Download - Christadelphian Aged Care Winter 2021 Ashburn House Newsletter

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Winter 2021Christadelphian Aged Care

NewsletterAddress: 20-34 Ashburn Place, Gladesville Phone: (02) 8876 9200 Email: [email protected]

Ashburn House

Manager’s Message

Dear Residents and Families,

As you would all know, our residents received their first Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine on 23rd April 2021.

You will all be pleased to know, that none of residents experienced any significant side effects after their vaccination.

Our residents will be receiving their second vaccine on 14th May 2021.

A big thank you to all our staff and a special thank you to Mrs Patricia Byrne’s daughter, Catherine.

Any residents that are absent or refuse their vaccine on the day, will, unfortunately must make their own arrangements regarding vaccination.

The vaccinators will not return to give vaccines

to those absent or those that may have initially refused and have now consented.

Can I please ask that visitors do not park in our assembly areas, this seems to be happening a lot over the weekends? These areas are dedicated for emergency/evacuation use only. Cars must not be parked there.

On a nicer note, I have had the pleasure of meeting many families recently whilst having our family conferences.

I am hoping to meet with more of you all soon.

Kind Regards, Lisa Burton- Director of Consumer Care and Services

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Upcoming EventsJUNE

15-21 Men’s Health Week2 Italian National Day9 Resident & Relative meeting12 Independence Day (Philippines)14 Queen’s Birthday12-14 Chinese Dragon Boat Festival


5-12 NAIDOC Week1 Canada Day1 International Joke Day7 World Chocolate Day14 Bastille Day14 Resident & Relative meeting30 International Day of Friendship


1 Horses Birthday6 International Beer Day8 International Cat Day11 Resident & Relative Meeting15-23 National Science Week28 Daffodil Day

June July August

Jack W Paraskevou (Voulla) K Maria J

Thomas D Betty S Irene M

Marjorie (June) W Janet M Margaret H

Eileen J Michie U John (Bruce) H

Margot C Gnesa R Hilda H

Susan M Margaret M Phyllis B

Joyce M Valerie H Mary W

Betty H Marie F Arthur J

Walter W Gale W Sofia B

Peter D Lorna M David J

Con E Robert (Bob) F

Patricia L Ian M

Desmond W

For all the latest news & photos follow us

on Facebook

15-21 JUNE

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Chinese New YearWe celebrated Chinese New Year with a virtual lion dance and a virtual visit to China during festive days, learning all about the geography, language, music, and culture.

During our activity, we had delicious Chinese food and residents had a lovely time.

Extra Services Dining RoomWe did a ribbon cutting for our new extra services dining room ‘Dee Why’ and residents felt that they were spoiled with pampering.

St Patrick’s DayThe day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general.

At Ashburn House, we had an activity with the history of Ireland and Irish quiz/trivia along with Irish food. Staff and residents looked great with Irish badges on.

On the same day we had concert in the afternoon, which all of the residents loved.

Activity Reviews |<<

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Easter Bunny Boy VisitOne of our staff’s son Alvin, volunteered to visit every resident at Ashburn House, delivering some delicious chocolate eggs. Residents enjoyed his visit and gave him a lot of kisses and hugs.

Activity Reviews |<<

Easter CelebrationsOn Thursday 1st April, we held an Easter celebration at Ashburn House complete with Easter decorations in the Fitzroy dining room. Residents participated in lots of fun fair games, such as balloon darts. 7-up 7-down and target rings. Residents also enjoyed a happy hour and they all had a fantastic day.

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Greek Easter ServiceOur Greek background residents had a good time with a Greek orthodox service and Greek food to celebrate Greek Easter.

Activity Reviews |<<

Anzac DayWe had a wonderful time with our Anzac Day service and we had a guest from Gladesville branch RSL - Peter Astridge OAM, Vice President of Gladesville RSL Subbranch.

Thank you to the volunteers who were off the screen to make this event more special with their ideas in decorating Ashburn House and thank you to Lisa (DCCS) for organising a lovely Anzac Day theme cake for our residents.

Local newspaper article:

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Mother’s Day - We celebrated our Mother’s Day differently this year. We held a luncheon and cake cutting in front of all the mothers and angels at home. Residents had a lovely time, getting their photos taken near the Mother’s Day wall and socialising well with other residents at Ashburn House.

Activity Reviews |<<

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BereavementsOur deepest sympathies have gone out to the families who have lost their loved ones over the Autumn period.

Vaccination - Our residents are now vaccinated for Covid-19. It went very smoothly and residents did well after vaccination. We would like to thank RN’s and staff who were involved in making this happen smoothly, not only on that day, but also the next two days afterwards.

Activity Reviews |<<

International Nurses Day We celebrated this day on Wednesday 12th May. Thanks to all our amazing nurses for all you do!

BarryNan Joan

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Joan Beaumont was born in April, 1933 in the village of Holywell, Northern Wales in the United Kingdom. Joan was the youngest of five children with older siblings being Elsie, Sylvia, Robert and Betty. A ten year age gap between Betty and Joan meant that Joan was often on her own as a child growing up.

Joan’s father had been a professional soccer player in England before the First World War and sadly died with recurring complications from war injuries when Joan was five years old. Joan and her mother eventually moved to the village of Saltney in Northern Wales and even though the nearest school was in Chester City, England and only one mile away, Joan had to attend grammar school 15 miles away in Wales as the country was trying to revive the Welsh language, therefore encouraging more to be schooled there.

Leaving school at 15 years of age, Joan secured a job as a junior clerk with an automotive business then later with a large dental practice in England. Joan was able to take the bus from Saltney in Wales across to Chester City in England daily to work.

When Joan was 17, a friend invited her to a dance at the nearby army camp and there was introduced to her future husband, Terry Chapman who was in the army completing his deferred National Service. Terry had requested to complete his journalism course prior to entering the army. That night, Terry asked Joan’s permission to accompany her home from the dance and from then on were courting until marrying when Joan was 19 years of age and Terry aged 22.

Living in London with her mother-in-law while Terry continued with his National Service in Japan, Joan and Terry were very grateful to his army captain who kindly loaned them funds for the fare for Joan to live in Kure, Japan. After a year, Terry was posted to Hong Kong where he and Joan resided until Terry was demobbed from the army. The couple chose to reside in Australia where Terry took up his journalistic career working for the Rupert Murdoch industry.

Living and renting in Balmain, the couple managed to save a decent deposit on a little cottage in The Avenue in East Balmain with lovely water views, but in those days the 24-hour noise from the nearby Colgate and Unilever factories was quite frustrating along with the active daily grind emitting from the dry docks with work continuously underway on boats. Eventually, the Chapmans were fortunate to buy the block next door and managed to extend their home.

Joan recalls their Balmain-born sons, Matthew and Daniel, as children enjoying the freedom of playing cricket in the street with their mates and exploring their surrounds. After many years of marriage, Joan was unprepared and devastated by her husband’s decision to leave. The family home needed to be sold in settlement of the divorce enabling Joan to buy again in Balmain, where one of her sons continues to reside today.

Joan eventually connected with a long-time male friend only to end this relationship after nine years when she realised that she needed to be free, and never regretted not remarrying.

A proud grandmother, Joan has two lovely granddaughters, Annie and Millie. A highlight of Joan’s life was being able to attend the recent wedding of her granddaughter Annie on the water at Mosman with the wedding featuring in the glossy “Cosmopolitan Bride” magazine.

Joan had kept her social life active in Balmain and surrounds and continues to receive regular visits at Ashburn House from her old book club friends and others who drop in regularly to visit and go to Bronte Café to catch up.

Resident Story Joan Chapman

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My name is Anu Sharma Chapagain and I am Clinical Manager at Ashburn House.

It gives me immense pride and joy to be able to make a positive difference to someone else’s life. I find respect, caring nature and dedication to be the most valuable qualities in nursing.

In 2012, I completed my high school with a major in Science and moved to Australia for further studies. I started studying a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing at Western Sydney University in June 2012. I worked in Ashburn House and Westmead Hospital as Assistant in Nursing during my study.

I completed my degree in December 2015 and my passion for Aged Care drove me to choose to continue to work in Aged Care as a Registered Nurse.

I started to work as a Registered Nurse in Ashburn in Dec 2015. I also worked in Montefiore Nursing home for few years along with Ashburn House until I got pregnant with my first baby. He is three years old now and I am also blessed with another son, who is one years old. I love spending time with them, both are so energetic and bring so much joy to my life.

When not working or enjoying spending time with my boys, I enjoy watching documentaries, taking long drives, and visiting new places. I have found the balance between work and life, I am a totally happy person, loving mother and enjoy spending time with residents as they always have many stories to share.

I have recently started working as Clinical Manager at Ashburn House and am thankful for the opportunity. I learn new things every day and the opportunity for growth is almost unlimited. I feel so good when I see happy and smiling faces around me.

Staff Profile Anu Sharma Chapagain

Amy - Thank you for your support that you have shown us at Ashburn house. The sweet memories of working with a person like you will be hard to forget. Always a pleasure having you here.

Farewell to StaffAdam

Maintenance Man

Thanks for all those times when you helped us in the tasks, we weren’t able to do it without you. It will be difficult to fill the void created by your absence. We are really going to miss you. Best of luck!

OUR VALUES IN action Love, Gentleness, Kindness,

Peace, Joy, Patience, Goodness, Self-Control & Faithfulness

Libby - Ex Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator

The loss of Libby is felt by many. May the memories of her wonderful personality and many contributions be celebrated by all. Libby will be in our hearts and memories and we are thinking of all those suffering, wishing you hope in the midst of sorrow, comfort in the midst of pain.

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Pastoral CareThe Heart - We are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Father in heaven. How amazing and wondrous is Gods’ design of our bodies. Take the Heart.Your heart is essential for your life. Your heart is about the size of your clenched fist. It lies in the front and middle of your chest, behind and slightly to the left of your breastbone. The heart is a body pump, usually beating about 60 to 100 times per minute and your heart beats around 100,000 times a day. With each heartbeat, the heart sends blood throughout our bodies, carrying oxygen and other important nutrients that all body organs need to stay healthy and to work properly, to every cell. After delivering these, the blood returns to the heart. The heart then sends the blood to the lungs to pick up more oxygen.If your heart stops beating, in turn no blood gets pumped round your body, so very quickly the rest of your body stops working. Your kidneys, your liver, your lungs, all stop working also.

So... your heart is essential for your life. So is you SPIRITUAL heart.The Bible uses the word “heart” primarily to refer to the ruling centre of our whole person... the spring of all our desires. The heart is seen as the seat of our will, our intellect, our emotions & our feelings. It is a spiritual organ that drives our behaviours.The heart is so important that the Bible tells us to make it a top priority to protect it from negative influences. One key bible verse is,

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” (Proverbs 4:23, NLT)

The bible is full of verses of guidance for our hearts and we can read of spiritual hearts that drive POSITIVITY in our life: -

So, our heart is the most important organ God placed within our bodies. It not only sustains life to our mortal bodies, but the heart can sustain contentment in each day we have left here on this earth, as well as our desire of another life to come. Jesus when giving His famous sermon on the mount, said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt 5:8). “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. God does not judge us by our outward behaviour or our acts like man does, but by the intents and desires of the heart.” - 1 Sam 16: 7What wonderful news!! You can have a spiritual transformation of your heart and mind at any time towards this peace that is in God, through Jesus. “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11So, while God keeps your physical heart ticking, what type of spiritual heart do you have? Gods message to you: “Give me your heart, my child, and let your eyes delight in my ways.” - Proverbs 23:26. And when things do not make sense to our hearts, “trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding” - Proverbs 3:5. May God bless your heart this Winter season and keep your heart warm with his love and peace.

The bible also describes hearts that drive NEGATIVITY in our lives: -

- By Carmel Hayden - Volunteer & Pastoral Care Coordinator, Maranatha

Let us not l�ewith word or speech but with acti�s and in �uth

1 Joh

n 3:18

• A clean heart - Psalms 51:10 • A tender heart - 2 Kings 22:19; 2 Chron 34:27• A steadfast heart - Psalms 57:10• A joyful or glad heart - Proverbs 15:13; 17:22• A tranquil heart - Proverbs 14:30

• An upright heart - Psalms 32:11• A heart to revere the Lord - Deuteronomy 5:29• A surrendered & contrite heart - Psalms 51:17• A heart after God’s own heart - 1 Sam 13:14; Phil 2:20

• A angry & resentful heart - Psalms 73:21 • A dishonest & deceitful heart - Jeremiah 17:9• An arrogant or proud heart - 2 Chron 25:19; 26:16;

32:25, 26; Proverbs 21:4• An unreasonably obstinate & stubborn heart -

Psalms 81:12• A hardened or unchanging heart - 2 Chron 36:13;

Isaiah 63:17; Hebrews 3:8,15; 4:7

• A heart refusing or rejecting God - Psalms 95:10; Acts 7:39

• An idol worshipping heart - Ezekiel.14:4,7 (An idol is when something or someone becomes more important to us than God)

• A heart turned away (from God) - 1 Kings 11:3,4,9 ; Isaiah 29:13

• A heart AGAIN turned away from God - Prov 14:14

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We are pleased to welcome some new volunteers to Ashburn House.

Welcome Patsy, Jai, and Wayne!

• Wayne leads a bible reading group which the residents enjoy and engage in for spiritual uplifting.

• Patsy helps the activity staff and provides interaction with our residents through activities and 1:1 conversation.

• Jai who comes and plays the piano to our residents while they enjoy happy hour and engage in conversation among themselves while listening to Jai play.

Thank you and welcome to our new volunteers!

Volunteer Corner

Spiritual Care Coordinator

Apply if interested

e: admin@

p: 8876 9200

If you are interested in joining the Volunteer program, please do not hesitate to contact me:

By DaviD BriDgens

We thank all our volunteers for the time they give to our residents at Ashburn House.

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

- William James““ ““

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Read.Rest.Relax. smile!

Ingredients• 1 tablespoon olive oil• 1 brown onion, finely chopped• 1 carrot, finely chopped• 2 celery sticks, finely chopped• 2 garlic cloves, crushed• 500g Lamb Mince• 2 tablespoons plain flour• 1 cup (250ml) beef stock• 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce• 1 tablespoon tomato paste• 1/2 cup (60g) frozen peas• 3 brushed potatoes, peeled, coarsely

chopped• 1 swede, peeled, coarsely chopped• 40g butter, melted• 1/4 cup (60ml) milk• 1/2 cup (60g) coarsely grated

cheddar• 20g butter, melted, extra

Shepherd’s Pie 1. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Cook onion, carrot, celery and garlic, stirring, for 5 mins or until onion softens. Add mince. Cook, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up any lumps, for 5 mins or until mince changes colour.

2. Sprinkle over the flour and stir to combine. Add stock, Worcestershire sauce and tomato paste and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 mins or until the sauce thickens slightly. Remove from heat. Stir in peas. Season.

3. Meanwhile, cook the potato and swede in a medium saucepan of boiling water for 15 mins or until tender. Drain well and return to the pan. Add the butter. Use a potato masher or fork to mash until smooth. Stir in the milk. Season.

4. Preheat oven to 200°C. Divide the lamb mixture evenly among four 1.5 cup (375ml) ramekins or ovenproof dishes. Sprinkle with cheddar. Spoon over the potato mixture and brush with extra melted butter. Place on a baking tray. Bake for 25-30 mins or until the tops are golden and the filling is heated through.

Prep: 15 min Cook: 50 min

Makes: 4


Q: What did one snowman say to the other snowman?A: “Can you smell carrot?”

Q: What’s an ig?A: A snow house without a loo!

Q: What is it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum?A: A meltdown!

Q: What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?A: An abdominal snowman.

Q: What do you call a penguin in the Sahara desert?A: Lost!

Q: What do you call an old snowman?A: Water

Q: What is the favorite Mexican food of snowman?A: Brrrr – itos.

Q: What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party?A: “Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow.

Grandma’s been staring through the window ever since it started to snow. If it gets any worse I’ll have to let her in.

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Visual Word PuzzlesCan you solve these puzzles? Let your mind explore and you are sure to find the answers. Good Luck!

Puzzle Page

Answers: 1. A bundle of nerves 2. Small potatoes 3. Pinchinc pennies 4. Back on one’s feet 5. The birds and the bees 6. A finger in the pie 7. One in a million 8. Grey matter 9. Too funny for words 10. Not worth a red cent

1. The pen is mightier than


2. Strike when the


3. If at first you don’t succeed,


4. No news is


5. Two is company; three is


6. A penny saved is


7. You can’t teach an old dog


9. A rolling stone


Finish the Proverb...