Download - China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists _ Environment _ theguardian.pdf

  • 8/16/2019 China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists _ Environment _ theguardian.pdf


    8/31/2014 China's toxic air pol lution resembles nuclear winter , say scientists | Environment |


    China's worsening air pollut ion h as exacted a significant economic toll, grounding flights, closing h ighwa y s

    an d deterring tourists. Photogr aph: STR/AFP/Getty Im ages

    Chinese scientists have warned that the country's toxic air pollution is now so bad that it

    resembles a nuclear winter, slowing photosynthesis in plants – and potentially wreaking

    havoc on the country 's food supply.

    Beijing and broad swaths of six northern provinces have spent the past week blanketed

    in a dense pea-soup smog that is not expected to abate until Thursday. Beijing's

    concentration of PM 2.5 particles – those small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs

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    China's toxic air pollution resemblesnuclear winter, say scientists

     Air pollution now impeding photosynthesis and potentially wreaking

    havoc on country's food supply, experts warn

    Jonath an Kaiman  in Beijing, Tuesday 25 February 201 4 1 6.00 GMT

  • 8/16/2019 China's toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter, say scientists _ Environment _ theguardian.pdf


    8/31/2014 China's toxic air pol lution resembles nuclear winter , say scientists | Environment |

    and enter the bloodstream – hit 505 micrograms per cubic metre on Tuesday night. The

     World Health Organisation recommends a safe level of 25.

    The worsening air pollution has already exacted a significant economic toll, grounding

    flights, closing highways and keeping tourists at home. On Monday 11,200 people visited

    Beijing's Forbidden City, about a quarter of the site's average daily draw.

    He Dongxian, an associate professor at China Agricultural University's College of Water

    Resources and Civil Engineering, said new research suggested that if the smog persists,

    Chinese agriculture will suffer conditions "somewhat similar to a nuclear winter".

     Buildings in the

    central business district in Guangzhou seen through the thick haze. Photograph: Alex


    She has demonstrated that air pollutants adhere to greenhouse surfaces, cutting the

    amount of light inside by about 50% and severely impeding photosynthesis, the process

     by which plants convert light into life-sustaining chemical energy.

    She tested the hypothesis by growing one group of chilli and tomato seeds under

    artificial lab light, and another under a suburban Beijing greenhouse. In the lab, the

    seeds sprouted in 20 days; in the greenhouse, they took more than two months. "They 

     will be lucky to live at all," He told the South China Morning Post newspaper.

    She warned that if smoggy conditions persist, the country's agricultural production could

     be seriously affected. "Now almost every farm is caught in a smog panic," she said.

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    8/31/2014 China's toxic air pol lution resembles nuclear winter , say scientists | Environment |

     A farmer turns soil to

    plant crops near a state-owned lead smelter in Tianying that has made much of the land

    uninhabitable. Photograph: David Gray/Reuters/Corbis

    Early this month the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences claimed in a report thatBeijing's pollution made the city almost "uninhabitable for human beings".

    The Chinese government has repeatedly promised to address the problem, but

    enforcement remains patchy. In October, Beijing introduced a system of emergency 

    measures if pollution levels remained hazardous for three days in a row, including closing

    schools, shutting some factories, and restricting the use of government cars.

     People visiting the

    Olympic Park amid the thick haze in Beijing. Photograph: Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters

     According to China's state newswire Xinhua, 147 industrial companies in Beijing have cut

    or suspended production. Yet schools remained open and government cars remained on

    the road.

    One person not put off by the smog was President Xi Jinping, who braved the pollution

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    8/31/2014 China's toxic air pol lution resembles nuclear winter , say scientists | Environment |

    to make an unannounced visit to a trendy neighbourhood popular with tourists.

    Dressed in a black jacket and trousers – and no facemask – Xi made a brief walkabout in

    Nanluoguxiang district last Thursday morning. The visit prompted approving coverage

    in Chinese news reports, but also mockery on social media sites. "Xi Jinping visits

    Beijing's Nanluoguxiang amid the smog: breathing together, sharing the fate," said a

    Xinhua headline.

    Photos and shaky video footage apparently of Xi's visit ricocheted around Chinese social

    media sites. "Why isn't he wearing a facemask?" asked one Sina Weibo user. "Isn't it bad

    for his health?"

    This week Chinese media reported that a man in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei

    province near Beijing, had sued the local environmental protection bureau for failing to

    rein in the smog. Li Guixin filed the lawsuit asking the municipal environment protection

     bureau "perform its duty to control air pollution according to the law", the YanzhaoMetropolis Daily reported.

    Li is also seeking compensation for the pollution. "Besides the threat to our health, we've

    also suffered economic losses, and these losses should be borne by the government and

    the environmental departments because the government is the recipient of corporate

    taxes, it is a beneficiary," he told the Yanzhao Metropolis Daily.

    Li's lawyer, Wu Yufen, confirmed the lawsuit but refused to comment because of the

    sensitivity of the case. He said: "T his is the first ever case of a citizen suing thegovernment regarding the issue of air pollution. We're waiting for the judicial authority's


     Diseased vegetables

    said to be caused by pollution from a chemical plant. Photograph: How Hwee

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    8/31/2014 China's toxic air pol lution resembles nuclear winter , say scientists | Environment |

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    Li told the newspaper that he had bought an air purifier, masks and a treadmill, but

    none had helped him to overcome the pernicious health effects of the smog. He is seeking

    RMB 10,000 (£1,000) in compensation. "I want show every citizen that we are real

     victims of this polluted air, which hurts us both from a health perspective and

    economically," he said.

    Li Yan, a climate and energy expert at Greenpeace East Asia, said the case could bring

    exposure to polluted cities outside of Beijing, putting pressure on provincial officials to

    prioritise the problem. She said: "People … who live in Beijing are suffering from the

    polluted air, but we have the attention of both domestic and international media.

    Shijiazhuang's environmental problems are far more serious, and this case could bring

    Shijiazhuang the attention it has deserved for a long time."

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