Download - CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

Page 1: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together




February 14, 2016




February 25, 2018

Page 2: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

In the Hebrew Scriptures, Abraham is asked to k i l l his own son as a sacri ficial offering. He must have wondered what k ind of tyrant is a God who asked him to take his own son?s l i fe. Even so, he was wi l l ing to do what God wanted. Consequently, his son was spared, and he was blessed abundantly (Genesis 22:1-18). High on a mountain top, Jesus knows his Father wanted him to sacri fice his l i fe on the cross. He must have been troubled at the thought of such a violent death. Sti l l , knowing how painful i t would be, he was wi l l ing to do what his Father wanted. As a result, he was transfigured right before the eyes of his disciples. His clothes became dazzl ing bright and the glory of God

shone on his face and in his presence (Mark 9:2-10).

We are wel l aware of the agony, suffering and pain in our world. A young mother?s fi rst baby is st i l lborn, and we ask why. A dear friend suffers a long and painful i l lness and we wonder what God is doing. A father loses his job, the fami ly house might be taken, and we ask where God is. We are faced wi th our personal pain and suffering and question why God lets i t al l happen. Almost ready to give up on God altogether, l ike Abraham and Jesus, we make an ult imate act of fai th that comes from deep wi thin us and we are transfigured. We know the tremendous strength, tranqui l i ty and peace that takes over which is almost impossible to explain. Somehow we are transformed because we handed ourselves over to God in a way that is beyond human explanation. We have shi fted from think ing i t is ridiculous to bel ieve in a God who lets suffering happen to real izing i t is more ridiculous not to bel ieve.

You are a people whose faces have shown brightly, whose garments have been dazzl ing because you have known pain and fel t betrayed and st i l l said, ?God, I bel ieve, I trust.? The more we face the tough real i t ies of l i fe wi th fai th and courage the more transparent that fai th and courage become. They shine through our l ives and sometimes even on our faces. In the midst of l i fe?s chal lenges, together as disciples of Jesus, we can let our faces shine and our l ives dazzle wi th the grace of God. May Lent be that k ind of t ime for us.

Together in fai th,

Rector?s ColumnSHINING FACES

Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Thank you f or your gener osit y! Sunday Col lect ion Food Service

02/11/18 $ 32,448.70 $ 2,838.09

02/12/17 $ 33,649.04 N/A

Page 3: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

CATHOLIC NEWS / ANNOUNCEMENTSFOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAMChrist Cathedral Communi ty Outreach, in conjunction wi th Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, is having a food distribution service on the fi rst Saturday of every month. The next Saturday distribution wi l l be on March 3 at the Helping House from 10 am to 12 noon. Show up, sign in, and take your groceries home. Volunteers are needed before and during the hours of distribution. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Mary Lou at 714-287-4124.

A LENTEN OPPORTUNITYLent, the graced season of preparation for Easter, is a wonderful t ime to do something to increase our understanding of the Mass. Christ Cathedral?s adult fai th formation team is offering the program ?A Bibl ical Walk Through the Mass? by Dr. Edward Sri at two di fferent t imes:

- Wednesday evenings ( Feb 28, Mar 7, Mar 14) from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm on the 4th floor of the Pastoral Center.- Thursday mornings (Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15) from 9:00-11:00 am in the Tower of Hope on the 4th Floor.

THE 5 TENORS concer tFather Ho lung and friends presents Rejoice My Soul featuring The 5 Jamaican Tenors in concert on Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Arboretum . Tickets: $15 (adults), $10 (chi ld) and $30 (fami ly of up to 5 members). Al l proceeds in aid of the works of the Missionaries of the Poor. To purchase t ickets, please visi t the parish office or visi t : https:// f ivetenors.eventbri

Adul t Lent en Ret r eat: GIFTS OF LIGHT AND LIFE IN WORD AND SONGWednesday March 21, Cultural Center, 3rd Floor, beginning at 6:30 pm wi th pot-luck dinner, 7:00 pm, program.Reflection on the Gospels for the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent, using words and music. We wi l l accompany Jesus as he meets a Samari tan woman at a wel l , gives sight to a man born bl ind and cal ls his friend Lazarus from the tomb. Come and see how the gi fts of l ight and l i fe continue to bless us today. Presented by Fr. Christopher Smith and David Nahmod, singer and songwri ter.

"24 Hour s f or t he Lor d"Friday & Saturday, March, 9 & 10, Bishop Vann invi tes al l communi t ies in the Diocese of Orange to part icipate in the worldwide ini t iat ive ?24 Hours for the Lord? cal led for by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. He invi tes al l people to receive the mercy of God through Eucharist ic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconci l iat ion. It wi l l be held at the Christ Cathedral campus on March 9 and 10. Schedule of events to fol low.

A Night of Wor ship f or Young Adul t sAndrew Laubacher ?ALOB? has a clear cal l ing from God to help bring the freedom and love of Christ to the world through worship music and the preaching of the Gospel. Spi ri t Fi l led Hearts Ministry and the Diocese of Orange are exci ted to bring a night of music and worship to the Freed Theater in the Cultural Center. Lead by ALOB and his band on Wednesday, March 21 at 7:00 pm. Don?t miss this evening of music, fai th and inspi rat ion! For t ickets please visi t : alob.eventbri

t he passion accor ding t o saint l ukeThis production features the enti re cast of the Easter story. Wi th a script taken di rectly from Scripture, the play is accompanied by a lyrical score and a few simple props. Through this production, you wi l l come face-to-face wi th Pi late, Judas, Peter, and of course, Christ himself. The Passion according to Luke wi l l renew your love for Christ and your grati tude for his unfathomable mercy. It wi l l take place March 16 - 18 in the Freed Theater in the Cultural Center. For t ickets, visi t :

Page 4: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

En las Escri turas Hebreas, se le pide a Abraham que mate a su propio hi jo como ofrenda sacri ficial . Debe haberse preguntado qué t ipo de t i rano es un Dios que le pidió que le qui tara la vida a su propio hi jo.Aun así, él estaba dispuesto a hacer lo que Dios quería. En consecuencia, su hi jo se salvó, y fue bendecido abundantemente (Génesis 22:1-18). En lo al to de la cima de una montaña, Jesús sabe que su padre quería que sacri ficara su vida en la Cruz. Debe haber estado preocupado por la idea de una muerte tan violenta. Sin embargo, sabiendo lo doloroso que sería, él estaba dispuesto a hacer lo que su Padre quería.Como resultado, fue transfigurado justo delante de los ojos de sus

discípulos. Su ropa se hizo deslumbrante bri l lante y la gloria de Dios bri l ló en su rostro y en su presencia (Marcos 9:2-10).

Somos muy conscientes de la agonía, el sufrimiento y el dolor en nuestro mundo. El primer bebé de una joven madre nació muerto, y preguntamos por qué. Un querido amigo sufre una larga y dolorosa enfermedad y nos preguntamos qué está haciendo Dios. Un padre pierde su trabajo, la casa de la fami l ia puede ser tomada, y le preguntamos dónde está Dios. Nos enfrentamos a nuestro dolor y sufrimiento personal y preguntamos por qué Dios deja que todo suceda. Casi dispuestos a renunciar a Dios por completo, como Abraham y Jesús, hacemos un acto supremo de fe que viene de lo profundo dentro de nosotros y que somos transfigurados. Conocemos la tremenda fuerza, tranqui l idad y paz que se apodera de lo que es casi imposible de expl icar. De alguna manera nos transformamos porque nos entregamos a Dios de una manera que está más al lá de la expl icación humana. Hemos pasado de pensar que es ridículo creer en un Dios que deja que el sufrimiento suceda a darse cuenta de que es más ridículo no creer.

Ustedes son un pueblo cuyas caras han demostrado bri l lantemente, cuyas vestiduras han sido deslumbrantes porque ustedes han conocido el dolor y se han sentido traicionados y todavía dicen: "Dios, creo, y confío." Cuanto más nos enfrentamos a las duras real idades de la vida con fe y coraje, más transparente será la fe y el coraje. Bri l lan a través de nuestras vidas y a veces incluso en nuestras caras. En medio de los desafíos de la vida, juntos como discípulos de Jesús, podemos dejar que nuestros rostros bri l len y nuestras vidas deslumbran con la gracia de Dios. Que esta Cuaresma sea ese t ipo de t iempo para nosotros.

Unidos en la fe,

Mensaje de Nuestro Rector CARAS BRILLANTES

Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Page 5: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

NOTICIAS CATÓLICAS / ANUNCIOSPr ogr ama de Dist r ibución de Al iment osAdemás de su programa de asistencia cada jueves, junto con Second Harvest Food Bank del Condado de Orange, Christ Cathedral Communi ty Outreach t iene un servicio de distribución de al imentos el 1º sábado de cada mes. El siguiente sábado será el 3 de marzo en la casa de asistencia, de 10 am hasta 12 pm. Llegue, anótese, y tome su mandado y se puede i r a casa. No hay registración. Esperamos verlos al l í. Se necesi tan voluntarios antes y durante las horas de distribución. Si usted está interesado en ser voluntario, póngase en contacto con Mary Lou en (714) 287-4124.

Opor t unidad dur ant e l a Cuar esma (en ingl és)Cuaresma, la temporada de preparación para la Pascua, es un t iempo maravi l loso para hacer algo para aumentar nuestra comprensión de la Misa. el equipo de formación de fe para adultos de la Catedral de Cristo está ofreciendo el programa "Un Paseo Bíbl ico a Través de la Misa" por el Dr. Edward Sri en dos di ferentes veces:

- Miércoles por la noche (28 feb, mar 7, mar 14) de 7:00 pm-9:00 pm en el 4to piso del Centro Pastoral.- Jueves por la mañana (1 mar, 8 mar, 15 mar) de 9:00-11:00 am en la Torre de la Esperanza en el 4to piso.

El concier t o de 5 t enor esEl Padre Ho Lung y amigos presentan Rejoice My Soul, con los 5 Tenores Jamaiquinos en concierto el jueves, 8 de marzo de 2018 a las 7:00 pm en el Arboretum. Entradas: $15 (adultos), $10 (niño) y $30 (fami l ia de hasta 5 miembros). Todos los ingresos son para la ayuda de las obras de los Misioneros de los Pobres. Para comprar boletos, pase a la oficina de la parroquia o visi te: https:// f ivetenors.eventbri

Ret ir o de Cuar esma par a Adul t os: Regal os de Luz y Vida en Pal abr as y Cant oEl miércoles, 21 de marzo en el tercer piso del Centro Cultural (Cultural Center), comenzando a las 6:30 pm con cena esti lo potluck y el programa a las 7:00 pm. El programa consiste en una reflexión sobre los Evangel ios para el tercer, cuarto y quinto domingo de Cuaresma, junto con las palabras y música. Acompañaremos a Jesús cuando conoce a la mujer Samari tana en el pozo de agua, cuando le da vista a un hombre que nació siego, y también cuando le l lama a su amigo Lázaro a que salga de la tumba. Ven a ver como los regalos de luz y vida continúan en ser bendiciones en nuestras vidas diarias. Presentado por el Padre Christopher Smith y Daniel Nahmod, canta/autor de ?Gi fts of Light and Li fe in Word and Song.? El retiro será en inglés.

?24 Hor as par a el Señor ?Viernes y sábado 9 y 10 de marzo, el Obispo Vann invi ta a todas las comunidades de la Diócesis de Orange a part icipar en el iniciat ivo mundial de ?24 Horas para el Señor? que fue invocado por el Santo Padre, Papa Francisco. El invi ta a toda persona a que reciba la misericordia de Dios por medio de la Adoracion de la Eucaristía y el Sacramento de Reconci l iación. Se l levará a cabo aquí en la Catedral de Cristo el 9 y 10 de marzo. La l ista de eventos y horarios para estos días se les dará próximamente.

Una noche de ador ación par a l os adul t os j óvenesAndrew Laubacher "ALOB" t iene un l lamado claro de Dios para ayudar a traer la l ibertad y el amor de Cristo al mundo a través de la música de adoración y la predicación del Evangel io. El Ministerio Corazones l lenos de Espíri tu y la Diócesis de Orange están entusiasmados de traer una noche de música y adoración al Freed Theater en el Centro Cultural. Liderado por ALOB y su banda el miércoles 21 de marzo a las 7:00 pm. ¡No te pierdas esta noche de música, fe e inspi ración! Para comprar boletos visi te: alobe.eventbri

l a pasión según San LucasEsta producción presenta todo el elenco de la Pascua de la Historia de Pascua. Con una secuencia de comandos tomada di rectamente de la escri tura, la obra se acompaña de una part i tura l ír ica y unos simples apoyos. A través de esta producción, usted estará cara a cara con Pi lato, Judas, Pedro, y por supuesto, Cristo mismo. La pasión según San Lucas renovará tu amor por Cristo y tu grati tud por su incomprensible misericordia. Se l levará a cabo el 16-18 de marzo en el Freed Theater en el Centro Cultural. Para comprar boletos, visi te:

Page 6: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

Trong Kinh Thánh Do Thái , Abraham ?? ?c yêu c?u ph?i gi?t con trai mình làm l? v?t hy t?. Ông ph?i t? h?i Thiên Chúa thu?c lo?i b?o chúa nào mà l?i b?t ông ph?i l?y m?ng

con mình, tuy v?y, ông v?n s?n sàng th? c thi ?i?u Chúa mu?n. Nh? ?ó, con ông ?ã ?? ?c

tha m?ng, còn ông thì ?? ?c tràn tr? ân phúc (Sáng th? 22:1-18). Trên ??nh núi , Chúa

Giêsu bi?t Chúa Cha mu?n Ng? ?i hi?n t? m?ng s?ng trên th?p giá. Ng? ?i ?ã k inh hãi

khi ngh? ??n cái ch?t th?m kh?c. Tuy v?y, dù bi?t ph?i tr?i qua cu?c kh? n?n, Ng? ?i c?ng s?n sàng th? c thi

?i?u Chúa Cha mu?n. Nh? ?ó, Ng? ?i ?? ?c bi?n hình ngay tr? ?c m?t các môn ??. Y ph?c Ng? ?i tr? nên r? c r?,

??ng th?i vinh quang Thiên Chúa ng?i sáng khuôn m?t và hình d?ng Ng? ?i (Marcô 9:2-10).

Chúng ta bi?t rõ n?i th?ng kh?, ??n ?au và kh? ?i trong th? gi?i chúng ta ?ang s?ng. ? ? a con s? sinh ??u lòng

c?a ng? ?i m? tr? b? ch?t y?u, khi?n chúng ta ??t câu h?i : vì sao l?i nh? th?. Ng? ?i b?n thân yêu ch?u c?n b?nh

?au ??n lâu ngày, khi?n chúng ta t? h?i : Chúa ?ang làm gì v?y. M?t ng? ?i cha th?t nghi?p, gia ?ình s? ph?i

m?t nhà, khi?n chúng ta ??t v?n ??: Chúa ? ?âu. B?n thân chúng ta ch?u ?au ??n, kh? s?, ?ã ph?i th?t lên: vì

sao Chúa l?i cho t?t c? ?i?u này x?y ra. Nh? ng n?u chúng ta hoàn toàn phó dâng cho Chúa, nh? ông Abraham

và Chúa Giêsu, th? hi?n lòng t in c?t y?u nh?t, phát xu?t t? ?áy lòng mình, chúng ta s? ?? ?c bi?n ??i . Chúng ta

nh?n ra có m?t s? c m?nh, s? bình tâm và an hòa mang l?i s? gi?i thoát th?t l? lùng, không th? gi?i thích n?i .

M?t cách nào ?ó, nh? ?ã phó dâng cho Chúa, chúng ta ?? ?c bi?n ??i v? ?t ngoài s? gi?i thích c?a loài ng? ?i .

T? ý ngh? cho r?ng th?t vô lý khi t in vào m?t v? Thiên Chúa ?ã ?? cho ?au kh? x?y ??n, chúng ta nh?n ra: s?

càng vô lý h?n, n?u không t in vào Thiên Chúa.

Anh ch? em là nh? ng ng? ?i có g? ?ng m?t b? ng sáng, y ph?c r? c r?, vì ?ã c?m nh?n ?? ?c ?au kh? và b? ph?n

b?i , mà v?n th?t lên: ?L?y Chúa, con t in, con tín thác.? Chúng ta càng ?? ?ng ??u v?i nh? ng th? c t?i kh?c nghi?t

c?a cu?c s?ng v?i ni?m tin và lòng can ??m, thì ?? c t in và lòng can ??m ?y càng tr? nên

hi?n hi?n. Chúng b? ng sáng qua cu?c s?ng chúng ta, và k? c? ?ôi khi còn ng?i lên trên

g? ?ng m?t chúng ta n? a. Gi? a nh? ng th? thách c?a cu?c s?ng, chúng ta, nh? ng môn

?? c?a Chúa Giêsu, hãy cùng nhau ?? cho g? ?ng m?t mình b? ng sáng và cu?c s?ng c?a

mình r?ng r? v?i ?n Chúa ban cho. C?u chúc Mùa Chay giúp chúng ta ??t ?? ?c ?i?u ?ó.

? ?ng hành trong ni?m tin,

Lm. Christopher Smith, Vi?n Tr? ?ng

Rector?s Column NH? NG G? ? NG M? T NG? I SÁNG

Page 7: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

CATHOLIC NEWS/ Thông Tin Công Giáo CH? ? NG TRÌNH PHÂN PH? I TH? C PH? MBan xã h?i c?a giáo x? chính tòa Chúa Ki tô, ph?i h?p v?i Trung tâm Second Harvest Foods c?a Qu?n Cam, ?ang có m?t d?ch v? phân ph?i th? c ph?m vào th? B?y ??u tháng c?a m?i tháng. Th? B?y ngày 3 tháng 2 t?i nhà c?a Ban xã h? t? 10 gi? sáng ??n 12 gi? tr? a.Ch? c?n t?i vào gi? trên, ghi danh và nh?n th? c ph?m ?? a v?.Chúng tôi ?ang c?n ng? ?i giúp phân phát th? c ph?m. N?u Qúi V? quan tâm ??n ho?t ??ng tình nguy?n này, vui lòng l iên h? v?i Bà Mary Lou t?i s? 714-287-4124.

M?T C? H? I H? C H? I THÁNH KINH TI?NG M? TRONG MÙA CHAYMùa Chay là mùa chu?n b? m? ng l? Ph?c Sinh, c?ng là d?p thu?n t i?n ?? chúng ta h?c h?i thêm v? Thánh l?. Nhóm ph? trách Giáo lý Ng? ?i l?n t? ch? c khóa tìm hi?u ?Thánh k inh ?? ?c dùng trong Thánh L?? do Ti?n s? Edward Sri trình bày, g?m hai th?i khóa bi?u:

- Các bu?i t?i Th? T? (28 tháng Hai , 7 tháng Ba và 14 tháng Ba) t? 7:00 pm-9:00 pm t?i t?ng 4 Pastoral Center.

- Các bu?i sáng Th? N?m (1 tháng Ba, 8 tháng Ba, 15 tháng Ba) t? 9:00 am-11:00 am t?i Large Gal lery.

T?NH TÂM MÙA CHAYKính m?i c?ng ?òan tham d? t?nh tâm mùa chay ch? ??:Con ? ??ng nào Chúa ? ã ? i Qua? v?i Linh m?c Tr?nh ? ? c Hòa vào các t?i th? 2, 3, và 4 ngày 26, 27 & 28 tháng 2 trong nhà th? L?n.Th? Hai : ? ? ?ng vào hoang ??a; th? Ba: ? ? ?ng ra pháp tr? ?ng; th? T? : ? ? ?ng ??n vinh quang.6:15PM ? n t?i * 6:40PM Kinh chi?u6:00PM-7:00PM ? Gi?i T?i7:00PM Gi?ng T?nh Tâm và Thánh L?M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c Ông Ch? T?ch Ph?m V?n Ry t?i 714-264-3124 ho?c v?n phòng giáo x? t?i 714-971-2141.

"24 GI? I DÀNH CHO CHÚA" Th? Sáu & Th? B?y, ngày 9 & 10 tháng Ba. ? ? c Giám M?c Vann m?i c?ng ??ng trong Giáo ph?n Orange tham d? ?24 gi? dành cho Chúa? v?i sáng k i?n c?a ? ? c Thánh Cha Phanxicô kêu g?i tòan th? gi?i tham d? . ? ? c Thánh Cha m?i g?i t?t c? m?i ng? ?i tham d? ?? ?ón nh?n Lòng Chúa Th? ?ng Xót qua Ch?uThánh Th? và bí t ích hòa gi?i .S? ?? ?c t? ch? c t? inhà th? chính tòa Chúa Ki tôvào ngày 9 và 10 tháng 3. S? có ch? ?ng trình chi t i?t sau.

BU? I T? I CA NG? I CHÚA DÀNH CHO GI? I TR?Andrew Laubacher ?ALOB? ?áp l?i m?i g?i c?a Thiên Chúa mang t? do và tình yêu c?a ? ? c Ki tô ??n v?i th? gi?i qua nh? ng ca khúc tôn th? Chúa và rao gi?ng Tin M? ng. Ban M?c v? Spiri t Fi l led Hearts (Nh? ng trái t im tràn ??y Th?n Khí) và Giáo ph?n Orange vui m? ng t? ch? c ?êm nh?c tôn vinh Chúa t?i Freed Theater thu?c Cultural Center. Do ALOB và ban nh?c c?a anh ??m nh?n, vào Th? T? ngày 21 Tháng Ba lúc 7:00 pm. M?i tham d? bu?i t?i âm nh?c và ?? c Tin ??y c?m h? ng này! ? ? mua vé, xin m?i truy c?p trang web: www.alob.eventbri

BAN H? P CA ?THE 5 TENORS?Cha Ho Lung và các b?n hân h?nh gi?i thi?u ?êm nh?c Rejoice My Soul do Ban H?p ca ?The 5 Jamaican Tenors? (5 Gi?ng Tenor Jamaica) trình bày, vào Th? N?m ngày 8 Tháng Ba, 2018 lúc 7:00 pm t?i Arboretum. Giá vé: $15 (ng? ?i l?n), $10 (tr? em) and $30 (gia ?ình t? 5 ng? ?i tr? xu?ng). T?t c? t i?n thu ?? ?c s? giúp cho H?i Th? a sai Missionaries of the Poor (Th? a Sai Ng? ?i Nghèo). ? ? mua vé, xin m?i truy c?p trang web: https:// f ivetenors.eventbri

Page 8: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together


PRAY FOR RELATIVES & FRIENDSAdonya GarciaLi l ia Emma RojasTi ffany Huizar & Fami lySaul SanchezKevin GoeckeSebastian SanchezVictor Manuel GodoyLorena AguayoAntonio Amezqui taEsther Amezqui taDave WellsTherese KortesmakiAlfredo AmezcuaLi l GraceSalvador AguayoAurel ia Tel les Sanchez Raymond De LeonMiguel Angel MendozaArturo MendozaMartin SosaNancy ShanafeltEl izabeth NewmeyerBobbie Jumper

Thinh VuAgui lera Fami lyVal ladares Fami lyJuan Jose Delgado Fenandez and Fami lyJorge MarquezLeo MontanoKevin MontanoDella WellsStan SavageCarmen MendezNorah NicholsMerida HughesFel ici tas LopezOfel ia BanuelosCarlos GuzmanAdeline GarciaManuel GarciaJoey VazquezGloria Gui jarroNicholas TanRoberta Cebal losCrist ina Marquez




Mar ch 3, 2018Angel Armando Ocampo & Diana Karen Bahena Peña

Alfredo Lopez & Jessica RodriguezJake Yasuo Akers & Krist ina Rochel le Fai rlee Hess

Mar ch 17, 2018Tuyen Tran & Thai Ha

Spanish Community WeddingsAlejandro Manci l la & Maria Marin

Lucio Olvera Flores & Aracel i Cervantes Vi l lanuevaAntonio Curz & Maria Eugenia Cruz

Abraham Aragon & Angela Elvi ra RodriguezAlfredo Cabrera & Margari ta Cabrera

Jose Jul io Olvera Diaz & Aide Vargas Marquez

Dail y / Ngày Th??ng / Diar io6:30 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Engl ish (Monday - Thursday)

6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Engl ish (Fridays only)5:30 p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t

6:30 p.m. Engl ish (First Wednesday of the month) 6:30 p.m. Español (Viernes)

7:00 p.m. Español (Viernes durante Cuaresma)

Sat ur day / Th? B?y / Sábado8:00 a.m. Engl ish

5:00 p.m. Engl ish Vigi l (except Holy Saturday)

6:30 p.m. L? V?ng / Ti?ng Vi?t Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Sunday / Chúa Nh?t / DomingoEnglish 9:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.(Youth Mass) Ti?ng Vi?t 6:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Español 7:45 a.m, 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

Chinese (L.G.) 10:30 a.m.

Reconcil iat ion / Gi?i T?i / Confesiones Friday - Th? Sáu - Viernes 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Saturday - Th? B?y - Sábados 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.  

Par ish Of f ice Hour s Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 26 6:30 am Nathaniel Mindanao ?

8:00 am Eggar Fami ly * Tue. Feb. 27 6:30 am Manoj Al lam *

8:00 am Ni les Fami ly *Wed. Feb. 28 6:30 am Mary Alci la Al lam *

8:00 am Estela Naval le ?

Thu. Mar. 01 6:30 am Thanksgibing * 8:00 am Agnieray Estrada *

Fri . Mar. 02 6:30 am Kham, Thanh Ha ? & Al l Souls in Purgatory ?

8:15 am Vi lma Velasco * 6:30 pm Marcel ino Simon Garcia Campos ?

Sat. Mar. 03 8:00 am Prayers & Intentions * 5:00 pm Giuse Tran Van Lai & Maria Luan ?

Sun. Mar. 04 7:45 am Juani ta Muñoz y Marcela Muñoz ?9:30 am Rosa Heide & Maria Stoddard *

11:15 am Jesus Manuel Bustamante ?; Maria Gui l len ?; Maria Verdusco ?; Maria Sanchez ?; Maria Guadalupe ?; Guadalupe Chacon ?; Guadalupe Contreras ?; Carmen Flores ?; Esmeraldo Flores ?; Ol ivia Arteaga ?; Rene Zapien ?; Heriberto Rojas ?; Roberto Hernandez ?; Hector Vega ?; Beatriz Vega ?; Jesus Ruvalcaba ?; Ramon Duron *

2:30 pm Rogelio Vazquez & Teresa Fel ix ?5:30 pm Judy Bobier *

7:00 pm Zenaida Panduro ?

? Deceased * Living

Page 9: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

CALENDAR FEB. 25 - MARCH 03, 2018



Chr ist Cat hedr al Par ish Mission Stat ement

We, the people of Christ Cathedral Parish are a

faith-filled community who gather to worship our Lord

Jesus Christ.

Through the celebration of the Eucharist, we unite as

one family. 

As a community, we share our love of Jesus through

prayer, education, evangelization and service to

one another.

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Spanish Divine Mer cy Gr oupLocation: Large Gallery C When: 7:30 pm

Chr ist cat hedr al communit y out r each pr ogr amLocation: Building in rear of ArboretumWhen: Grocery Distribution at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and again from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Contact: 714-282-3097. Please leave a message. A representative will contact you.Hot meals served at 4:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

cHINESE MassOrange County Chinese Catholic Association (OCCCA)Location: Large GalleryWhen: 10:30 am

Spanish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:45 am, 11:15 am, 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Viet namese Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:15 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm

Engl ish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 9:30 am & 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:15 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:30 pm

confessionsLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 7:15 pm ? 8:15 pm

Spanish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:00 pm

j ovenes par a cr ist oLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 7:30 pm ? 10:00 pm

Stat ions of t he Cr ossLocation: Arboretum1:00 pm - Academy5:00 pm - Vietnamese6:15 pm - English7:45 pm - Spanish

Teen Angel sLocation: Large Gallery - CWhen: 6:00 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Rosar y of Our Lady of Per pet ual Hel pLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 6:30 pm ? 7:30 pm

Jesus Pan de Vida(Spanish Charismatic Gp. Child Care Available) Location: Large Gallery When: 7:30 ? 9:00 pm

a bibl ical wal k t hr ough t he mass - Lent en oppor t unit yLocation: 4th floor - Pastoral Center When: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

a bibl ical wal k t hr ough t he mass - Lent en oppor t unit yLocation: 4th floor - Tower of Hope When: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

ConfessionsLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:30 am ? 9:30 am

engl ish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:00 am

Engl ish Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:00 pm

Viet namese Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 pm (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Chr ist cat hedr al communit y out r each pr ogr amLocation: Building in rear of ArboretumWhen: Grocery Distribution from 10:00 am to noon. Contact: 714-282-3097. Please leave a message. A representative will contact you.

Page 10: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · 2018-02-17 · christ cathedral parish bulletin 13280 chapman ave, garden grove, ca 92840 tel: (714) 971-2141 - inside: february 14, 2016 together

General Emai l : [email protected]