Download - Chocolate Brownies Recipe


Chocolate Brownies RecipeIngredients:250 g unsalted butter200 g good-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken up75 g dried sour cherries, optional50 g chopped nuts, optional80 g cocoa powder, sifted65 g plain flour, sifted1 teaspoon baking powder360 g caster sugar4 large free-range eggszest of 1 orange, optional250 ml crème fraîche, optional

Procedure:Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Line a 24cm square baking tin with greaseproof paper. In a large bowl over some simmering water, melt the butter and the chocolate and mix until smooth. Add the cherries and nuts, if you're using them, and stir together.

In a separate bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, flour, baking powder and sugar, then add this to the chocolate, cherry and nut mixture. Stir together well. Beat the eggs and mix in until you have a silky consistency.

Pour your brownie mix into the baking tray, and place in the oven for around 25 minutes. You don't want to overcook them so, unlike cakes, you don't want a skewer to come out all clean. The brownies should be slightly springy on the outside but still gooey in the middle.

Allow to cool in the tray, then carefully transfer to a large chopping board and cut into chunky squares. These make a fantastic dessert served with a dollop of crème fraîche mixed with some orange zest.

Classic Fondant Ingredients:

1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin

1/4 cup cold water

1 teaspoon almond extract

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1 tablespoon glycerin

2 lbs powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon white vegetable shortening

Procedure: Prepare the gelatin. Sprinkle the gelatin over cold water in a small bowl and let it rest for two minutes to soften. Place the bowl in a microwave for 30 seconds on high, until the gelatin dissolves.Add the almond extract, corn syrup and glycerin. Add these ingredients to the gelatin mixture and stir until smooth and clear. If the mixture is not turning smooth and clear, microwave it for an additional 15 to 20 seconds on high and stir again.

Add the sugar. Sift 1-1/2 lbs of the sugar into a mixing bowl. Make a hole in the center of the sugar and stir the liquid mixture into it. Stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes sticky.

Prepare your work surface. Sift some of the remaining 1/2 pound of sugar onto a clean work surface. Any leftover sugar can be added back into

Knead the fondant. Turn the fondant onto the powdered work surface and knead until it forms a smooth, pliable mass, adding more sugar if necessary. Rub the vegetable shortening onto your fingers and continue to knead the fondant, working the shortening in.

Wrap the fondant in plastic wrap. Place the wrapped fondant in a tightly sealed container to stop it from drying out. The fondant will last for approximately six days, if kept in the refrigerator.

Homemade FondantIngredients:2 cups granulated sugar1/2 cup water

2 tbsp light corn syrup

Procedure:1.Prepare your workstation by setting a large baking sheet on a sturdy counter or table top, and sprinkling it lightly with water. 2. Combine the sugar, water, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then cover the pan and allow the sugar syrup to boil for 2-3 minutes.3. Remove the lid, and continue to cook the syrup, without stirring, until it reaches 240 degrees Fahrenheit (115 C).4. Pour the sugar syrup onto the prepared baking sheet. Allow it to sit at room temperature for several minutes. After 2-3 minutes, lightly touch the syrup with a fingertip. When it is warm but not hot, it is ready to be worked.5. Dampen a metal spatula or dough scraper with water, and use the scraper to push the syrup into a pile in the middle of the sheet.6. Using a dampened plastic spatula or wooden spoon, begin to “cream,” or work, the fondant in a figure-8 pattern. Continually scrape the fondant into the center, draw a figure-8, then scrape it together again. At first the fondant will be very clear and fluid, but it will gradually become more opaque and creamy. After 5-10 minutes, the fondant will become very stiff, crumbly, and hard to manipulate.7. Once the fondant reaches this state, moisten your hands and begin kneading it into a ball like bread dough. As you knead, the fondant will begin to come together and will get softer and smoother. Stop kneading once your fondant is a smooth ball without lumps.8. At this point, your fondant can be used for melting and pouring. If you want to make flavored fondant candies, it is best to “ripen” your fondant for at least 12 hours to obtain the best flavor and texture. To ripen the fondant, place it in an airtight plastic container, press plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the fondant, and seal the lid on tightly. Ripen the fondant at room temperature, or if it is hot, in the refrigerator. After ripening, the fondant can be flavored, rolled, and shaped in whatever manner you wish. If it is stiff, you can always knead it by hand on a surface dusted with powdered sugar, until it is easy to manage. This recipe produces about 3/4 lb fondant.

Compilation of Baking and Pastry Production

Personal Property of Diana Iglesias Escropolo