Download - Chinese Dynasties

Page 1: Chinese Dynasties
Page 2: Chinese Dynasties

1. Shang Dynasty (1650 – 1027 BCE

a. supervised flood control projects

b. developed form of writing


c. developed an accurate calendar

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2. Zhou Dynasty (“Joe”) 1027- 256 BCE

a. Mandate of Heaven- divine right to rule

b. Philosophies of Confucianism, Legalism and Daoism developed

c. Economy grew (because of iron) population grew

d. Broke into warring states

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3. Qin Dynasty (“Cheeng”) 221 BCE

a. believed in Legalist principles

b. united China

c. built Great Wall

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4. Han Dynasty 206 BCE – 220 CE

a. Civil Service Exam based on Confucian ideas

b. achievements in medicine (acupuncture), science and agriculture

c. overthrown by foreign invasions

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5. Tang Dynasty 618 -907 CE

a. spread Chinese culture

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6. Song Dynasty (Sung) 960- 1279 CE

a. China experienced a “Golden Age” b. Stable governmentc. rich culture flourishedd. Silk Road established- trade route between China and Fertile

Crescent- many ideas and goods transported- 4,000 miles of harsh terrain

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7. Yuan Dynasty (Mongol) 1279 -1368 CE

a. Kublai Khan (non-Chinese) ruled China

b. Marco Polo visited China and stimulated

European interest in Chinese products.