Download - CHORIOCARCINOMA ARISING IN THE MEDIASTINUM - … · extending toleft: secondaries right ... G-, 2---Saggital section of the right


Thorax (1953), 8, 157.




From Farnborough General Hospital, Farnborough, Kent


Choriocarcinoma of extragenital origin is a rarecondition. Bonn and Evans (1942) could find only30 reports in the literature, and rarer still aretumours of this nature which grow from the medi-astinum. The following case, therefore, appears tomerit reporting.

CASE REPORTA 26-year-old man, the father of two children, was

admitted on May 2, 1949, complaining of pain in thechest, coughing up blood, feverishness, and shortness ofbreath. His illness began four weeks before this datewith a pleuritic pain in the left upper chest. Threedays after first experiencing this pain he coughedup the first of daily half-cupfuls of blood-stained sputum.Intermittent fever had set in some three weeks beforeadmission. Till then, but for these symptoms andsigns, the patient had felt in fair general condition, and

FIG. 1.-Radiograph on the day of admission. Mediastinal tumourextending to left: secondaries right lung and left apex.

had not lost weight. During the week preceding admis-sion he had noticed enlargement of the left breast which,like its fellow, had previously been normal.

Clinical examination revealed a young man, notobviously seriously ill. There was no dyspnoea orcyanosis at rest. A large area of stony dullness wasoutlined from the hilum to the anterior axillary line onthe left side. There was bilateral gynaecomastia amount-ing to a protrusion of 1 inch. Radiographs of the chestshowed a large, dense opacity (Fig. 1) occupying mostof the lower two-thirds of the left chest, with manyround opacities in the opposite lung field.The patient's condition deteriorated rapidly. Small

haemoptyses occurred daily, and dyspnoea and cyanosisincreased. Radiographs of the skeleton resealed nobony metastases. He died two weeks after admission,the total duration of the illness having been six weeks.NECROPSY.-Both breasts showed diffuse symmetrical

enlargement, forming smooth discs 4 in. in diameterand 1 to 2 in. high. No secretion could be expressed.Cutting into them on the pectoral aspect, the appearanceresembled the immature female breast-only firmer andless fatty. The left pleural cavity was filled with clottedblood. There was a large, dark red, roughly lobulatedtumour extending from the mid-sternum to the leftchest wall and from the third costal cartilage to three-quarters of the way down on the anterior pericardialaspect (Fig. 2). It was growing into the hilum of theleft lung, had penetrated the pericardium, and hadbegun to invade the left auricle and anterior left chestwall. Both lungs contained numerous spherical depositsup to 2 in. in diameter. The main tumour and thesatellites were partly necrotic, grossly haemorrhagic,and presented a friable, brownish-red to murky greycut surface, which showed a honeycombing in parts.A search of the bronchi failed to reveal a primary

tumour. The liver and kidneys showed smaller butsimilar deposits of tumour. All organs, including thecranial contents, were examined for a possible primarytumour, and, in view of the gynaecomastia, both testeswere cut into thin slices in the fresh state and re-slicedat 2 to 3 mm. intervals after fixation; but no possibleprimary, other than the tumour in the anteriormediastinum, was found.

Histopathology.-Thirty-five blocks were taken fromdifferent sites of the mediastinal tumour, and 23 from

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G-, 2 ---Saggital section of the right lung shosiing haemorrhagicspherical deposits of choriocarcinoma.

the nodules in the lungs, liver, and kidneys. All theseshowed a uniform appearance, and varied only in theextent of necrosis and haemorrhage. Figs. 3 and 4show the details of the histology. There was invasionof veins by tumour cells at the periphery of the variousdeposits, but within the tumour itself blood vesselswere not found. but pools of blood bathed the broadsyncytial-covered columns and sheets of cells. Noteratomatous structure was seen in any of the sections.Slides of numerous blocks from each testis showed onlycomplete depression of spermatogenesis, slight atrophyof tubules, and relative prominence of Leydig cells.


The history of the establishment of chorio-carcinoma as a specific neoplasm is stormy.Teacher (1903) gives Sanger the credit for recog-nizing it in 1889 as a specific disease of pregnancy.Later, Marchand (1895a and b) identified the siteof origin as the chorionic epithelium.

Before Marchand peculiar tumours of the testeshad been recognized and described under a varietyof names, e.g., " myxoma intravasculare ofWaldeyer (quoted by Bonney, 1907), " sarcomaangioplastique of Malassez and Monod (1878)," perithelial sarcoma" or " haemangioendo-thelioma " of Sternberg (quoted by Hornicke, 1923).In 1902 Wlassow (quoted by Frank, 1932) saw inthese tumours a resemblance to chorionic elements.In the same year Schlagenhaufer (1902) recognizedchoriocarcinomata arising in teratomata, thoughTeacher (1903) states that Kanthack, Pigg, andEden were the first (1897-8) to notice chorion-epithelioma occurring unrelated to pregnancy.Soon the discovery of similar growths in virginsand in tne male testes caused the British Chorion-epithelioma Commission to revert to the name"decidLual sarcoma."

Extragenital choriocarcinoma is now wv el Iestablished, though some authorities (Willis, 1948)remain sceptical. Bostroem's (1902) case wasprobably an example of retroperitoneal origin.Askanazy (1906) recorded a tumour arising in thepineal gland of a youth of 19 years, while Bonney(1907) described a primary site in the omentum.Ritchie (1903) was apparently the first to describechorilocarcinoma arising in a mediastinal teratoma.

Prym's case (1927) led to scepticism in the inter-pretation of extragenital chorionepitheliomata.He noted a vascularized scar in the right testis ofthe patien.t, and this, associated with a distributionof metastases in keeping with a testicularorigin, led him to postulate spontaneous healingof a primary testicular growth. Following thisobservation, the criteria of acceptance of primaryextragenital cases have become more strict.Hirsch, Robbins, and Houghton (1946) stressthe necessity for taking multiple sections fromthe testes, and on this basis they admit 14cases to the literature. Others (Bonn andEvans, 1942; Erdmann, Brown, and Shaw, 1941;Laipply and Shipley, 1945) demand serial blocksections of the testes together with hormonalstudies of the urine and of the tumour, and theyaccept only five to eight cases as authentic.Many tumours resembling Prym's case have been

recorded (Bonn and Evans, 1942; Heaney, 1933;


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_Y Craver and Stewart, 1936 ; Rottino and DeBellis,, oM~1944). Bonn and Evans (1942) attributed the soft

testicu'ar scar with small round-cell infiltration totrauma suffered five years previously. Two smallnodules in the left testis of Craver and Stewart's(1936) case showed squamous epithelial andmucous gland structures.

3t< tWhile the tendency has been to interpret thesetesticular scars, teratomata, and areas of haemor-rhage in the testicles as the origin of chorio-carcinomata, no one has considered that the scarsmight themselves be the results, of extragenitalgrowths. Moreover, a traumatic origin for suchscars cannot be overlooked. Further, it is possiblethat the intense hormonal stimulation may cause

i totipotent gonadal cells to develop into small tera-4,w5W*;Il=S=NW otomata such as Craver and Stewart and Rottino

; and DeBellis found, while deposits on the tunicaAi .77e.t!& vaginalis of the latter show how secondary spread

to the testis may occur by way of the left testicularvein. That there are a number of recorded

< s,}examples (Park and Lees, 1950) of spontaneousregression of primary choriocarcinoma does notmean that this may be invoked to explain testicular

_ scarring or haemorrhage found in association with*;:i.̂ an otherwise apparently primary extragenital

choriocarcinoma.Klemperer (1932) reminds us that teratomata

may metastasize with all their structures (Virchow,rn ! ! 8 s<,-a 1 1871). Frank (1906) was of the opinion that such

R~~~FIG. 3.-Deposit in liver, showN- ,#i

ing a sheet of vacuolated Wcells clothed on the freesurface by syncytium bor- 4_99-dering a blood lake. Hae-matoxylin and eosin, x 375.

FIG. 4.-Primary (mediastina')tumour showing characteris-tic cell types and arrange--ment. Haematoxylin andveosin. x 240. A

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composite metastases derived from the entry intothe circulation of totipotent blastomere-like cells.Choriocarcinoma may arise in the secondarydeposits, while the primary teratoma retains itscharacteristics.The strictness of criteria of interpretation arising

out of Prym's observations has been criticized bymany. Houghton (1936) points out that inGreiling's study of 220 cases of metastasizing tes-ticular tumours there was not a single case whichshowed secondary deposits in the anterior medi-astinum. Some (Stowell, Sachs, and Russell, 1945)go so far as to question the spontaneous healing ofprimary chorionepithelioma.The origin of extragenital choriocarcinoma is

bound up with the origin of dermoids and tera-tomata. The most acceptable theory of origin ofthese growths is that they develop from multipotentor totipotent cells split off at the morula or blastulastages, or from the totipotent cells of the gonads.Staemmler (1934) was able to find testicular restsin the retroperitoneal tissues at the roots of themesenteric vessels. This is not surprising in viewof the fact that the urogenital ridge in the 8 mm.embryo extends a distance of 15 somites, viz., fromthe definitive sixth cervical to the third lumbar seg-ment (Arey, 1940). The origins of retroperitoneal(Erdmann et al., 1941 ; Fenster, 1934; Gerber,1935) and mediastinal (Bonn and Evans, 1942;Arendt, 1931; Houghton, 1936; Laipply andShipley, 1945; Hirsch et al., 1946) choriocarcin-omata have been attributed to elements of thisstructure. Ewing (1940) believed that complexteratomata grew from aberrant sex cells.The origin of mediastinal dermoids and tera-

tomata has been attributed by many to a branchio-genic source (Christian, 1902; Hedblom, 1933);such inclusions have been noted to have connexionswith the thymus (Ekehorn, 1898). Hence, a deri-vation has been postulated from the third branchialpouch and cervical sinus. However, the majorityof mediastinal dermoids are cystic structures, inwhich if choriocarcinoma were to develop, onewould expect to find remnants of hairs and bone.In fact, records of such tissues being found inmediastinal chorionepitheliomata are few, forexample, in the cases of Ritchie (1903) and Laipplyand Shipley (1945). The possibility of a smallteratoma being overgrown by choriocarcinomadeveloping in it, and of its dying and beingobliterated by haemorrhagic ischaemic necrosis,has been emphasized by Hornicke. It seems to us,however, that the majority of choriocarcinomatadeveloping in teratomata do so at an early stage inthe life of the latter, possibly from the very start

of unusual proliferation of the totipotent cell,though exceptions are on record.Of 185 cases of intrathoracic dermoids reviewed,

and six personal cases added, Hedblom (1933)found 17 (8.9%) to have been malignant. Up tothe time of Houghton's (1936) writing 25 morecases of intrathoracic dermoids had been recorded,i.e., a total of 216 cases, of which 25 in all weremalignant. Of these Houghton listed five as beingchoriocarcinoma. In Hedblom's series, where thesex was given, 79 were men and 92 were women,yet none of the latter developed choriocarcinoma.Stowell et al. (1945) found in the literature 16reports of extragenital choriocarcinoma in thefemale, and in most of these an association withpregnancy could not be excluded. This has beenthe experience of one of the authors in an ovarianchorionepithelioma, and we are not aware of anycase in the literature of primary choriocarcinomain the female mediastinum. If we are to assumethat extragenital and, in particular, mediastinalchoriocarcinoma in the male derives from thesame type of totipotent cell, which in the femaledevelops to a dermoid or teratoma, we must cometo the conclusion that a difference of environmentaccounts for this unequal fate of a similar cell type.From the reviews of Ekehorn (1898) and Hedblom(1933) it is apparent that the majority of dermoidsand teratomata come to light shortly after puberty.In 15 recorded cases of extragenital chorio-carcinoma-12 of which occurred in the medi-astinum-the average age was 26.1 years. Thus,the onset of both types of tumour follows theattainment of sexual maturity, and the action ofandrogenic hormones appears to predispose to thedevelopment of choriocarcinoma from a misplacedtotipotent cell.


A case of choriocarcinoma arising in the medi-astinum of a young man is described. Theliterature is reviewed, and the sex difference in inci-dence stressed. Possible aetiological implicationsof the latter are discussed.


Arendt, J. (1931). Fortschr. Rontgenstr., 43, 728.Arey, L. B. (1940). Developmental Anatomy, 4th ed., p. 264.

Saunders, Philadelphia.Askanazy, M. (1906) Verh. dtsch. path. Ges., 10, 58.Bonn, H. K., and Evans, N. (1942). Amer. J. Surg., 58, 125.Bonney, V. (1907). Trans path. Soc. Lond., 58, 9.Bostroem, -. (1902). Verh. dtsch. path. Ges., 5, 212.Christian, H. A. (1902). J. med. Res., 7, 54.Craver, L. F., and Stewart, F. W. (1936). J. Amer. med. Ass., 105,

1802.Ekehorn, G. (1898). Arch. klin. Chir., 56, 107.Erdmann, J. F., Brown, H. A., and Shaw, H. W. (1941). Urol.

cutan. Rev., 45, 1.Ewing, J. (1940). Neoplastic Dtkeases, 4th ed., pp. 1048, 1056.

Saunders, Philadelphia.


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Fenster, E. (1934). Frankfurt. Z. Path., 46, 403.Frank, R. T. (1906). J. Amer. med. Ass., 46, 248.

(1932). Arch. Path., Chicago, 13, 187.Gerber, 1. E. (1935). J. Mt Sinai Hosp., 2, 135.Heaney, H. G. (1933). Amer. J. Cancer, 19, 22.Hedblom, C. A. (1933). J. thorac. Surg., 3, 22.Hirsch, O., Robbins, S. L., and Houghton, J. D. (1946). Amer. J.

Path., 22, 833.Houghton, J. D. (1936). lbid .12, 349.Hornicke, C. B. (1923). Frankfurt. Z. Path., 29, 131.Klemperer, P. (1932). Arch. Path., Chicago, 13, 188.Laipply, T. C., and Shipley, R. A. (1945). Amer.J. Path., 21, 921.Malassez, L., and Monod, C. (1878). Arch. Physiol. norm. path.,

ser. 2, 5, 375.

Marchand, F. (1895a). Z. Geburtsh. Gynak., 32, 405.(1895b). Mschr. Geburtsh. Gynak., 1, 419 and 515.

Park, W., and Lees, J. C. (1950). Arch. Path., Chicago, 49, 205.Prym, P. (1927). Virchows Arch. path. Anat., 265, 239.Ritchie, J. (1903). J. Obstet. Gynaec., Brit. Emp., 4, 65.Rottino, A., and DeBellis, H. (1944). Arch. Path., Chicago, 37, 78.Schlagenhaufer, F. (1902). Wien. klin. Wschr., 15, 571, 604.Staemmler, M. (1934). Verh. dtsch. path. Ges., 27, 190.Stowell, R. E., Sachs, E., and Russell, W. O. (1945). Amer. J. Path.,

21, 787.Teacher, J. H. (1903). J. Obstet. Gynaec., Brit. Emp., 4, 1, 145.Virchow, R. (1871). Virchows Arch. path. Anat., 53, 444.Willis, R. A. (1948). Pathoalgy of Tumouirv, pp 129, 404, 436, 474,

559, 582, 950, 960, and 970. Butterworth, London.


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horax: first published as 10.1136/thx.8.2.157 on 1 June 1953. Dow

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