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  • 8/12/2019 Church of Lucifer



    Christian ToysBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    Throughout the annals of history, Satanism has been a huge controversy, even in today's society.Until no, ! vieed "hristians and all eak minded #eo#le as toys, #ut here for the $eft %and &ath'samusement. s a member of the $eft %and &ath, ! believe e are not even of the same s#ecies ofhumanity as a "hristian. (e have far sur#assed "hristianity and all other #hiloso#hies and theologiesin mental ca#acity and strength. No back to my toy #hiloso#hy. ! sometimes atch T) evangelistsfor a good laugh or atch the nes for a chuckle, and throughout all the bad things in the orld, thesefools still claim their *od ill get them through it. The shock of a traumatic e+#erience can sometimescause tem#orary delusions, !ve heard. "hristian toys have tried to brainash the orld ith theirsu#erior right ing rhetoric about ho they're *od's chosen #eo#le, and e are murdering vilecreatures ho ill burn in %ell. ! can no longer stand by and let our movement #erish by the hands ofthese eak minded non-individuals.

    Christianity - Organized Crime?By debran T.R.

    (hat is organi/ed crime0 1rgani/ed crime is crime ith an organi/ed structure behind it. 1bviouslythe most recogni/ed organi/ed crime structure is the 2afia. So hy do ! say that "hristianity isorgani/ed crime0 (hat the "hristian church does is not necessarily illegal, but should be.

    (hat does the "hristian church do that should be illegal0 $et's start ith 3tithe3. ccording to #o#ular"hristian belief it is necessary to give 3*od3, or the church 456 of your eekly income. Some maysay there's nothing rong ith su##orting hat you believe in ith financial su##ort. &erha#s not, toan e+tent.

    So hy is 3tithe3 rong, or even stealing0 Shall e begin ith the countless "hristian sermonscentered on 3tithing30 The sermons created ith such #erfect brainashing techni7ue. 3!f you don'tgive your tithe, you are stealing from *od.3 nd hat 3*od fearing3 "hristian ould ant to steal from3*od30 38our tithe is needed to kee# the church going.3 No hat you mean to say is 38our tithe feedsmy family.3

    (hat else does the "hristian church do that should be considered illegal0 2aybe the creating of amindless #erson is not recogni/ed as illegal. 3&lace your hole heart and life into the hands of *odand allo him to lead you.3 (hat0 *ive you my last 9: bucks, then you ant me to be led too0 Thesad thing is many are taught from birth to follo this e+am#le. nd fe of us recover from such#rogramming.

    1n a daily basis ! see "hristian drones doing their 3deeds3. Should they all be locked aay0 No. 2anyof these #eo#le have a brain; it is

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    !'m sure this is enough to better educate you, the reader. Fareell, in chaotic #eace, may you continueto challenge the authority that so binds us to a sim#lified ignorant society.

    Elitism vs. Common Logic

    By Rev. Frederick Nagash

    litism is a hot to#ic among occult grou#s, ith this grou# claiming to be only for 3the best3 andanother grou# claiming to be 3only for real Satanists or $uciferians3. The "1$ has, at times, has fallenunder the stigma of elitism by those ho ere re

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    the active illful ability to create as ell as the materials to create from. !t is both the force thate+#ands our universe as ell as the form hich contains it. !t is both the active, illful ability toassemble as ell as the material #arts that make u# this assembly. !t is both that hich is as ell asthat hich is not.3

    %e then goes on to describe a bit more but that is a good basic on it.

    Jess Christ?By Rev. Frederick Nagash

    %mmm, a dead son of a *od on a stick, this ould seem to sound a bit abrasive but it is hoever atruth. "hristians have tisted the story of "hrist around so much there is no one story that has notbeen mani#ulated about the $ord of the fools. !n reality the "hristian "hurch ould not tell you Hesusthere so called #ure son of *od had se+ ith 2ary 2agdalene in the original uncut un-mani#ulatedBible. %undreds of #ages have been torn out of or reritten in the Bible to make it seem there Bastardson and his father could do no rong. %o could a fully evolved human being believe in all thatrubbish that he died for us and for our sins ! say thanks but ! need no salvation from my sins. Theytreat him like a *od because he su##osedly died for our sins, but if he could save the orld hy

    couldn't the fool save himself0 !f someone in today's society ere to claim to be the son of *od theyould be mocked and called a lunatic so hy is it #ossible then and not today0 "hristianity is ablinded closed minded faith of death and #erversion, and ! ill defend all of my accusations.

    First off ask a "hristian hy he believes in *od and Hesus "hrist and he ill not be able to give you asolid anser he may tell you because the Bible tells them so but the Bible as ritten by man youmight as ell orshi# something from a Ste#hen Ding novel then. "hristianity is closed minded to allother #hiloso#hies and religions and ! have e+#erienced this first hand, Hust take a buss and ear anoticeable Ba#homet or !nverted &entagram and atch all the little "hristians stair at you like amurdering freak. "hristianity is a death orshi##ing faith as they all live to #lease a *od hom theyhave no #hysical #roof of to go to some kind of cloud filled onderland of

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    %atred is #art of human nature. !t also #lays a big role in every religion es#ecially in ?tianity. These+tian leaders brainash #eo#le's brains and tell them to hate everything that's outside +tianity or theirholy bible.

    #eo"le are StrangeBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    !n today's culture there is to much labeling by the a##earance of another human being, if someoneears a #articular article of clothing or has tattoos ect., it defines ho others #erceive them and isenough for most feeble minded humans to say hat that #erson is. !n reality ! may ear all black,have tattoos or #iercing, but this does not mean ! am stu#id or am a #articular ty#e of #erson. !nreality, someone can ear the same clothes ! do, and even ear the Ba#homet and inverted crosseshich symboli/e Satanism and not be a Satanist. But, because they look a #articular ay, they ouldbe considered a Satanist in the #ublic eye. !f you ere to ask me, ! ould tell you the #eo#le that tryhard to fit into society and dress in the 3so called3 #ro#er ay

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    (e are condemned and cursed

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    "hristendom and any other hy#ocritical religion that doesn't take #lace at a s#ecial location but hichis fought in other ays, ays that ! ant to e+#lain to you G

    ach one of the outstanding dumbasses think that the goal of us Satanists is to collect as manyfellos as #ossible and then march into the final and decisive battle against all their brainashed#u##ets > $ast eek ! got a message from a guy hose name is not orth to be mentioned here, buthe really thought that e are illing to gather us somehere, take our arms and start alking, burning

    don every church that is on our ay and killing every "hristian that tries to block our #ath > 3(hat afoolish idiot3 as the first thing ! thought. (ell, ho can this idiot really think that e are going to fightthis ay 0 This ould finally bring us nothing, really nothing. Barbarian times are over and ! think noone of us ants that the modern Satanism gets more burdened ith #re

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    a##arent and alternative lifestyles are more ell-knon, becoming less 'alternative'. $et's take a lookat the three #eriods ! labeled.

    &re-HudaicThe organi/ation of life, the beginnings of culture. )arious #eo#les begin forming communities andreligion begins. Tools are discovered, cultures develo#ed.

    HudaicBorne from Semitism, Hudaism dominates the #lanet. !ts offs#ring, "hristianity, begins assimilatingvarious cultures and forcing #eo#le to change and conform to its doctrines and las. "ivili/ationsbegin and man develo#s still, even under this groingly vicious tyrannical hand. 2any versions of itare develo#ed, some more vicious than others

    &ost-Hudaic&eo#le begin moving aay from "hristianity and fighting back. 2an is develo#ing immensely and the#oer of the Hudaic hand is aning. Self-discovery and e+#loration rule this, as free-ill is becomingmore and more common.

     ll of these sho an evolution that began in the mind hen the #hysical changes sloed and entereda subtle #rocess. !n the #ast K millennia since the first communities ere forming, e have gone fromdevelo#ing tools to develo#ing our minds... from shar#ening the #ick-a+ to shar#ening the it>

    The Trst )actor By Rev. Frederick Nagash

    3=uestion all things that you've been told3 - Rev. Thomas Thorn

    This is something ! believe in 455 #ercent, as it builds an invisible barrier of #rotection around you. !fyou trust someone 455 #ercent, you are setting yourself u# to burned so to s#eak. Such as, if youere to entrust someone ith all of your 1ccult knoledge and you and that #erson have a fight, he orshe can use your on #oer against you>>> ! truthfully only trust a fe close friends and familymembers hich even they had to earn my trust. ven those hom ! trust, ! do not trust ith 455

    #ercent of my being>>>

    The Trth A&ot *ar%nessBy Rev. Satrinah Nagash

    @arkness is something that some believe is a facet of the $eft %and &ath. For some grou#s, this maybe true. For the "hurch of $ucifer, it is not. $ucifer, the 2orning Star, stems from $atin, this is the fulldefinitionG $!*%TG $ucifer -fera -ferum Alight-bearing , light-bringing; m. as subst. Athe morning star.No, being a #art of the $eft %and &ath, one seeks for knoledge and creating their on #ersonalreality via magick. (hen studying magick, you study yourself. The end goal is en-$!*%T-enment.(hat is so dark about that0

     lso, ! have been told, in #assing conversations, that the (!$$ ill stagnate ithout darkness. No,ithin darkness there is nothing. !n this same conversation, ! as told to look at a midnight sky ande+#erience the darkness. (hen ! looked at the midnight sky, ! sa not darkness, but millions of #ointsof light. Stars.. The $eft %and &ath #ractitioner seeks out these #oints of light, these tid bits ofknoledge, shining bright ithin the darkness, illuminating it. Dnoledge is light, ignorance isdarkness.

    No, concerning those ho are confused. There are many, many occultists out there ho are 7uiteknoledgeable. But it tends to be an incom#lete knoledge. To kno something and a##lying it, areto com#letely different things. For e+am#le, ! kno someone ho as a member of the Tem#le ofSet. C! must note here that this article is in no ay of a defamatory nature to the Tem#le of Set.E %egot as far as receiving the "rystal Tablet, The Book of "oming Forth by Night, Ruby Tablet, the@iabolicon and a fe others that ! cannot remember at this time. Then, he started analy/ing the idealsof the Tem#le of Set, and its Setian &hiloso#hy. ! do kno that he once stated to 3higher u#s3 ithinthe Tem#le of Set that ?e#er ill lead to the demise of Set. ! am not commenting as to hether or nothe is right or rong, and that is not the #oint of this article anyay. Not long after that, he left the


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    Tem#le of Set. %is over-analysis of that hich is s#iritual belief, as his ay to find an e+it, hether ornot he as right. Before that, he had studied $a)eyan2odern Satanism, and left that as ell hen hefelt that he 3kne3 everything about it. ! don't believe he as a member of the "hurch of Satan, butthen again, this article is not about the "1S either. Then, he

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    organi/ed Religion (ith female *ods. Their altruistic "hristian attitude is > 8ou may ask hy, ho could it be that this fe eakFeme@oms out there ill be more dangerous to us than the big amount of ?tian's telling lies aboutSatanism0

    Short anserG They are Fanatics>

    $ong anserG !'ve talked to many #eo#le in my satanic life, including Saturn &eo#le, &agans, "eltics,Thelema and many more. They all didn't kno hat Satanism is, so ! e+#lained them and they saidG

    That's Satanism0 ! didn't kno that, it's not my ay of $ife, but it's "ool>3

     nd henever ! talked to ?tian &eo#le they here scared about me Clove that ;E E, and after starting toe+#lain hat Satanism is in Reality they became great listeners hich acce#t my ay of life, they stilldon't like the ord Satanism3 but they acce#t hat ! am.

    But hen it comes to talking to (iccan's ! can't e+#lain hat Satanism is, they kne it better than me,they call me liar, because Satanism can't be that ay. So ! askedG (hy03 and they saidG (e DN1(,e Dno everything3. ! tried to e+#lain them ho my 2agic orks, and they saidG 8ou can't be a2agickian, you don't use a "ircle>3, and ! saidG ! don't need a "ircle3. fter that they re#liedG 8ourmagic doesn't ork, (e DN1(, e Dno everything3. ! tried to get them at their assess and askedthemG 8ou said you don't harm anyone CanythingE, right0 But you use the energy of the elementsithout asking them if they ant to give it to you, you harm them in that ay, don't you03 They re#liedG (e don't need to ask, they ant give us their energy, (e DN1(, e Dno everything, e don'tharm them>3. t least ! saidG But you harm me, if you're telling lies about me and my Religion>3 (edon't harm you, cause you are the liar, hat e say is the truth, the only truth, e DN1(, e Dno allabout you, e Dno everything>3 they ansered in their self-righteous, narro-minded ay.

     nd that's the fact that makes them more dangerous then ?tians, you can talk to most #eo#le out theirith various belief systems and they ill listen to you. 1D there are fanatics in each religion, but in(icca there are only fanatics, they lie to themselves to feel *ood3 and say that all others are rong.

     nd if all other Religions ill be gone (iccan's ill still state that e are child molesters and killers,and if ?tian's ill acce#t us as hat e are (iccan's ill still state that e ra#e thousands of (omeneach year, that makes them dangerous, cause most #eo#le out there ould belief their lies. ven?tians can change their mind, (iccan's can't, cause They DN1(, they Dno everything.


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    (ierdos #sychos and tcasesBy Rev. Satrinah Nagash

    (eirdos, #sychos and nutcases. The internet is filled ith them. !n the si+ years ! have been on theinternet, four of hich in some official ca#acity, ! have run into many #eo#le that fit in this category.These #eo#le are classified as the #arasitic #si- vam#. %ere are a fe e+am#les of hat ! call them.

    These #eo#le claim they have e+#erienced everything from being 3ra#ed by Satan3 to being the 3@arkvil 1ne from the byss3. !n the #assing times, ! have found more ackos than regular #eo#le ho donot fit in the social norm. These #arasites ho like to, and try to #lay on one's emotions to getsomething from you. !t could be sym#athy, #ity, friendshi# or attention of some sort.

    Sym#athy &si-)am#sThese #articular ty#es have more #roblems than ten #eo#le> !t could be anything from havingnumerous, concurrent health #roblems to magickal 3attacks3 on them. They try to get hel# fromhomever they can tell these #roblems to. %oever, no matter ho much you reassure them of ourstance, their #arasitic ays never cease>

    &ity &si-)am#sThese #eo#le are 7uite similar to the sym#athy #si-vam#s. The only difference is that the #ity #si-vam#s are in a constant state of de#ression. They think everything is so ho#eless that they have given

    u#. Then you feel sorry for them. B2> &si-vam# at ork>

    Friendshi# &si-)am#sThis is the ty#e that feels the need to be im#ortant. To do this, they surround themselves ith #eo#leho they feel are 3im#ortant3 or are leaders. %ere is one e+am#leG There is this one #erson ! kno,ho ould only talk to Rev. Nagash or myself. This #erson ould never really talk to anyone else,even if they ere referred to someone different. This is hat goes through their mindG 3They like memore that you. ! am more im#ortant to them than you are.3

     ttention &si-)am#sThese are the most common #si-vam#s that there are. These ill say anything to get attention. Thesethings that they say, vary so greatly, that it ould take me at least to hours to list them all. %oever, !ill give a fe e+am#les.

    4. They have 3seen3 or have been 3ra#ed by Satan3 in the dreamorld, then feel it necessary to be a3Satanist3 or hatever, because they ere told to.

    9. That the 3devil3 is their 3%oly Father3 and that they must a##ease him so that they don't incur hisanger.

    M. That the $%& is the 3dark3 side, hen in reality it is enlightening, and about learning.

    . That they are controlled by Satan and must do his bidding.

    :. ny belief in sacrifice of animalschildren etc. to reach their means. C8ou do not need to kill in orderto obtain in magick.E

    These are only a fe traits that define a acko, #sycho or nutcase. Beare ho you talk to, befriendand associate ith. 8ou ill save yourself #roblems in the long run>

     /!(! - The 0iggest Sinner of AllBy *uyver "ernunnos

    1.k., su##osedly '*od3 gave humanity certain rules to live by hich ould assure one's #lace in%eaven. %oever, hen one com#ares these rules ith 8%(%'s actions as ritten in the bible, theillusion of a #erfect deity shatters like a chea# novelty-store clock> These rules of hich ! s#eak arethe ell knon 3Q @eadly Sins3 and 3The 45 "ommandments3. $ets com#are action to rule and you'llsee hat ! mean.

    The Seven @eadly Sins

    &R!@- !t's said that 3*od3 created man in his on image right0 So he obviously takes #ride in his


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    on self-image; also, if he can look at us and see himself, doesn't that sound like Narcissism0 $astly,many #eo#le have said that 3*od3 takes #ride in his creations Cthe earth, nature,etc. as stated to meby ministersE nough said>

    *$UTT1N8- 8%(% ants )R81N in the orld to orshi# him and forsake all other religions.No !'ve alays had a theory that deities get a good #ortion of their #oer through our orshi##ingthem, loving them, and #raising them. "ome on> N1 1N needs T%T much love and #raise>

    2eaningG *luttony>

    S$1T%-Sloth is said to mean la/iness right0 1.k. then- 3god3 created the earth in L days, then createdhumanity.....later,in biblical times, he created a fe miracles and disasters Csuch as the 'great flood'E,but here is he lately0 ll of the 'miracles' that have occurred in resent times have been attributed to


    *R@- gain ! must state that 3*od3 ants everyone in the orld to orshi# only him. 1.k.,he antsevery #ossible orshi#er he can get his hands on0 %e ants every church and tem#le in the orld tobe dedicated to him and no one else0 %o greedy can a #erson get0>0

    $UST- 1.k., !'ll admit that this one is a bit of a stretch. ccording to myth, 3*od3 im#regnated the3virgin3 2ary so that she could give his son life on earth. 1ne thing, S% (S 2RR!@ T T%

    T!2, S%'S N @U$TRR> !n my mind that's close enough>

    N)8- gain !'ll have to admit that this one's a stretch. 3*od3 had a son to teach humanity ho to liveand that son turned into such a trouble-making

    )G3%onour Thy 2other nd Father3-&ersonally, my dad abandoned us as a kid and never #aid a dimein child-su##ort and my mother is a mentally unstable control freak> (hy should ! honour them0 ! hadto dison my mom for my sanity's sake. They caused me nothing but grief> ! see no #oint in honouringthat> nd hat about or#hans ho never even kne their #arents0 (hy should they honour someonethey've never even knon0 No one's been #unished for that one yet either>

    )!G3Thou Shalt Not Dill3-8%(%'s #ersonally guilty of this one too. Remember that 3great flood3 thatkilled everyone that 3*od3 didn't like0 The destruction of Sodom and *ommorah that occurredbecause 3*od3 didn't a##rove of their life-styles0 nd the oman ho looked back even after having


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    been told not to and as turned to salt as #unishment0 ll this sim#ly #roves that 8%(% is a coldblooded murderer>>>

    )!!G3Thou Shalt Not "ommit dultery3- The im#regnation of the 3virgin3 mary- 2RR!@ (12N>>>*uilty again> 'Nough said>

    )!!!G3Thou Shalt Not Steal3- 1.k., so it's rong to take items or food and such, right0 But it's o.k. for

    8%(% to steal #eo#le aay from their native religions and traditions0 !t's o.k. for his folloers to stealthe lands, ceremonial #laces, languages,rights,and even $!)S from those ho don't orshi# 8%(%0(hat an asshole>

    !?G3Thou Shalt Not Bear False (itness gainst Thy Neighbor3-(hat about all those #eo#le hofalsely accused their neighbors of itchcraft during the Salem itch trials0 nd hat about all thosetelevangelists ho #ut most of the money they collect in their on #ockets0>0 Not to mention all thelies the +-tian church has been s#eing for centuries0 ll this #roves once again that +-tianity is areligion based on lies and hy#ocrisy> nd they're all getting aay ith it0 (here's 3*od's3 rath henit's needed0>0

    ?G3Thou Shalt Not "ovet Thy Neighbors %ouse, Nor Thy Neighbors (ife, Nor nything That !s ThyNeighbors3- But it's o.k. for 8%(% to covet 3Thy Neighbors3 orshi#er0Cof other religions0E or 3ThyNeighbors3 holy #laces0 or 3Thy Neighbors3 traditions0 or 3Thy Neighbors3 language,etc.,etc.,etc.

    ........8%(% 3covets3 everything and everyone that's not already his> *uilty again>>>

     s you can see, 8%(% has either directly or in-directly broken or alloed to be broken ithout#unishment every Sin and "ommandment he gave humanity to fallo. !n +-tian thinking, isn't it a crimenot only to break any of these las, but to stand by hile they are broken ithout taking action to#revent the act, or to not #unish those ho have broken the las0 2odern la #unishes siftly henthe la is broken- the guilty #ersonCsE are #ursued and brought back for #unishment as 7uickly as#ossible. Then shouldn't 8%(% be the same about his las0 %e isn't because if he does e+ist, heknos ho guilty and hy#ocritical he really is> %e has broken or alloed to be broken every la hemade> This makes him the biggest 3Sinner3 of all time> nd #eo#le say 3*od @amn>30 (hy not say3@amn *od>3, ! do. Try it out and you'll see ho much more a##ro#riate it sounds>

    The Seven S"heres of +e-CreationBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    This is the guide through the Seven S#heres of Re-"reation. This in a sense, is a book of becomingyourself on a higher #lane than >> This book ill assist you in the occult universe as ell as in life.

    The first is the S#here of $ife.

    From the day you are born, you #erform an act of ill. s you e+it the omb you begin breathing,hich is the ill to live. (illO2agick. Unfortunately, everyone #asses through this s#here.

    The second is the S#here of the Satanic Ba#tismal or !nitiation.

    The Ba#tismal is a formal ritual, hich the one being Ba#ti/ed, enters the order and acce#ts hisher2agickal name and number, instead of their earthly one> The one being Ba#ti/ed no reali/es theyare above the normal humanity and #asses through the s#here.

    The third is the S#here of Fate.

    The s#here in hich one reali/es they create their on fate and can take control over their on life.(hen heshe begins to attain their goals through their on orkings and on magickal #oers, thenthey may #ass through the s#here.

    The fourth is the S#here of Dnoledge.

    The s#here in hich one studies his occult knoledge at an almost obsessed rate. (hen heshe hasbegun #erforming high magick and even con

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    This fifth is the S#here of &oer.

    The s#here in hich one commands his ords and demands #oer ithin them. !n this s#here, onebegins to aaken his inner god even further and can obtain almost anything they desire throughhisher ords. Cven a slave to their every ord ithout them reali/ing it>E Then they may #assthrough this s#here.

    The si+th is the S#here of Hoining the !nfernal Dingdom.

    The s#here of the self-sacrifice CS#iritually not #hysicallyE. This is here the you ill #erform a s#ecificritual of destruction on yourself>>> fter the ritual, if you survive you have #assed through this s#here.This s#here is a test of #oer, to make sure you have fully dedicated yourself to the #hiloso#hy andhave no reservations.

    The seventh is the S#here of the 2agusUniverse.

    The s#here of re-aakening your !nner *od, 4556. This s#here is the most difficult to attain. ll of theother s#heres must first be crossed. 8ou 2UST kno even the highest forms of magick. 8ou 2USTbe able to create and #erform rituals flalessly. 8ou 2UST be a #oerful 2agickian and have

    attained most of your 2agickal and s#iritual goals. Then you may #ass through this final gate of Re-"reation>>>

    Crac%ing the Code of the *eity of SlaveryBy @eacon 2askim ?ul

    NoteG to vie this #age #ro#erly, you must have Schuelers TT nochian Font. $ines marked ith an P aremeant to be vieed ith this nochian font.

    S1##OSE* A,ES O) T!'S *E'T/

    • 8%1(%•  /!(! 

    • H%1)%

    • J!$! 

    • HSUS

    • JS$S 

    • YHWHP

    • JHVHP

    • JSVSP

    The only varying letters are S and % hen #ut together in the nglish language form a sound like a

    thick hiss could this #honetic 3sh3 be the original name for the deity of slavery0 re these other namescodes for the original name0 !f so, the nochian ould be reversed, so to make this sound it ouldhave to a##ear asG

    • hsP

     s to ho this hel#s you, that's u# to you. for me, this sure ould be fun for blas#hemic-ty#e rituals and such.

    Christian SatanistsBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    @uring the recent influ+ of budding your Satanists, ! have seen the Satanic currents tist. ! receive e-mail daily and am a #art of on e-grou#, to be left unnamed. (hat ! have read from these su##osed


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    Satanists makes me sick. ! hear all about their #eace, love, tolerance and res#ect to all. 2y stomachturns. (hat the hell has ha##ened to Satanism0 Thelemites calling themselves Satanists, iccansand even the occasional kabbalist. (hat the hell is that0 "hristianity seems to have become satanic,as they too, su##osedly believe in #eace, love, tolerance and res#ect for all.

    (e are a grou# of Free Thought Satanists, hoever, satanist is the dominant ord here. ny satanistof any beliefs are elcomed here. %oever, they 2UST be a satanist, not an +tian. &eace cannot be,

    until e are truly free to do our ill, here ever e are. $ove is given only to the fe ho deserve it,not to the masses. Tolerance, N1 1N tolerates us, so to tolerate others is to turn the other cheek,hich is a +tian ethic. Res#ect, like love, is only given to the fe ho deserve it, not the masses. Tores#ect all, is to be +tian, iccan and thelemite, not satanic.

    !t seems that the hi##y revolution of the mid-4K55's is rising again, as the ne+t ave of Satanists.(hen the hi##y fad ears off, e ill still be here, and alays be Satanists> ! thought being a Satanistmeant embodying Satanic Thought0 (ith the rest of the +tianhi##y satanic movement, it is no onderhy so many get confused about Satanism. 1ne site has real satanic thought, and another sayinglove, #eace and ha##iness. ! mean, do these astrels bother to ever read real Satanic $iterature, ordo they

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     o +aster can or wll admt the actons he has taken to a'andon the enchantment ofthe flesh, 'ut all ha%e done so, for any acton that 'ecomes re#ett%e and mechancal,any addcton s a sgn of weakness, as s com#lete a%odance of the stuaton! oacton should 'ecome a fetsh, for that weakens the nd%dual as well! What s t that

    s hdden nsde that kee#s one from allowng understandng to flow forth! &t s thslack of moral rgdty that #re#ares one for the transton nto a 'eng of radant lght,a 'eng that str%es to transcend ths world and ts god!

    (he #ath of the &nternal Alchemy s the #ath of /ucfer, the +ornng star! &t s theascent from earth to the heghts of hea%en, and the attem#t to transcend ths earth! &t sthe ascent 'eyond the chld gods of ths earth to the realty of the greater macrosm,and the realty of the acausal world!

    0or once we were 1ods, so shall we 'e agan2

    The Law!!!

    By 3e%! 0rederck agash

    Wthn ths chrstan world we l%e nothng effects us more then the law of the weakthe law of god! When wll these #eo#le learn there god wll not a%enge for them theyneed to take that u#on themsel%es and unto ths make thyself a terror unto yourenemes! /aw s not the thng that sto#s crme 'ut t s the %ery force n whch dr%esthe crmnal element to do so! &f some one wrongs you and they are sentenced to lfen .al your tax #ayng dollars go to feed and clothe ths lackey dog! &f law could 'ewrtten 'y me & would say let the famly of the %ctm 'e the .udge of how to #unshths 'eng who wronged them! But no ths would mean our chrstan rghts would 'e

    nfrnged u#on! & say f some one s con%cted of a crme they should lose all legalrghts and 'e #unshed! &f law contnues to #rotect the crmnal element all that would

     'e left s a .um'led mass of rottng cor#ses! When wll we learn that the law of 4lextalons5 s the only real law and these chrstan sym#athzers need to 'e 'ehnd thosesteel 'ars! &f some one ask me what & thnk of law & would say 'ut threewords!!!“Execute The Bastards!”

    The Laws of the Four Princes of Hell

    By 3e%! 0rederck agash

    6! /o%e those who lo%e you, destroy those who hate you!

    7! (he only #ower hgher then +agck s wll!

    8! $rase not e%er the weak, nor #ty them, for the weak hnder the strong!

    9! Sn s nothng to us, :Sn: or to deny s the true sn!

    ;! +an s a #redatory anmal, who to sur%%e must de#r%e others of ther 'asc needs!


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    >! He who says :(hou shall not: shall #ersh to those who say :(hou shall:2

    ?! (ra%el not the #lanes of earth as a fool or sla%e, 'ut as a master of fools and sla%es!

    6@! e%er regret #erformng a rtual lest t shall 'ackfre!

    66! (o kll another s only acce#ta'le through +agck2

    Satanism TodayBy Rev. Satrinah Nagash

    The Satanic 2ovement. !t is something that has gron and gron. The 'movement' is so large, thatthere are a #lethora of grou#s, that one can #ick and choose from. nd ithin these grou#s, somehave banded together, hile others remain silent. lso, you have to include the grou#s are magickallyactive, and those ho are not.

    Unity, a term of alliance. But hat most fail to reali/e, it that unity can be a double-edged sord. Thereare good and bad things that come ith it. From hat ! have found, those ho ish to 'unify' are thesame ho ant satanism to become a household name. This is bastardi/ing satanism as e kno it.This is the direction of the 'movement'. %oever, it is a #i#e dream. There are too many #eo#le in high#laces of government that ill not allo this to ha##en. They ould cause nothing but #roblems. Theyfear us, for they don't understand us. They never ill. !t's as sim#le as that> %oever, e do e+ist andlive our on lives as e see fit. No one can change that in the #rivacy of your on home. (e live ourords, rather than merely #reach them. There are too many ho say 'this' and 'that' on their ebsites.%oever, u#on other findings, they state, 3(e are not really like that>3 That is total hy#ocrisy. No,unity, as in the unifying ith those of similar beliefs can be a good thing. For e+am#leG *rou# rituals,e+changing ideas and vies, etc...

    Satanism is about ego. !t is self serving, first and foremost. There are grou#s out there ho deem it asthe role of a satanist to inform the community of various rong-doing of the government, or other

    agency. (hat e are has nothing to do ith #olitics, nor is a satanist, or any that ! kno, care abouthat the government does CUnless it directly affects themself, but other than that...E. There are electedofficials ho do that. gain, e are not the community atchdogs.

    2agick and Satanism. This varies from grou# to grou#. Some satanists say that magick does not e+istand some say it does. Free Thought Satanism allos the use of any magickal form. 1ne entitys#iritmay ork for one #erson, and not someone else. very form of magick is useful, once you erase thecontrol tactics #laced on magick. Three of the most #o#ular control tactics areG The Three-Fold $a,@o hat thou ilt and harm none, and my #ersonal favorite, $ove &eace and Tolerance. No, thereare also other things, that can constrain a satanist, and ! see these 7uite often. This is hy mostsatanic grou#sindividuals fail or only have #ercentage successG

    • The $eaders of most grou#s have 2agus-itis. CThe full definition of 2agus-itis is in "ondensed"haos, by &hil %ine. "ha#ter M.E

    • They don't kno the basic #rinci#les of magick, let alone the universal #rinci#les. !t is a #ossibilitythat some ill kno most of the #rinci#les, but ithout all of them, and the knoledge to a##ly them,failure or #ercentage success ill ha##en.

    • These grou#sindividuals take everything from one source. No, knoledge is everything, and ifsomeone reads only one book and makes the

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    hy I am ot A "hristian### By /ucd

    Yes, at one #ont, & was a Chrstan!!!'ack 'efore & knew how to thnk!!!Why am & nota Chrstan now &ts %ery sm#le!!!Chrstanty s a sla%e relgon2 :(hou shalt: and

    :(hou shall not: How mndless are you, when you follow a 'ook of les When you 'ele%e that a 'ook such as the ''le was ns#red 'y some tyrant god that has 'eenlong dead o you know how to use your ratonal thnkng a'ltes

    (ake that oh so holy 'ook out!!!really read t! $ay attenton! (here are *ute a fewnconsstences!!!(ake ths one for an exam#le!!!(he ''le condemns ncest! (hs can

     'e found n /e%tcus, cha#ter 6>, %erses

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    ,odern Lciferianism - 'ntrodctionBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    By definition $uciferianism could be construed as the orshi# of the deity or arch-ty#e of the energy

    named $ucifer. $uciferianism is often misre#resented in the #ublic vie and often mistaken forSatanism even though true $uciferians ill tell you $ucifer is se#arate from Satan. $uciferianism andSatanism share some very similar vies and attitudes but are se#arate entities unto themselves.There are to as#ects to $uciferianism one being @eistic and the other being anti-@eistic both beingacce#table as $uciferian as#ects. (ithin the different sects of $uciferianism there are underlying#rinci#als hich both adhere to, based on #rinci#als of the four kings of %ell. $iving a life based on the#rinci#als of the four kings e achieve self-deification. First !'ll start ith the $ucifer #rinci#le thancontinue on to the others.

    The Lcifer #rinci"leBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    $ucifer's number is nine, nine being the number of #ride as any number nine is multi#lied into returnsto itself. C+am#leG K+:O: - :OKE $ucifer also being knon as the 3ngel of #ride3. This re#resentsbeing #roud of all things e do>

    $ucifer's color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and ater re#resenting that $ucifer is all aroundand ithin us. That $ucifer is the #rime elementenergy that motivates and cultivates our orld. 1thercolors $ucifer is associated ith are hite and silver, so accordingly altar #entagrams must besurrounded by blue ith a silverhite #entagram ith a black border CShon on #age E.

    $ucifer's element is air, air being that hich allos us to s#eak his ords of truth as his manifestationon arth.

    $ucifer's direction is the east, east being here a lot of the sacred isdom and the great ars ill

    come from. !t as once stated to me by a *ermanic $uciferian that 3a ise 2agickian from &ersia an rab ill come and bring ith him the aeon of $ucifer3 or in lay-mans terms the ntichrist.

    $ucifer's human element is isdom or a##lied knoledge, ith time, study and #ractice it is believedthat man can attain the $ucifer state, this only through a##lied knoledge or isdom.

    $ucifer's altar element is incense, incense being a re#resentation of air, knon to $uciferians as3seet air3.

    $ucifer's #lanetary element is )enus, $ucifer being knon as the morning star or first star of morning,otherise knon as )enus. )enus, knon as the 3&lanet of love3 re#resents the beauty of $u+ FerreC$atin for light bearerbringer or $uciferE.

    $ucifer's consortFemale as#ect is $ilith, $ilith being the first ife of dam before becoming the 7ueenof the damned. !t is said $ilith comes from the mud and the dust and is 7ueen of the Succubi$uciferic(itch. (hen $ucifer and $ilith mate they e7ual the androgynous being knon as 3Ba#homet3 or the3*oat of 2endes3 also called 3*od of the (itches3. $iliths number is to, also knon as the number ofthe eternal female. $ilith is considered an e7ual to $ucifer to some, and the feminine as#ect of $uciferhimself to others.

    $ucifer's highest manifestation is through understanding of oneself, this being the goal of the2agickian$uciferian to begin ith, being as $ucifer himself, total aakening of the human god-form$ucifer. (ithout knoing the self one cannot ho#e to achieve any real understanding of anything else.

     ##lied knoledge in action is a #rime e+am#le of $ucifer's manifestation>

    The Satan #rinci"le

    By Rev. Frederick Nagash


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    Satan's number is si+, si+ being the number of 3the beast3 re#resenting mans carnal nature being setfree. Releasing the olf ithin if you ant to call it so. Sin no longer e+ists, nothing is sinful but todeny yourself of #leasure in your Uto#ia.

    Satan's color is red, red being the color of emotion, Satan being the guardian of lust, anger,ha##iness, sadness etcVbeing released.

    Satan's element is fire, fire being an a##ro#riate re#resentation of emotional outburst or ritual.@estruction and lust are the to #rime elements of fire and Satan.

    Satan's direction is south, south re#resenting the dissension from *od-hood to the ascension to *od-hood. "reation of ones Uto#ia.

    Satan's human element is anger, lust and #rimal emotion, re#resenting the release of emotion throughse+ or anger and crushing of ones enemies.

    Satan's altar element are the candles, "andles re#resenting holding the flame of Satan or emotion,#rimal man.

    Satan's #lanetary as#ect is 2ars, 2ars being the #lanet that re#resents

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    Belial's element is arth, arth being the element that sustains humanity. The carnal las of man aredictated by the las of the arth.

    Belial's direction is north, north being the re#resentation of constantly striving forard and u#ardchanging and recreating our Uto#ia bigger and better.

    Belial's human element is remaining firm to ones on beliefs, not dancing around in #ools of religiousfeces. Finding a #hiloso#hy hich is your on and sticking to it.

    Belial's altar element is the incense coal, re#resenting arth and C(oEmankind holding the flame of$ucifer.

    Belial's #lanet is arth, #reviously e+#lained.

    Belial's highest manifestation is through understanding and living the natural las of our carnal self,self e+#lanatory.

    'ntrodction contined.By Rev. Frederick Nagash

    To the $uciferian nothing comes before the self and its develo#ment and #rogress into the ne or3manifested self3. (e constantly strive to im#rove our-self and our 3Uto#ia3 to live the only life e'llhave to the fullest and s#it on those ho do little yet e+#ect big things to ha##en. (e eliminate allhom are #arasites from our uto#ia, deeming them dead and forgetting their e+istence. $uciferiansare by nature very solitary even hen ithin a grou# such as the "hurch of $ucifer. *rou# activity#rimarily consists of lectures on traditional $uciferian magick and religion as ell as the occasionalceremonial ritual held on holidays. !t is because of our solitary nature and individuality that e do note+#ect every $uciferian to 3$ove thy brother3 as the "hristians, (iccans and even some $uciferic andSatanic grou#s do. ven a fe $uciferians are real 3WW-%oles3 ho even ! can't stand, let alone lovelike a brother. !'ll leave the 3sacred brotherhoods3 to the "hristians, 2asons, (iccans etcV !n myUto#ia very fe and select are orthy of love, more are orthy of my hate, ! find brotherhoods in the

    $.%.& a ridiculous notion based on a need for acce#tance and a 3Thrill or adventure3.

    $uciferian #hiloso#hy is very anti-outsiders, select family and friends are all hom make u# eachindividual $uciferian family. Friends often being more like a member of the family rather than anac7uaintance or someone of use. verything in your Uto#ia is a manifestation of your on ill, forgood or bad. !f you let someone use or take advantage of you, don't com#lain about it later, eliminatethem like the #arasite they are. Tell them you no longer ill let them feed off of you and you don't antthem around you any longer, erase them from your e+istence. !f you ant more money get a better


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    The term religion, is ell misunderstood by most. Religion is sim#ly #hiloso#hy in #ractice, in everydaylife. Religion is often also knon as being s#iritual. $uciferians are s#iritual, even if they don't believein a manifested s#irit. S#iritualism comes from the Self-Reali/ation and res#onsible action, as allthings in your universe are a manifestation of the ill. $uciferians are res#onsible Social Realists,hich shos a root ithin a s#iritual com#ound. 2orality and s#irituality are hat $uciferianism is andas founded on. 2orals ill vary from #erson to #erson. %oever, hatever fulfills one s#iritually orinternally, is indeed a ork of their morals. $iberation is the cornerstone of $uciferianism. $iberation of

    the entire self. $iberation of the s#irit, ill and mind, total freedom of the self in #urest form of $uciferice+#ression. (hile all other religions deny liberation, e are the embodiment of it. Res#onsibility mustalso be stressed hen s#eaking of liberation.

    Res#onsibility is learned once one reali/es all things, bad or good, that ha##ens in one's life is his ondoing. There is no retarded 3three-fold la3 or 3leash3 to chain us don like dogs. %oever, if oneneeds money, get a

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    this to your attention0 The anser is sim#le, as the orld drifts into there more survivalist state theyill reali/e there is no caring, forgiving *od guiding them and those that still do cling to the cross arefools> ar is currently being fought and has been fought for centuries no, the ar is going onaround the orld, it has many faces and many names, my favorite is urban blithe. s our orld movesmore toards an industrial environment and as the o-/one de#letes more ra#idly by the day thestorms and floods ill continue to get orse. s our orld moves more toards a home like cityatmos#here the crime rate ill rise to an all time high, this is hat ! call the 3The *reat $uciferic

    %urricane3. (hy you may ask0 1nce again the anser is sim#le and right in front of your face, thevery essence of $uciferianism the foundation of it is based around survival of the fittest.

    This is here $uciferic ethics ill reign and the so-called 3*ood "hristian thics3 ill #rove useless."hristianity is only in #lace to #rotect those to eak to #rotect themselves, ith there love all attitudeand 3forgiveness is divine3 cra# that has no #lace in our orlds future, yet many ill disagree and callit the 3Hudgment day of *od3 in reality it is a 3*reat $uciferic %urricane3 taking #lace here your verylife may de#end on $uciferic ethics, not the eak "hristian teachings. %eed these ords for as thetime gros nearer to the due date you ill need to look back and reali/e hat as right all along, andhat as force fed into your minds by your #arents and the He"hristian controlled mass media onthe old boob tube. Some may say !'m a bit #aranoid and they are correct but if you look at the nes#a#er or atch the nes you ill see everything ! have told you is coming true right before your veryeyes, this sounds a bit more like concerned then #aranoid if you ask me> The fall of "hristianity isobvious and the rise of a ne $uciferic age is u#on us, stand forth and s#eak your mind for no is the

    time to #re#are for the silent ar>>>>>

    8alvation for 8aleBy Rev. Frederick Nagash

    8es you to can be saved for a small donation to your local "hristian "hurch, or this is hat thehy#ocritical "hristian &riests ill sell you. There are T.) evangelists everyhere you look no a daystalking about ho your soul can be saved and ho they can heal your illnesses and all they ask for isa donation to the "hurch. !n reality they have no real #oer and it has all been a #loy to make thoseeak minded enough, to give u# their hard earned money to that #articular "hurch or organi/ation. !have itnessed this first hand, for starters there are Benny %inn, 1ral Roberts, R.( Schambach and

    countless others that ill sell you your salvation through your television set and claim the money yousend ill only go to hel# there "hurch. %ave you ever seen a T.) evangelist ith a shabby home0 !ask hy if money is the root of all evil do they so long for this evil, even beg for it0 They claim they area "hurch so that they are ta+ e+em#t and can kee# all the money they take from eak minded"hristians, yet if the "hurch of $ucifer ere to try to become ta+ e+em#t it ould be laughed at, ! sayhy, e are a "hurch0 Ta+ them all than>>>

     ctually the anser is sim#le, "hristians kee# to "hristians and only do for "hristians it is religiousdiscrimination but the government ill call it something different or claim e are a cult not a "hurchbecause the government is a cess#ool of one huge "hristian #ile of dung. No thinking, rational,intelligent human being ould buy there salvation so to s#eak, also no rational human ould believein the garbage #reached by these self-righteous idiots> But than again, most "hristians believe in a bigold man in the sky #ulling every ones strings and having 3magickal se+3 ith virgins here *odactually has a 3magickal child3 ho can alk on ater and ho died to absolve every ones sins>Sounds like a story ! ould have made u# as a child and not something ! ould e+#ect gron adults toadhere and believe in.

    )or S"heres of the ElementsBy Rev. 2askim ?ul

    This is somehat of an elemental balancing. !t re7uires a good deal of visuali/ation and is meant to bemore of a #sychological effect; to give a feeling of balance. 8ou must visuali/e each element as as#here of itself and take it ithin. 8ou can say aloud the ritings belo concerning the s#heres or youmay

    The ir S#here is to the ast and is ruled by nlil. ra nlil>


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    The Fire S#here is to the South and is ruled by *ibil. ra *ibil>

    The (ater S#here is to the (est and is ruled by Nammu. ra Nammu>

    There is and could be no s#here or control of nergy, hich is "haos. !t is hat the S#heres of thelements revolve around and it #ermeates them all. 8ou must feel the base of all things #ermeate

    yourself and everything around you. (hen you feel at one, take a dee# breath and you are done.

    ,agic%By Rev. Frederick Nagash

    2agick cannot be condensed into merely one volume of ork, it has a broader #ers#ective than that.8et, ! ill kee# this essay short,

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    Salt-Salt is used only to re#resent the element of earth.

    (ater-This ones self e+#lanatory of hat it re#resents

    The "halice-Filled ith ine or another #leasing beverage CNon-"arbonatedE is used as a sacrament.

    Sigil or Symbol-S#ecific symbols are used in certain rituals to re#resent the goals of the ritual taking#lace. 8our main sigil above your altar should re#resent you, your religion or #hiloso#hy, and shouldbe something you identify ith C&entagram, %e+agram, =uadragram etc..E

    Sulfur-The sent hich hen burnt is #leasing to most s#irits and deities, and should be s#rinkled onto# of ritual offerings

    Bol-Used to #lace offerings, divination and to burn sulfur.

    (hat is *emonology?By Rev. Satrinah Nagash

    @emonology is the study of demons. This entails many as#ects, in hich research is essential. Themore resources one has, the more you can learn. %oever, reading books is not the only ay tolearn.

    (hen using book references about demons, you must remember that the attributes of the demon, canand ill vary. ach author had different e+#eriences ith them, and notated these e+#eriences. achdemon does many things, not

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    &magry s %ery m#ortant to the magus 'ecause t re#resents the sum total of hsKher 'elef system! (he Ba#homet s a #owerful sgl n whch s used n Satanc +agck,the #entagram, sgls from %arous sources etc!!!&n all cases you need the #ro#ermages n order to work magck2

    &+A1&A(&) Eand or sght wthout sghtF D (hs sm#le a'lty goes wthout sayngs one of the most m#ortant factors n magck! &n ceremonal +agck you need toen%son the magckal crcle as 'eng an all encom#assng rng of fre or lt a'lazewth colored lghts of all hues! Also you must 'e a'le to en%son the $entagram youdraw out wth your hand as to #rotect yourself from angered s#rts!

    ""31Y D "nergy s (H" +)S( m#ortant factor n magckal #ractce2 Wthout theenergy to go forth nto the rtual your magck wll surly fal! (here are many ty#es ofenerges you wll deal wth and encounter n magck, some male%olent some

     'ene%olent! (o add greater understandng to the new magus & wll call these energesact%e and #ass%e! Act%e energes are what you use to cast forth the actual rte n

     #rogress towards your ntended goal! $ass%e energes are usually energes g%en as:offerngs: to %arous godforms Eae! Blood, talsman etc!!!F! &n any case all energesdurng rtual are #resent and used2

     ow that the #rme com#onents of magck ha%e 'een dscussed, & wll further mo%ento the lnk n whch they all share! 0rst you must recognze the reason for

     #erformng the rtual and 'e a'le to tell f the rte wll 'e done whole heartedly, ths sthe W&//! ext you wll concentrate your wll and act%e energes towards the magryto accom#lsh your W&//! ext you take your #ass%e energes and offer t to thegodforms 'efore the magry n return for you and the s#rts unon towards workngyour W&//! All thngs n magck flow nto one another from a 'asc startng #ont to acom#lex end! (he %ery com#onents of magck for the 'egnner are the samecom#onents used 'y e%en the hghest magus, howe%er the hgh magus recognzes andhas mastered ther a##lcaton!

    What & want each and e%ery one of you to do s to wrte a short thess on exactly whatthe term :Whole hearted: means and how t effects the W&//! )nce your thess scom#lete send t to satrnahLmnds#rng!com from that eDmal address we wll look to%er and )( grade t, 'ut tell you #rme as#ects of what you need to correct!

    !o9 to ,a%e a 0o9l for )lame Tas%sBy o.n.m -i.s.i.s.i.o- Saskatulsaa Q t 5

    &ersonally, ! #refer to use clay since ! am an earth symbol. But, metal can ork Couch hot>E, oodCflammableE, glass Chot once againE, so like ! said clay ill ork. ! made mine from hand and kilned itmyself on a outing into the forests. 8ou can inscribe sigils and hat have you on it. These all ill addu# to the desired effect so make sure you inscribe good ones. &rocure some #archment #a#er, itse+#ensive yes, but it burns good. &rocure a candle, #referably black or hatever color if your #ersonalfavorite. *et some cool incense you

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    1nce finished ith all the #a#er you ant or need, cut it into small #ieces. m#ty the ashes out of thebol and #lace the nely cut #ieces in C!'d #ut like cedar or other ood chi#s in also, shaved don, fore+tra fire#oerE. &ut some incense in if you ant and light it u#. This ill burn for a good amount oftime and hen you start doing your thing, that fire ill dance around and have a 3good ol' time3.

    This has many #ur#oses, think of your on>>>

    Chaos ,agic%by Rev. Satrinah Nagash

    To have success in chaos magick, it is all de#endant on your degree of mastery of the magickaltrances and metamor#hosis. !nitiate chaos magick includes three ays, ritual, sigils and dreaming.

    Ritual - This is a combination of the use of talismanic ea#onsCmagickal ea#on, dagger, and, etc.E,gesture, visuali/ed sigils, ord s#ells and magickal trance. 1ne thing that is essential for beginners inchaos magick is to have an effective banishing ritual. good banishing ritual ill #re#are you formagick concentration more ra#idly than any of the magickal trances alone, hoever, you do need to

    utili/e or kno the techni7ue of magickal trance before doing banishing rituals. The reason for this isthat, if your mind doesnt kno hat to do hen re7uested, at a more ra#id #ace, you ill not reach themagickal trance. This also enables the magickian to resist obsession if #roblems are encounteredduring dreaming or sigils becoming conscious. !t also #rotects you from hostile occult influences thatmay be #resent.

    To develo# the Banishing Ritual, you ill need a magickal ea#on. To do the ritual, these are thesuggessted re7uirements. First, describe a barrier about yourself ith the magickal ea#on CgestureE.

     lso, strongly visuali/e this barrier, three dimensional barriers are #referred, hoever it is your#reference alone on ho you describe it. Ne+t, you focus your ill on a visuali/ed image, for e+am#le,the magickal ea#on, or third eye, or a ball of light inside your head, etc. sound concentration canbe used additional, or alternatively. Third, the barrier is reinforced ith the magickal ea#on. Thiscould be a : #ointed star or #entagram, or the eight #ointed star of chaos, or any form, also, you canuse ords of #oer as ell. nd finally, you sto# thinking, to enter the magickal trance. That is a

    sim#le yet effective Banishing ritual.

    Sigils - There are three #arts to o#erating a sigil. The sigil is constructed, the sigil is lost to the mind,the sigil is charged. !n constructing a sigil, the idea is to #roduce a gly#h of desire, styli/ed so it doesntimmediatly suggest the desire. !t is not neccessary to use com#le+ systems here. 1ne ay by ordmethod, rite don a sentence, and delete all re#eated letters. Rearrange letters so that they areconnected in a #icture, to give a #ictoral sigil. &icture method, dra your desire the best you can, butsim#le. Cno coloring, no shading,

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    ea#on, or find one in some odd or strange ay. To develo# a banishing ritual, you need a magickalea#on. 8ou need to describe the barrier around you and visuali/e it ithin your mind. 8ou can addsound concentration at this time as ell. Finally, the barrier is reinforced ith symbols of #oer.(ords of #oer may also be used. Then the magickian voids, by sto##ing thought.


    Sometimes, you need something that cannot be gotten through normal channels. !t is sometimes#ossible to bring about the re7uired coincidence by the direct intervention of the ill #rovided that thisdoes not #ut too great a strain on the universe. The mere act of anting is rarely effective as the illbecomes involved in a dialogue ith the mind; therefore magickal ability becomes diluted. (hatha##ens then, the desire becomes #art of the ego com#le+ and then becomes an+ious of failure. Theill not to fulfill desire arises to reduce fear of failure. Then, the original desire is a mass of conflictingideas. 1ften the ished for result only ha##ens hen the desire is forgotten. This is hat makes sigilsand most forms of magick ork. Sigils ork because they stimulate the ill to ork subconsciously,by#assing the mind. 2agickal Trance hel#s in by#assing the mind.

    !n using sigils, there are three #arts. 4. The sigil is constructed, 9. The sigil is lost to the mind and M.The sigil is charged. (hen you construct a sigil for use in chaos magick, you are #roducing a sigil ofyour desire, but styli/ed to not immediately suggest the desire. "om#le+ symbol systems are notnecessary. (ords, images or sounds can construct these sigils. The sub

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    Ritual - This is a combination of the use of talismanic ea#onsCmagickal ea#on, dagger, and, etc.E,gesture, visuali/ed sigils, ord s#ells and magickal trance. 1ne thing that is essential for beginners inchaos magick is to have an effective banishing ritual. good banishing ritual ill #re#are you formagick concentration more ra#idly than any of the magickal trances alone, hoever, you do need toutili/e or kno the techni7ue of magickal trance before doing banishing rituals. The reason for this isthat, if your mind doesnt kno hat to do hen re7uested, at a more ra#id #ace, you ill not reach the

    magickal trance. This also enables the magickian to resist obsession if #roblems are encounteredduring dreaming or sigils becoming conscious. !t also #rotects you from hostile occult influences thatmay be #resent.

    To develo# the Banishing Ritual, you ill need a magickal ea#on. To do the ritual, these are thesuggessted re7uirements. First, describe a barrier about yourself ith the magickal ea#on CgestureE.

     lso, strongly visuali/e this barrier, three dimensional barriers are #referred, hoever it is your#reference alone on ho you describe it. Ne+t, you focus your ill on a visuali/ed image, for e+am#le,the magickal ea#on, or third eye, or a ball of light inside your head, etc. sound concentration canbe used additional, or alternatively. Third, the barrier is reinforced ith the magickal ea#on. Thiscould be a : #ointed star or #entagram, or the eight #ointed star of chaos, or any form, also, you canuse ords of #oer as ell. nd finally, you sto# thinking, to enter the magickal trance. That is asim#le yet effective Banishing ritual.

    Sigils - There are three #arts to o#erating a sigil. The sigil is constructed, the sigil is lost to the mind,the sigil is charged. !n constructing a sigil, the idea is to #roduce a gly#h of desire, styli/ed so it doesntimmediatly suggest the desire. !t is not neccessary to use com#le+ systems here. 1ne ay by ordmethod, rite don a sentence, and delete all re#eated letters. Rearrange letters so that they areconnected in a #icture, to give a #ictoral sigil. &icture method, dra your desire the best you can, butsim#le. Cno coloring, no shading,

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    for the student! (o #ractce the scence of +agck, you must ha%e an magnaton! & #ersonally fnd my 'elefs n the darker sde of the s#ectrum n /ucferansmKYezd,hence & wrte lterature whch shows ths! Yet, all mem'ers are not what mght 'econed as /ucferans or de%l worsh#ers EWhch & am ha##y a'outF! So, say fornstance, your a :Setan:! urng the :SelfD&ntaton: rtual you can choose to change

    the #art where you are 'lessed 'y the 9 $rnces to look somethng lke thsN

    Blow out a sngle candle and say :By Set, 'e 'lessed 'y darkness: :Oe#er: :Mora'a:

    You must sm#ly use your magnaton to fxate the rtual to your #ersonal detes or #hloso#hy! Also the altar may 'e changed to your 'elefs, we *ute sm#ly g%e youthe exam#le to follow! (he choces are u# to you! But remem'er, magnaton s thekey to unlockng +agckal #otental222

    Banishin% (itual of the Penta%ram

    By Atazoth Cthugan

    Begn wth the Call of the Aethyrs En "nochan, "nglsh ncluded for referenceF0acng east Een%son a crcle of fre formng around you as the call s made, ts colorshould match that of your aura!F

    ) you hea%ens whch dwell Ename of AethyrF, whch are mghty n the #arts of theearth, and whch execute the .udgment of the Hghest2 (o you t s sadG Behold theface of your 1od, the 'egnnng of comfort, whose eyes are the 'rghtness of thehea%ensN Who #ro%ded you for the go%ernment of the earth, and her uns#eaka'le%arety, furnshng you wth a #ower of understandng, to ds#ose all thngs accordngto the #ro%dence of hm that sts on the Holy (hroneN and Who rose u# n the

     'egnnng, sayngG the earth, let her 'e go%erned 'y her #arts, and let there 'e d%sonn her, that the glory of her may always drunken and %exed n tself! (he course ofher, let t run wth the hea%ens, and as a handmaden let her ser%e them! )ne season,let t confound anotherN and let there 'e no creature u#on her or wthn her the same!All her mem'ers, let them dffer n ther *ualtesN and let there 'e no one creaturee*ual to another! (he reasona'le creatures of the earth, let them %ex and weed out oneanotherN and the dwellng #laces, let them forget ther names! (he works of man andhs #om#, let them 'e defaced! (he 'uldngs of her, let them 'ecome ca%es for the

     'easts of the feldN confound the understandng of her wth darkness! Why & regretthat & made man! )ne whle let her 'e known, and another whle a strangerN 'ecauseshe s the 'ed of a harlot, and the dwellng #lace of hmDthatDsDfallen! ) you hea%ens,arse2 (he lower hea%ens underneath you, let them ser%e you! 1o%ern those thatgo%ernN cast down such as fallN 'rng forth wth those that ncrease, and destroy therotten! o #lace let t reman n one num'erN add and dmnsh, untl the stars 'enum'ered! Arse, mo%e, and a##ear 'efore the co%enant of Hs mouth, whch He hassworn unto us n Hs .ustceN o#en u# the mysteres of your creaton, and make us

     #artakers of undefled knowledge!

    +A3&AO S $3A0 Ename of Aethyr, or #lane of exstence, usually ("OF, CH&S+&CA)/M SAA&3 CA)S1), ) 0&0&S BA/M&M3AS /A&A2 )CA1)H-/&+G &C+A A)&A +A, &A) B/&)3B S)BA ))A)A CH&S

    /-C&0(&AS $"3&$S)/N S AB3AASA )C0 "(AA&B CA)S1&, ) (&/BA$HAH( A+$/)M, ())A( )C0 1 +ACA/M )+A, /3AS ()01/)


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    +A3B YA33Y &)&1)N ) ()3M-/$ &A)A0 1)H-/G CA)S1A,(ABA)3 SAA&3, ) CH3&S(")S Y3$)&/ (&)B/, B-S&3 (&/B )A/$A& )3SBA ) )3+& MY/A! "/MA$ (&/B, $A3+ 1& $"3&$SAO, )(A -3/S( B))A$&S! / &B+, )-CH) SY+$N ) CH3&S(")S A1()/()3 +&3C (&)B/ /"/! () $A)+B, &/M+) AS$&AN )

    CH3&S(")S A1 & ()/()31 $A3ACH A SY+$! C)3&M&M, )$A/ )0&0A/M & S+AN ) 0A31(, BA+S )+A)AS! C)&SB3A ) AVAV)O,()-1! )3SCA (B/, )AS+& (AB1"S /"V&(+)1N -CH& )+$ (&/B)3S! BA1/" +)))ACH )/ C)3M&M! / CA$&+A) &O)+AO&$, ) CAC)CASB 1)SAAN BA1N"+ $& (&A(A A BABA/), ) 0A)31( ("/)CV)V&+! +A3&&AO, ()3M-2 )A3&AM )3)CHA, AB)A$3&! (ABA)3&$3)AM A3 (ABASN A3$A C)3S (A )B&ON Y)/CA+ $3&AM& A3C)AM)&3, ) -ASB (&1! 3&$&3 $AA)O( SA1A C)3N -+/ )$3MA3, CAC31 A)&V"A" C)3+$(! ()3M-, MACA3, ) MA+3A AS$(S&BS& B-(+)A, S S-3MAS (&A BA/(AN )) C&C/" AA, ) )MAM+A$/A$/& &AA+A!


    En%ocaton #atternG word, su#reme kng, #entagram, d%ne nameF

    &n%ocaton of ar0acng east"OA3$(AH)"/)J(race ad%erse #entagram of ar Eyellow wth 'lue flecksFV'rate )3) &BAH A)M$&

    &n%ocaton of fre0acng southB&()+)H)))HA(A(race ad%erse #entagram of fre Ered wth 'lack flecksFV'rate )&$ ("AA $)C"

    &n%ocaton of water 0acng west

    HC)+A(HAH"BY)DB&AA(A(race ad%erse #entagram of water E'lue wth yellow flecksFV'rate +$H A3S/ 1A&)/&n%ocaton of earth0acng north

     A(A(HAHAA)(AH"(race ad%erse #entagram of earth E'lack wth red flecksFV'rate +)3 &A/ HC(1A

    "nochan key most a##ro#rate for the caster Esee the satanc ''leF and en%son thecrcle of fre 'ecomng a column stretchng to the hea%ens and to the de#ths of hell!


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    (hs s a generc form of the rtual, t can easly 'e ada#ted to n%okng and 'anshngas necessary!

    /ucfer awnstar 

    A%e Satanas23ege Satanas2Hal Satan2Hal the Self2

    Shem 3aD#horash

    L'0E+ ,AG'C:A An Overvie9(ith Rev. Satrinah Nagash

    SatrinahX "lass time

    SatrinahX 1k, this class is about $!BR 2*!"D.

    SatrinahX %as everyone here read it0.

    Y?U$YX ye#

    SatrinahX .49! am going to go over it in its sections..

    SatrinahX .49&rinci#ia 2agicka - 2agickal #ractice should not be confined to sim#ly ritual orceremonial it should be made very #ersonal and not solely defined by one man or omens#erce#tion. 2agick should become a tailored art to fit #ersonal lifestyles and individuals and shouldnever be boring or re#etitive. "ertain forms of traditional magickal #ractice e+ist solely in the human

    subconscious and can not be #ut into ords. "ertain daily rituals e #erform every morning can.

    SatrinahX .49can be considered magickal such as certain #eo#le need to drink coffee to feel com#letein the morning and some may need to get ashed and dressed before even ste##ing outside of thebedroom all of hich make a day feel or seem com#lete..

    NecroLLLX did i miss anything0

    NecroLLLX GC

    SatrinahX veryone understand that0.

    Y?U$YX got it

    )or#halackX ye#

    SatrinahX .492agick should not be confined to a ritual chamber either, it should be here ever yousee fit, mental or #sychic magick should and is #erformed everyday sometimes ithout you reali/ingit. The vil eye hich makes others feel uncomfortable is one ay of using magick ithout usingmagick..

    SatrinahX .49"haos magick is a com#lete system of magickal #ractice, yet so is hat ever onecreates himherself. For magick to be accom#lished I#ro#erlyJ one need only look at theiraccom#lishments and reali/e that magick has #layed some key role in its develo#ment. 1nce truemagickal #otential is reali/ed there is no sto##ing the unsto##able force ithin you..

    BobSaggetX true thou an area of regular #ractice

    SatrinahX ny 7uestions0.

    Y?U$YX none


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    SatrinahX 2agicka +tremis - 2agick is an art form ithin itself, and ithin every art form their is theartist. 8ou #lay the key role in ho far you take your magickal #rogress, only you can define you.Using certain elements from daily #ractice can lead you to ritual magick later in the evening..

    SatrinahX Such acts are I#erfectJ if done hole heartedly and ithout doubt. very day of your life aritual is #erformed, you ake u#, start your day, ind don in the late afternoon than slee# at night.

    To break such rituals is yet another magickal act knon as I2etamor#hosisJ by draing from this riteit may lead you to yet another facet of magick, *nosis..

    SatrinahX *nosis is used as a form of trance like state the magickian can move into hen de#ravationof certain kind ha##ens..

    sosZtheZ*reatX =>

    sosZtheZ*reatX can move into or is forced into by the de#rivations0

    SatrinahX sos, it is both.

    SatrinahX you can force these de#rivations, or you can say, 7uit smoking and de#rivation

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    SatrinahX in a sense necro.

    NecroLLLX niiiice

    SatrinahX ok, moving on.

    )or#halackX !2%1 magick is alays by 3sim#le thought3

    NecroLLLX !2%10

    SatrinahX %o to deliver the evil eye...No, dont get this the rong ay, this is not only for 'bad'#ur#oses only.

    SatrinahX it iThe evil eye should be used to make others feel disturbed in your #resence. lso a gooduse for the evil eye is if a confrontation is to ensue it ill instantly strike fear in those hom ould ishyou harm..

    sosZtheZ*reatX ! get laughed at hen ! try that

    SatrinahX lso, it can make others feel at home ith you hen #ositive energy is sent.

    sosZtheZ*reatX any hints0

    SatrinahX hat do you mean you get laughed at....

    )or#halackX NecroLLLG !2%1 O in my humble o#inion

    SatrinahX The best ay to learn the evil eye is to sit ith your hands in your la# in front of a mirror ithone lit black candle in front of you. Stare through the flame of the candle into the mirror and throughyour on eyes ithout blinking.

    NecroLLLX Satrinah, ! did that.... !

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    P )or#halack thinks its the right hand #ath ho needs classifying..

    P [Hesse[ agrees ith vor#h

    NecroLLLX agrees

    SatrinahX e as strong illed #oerful incarnate should not concern ourselves ith black and hiteonly hat is in our heart. !f magick is done from the heart, !t ill never fail and ill be as #ure as thedriven sno eather dealing ith demons or a god. !t is u# to the magickian on hat he studies butthere should be no limits on hat is black or hite or evil and good. (e are #ure beings during magicke are #urified in the.

    )or#halackX they need it to say 3ere good, all others are bad...3

    SatrinahX the image of our on divinity and therefore if e do our IillJ cannot be harmed and ourmagick ill #ure..

    SatrinahX any 7uestions.

    sosZtheZ*reatX interesting theory...

    SatrinahX it is truth, not

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     nthro#omor#hicX i can't give my son the evil eye because he laughs, he knos i ould never hurthim..other that don't kno me shake in the light of my evil eye and the mystery of the unknon thatlies behind the eyes of the stranger

    NecroLLLX but he looks more $ike Hesus as a Biker.. $o$

    SatrinahX yes vor#h.

    SatrinahX you ont scare me anth.

    Y?U$YX me neither

     nthro#omor#hicX $1$

    Y?U$YX yr a teddy bear


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  • 8/12/2019 Church of Lucifer


    sosZtheZ*reatX hen have ! done so0

    SatrinahX you said you like to be a snake in the grass, rather than be u#front about hat you are...thatis a form of lying....

    SatrinahX moving on ith class....

    SatrinahX $ucifer beyond $ucifer

    SatrinahX $ucifer is an incarnate being of many cultures and beliefs. 2anifestation of $ucifer can saidto have taken #lace in almost all cultures of ancient society. &an the *od of the &agans, The Naturegod is also a great s#irit hom came to be knon as $ucifer. 2arduk, the great slayer of the ancientones, the anciet ones hom ere the first of all gods 2arduk defied. 2arduk has come to be knonas $ucifer. The #oint im trying to get at is in magick.

    SatrinahX no matter hat deity one uses or calls on for assistance there is that s#ark of $ucifer. 8oucon

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    Any uestons so far

    Howe%er #ass%e energes are em#loyed n many dfferent ways durng a magckalworkng! )ne way s through rtual sacrfce, another s 'y drnkng a small #orton of

     'lood EYour own s #referred and safestF durng say a 'lack mass or #owerful rtual!

    Also n the e%ent of you callng for a #act to 'e made wth a s#rtKgodform 'lood sused to sgn the #archment as a show of de%oton towards your desred goal anddedcaton to u#holdng the #act tself!

    Any uestons so far

    +agck n all forms utlzes all of the aforementoned energes n almost all cases!(orelan magck s a ex#onent of energy man#ulaton wthn a certan confne of

     #ractce! All +agck done ntentonally s an act of wll, wllI"nergy a##led to adesred goal whchI+agck2

    Any uestons so far

    (he Chnese cult%aton of Ch s an act of drawng forth Act%e energes whch areused to heal and strengthen the 'ody! Chaos +agck s the act of mnd #lay n whchforces the su'conscous to send act%e energes towards the goal or wll! (he #re%ousexam#les were used to show how act%e energes are used n magck and the nextexam#les to show how #ass%e energes are are em#loyed! (he Ancent +ayan BloodSacrfce to a##ease a godform and or 'e granted a 'ountful har%est! Vam#rc+agck n whch 'lood s shared to attan unon wth a godform and or #erson

     'ascally a %am#rc weddng rtual! "nochan sex magck n whch a cou#le usessemen E+ale and femaleF as a sacrfce to ache%e magckal nfluence n a s#ecfcgoal or act of wll!

    Any *uestons so far

    (he man#ulaton of too much energy can lead the ad%anced magckan to what sknown as 1noss! 1noss s a magckal state n whch the magckan ex#ends to muchenergy and or de#r%aton to ache%e magckal conscousness! &t s a##led when e%era magck :/ea%es hs 'ody: so to s#eak and enters an almost floatng dmenson

     'etween shadow tme and real tme, also what & call :Walkng 'y the "cl#se:! &t s atheory of uantum $hyscs whch & wll not dscuss n ths class! & wll now mo%e on

    to how one can man#ulate energy to reach gnoss 'ut 'efore & do does anyone ha%eany *uestons

    1noss can 'e ache%ed n many ways, one s to o%er exert your mnd such as toreman awake for mult#le days wthout slee#, ths ex#ends to much energy wthoutslee# to re#lensh t and wll force one to ache%e gnoss! Another way Ewhch s notrecommended n any way 'y the C)/F s to 'e forced nto so much #an that the mnd

     'ecomes 'lack and you drft off nto an almost zom'e lke state! (hat method s notrecommended as some ha%e extremely hgh thresh holds for #an and the 'ody may 'eharmed and or scarred unnecessarly! Also days wthout sex say for two weeks onegoes wthout sex, than when EsFhe does ha%e sex at the #ont of orgasm the sto#,

    re#eat ths a'out 6@ tmes 'efore allowng yourself to ha%e an orgasm and gnoss can 'e reached due to energy exerton!


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    Any uestons on ths

    )k, well that concludes ths class for tonght, what & ex#ect for homework from eachof you s a short essay ex#lanng your ex#erences wth 1noss and or energy

    man#ulaton n all forms! (hs s due on Saturday ths week and should 'e sent tosatrnahLmnds#rng!com ! (hank you all agan for not screwng around durng classand makng these classes #oss'le222

    Class /ogs

    nagash@?G Class s a'out to 'egn .ust watng a few more mnutes!!!!$raecantrxG whats the class gong to 'e onnagash@?G "nergy +an#ulaton$raecantrxG sounds nterestng!!3e%R"sosG %ery

    nagash@? /ke how to utlze $ass%e and act%e energes!!!3e%R"sos nagash can & #m u for .ust a secnagash@? 7 mns t start!!nagash@? Sure .ust one or two though3e%R"sos k $raecantrx nagash, a ll later tonght ll emal you the *uestons ha%e so far for thenter%ew$raecantrx so u and satrnah can thnk of what youll saynagash@? kewl great $raeGFnagash@? ok well class s a'out to 'egn2nagash@? & wll 'egn 'y askng f those who were at my last class remem'er what &talked a'out wth Act%e and $ass%e energes3e%R"sos a lttlenagash@? ok, well what you wll need to do, s go to the mem'ers secton of the colwe'stenagash@? and read through tnagash@? t s #osted n mem'ers secton 7nagash@? ths class wll also 'e #osted after we condense tnagash@? are we all readynagash@? awatng!!!!!D T3e%R"sosU $&1

    nagash@? am & laggng3e%R"sos yesnagash@? 'r'nagash@? ok 'ack D3e%R"sosD T(mXtUT 6789;? U 3"$/Y 8 Seconds DT(mXtUZS"$-/(-3AZ h nagZS"$-/(-3AZ w'nagash@? (hanx3e%R"sos sorry 'out earler, se#ZS"$-/(-3AZ n#nagash@? ok well s e%eryone ready for class to 'egn

    ZS"$-/(-3AZ yeahZS"$-/(-3AZ 6@G6; already


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    ZS"$-/(-3AZ hehnagash@? k 3e%R"sos yesnagash@? "nergy as #re%ously dscussed comes n two forms! Act%e, whch would

     'e descr'ed

    nagash@? as nner energy and mental energy, and $ass%e energy whch comes n theform of 'lood, semennagash@? EBoth male and femaleF etc!!! Qnowng whch energes to em#loy at whattmes durng a rtualnagash@? s an ntrcate #art of all magckal #ractce! urng the act ofnagash@? $urfyng the cham'ers you cast Act%e energes towards each of the fourcornersnagash@? of "%ocaton! By Act%e once agan, t s meant n a mental sense n thscase as wellnagash@? as a castng sense n that you cast forth ths energy towards a desred goal![[[ ZS"$-/(-3AZ s now known as /ucferous

    nagash@? Any uestons so far3e%R(elaran no#e3e%R"sos not yet!!!nagash@? k nagash@? Howe%er #ass%e energes are em#loyed n many dfferent ways durng amagckal workng!nagash@? )ne way s through rtual sacrfce, another s 'y drnkng a small #ortonof 'loodnagash@? EYour own s #refered and safestF durng say a 'lack mass or #owerfulrtual! Also n the e%entnagash@? of you callng for a #act to 'e made wth a s#rtKgodform 'lood s used tosgn the #archment asnagash@? a show of de%oton towards your desred goal and dedcaton to u#holdngthe #act tself!nagash@? Any uestons so far/ucferous no#e3e%R"sos no#e n#t yet[[[ heath7k EQoolLl%6D68!e#s!netF has .oned Pcolucfer nagash@? k nagash@? +agck n all forms utlzes all of the aforementoned energes n almostall cases! (orelan

    nagash@? magck s a ex#onent of energy man#ulaton wthn a certan confne of #ractce! All +agcknagash@? done ntentonally s an act of wll, wllI"nergy a##led to a desred goalwhchI+agck2nagash@? Any uestons so farheath7k has class startednagash@? yes3e%R"sos what a'out the semen dealynagash@? 3tual use of semen, s used n #lace of 'lood3e%R"sos drnkng tnagash@? lke attanng orgasm n the name of RR 

    nagash@? nonagash@? not drnkng t, usng t n construct%e ways such as f used n the #act


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    3e%R"sos good3e%R"sos ahhnagash@? you can #ut semen on the #act tself and use t when t s drynagash@? any more *uestons/ucferous n

    3e%R"sos no#enagash@? k nagash@? (he Chnese cult%aton of Ch s an act of drawng forth Act%e energeswhch are used to healnagash@? and strengthen the 'ody! Chaos +agck s the act of mnd #lay n whchforces the su'conscousnagash@? to send act%e energes towards the goal or wll! (he #re%ous exam#leswere used to show hownagash@? act%e energes are used n magck and the next exam#les to show how

     #ass%e energes are arenagash@? em#loyed! (he Ancent +ayan Blood Sacrfce to a##ease a godform and

    or 'e granted a 'ountfulnagash@? har%est! Vam#rc +agck n whch 'lood s shared to attan unon wth agodform and or #ersonnagash@? 'ascally a %am#nagash@? %am#rc weddng rtual! "nochan sex magck n whch a cou#le usessemen E+ale andnagash@? femaleF as a sacrfce to ache%e magckal nfluence n a s#ecfc goal oract of wll![[[ Jesus!as6!xn'!n.!dalu#!rcn!comF has .onedPcolucfer [[[ ChanSer% sets modeG o JesusCA

  • 8/12/2019 Church of Lucifer


    as to reman awake for nagash@? mult#le days wthout slee#, ths ex#ends to much energy wthout slee# tore#lensh t and wllnagash@? force one to ache%e gnoss! Another way Ewhch s not recomended n anyway 'y the C)/F s to

    nagash@? 'e forced nto so much #an that the mnd 'ecomes 'lack and you drft offnto an almost zom'enagash@? lke state!nagash@? (hat method s not recomended as some ha%e extremely hgh thresh holdsfor #annagash@? and the 'ody may 'e harmed and or scarred unDnecessarly! Also dayswthout sex say for twonagash@? weeks one goes wthout sex, than when EsFhe does ha%e sex at the #ont oforgasm the sto#, re#eatnagash@? ths a'out 6@ tmes 'efore allowng yourself to ha%e an orgasm and gnosscan 'e reached due to

    nagash@? energy exerton!nagash@? Any uestons on ths3e%R"sos no#e sound fun3e%R"sos GFheath7k :ll try thatheath7k agan and agannagash@? %ery good/ucferous heh3e%R"sos okay & thought of onenagash@? k 3e%R"sos how can one tell f EsFhe reaches gnossnagash@? you wll know t, t s as descr'ed as lea%ng your 'ody!!!!nagash@? n a sense3e%R"sos aastral #ro.ectonnagash@? lke astral #ro.ectonnagash@? 'ut more affect%e n 'asc magckal workngsnagash@? GF3e%R"sos oh okaynagash@? You all are such good students you make my classes 0/Y on 'ynagash@? cDmon any more *uestons3e%R"sos & C

    heath7k thnk ha%e 'een there 'eforenagash@? someone must ha%e a *ueston!!!!!heath7k through chemotossnagash@? yes chemognoss s yet another way to reach t3e%R(elaran once n gnoss how do you work magcknagash@? howe%er t s not recommended due to legal reasons/ucferous not me yet3e%R"sos okay & ha%e another nagash@? )nce n gnoss you are com#letely o#en to work the wll3e%R"sos can gnoss 'e reached through medtaton or hy#noss3e%R(elaran .ust thnk t

    nagash@? sometmes "sos!!!'ut not usually3e%R(elaran


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    /ucferous damnnagash@? Any other *uestons3e%R(elaran how do you nsst your wl ldurng that3e%R(elaran wll/ucferous cool

    3e%R"sos &m sayng that & got to that #ont 'y thnkng of one thng tll & .ust startedstarng and my eyes unfocused then & looked at the clock, t was 7 hrs! later /ucferous ne%er knew t had a name3e%R(elaran heath7k gnoss s lke the the #lace your 'ody goes when you ha%e a near deathex#ernce or a great hgh or dee# medtaon t s what occours when you sto# thnkngall together on ths le%elnagash@? You nduce wll through m#lantng a thought 'eforehand and whle ongnoss you en%son your goal wthout thnkng a'out t3e%R"sos see &m n A"$ all day3e%R"sos thats 'ascally solaton

    nagash@? Y"s Heath has got t23e%R(elaran oh so lke #uttng n su' concous and t .sut comes n gnoss/ucferous nagD t has somethng to do wth ndan medtatonnagash@? Yes (elaran3e%R(elaran ok got theath7k oknagash@? Yes /ucferous, n ndan sweat lodges gnoss s reached/ucferous go on nagashnagash@? When they sweat so much they lose all control of ther mnd and thnk ofnothng!!!!some say they see %sons due to t!!!!!nagash@? 'ut ther mnd s com#letely 'lack nagash@? that s gnoss/ucferous guess amercan ndans used to ha%e rtuals lke that/ucferous whch they used to drnk a knd of tea/ucferous and they could reach that statenagash@? ye# the ndan sweat lodge was a knd of rtual they dd /ucferous[[[ Qree# EkurtLD#m8D8D6=!nland!netF has .oned Pcolucfer [[[ ChanSer% sets modeG o Qree#/ucferous 'ut they could de f they ddnt react well to that drnk heath7k thnk the safest way to enter gnoss s through dee# medtaton[[[ Qree# s now known as \Jesse\

    /ucferous saw t on dsco%ery oncenagash@? no heath medtaton s not a way to reach gnoss/ucferous nah, the 'est way s ha%ng sex/ucferous hehenagash@? actually /ucferous Sex s the 'est waynagash@? sex and slee# de#er%aton3e%R"sos lol3e%R"sos kck ass, &m lo%ng t2/ucferous sex s e%erythngnagash@? Sex s a #owerful tool n magckal workngsheath7k slee# de#r%aton s dangerous

    3e%R"sos the yng yangnagash@? how so heath


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    nagash@? t s not dangerous at all!!!!!3e%R"sos @I7nagash@? f one s healthy/ucferous t .ust feels awfulnagash@? ye# "sos naled t, lke yn and yang

    /ucferous when u are tred and cant slee#/ucferous sex s a lot 'etter /ucferous hehheath7k dr%e truck all day dont want to go three days wthout slee# and dr%enagash@? true /ucferous, sex s the most choosen method3e%R"sos lolnagash@? true heath, howe%er you would choose to do t on a day you ha%e off 'ro3e%R"sos ha%e sex thenheath7k wll ha%e sex3e%R"sos lolheath7k good #ont nagash

    3e%R"sos wll too/ucferous 'uy a #lastc doll3e%R"sos GFheath7k why not .ust ask my gf t works 'etter any waynagash@? Mack has reached 1noss through slee# de#er%atonM\a\c\k a'solutely3e%R"sos yeah cause then you com'ne the yng and yang3e%R"sos and o##stes #ut to gether e*uall nothng3e%R"sos gnossInothngKno thoughtnagash@? Sex howe%er s only a good method when wth someone you can trust3e%R"sos &%e made a connectonnagash@? yes "sos now you got t2[[[ 3e%R(elaran has *ut &3C EutG ]^MDm_3` b +h 0/rVirj 7!!1et Yours at htt#GKKezmrc!we'.um#!comK!F-nRAway 0uck fuck fuck2 & mssed t, eh3e%R"sos well lets say ths thennagash@? ye# un'lessednagash@? sure "sos shoot[[[ -nRAway s now known as -nBlessednagash@? scroll u# un'lessed3e%R"sos & though a'out sex

    -nBlessed heh!!! oke!!!3e%R"sos untll & had t well nto my magnaton3e%R"sos then & .ust en.oyed the rde3e%R"sos untll gnoss was reached, could that 'e t3e%R"sos & really 'ele%e & dd t todaynagash@? the sex s not the act of gnoss, you can thnk of the sex durng the act 'utdurng gnoss you lose all control and thoughtnagash@? you com#letely 'lack out n mndnagash@? some may e%en 'egn watchng themself from a'o%enagash@? 'y lea%ng the 'ody wthout control-nBlessed G Would death, then, 'e consdered a form of gnoss

    heath7k 'el%e that you can concously close your concous mnd and reach gnosswthout sex


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    nagash@? yes -n'lessed, near death s a for of gnossheath7k or near deathnagash@? you can heath, through de#er%aton of almost any kndnagash@? #eo#le who thnk they see angels are sm#ly #eo#le who wshed to seethem 'efore gnoss set n

    nagash@? once gnoss set n they saw they wthout 'eng a'le to control ther mndnagash@? e%eryone understand/ucferous yu#M\a\c\k yesheath7k uh huh3e%R"sos yeahnagash@? /ucferous you ha%e reached gnoss wthout ha%ng an dea of how to dot, that s good2nagash@? ok thannagash@? )k, well that concludes ths class for tonght, what & ex#ect for homeworkfrom each of you s a

    nagash@? short essay ex#lanng your ex#erences wth 1noss and or energyman#ulaton n all forms!nagash@? (hs s due on Saturday ths week and should 'e sent tosatrnahLmnds#rng!com ! (hank you allnagash@? agan for not screwng around durng class and makng these classes

     #oss'le222/ucferous ne%er knew had reached t/ucferous thought had a almost death ex#erence or somethng\Jesse\ these classes kck ass nagash/ucferous ddnt know t could 'e named/ucferous GF-nBlessed Sorry & mssed t!!! thngs were out of my control tonght that & couldnta%od!nagash@? ye#nagash@? (hanks Jessenagash@? $ -n'lessedM\a\c\k excellent class nagashnagash@? thanks zack!!!!!/ucferous -nD logs GFnagash@? ye#!!!!logs-nBlessed Yu#!!!IF

    -nBlessed &m readng t now!nagash@? kewl un'lessed3e%R"sos sonagash@? dd e%eryone get ther homeworkM\a\c\k yu#\Jesse\ yu#2[[[ -nBlessed s now known as -nD3eadng3e%R"sos n sm#ler terms, for me, yng yangIgnoss when act%ated u#on 'ysome sort of star%aton3e%R"sos & ddnt!!! was t eDmaledheath7k yes ths was deffnately a good class

    nagash@? All whom dd not see ths whole class t wll 'e #osted n the mem'ers 7secton of the C)/ ste


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  • 8/12/2019 Church of Lucifer


    are how you see thngs! Some #eo#le are lke to see what s gong to ha##en, ether%a ther mnd, n the form of art, or n the form of words and musc!

    How can you change these thngs you ask! Well, & am frst gong to to start wthmagery!

    &magery s the sym'ols or sgns used n workng wth whate%er s#rtK demon EetcFthat you are workng wth!!!+any use sgls!!!'ut for some that doesnt work, due to thelack of ha%ng them, or not 'eng a'le to d%ne them or fnd them!!Sometmesresources can 'e lmted! So what do you do You can ether draw your own mage tore#resent that #artcular s#rt! 0or exam#le, f you are dealng wth any of the fourcrown #rnces, make sure you use the #ro#er colorsKattrtutes for them! )r you can a

     #cture, re#resentng them! Some #eo#le e%en fnd household tems to show that theyare workng wth them!!!ths could 'e car%ng a name nto candles, drawng your ownsgls Ewhch s a 't more dffcultF or e%en usng a #entagram wth some sort ofndcaton of who you are workng wth, 'e t a name n the center, or makng t a

    color to re#resent them or what ha%e you! As long as you know n your heart andnner self that s who t s, then that magery s there!

     ow, on to the &magnaton of the rtual tself! (hs creat%ty deals wth how thertual goes n your mnd! 3tual re*ure you to magne alot of factors, lke magnngthe #rotect%e crcle, and etc! &f you are dstracted from that, then you are not

     #rotected! )ne way to sol%e ths s 'y usng s#ecal ncense, a knd that you lke alotor dslke alot, and you use taht n concordance wth makng the #rotect%e crcleetc!!!and that wll re#resent t! Also, f you ha%e mood musc, that s somethng thatremnds you of your goal!!!#lay t durng rtual low enough so that you can 'e heard ngrou# rtual!!!Some musc can ha%e a %ery strong effect on how you concentrate onyou goals! S#ecal lghtng also works the same way!!!& know ths s