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Travellers Quest

Volunteer in

ChinaThe Beginner’s Step by Step Guide to Volunteering in China

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Table of ContentsChapter 1: Volunteer in China: Getting StartedWelcome to ChinaWhy you should volunteer in ChinaWhat are some popular volunteer projects available in China?Where are some popular places to volunteer in China?What is the best season to volunteer in China?


Chapter 2: Volunteer in China: Choosing Your Volunteer ProgramWhich is the best organization for you?Who are some of the best organizations in China?


Chapter 3: Volunteer in China: Getting Ready

Visapassport, VaccinationsAir ticketRaising fundsSuggested books to readPacking advice Gift for project


Chapter 4: Volunteer in China: Information You Must Know

What to expect when volunteering in ChinaGet to know your host familyLocal supportMake the final call


Chapter 5: Volunteer in China: Arriving and Getting StartedHow to make your volunteer China experience rewardingSafety while traveling abroadDo’s and don’ts when volunteering in ChinaCulture shockThings to do in China


Chapter 6: Volunteer in China: Completion of Project & Follow Up 22

Chapter 7: Most Frequently Asked Questions by Volunteers 24

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CHAPTER 1: Volunteer in China: Getting Started Welcome to China

This amazing country is home to one of the larg-est populations in the world, offering visitors a fascinating blend of both ancient and finely preserved heritage icons and the comforts of 21st century life.

Labeled as the ‘cradle of civilization’, tourists flock to China to enjoy a vast array of temples, relics, ruins and palaces from ancient dynas-ties and diverse landscapes from deserts, rural farms, and glorious coastlines, to subtropical forests and fast flowing rivers.

When you’ve had your fill of nature and cul-ture head there are plenty of vibrant cities like Shanghai and Beijing offering fantastic nightlife, from cultural dinner dance shows with lavish costumes to lively discos open all night. And of course each region has its authentic cooking style, offering countless options for delicious dining.

While its economic growth benefits some of the population there are many people in China who

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still live with poverty, pollution and inadequate housing. Outside assistance is much needed to tackle these social and economic problems, which means there are many opportunities to volunteer in China, including projects that work with orphans and disadvantaged children, in the animal conservation field and in education.

Why you should volunteer in China

Whether you are interested in history, culture, nature, delicious food or exploring new cities you’ll find something to suit your tastes when you volunteer abroad in China. The opportunity to contribute to ongoing humanitarian work, experience a foreign culture and create life-long memories are just some of the reasons you might want to choose China as the location for your exciting volunteer abroad project, but there are plenty more.

You can visit iconic landmarks

Whichever region you choose to volunteer in you’ll have the chance to explore some of Chi-na’s ancient treasures. The infamous Great Wall of China spans the entire length of the coun-try, and can be accessed from several different points. There are also dozens of gardens, stat-ues, temples and palaces to explore, especially in Guangzhou, Xi’an and Chengdu.

You will see pandas

China has an abundance of wildlife but is par-ticularly famous for its panda bears. There are many panda conservation projects available to volunteers if you want to care for these soft and cuddly creatures that are an endangered spe-cies.

You will be in foodie heaven

Spread out over 9.6 million square kilometers, China is a collage of multiple languages, cul-tures and undeniably unique cuisine. Each re-

gion has its signature flavors and style of cook-ing: Sichuan is known for hot and spicy food, Shanghai for its dumplings and sweeter dishes, and Hong Kong for dim sum. Volunteers living with a host family will have the opportunity to taste Chinese home cooking, and maybe even learn how to make a few dishes.

You can explore landscapes and nature

China has some of most breathtaking natural scenery in the world; with landscapes as color-ful as the country’s traditional fabrics and cloth-ing. The Danxia ( red clouds) landscape in the northwest, also known as the rainbow moun-tains, is a popular spot for photographers. You’ll also be visually inspired by locations include the Li River, the Red Land of Dongchuan (land of red flame) and the Zangye Danxia Landform, a colorful rock formation dating back 600 million years.

You can experience holistic medicine

Influenced by Buddhist culture and other East-ern philosophies, China offers access to many natural and preventative treatments, including massage therapy and reiki, at very affordable prices. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese medicine is available to help with pretty much every ill-ness you may need treatment for,

You get the rewards making a difference brings

When you volunteer in China you will be working with communities of people in desperate situ-ations who really need assistance, especially if you’re working with orphaned or disadvantaged children. You can help shape their future in a positive way, and the results will be very obvi-ous if you choose a project helping children for your volunteer in China Experience.

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You’ll experience personal growth

Volunteering abroad offers you a deeper and more intense experience with a country than you’d get on a short tour or backpacking trip, because as well as see-ing the sights you’ll be doing something worthwhile on a daily basis. You’ll discover things about yourself that you didn’t realize, and develop a true sense of hu-manity and maturity that comes from activating a giving spirit. There’s a sense of personal fulfill-ment and satisfaction that comes from turning travel into true contribution.

You can immerse yourself fully in the culture

As a volunteer in China you’ll be living and working with locals, eating the same food and catching glimpses of everyday life that tourists and travelers can never hope to experience. Be-ing part of the fabric of society offers a unique and precious opportunity to learn about the real China, and what matters to the people who call it home.

What are some popular volunteer projects available in China?

Despite its fast growing manufacturing industry and matching rise of the super-wealthy China is still a developing country, and one where pover-ty still limits the life chances of a large section of the population.

There is a great demand for volunteers to join a variety of projects, all of which aim to make positive changes in the lives of the most needy.Almost all programs include accommodation and some offer Mandarin language classes as a bonus. The most popular volunteer projects in China include:


There are care programs available at kindergar-tens, centers for children with disabilities and children’s hospitals. The goal of these programs is to help children develop their social skills and to expose them to new cultures and ideas.

Additionally, volunteers on the kindergarten pro-grams assist the normal school staff with various educational and creative activities, while those working with children who have special needs provide both education and nursing care, along with organizing physically and mentally stimu-lating activities for them to enjoy.


With China’s exponential growth in recent years, English education has become highly valued, however many public schools simply don’t have the resources to provide quality language pro-grams.

Chinese government schools need volunteers to help students develop their conversational English skills, and provide a level of quality that the non-native English speaking teachers cannot offer.

Volunteers should be enthusiastic, open minded, caring and patient, and formal teaching training is helpful, though not a definite requirement.


Medical volunteer opportunities are available in hospitals, clinics and some public health insti-tutes. The objective of these programs is to make a substantial improvement to the overall quality of healthcare,

Opportunities include providing play therapy for hospitalized children, psycho-social support to elderly patients and involvement in public health community outreach programs.

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Panda Care

The chance to work with pandas is a truly unique opportunity, and one which is only avail-able to volunteers in China. Panda Conservation centers are dedicated to nurturing the lives of these adorable animals, of which only 1,600 remain in the world.

Volunteers will have a chance to prepare food for and feed the pandas, clean their enclosures and the nursery and perhaps even conduct some research into their habits and health.

Community Work

Local community projects provide shelter, edu-cation, medical care and counseling to young children from broken homes, as well as educa-tion and rehabilitative care to mentally disabled teenagers and adults.

Volunteers help with the day-to-day care of preschool children and toddlers: teaching them English, feeding them and leading songs and games. Volunteers for individuals with disabili-ties will befriend the care center visitors and organize a variety of activities, including sport, artwork, educational games, cooking and IT work.

Where are some popular places to volun-teer in China?

China is a huge country, with volunteer opportu-nities available in areas with varying climates, landscapes and cultural styles. Since the choices can be overwhelming here are some of the more popular destinations which may help shape your search, but certainly doesn’t have to define it:

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Beijing is the capital of China and the na-tion’s political, cultural and educational center. It’s located in northern China, and is home to 7 UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven and of course the Great Wall.

Wangfujing Street is a major shopping hot-spot, with both cultural products and im-ports from around the world, and a popular night market offering unusual snacks. Bei-jing also offers a diverse and lively nightlife, cultural events and excellent restaurants.

Popular volunteer projects in Beijing in-clude: childcare, teaching, disability work, orphanage care, community development and sustainable living solutions.


Located on China’s Central Coast, Shanghai is the country’s biggest city and a thriving global financial center. At the heart of the city is the Bund, a well-known waterfront promenade lined with colonial buildings, while right across the Huangpu River is an ultra modern skyline featuring the Shanghai Tower and Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

Shanghai is a thriving metropolis with excel-lent restaurants, hotels and nightlife, how-ever its popular acrobatic shows for tourists is the big stand out nightlife entertainment feature, and not to be missed.

Popular volunteer projects in Shanghai in-clude: medical work, teaching, community development, medicine, law, dentistry and childcare.


Xian is located in central-northwest China and is famous for the Silk Road, the Huaqing Hot Springs and the amazing Terracotta Warriors. It’s a city that wears its history with pride, yet is also incredibly progressive in its strive for west-ern development.

Popular volunteer projects in Xi’an include: teaching, orphanage care, panda conservation and care for people with special needs.


Located in southwest China, Chengdu is the cap-ital of the Sichuan province, famous for its spicy Sichuan peppercorn flavored cuisine. It’s home to a giant panda research institute where visi-tors can view these endangered animals in their natural habitat. You can also see the world’s largest Buddha (Leshan’s Giant Buddha) and the Wenshu Temple, one of the 4 major temples of Zen Buddhism.

Popular volunteer projects include: panda conservation, teaching, medicine, dentistry and law.

What is the best season to volunteer in China?

As each region of China often has different weather conditions throughout the year there is no one good time to volunteer, it really comes down to your personal weather preferences. October is the exception, being pleasantly warm and dry, but it is also the most popular with tourists, and a more expensive time to travel to and around China than other months would be.

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CHAPTER 2 : Choosing your volunteer program

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Which is the best volunteer organization for you?

It’s no secret that choosing the right organiza-tion to volunteer with is a key factor to your experience. After all, volunteering involves a significant amount of your time, resources and trust, as you venture off to a foreign country and rely on this organization to give you accu-rate advice and keep you safe.

The best volunteer organizations stand out in terms of their quality and professionalism, and with a little research you should be able to nar-row down the best options according to your budget and area of interest.

Here are some general tips on what to look for:

Their website/blog

• Is it easy to navigate?• Are there recent posts and comments? • Is it easy to find details of the type of pro-

ject they offer and the locations? • How long have they been in the industry and

how many volunteers have they placed?• Do you feel you can trust the information

provided?• Are there links to social media sites? They

should have at least a basic presence on ma-jor sites such as Facebook.

Is the price reasonable?

• Does the price include basic things such as accommodation, some food, airport pickup

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and work expenses?• Price can range from $300-$3000 for similar

two week programs – if you’re looking at the higher end programs what are you getting for the extra cost?? Does it offer something special and valuable such as a TEFL Certifica-tion if you’re volunteer teaching?

• Is a fair percentage of your fee given directly to your project or host family to cover their expenses?

• Are there any hidden costs? Make sure to take careful note of things your fee won’t include, such as airfare, visas, insurance or spending money.

Are there good reviews available online?

• Good organizations always have good ratings – read reviews seriously.

• See what other volunteers are saying, and if their contact information is provided contact them personally for more information.

• Do not expect 100% positive reviews – but take note of how the organization responds to bad reviews. Is it apologetic or aggres-sive?

Is there evidence of commitment to local causes?

• Many good organizations offer financial sup-port to local schools or community project.

• Some places also provide secure employment for local people as in-country support staff.

Do they communicate well?

• Send an email to the organization, and note how fast do they respond, and if they are forthcoming with information or answers to questions.

• How professional do they sound, are they

willing to help?

Who are some of the best organizations in China?

We’ve saved you the time involved in scouring the Internet comparing hundreds of volunteer in China organizations. Below is an overview of some organizations considered to be the best in the field. They provide a professional, high quality and truly educational, safe and com-munity oriented environment abroad to anyone volunteering in China, (or any other country), on their projects, so read more and see which appeals to you.

RCDP Volunteers (Nepal)


Founded in 1998, and the first ever company to offer volunteer experiences in Nepal. Just ten years later RCDP went global and now offer pro-jects across Asia, Africa and Latin America.This is a highly ethical company with a major commitment to empowering and directly ben-efiting the communities they work with. Their policy of having volunteers pay their program fees directly to their project staff and host fam-ily is just one example of the way they practice

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this philosophy.

RCDP offer two major volunteer in China pro-jects. English teaching in Xi’an (usually stay-ing with a host family, all food provided), or Qingdao, (living in a volunteer shared house, food provided). These programs cost from 100 USD a week and volunteers can stay for up to 3 months. Their panda conservation program is based in Chengdu and has a maximum one month stay restriction. Volunteers stay in a hos-tel, with private room and bathroom and meals provided.

World Teach (USA)

Established in 1986, World Teach is a USA based organization that sends volunteers to teach Eng-lish in developing countries all over the world. In 2003 they were chosen by the Department of Education in Hunan to set up a volunteer pro-gram providing English speakers to teach for a year at middle schools throughout the province.

Volunteers teach English conversation to sev-eral large classes per week, as well as running conversation clubs and extra activities such as drama classes, depending on their interests. The program is 11-months long, and upon comple-tion teachers are eligible for a TEFL Certificate. The total cost is $850, and the program includes housing and a small monthly travel stipend.

Frontier (USA)

Also from the USA, Frontier is a huge organiza-tion with 300 projects in over 57 countries, and as a volunteer in China you can select a project in a summer camp, panda conservation center or teach English in one of the many schools that work with Frontier.

Some teaching projects offer volunteers a TEFL Certificate, which will help you to find another job teaching English anywhere in the world. Program fees range from $600-$1500, and pro-jects are located in Yantai, Xiamen and Bifeng-zia.

Cross Continental (USA)

If you are looking for an internship or volunteer abroad project, Cross Continental is a Canadian company offering projects in developing coun-tries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America. Volunteer in China projects are mostly located

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near Beijing, and include work at orphanages, with the elderly and disabled, community devel-opment, healthcare and teaching.

The program contributions range from $180-$2300 depending on the length of your com-mitment- which can be anywhere from 1 week to several months. Cross Continental is known for offering flexible project lengths and work schedules to volunteers, which makes this a good choice for those who can’t find the perfect standard program to suit them.

International Volunteer HQ (New Zealand)

International Volunteer HQ is a company from New Zealand that works in 30 different coun-tries, and offers interactive training and con-tinual support to its volunteers. In China you can choose from 2 projects, both in Xi’an; teaching English in government owned schools which de-mand a higher quality of education, and working in a community center for kids and adults with all types of disabilities. The cost varies accord-ing to time commitment, starting from $560 for one week

GO Eco (UK/USA/Australia)

Go Eco is a USA organization established since 2005, with affordable volunteer projects around the world. In China, volunteers can work in rural and picturesque Fengyan, helping poor com-munities that depend on subsistence farming, or join a large panda conservation project in Ya’an, fostering a safe natural environment for this highly endangered species. Costs vary ac-cording to the project, but generally run from $500-$1100.

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Projects Abroad (UK)

Established in 1992, Projects Abroad is a UK company and one of the largest volunteer or-ganizations in the world. They offer many op-portunities in China, all in either Chengdu or Shanghai. As a volunteer you’re able to choose from an extensive menu of projects including general care, teaching, dentistry, medicine, health, sports, law, journalism and animal care.

Some of the programs offer true field training, such as medicine and healthcare where you’ll be shadowing doctors. These programs are more expensive than regular project as they offer invaluable hands-on experience.

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Kaya Volunteers (UK)

Kaya is a UK company, established in 2008, which offers worldwide opportunities for those looking to volunteer, intern or study abroad. Volunteers in China will have the unique op-portunity to complete a professional internship in either Beijing or Shanghai, focusing on green energy and environmental issues or NGO and community service.

Other assignments include caring for children of prisoners and working with teenagers and adults with disabilities. Program fees start at $3200 for 3 weeks, and the fees go up according to project type and length. All volunteers are given a certificate of completion.

IFRE Volunteers (USA)

IFRE is a US company that launched its first programs in 2006, and a great option for those who want to volunteer but are a little price con-scious. IFRE volunteer programs in China start at $650 in China, and you’ll have the option to teach English in a rural public school in Xi’an, or work at a Panda conservation in Chengdu, pro-viding daily treatment, maintenance and love to the world’s sweetest endangered animal. De-spite the reasonable costs, volunteers still get housing provided, and neither project requires prior training.

Global Crossroad (USA)

Established in 2003, Global Crossword is another US company that provides affordable options so you can fulfill your dream to volunteer, without money being a major obstacle. In China, Global

Crossroads offers projects with panda conser-vation in Ya’an and teaching English in public schools in Quingdao. Project durations are flex-ible, and range from $650 - $1150; the panda project being slightly more expensive due to the cost of resources.

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CHAPTER 3 : Volunteer in China: Getting Ready to Volunteer

You’ve successfully chosen the right project – now it’s time to take some essential pre-travel steps to prepare for your once in a lifetime experience of volunteering in China. Your volun-teer contact should provide you information on visa requirements and health precautions, but there are plenty of other things you need to find out or double check for yourself.

It’s best to organize these things as soon as pos-sible as some take time. To help you get started we’ve put together a list of the main things a volunteer heading for China needs to think about and prepare for. These include:


As a traveler from any foreign country you will need a visa to enter China. Many volunteers apply for a tourist visa, (good from 30 – 90 days with multiple re-entry options.), but some sources claim rules implemented in 2015 require a special type of work visa to be secured. As visa situations change regularly always check the current situation with a Chinese consulate before making plans.

Some volunteer agencies also offer paid teach-ing work in China, and if you pursue those op-portunities it’s best to check out the website of your country’s Chinese consulate for details of the necessary documentation needed, and the costs involved.

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You must have a passport with at least six months validity when you enter China, and the pre-travel visa stamps require 1-2 blank pages. If your passport needs to be renewed, or you don’t have one at all you must be sure you can secure it prior to traveling.


Most travelers to China have Hepatitis A and ty-phoid shots to protect problems if contaminated food or water is consumed. These are especially important if you plan to volunteer or travel in isolated rural areas. Consult a physician or per-sonal healthcare professional for more advice.

Air tickets

Airfare is one of the major expenses for volun-teers, so make the most of all the options avail-able to find a reduced price fare. Long distance flights are never going to be cheap, but there are plenty of handy price comparison sites avail-able that save you doing all the research your-self. Some also offer a fare alert option, should the ticket price change.

Booking in advance, travelling off-season and being a little flexible with dates are other ways to find a cheaper ticket.

Raising money

Unfortunately, volunteering abroad involves a lot of expenses (program fee, ticket, visa, vacci-nation, and personal expenses. If you don’t have sufficient funds why not do some fundraising to get cash to fund the project.

Reach out for assistance – you are trying to make a difference in the world, and there are likely to be people in your life who would be thrilled to support the cause. In the world of social media that we live in it has never been

easier to raise money for a personal fundraiser, particularly for a volunteer project.

Go Fund Me, You Caring and are some of the well known fundraising sites that give you the platform to create a campaign that shines light on your project. A sincerely written, de-tailed project description will garner support from the people who are able to donate.

Suggested books to read

From personal memoirs to straight up travel guides, there are lots of books on China avail-able for you to buy or borrow from the library Tried and true titles from publishers such as Fodor’s and Lonely Planet will help you get your bearings, and get ideas for places to visit in your free time, and as most are available in digital format they’re very portable.

To scratch beyond the surface take a look at some of the following titles before you head for China: China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power (Nicholas Kristof and Cheryl Wu-dunn); Understanding China (John Bryan Starr) and A Thousand Years of Good Prayers (Yiyun Li.)

Packing tips – what to bring

Even though you’ll be living in a host home, you’ll undoubtedly do some traveling – which may mean packing clothes for both warm and cold weather, as well as city and country liv-ing. Do enough research on the varying climates across this huge country before you leave so you can properly plan what to take.

Apart from clothes there are a few basic items you most likely need to get into your luggage, including:

▪ Passport ▪ Cash – US dollars are always handy, especial-

ly in small bills. Buy Chinese currency once there.

▪ Air, train and cruise tickets (as applicable)

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▪ Travel insurance information ▪ Itinerary ▪ Guidebook ▪ Credit cards & travelers checks for emergen-

cies ▪ Any toiletries you consider essential (deodor-

ant, lotion etc) ▪ Chargers and/or batteries for your electronic

items ▪ Camera ▪ First aid kit ▪ Sunglasses ▪ Sunscreen ▪ Wristwatch ▪ Raincoat/umbrella ▪ Towel ▪ Contact lenses with case and cleaning kit ▪ Swimwear ▪ Travel alarm o’clock ▪ Personal Entertainment system e.g. MP3

Gifts for your project

We recommend that you bring a small gift to give to project staff and your host family. This doesn’t have to be expensive; something that represents your country is always good, or sta-tionery, books or games if you’re working with children. It’s a nice way for them to remember you after you leave.

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CHAPTER 4 : Volunteer in China: Information You Must Know

Gather lots of information so you know what to expect while volunteering

Before you arrive in China to begin your volun-teer program it’s crucial that you know exactly what is expected of you. Use the checklist below to remind yourself of all the things you should know for sure. Find out:

• The name of your project• The exact location, address and contact

details including; phone, email, website and social media message page.

• What you are required to do on a daily basis (duties, job roles, responsibilities)

• The hours of operation, break times, and

what your general schedule will look like• If there is a dress code• About any rules, regulations or guidelines

you must adhere to• How many people you will be responsible

for (especially if working in an orphanage or school.)

• How you will get to and from your projectThe number of staff and other volunteers work-ing on the project

Learn about your host family or shared volun-teer housing

Your host family will play a key role in your overall happiness, comfort level and quality of experience while volunteering. Before you

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leave it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with them and learn as much as possible about their home structure, culture and way of life; as this will also make it easier to bond with them when you arrive.

Some projects provide shared housing for their volunteers, while others favor hostels. These laces operate slightly differently, so you should talk to your volunteer organization about the details.

If you are staying with a host family you should try to find out about the following:

• How many family members live in the house? • What are their ages, genders and relation-

ships to each other? • Have they hosted volunteers before? If so,

can I get references from past volunteers?• What is their religion, and how does that

carry over to their home life?• Do I get a separate bedroom?• Can I expect a hot shower? What kind of toi-

let do they have?• How can I do my laundry?• What are their meal times?• Can I have an occasional guest (boy/girl)

come to visit? • Are there any house rules for volunteers?• How far is it from my project, and is it ac-

ceptable to come home very late?• How far is it from bus or train stops? Will it

be easy to go exploring on weekends?

Get connected with your local support team

You are leaving your home country (and comfort zone) to travel to the vast country of China, where you might be in a major city like Beijing or a more rural, remote area. Either way it is crucial to find out about the local support avail-able to you when you arrive, just in case you need any help with or advice about your project

or host family.

It’s best to contact your organization and get all the information and contact details possible, including some names. Their office address, phone numbers and email addresses. Regardless of how big or small a local presence they have, there should be individuals living close to your project who can help you manage any situation that should arise.

Make a final call before leaving

Before you begin your adventure you may well have compiled a list of questions you still need answers to. If so you can easily ask these when you make a last minute call to your volunteer organization to check all is in place for your ar-rival.

Here are a few important things to check and ask about:

• Make sure they have your flight and contact information.

• Confirm that someone will be at the airport, where you should meet them and how you can identify them (gender, physical descrip-tion, etc).

• Ask about current weather conditions so you know what clothing to travel in.

• Confirm all details about your project and host families; ask any questions that matter.

• Provide them with your emergency contact information, if you haven’t done so already.

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CHAPTER 5 : Volunteer in China: Arriving and Getting Started


Volunteering in China involves a heady experi-ence of new ideas, culture, people, language and climate. Maximize this amazing opportunity by embracing everything, and maintaining real-istic social and environmental expectations.

The more you can prepare for what you may see, hear, taste and smell the smoother your transition will be. And although at times you might feel disheartened to see other people in desperate situations try to keep in mind that every day you spend on your project contributes to the overall positive impact the volunteer pro-gram has on the community.

How to make your volunteer China experi-ence rewarding

Do plenty of research about the local climate

so there are no surprises when you arrive. If you’re traveling to a south or coastal region between April and June expect a lot of rain, and possibly some tropical cyclones (typhoons) which happen periodically until November. China is also prone to earthquakes. Ask your coordi-nator for your project about specific weather expectations to compliment any facts you find online.

Have a reasonable set of expectations

in terms of communication, travel and basic amenities. Don’t compare everything to western standards; depending on where you are, trans-portation might be limited, and you might not find the same services you are accustomed to or

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brands/products you are used to buying in stores back home.

Do not try to impose your own cultural values on others.

Remember that you are a visitor to a new cul-ture with its own set of customs and values, which are different but equally valid as yours. Sharing information about your culture is a good thing, but don’t make the mistake of giving unwanted advice or suggestions to children or people you’re working with.

Learn at least the basic of the language.

In parts of China you might have a hard time finding someone who speaks English, even police officers, bank executives or other businesspeo-ple. If you can learn a few words and phrases you’ll find it easier to get by. Always carry a dictionary/phrasebook and a card with your temporary address written in the local language on it in case you get lost and need help.

Remember that China is still a developing country.

Don’t expect to find luxury living conditions, and understand the limits of everything from transportation to safety. It’s possible that your host family might not have comforts like heat, air-conditioning, western plumbing, and so on.

Enjoy the local culture and food.

Be adventurous and try some freshly cooked street food and small local restaurants which are popular with Chinese people. You should also make sure you see some of the traditional Chinese cultural events in your region, such as dance performances or festivals.

Be positive, cheerful and patient.

You are there to help others as a volunteer, and even though you are making a positive differ-ence to people’s lives it might not be easy for them to quickly adjust to you, especially if they are children in desperate situations. Be com-passionate and don’t take any less warm reac-tions personally. If you approach your tasks with the right attitude people will warm up to you faster.

Have fun, and remember that everything is an adventure.

Take everything in your stride; buses might not arrive on time and places and people might be different from what you expected. Think of these hiccups as good stories to tell once you get home.

Safety while volunteering in China

Before you leave check official websites for current travel warnings in China, and the re-gion you are heading for specifically..Register your arrival and new contact details with your embassy, in case they need to contact you in an emergency situation.

Always carry a charged cell phone with you, with numbers for your embassy, the local police, your in-country coordinator and your host fam-ily’s numbers. Any specific local safety advice will be available from your coordinator.

While volunteering, use the buddy system; travel in groups, especially after dark, and don’t walk alone through forests, mountains or anywhere remote. Use your common sense and trust your instincts; if you feel unsafe in a par-ticular location, leave that place immediately, or call the police or your country coordinator.

As you would anywhere, be wary of strangers who stop you to chat in the street. There is a

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common scam operating in China which involves foreigners being befriended and taken to a tea-room, only to be presented with an astronomi-cal bill to pay.

Finally, be mindful of your health; always bring sunblock, water and insect repellent to mini-mize sun burn, dehydration and bug bites.

Do’s and don’ts when volunteering in China


• Respect local culture and tradition, espe-cially in relation to dress codes and public behavior. It’s best to be polite and nonjudg-mental about the customs or rituals you come across, even if they seem strange to you.

• Travel in your free time. If you want to see more of the country than a day or weekend trip can offer make time to stay around for a while after your project ends.

• Enjoy your work. A happy volunteer is a good volunteer; approaching each task with enthusiasm will motivate others, and help maintain a positive atmosphere on the pro-ject.

• Try to learn something of the Mandarin lan-guage, it will make your experience much richer and could be a useful tool further down the road too. If language isn’t your thing try a cooking class, or take up a new hobby like calligraphy. Your goal should be to take something away from this experience that can be useful to you down the road.

• Respect your host family’s traditions. Be aware of their religious and cultural cus-toms, from how they dress to foods they eat or holidays they observe. Blend in as much as possible, without compromising your own identity of course.


• Comment on or complain about the limita-tion of the project. You might not get your ideal schedule, and there might be certain tasks that volunteers simply cannot do, usu-ally due to rules and regulations imposed by someone in authority, so try to deal with this as just one part of the experience.

• Get frustrated easily – you are there to be a role model, often to people in difficult situ-ations. If another volunteer is difficult to work with resist the urge to openly criticize or respond. Practicing the art of patience isn’t easy but it’s worthwhile.

• Try to impose western values; share only those things from your home country that could add to their education in a positive and inoffensive way.

• wear very short dresses or revealing cloth-ing, or show affection in public. China is quite a conservative culture.

• comment on the limitations of developing countries or criticize anything about the local people, customs or lifestyle – you are there as a guest.

Culture shock

You are planning to travel across the globe, to a place completely different from your home country, in a different time zone, with a new and probably unfamiliar language and different cultural norms and values. There’s no wonder most people will experience culture shock at some point.

The good news is that culture shock is generally a temporary condition, and it can be managed once you identify its existence. Here are some tips on ways to pinpoint and deal with culture shock while volunteering in China:

• If you are uncomfortable in a situation, try to evaluate what’s really bothering you. Is it the people, things or surroundings at that moment that are making you ill at ease, or

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is it something entirely different? Once you know what the problem is it’s easier to put it into perspective and to discuss it with oth-ers.

• There is a potential friend in every small group of people. Bond with other volunteers and try to make genuine friendships. Offer your support to them whenever possible, for they are likely experiencing similar emotions to you, being out of their home country.

• Don’t take anything too seriously or person-ally. People’s values are different, especially when it comes to age, gender or social hab-its. Try not to let people’s attitudes or be-liefs get the best of you, instead, try to find common ground with people. Learning their language or participating in cultural arts or activities is a great way to bond with people.

• Get enough rest, and find a way to exercise if that is the normal routine you are used to. Many times exhaustion and lack of good physical condition can affect your mental state of mind. Avoid this by staying healthy.

• Skype with your family and friends back home, whenever possible. Modern technol-ogy allows you to see, hear and interact with your loved ones whenever you have time and a wireless signal – free of charge. Take advantage of this opportunity to beat the homesick blues.

Things to Do in China

As a volunteer in China you are making an in-valuable contribution to society, but don’t forget to take some time off and enjoy some of the amazing things China offers. Here are a few ideas on things to do and see while there.

• Travel and Explore! Regardless of where you’re living, try to make it to at least a few of these places before heading home: The Great Wall of China, Forbidden City, Terracotta Army, Li River, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, Jiuzhaigou, Ming Tombs, Giant Buddha, Huangshan and Jingshan Park, to name a few. Bring a travel guide to learn about each region and pick an area to ex-

plore once your project is completed.• Learn the language. Mandarin takes years

to learn so don’t expect to master it in a few weeks or months, but it’s entirely pos-sible to pick up some useful symbols, words and phrases. If your program offers free or discounted classes take advantage of the op-portunity.

• Learn to cook local food. Chinese food is quite eclectic, so you’re bound to find plenty of things you would like to try and make. Take a cooking class if you have time, or have a friend or member of your host family teach you how to make a few dishes.

• Bring a decent camera and get passionate about photography – after all, you are go-ing to see some of the most picture worthy landscapes and historical sites in the world. If you have some knowledge of photography, this is a great chance to develop your skills.

• Go to local festivals; this is a free and easy way to experience the specialty food of your area, as well as local songs, dances and crafts. Keep an eye on relevant websites or local newspapers for details of scheduled events, or use a guidebook to learn about festivals in other cities and regions.

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CHAPTER 6 : Completion of Project & Follow Up

Photo Credit:

Congratulations, you have had an amazing ex-perience that many people can only dream of, and leaving it all behind will likely leave a void in your life that is hard to fill. The good news is that although your official volunteer in China program has ended you can maintain a connec-tion to the project and country in various ways.

You could become an ambassador for volunteer-ing abroad, and encourage family, friends or strangers to think about doing something similar. If you can’t talk to people directly then shar-ing your experiences in a blog or an article for a

local newspaper will reach a wide contemporary audience, and become a long lasting resource.

Giving honest feedback to your organization about your project can really help others make a decision. You can also leave reviews on gener-al review websites and forums, and help poten-tial volunteers feel confident about making the decision to go ahead and sign up.

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CHAPTER 7 : Most Frequently Asked Questions How will I get from the airport to my host family/volunteer house?

In almost all cases, your volunteer project will arrange to have someone pick you up from the airport and take you to your host family or other accommodation. Please make sure your country coordinator has all of your flight information, and get their local phone number and contact infor-mation too, just in case. Will there be support from staff in country?

Yes, almost all programs should have in-country staff able to assist you. Find out what type of specific support you will have, and how you can get in touch with them. Make sure to get their full contact information before you go. How many other volunteers will be participating with me?

This depends on your organization. Big projects will probably have many volunteers and smaller ones will have fewer. Certain seasons are also more popular with volunteers in some countries. It’s a good idea to find out more about how many others will be around so you know what to expect. If I volunteer with my friend can we be placed in the same project and housed together?

Joining the same project isn’t likely to be a problem, unless there is a pre-requisite such as lan-guage ability which one of you doesn’t have. In terms of accommodation, in many cases this can be arranged too, but you should give your volunteer organization advanced notice of your special request.

Are meals and housing provided?

If you are placed with a host family your program fee will cover 2-3 meals a day at their place, but if you are staying in a hostel or shared volunteer house then food may not be provided. Check which applies to you directly with your coordinator. I am a vegetarian will that be a problem?

In most cases no, but it’s still a good idea to check and make sure. Will my host family be able to speak English?

Mostly yes, particularly the younger members of the family who probably study English in school. Check with the organization about this if it matters to you.

Can I travel to other cities during my days off?

You are actively encouraged to use your days off to see the sites of China, and your program co-ordinator can offer you tips and suggestions. Try to travel with other volunteers if you can, and make sure to look into transportation schedules and travel times to make the most practical deci-

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sions, particularly for day trips where time is limited.

Do I have to bring my own bedding and mosquito nets?

Most organizations offer a basic bed, but bring what you think you’ll need to feel more comfortable (foam mattress cover, pillow, etc). Unless you are planning to take a camping trip to the sub-tropic areas of China you probably won’t need a mosquito net.

What if I don’t speak the native language?

In many cases this won’t be a problem, as local staff will speak English. However, in some cases proficiency in the local language is essential to join a project, and even if not having even a basic understanding of Mandarin Chinese will help you get around and do things when not at the project site.

How will I get to my project every day?

It depends on the distance from your accommodation. If you can’t walk between them you will probably travel by train or bus. You can find out more about this from your organization, and also confirm if your project travel expenses are covered or not. Can I speak with a volunteer who has worked on my project in the past?

Yes, this absolutely helps in getting specific answers to any questions you have and useful tips about the area and the work. You should ask your organization for contact details of a few people. What does the accommodation look like, are there pictures?

If you want to have a general sense of where you’ll be living it’s best to ask your volunteer organi-zation for photos or a description. What kind of food will I eat while I’m there?

If you’re staying with a host family in China it’s likely that you’ll eat the traditional cooking that’s unique to that area, or regular Chinese food. When you know where you’ll be placed you can do some research about the food that may be on offer. How many hours per day will I be volunteering?

In general most volunteers work around 4-6 hours a day, but of course this will depend on the pro-ject you’ll be working on. Check with your organization for full details. How much money do I need to bring?

Of course this depends on your spending habits, but volunteers in China usually find $50/week to be sufficient for extra food (on top of meals provided by the host family) and other basic expenses. If you want to travel on your time off consult local travel guides for the specific costs of places you’d like to visit.

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This free eBook is just written to help volunteers. So please use this book just as a general reference or source

of information. We cannot guarantee the validity of information as changes in the field can be sudden. As it is

impossible to provide a definite or authoritative guide it is vital you verify information directly with a relevant

and up to date source. We cannot be held liable in any way for damages caused should you choose to overlook

this advice.