Download - Christian Book Review of "Learn to Study the Bible" by Andy Deane (ISBN 9781607915768)


Christian Book Review of "Learn to Study the Bible" by Andy Deane (ISBN 9781607915768)

Early on in Andy Deane’s book "Learn To Study the Bible," Mr. Deane compares the act of Bible study to sifting through vast amounts of sand with the promise of finding infinite amounts of golden nuggets. The

comparison he makes is an apt one, for "Learn to Study the Bible" proposes to provide more effective sifting tools for Christians who wish to take advantage of the available treasure of "The Bible." Mr.

Deane succeeds in this due to his desire to focus on a variety of tactics, all of which give the reader the ability to cater their personal strengths to the task of strengthening their understanding.

Mr. Deane emphasizes various tools of critical reading, encouraging readers to thoroughly analyze "The Bible," both on a sentence-by-sentence level and as a whole. He particularly emphasizes analysis of the

various literary techniques that "The Bible’s" writers utilize in order to put across their message in a more effective manner. His encouragement to readers to recognize simile, allegory, and synecdoche

within "The Bible’s" text and to use them as interpretative tools reveals his understanding of the book as first a spiritual text and then a literary one. This emphasis, along with the repeated exhortation that

readers need to take their time in pursuing "The Bible’s" messages, encourage the reader to engage in a critical reading of the text, one that will reveal more of "The Bible’s" meaning.

Another important aspect of "Learn To Study the Bible" is Mr. Deane’s repeated desire that readers not simply absorb the lessons of "The Bible," but put them to practical application. Mr. Deane reiterates

that, if Bible lessons are not applied, they cannot be understood. Placing a focus on this concept allows the reader to view "The Bible" as not just a source of wisdom and teaching, but a relevant and active


The most welcome aspects of the book are the writing style and the multiple tactics that Mr. Deane offers the reader in understanding "The Bible." The writing style is conversational and easy to read,

frequently using pithy quotes and readily understandable metaphors to illustrate his points. The fact that Mr. Deane offers the reader over 40 methods of Biblical interpretation and encourages multiple

approaches through which to view "The Bible," be it through an emphasis on Jesus Christ, the miracles, the prayers, or Biblical types, means that he offers readers the ability to engage in interpretation as a

continual process, not one with a fixed end point.

The combination of an effective writing style, multiple interpretative techniques, and an authorial approach that emphasizes both action and reflection result in a study guide well worth utilizing.

Whether it is for personal use or use in a church Bible study, "Learn To Study the Bible" presents the reader with the tools that they need in order to gain a better understanding and appreciation of "The

Bible" and the means with which to apply it. With forty Bible study methods there must be one that will help you study the Bible better. I mean - 40 Bible study methods - that is a huge variety!

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