORKSHOP If you have an antique barometer or clock in need of

repair/restoration then come to the specialists.

• Free detailed written estimates.

• High quality work fully guaranteed.

• Collection/delivery service.

• Open by appointment Antique barometers, scientific instruments & clocks

repaired, restored, bought and sold

Tel & Fax: 016974 76823

Email: [email protected]

CARROCK DESIGN & BUILD Full Design, Planning Permission;

Building Regulations AND on-site build from

one local company.

Come and talk to us about your project—

large or small with no obligation


E-mail: [email protected]

TEL: Malcolm Iredale on 017684 88859


Bed & Breakfast Studio Delightful 18th century house situated in a promi-

nent position on the village green overlooking the

Northern Fells

Contact Gail Dewis 016974 78226

Mobile 07971850002


E-mail [email protected]

CARROCK ARCHITECTS Chartered Architects

Member of Royal Institute of British Architects

Member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen

For all your building design needs;

plans and building regulations. WWW.CARROCK.CO.UK

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: Malcolm Iredale on 017684 84484

Page 11: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood


Mungrisdale WI Event

Sunday 6 May

10.30am - 4.30pm

All day coffees, lunches, teas, table top sales

For information about renting space, £10.00 per table

Margaret Plank 017684 84733

Would you enjoy running a coffee shop for half a day now

and then over the summer?

Or baking cakes and traybakes, making soup, for a good


The Northern Fells Group is planning to rent the Mosedale Meeting House again, as

we have done for the last six years, for Thursdays to Sundays from July to Septem-

ber, to run the Coffee Shop there in aid of the Northern Fells Group’s activities.

Please ring Antoinette Ward on 016974 78220 or email [email protected] if

you can volunteer to help. A few half days, running the Coffee Shop with other volun-

teers, or doing some baking or soup making would be very gratefully received. Thank

you very much.

We will also gladly receive Bric a Brac for sale in the barn.

Northern Fells Group: Boltons, Caldbeck, Castle Sowerby, Ireby/Uldale, Mungris-

dale, Sebergham/Welton and Westward/Rosley parishes.

The Fourth Lunch @ Millhouse Philippa Groves and Alison Ostle again made and served a deli-

cious lunch which was enjoyed by 24 local residents. Our thanks also go to Tracey Absalom and

Dorothy Knowles who treated us to a delicious cheesecake. Our speaker had to cancel at last min-

ute so I used the opportunity to chat to residents about our scheme called Eden Lifeline which has

been set up by a small team of responders and volunteers from the area to install a community Pub-

lic access Defibrillator at every Parish/Village Hall in Eden.Our next lunch is on Wednesday 30th

May when we hope Rev Malcolm Riches will be with us to chat about his passion for photography.

As places are limited, booking in advance is essential.

Please contact Philippa Groves on 016974 78555 to book your place by Monday 28th May



Just a quick note to let people know, there is an active group of people in

the Caldbeck area trapping and disposing of Grey Squirrels. We have

caught five greys this year in Parsons Park. Last year we caught 23 greys.

We would like to hear from anybody who has seen a grey or has one com-

ing into your garden to feed. We can offer advice on how best to catch

them or we will come and trap and dispose if required.

We are very glad to report a very healthy population of Reds in Parsons

park at the present time.

Catching and disposing of the greys is the only way to save our native reds.

So please report any sightings to: Rosemary Bailey 016974 78575

Make Your Nature Count

At this time of year, there’s no better place to be than in your own back

garden. The flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing and the newly born

wildlife are filling the air with snuffles, tweets and chirps. With so much

going on, now is the perfect time to enjoy the sights and sounds and do

your bit for nature by recording everything you see. Conservation charity

the RSPB is asking everyone to take part in its Make Your Nature Count

wildlife survey, which runs from June 2 to June 10.

Although similar to its more well-known Big Garden Birdwatch, this sur-

vey not only asks you to count birds but also other wildlife such as hedge-

hogs, squirrels and deer. Taking part in the survey will help the RSPB to

build an important snapshot of summer wildlife in our gardens and find out

which species are thriving and which might need our help. Last year,

80,000 people took part in the survey across the UK and this year the RSPB

is hoping for even more. In 2011, the survey revealed almost half of UK

gardens had baby blackbirds and 33% had regular sightings of bats and


Further information about the survey can be found at

naturecount where an online survey form can be downloaded from June 2.

Alternatively, a survey form can be also be ordered over the phone by call-

ing 0300 456 8330 until June 6.

I have a surplus of tomato plants!

Contact Carol on 016974 76634 or email [email protected].

Page 12: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



The focus of the meeting held on 2nd April was to approve the Annual Report

and the Annual Accounts before presenting them to the Annual Parochial

Church Meeting on 26th April. After discussion both were duly approved. The

financial situation allowed a small top up to our Diocesan offering and it was

also agreed to send £75 to the Church Urban Fund, which is active in Carlisle

and West Cumbria as well as other parts of the country.

Mr. Sageman and Mrs. Rolfe will be standing down from the PCC and both

were thanked for all they had done – they will be missed. However the meet-

ing was hopeful that the current vacancies will be filled.

The meeting was held at the beginning of Holy Week and we looked forward to

the two innovations this year beginning with the Passover Meal on Maundy

Thursday and the Sunrise Service on Easter Day. This report is being written

after Easter and both these events were popular. The ecumenical Sunrise Ser-

vice was followed by breakfast provided by our Methodist friends and the PCC

are exploring other avenues of co-operation with the Methodists.

The Diocese is renewing the Licences to Administer Communion and it was

agreed that Mrs. Boydell, Mr. Brame, Mrs. Rolfe, Mrs Riches and Dr. Davie be


Finally, the PCC hope to be able to plant a tree in the churchyard to celebrate

the Diamond Jubilee.

Susan Beale

Ladies Craft Night at Hesket Newmarket Free Church

on Thursday 25th May 7-9pm

Come and enjoy a fun evening learning the craft of iris folding with

Jan Heslop from Cockermouth. There will be light refreshments and a thought for the day

All Ladies Welcome rsvp by Monday 21st May if possible to Helen 016974 78669


FIVE ALIVE! CAFÉ CHURCH at Hesket Newmarket Free Church

Sunday 6 May 2012 at 5.00pm


NORTHERN FELLS GROUP VILLAGE AGENTS PROJECT Village Agents: Westward/Rosley: Anne Burgess 016973 49741 e-mail: [email protected] Mungrisdale/Castle Sowerby: Philippa Groves 016974 78555 e-mail: [email protected] Ireby/Uldale/Boltons: Emma Jennings 07874 241604 e-mail: [email protected] Caldbeck/Sebergham/Welton: Julia Trotter 07976529275 e-mail: [email protected] Please remember all referrals/enquiries are totally confidential, no enquiry is too large or too small, we are here to help in any way we can and, if we can’t help, we can probably put you in

touch with someone who can.

HEARTSTART FREE HEARTSTART sessions in basic life support and familiarisation with a

defibrillator are being run locally on the following dates but, if you would like a

session for your group/club/family, then please contact one of us to arrange this.

All sessions start at 7.30pm and last for around two hours.

Monday 14 May in Millhouse Village Hall

Thursday 7 June in Caldbeck Parish Hall

Please contact HEARTSTART for further details::

Philippa Groves 016974 78555; Helen & David Kerry 016974 78431;

Castle Sowerby Oil Syndicate Scheme The next order for the CSOS will be in May. Order dates for 2012 are

MAY DELIVERY order by 24thMay 2012 for order being placed on 31st May 2012

AUGUST DELIVERY order by 23rd August 2012 for orders being placed on 30th

August 2012

NOVEMBER DELIVERY order by 22nd November for order being placed on

29th November 2012 We may also arrange an extra delivery if necessary in the win-

ter months. The delivery by Stobarts would usually be made in the following week.

We will contact you by email a couple of weeks prior to an order and also contact

those members not on email allowing ourselves a good few days to collate it all.

You are under no obligation to purchase oil at each delivery and should the need

arise to order oil in between CSOS deliveries then you would do this yourselves

directly with Stobarts. Please let us know if any of your details change or if you

know of anyone else who might like to join the scheme. Also if anyone would be

interested in becoming the coordinator for the Castle Sowerby area please contact

me. It is really not a chore but does require some time commitment and once set up

is easy to run. Philippa Groves Northern Fells Village Agent for Castle Sowerby &

Mungrisdale 016974 78555 or email [email protected]

Page 13: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



2nd Thursday of every month. Next date: Thursday 10th May

Bolton Low Houses Village Hall. 2.00 – 3.30pm.


All welcome.

Ongoing dates: 14 June, 12 July, 9th August 2012

Transport can be arranged.

Contact Sally Vaux 016974 78626



Friendly, practical help and support for any resident of any age, who is ill or

disabled and for their carers.

Handyman help

Domestic/Personal help

Benefit awareness help

Medical loan service (wheelchairs etc)


Interested in becoming a volunteer? If you are able to help in anyway regularly

or occasionally it would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact Gail Dewis 016974 77196

[email protected]

Operating in the parishes of Ireby/Uldale, Boltons, Caldbeck, Westward/Rosley,

Sebergham/ Welton, Castle Sowerby & Mungrisdale.

We need your photos for your Northern Fells Community Calendar 2013.

Theme:- Water (Tarns, rivers and lakes etc). Photograph competition forms with Sue Clarke 016973 71202

email [email protected] or from co-ordinators, trustees

CLOSING DATE 4TH MAY 2O12. Thank you once again for your support.

Happy Easter everyone!



Time is fast approaching for our Parish celebrations, please come along and

join in! Sunday 3rd June

Church Service 11am; & Thames Pageant Watching 12.30 on large screen

in Caldbeck Parish Hall whilst enjoying a ‘bring your own’ picnic lunch.

Exhibition of previous Jubilee events (open Sunday and Monday)

Monday 4th June

12 Noon Assemble at Hesket Newmarket for the judging of the floats

(Entry free and can be anything on wheels or legs! Please contact Julia on

78058 or Karen on 78018 to enter your float by the end of April)

Procession from Hesket Newmarket to Fellview School field

National Anthem

Decorate a Crown competition (Classes: pre-school, Infants, Juniors, Secon-

dary School Age, Adults)

Sports - Young and Old!

Exhibition of previous Jubilee events

Afternoon Tea (baking volunteers and helpers on the day needed, please ring

Sue Armstrong on Tel: 78415)

Kids Disco (free of charge 6.30 to 8pm, under 6s to be accompanied by an


Evening Entertainment by Local ‘Personalities’ (8.30 til late, tickets


For any more information or to offer your help in any way please contact

Angela on 78374

If you are able to decorate your house in any way to join in the

celebrations that would be much appreciated too!

Tickets for the evening entertainment will go on sale at Caldbeck and

Hesket Newmarket Post Offices from Tuesday 8 May. Tickets are £2 per

adult or child and include a bacon buttie from 10pm. Please note due to fire

regulations entry will be strictly by ticket only, numbers are

limited so please buy early to avoid disappointment.

Page 14: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood


Carol has a

surplus of tomato


Contact Carol on

016974 76634

or email

[email protected]




10th May

Quiz at 2pm

Caldbeck Parish Hall



May 2012

Cobbling Demonstration Adam Beeston


2nd May


Member’s Night


A nautical/boating item

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Display As part of the local Jubilee celebrations in June, the Caldbeck & District Local History Society will be staging a display in the Parish Hall of photo-graphs and other material from the Queen’s previous jubilees (1977 and 2002). At present, we have very little from 1977. If you have any suitable jubilee, or coronation, material (photographs, press cuttings, programmes, etc.), which could be added to our display, we would be very grateful if we

could borrow it from you.


Volunteers needed to help with Rights of Way maintenance.

The Lake District National Park relies on volunteers to help with cutting back of undergrowth and grass cutting on footpaths and bridleways. (Some of these volunteers have recently been busy in our parish burn-ing the unsightly gorse remnants on Ratten Row and picking up litter).

Would anyone in the parish be interested to join this band of volunteers to maintain our local footpaths and bridleways? If you contact me I will put you in touch with the National Park Ranger, Pete Barron.

Antoinette Ward. Parish Clerk. Tel 016974 78220.


This will be held on the last weekend (26 and 27) of May, and not the usual Bank Holiday Weekend.

We are expecting to greet one hundred plus entrants who will be treated to three runs through our beautiful countryside, one on Saturday at 1 pm [approx] and two on Sunday at 10 am and 1.45 pm [approx].

Volunteers are welcome; we can never have too many helpers.

If you would like to donate a prize it would be gratefully re-ceived. Feel free to drop it at High Trees, Hesket Newmarket, or you can contact me on 016974 78037.

This event could not continue without the help and support of the villagers they are long suffering and put up with the clatter of open valves and oil stained tarmac. A big thank you to you all in advance.

Let us hope that this year is as successful as usual, a little dry weather wouldn’t go amiss.

Paul Richardson.

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Caldbeck Players – Play Review - Great Expectations

Adapted by Hugh Leonard from the novel by Charles Dickens 20th - 22nd March 2012

I was burning with curiosity to see this adaptation and the audience were engrossed by

this clever interpretation of the novel. We were engaged by the neat staging, the story

telling, and the vast array of cameo roles all created in realistic manner avoiding the

use of caricature. The events were revealed in a highly intelligent production. Frank

Cosgrove directed with care to his craft and with a sharp eye for detail. A lot of this

hinged on Hugh Leonard’s adaptation, plus the fact that both Pips (boy and young

man) were well cast in these demanding parts. Leonard has Pip as a young man relat-

ing the first part of the story i.e. when Pip is a boy and then the reverse of this during

the second act having Pip as a boy narrating the later story. There is a short ‘cross-

over’ when both are on stage talking at the same time. This was a fine feature in the

writing and in the production, it worked brilliantly.

This is a talented society with fine actors. Daniel Whitford presented a fine study of

Pip while his Estella played by Leah Bush gave us just the right amount of refinement

without going over the top. Jennifer Collard as Miss Havisham initially looked a little

young for the role, but, as time went by a brilliant study began to emerge. She had

some excellent lines which were related with an almost Shakespearian timbre. In the

cameo department Tim Cartmell was a convincing Jaggers, Geoff Hine’s

Pumblechook was a very warm rendition and we were drawn as much as Pip by the

skills of Jim Cox as Magwitch. Vicky Chandler’s ‘trouser’ role as Herbert was well

polished and worked well. Richard Jefferson was a wonderfully sympathetic and hu-

morous Joe Gargery, the blacksmith. Kay Jefferson started the play as Joe’s battle-axe

wife and transformed, before our very eyes, into the much gentler and likeable Biddy

– she excelled in both parts of her role. Malcolm Riches gave a convincing perform-

ance as the savvy Wemmick and the episodes with his Aged Parent, played by Dicky

Bird, were a delight. Carol Hine ably combined a cameo as Molly with the role of

production assistant. I’m sure I will be forgiven for singling one person out, but Toby

Collard as Pip the boy was outstanding. With the straightest of backs in his stage pres-

ence and perfection in articulation and projection of the words, Toby created a per-

formance to remember. In all this was a rich tapestry of a dramatic event which will

stay with us long after the final curtain went down. Well done to Frank and his Thank

you too to everyone backstage: Costumes: Fiona Cox with Rachel Cosgrove and Pen

Bird. Hair and makeup: Barbara Mitchell. Stage Manager: Pat Shaw. Prompt: Anne

Cartmell. Stage and Set: David Beale, Tony Bolton, Antoinette Ward and members of

the cast and crew. Lighting: Michael, Joseph and Elliott Stockdale, Tony Richardson.

Sound: Andrew and David Ward. Refreshments: Anne Parry. Publicity: Monica

Whitson. Secretary: Pauline Woolfenden. Front of House: Teresa Richardson with

Karen Atkinson, Sarah Carter and other crew members.. .David Wood.


Caldbeck & District Local History Society

On Wednesday, 11th April a party from Caldbeck & District Local His-

tory Society enjoyed an afternoon visit to the new Archives and Re-

source Centre in Carlisle.

Members were welcomed by the Assistant County Archivist, David

Bowcock, who gave them a most interesting and informative tour of

the Centre. The visit started in the recently restored Lady Gillford’s

House and continued through to the new Archive Centre building, with

its Education facility, Archive Strong Room and Conservation Work-

shops. Finally members were treated to a selection of historic docu-

ments and maps relating to the Caldbeck area that had been specially

put on display in the Elphinstone Room for members to examine at

their leisure.

CAFS Report for May 2012

The 2011-12 season of films has now ended and we hope you have enjoyed the wide variety of films in the programme. The Committee will meet shortly to choose a programme for next sea-son, so if you would like to suggest a film, it’s not too late- contact

a committee member.

As we have had resignations because of other commitments, we

are looking for

some new willing volunteers for CAFS committee- contact Sally

Vaux on 016974 78626 if you would like to be involved.

Details of the 2012-13 new season will be in a future issue of this

magazine, so watch this space.

Page 16: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood



Members were delighted to receive almost sixty friends as guests at our fourth

SOUP LUNCH held in the Caldbeck Parish Hall in March. We greatly appre-

ciated that so many – several travelling considerable distances – had come to

support us. As usual there was a tantalising selection of home-made soups to

choose from, all served by the committee acting as very efficient waitresses.

The Oak Room was tightly packed and buzzing with cheerful chatter.

Donations had been requested in aid of the Mothers’ Union Overseas Fund

and raised £247. The whole of this will support work undertaken by the M.U.

worldwide. There are thousands of enterprises helping the poorest in every

continent. Probably the most widely known and well-established is the Liter-

acy and Development programme which has evolved from teaching literacy

(especially to women whose exclusion from education has been so wide-

spread in traditional societies) to include skills in business and financial man-

agement so that groups of women are enabled to generate small incomes to

support their communities..

Other examples of out-reach run by the Mothers’ Union are designed in re-

sponse to specific local problems. For example: In South Africa, a centre is

being built to provide accommodation for street children and orphans. In the

Congo, they are still working to alleviate the ravages of a war that killed mil-

lions and made unknown numbers homeless. In Brazil, which is faced with

high levels of domestic violence, the M.U. runs courses in good parenting.

All these activities are undertaken in order to fulfil those words of the

Mothers’ Union Prayer – that we should strengthen and support family life,

reaching out across the world. Jean Holden


Caldbeck Players has no formal membership and is open to everyone in the Caldbeck area so come along .

We are always pleased to involve new people both on stage and backstage.

Anyone who would like to be involved in future productions please contact the secretary, Pauline Woolfenden



Sebergham Weather Recordings

March 2012.


March 2012. 23.21 mm (0.90 ins)

Aggregate for year 144.40 mm (5.67 ins)

March 2011. 51.60 mm ( 2.03 ins)

Aggregate for year 315.50 mm (12.62 ins)


We have to go back to 1996 when we had even less rain for the month of

March, and then we recorded only 12.00 mm (0.47 ins) and that year turned out

to be our driest year on record. Our average monthly rain for March over ten

years is 68.83 mm (2.71 ins) so the month has always tended to be a dry month.

There were 12 days when we recorded rain during the month and the most fell

on Sunday 4 March 5.6 mm (0.22 ins) and we had 12 consecutive dry days be-

tween 18 and 31 March.

March temperatures 2012.

Average maximum day temperature 12.57˚c (54.63˚f)

Average minimum night temperature 4.44˚c (40.00˚f)

Warmest day Sunday 25 March 20.80˚c (69.44˚f)

Coolest night Tuesday 6 March -0.50˚c (31.10˚f)

March temperatures 2011

Average maximum day temperature 10.01˚c (50.12˚f)

Average minimum night temperature 1.50˚c (34.70˚f)

Warmest day Tuesday 22 March 14.70˚c (58.46˚f)

Coolest night Monday 7 March - 3.70˚c (25.34˚f)


You will see that we have had the warmest March on record and it is quite a

contrast between the temperatures in 2011 and those of 2012 and to have a high

of 20.80˚c (69.44˚f) on Sunday 25 March has not been recorded here where

records go back to 1965. We only recorded frost on three days during the



The average wind speed for March was 4 mph and we recorded a high on

Thursday 29 March of only 20 mph at 15.00 hrs from the SSE. The dominant

wind direction for the month was from the SSE.

Page 17: CHURCH SERVICES IN MAY 2012 May 2012 · WELTON - St James’ Organist Mrs L Gash 016974 76337 47 CALDBECK METHODIST CHAPEL 6th May 6.30pm Miss B. Jagger 13th May 6.30pm Rev. I. Haywood


CALDBECK SURGERY Tel 016974 78254

The surgery will be closed in the afternoon

for staff training on the following dates:

Tues 15th May

Wednesday 13th June

Thursday 12th July

On these afternoons the surgery (including the dispensary) will close at

1.00pm. All calls will be redirected automatically to the out of hours


Art in the waiting room this month by Ireby Art Group

Repeat prescription requests over the May Bank Holiday

For your convenience and to help us to provide an efficient service over this busy period please remember you can leave your request by telephone any

time of day or night (remembering to state where you wish to collect your pre-

scription if you are a non-dispensing patient).

Please allow 48 hours before collection.

The dedicated answer-phone line for repeat prescriptions is available 24 hours a day on 016974 78296.


Cumbria Health On Call

The new number for the out-of-hours service CHOC (Cumbria Health on

Call) for patients in North Cumbria is 03000 247 247. Calls to the surgery

out-of-hours are automatically redirected to CHOC.

Hearing-impaired users who need to contact CHOC please call

(Typetalk) 18001 03000 247 247.


Fortnight 2012) In May 2011 walkers from Keswick and the Caldbeck area joined forces to

walk from Keswick to Caldbeck along the Cumbria Way to mark the path of a new long dis-

tance walk called “The Fairtrade Way” from Garstang to Carlisle. The final leg of the walk

from Caldbeck to Carlisle will be walked on Saturday May 12th (also WORLD FAIR

TRADE DAY). People can either walk from Caldbeck to Dalston (11 miles) with transport

hopefully back to Caldbeck or on to Carlisle(15 miles). The walk will start from Caldbeck car

park at 10am (preceded by coffee at The Old Smithy at 9.30am). If you are interested in join-

ing us or can help with transport, please contact me - Sally Vaux 016974 78626.


In support of Cumbria Air Ambulance:

An unforgettable Evening of Laughter & Song! Starring Jeff Woods with his

light-hearted mix of music and comedy from Gilbert & Sullivan and Light

Opera to Stanley Holloway and Les Dawson!!

Mungrisdale Village Hall, Friday 11th May 2012 at 7.30pm.

Bar and raffle. Tickets: £7.50 from Mike & Penny Sutton, Bannerdale View,

Mungrisdale. Tel: 017687 79691 or email: [email protected]

Please book early (Hall capacity approx. 90 people).

Jeff Woods B.A., B.Ed (Music) has appeared in most fields of professional en-

tertainment from Grand Opera to Stand-Up comedy after graduating from the

prestigious Birmingham Conservatoire and beginning his career as a Head of

Music and University Lecturer. He has sung for some of Britain’s leading op-

era companies including D’Oyly Carte and Glyndebourne and was Principal

Baritone for the Great Western Opera. He sang on “Pebble Mill” and “Wogan”

and various other TV and Radio Shows, but more recently presented his own

radio programme, “Sunday Serenade” in South Wales where he displayed his

encyclopaedic knowledge of music. He regularly appears as an Enrichment

Lecturer and entertainer on major Cruise Ships. We hope you will come along,

relax and enjoy his “Music, Monologues and Mirth”. All profits to Cumbria Air


CALDBECK W.I. The April meeting was a visual talk on The Hudson Family’s experiences of their six

month visit to New Zealand where Dr. Hudson worked with a New Zealand Medical

Team. The Visual Display had been organised by his daughter, Martha, who did the

whole demonstration assisted by her Mother, Dr Caroline Knox.

They went in May visiting Thailand on their way where they saw Seals and Dolphins.

The children went to school in New Zealand, which they found was more interested in

Sport than in the UK. Most of the afternoons were very much Sport orientated whilst

the mornings were spent on lessons. Sports included Skiing, Football amongst others.

They found it a lovely experience but they did miss our scenery.

Mrs Janet Cox thanked them for a superb display.

The W.I. supported the national resolution for the AGM. The Quiz raised £100 plus a

donation of £30 for which we thanked them. The competition for a child’s toy was

won by D. Coulthard, 2nd was P. Wolfenden. We ended with our Bring & Buy Sale.

Next month:

The Round Table Conference, Speaker and Members Night,

The Competition A Nautical or Boating Item

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Bring and Buy Plant Sale Saturday 19 May - Hesket Newmarket

10.00 - 12 noon All proceeds to Hospice at Home

Every year it is wonderful how the stall fills up with a great selection of perennials, shrubs, bedding plants, herbs, and vegetable seedlings for sale. If you have any plants that you are dividing/ removing please con-sider potting them up and donating them to the sale. Whether or not you are an enthusiastic gardener please come and buy some new items for your garden and support this worthwhile cause. Last year we raised over £1000 – let’s see if we can match that for the Hospice at Home. Any queries/offers of help to Sue Braithwaite: 78504 (please note new number!)

Millhouse Big Breakfast

Sunday 25th March

Millhouse Village Hall

Thanks to lots of lovely people we made £451 at this event.

Thanks especially to Alison Ostle who cooked all the eggs & never

broke one! To Becky and Marjorie Atkinson who grilled all the ba-

con. To Pat Shaw, Diane & Louise Scott, Ruth McCall,

Liz Guest, Henry Rose & Jay Maclean, Desmond Groves & Edward

Spratt for all their help setting up & serving breakfasts & to our super

hero Ian Shaw who washed up all day.

The hall looked lovely & it was such a fun event we all said we

would do it again!!

Thanks again to everyone for everything

Philippa Groves

NORTHERN FELLS GROUP Transport Co-ordinator (Admin)

We are pleased to welcome Julia Trotter as our new transport co-ordinator

(admin) who will be working alongside Carol from the 1st April 2012.

Julia is also continuing in her role as village agent for Caldbeck, Sebergham and



Fellview School News, April 2012

We were delighted to receive a letter from Nick Gibb, Minister of State for

Schools, congratulating everyone at school for our excellent KS2 SATs results

last year. All of the Y6 children achieved Level 4+ in both English and Maths

and made at least two levels of progress between Y2 and Y6 SATs. Although we

were pleased with the letter, we believe that children should be well rounded

members of the community, well prepared for life through enjoyment of a wide

variety of opportunities both within and outwith school. We have had plenty of

activities last half term with cricket coaching, a tennis tournament, in which we

came second, friendly football and hockey games at Cummersdale, Tag Rugby

and achieving second place in the County Finals for our gymnastics teams. The

children enjoyed themselves enormously and achieving such a good result just

made their day. The MozyKidz After School Club proved extremely popular

with the children; more than half of the school attended the six sessions. Mrs

Graham has started a Book Review Club for the Y5/6 children. They are taking

turns to choose a book for everyone to read and comment on. It has been well

attended – perhaps the cakes help!We concluded our Spectral Army topic with

an outdoors performance of a modern twist on the story. The adults who attended

the Spectral Army extravaganza seemed to enjoy the spectacle, following the

cameraman from place to place on the playing fields. The sight of the soldiers

marching out of the Conservation area was enough to frighten anyone. No won-

der the planners fled. The good weather was an added bonus. We are extremely

grateful to Teresa Richardson for writing the script and words for the songs and

the children and staff who worked extremely hard to make the puppets and bring

the whole spectacle together. We have enjoyed the Spectral Army topic but it

was unfortunate that the tutor from Adult Learning was unable to complete the

course. Term finished with the usual visit from the Easter Bird who laid

chocolate eggs for each of the children.

THE THURSDAY CLUB for retired people

The AGM was finally held on the 12th of April. Tony Ryan, the Chairman, summed up the

2011 activities and thanked everyone who had helped in various ways. Liz Boydell, the

Treasurer, gave her report which showed the Club had a small balance in the bank but that an

increase to £5 in the annual subscription was needed. The report was adopted. The proposal

that the club should close at the end of the year was put to a secret vote and was roundly de-

feated. Tony then welcomed the Speaker, Teresa Richardson who spoke on the joys of boating

along 2,000 miles of Britain’s canals since 1996 in the family boat ‘Tagus’. Not a life for


The next meeting will be a Quiz at 2pm on the 10th of May held, as usual,

in the Caldbeck Parish Hall.

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Castle Sowerby Parish Council Notes Met in Millhouse Village Hall the Chairman welcomed the Councillors and four

parishioners. Mal Hilton. Chairman of the Northern Fells (NFG) High Speed Broad-

band explained how Broadband would be rolled out over the nine parishes in the

NFG, which is a separate from the existing NFG, he answered questions regarding

price, where capital was being accessed from and that a grant application to Defra

was in process but did not yet know the result.

Queens Diamond Jubilee. Council decided to purchase 36 Mugs of the Diamond

Jubilee to be awarded to children under 11yrs. As Millhouse Village Hall committee

had decided to erect a Flag Pole by the Hall we felt that they would be responsible

the Pole for it.

Highway Matters. David Kerry reported the blockage affecting the road at the bot-

tom of Newlands had been jetted by the County Council also the flooding at Sour

Nook seems to be working well since the valley gutters were sucked out. It was

thought the road at Newlands Mill was in a very bad condition, the Clerk would

inform the Highways Department, with a complaint from Newlands Mill to help to

attain good result.

Parish Plan (PP). A discussion regarding the PP, would be able to indentify the

needs of the parish, if anyone in the Parish would like to lead a PP and find out

what the people would like please contact Howard Eastwood or Mr. John Foster

Planning. Councillor of Hewer Hill Farm, submitted a proposal to erect a 12mtr

Wind turbine Mast, he retired from the meeting after answering questions, it was

then put to the vote and we agreed to support the application. An application was

received from S /C Asbridge, Ling Dene, Sowerby Row for a lawful development

certificate for existing use as a dwelling without Agricultural restrictions, it was felt

by the Council that a lot of properties with Agricultural restrictions were built when

a larger labour force was employed in agriculture. The Council supported this appli-


Planning Applications. Planning applications decided by Eden District Council

for Richard Little, Leavy Holme – Roof over existing cowshed and yard was ap-

proved. Planning application for P. Wright, Croft House, Sowerby Row – Conver-

sion of Barn to holiday let approved.

Eden Lifeline Project, A request for funding by Councillor, Philippa Groves, re-

quired a letter of support to apply for funding. She presented a slide show of what

to look for in “ill health''. Contact her if you would like to find out more.

Annual Parish Meeting. The Annual Parish meeting will be Thursday May 24th

2012 in Millhouse Village Hall at 7.30pm. Parishioners are welcome. Connie.


In Caldbeck Parish Hall on

Sunday 20 May at 4.30pm ‘WINDS ACROSS CUMBRIA’

Presenting a classic from Beethoven and a delightful serenade by

Howard Blake (composer of ‘The Snowman’) performed by advanced players on the ‘Wind Serenades’ chamber

music course directed by the well-known Laurence Perkins. FREE ADMISSION

The concert is approximately one hour without an interval. A retiring collection for

the Pride of Cumbria Great North Air Ambulance


Bric a Brac welcome!

Sally Vaux and Edward Spratt are running a Bric a Brac stall in aid of the

Northern Fells Group at Mungrisdale WI Fair, Mungrisdale Village Hall,

on Sunday 6th May.

If you have any Bric a Brac you would like to donate would you contact :

Sally on 78626, or Edward on 78584, or Antoinette on 78220 and we will gladly

collect it from you. Or bring it to one of us – whatever suits you best.

Any Bric a Brac remaining will be sold in the Barn at Mosedale Coffee Shop over

the summer, again in aid of the Northern Fells Group.

Thank you very much for your help.

Village Agents

We are pleased to welcome Emma Jennings from Bolton Low Houses as our new

Village Agent for Boltons, Ireby and Uldale. Emma will start working for the

group on the 16th April 2012 and her contact details are:- email

[email protected] Telephone :- 07874 241604

May the trustees take this opportunity to thank Sally for all her hard work helping

set up the village agent project.

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CAFS Report for April 2012

For something completely different, come to the April CAFS film

presentation on Fri 20 April in Caldbeck Village Hall at 7.30pm. This

is the last scheduled film of the season.

How I ended this summer is a Russian (subtitled) thriller, Cert 12,

released in 2010, lasting 124 mins. Though well reviewed on its release

in the UK, it doesn’t seem to have reached cinema societies in Cumbria

- though I may be corrected on this point by film buffs. It is well worth

a viewing for its acting, its suspense and its unusual setting in the far

north east of the Russian Federation. It won 2 Silver Bears at the Berlin

Film Festival. It was directed by Alexei Popogrebsky, whose previous

career was as a psychologist. Filmed entirely on location in a remote

Siberian province, it was shot in real time over 3 months. The setting is

a remote, run down weather station, where two men collect and broad-

cast regular meteorological readings. Life is lived at an austere level

with only radio contact with the outside world

Sergei is an older scientist, who has adapted to the demands of the job

and the environment, whereas Pavel is a younger student with a less

serious attitude. There is a generational clash of personalities and mis-

trust ensues. When Pavel fails to pass on an urgent radio message about

Sergei’s family, their relationship deteriorates to dangerous levels.

What results is a tense and gripping game of hide and seek over an un-

forgiving landscape. Watch out for the polar bear!

Caldbeck & District Local History Society

is delighted to welcome

EDWIN RUTHERFORD Keeper of Social History, Tullie House Museum

who will give an illustrated talk on

‘REIVERS’ on Wednesday, 16th May, 2012

at 7.30pm, Caldbeck Parish Hall

Tickets: Members £2; Visitors £3

Tea/coffee & biscuits included



Tuesday 8th May

in Fellview School 3.15-5.00pm



Tel: Helen on 016974 78669 for more information

Organised by members of Hesket Free Church


Bible Stories

Rosley CE School News

Spring term has been very busy this year. Our Easter preparations began with a

lovely morning on Shrove Tuesday. Parents from our Rosley School Support

Group came in and made pancakes with all of the children during the morning,

which were shared and enjoyed by everyone.

Class 1 took part in the U-Dance festival at the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick,

performing their dance entitled Going on a Bear Hunt to the soundtrack from Mis-

sion Impossible. We would like to thank parents for their tremendous support at

this event.

Class 2 & 3 children entered the Carlisle Music Festival in the Hand Chimes sec-

tion and their performances were commended by the adjudicator.

We had an artist in residence at the end of term who worked with the children on

creating a mosaic entitled Land, Sea and Sky which is now on view on our wall

outside Class 2.

Our Pre-school, Busy Bees had a visit from Cumbria Police to talk about keeping

safe. They also had some Mini Mover sessions at school with Class 1 provided by

Barnardo’s Sure Start. These included physical activities through action songs and

rhymes. They all had great fun and learnt about healthy exercise and how their

hearts beat faster when they move!

We concluded the term with our Easter Service in church and look forward to an

equally busy Summer term after a well deserved break!

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what’s on for young people

THE DROP-IN Saturday 26th May

Caldbeck School Field (Hall, if wet) 7.00-9.00pm

Cook it—Eat it Everyone welcome (aged 10 and over)

Come along and join in the fun! Please tel: Celia on 016974 78500

for further information

Fellview Preschool Caldbeck

Opening hours: Monday & Thursday 9am.- 3pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9a.m.- 12noon

(Term time)

Admission from 2y 6m

Further information: Ceri Key 016974 78437

The Quest Club meets after school each Tuesday

(except 2nd in month) in term time, for years 3 to 6,

from 3.20pm to 5pm in Caldbeck Parish Hall.

New members are always most welcome!

More details can be obtained from the Revd Malcolm Riches

(016974 78233) or Lee Brown (07902 025925).

Bags to School


Wednesday 9th May

Fellview School Caldbeck

Clear out those wardrobes

Clothes, bedding, curtains , towels, handbags, belts and shoes in pairs can all be do-

nated This is a great way of raising

funds not only for the school but also the Great North Air


Old mobile phones and ink cartridges

can also be donated please put in a separate bag

For further details or if you

require assistance to get your bags to the school contact Nicola, 78199

or the school, 78437.

Bags can be left at the school

from Monday 7th May onwards.


'The History of Common Land'

On Wednesday 21 March Dr Angus Winchester from the University of

Lancaster gave an illustrated talk to the Caldbeck & District Local His-

tory Society entitled 'The History of Common Land' with particular re-

gard to the upland communities of Cumbria and the neighbouring York-

shire Dales. He traced the development of how such communities man-

aged their common resources, from the manor courts of the Middle

Ages , through the loss of common land under the Parliamentary Enclo-

sure Acts, to the Commons Regulation Act of 1965 and the foundation of

the present day Commoners' Associations. In conclusion he confirmed

that the grassroots nature of common land management, whereby rural

communities regulated themselves on the basis of commonsense and

good neighbourliness, was still in evidence today.

On behalf of a large and appreciative gathering of members and visi-

tors, the chairman Dr Ron Davie thanked Dr Winchester for such

an entertaining and informative talk. The next meeting, to be held in

Caldbeck Parish Hall, will be at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 16th May, when

Edwin Rutherford will be speaking on the Border Reivers.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Most of you will have seen the TV programmes with this title, and know

that tracing your family history is now a very popular activity or hobby.

It is almost certain that there will be people locally who have taken up this hobby, and perhaps others who would quite like to do so but do not know how to start. I am therefore – on behalf of the Caldbeck & District Local History Society – inviting anyone who is tracing their family history

(or might like to) to get in touch with me.

It could be that there would be some interest in meeting together from time to time and hearing about other people’s progress, etc. If so, the Society would be happy to help in any way (e.g. booking an outside ‘expert’ to advise at a local workshop), or just simply to book (and pay

for) a room for the group to meet.

Ron Davie (Tel. 016974 78364; email: [email protected])

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Notes from Caldbeck Parish Council meeting 2nd April 2012

Public Service Information: To let you know that you can access free directory en-

quiries if you are the carer of a disabled child over the age of 10 or you have a disabil-

ity yourself that prevents you using a phone book. To access the service phone 195 &

you will be sent a registration form. There will be a check carried out on your child’s/

your disability before you can access the service

.Police Report. PCSO Lyndsay Tuck emailed her apologies and reported two incidents

of note in Caldbeck during March. On the 5th some criminal damage was caused to

buildings at the school when a door handle was forced off and a window broken. On

the 8th two adults were reported for the possession of cannabis.

Northern Fells Group. David Ward, parish representative on the Northern Fells

Group, sent a report to say that Julia Trotter, Village Agent for Caldbeck, Sebergham

and Welton, has been appointed also as Transport Co-ordinator (Admin) to job share

with Carol Hickson, Transport Co-ordinator (General). And Emma Jennings of Bolton

Low Houses has been appointed as the new Village Agent for the parishes of Boltons

and Ireby with Uldale in place of Sally Vaux who is retiring from the post.

Litter picking day 10th March. The Chairman reported that 4 big bin liners of rubbish

had been collected from Hesket Lonning. (LDNPA volunteers had previously picked

up the rubbish at Blue Gate parking area). Thank you to all Litter Collectors.

Parish Maintenance. The Clerk was asked to report the following problems to the

relevant authorities: the seat on Ratten Row needs attention including the cutting down

of nearby whin bushes, gutter on Ratten Row needs digging out, the drain under the

road near Thornhill House needs attention, potholes in Tenters car park need filling in,

the tree at Fellside corner at the top of Wath Brow is impeding high sided vehicles,

potholes need filling in on the Hesket to Woodhall road, the signpost to Whelpo on the

top road has lost its arms.

Trees on Hesket Green. The promised work on the trees and the removal and replace-

ment of the diseased maple tree and the felling of the dead cherry had not been done in

March as planned. The Clerk to contact the LDNPA urgently. (The LDNPA responded

swiftly and most of the work was completed over Easter weekend. The replacememt

maple tree should be planted soon. The raising of the crown of the cherry tree will be

left until after it has finished flowering).

Parish Council Election 2011 Cost. The invoice for the contested parish council

election of May 2011 had been received. It was £1,206.37, more than 10% of the pre-

cept. The likely cost of an election is hard to predict and plan for because when the

precept is set it is unknown whether an election wlll be contested or uncontested, and

the final cost of a contested election depends on a number of variables. The Clerk was

directed to write to Rory Stewart, MP, to raise this issue of the high cost of local de-

mocracy for small parish councils.

Antoinette Ward, Clerk to Caldbeck Parish Council. Tel 016974 78220.

Email:[email protected]


Westward Lunch Club Thursday, 10th May, 2012

at 12.30 p.m.

Westward Halls

Home-made soup, puddings

Tea/coffee & biscuits £4

All Welcome

Westward Flower Club Demonstration 20/3/2012 by Margaret Nicholson

Patti Dawson from Morland gave a delightful flower demonstration on Monday

night. Shirley Martin introduced Patti. The first demonstration was a

large arrangement in an oasis ring. This had contorted hazel, various greenery,

irises, white flowering currant, tall snowdrops, rhodedendrons, fritillaria and pink

primulas. The next arrangement was set in a lovely Indonesian bowl. This included

forsythia, various greenery including box, yellow tulips, gold gerbera and yellow

roses. The third arrangement was in a blue glass bowl. This had bergenia leaves,

laurel, pieris, white carnations, alstromeria, white tulips, moss balls with beads

threaded through, small white rosebuds and white chrysanths. The fourth arrange-

ment was set in a black round bowl. This was a low arrangement with bergenia

leaves, chaenomeles, hebe greenery, sedum, orange columbian roses, also green and

pink helibores, The last arrangement was on tall stand. This had cherry blossom,

various greenery, daphne, lilac tulips and freesia, pink spray carnations and pink

roses. Shirley Martin thanked Patti. The prizewinners were Christine Lyall, Liz

Hird, Julia Graham, Dorothy McCracken and Jennifer Thomlinson. The next meet-

ing is on 30th April at 7.30 p.m. The demonstrator is John Thexton.

All new members are welcome

Country & Western Night Eddy Miller

30th June, 2012

Westward Halls

(further details in next months magazine)

Ann & Barbara would like to thank all who helped and attended their coffee

morning/car boot on Easter Saturday at Westward Halls.

We raised in excess of £280 for Marie Curie.

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WESTWARD Westward Halls

For bookings please contact Philip Saunders Tel: 016973 44654


Monday, 28th May, 2012

Meet 8.30 am Westward Halls

Meal on way back

All Welcome – Bring your friends

For further information contact June Kitchen

tel: 016973 43799

WESTWARD W.I. Talk by Maureen Millard


Wednesday, 9th May

7.30 pm Westward Hall

Competition: Oldest Coin

Hostesses: Anne Darbyshire & Elaine Watson Contact Anne Bovill, telephone: 016973 43410

Let’s Celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on Monday 4th June 2012 at Westward Church.

Service at 11 am followed by a

Royal Coronation Style Lunch at 12 o’clock in Westward Halls

(or outside, weather permitting). Places limited, names and numbers please

Wigton 42023/42452

Adults £10 Children under 14 yrs £4

Proceeds to Hospice at Home

On the day:


A JUBILEE MUG, donated by the Westward Sports Committee.

Under the auspices of Westward Parish Council, one of the Queen’s Diamond

Jubilee Beacons will be lit between 22.00 and 22.30 hrs. on Monday, 4th June,

2012 at Hazelsprings Farm, Brocklebank, Wigton. Everyone welcome!



Caldbeck Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting

in Caldbeck Parish Hall – Oak Room

Monday 14th May, 7.30pm

* Chairman’s Report on the Parish Council’s activities

over the last year

* Financial Report

* Have your say to the Parish Council about any

matter in the community that you wish to raise

Break for Fairtrade Refreshments

Update from the Northern Fells Group on Village Agents,

Minibus, Lend a Hand and other activities

Caldbeck Young Farmers will show a DVD of their activi-

ties and successes over the last year.

Annual Parish Meeting – Caldbeck Parish Council

The Annual Parish Meeting will be in the Parish Hall on Monday 14th May 2012 at 7:30pm. The Parish Council would like to invite local groups and organisations to give short presentations at this meeting about their activi-ties. If your Group would be interested in this opportunity please contact the Parish Clerk, Antoinette Ward. Telephone: 016974 78220. Email: [email protected]


Tuesday 8th May 2012

‘Red Squirrels’

Competition: A picture or ornament of a red Squirrel

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Sebergham WI Report April 2012 President, Margaret Mattinson, welcomed

members to our April meeting. The meeting commenced with the business which con-

tained a lot of interesting items. A list was made of the members wishing to go to the

Diamond Jubilee Tea Party and flower demonstration at Newbiggin. An idea was

mooted of a possible visit to the Royal Yacht Britannia at Leith with members bringing

family and friends.Poppy Hollins-Gibson gave a report of the Spring Council Meeting

where the guest speaker had been George Crossman, a Coastguard from Morecambe

Bay. He gave a very interesting talk and we heard about the quick sands. He gave us

advice if we ever got stuck (don’t stand up, but lie down to spread your weight). He

told us that quick sand is similar to cornflour in a glass of water and Poppy brought

some to the meeting. A spoon put into the glass soon sank to the bottom but on trying to

lift it out the whole glass could be lifted with the spoon! Margaret Mattinson then intro-

duced our speaker- Kerry, from Cumbrian Food Direct. Only 18 months ago, 4 people

had the idea to provide Cumbrian foods delivered direct to your door. From a warehouse

in Maryport, orders placed on line before 9.0am on Tuesday will be sourced from local

suppliers and will arrive at your door on Friday. This is proving very popular with

Cumbrians and with people renting holiday properties who can arrange a delivery of

food to await their arrival. Kerry was thanked by Jessie Ostle. She then judged the com-

petition for salad servers which was won by Audrey Asbridge with Heather Magnay

second. The hostesses were Carol Foster, Anne Irving and Heather Magnay.

Sebergham Parish Council met on 28 March in Welton Village Hall. Mrs Cullen from Sebergham Castle House

attended the meeting to inform the PC that an amended planning application for her

property will be submitted in the next few days. She wished to state that the building

would be for personal use only and the family were not planning to run a commercial

enterprise from the building. The SIDS machines will be back on the roads in the next

few weeks. The Highways Stewards are hoping to do some work on the road at the

bottom of Doctors Brow and the road through Churchtown soon. The road from Sow-

erby Mill towards the road and the Grassgarth road also need some repairs. Both of

these have been reported to the Highways Hotline. Work is continuing at Parkhead

Quarry and is being supervised closely by the County Council. Whilst the work is be-

hind schedule the monitoring officer is confident that the work will be completed and

the site seeded by the end of the summer. Northern Fells Broadband group are still

waiting to hear from DEFRA re their funding application. They are also meeting with

the County Council to discuss their funding options. There have been planning appli-

cations submitted to re route 3 footpaths in the Parish. These have been agreed. A

joint Parish Meeting and Parish Council Meeting will be held on 16 May in Welton

Village Hall with a 7oclock start. Everyone is welcome to attend. Mr Hilton will be

giving a short talk on the Broadband project and we may have a presentation from the

pathways officer. Everyone is welcome to attend Ms P L Gauntlett (Parish Clerk)



Vice president Jean Simpson presided over the March meeting with 23

members present. The county news was read and dates of interest

noted i.e Diamond Jubilee celebration lunch at Greenhill Hotel on 23rd

May, with a presentation by the jewellers Beadle and Hill. Angela Gib-

son and Jean Osborne (Kumara) offered to do a flower arrangement on

behalf of Rosley WI for the Jubilee weekend flower festival in church

Next month is the AGM and names were taken for the fish & chips

supper. The speaker needed no introduction, as it was our own presi-

dent Jean Harper-Tarr (who in a previous life was a domestic science

teacher). Jean gave a “summery puddings” demonstration. Each recipe

was simple with no fuss and the icing on the cake was that each mem-

ber enjoyed tasters throughout!! Lynda Huckell gave the vote of

thanks. The competition for a “container suitable for microwave cook-

ery” was won by S Carruthers, 2nd M Wilson and 3rd J Osborne

(Kumara). The raffle for sweets made by Jean was won by J Hether-

ington, S Moffat, D Shaw, L Huckell and B Rothery. Linda Low was

in charge of the sales table. Hostesses were the “Woodside” group.


Wednesday 11th May 2012

Life of a Vet— Mr Richard Dixon

Competition: Photo of a pet


Happy and Active” Day is planned at Westward Village Hall on

Tuesday 19th June.

10.00am until 3.00pm. Seated Exercise, Cookery Demonstration, Hearing Aid In-

formation and Testing and many other information stands. Light Lunches avail-

able. Free admission. EVERYONE WELCOME.

Northern Fells Group Village Agent: Anne Burgess tel 016973 49741 or email

[email protected]