Download - Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"

Page 1: Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"


Cortland Christian Church

Reverend Donald P. Barnes

153 Grove Drive

Cortland, Ohio

Phone 330-637-4611

[email protected]

Church Bell September 2016

September 2016

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23: 1

We call them our “children” – Bleu, Weez, Tiny, Lillie, Millie, Billie, Charlotte, Charlie, Wil-

bur, and Chewey. Eight out of the ten are rescues, left homeless by circumstances beyond their

control. Lorra and I serve as surrogate parents for this motley bunch of puppies. They had no-

where to turn – we could not turn away. At this point in time, they all reside comfortably in a

loving home caught in the embrace of two doting masters. When they were lost, the

“shepherds” came looking. When they needed rest and relief, we offered “green pastures” and

“still waters.” Grace arrives in the midst of the storm.

Let’s face it, when you’re lost your lost. You can’t find your way home on your own. You

need help. According to D.L. Moody:

Dr. Andrew Bonar told me how, in the Highlands of Scotland, a sheep would often

wander off into the rocks and get into places that they couldn't get out of. The grass on

these mountains is very sweet and the sheep like it, and they will jump down ten or

twelve feet, and then they can't jump back again, and the shepherd hears them bleating

in distress. They may be there for days, until they have eaten all the grass. The shep-

herd will wait until they are so faint they cannot stand, and then they will put a rope

around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why

don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?" I asked. "Ah!" He said,

"they are so very foolish they would dash right over the precipice and be killed if they

did!" And that is the way with men; they won't go back to God till they have no friends

and have lost everything. If you are a wanderer I tell you that the Good Shepherd will

bring you back the moment you have given up trying to save yourself and are willing

to let Him save you His own way.

Unfortunately, according to this account, folks often don’t realize they’re lost until it is too late.

The initiative to offer saving grace is always in the hands of the shepherd. Our puppies offer a

fitting analogy: They had nowhere to turn – we could not turn away. At this point in time, they

all reside comfortably in a loving home caught in the embrace of two doting masters. When

they were lost, the “shepherds” came looking. When they needed rest and relief, we offered

“green pastures” and “still waters.” Grace arrives in the midst of the storm.

“Follow The Bells”

Pastor’s Pen

Jesus, The one person who

loves us unconditionally, and

who will never stop searching

for us when we are lost.

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Sept. 4 Joyce Seagle and Bob Johnson

Sept 11 John Klamut and Larry Dix

Sept. 18 Justin Klamut and Amy Seger

Sept. 25 Larry Dix and John Kloboves

Deacons: Virginia Carr 330-507-3313

Chuck Chagnot, Katie Molnar, Patti Oriti,

Tyler Oriti, Sydney Carr, Carolyn Sparhawk

Deaconess: Phyllis Hake

The Church Office will be open on Monday-

Thursday 9:00am.-Noon

Phone: 330-637-4611

Feel free to call or stop in if you have

a question or need help.

September 4 Sharon Polakoff and Dorothy Moss

September 11 Terri and Linda Swauger

September 18 Judene Ainsley, Joyce Hall

September 25 Joyce Lewis and Patti Oriti

Make this a “fun day” for you


“New Hours” -

Sunday Church Service

starting at 10:30 a.m.

September 4, 2016– May 28, 2017

Page 3: Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"


While we were still sinners! That's when Jesus laid down His life

for us. He didn't wait until we deserved it, or until we even wanted

His gift of grace... If He had we never would have been saved at all.

He sees our sin and instead of being repelled,

He leans in. How amazing!

Jesus already knows the cost of grace. He already knows the price of


But He offers it anyway. God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8

God didn’t look at our frazzled lives and say, “I’ll die for you when you deserve

it.” No, despite our sin, in the face of our rebellion, He chose to adopt us.

Jesus Died for Our Sins

As a young boy, I read a Russian fable about a master and a servant who went on a journey to a city. Many of the de-tails I’ve forgotten, but the ending I remember. Before the two men could reach the destination, they were caught in a

blinding blizzard. They lost their direction and were unable to reach the city before nightfall. The next morning concerned friends went searching for the two men. They finally found the master, frozen to death, face down in the snow. When they lifted him they found the servant — cold but alive. He survived and told how the

master had voluntarily placed himself on top of the servant so the servant could live. I hadn’t thought of that story in years. But when I read what Christ said He would do for us, the story surfaced — for

Jesus is the Master who died for the servants. And the Angels Were Silent

I was given mercy so that in me, the worst of all sinners, Christ Jesus could show that He has patience without limit. - 1 Timothy 1:16

Our Savior kneels down and gazes upon the darkest acts of our lives. But rather than recoil in horror, He reaches out in kindness and says, “I can clean that if you want.” And from the basin of His grace, He scoops a palm full of mercy

and washes away our sin. Our faith does not earn God’s love any more than our stupidity jeopardizes it. The cross was heavy, the blood was

real, and the price was extravagant. It would have bankrupted you or me, so He paid it for us.

Call it simple. Call it a gift. But don’t call it easy. Call it what it is. Call it grace.

One Minute Love Notes

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Just another cute story

The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mike, (with

trailing cord) and as he preached, he moved briskly

about the platform, jerking the mike cord as he went.

Then he moved to one side, getting wound up in the cord

and nearly tripping before jerk-ing it again. After several cir-

cles and jerks, a little girl in the third pew leaned toward her mother and whispered, "If he gets loose, will he hurt us?"

To access this report via the web, please visit www.

Total Support Summary

Giving to Region $399.29

Giving to General Ministries 461.35

Giving to colleges and Seminaries $71.36

Total Giving to DMF and Special Days $932.00

2016 Giving and Support Charts

Do one thing everyday

that scares you….

Eleanor Roosevelt

Page 5: Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"


Would you like

to start a Jour-

nal and under-

stand what you

are reading?

Each day write out the days

Scripture It will take about 10-

15 minutes.

Add a reflection

to the end of

your writing as the Lord speaks

to you.

Share what is in your heart.

September 4 - Greg Ainsley

September 9 - Jack Hanna

September 14 - Kathy Dix

September 15 - Karen Miller

September 18 - Rachel Miler

September 20 - Edwin Niemi

September 28 - Terry Swauger

September 29 - Katie Molnar

September 6

Erma Jean and Nick Bellitt

September 7

Nick and Rachel Miller

September 29

John and Katie Molnar

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Joyful noise



2 3

4 Service starts at




6 Outreach- Finance And Board



Joyful Noise




10 Aerobics Spaghetti Dinner

WOW 10am

11 Elder Meeting





Joyful Noise



16 17


18 Service and


19 6:30 Flow-

er Arranging



Joyful Noise






25 Service and Fellowship





Joyful Noise



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

September 2016

Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child In the

way he should go:

even when

he is old

he will not




Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

“Honor your father and mother” (this is the first

commandment with a prom-ise), “that it may go well

with you and that you may live long in the land.”

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the disci-pline and instruction of the


(Ephesians 6:1-4 ESV).

Isaiah 54:13

All your

children shall

be taught by

the LORD, and

great shall be the

peace of Your children.



You can't fool the kids in Sunday school, they are way too smart... 'If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale, and gave all my money to the church, would I get into heav-en?' I asked the children in my Sunday school class. 'NO!' all the children an-swered.

' If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into heaven?' Again the answer was, 'NO!' 'Well, 'I continued,' then how can I get to heaven?' A five-year-old boy shouted, 'You gotta be dead!'

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Fruit of the Spirit

Aha! At last someone has explained to me what, up until now,

has been a great mystery in my life. In Galations 5:22-23

Paul wrote “but the fruit (singular, that’s one fruit) of the Spirit

is love…” Then he goes on to add eight more virtues (or fruits). That always confused me. So,

recently someone informed me that there should be a period after the word “love,” because

once we know how to love like Jesus does, the other virtues will fill our inner persons and we

will know that abundant life Jesus promised. Get it? To paraphrase: “…the fruit of the Spir-

it is love. Love will bring to your soul joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness and self-control.

Father, teach us to love unconditionally.

Submitted by Joyce Seagle, Elder

Elders Corner

“Re-Member Directories”

Most of the pictures have

been taken.

However, a few could not make their appoint-

ments and will want to reschedule a

make-up day.

Please don’t forget when that time comes.

Striving for 100% participation

You will be notified! This will be a great addi-

tion for our church members, a great way to

get to know each other, and full of

good information.

A way to learn our members and attenders.

Cortland Christian Church

Directory 2016



Our Mission Team will be leaving for Birmingham, AL on September 18, 2016

Nineteen volunteers will be travellng on Sunday, organizing and touring a bit on Mon-day, and then the work begins. Last year they sided buildings but each year brings a surprise job to do.. This dedicated group of men and women gra-ciously give their knowledge and time to help-ing the needy have decent homes in which to live. They come home with stories of the work they did and how much fun they had. It truly is very inspiring to hear about this trip and how happy folks are for the work the Team did. What a wonderful mission, wouldn’t it be nice if we all could feel so compassionate about doing something so worthwhile. We wish them a successful trip.

Travel safely, have fun, and come home with

more of your great inspiring stories.

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Spaghetti Dinner

September 10th, 2016

4pm –7pm

Cortland Christian Church

Sponsored by the Cortland Christian Church Mission Team

Adults $10.00

6-12 years $5:00

Under 5 -Free

50/50 Raffle and Chinese Auction

A Whale of a Story

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to

swallow a human because even though it was a very large

mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a a


Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a

human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".

The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him".

Page 9: Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"


Here below are our shut-in

members or members of



Drop them a card or a note

of encouragement and let

them know how much we


Take time to smell the flowers and share them with someone. Send a card to someone just be-cause you are thinking of them, or maybe a phone call for the same reason, for a birthday or a troubled day in their lives. How about shar-ing a dinner you have prepared or a pie you baked. Try to always send a card when someone is ill or in the hospital. Be a friend to those struggling with every day worries or illness.

Grace Wagner

175 Wall Street

Cortland, Ohio 44410


Vera Kidd

Community Skilled Nursing

Room 221

1320 Mahoning Ave.

Phyllis Beer

Lake Vista 41 Heron Circle Cortland, Ohio 44410 Raymond Kline 502 Arcaro Street Cortland, Ohio 44410 Helen Carleton

477 N. High Street

Cortland, Ohio 44410

Jean Davis

87 Lake Vista Dr.

Cortland, Ohio 44410

Vivian Jensen

Meadowbrook Nursing

3090 Five Points -Hartford Rd

Fowler, Ohio 44416

Frank and Gloria Zanin

18170 N.91st Ave.


Peoria, Az. 85382

Attention all members and attenders.

If you would like to have your birthday or anniversary published

in the Church Bulletin or the Church Bell, Please, contact the church

office at 330-637-4611, with name and dates.

This information could also be put in the Church Picture Directory.

Cortland Christian Church,

153 Grove Drive,

Cortland, Ohio 44410

or email it to —[email protected]

Attempted Robbery of Elderly Woman

An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an even-ing of religious service when she was startled by an intruder. As she caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valua-bles, she yelled, 'Stop -Acts 2:38!' (..turn from your sin...). The

burglar stopped dead in his tracks.

The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he

asked the burglar, 'Why did you just stand there? All she did was yell a scripture to you.' 'Scripture?' replied the burglar, 'She

said she had an AXE and two 38's!'

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A “90th” Birthday

Celebration for Edwin Niemi

Special Coffee Hour

Following church service -2 pm.

Sunday, September 25,


Cortland Christian Church

Fellowship Hall

All are invited

Women of Worship


Betty Straderman

(Betty’s Angels)

Betty will be telling her story and talk

about her work with lost children.

Maybe there are some things we can do to

help this amazing woman and her work.

She is remarkable.

Baldwin Room

Saturday, Sept .10, 10:00am.

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The Church in Their Hands

During Bible classes, an elder walked down the hall between the class rooms. As he passed by one of the elementary classes he heard two youngsters talking in very serious tones.

“Watch it, Bobby!”


“You’ve got the church in your hands!”

Before he looked further into the situation, the elder noticed that

Bobby had a model of a church building that has been put together with great delica

cy and care. It was a very delicate model and Bobby wasn’t treating it so carefully.

His classmate sternly reminded him of something he considered important.

What about that? Who has the church, not a model of it, but the church here at

Cortland Christian in hand? We all know the answer to that.

The church of today is growing older in age. As we all reach the end of our earthly journey we should be more concerned than ever what will happen in the coming gen-erations, should the Lord extend time.

There is a sentiment found in the Psalms that reflect the right procedure.

“Walk about Zion, and go round about her; number the towers thereof; mark ye well her bulwarks; consider her palaces that ye may tell it to the generation follow-ing” (Psa. 48:13-14). Never let be our fate that which befell Israel. “And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers; and there arose another generation after them that knew not Jehovah, nor yet the work which he had wrought for Isra-el” (Judges 2:10).

When you think about it, these thoughts should impress parents with the task of being sure your children are faithfully in Bible study, worship, and family devotions. Pray and study at home regularly. Be faithful in attendance of Bible class and wor-ship. I can think of nothing that offers more assurance that the hands into which we pass the church in the next generation will be well qualified to take good care of it.

But we of this generation sure have a serious obligation.


to our generous congregation for their donations. With monies donated we were able to have the

church pressure washed. It needed it, It seriously needed it.. Nine Hun-

dred and thirty nine dollars ($939.00) was collected, slightly more than

needed. The rest will be kept ready for the next cleanup project.

The front was just dirty but the back around the light had quite a collection

of dead bugs. The company that did the work washed off all the bugs, dust

and dirt, and the siding is white and squeaky clean once again..


Thank you again for caring and helping keep your

church home clean and beautiful.

Page 12: Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"


The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. — Psalm 19:1 ESV If you only study your immediate surroundings, it may seem that you’re in control of your life. You pay your bills and care for your family. You maintain the lawn and protect your home. If something needs to be done, you do it. If something is bro-ken, you fix it. So when sitting on your front porch on a random Tueday afternoon, you may feel like the ruler of your little corner of the world.

Or perhaps when you look around, you feel as though you aren’t in control at all. Your world may seem to be spin-ning out of control because of illness, job loss, or family drama. It could be that fear and anxiety have crept in until you’ve completely lost perspective. You may sit on your front porch on a random Tuesday afternoon and wonder who is in control of your little corner of the world. If you sit on that same porch late at night, however, the truth is revealed. When the distractions and noise of the day are done and the silent night settles in, you have a chance to be still. Just a few minutes of studying the night sky will make you realize how very small you are in the grand scheme of things and that you are not in control. None of us are. Perhaps, at first, that’s scary or overwhelming. But if you gaze a little longer, the hand of the Crea-tor becomes evident. The glory of God is declared through the shining of the stars. So, whether you’re feeling overly confident or a little insecure about your place in the world, take a look at the night sky. Stargazing will remind you that the God who created the world is in control of it, and He loves you. Lord, I fluctuate between arrogance and insecurity when it comes to my place in the world. Thank You for the night sky and its reminder that I can trust my corner of the world to the One who created it.

Excerpted with permission Devotions from the Front Porch copyright Thomas Nelson.

SARGAZING, Who’s In control

Thursday September 15, 2016

Soup and Sandwich starts up again for another

wonderful season. .

YES, I AM TALKING ABOUT THE well known Soup And Sandwich Luncheon we have each third Thursday from Sept through April, excluding December. This is always well attended and “looked forward to” by

many Cortland residents and quite a few from surrounding communities. There are also many take-outs, with delivery available

Three kinds of delicious hot soups and 2 kinds of sandwiches, lots of delicious pies and hot coffee or tea, what more can you ask for? smiling happy faces and great service, “you‘ve got it “ right here at

Cortland Christian Church.

The members of our church volunteer to help organize, prep for the soups and sandwiches, serve, cleanup and the ladies of the church make all the pies. It is quite an endeavor, volunteers are needed.

Come join us! To have lunch or just helping us.

Prep Day is the Wednesday ————- Thursday is the sale.

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L.O.A.F. Yard Sale

Although we fell short of our goal for an ark ($5,000), we did have a successful sale and continued to educate the communi-ty about Heifer International. I cannot calculate the man-hours donated but I know that at least 8-10 volunteers were on site at all times all day Friday and Saturday while several others helped before and after the sale to take care of tents and dona-tions.

Representatives from all seven LOAF churches were involved. The weather (both rain and heat) hampered the sale but, at this point, it looks like we will mail a check to Heifer for over $3000. Many thanks to Amy Roach for patiently cleaning up after us and for Bob Mangold for the countless hours he spent with all facets of the sale. CHOW and the Emmanuel Clothes Closet received many boxes of unsold clothes while Goodwill was taken books and numerous miscellaneous items. The flea market on Youngstown Road picked up linens, toys, and household items. Jean Bolinger

They are accepting donations towards reaching the goal of $5000.00 which was what they were able to do last year. They had

hoped to meet the challenge.

Each year they are able to provide hungry people in impoverished countries with various animals to help produce milk, eggs etc. (food) to help nourish them If you would like to contribute to this charity

Look closely at this picture.

Do you see someone you know?

What are they holding.?

It is Pastor Don and his lovely wife Lorra, with a new addition to their

family, Pip (pipsqueak) who was born to one of their many other dogs.

Actually, there were 5 puppies born, but little Pip seemed not to flourish

and grow like the other dogs. They felt he needed some medical atten-

tion, the veterinarian said this dog may not make it and that this puppy

was blind. But with tender loving care, little Pip is fighting his way back

to a healthier life. His eyes have cleared and he is now able to see, he

is eating better, but is still very small but growing.

Pastor spoke of this puppy’s struggle to live, but anyone can see that with the love of God coming through the caring hands of

Don and Lorra, he is definitely healthier and happy. Look at that sweet little face on that puppy, actually, look at all those sweet


Pip is one very fortunate puppy to have Pastor Don and Lorra be his “refuge and strength” someone to love and care for him.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.” He takes care of us and our needs. By the way this

was the topic of the sermon on Sunday. Pastor’s story of Pip and the sermon seemed to be all in one. Pip is God’s little miracle.

Very touching….Pastor Don and Lorra have taken in many lost dogs, ones who

have lost their masters or just needed a home. They have the tenderness and com-

passion it takes to foster many dogs, young and old, May god Bless them for be-

ing such loving parents of these otherwise wayward dogs and puppies. We need

more compassionate people in this world., not only to care about animals but peo-

ple, too.

Pastor finished the message Sunday by introducing Pip to the congregation. Lorra

had been holding this little guy in her arms during the service. Not sure anyone

knew he was there. What a great -feeling good -day. We should have all gone

home with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts. Thank you Pastor and

Lorra for sharing this wonderful experience.

PIP - taking a nap in

Pastors shoe

Next LOAF meeting

October 6,2016 10:00am.

All Saints Church on RT 46

Send donation to :

Prince of Peach Lutheran Church/Heifer

c/o Jean Bolinger

144 North High Street,

Cortland, Ohio 44410

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Monday- September 19,

Come, help create new or help mend our present fall flower

arrangements, table and altar.

We have the materials and people who can help

teach you, we just need hands willing to try. .

This should be fun: Autumn

Bright colored : fall flowers, pumpkins,

gourds, colored leaves.

Please plan to come out and play.


THURSDAY, September 15, 2016

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM



PHONE 330-637-4611 FAX 866-200-2708

SOUP: Bowl……..$ 2.50



√ Vegetable Beef

√ Chicken Noodle

√ Ham & Bean

SANDWICH: $ 3.00 each

√ Sloppy Joe

√ Chicken Salad


Come help us if you can, or come and have soup and sandwich, fellowship

Church Bulletin


1. Bertha Belch, a missionary from Afri-

ca, will be speaking tonight. Come

hear Bertha Belch all the way from


2. Don’t worry kill you off, let the church

help. .

3. Pastor is on vacation, massages can

be given to the church secretary.

4. Potluck supper: prayer and medica-

tion to follow.

5. A bean supper will be held on Tues-

day evening in the church hall. Music

will follow.

6. Ladies, don’t forget the rummage

sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those

things not worth keeping around the

house. Bring your husbands

7. Weight Watchers will meet at 7 pm.

Please use large double door at the

side entrance.

8. Ladies Bible Study will be held Thurs-

day morning at 10am. All ladies are

invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall

after the B. S. is done.

Page 15: Church Bell - · around him, and he will go over and pull that sheep up out of the jaws of death. "Why don't they go down there when the sheep first gets there?"