Download - Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Page 1: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Pleiadians: Initations of Light

Christine Day

Online Spiritual Book Club

Chapter Summaries by Julie Geigle, MA Edu.

Page 2: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Pleiadians: Initations of Light




My Story

Working with the Inner Child

The Pleiadian Initiation

Ch 1 Connecting to the Heart

Ch 2 Letting Go

Ch 3 Formation Work

Ch 4 I Am

Ch 5 Thy Will Be Done

Ch 6 Forgiveness of the Self, Resurrection of the Self

Ch 7 Journey with the Pleiadians, within the Stargate Chamber

Ch 8 Manifesting through the Sacred Heart

Ch 9 Expanding your Initiation into the Sacred Pyramid's Energy within the Formation

Ch 10 Belonging to the Whole, to the Oneness

Ch 11 Physical Healing Through the Cells

Ch 12 Cocoon Work

Page 3: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.


Affirmation: My only function here is love. (A Course in Miracles)

"The purpose of this book is to assist you in finding

your way back to your (spiritual) Self...

to resurrect your Self in alignment to your light...

so that you too can be your own healer and conduiit on

this earth plane."


Dimension – 5th


The purpose of this book is to help you align with the new frequencies to awaken to your spiritual SELF so

that you will be able to fulfill your part in anchoring the light for the NEW EARTH.

Our planet is moving from a third-dimensional reality into a fifth dimensional reality.

What does that mean?

Third Dimension

strong societal belief in lack and limitation

profound fear

struggle and tiredness

not in touch with your abilities

do not understand the divine aspect of self (spiritual self)

illusion of being alone & separate

unaware of your magnificence

time exists (actually an illusion)

belief in time creates incredible limitations to reality

Fourth Dimension – Being Part of Something Greater than Ourselves

become aware that you are NEVER alone

open up to & tap into the spiritual support that constantly surrounds you

fear falls away and ceases to control your experience

connection to your heart

intuitive guidance opens up

awakening to the true life force flowing through you and all things

function from inspired action

strong sense of purpose

passionate about life

sense of freedom

deep experience of love & fed by that love opening up more

Page 4: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Fifth Dimension – Moving into a State of Unconditional Love

a state of oneness and union with Universal life force

a state of “rememberance”

begin tapping into your unlimited potential to create

awaken to natural gifts and talents

able to manifest abundance on all levels

step into your full power of manifestation

you remember your mission here on this earth plane

there is no fear ~ only an experience of love


Moving from a 3rd dimension to a 5th dimension state of consciousness is exciting and powerful.

This book will allow you to do that.

You have only to trust and follow your guidance.

The Pleiadians will hold an energetic platform for you to initiate into which helps bring you into the

alignment of the new frequencies.

Simply by reading these summaries you will move into alignment.

We do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you.

What are platforms?

Platforms are like energetic holograms.

An energetic platform is held for each person reading this information ~ it works like a MIRROR.

It is held up so that you can move into and align to the full form of your (spiritual) Self.

It is held steady so you can move and match the vibration of yourself, flowing into your own initiation at

your own speed…fast or slow.


Some people may be afraid to allow these changes to take place due to fear.

You always have free will, at any time you can slow down, speed up or stop the process.

There is no judgment, this isn’t a contest.

The Pleiadians are here to meet you where you are and take you as far as you desire to go.

Doing this work with a group of like-minded people will expand the experience for us all. So if you are

reading this as a back issue we highly recommend inviting a friend to work through the process with


It is important that you become more consciously connected to the Spiritual energies that are here to

assist you, as you align more and more with your own light.

When you open to your Self you will be able to play your part more consciously in healing this planet.

You have been waiting and wanting…the time is NOW.

Each step will take you on a journey which will bring you more clarity and purpose.

There are many who are called.

You have been chosen.

“The purpose of this book is to assist you in finding your way back to your (spiritual) Self–to resurrect your Self

in alignment to your light–so that you too can be your own healer and conduiit on this earth plane.”

Healing Earth

Your unique energy is important, and you are needed at this time.

Page 5: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

It is time for you to align with the people like yourself and to form communities and work together,

supporting each other in your transitions of your light Selves.

In doing this you support the new frequencies here on Earth.

As you move into a deeper level of awakening you will connect with many other people who are here to

support you, whom you, in turn, will support.

This is how soul families come together, joining in mutual awakenings.

What is the purpose of your journey here? This will be revealed as you move through this process – your intuition and clarity will increase.

You will be able to take back your power and manifest your desires.

This is your divine right.

What do you need to do? Be open to receiving (and stay connected with this group during the process).

Trust ~ Breathe ~ Let Go

You may experience self sabotage. Feeling “too busy” to read or connect is a sign of self sabotage. It is

actually subconscious fear of the unknown or dark forces holding you back from achieving your highest


The natural instinct when fear arises is contraction and a feeling of flight or fight, but the best thing you

can do is to “move toward the feeling and breath” and just PUSH through the fear.

On the other side of fear is incredible love & light!

Throughout this work we will be doing exercises to open up barriers in the heart so that you can receive

from the universe, and receive aspects of your own light—aspects of your spiritual Self.

You are your own healer. This is an opportunity to take back your power.

“In the beginning, the mind will not cooperate with these changes, so you are going to have to feel the fear and


Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 6: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.


I intend to live a conscious life filled with abundance, aliveness and passion.

"Many of us feel something is missing from life.

What's missing is our connection to the Universal

Consciousness, the love aspect of the union of

belonging to all living things that hold this



As you move through each initiation you will begin to glimpse your new relationship to Spirit and to

your Self.

There is a part of your heart muscle that will begin to link you into the universal heartbeat as your heart

begins to transform.

Your life will begin to align with this pulse; your cells will begin to vibrate differently, and there will be

a new sense of vitality taking place within your body.

With this new vibration, you will automatically begin to align more fully with all of life.

You will experience a sense of oneness with all things.

Your life will transform as your vibration changes.

You will draw to you new experiences of abundance, taking back your power to create.


When are you going to take yourself off the cross?

You have come here to resurrect yourself.

You deserve to be love and be loved.

You deserve to be abundant.

The key to loving relationships is “self-love” and “self compassion.”

It is impossible for us to be perfect.

We will make mistakes, it’s part of our human nature.

We sabotage ourselves when we do not accept our mistakes.

As human beings we are “perfectly imperfect.” It was designed that way.

If it’s perfect, there’s something wrong.

It’s not suppose to be perfect. It never was.

Hold yourself with compassion and patience for the mistakes that you make, and forgive yourself as you

move through your day.

Soul Groups

There are so many people awakening at this time and together you will form strong soul groups.

Page 7: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

These soul groups or families who are being formed are groups of people who have made pre-

agreements to come together at this time, to work together energetically, to support each other in

personal transformations, and to witness each other’s birth of themselves.

You will find each other and be strongly connected in your journeys.

This is predestined.

Know That…

Know that you are not alone.

Know that you are an important aspect of the divine whole.

Know that your light is essential within this universe.

Know that you are greatly loved and are always held within the light.


What really hit home for you in this chapter? What was confusing? What is your action step this week since reading this information? How are you applying these principles in your life?

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 8: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

My Story

All I have is all I need.

"It feels important to me to share

some of the life experiences that

have brought me to where I am


If my experience can help

any one of you, then it is worth


My Story

I will be sharing this summary from the first person point of view. Whenever I say the word “I” it refers to

Christine Day the author and not myself.

At 31 yrs. old I was diagnosed with systemic lupus and given a few months to live.

My first feeling was relief. I had wanted to die for a long time.

My next thought was, wow I had actually created something to kill myself! I hadn’t believed I was

capable of creating anything.

I was a living zombie up until that point in time.

My next thought after that was, If I could create something to kill myself, then I could create something

to heal myself.

I knew if I was going to live I had to begin to do things differently.

I left the hospital that day, leaving behind the doctors and medicines and now I know that was the day I

took my power back.

Miraculous Healing

I began therapy, bodywork and a nutritional program to begin to heal.

I meditated daily.

My health turned around very quickly, but the deep pain of my childhood began to surface.

Again I turned to meditation and became aware of a peaceful presence that surrounded me and I trusted

the path that I was on.

One day while meditating I began receiving an incredible energy and in a 2-3 second period two

complete healing processes were given to me.

I could feel this healing pulsating through my cells gently like a new heartbeat, and a light flow like a

sunrise in every cell.

Page 9: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

There was an aliveness within this feeling – an aliveness I’d never felt before as I had become numb to


Every cell in my body was receiving a transformation and the love flowed into me, healing my cells.

My son had many complex health problems and I began healing him with this new energy flow.

It was a miracle for us both.

As I began to heal, my marriage began to crumble. My husband married a needy, closed person and I

was not that person anymore.

I began to study shamanism and my divine life’s mission began unfolding.

I was guided by Spirit to go on a Vision Quest and during this quest was told to leave my children.

I couldn’t imagine doing this yet I knew it was right.

I sent my 2 youngest boys to live with their father and moved from Australia to America.

I was alone and scared.

I began doing energy work. I lived in Mt. Shasta for 1 yr. and went to a 2 month long retreat.

I had arranged to do some work with a group of people. I had a map and a phone number to call for

directions. I had no money but 1 quarter to make the call. It was dark and raining and when I put the

quarter in and dialed the number nothing happened. The phone was not working.

There I was stranded in the middle of the night, in the rain, no money, no way of contacting my friend

and in that moment I was totally panicked. What a fool I’d been to trust.

Hopeless, I walked back to the car and as I sat in the driver’s seat I noticed something on the floor, a


“This was a turning point for me, and from then on life and work accelerated. I was never in that same

place again. The shattering was a part of my ego letting go, and I came to understand that without that

intense experience in that moment I could not have had the healing I needed, or been able to move to

another place within myself.”

Mother Mary

I continued traveling and working and following Spirit’s guidance.

When I was in Bosnia I had the pleasure of meeting Mother Mary.

I was told to walk up a mountain in the freezing cold wind and almost turned around but something kept

pushing me.

I reached the top of the mountain and crawled inside a base that had been built.

Suddenly there was a glorious light and I looked up and saw Mother Mary.

She told me about the importance of my mission here on earth and of the work I was to do in the world,

but there was something more important than all the work I had to do–and that was me.

I was the most important focus, and she told me she was here to support me, not my work.

Tears rolled down my face. It was hard to focus on me and know that I was worthy of this gift of love.

Mary has been with me ever since.

When my first grandchild was born I spiraled down into a deep dark depression and sought therapy.

Memories of my abusive childhood began to return.

My family of origin was involved in a cult, and in this I was subject to many abuses and traumatic

practices as a child.

My mother had polio when I was a year old. She blamed me for her condition and a deal was made

between my parents and the cult: I was to be given to the cult to play a part in their many rituals in

return for my mother’s healing.

At home, I was a part of a sexual triangle with my mother and my father, so my life was taken over by

these many traumatic experiences and I became hopelessly lost to myself.

This healing of this abuse continued on for 4 more years.

When I finally was able to return to work I felt a new sense of connection with myself and Spirit.

Dealing with my past was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Page 10: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Near Death Experience

In June 2008, I was working in a monastery near Banneux which is a sacred site where Mother Mary

had appeared many times.

Every day I was drawn like a magnet into the different areas where she had been seen.

Mary would greet me each time that I would go with so much love that my heart was deeply touched.

After 3 days of seeing her I could feel my heart expanding more and more.

On the third night I went to sleep, and awoke to find that I was outside my body, I was dead!

Mary appeared beside me and told me I had completed my contract much earlier than expected and that

my life was now over.

I was so upset; I wasn’t ready to leave yet!!

I asked her to help me go back.

“She explained that once a blueprint is completed, life is over for that person. You cannot be on the earth plane

without an active blueprint. Each person that comes creates an energetic blueprint before they come into this

life. This blueprint contains what they intend to achieve within themselves here in their lifetime. In order for

me to go back into my body and continue my life I would have to create a new blueprint for myself for this


I agreed to create a new blueprint.

I could feel a new life force energy filling me.

I came back into my body and received another chance to be here and live more consciously.

I continue my journey committing to each moment of life, knowing that life is truly the teacher, and I

can rest knowing that I am being shown the truth in each moment. It is with great gladness and

appreciation that I live this life now.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 11: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Working with the Inner Child

As I open my arms to my inner child the separation dissolves and I become whole, healthy and healed.

"As children we think we are in control--that we are

responsible for everything that happens around us and to


It's what I call magical thinking. In reality, as children,

we are anything but in control."

Do you find yourself busy, busy, busy?

This is a classic sign of avoidance of inner child pain and trauma.

Pain can be expressed by driving yourself constantly, always working, never giving yourself time to rest,

never really giving yourself any loving attention.

Inner child pain affects the way you are able to receive love.

It affects how you can allow yourself to just be in the world.

Splitting Off

When the pain and fear are too great to deal with when we are children, the child parts split off.

One part of the child holds the pain and the experience of fear, so that the other part of your child can


It’s called resurrecting the child because the child is frozen in time…the only thing it knows is fear of

the past, it is unaware that you are an adult now and your life has changed.


The only way you ever experience this inner child part is when an incident takes place in your life that

mirrors some aspect of the time as a child when the trauma played out.

It can be a smell, a color, a sound, it could be a person who reminds you of someone who was part of the

trauma, it could be a similar emotion that’s rising up inside of you.


1. The first thing to understand when you move toward your inner child is to move TOWARD any feelings

you are having.

2. The first thing to DO is to establish trust between yourself and your inner child by spending 10 min.

every day just being together and reconnecting.

Assessing Your Inner Child Exercise

Imagine what you looked like when you were a child. Whatever image pops into your mind is the first

image to begin working with. The younger you were the better.

Page 12: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Next, just hold that child and allow unconditional love to spill out of your self into this inner child.

Be aware of any feelings that may emerge…fear, guilt, shame, embarassment.

Move toward the feelings, don’t deny them.

Let her/him know that everything is okay. That they are loved, cherished and honored.

Be sure to let them know that time has moved on and that you are an adult and can protect them now.

Allow yourself to engage in conversation with your inner child by asking what they need from you.

Create a safe, happy place to visit with your inner child. Maybe it’s the beach, or a playground or riding

on your bike.

Allow a few moments to spend time together in this safe place.

This is a very important healing step and may be best done with a therapist (I do this kind of work utilizing

several different techniques such as hypnotherapy, soul retrieval and spiritual healing). It begins to recollect

and resurrect parts of yourself. You begin to move into a different type of wholeness.

You will begin to experience

a new sense of joy

a lightness

a feeling of wholeness and completeness to your being as the parts that split off come back together

end to the separation

This is the work we will be doing together in this book…

“In your spiritual awakening you are ending separation, rejoining the light aspect of your Self. Each step you

take with this child will assist you in each step of your initiations within each chapter.”

Realigning with Your Inner Child

As you realign to your inner child your life will be

more flowing

have more clarity

feel more complete

more relaxed

more whole

Every child needs love and they quickly figure out how to get that love. Children personalize and feel

responsible for what goes on around them because it makes them feel in control and it’s better to feel in control

than helpless. This responsibility then creates incredible guilt, shame and self-loathing.

As we grow into adults these issues don’t go away. We carry them with us and they affect not only

relationships we have with others but our entire lives.

We tend to pattern our adult relationships on what took place with our parents, unless we get help and

break the cycle.

Working with the Inner Child

In order to resurrect the self you need to have a working relationship with your inner child.

It doesn’t matter if you had a good childhood or bad. What’s important is that you begin to connect with

your inner child and/or expand the connection you already have.

Page 13: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

This is important because you will begin to open up with these initiations and you will begin to


You cannot fully experience an initiation if you are separate from your inner child.

As you open to experience your inner child your relationship with yourself will deepen.

And you will grow and go through the initiations along with your inner child.

Your inner child holds an innocence and purity that will help you in your journey home: back to


Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 14: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

The Pleiadian Initiation

Today's Affirmation

I am a radiant being filled with love and light.

"This is the time for you

to let go of your story and

move forward, toward yourself,

toward love and compassion for you."

Divine Economy

As you commit to make your journey back to the Self, it helps others make their own journeys.

This is called the “Divine Economy” of the universe.

It was set up like this so that each of us can fully utilize the energy that is changing in the 3rd dimension.

This energy is transforming as people begin to connect with their light.

These changes create a huge wave of light energy that begins to break down the illusions here on our

planet: the illusions of a lack of abundance, struggle, and fear.

Each time we don’t allow fear to be the driving force in our life it allows others to move through the

illusion of fear as well because that mold of fear breaks down.

How do you live consciously?

1. You must want to consciously change and be willing to participate in the changes within yourself.

2. Through intention – a desire to do so. I intend to live consciously.

3. Be open to receiving guidance from the light beings and angelic realm.

4. Be willing to “invite” in spiritual guidance. Because of free will we must ask for what we need.


The Pleiadian beings are very respectful. They will never come in uninvited and they totally respect your

personal space. They come here as teachers, meeting you where you are and moving you as far as you desire to


Page 15: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

They will mirror your commitment to yourself; as you show up they show up, and in each moment they hold a

continual space for you to birth yourself. Their love is unwavering and their presence steady and true.

Message From the Pleiadians

My beloved one, we are here to assist you in your alignment back to your natural Self. For lifetimes you have

been separated from the whole.

You are needed; you are missed.

We have designed this book to energetically initiate you, so that you can re-align yourself back to the Self.

We are committed to assisting you by holding energetic dimensional spaces open while you birth yourself, and

open to remembering and aligning yourself to Universal Truth, moving yourself out of the third-dimensional


This awakening is being assisted by a new energy that has just begun to be activated and anchored onto this

earth plane. It began its transmission on the 1st of January 2009 and is known as the “Self Healing Prophecy.”

What is the Self Healing Prophecy

The Self Healing Prophecy is an accelerated awakening of remembering the Truth of yourselves.

It is designed to take you into a state of “remembering.”

It has been activated to the huge shift can occur now.

With the lifting of the veils, you are now able to awaken on a spiritual level, at an accelerated rate.

You will become consciously connected and become more aware of the life force within you and each


This will bring you into an experience of ONENESS with all things, and you will begin to remember

your place within the oneness.

As you OPEN to this conscious connection, you are able to realign to, and reclaim, your personal power

and integrate this energy into the cells of your body.

The Self Healing Prophecy is going to anchor deeper dimensional levels of itself from 2010-2012.

How Can the Prophecy’s Energy Help Me?

The main role of this energy is to end separation and bring back the truth that we are all one and to feel

that oneness with all things great and small.

Healing of the separation begins with yourself – within yourself. Healing the fragmented parts of

yourself caused by trauma and pain.

Become aware of the personal judgments you have for yourself.

Self-punishment keeps your heart closed and doesn’t allow you to receive.

It is now time to turn back toward yourself and hold yourself in LOVE.

As you judge yourself you automatically judge others which creates a feeling of separation, aloneness

and despair.

Receive the Gift of Love Exercise

First step is to celebrate yourself and the wonderful, beautiful being that you are.

Pause and take a moment to hold your life in your consciousness, just as you have lived it, and breathe.

You have lived it in the way you needed to. There were no mistakes.

Page 16: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

As you turn toward yourself in love celebrating all of your experiences (good and bad), you will begin to

move out of separation and into a new alignment within your heart.

Be patient.

Be kind.

Take your time.

Let go.

“As the walls begin to break down it will allow you to begin to utilize the energy of this Prophecy, aligning you

with aspects of your natural birthright, which is abundance on all levels. It will open you up to working with

your natural state of physical self-healing, and becoming conscious in co-creating your world and co-creating

your abundance on all levels.

You will begin to align yourself with the higher light aspects of your Self. Resurrecting yourself from the self-

judgment and opening into a new sense of freedom within your life and within your self. This new energy will

create a new lightness of spirit and a new sense of yourself within the world.”

New Awareness of Your Role on Earth

The prophecy accelerates your ability to move into a new awareness of your role on this planet and the

support that is here for you within the Universe.

You will begin to work from your Sacred Heart.

Your compassionate heart will transmit love out.

You will begin to feel more connected to others as you begin to work from your sacred heart.

These heart-connections are important as they are needed for the work that is to be done here on earth.

They will awaken the “soul connections” and “soul groups” that are coming together and forming right


The prophecy energy will enable you to become more aligned with the Spiritual energies in a new way,

at a deeper level so you can work in partnership with Spirit and the energetic realms.

Spirit is here to assist you in realigning yourself with your energetic blueprint, your mission.

As the inner war with yourself changes, so too the inner wars with other people change.

Separation ends and love takes it place.

Your world is undergoing a personal transformation into love.

As the love begins to grow with yourself and others, Spirit will begin to take your place and feel your place

within your world, within your universe, and be able to consciously utilize the help and support that is here for


This is a destiny call for you. You were always going to take this journey, and we were always going to be

there to support you. With love & blessings ~ The Pleiadians

I do recommend listening to the CD’s along with each chapter, because of this you may want to purchase the

book; however it is not necessary to listen to the CD in order to receive the initiations. The information shared

in these summaries will initiate you in this process.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 17: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 1 Connecting to the Heart

Today's Affirmation: Thy Will Be Done.

"Each time you speak these words,

Thy Will Be Done,

you align yourself more and more to your light Self,

and anchor yourself in the

natural flow and current of the river of light.

You let go and

allow yourself to flow with your life and your journey.

It is effortless as you move into that natural flow."

Connecting to the Heart


It is through the heart that you will be able to receive guidance for your journey.

This chapter is designed to help you connect to the heart and the energy of your heart, but most

important, to connect with your inner light.

You are going to begin to build a new relationship with your heart – the essence of the 4th dimension.

Up to this point you’ve functioned mainly from your ego – the 3rd dimensional energy.

The ego’s main purpose is to keep you in survival mode or fear.

The ego is like a small child that requires discipline and boundaries.

The ego mind is totally fear-based.

Building the Heart Muscle

What is the purpose of my life?

Everyone wants to remember–to know what their mission is here on earth.

Your heart holds the answer to this question.

The First Step

The first step is to change Your relationship with the ego mind and the heart.

Page 18: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Building the Heart Muscle -The muscle of the heart is small because you have not been connecting to it.

1. Bring your hand to your physical heart.

2. Bring your consciousness to the pressure of your hand on your chest.

3. Take a breath; open up to This is MY heart.

4. Take another breath.

The ego takes us out of the now, the heart and our breath brings us into the now.

All we have–all that is truly real–is this moment. When we choose to consciously be in this moment, we

connect to our power; we connect to an alignment with Self; we move out of separation. We connect to the

clarity of Truth.

This is My Heart

Conscious Breath

a soft breath, a deep breath in through the mouth

releasing, without controlling the out breath

let the heart open as you release the breath

This is called Conscious Breathing.

Your heart needs resurrecting.

Your heart has been waiting for you, for this connection, this awakening.

Claim your heart; claim yourself with each breath.

Claim this moment with this breath!

Ego Keeping You Safe

Remember, the ego’s primary job has been to keep you safe; but that’s going to change now.

There is no need to live in “survival mode” anymore.

It’s time to just live…in love.

Ego’s New Purpose

The ego’s new purpose is to help you organize things in your life and generally keeping the 3rd

dimensional things in order.

The ego’s new purpose is to DO TASKS, not to run your life.

Every time your ego is worrying or afraid, or trying to work things out, or being very dramatic and anxious, just

bring your hand down onto your physical heart and begin to take a deep, slow Conscious Breath. The drama

of the feeling will fade away because drama doesn’t exist within the heart.

The Result of the Heart Initiation

The purpose of the Heart Initiation is to speak to your inner light, your soul essence and to awaken you

to your spiritual being.

Your heart will transform and awaken.

It works within the cells of the heart, healing your heart cells and activating a new life force throughout

the cells.

Page 19: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

The heart’s cells begin to respond each time you do this exercise, opening and expanding.

Each cell in your heart will go through a transformational awakening.

Physical healing will take place.

Open to receive and through your intention it will happen.

Allow any emotional feelings/wounds to just flow out.

Call on the Pleiadians for Help

The Pleiadians are with you, always.

Call on the Pleiadians for help as well as God, angels, guides and any other positive energy that you

work with.

They are all here, as am I, to hold this space for you. This space of love and healing.

As you call for help from the spiritual realms you will find this process to be easier and quite magical.

We are all here to witness you and the birth of your heart.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 20: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 2 Letting Go

I have a right to be loved and supported in my life.

"The truth is that the love and

support are here for you right in this


You only need to reach out to access

the love and the help that is here for


The struggle can stop, now."

Letting Go

You have all lived many lifetimes.

You have all held on to too many experiences and beliefs that have kept you under control.

You have conformed to what was expected of you and bit by bit you gave yourself away.

It’s time to take back your power.

As children we quickly learn to do what we need to in order to survive. We carry this learned behavior

into adulthood and into all of our relationships.

It’s time to acknowledge our behavior now and begin to CHANGE it.

It’s time to honor, love, be patient & gentle with ourselves now.

It takes great courage to change.

I Have a Right to be Loved

The truth is that you have a right to be loved and supported now.

You are no longer in survival mode, that is the fear of the 3rd dimension and that thinking is an illusion.

The struggle can now stop.

It is a part of your natural birthright to have abundance on all levels.

You are an important part of the divine plan and you matter.

This is a truth ~ you matter.

It’s time for you to let go and allow yourself to accept that you really are okay.

Letting Go Initation #2

You have been holding on for so long you don’t even realize how much you don’t breathe.

So you hold everything in.

The energy of your feelings goes into the cells of your body.

The tension, the pain, the fear, go into your cells.

Page 21: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

This energy builds up in your cells.

Some of this process is about letting go of the “build up” in your cells, to free yourself of your pain.

With this initiation you will begin to allow yourself to be free from this burden.

Initiation #2

1. Take a deep breath, in through the mouth and out through the mouth, and let go. Breathe and let go.

2. Take another deep breath, in through the mouth and again out. Feel all the tension in the cells begin


3. This breath in and out releases the build up of stress that goes into the cells.

4. If a sound wants to come out…let it…it’s part of the letting go process. Hear that siggghhh.

5. Sometimes emotions may want to come out. Let it come. It’s time. It feels so good. So freeing.

6. It’s good to feel and let go.

7. Every time you breath another level of pain and stress will begin to let go.

8. Breathe and let go, breathe and let go.

9. This is called a Conscious Breath.

10. You are beginning to consciously choose positive change.

11. You are choosing to birth your true self.

12. “I am open to this birthright now.” 13. With each breath you are activating change.

14. Let go with your breath and open up to receiving.

“As you breath and the cells begin to let go of the tension of the past, a new aspect of yourself can begin to be

birthed. You can begin connecting to some other part of your Self. This type of breath says: “Yes, I am willing

to let go. Yes, I am willing to begin to receive my light, and to connect to my light.”

I Have a Right to be Free from Burdens

With breath, you choose love.

The Conscious Breath is a loving action you bring to yourself in each moment.

You have a right to be alive, to be loved, and to be free of the many burdens you carry with you.

Many of you have felt alone for a long time.

There is tremendous pain that comes with feeling lost and alone.

“The feeling of separation is the lack of connection to yourself–the Self. You just want all the struggle, fear and

pain to stop. You have been in this separation for lifetimes, and now we have been given the grace on this

planet to move out of this separation, for the veils to lift and truly move into a new level of awakening.”

When Your Story Heals & Fades

Take another deep breath.

Breathing in through the mouth, and breathing out through the mouth.

I choose life. I choose love.

As you continue to do this, the story of your life will begin to fade.

The attachment to your story will dissolve as you heal.

You will not longer cling to your past, your story will no longer define who you are.

Let go.

Move forward…toward yourself with love.

Are You Willing to Allow the Change?

Page 22: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

There’s nothing special you have to do.

Just allow and set the intention to let go.

Your higher Self will begin to set into motion a series of events in your life that will create change.

TRUST You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

The “letting go” energy is POWERFUL.

As it is activated within your cells, the old moves out, making room for change and for transformation at

a cellular level.

As your cells heal, physical change can occur within your body.

The “letting go” energy also transmits throughout all levels of your life.

It clears old ineffective stuck patterns.

You will then begin to receive your natural abundance.

It increases your energetic vibrational frequency.

It clears old emotional baggage.

Guided Imagery – “Flowing with the River”

Imagine if you will…

holding onto a branch of a tree with both hands

hanging over a river

a gentle current is flowing underneath

the “letting go” energy is calling you

you slowly open your fingers off the branch

and fall gently into the river

and allow yourself to be taken by the river’s flow

the current

this is effortless, and easy

you barely even think about it

you just do it

you are being carried, held

and moved forward

breathe, rest, flow, allow yourself to be carried

“This river is your river of light, and the flow that you are in is the flow of the light of yourself that will take you

where you need to go in this life.”

As you open up to the “letting go” energy it will help you begin to let go of all the things you’ve been holding

on to that are no longer serving you. As you let go and the cells begin to let go, the light of your true self begin

to anchor into your body.

Each time you do this exercise (I recommend taking a few minutes before you fall asleep at night) another level

of the letting-go energy can be birthed through your cells.

Know that the Pleiadians, your Spiritual Counsel, and myself will be with you, holding the space for you to

grow, expand and evolve into your divine greatness.

RECORDING “Flowing With the River”

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 23: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 3 Formation Work

My mind and my heart are in perfect harmony.

"Formation work takes you into the 4th,

5th, & 6th dimensional openings where you

can heal and transform yourself on many


This journey will accelerate you to an

alignment with the Universal

Consciousness and give you access to an

experience of your unique divine aspect of

the whole."

Formation Work

A Formation is a sacred geometrical form which anchors different dimensional spaces for healing.

It allows you to move into other dimensions safely.

It also enables you to work with your higher self, your spiritual self and to anchor in these light energies

within your Self directly into the cells of your body.

This is where an opportunity for physical, mental & emotional healing comes.

You will expand & transform energetically.

This work can be done more than once; each experience will be different.

You will move into a more conscious state of awareness which will allow you to activate your natural

birthright of unlimited abundance.

There is a divine orchestration that opens just for you to unfold into, to access teaching of truth and

understanding of yourself.

You will begin to open up to direct experiences of your energetic place within the Universe and have a new

sense of belonging within a pure loving force

How to Get Ready to do the Formation Work

You will be creating a PERFECT square – with yourself and 3 other “markers” or people.

Each of the 4 “positions” is marked with either a person or a marker.

It doesn’t matter how many people or how many markers you have in the square as long as the total

positions (or corners) is four.

The square must be balanced – each “position” being directly opposite the other.

The actual size is unimportant.

The spacing between each “position” to be the same.

Page 24: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

“Be aware that the Pleiadians are available to anchor themselves in the spaces of the Formation where there

are no people, in the marker positions. They energetically hold these positions to assist you in opening up the

sacred geometrical dimensional spaces.”

Preparing Your Mind & Body

1. Take a deep breath and take a moment to center yourself and come into your body.

2. Bring your energy from your mind down to your heart, into your body.

3. Set an intention: Spirit needs to know what it is you desire in order to bring it to you.

4. Consciously open up to RECEIVE

5. Call in the powers that be… your spiritual counsel, God, your guides, animals, etc…

6. The Formation is a PURE LIGHT space – no need for protection.

“Remember that the breath says: “Yes, I am willing to let go.” and “Yes, I am willing to receive.” It is

important that this be a conscious act on your part.”

In the Beginning

This is similar to hypnosis and meditation so you may be familiar with the following things…

1. You may drift in and out…losing your attention. That’s perfectly okay. It actually means you are going

into a deeper level of connection which is a good thing.

2. You may feel extremely sleepy or feel like you have fallen asleep…again this is normal and a good sign

that you are opening up.

3. Can’t remember…you may forget what you were thinking or feel like you’re losing focus. Again, this is

normal and not remembering is one of the deepest levels of hypnosis which is a very good sign.

4. When you come back be sure to BREATHE deeply to ground yourself.

5. Understand that your ego mind cannot operate in the 4th/5th/6th dimensions.

6. So if you are in your ego mind (trying to hard) simply put your hand to your heart and bring yourself

back into your heart which is a DIRECT ACCESS to the 4th dimension and letting go.

7. Open up/Breathe/Expand/Let Go 8. In the higher dimensions there is – NO TIME.

“Through the formation energies you will receive a new level of clarity, understanding, and information that

you need for your next steps in your life!”

Anchoring the Base

1. Consciously use your breath to anchor yourself in the base of the formation.

2. Imagine roots growing out the bottom of your feet and feeling strong, secure & grounded.

3. Let yourself open ~ open ~ open….

4. Bring your attention to the person on your left.

5. Picture an energetic line being drawn from you to the person on your left.

6. As everyone within the formation does this there is a line created that connects the square ~ and the base

is birthed.

7. The base opens up the first energies of another dimension. 8. Now bring your attention to the person on your right.

9. Picture an energetic line being drawn from you to the person on your right.

10. Going in the opposite direction expands and strengthens the base.

11. Now bring your attention diagonally, across the square.

12. Picture an energetic line being drawn from you to the person sitting diagonally.

Page 25: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

13. This creates an EVEN stronger energetic connection.

14. As you breathe, the connections become EVEN stronger.

15. Through this connection you change and expand ~ you are now becoming one with the base.

16. Allow yourself to merge into it ~ letting go.

17. Please Note: You are accessing different energetic aspects of yourself as you open into a new

dimensional realm!

“Wherever you bring your attention or consciousness, an energetic line is created. This is a universal truth so

as you do this in the formation it creates a connection.”

The Apex

1. The Apex position is above you, but sometimes may be to the side or even beneath you.

2. The Apex has its own consciousness. 3. It’s an energetic light form.

4. Greet the Apex by bringing your attention directly above the middle of the square.

5. It may feel like greeting an old beloved friend or it may just be a simple acknowledgment.

6. Remember: Wherever your consciousness goes an energetic line forms – so imagine an energetic line

forming as you greet the Apex.

7. Feel the Apex send its energy down to each person/marker and imagine these energetic lines forming.

8. The Apex is creating and opening up a Sacred Pyramid.

9. This pyramid begins to anchor into the base.

10. The base begins to transform and open up on another level.

11. Bring your connection deeper into the base.

The Column of Light

The Pyramid

The energy of the Sacred Pyramid is unlimited in form and its multi-dimensionality.

Please know that your experience is monitored by the Pleaidians to make sure you don’t take in more

than you can handle, allowing the integration process to be smooth and seamless.

Just let go, relax and be open to receiving. Your cells are going through a rapid energetic change.

The Column of Light

1. Once the Pyramid is anchored in, a Column of Light comes down from the Apex, into the base.

2. The Column of Light is a separate consciousness.

3. The Column holds a powerful frequency of love and can be assessed by bringing your attention toward

its light.

4. The Column’s light gives you a direct opening into the higher aspect of your light Self.

5. It brings knowledge & awakening. 6. It brings healing energy.

7. It helps you open to new channeling alignments.

8. It helps you to navigate your way through the illusion of the 3rd dimension easier.

9. It helps you to be conscious in the day-to-day living of the 3rd dimension.

Sacred Spiral Energy

The Sacred Spiral Energy is found within the column of light.

Page 26: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

It moves down the column into the pyramid and into YOU.

It’s purpose is to integrate the energies of light through your cells. Removes blocks from the ego.

Allows you to access the HEART.

Gives support in traveling through the other dimensions.

The Spiral also has separate consciousness.

The Spiral unravels you with its energy and its movement.


1. Take a deep breath.

2. Visualize the spiral moving down into the pyramid, down into you.

3. Allow for your transformation to take place.

4. Accept support.

5. Receive healing.

6. Embrace love.

7. Visualize the spiral unraveling your stress, unwinding your beliefs, releasing your blocks, removing the

tiredness of your cells.

8. Breathe.

“You are going to be building sacred relationships with the Apex, Pyramid, Column of Light, and the Sacred

Spiral. These relationships will have a lasting and powerful impact on you, supporting you in your

transformation on an ongoing daily basis. Remember there are many levels to birth you. Repeat this exercise

as needed to experience new levels and layers of healing.”


1. Some people have a hard time getting out of the ego mind. Be sure to place your hands on your chest. Feel the pressure of your hands, and take a breath. As you do your energy will come away from your mind and move into your heart.

2. You are trying to visualize your experience, which means your mind is trying to make something happen. LET GO. Actively wait for something to happen, just relax, maybe nothing will happen. That’s ok. It doesn’t mean you didn’t do it right. As you practice again and again your experience will change.

3. You may experience one aspect more than another. Maybe you feel nothing with the base but the spiral is oh, so amazing. That’s ok. It is whatever it needs to be. TRUST the process.

4. Allow yourself to move your body as you need to ~ totally let go of any restrictions or limitations on yourself. (I did this lying down the first time and sitting in a chair the next. When I was in the chair my body wanted to move so I let it flow. It was quite freeing.)

5. You may have a need to sigh or grunt or groan. Sound can be a very healing experience as you release pain and trauma on a subconscious level.

6. Afterward, lie down and give yourself time to process your experience. It is best if you can share it with a friend or on our FB page or email me for support if you desire… [email protected]

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 27: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 4 I Am

I AM expansive, light-filled and harmonious.

"The most powerful statement you can make are

the words I AM.

These simple words, spoken consciously, activate a


They make a statement to the Universe of you

owning your unique divine place within the

oneness, and consciously claiming your place.

This is tremendously powerful."

I Am

These 2 simple words aligns you with the frequency of the Universe.

You are like a piece in this big jigsaw puzzle. You have your own frequency and when you place the

piece within the puzzle it creates an energetic wave that ripples out across the Universe, anchoring you

within your life on this earth plane.

Every cell vibrates with this activated divine essence and healing begins.

“This Self-Realization process is you beginning to align with your energetic blueprint for this lifetime–the

blueprint you chose for yourself. It is you birthing YOU with the words I Am.”

This affects every single cell in your body.

You begin to sense a new flow within your life.

It opens up the experience of “oneness” with all things.

An incredible feeling of love washes over you as you begin to vibrate love!

As you open to this love you begin to remember…that you ARE love, that everything is love, that love

is the only thing that is REAL.

Page 28: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

I Am Initiation

1. Take several deep breaths. Breathe in love, breathe out fear.

2. Say the words I AM out loud.

3. Feel the power within.

4. Feel how the cells begin to vibrate and align.

5. The breath helps you align with the I AM vibration.

6. Move your attention to your heart.

7. Become aware of your heart.

8. The beating of your heart.

9. Place your hand on your heart.

10. As you do, the love is activated through the cells of your heart.

11. A heart awakening takes place. 12. Joy begins to transform the heart.

13. Let any emotions flow.

“This is a remembering process. You are waking up and taking back your power, re-aligning yourself, and re-

aligning the cells so you begin to vibrate with the fourth/fifth/sixth-dimensional energies”.

Through this process you become a gift to the world.

Being all that you can be in each moment of each day.

Living consciously.

Breathing in pure light, pure love, pure harmony.

Self-devotion is a key to self care.

Honoring yourself enough to take time to do this, to be with yourself, to heal and grow.

How we do things in the world have a direct result on the experiences we create for ourselves.

We can create from anxiety and fear or…

We can create from peace and love.

Simply by honoring ourselves we move into a different plane of creation.

Through our example others may become inspired.

Your energy impacts everyone around you from your family to your neighbor to the people in the

grocery store.

You need never even say or do anything – it is your ENERGY that affects people positively or


Keep your attention on yourself and what YOU can do.

When we put our attention on someone else, we leave ourselves and we leave the moment, and

when you leave the moment you go into separation. When we focus on other people and other things, filling our lives up with BUSY, because we don’t want

to feel what is going on inside of ourselves.

Stop kidding yourself.

If you really cared about them, you’d begin focusing on you.

They are simply a distraction from having to deal with yourself.

“There is no separation in this universe. As you give to yourself, others automatically receive. We are not

separate from anything there is only oneness. THIS IS A TRUTH. As you move into I AM you will

automatically be more focused on yourself in each moment, which will allow you to automatically be present for

everyone else.”

Life is the Teacher

Each moment of life is a gift.

Page 29: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

We are not victims; we are given choices each moment of our day on whether to respond or react.

We respond when we are in love.

We react when we are in fear.

Are you responding to life’s suffering or are you reacting? The key is to recognize the messages that are held in each life situation presented to you, and then to

understand what experiences brought you to that moment.

Ask yourself in the experience: “What am I feeling now?”

Your feelings are not who you are. Give yourself permission to feel.

As you are able to do this more and more you will begin to feel…

a sense of freedom, a deep relief, and a letting go

When you consciously embrace the truth that life is a teacher you gain your freedom.

“When you get to the feeling and allow yourself to be with the feeling, your fear response can change to a sense

of peace and clarity. Feeling is to set yourself free because, once you feel what is there, the energy around the

situation transforms.”

Life is Like an Ocean

You can walk toward the waves with your heart open, and when the wave comes you can let it pick you up and

place you back down on your feet.

You can walk toward the wave and dive under it.

Or you can let the wave come crashing down on top of you.

You cannot control the situations that arise and you cannot control what people do. But you can control how

you react.

Anchor into the I AM energy and watch how you begin to RESPOND to your experiences instead of REACT.

1. Take several deep breaths. Breathing in love, breathing out fear.

2. Bring your hands to your chest.

3. Follow the breath in and out, in and out.

4. Consciously let go.

5. Bring your awareness into your body.

6. You breathing you.

7. You feeling you.

8. Nothing but you, and the breath.

9. Speak the words outloud: I AM

10. Close your eyes.

11. Breathe

12. I Am 13. You are beginning to claim your place here in the Universe.

14. Open up and say yes.

15. Breathe

16. I Am 17. Let go.

18. Let go of the third dimension.

19. Step into the fourth dimension.

20. Feel deep peace as your cells begin to open up to this new energy and activate this new frequency.

21. Feel a deep sense of relief as this connection is being made.

Page 30: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

22. Take back your power, open up and anchor in your place in the Universal Consciousness.

23. I Am takes you deeper into this alignment.

Speak the words throughout the day building the alignment through your cells and through your heart. Feel the

celebration ripple out across the Universe as you remember who you are and stand in your divine power and


Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 31: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 5 Thy Will Be Done

Today's Affirmation: I surrender and allow God's will to be the driving force in my life.

"Thy Will Be Done is a powerful

statement of letting go, surrendering to

the divine aspect of your Self and

bringing the ego mind back into its

original role of working with organizing

the third-dimensional tasks of your life.

Surrendering to your Divine Self allows

your light to guide you through life,

opening up to trusting and moving with

this guidance."

Thy Will Be Done

This statement helps you anchor into your unique divinity.

Aligning with these words will move you into a new direction in your life.

You move into harmony with your unique mission that you have come here to experience.

This will activate a deeper conscious connection with your purpose.

It will enable you to live in the flow of your light.

TRUST is key.

“Do not allow the ego mind to sabotage your first steps. Trust allows doors of new opportunity to open, and

when these doors open you simply take a breath, trust, and walk through that doorway into something new.

There is a new sense of truth that begins to vibrate through you as you take these steps.”


1. Take several deep breaths.

2. Place your hand on your chest and align with the love vibrational frequency by bringing your attention


Page 32: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

3. Speak the phrase out loud repeatedly: THY WILL BE DONE.

4. Each time you say these words the alignment strengthens and expands through you.

5. The truth of these words is calling forth the LIGHT of yourself.

6. Allow yourself to flow with the current of this light.

7. Feel yourself move out of the 3rd dimension of separation and into the 4th dimension of oneness.

8. Now is the time for your awakening. 9. Continue to simply breath, speak the phrase out loud and breath again for about 10 minutes.

10. You have now claimed and aligned with the divine aspect of yourself.

11. This divinity that is within you can now assist you with prosperity and abundance in your life.

12. Be sure to repeat this phrase anytime you feel lack anywhere in your life and it will soon be replaced

with prosperity and abundance beyond measure.

13. God’s/Spiritual will wants you to be abundant in all ways. It is the ego mind that blocks your natural


14. When you allow THY WILL TO BE DONE it opens up that natural flow again.


Flow is your energetic alignment to a current.

You are part of the current of the Universe.

This initiation helps you to align with the natural rhythm and current of the Self.

It is your choice how much you want to open up to within this current.

There are unlimited levels of information and energy you can now tap into.

This flow creates a new sense of peace and quiet.

You are birthing your spiritual self.

Every cell in your body begins to align with a new life force from this spiritual self.

These cells begin to resurrect and realign with the truth.

A new sense of clarity emerges.

Surrender the ego mind to your heart – hand over the worry, struggle, fear and move into the


This new, unlimited spiritual self has the ability to heal the physical body because it is coming from source

4th dimension not from ego mind 3rd dimension.

Leave behind the feeling of lack – there is only prosperity and abundance now.

Claim yourself in your unlimited potential.

“You will be naturally aligned to where you are supposed to be in your life because the flow takes you into this

alignment. You begin to draw toward you new experiences, new people, new opportunities. You being to align

with what is rightfully yours within this universe.”

Dissolving Stress

“We have been waiting for you to take your place.”

Congratulations, you have now arrived.

When stress builds up in your body because of worry and fear it creates a state of dis-ease.

When you move back into alignment with love the stress within your cells begins to dissolve.

Love heals the dis-ease and returns the cells back to normal.

As you learn to let go and flow with the river of light you become aware that the river turns into an

ocean of light.

The ocean of light is the Collective Consciousness, the Oneness.

Page 33: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

As you feed into this flow you become even more defined and expanded.

You flourish.

You have not come here to settle for less. As you flow, the doorways of possibility open up to support you.

This is quite a powerful initiation and your life will begin to transform as you align more and more with

this new energy.

You will begin to feel more sure of yourself…no longer feeling out of control.

“As you let go of the struggle of trying and just begin being, your energy levels will begin to expand, because

you are no longer using up your energy in “trying.” This brings you into a new level of awareness–a sense of

freedom and connection to yourself. The FLOW will take you toward your heart’s desire, moving you toward

your heart’s passion.”

When Things Aren’t Working in Your Life

“When something is not working in your life it’s not that you are being punished.

It’s the universe pointing out to you that maybe you should be doing something differently, or there may be

something you need to feel in this moment. It is important to examine what is taking place within the


Ask yourself, “What is going on inside that I need to feel?”

You need to feel so you can clear what is there, and then you can move on.

Feel the feelings and keep flowing in the river of light.

Each moment holds a unique quality of love that you can receive. This is neverending and part of our divine gift here.

It can only be experienced in the heart when you are in the flow.

This flow is a gift.

All solutions are within the flow; all knowledge is within the flow. Be sure to call upon your Spiritual Council and the Pleiadians to work with you.

Drink plenty of water to help the cells integrate this new level of your light and anchor into your cells.

Take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that we

turn words into wisdom!

Page 34: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 6 Forgiveness of the Self, Resurrection of the Self

Every day I am letting go of everything that has been holding me back.

"There are some important internal emotional

processes necessary for resolution for other

people or yourself, and situations in your life.

These processes free you up energetically so that

you no longer have internal wars going on, which

create separation within yourself."

Forgiveness of the Self

Forgiveness is never easy.

It begins with the forgiveness of self because forgiveness of others may take time.

You must first neutralize the energy around the situation before you can forgive.

You do this by becoming aware of the feelings the situation triggers and then breathing through these


Once the ego mind dialogue dissolves you are able to feel compassion in your heart with the situation.

Once you feel compassion the victim mentality falls away.

The key to forgiveness is to give yourself permission to feel.

For so long you have been stuffing, discrediting or denying your feelings.

It is now time to give yourself permission to just feel and be with your feelings with no judgment or

condemnation, just awareness.

Forgiveness Initiation

1. Take 4-5 deep breaths.

2. Bring your attention to your heart.

3. Feel the love in your heart.

4. Unconditional love.

5. Open up to your feelings.

6. Allow the energy connected to the feeling to open up and expand.

7. Expanding…expanding…expanding

8. Witness this energy moving out of the cells and leaving your body.

9. Feel a true resolution inside of these cells and a sense of freedom as this energy/attachment leaves your


Page 35: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

“If we stuff feelings down, holding the energy inside of us, the energy of the feeling locks into the cells of the

body, which creates a congestion in the cells. Then there is no true resolution around the situation because

feelings have not been addressed. Real forgiveness is impossible when this is taking place.”


Guilt has been used to control societies.

We feel guilty when our ego mind says we “should” forgive.

In some situations forgiveness may not be possible, but there is a possibility for resolution within


Don’t focus on forgiving them.

Focus on acknowledging your feelings especially when they are triggered by new experiences and

situations. Feeling your feelings is the first step.

Give yourself permission to feel your feelings.

Forgiveness will come naturally when you are ready – don’t force it.

“The word forgiveness is loaded with guilt, energetically so you need to begin to open up to a different

perspective of the situation, and work toward letting go and healing on very different levels within the issues.”


I welcome you to do this initiation over the next few days paying close attention to the feelings that arise. As

you move into present moment awareness you will begin to find…

letting go of deep feelings creates rapid transformation

sense of freedom

new found joy

forgiveness comes when you feel, heal & release emotions

the pressure to forgive gets in the way of forgiveness so just focus on feelings

more patience, compassion and love for yourself

When Are You Going to Take Yourself off the Cross?

You are perfectly imperfect.

Part of our learning here in this lifetime is making mistakes and learning to forgive ourselves.

Jesus said: “When are you going to take yourself off the cross? When are you going to resurrect


No one else can do it for you.

Stop anchoring yourself in guilt.

Begin freeing yourself with love.

Guilt is directly connected to the illusion of the third dimension.

You have been released from bondage.

Take your power back and don’t allow yourself or others to play the “guilty” card.

Guilt was set up to control society, to get them to comply to the rules.

It was and is all an illusion.

The only thing that’s real is love.


In order to resurrect yourself you need to focus on you.

Page 36: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

That means forgiveness is not about forgiving the other person, it’s about resurrecting YOU.

Forgiving the other person naturally occurs when you resurrect yourself.

Resurrecting yourself comes through reconciliation with your feelings.

When you reconcile your feelings you are able to energetically let go of the issue so it no longer triggers

emotional reactions within you.

You may feel physical pain as the emotional pain leaves the cells in your body – this is normal because

emotions are trapped within the cells of our body.

It may be helpful to give your pain a color, a form, a texture.

Stay with the feeling and pain as it comes up. Know that your body will never give you more than you

can handle.

Allow yourself to move if you feel the need to move.

Allow yourself to make sounds or noises as the feelings release.

This is all part of taking back your power to be FREE of pain.

“When you don’t emotionally deal with something you will re-create a similar experience so that

you get another opportunity to feel it and heal.“

Some questions you may ask to draw out the feelings:

1. Why did I need to draw this experience to myself?

2. What is my part in this experience?

3. What do I have to learn in this experience?

4. What is the pay off for me to stay in this situation?

“Reconciliation is about coming to terms with, and feeling, what has taken place for you. This enables you to

let go of the emotional baggage around a person or situation, and be able to deeply heal yourself in the heart.

When the heart heals it can be resurrected and a new level of compassion will be birthed through you.”


Daily check in with yourself to stay aligned with Spiritual will.

1. Do a daily review on what has happened.

2. What feelings came up during your day?

3. Examine those feelings and your reactions/responses.

4. Move into your heart and hold yourself lovingly in that space.

5. Feel your feelings.

6. Learn the lesson.

7. Release attachments….Let go.

8. Remember…I am a spiritual being having a human experience and the only thing that’s real is LOVE.

9. When love is present, fear cannot exist.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 37: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 7 Journey with the Pleiadians within the Stargate Chamber

I open up to the possibilities within the 4th, 5th & 6th dimensions and reclaim my place within the

Universal grid.

"You are being given a team of Pleiadian energies

that are committed to assisting you as you do your

work in the world."

Stargate Chamber Initiation

Take several deep breaths.

Move your attention into your heart.

Imagine The Formation from Ch 3.

Imagine a square as the base. You are 1 point in the square and the Pleiadians are

the other 3 points.

Then bring in the Apex set directly above the middle of the square.

Then bring in the energy of the Sacred Pyramid.

Next bring in the Column of Light then beams down from the Apex.

Lastly call forth the Sacred Spiral Energy which helps to integrate the energy into your cells.

1. Activate the base.

2. Imagine the 3 Pleiadian energies take you into the Stargate Chamber.

3. Keep breathing in and out through your heart and visualize yourself aligning with the 4th, 5th and 6th


4. This process will take 10-20 minutes.

5. You only need hold the intention and be open to receiving for it to work.

6. When it is complete the Pleiadian energy will bring you back into the Formation Base where you will

take a few moments to integrate back into your physical self.

“The Stargate exists in a very different dimensional space than the Formation. It holds a much higher level of

energetic light and is linked to the Universal grid. Within the Stargate is the Stargate Chamber, a place filled

Page 38: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

with light and pure love. This is where the initiations take place. It is a stable energetic place where you are

able to easily integrate the birthing of a new dimensional aspect of yourself.”

Journey with the Pleiadians Within the Stargate Chamber

The Stargate chamber is like an interdimensional womb that has been energetically set up by the

Pleiadians to enable you to move into the next level of frequency.

You will be given access to higher levels of dimensional space.

This initiation will increase your confidence and feelings of stability.

This will also allow you to connect with the Pleiadians on a deeper level.

It will also open up another level of transformation for your work on planet earth.

All communication is done through thought transference.

The light force within the Stargate Chamber will activate new areas of your brain for telepathic


The light force is PURE love.

Your cells will be bathed with this pure love light force creating a birth within each cell.

The Pleiadians will hold these energetic platforms within the Stargate Chamber and witness you anchor

into the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions.

After the initiation you will vibrate at a higher energetic frequency assisting in the earth’s ability to

anchor in this new energy.

Entry Point

You need to call upon the Pleiadians to assist you for they open up the Entry Point and guide you into

the Stargate Chamber where the initiation takes place.

An important part of this experience is to become familiar with tools and resources that are available to

assist you in doing your work here on planet earth.

The Pleiadians will help you with this reconnection.

It is almost like being in a starship where you have the opportunity to navigate your way through these

multidimensional realities.

Anchoring yourself in the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions in this manner help you to access your truth more


This will create a new sense of ease and peace within your consciousness.

It will also bring a more deeper awareness of your connection to the life force that exists within your

world and your place within it.

You will have a stronger and clearer connection to the Spiritual realm and have ready access to your

Spiritual self.

A new team of Pleiadians are now being assigned specifically to you as you move into a new vibrational


Building an alliance with these spiritual beings will accelerate your growth.

DRINK PLENTY OF WATER – to flush out your cells and detox.

This is an amazing blog post that I REALLY resonated with which explains the difference between free will and

God's will and how free will is an illusion created by separation. WILL

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 39: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 8 Manifesting through the Sacred Heart

I allow financial abundance to flow freely in my life.

"Not having enough is one of the biggest

illusions of the third dimensional plane.

Your belief in "lack" keeps you in a

powerless place. You have been playing this

victim role for lifetimes.

Now it is time to wake up and claim your

right to manifest now"

Manifesting Through the Sacred Heart

Financial Abundance

You have a right to unlimited Financial Abundance – this is a natural law of the universe.

Physical Health

As you move into alignment with your Spiritual self you will be able to manifest healthy cells so that you are

physically stronger and have a renewed sense of well-being.

Emotional Abundance of Love

Feeling a deeper connection to the universe and to relationships in this dimension is part of your ability to

manifest emotional wellness.

“Through your sacred heart you are going to connect with your passion and your heart’s desire. It’s important

that as you open up to what it is that you want to create in your life, that you also open up to receive the living

energetic of your creation.”

Living Energetic Creation

Everything is energy, even thoughts in your mind. As you imagine what you desire it creates a certain energetic

pattern, a blueprint if you will. This pattern can be anchored into this earth plane. As you bring your awareness

into this blueprint and bring it into your sacred heart, it becomes activated.

Steps to Activate Your Heart’s Desire

Page 40: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

1. Examine closely the life you have currently created.

2. Take full responsibility for this life.

3. Live fully in this life you have created now, moment by moment. Become aware of the lessons this life

has brought to you.

4. Feel gratitude, give thanks for all that you have now.

5. Hold this life in a very sacred way. Feel honor, compassion and love for this person, yourself, that has

created this life (good, bad or indifferent).

6. Once you have reviewed your life, take several deep breaths.

7. Hold your hand over your heart and bring your awareness into your heart and just feel the love and the

expansion as you move into love.

8. What needs to change in your life?

9. What is no longer serving you that you’d like to let go of?

10. Breathe into these questions and allow the feelings to emerge and the answers to be revealed.

“Pay particular attention to the part of you that may not feel it deserves more. This part of the ego mind needs

to understand that you have done the best you could in the life you have lived up to this point. Mistakes have

been made, and mistakes are a natural part of any learning process.”

It’s Time to Move On!

What is your heart’s desire?

It’s time for you to name it and claim it.

There are no limits – think BIG.

Imagine in full detail what you desire from life.

Hold this in your heart as you continue breathing deeply and moving freely with your desires.

Let go of needing to know “how” you are going to make this happen.

That’s the universe’s job.

Begin to live passionately, always having the image of your heart’s desire in the back of your mind like

a vision board.

Allow it to be a driving force in your life, aligning with God’s will, the will of the universe.

“You are not meant to struggle in this life I know this is hard to believe. Struggle is a strong third-

dimensional belief that has played out on this planet for lifetimes. Struggle and fear, struggle and fear–this is a

pattern of strong ego belief that has been very active on the earth plane, and it’s your ego that has kept you in

this pattern by limitation.”

Manifesting Initiation

To begin to form what you want for your life:

1. Step out of your head and into your heart by breathing deeply several times.

2. Imagine your heart’s desire.

3. Let go of “how” this is going to happen.

4. Don’t think about what you should do first.

5. The mind does not have the answers – logical thinking will not bring your heart’s desire.

6. Stay in the flow of your heart, of love.

7. Your heart holds the answers.

8. Feel the peace and calmness of your heart.

9. Keep your hand on your heart and continue breathing and holding your awareness in that divine place of

love and peace.

10. Remember, your potential is unlimited.

Page 41: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

11. Open fully to your divine abundance now.

You Are Enough!

Staying in the present moment brings you out of a separated state.

You are not alone, ever.

You are aligning with a Universal truth in your life, miracles begin to happen daily as you open to

receive your divine goodness.

All of this is yours, it has always been here waiting for you.

Don’t force things.

Just go with the flow – imagine everything falling into place easily and effortlessly.

Let go of attachments.


Remember, you are enough. You have enough. You do enough. You are enough!

“The inspiration of Spirit is beyond what the human mind can know, recognize, or understand. The more you

are willing to trust the more Spirit can step forward and assist you in the miracle of your life.”

This is an amazing blog post that I REALLY resonated with which explains the difference between free will and

God's will and how free will is an illusion created by separation. WILL

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 42: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 9 Expanding your Initiation into the Sacred Pyramid’s Energy within

the Formation

YES! I am willing to open into a full state of receivership.

"The work in the Sacred Pyramid

will help you utilize your own life

force energies, manifesting and

working with your passionate

self as a co-creator."

Expanding Your Initiation into the Sacred Pyramid’s Energy Within the Formation

The Sacred Pyramid Energy is quite powerful and transformational.

The key to the initiations is to stay present, focused and in the moment.

When you are aligned with the present, separation dissolves.

The Pleiadians have created these openings, or opportunities for aligning with these other dimensions.

It is through your heart that you receive the initiations.

You are claiming the multi-dimensional aspect of yourself through these experiences.

As you do this, be sure to ANCHOR this expanded aspect into the cells of your physical body.

“The work in the Sacred Pyramid will help you utilize your own life force energies, manifesting and working

with your passionate self as a co-creator.”

Multi Dimensional Spaces – Timelessness

These dimensional spaces are timeless.

You will receive a download of this energy into your cells.

You will open up to new alignments of yourself through the different levels of initiation.

Again, be sure to anchor the energy you bring back into your cells.

This energy is an aspect of your Spiritual being, your light self.

Each of these initiations is creating an acceleration of your awakening.

Page 43: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

“When you are in the Sacred Pyramid energy it is important to open to each moment and be open to the energy

that is present for you. It is essential to keep breath flowing, slowly and consciously. Just place your hand on

your chest and feel that breath, be that breath. Let go. Each time you open fully to the moment you open and

anchor more of yourself.”

Sacred Pyramid Initiation

Take several deep breaths.

Move your attention into your heart by placing your hands on your chest and

continuing to breathe.

Imagine The Formation from Ch 3.

Imagine a square as the base. You are 1 point in the square and the Pleiadians are

the other 3 points.

Then bring in the Apex set directly above the middle of the square.

Then bring in the energy of the Sacred Pyramid.

Next bring in the Column of Light then beams down from the Apex.

Lastly call forth the Sacred Spiral Energy which helps to integrate the energy into your cells.

Mindfully Living

Take a few moments every day to work with this process.

You will find yourself moving into this deeper state of awareness naturally.

This is actually returning you home…to your natural state of being which is love, light & harmony.

Returning to your natural state of oneness with all that is.

It is in this state of each moment that you can re-align with all your natural gifts.

The effect of this initiation is that your life will take on a more brilliant form.

The awareness of your connection with yourself will EXPAND and deepen.

Everything will appear richer and fuller.

There is a sacred patterning for you to open up to within the Pyramid.

Be aware that this sacred patterning is uniquely yours.

It is a type of energetic blueprint that will activate through all your cells, awakening you to another

level of yourself.

It opens new energies within the body so that you will have perfect clarity with your life’s mission.

“When you are truly open to the moment, living your experiences, you will find a new life force with all things,

and you will be aligned with that life force.”

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 44: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 10 Belonging to the Whole, to the Oneness

I consciously activate my place on the Universal grid and remember my divine life mission.

"You have stayed small for so long, believing yourself to

be something so limited,

and because of this all of your natural abilities

have shut down.

It has linked you into the third-dimensional illusion of

lack, struggle, and powerlessness.

The ego mind holds us strongly within the

third-dimensional illusion,

so it's essential to allow yourself to

change this habit of holding onto the mind."

Belonging to the Whole to the Oneness

This initiation allows you to claim your place within the Collective Consciousness.

It is a process of remembering your blueprint and what you have come here to accomplish.

Reclaim your power and take your place on the Universal grid.

As you come back into alignment with your Spiritual self you will begin to transmit a BRILLIANCE.

The Pleiadians will assist you and together you will work as an “energetic team.”

You will experience a deeper understanding and sense of yourself on a human level.

This will also re-tune you to the spiritual nature of yourself.

There will be a new found appreciation for your life and all of the experiences…good and bad.

No more condemnation or judgment of your self and your choices.

A new level of intuition will open up to you.

All knowledge within the Collective Consciousness is now accessible.

Beware of the Ego Mind’s resistance to opening and receiving your divinity.

The Ego comes from a place of fear and lack.

Step into your heart and embrace all that you are and all that you are becoming.

“As you realign, your place on the light wheel your place on the grid begins to activate and pulsate with light.

This light then begins to activate your unique signature outward into the Universe.”

Universal Grid

Page 45: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

“As you consciously take your place on the Universal Grid, the cells in your body begin to go through a

transformation with the connection to this new light aspect.

Each cell in your body has a transmitter, and the quickening process activates the transmitter in each cell so

you begin to draw toward you different energetic experiences in this world and in your life.”

You can now access another level of your power.

Which comes with new clarity and understanding of your life.

The Pleidians will help you as you anchor the love here on earth.

You have free will, you need to “consciously” activate this process for it to occur.

As you move into a higher vibration your cells will begin to pulse and expand.

This is light – YOUR light awakening.

Be open to receiving guidance from the spiritual realm as you now have ready access to information that

was once closed.

This link creates an accelerated awakening that opens up a new level of divine creativity.

As you claim this power you will begin to flourish here on this earth plane.

You will become a beacon of light to the world, transmitting out your own unique signature!

“Because your new vibration attracts higher levels of energetic experience, they come in the form of new

levels of abundance moving into your world.”

Oneness Initation

1. Take 4-5 deep Conscious breaths…in through the mouth (long and slow) out through the mouth. 2. Place your hands on your chest and feel the love in your heart. 3. Consciously step out of your mind into the power of your heart. 4. Out loud repeat: I consciously activate my place on the Universal grid and remember my divine life mission. 5. Imagine the Universal grid above you. 6. Imagine your place within the grid. 7. Now consciously CLAIM that place. 8. Become aware of the Pleiadians holding the space for you. 9. Become aware of your Spiritual counsel surrounding you with their love and support. 10. Become aware of all that you are and all that you are becoming. 11. As you do this there is an activation of the transmitters within your cells, and they begin this alignment with the

Universal Consciousness. 12. Empower yourself. 13. Take back yourself. 14. Claim yourself and your place within the grid. 15. Now take 4-5 deep Conscious breaths as you come back into your physical body. 16. Feel yourself anchor down the new light that you have called forth. 17. Feel the Pleiadians move into position to hold this space for you as you reintegrate back into the earth plane. 18. Open your eyes….feeling refreshed and renewed with new life force.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

Page 46: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Ch 11 Physical Healing Through the Cells

I allow my inner light to completely heal my body and mind.

"As you bring your conscious awareness to your cells,

the cells begin to open up to a different energetic

connection to you and a different relationship to you.

They begin to flow with a new rhythm and a new life

force - almost a new heart beat."

Physical Healing Through the Cells

You were born with the ability to heal yourself.

Through this initiation you will reactivate your own self-healing mechanism.

Part of this process is opening up to a whole new relationship with your physical body.

It begins with bringing your conscious awareness into each cell.

As this happens your cells open up to a new way of interacting with you.

Through Conscious Awareness you open up a new life force within your cells.

It’s important to claim ownership of your cells to open up this line of communication.

They actually begin to align to an energetic flow or rhythm that connects them to the higher Self, and a pulse

begins to become activated that connects them directly to the Universal heartbeat.

This begins to create a healing process within all the cells of the body, so the dense energy connected to illness

transforms and the body heals. It allows the organs of the body to re-generate with new life force.

You Are Your Cells

Remember…you are your cells.

As each cell begins to awaken in this way you begin to awaken too.

As you connect on a deeper level with the cells of your body you will begin to feel more alive.

There are new levels of light emerging from within your divine self.

Through this initiation you are being introduced to a new energetic aspect of the cells of your body.

You will know what your body needs in each moment. As you receive the love of this new energy your healing will accelerate.

This is an important step as you take your power back and reclaim your ability to heal yourself.

Your cells hold a consciousness and as you and the cells begin to work as a team, dramatic healing processes

take place.

Page 47: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.


Pain is the only way your body has of communicating with you.

When you feel pain your body is saying “pay attention to where you feel this pain.”

Step toward yourself in love, not away from yourself in anger.

Move into the pain and be with it. Holding it like you would a crying baby.

Where there is physical pain there is always unexpressed emotional pain.

Each time you cannot or do not cope with your feelings they become locked inside your cells and build

up and eventually create dis-ease or disease.

So when you feel pain the body is saying ” Feel Me.”

Bring your awareness to the pain and move into Conscious breathing.

Give the pain a color, shape, form…what does it look like, feel like?

As you move deeper unexpressed emotions may arise….just allow that to flow.

Continue breathing. Place your hands on your chest and move into your heart.

Allow any sound or physical movement to flow as it will to release the pain or emotion.

You do not have to be aware of the content of the issue to release the emotion or pain.

Also know that deep issues held in the body leave in layers. Like an onion. It’s a gentle way to heal.

Be patient and open to the new energy of self-healing.

When you begin to allow the emotions to be released that’s when you take back your power and the true

healing process begins.

Working with the Cells

Working with the Cells

1. Begin Conscious Breathing – 4-5 deep breaths.

2. Place your hands on your chest and connect with your heart.

3. Open up your consciousness and acknowledge the existence of all the cells in your body.

4. Allow your energy to flow naturally to each cell, especially where there is pain.

5. Universal Law: Energy flows where Attention goes. So whatever you focus on life force energy flows

to it.

6. Sweeping Breath: Breath in and out, imagine letting go, imagine your breath sweeping out all of the

disease and toxins from each cell.

7. Breathing in pure love and healing, as you breath out imagine cleansing and clearing through each cell.

8. “Yes, I am willing to let go of what is holding in my cells.”

9. “Yes, I’m willing to receive my light and my healing through my cells.”

10. Imagine the cells in your body letting go of the stress, struggle and tiredness that has built up over


11. Imagine the cells becoming more radiant and there is a soft, purple light found in the membrane itself

that becomes activated.

12. Imagine the space between the cells expands.

13. Your self-healing principle is now activated.

Please take a moment to post your comments in our Facebook Group. It is in the processing of information that

we turn words into wisdom!

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Ch 12 Cocoon Work

I birth a new life force into my being now.

"The Cocoon is like returning to the womb. It

allows you to grow in energetic ways yet takes you

into a deep rest state.

A multidimensional form will hold you as you

move through a deep metamorphosis process

within your body."

Now it is time to create your Cocoon – an energetic, multidimensional healing space for your rest,

renewal and metamorphosis.

The formations of the Cocoon helps you activate a process of cellular regeneration.

This allows you to bring in new levels of light into your cells for healing and growth.

It also assists with reintegration as you birth your light Self.

The Cocoon helps you assimilate and integrate the different dimensions you now have access to.

Cocoon work is very important for ascension.

The Cocoon holds you in a deep rest space and is a very healing place for your inner kids because they

feel safe and secure.

It’s important to heal these deeper wounds as you move into accessing other dimensions. It frees you of

emotional baggage so your body is lighter and less dense.

Allow your inner child to help you create the Cocoon – they bring an energy of innocence and


Know that the ego mind may sabotage your efforts, trying to convince you that this is silly and you

aren’t feeling anything different so it must not be working.

These are all attempts of the ego to destroy your efforts to change and move into your lighter self

because as you do so the ego has less influence over you.

Be aware when the ego mind arises and feel the fear, don’t dismiss your emotions, but face them and do

it anyway.

Connecting into the Body

Take several deep Conscious breaths.

Place your hands on your chest.

Focus your attention on your heart.

Page 49: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Breathe and let go…breathe and let go…

What You Will Need

an unscented candle, any color, at least 6 inches tall

only use this candle for your cocoon work

lighting the candle is symbolic if opening up to the multidimensional energy

the candle light transmits a pure energy

The energy of the candle helps to activate an alignment process through your cells of the heart, so that the heart

opens and flows with the Cocoon.

Cocoon Initiation

Step 1

Sit on floor with candle in front of you.

Be sure to have enough space around you to move your arms around the space of your body.

Take several deep Conscious breaths.

Set an intention: I intend to birth my light self and heal any emotional wounds that may be weighing me


Be consciously open to receiving.

Light the Candle

Hold your hands in a prayer position.

Hold your full attention at your hands and take a sweeping breath cleansing and clearing all the cells of

your entire body.

Next, feel energy begin to form between your hands.

Feel the energy rising up from within your hands, within the center of your being and expanding in and

all around you.

Imagine a beautiful beam of light coming from within you and within your hands.

Use your breath to anchor this beautiful energy into your being.



Watch the flame of the candle…growing…expanding.

Allow the energy of the flame to open up into you. Be with the purity, the fluidity, the innocence of the flame.

Now bring your focus back to your hands and feel the light from the candle feeding into your core,

building, expanding your core and moving outward.

Continue following these steps for as long as it feels appropriate.

Step 2

Move your hands slowly apart.

Allow your arms to move out sideways.

This is where your Cocoon begins to birth itself.

Step 3

Page 50: Christine Day - Heaven Sent HealingWe do suggest you purchase the book as they come with a set of CD’s to further assist you. What are platforms? Platforms are like energetic holograms.

Bring your hands slowly up over your head until the palms touch.

As you do this the light energy from the core will begin to open up.

Bring your attention to your hands above your head and breathe deeply.

Step 4

Open up to the energy around you and just be with the feeling, with the present moment.

After a few deep breaths, bring your hands down, back to a prayer position.

As you do this feel a deeper alignment within your being occur.

Connect with the light again in your hands, and within your being.

Feel the light strengthening itself, expanding and flowing down through your center.

Allow it to have a life of its own unfolding as it will.


As you complete the Cocoon it’s important to rest in the energy that has been birthed.

Rest at your heart, feeling the connection to the core, opening to the light of the candle, birthing your

light self.

Each time you do this initiation from the heart back to the heart your Cocoon will expand and so too will

you…expand & change.

The flame of the candle plays a BIG part in your transformation – opening up to the light, birthing the


The light is what creates the healing component of the Cocoon.

The Cocoon should be built in layers. It’s not something that’s done once and over.

Use your breath to rest in the space the Cocoon has created as it is carried with you throughout your

days now.

The stress is now able to leave your cells and the regeneration process is occurring.

A deep metamorphosis has begun.

Let go.


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