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HR MarketWatch

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HRoot is a leading management media and internet company which has brands including ‘’, a top Human Resource Management website in the world; ‘Human Capital Management’ magazine, a high-end HR magazine; ‘Overclass’, a prestigious club for HR elites; and ‘Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China’ and “HR service providers Exp” the top-notch industry event with highest authority and biggest outreach scope; HRoot has expanded the business fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot ‘s brand “GLOBAL 50 HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES PROVIDERS ”and “TOP 100 HUMAN RESOURCE SERVICES BRANDS in Greater China” have become a barometer of the human resource service industry.

HRoot enjoys No.1 Web traffic among all of the HR-related websites; with 1,500,000 HR professionals registered as user. Each year, there are more than 500 million visits to the website and more than 10,000 people attending our off-line activities. Our publications’ readers have already outreached 30,000. HRoot has over 20,000 customers now, and served more than 95% of Fortune 500 companies in Greater China. There are more than 200 HR service providers, business schools, societies/associations are our advertisement clients and sponsors. Nine providers which in the top ten human resources providers are our customers.


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HRoot Human Resources HR MarketWatchHRoot Human Resources MarketWatch is released by CIS (Competitive Intelligence System) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real-time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. For more information please visit: .

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Market Events


Contracting Information



7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Appendix 1: Ranking

About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012


2.Laws and Policies

Industry Trends3.

● Recruitment Trends● Institutional and Personnel Changes● Lasted Business Development● Financial Status● Research Report● Awards & Honours● Others


Page 5: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot

1HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention.

The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with flexibility.

Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence:Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modified by national and/or local governments News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR service providers, latest business development, financial statement, major surveys & reports, awards, M&A, and etc. Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars, and etc. Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers.Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. Ranking of Global Traffic of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffic of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website.

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

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China to delay retirement age to 65

(July 3, 2012, Beijing) To cope with the looming problem of an expanding ageing population, He Ping, Director of the Human Resources and Social Security Department announced on July 1 that China would implement the policy in 2016 to extend the retirement age, and by 2045, all men and women are to extend the retirement age to 65. Many experts say that the extension of retirement age should not be implemented rapidly, and the government should not apply any one-fits-all approach. "As blue-collar workers are in short supply, while college students are difficult to find jobs, the delay of retirement age depends on the professions the employees are involved in,” said Yin Xiguo, an expert on population studies in Chongqing University. Over 90% of interviewees oppose the extension initiative, according to an online survey jointly conducted by the Beijing News and the website,,

China may lack fund for pensioners

According to data provided by Zheng Bingwen, director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Academy of Social Sciences, in 2011 individual accounts of the basic pension insurance have posted a loss of RMB2.2 trillion in 2011, or RMB500 billion over 2010. A recent survey done by experts of the Finance and Trading Center of the China Academy of Social Sciences points out that under the current scenario, and by 2020 the gap will increasingly widen given the current replacement rate of 52.4%, and the gap will start to emerge as early as 2015.

Laws and Polices1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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NSSF selects 12 global investment managers

(July 18, 2012, Beijing) According to the National Social Security Fund Council, the Council has selected 12 global investment managers and has signed investment management agreements with them. They are JP. Morgan, Lombard Odier, Schroders, Neuberger Berman, Standish Mellon Asset Management, Stone Harbor Investment Partners, AGF Investment, Investec, RBC GAM, AEW, AMP Capital and European Investors. Since 2006, the National Social Security Fund started to make overseas investments in bank deposits, bank bills, negotiable certificates of deposit and other monetary market products, bonds, stocks, and securities investment funds, as well as derivative financial instruments, such as swaps and forwards, for risk management, etc.

Ranking of average wage of 23 provinces announced

According to average wages of urban workers as of 2011 announced by 23 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, Beijing ranks the first with RMB4672 per month, followed by Shanghai at RMB4331 per month, while Gansu ranked the last with RMB2742 per month.



Laws and Polices1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Shenzhen test-waters pension insurance paid by public servants

(July 6, 2012, Shenzhen) According to the Shenzhen Reform Plan 2012, the city will reform its pension insurance policies, in an effort to establish a unified insurance system that can present the characteristics of public servants. Shenzhen implement a combination of basic social pension insurance and occupational pension old-age security system for its civil servants. On this basis, Shenzhen will summarize its experience in civil servants pension system reform, make positive efforts to apply to be a pilot city, and change the practice of linking the pension to the previous salary of the pensioner and making up for the gap with the state fund and replace it with socialized pension insurance compounded by state finance.

Guangzhou provident fund deposit base cap adjusted to RMB23,945

(July 12, Guangzhou) The Guangzhou Provident Fund Administration yesterday announced that it would raise the deposit base cap from RMB22705 to RMB23945, and each employer and employer should pay 20% of the housing provident fund with a ceiling monthly amount of RMB9578 ($1520) , or RMB496 up from the previous year.



Laws and Polices1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Shenzhen collects opinions about provisions of provident fund loans

(July 17, 2012, Shenzhen) Shenzhen officially issued its provisions of housing provident fund loans to on July 17 to request public comments.The current annual interest rate of provident fund loan under five years is 4.00%; and the rate of loans more than five years is 4.50%, while the annual rate of commercial loans over five years levies an annual interest rate of 6.55%. In Shenzhen each individual worker can apply for a loan of provident fund up to RMB50 million and each family can apply for up to RMB80 million. Loan provisions system will be put to test at the China Construction Bank and other banks handling housing provident, and it will be formally launched in September.

Wen Jiabao: Employment completion counted into government performance assessment

(July 18, 2012, Beijing) The State Council held on July 17 at the Great Hall of the People the National Employment Conference, in which Premier Wen Jiabao stressed that for quite a long period the employment scenario in China would become more complex and severe, and we must give priority to employment strategy, continue to implement a more proactive employment policy, maintain stable and rapid economic development, boost employment with the benefit of economic development role, increase the efforts in implementing policies, focus on collective employment, actively support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, encourage startups to create jobs, make effort in vocational training to increase the competence and skills of workforce.



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2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Insurance applied to sufferers of work-related injuries in state-owned enterprises

(July 20, 2012, Beijing) The State Council today issued a notice on publicizing the national basic public service system in the 12th Five-Year Plan. The notice points out that all workers suffering from work-related injury in state-owned enterprises shall be brought under the integrated management of injury-related insurance. The notice also shows that the improvement of workers' compensation, unemployment and maternity insurance are key tasks of the 12th Five-Year Plan. It calls on employers to improve work-related injury insurance system that include sound prevention, compensation, and rehabilitation mechanisms, to implement industry-specific rates and floating rates, and to increase in the standard of payment.

CIRC issues guidelines to regulates remuneration of management of insurance firms

(July 20, 2012, Beijing) In order to strengthen management of insurance companies, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission issued payroll management guidelines for insurance companies. The guidelines, with 32 clauses in seven chapters, prescribe specific requirements on salary structure, salary payment, performance assessment, payroll management and supervision, and will be implemented with effect from January 1, 2013.



Laws and Polices1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Urban and rural pension insurance system in Jiangsu to be unified

(July 20, 2012, Nanjing) The social security system in Jiangsu has extended its coverage and standard of payment in the first six months of 2012. By the end of June, the number of employees participating in pension, medical, unemployment, work-related injury and maternity insurance respectively reached 17.17 million, 20.74 million, 12.86 million an 13.74 million and 13.24 million. The number of participants in urban medical insurance, new farmer's insurance, urban inhabitants’ protection, basic livelihood guarantee of landless farmers reached 15.066 million, 15.16 million, 1.01 million and 2.15 million, which combine to cover 95% of the total population.

"Top Domestic Talent Plan” approved

(July 23, 2012, Shanghai) The “Top Domestic Talent Plan”, in a bid to cultivate over 100,000 excellent faculty members for colleges and universities, has been approved by the national government and will be promulgated and implemented soon, according to Song Yonghua, deputy director of the Central Organization Ministry Talent Bureau. The plan, echoing the “thousand overseas talents plan” previously launched, aims to mobilize the potential of domestic talents; it will scout and nurture first-class intellectuals with innovative bent in the areas of natural and social sciences with the benefit of investment and government policies. The Central Organization Department will establish a working group jointly with relevant government bodies to carry out the implementation of the plan.



Laws and Polices1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Financial reform in Pearl River Delta pushes tax deferred pension insurance

(July 25, 2012, Guangzhou) “The overall program of establishing a comprehensive testing zone for the financial reform in the Pearl River Delta Region’ was promulgated today. The program intends to promote the testing work of a tax-deferred pension insurance products. But insiders of the Guangdong Insurance Regulatory Bureau point out that the testing of individual tax-deferred pension insurance is very complex as it involves taxation and other aspects, and requires design of detailed procedures before it can be implemented.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to revise social security contribution base of SMEs

(July 26, 2012, Beijing) Given the slowdown in economic growth in the first half of the year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will adjust to the social security contribution base in order to reduce the burden of enterprises, especially that of SMEs. Yin Chengji, spokesman of MHRSS, said at the press conference that the adjustment of the contribution base of SMEs can give impetus to their growth. But some experts veto the allegation on the ground that the function of the social security should not be compromised.



Laws and Polices1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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51job: Talent market prematurely enters into low season in the first half of 2012

(July 15, 2012, Beijing) According to statistics report on the talent market in the first half of 2012, the recruitment needs of the first half of the talent market surged as early as February, with a 24.8% year-on-year increase in the number of online job advertisements; while the growth lost its momentum in May when the number of positions online dropped by 1% compared with the previous month. In Q2, the number of employees planning to quit jobs dropped by 9% compared with Q1, and was also the lowest since 2010. The percentage of job-seekers who expect 50% or more salary increase dropped to 26%, or 9% lower than Q1. Shanghai was still the city with vast recruitment needs, accounting for nearly 20% of the total recruitment openings of the country. The foreign-owned enterprises lowered their demand for recruitment in the first half of 2012, accounting for 16% of the overall number of recruitments; the private sector was still the prime source of recruitment, accounting for 54%; SOEs presented 100,000 job positions, an increase of 29%.

Foreign banks plan to expand China workforce by 56%, says Price & Waterhouse

(July 16, 2012, Associated Press) HSBC Holdings Plc and Citigroup Inc. are among foreign banks in China that plan to boost their combined workforce in the country about 56% by 2015 from 35000 to 55000, while annual revenues of overseas banks will surge by 20%, according to a result of research Price & Waterhouse conducted on CEOs, executives and branch managers of 41 overseas banks. The priority business of overseas banks are in the fields of corporate banking, risk management, treasury and compliance management. China is the world's third largest banking market, while foreign banks occupies only 1.93% of the market share.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Recruitment Trends

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Beijing beckons to top talent worldwide

(July 19, 2012, Beijing) Yesterday, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Organization Department, and the Municipal Insurance Bureau jointly announced the recruitment of high-level personnel at home and abroad on a global scale; the municipal colleges and universities, research institutes, enterprises and other units combine to offer 1085 job openings in 226 high-level positions and 325 special technology positions. The Zhongguancun Talent Zone has 135 job openings and the domestic talent introduction program will have 399; the job openings are mainly generated by IT, high-end equipment manufacturing, optical, mechanical and electronic integration of environmental and engineering technology and other emerging industries.

E-commerce enterprises crave for talent

(July 20, 2012, Hangzhou) The E-Commerce Center of the Ministry of Education released in its Seventh National IT Application Competition the “Chinese e-commerce talent report 2012”, the first report of its kind in China. It shows that in the next five years over half of the 30 million small and medium-sized enterprises will attempt to do e-commerce and the estimated number of employees in this sector will reach 2.65 million. Operational and technological talent will top the wish list, followed by promotional and supply-chain managerial talent. Given the massive gap of talent, over 80% of the e-commerce enterprises are under pressure in their recruitment.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Corporate Executive Board agrees to buy SHL for $660 million in cash

(Jul. 2, 2012) Corporate Executive Board (EXBD) announced the acquisition of SHL, the world's largest provider of talent assessment solutions. The combination brings together two highly complementary businesses to create the world’s foremost source of insight on the measurement and management of talent for business and government. Marrying CEB’s rich best practices, insights and data with SHL’s assessments, predictive analytics and robust technology platform will create a global organization with a greatly enhanced capability to help clients manage talent, transform operations and reduce risk. Early this year CEB acquired the medium-sized consulting company, Valtera, while the stated purpose of this acquisition of SHL is to add members of current corporate leadership mission, tap into the database of employment and decision making, and thus create "the world's foremost source of insight on the measurement and management of talent."

ManpowerGroup adds China to the title of China branch

(July 12, 2012, New York, London) Global professional services company Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ: TW) has appointed Ross Howard as global leader for its insurance and reinsurance brokerage business, effective from October 1, 2012. He will succeed Bill Eyre who, after 14 years in the position, will take on a newly developed role focused on client and market relationship development. Mr. Howard, who has more than 35 years of experience in the reinsurance brokerage industry, joined Towers Watson with the 2002 acquisition of Denis M. Clayton & Co., Ltd. He is currently the regional leader for brokerage in Europe, Middle East and Africa.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Institutional and Personnel Changes

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ManpowerGroup adds China to its title of China branch

(July 16, 2012, Shanghai) Manpower today announced that, as approved by the National Business Administration, the regional headquarters of ManpowerGroup was renamed Manpower Human Resources (China) Limited. ManpowerGroup (China)has become the first international HR company with the “China” wording in its title. This will further enhance the overall branding image for the group and its subsidiaries. Meanwhile, Manpower Staffing and Experis, two major subsidiary companies of ManpowerGroup, were also founded; former provides outsourcing solutions, flexible staves, talent development, etc. while the later provides search, selection and recommendation of talent from middle-to-senior to chief executive positions.

ManpowerGroup announces acquisition of 100% equity stake in Web Development Company Limited (WDC)

(July 18, 2012, Kolkata, India) ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, today announced that it has successfully completed its acquisition of the remaining 26 percent stake in Kolkata-based Web Development Company Limited (WDC), a leading IT services and professional resourcing company offering consulting, development and application support services to several large clients in India and across the Asia Pacific region. With this acquisition, WDC becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of ManpowerGroup's Experis brand, the global leader in professional resourcing and project-based workforce solutions.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Lasted Business Development


Kronos helps Chinese retail enterprises address on talent issues

(July 9, 2012, Beijing) The world's largest workforce management solutions provider Kronos is stepping up its efforts to help enhance labor productivity of Chinese retail enterprises. Aron Ain, Global CEO of Kronos, paid visits to the the company’s retail customers on his recent trip to China. He also held in-depth talk with Guo Geping, Director of the China Chain Retail Association, on the solutions to the issues of the development of China's chain retail sector, e.g., the pressure of labor cost, improvement of employee satisfaction, and approaches to improve the competitiveness.

Experis and CNstaff jointly launch cloud service “Mr. Jobs”

(July 23, 2012, Shanghai) Experis, a global leader of talents’ professional solutions, and CNstaff, an expert on international human resources, has entered into a strategic alliance and launched the cloud service of “Mr. Jobs” tailored for the China market. “Mr. Jobs” is an online application (SaaS) recruitment management solution that brings all recruitment procedures under a quantitative management model, and optimizes different resources by integrating systems, tools, databases, and channels. The service seeks to improve the efficiency of HR professionals with limited resources, and enables them to shift their focus from daily chores to strategic functions.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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NormStar helps China Grain Group train build strategic talent pool

(July 10, 2012) The China Grain Group held a graduation ceremony in the Zhongliang College to celebrate the completion of an installment of its Chenguang Program that aims to "cultivate leading talent, build the whole industry chain." Ning Gaoning, Chairman of CGG, Wang Ercheng, Vice Minister of the Central Organization Department, and Jin Yang, deputy director of SASAC awarded diplomas and the "Zhongliang sword" as a souvenir to the participants who finished the training course. Dr. Su Yonghua, chairman of NormStar, was invited to the ceremony where he interacted with participants on the themes of leadership development. The participants were screened with “manager simulation chamber” and many other assessment approaches, that, on the basis of fully grasp the potential of its management, make a comprehensive assessment of the Group’s leadership talent pool, help foster leading talent of the industry and thus realized the strategic of streamline the whole industry chain.

Oracle pushes China growth plan

(July 26, 2012, Shanghai) The Oracle Data Optimizing Center Summit is held in Shanghai today, in which Mark Hurd, President of Oracle, who visited Shanghai recently, announced the company’s growth plans for China. “In 2012, Oracle will greatly increase the number of branch offices in China, then, Oracle’s business branch will cover almost all the provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, which account for 90 percent of China’s gross domestic product,” Hurd said. He also said Oracle will enhance cooperation with Shanghai in cloud computing as the company looks to cash in on some of the cloud activity in the country. The three key areas of development include to accelerate the application of IT, to support restructuring of enterprises with innovative technologies and to foster local talent.

SAP focuses on innovation and sustainable growth in China

(July 27, 2012, Beijing) SAP today announced continued investment and growth in China, underscoring the company’s long-term commitment to the world’s second-largest economy. SAP is enabling Chinese customers — large, midsize and small, state owned, private, public sector and multinationals — to grow, scale and globalize, as well as make the transition to a knowledge-based economy, which is a key facet of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan. The announcement was made at China SAPPHIRE, being held July 26-27 in Beijing. Last November, SAP announced it would spend more than US$2 billion in China through 2015. The company this week announced its best quarterly performance ever in China, with more than 30 percent growth in software license revenue.




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2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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SAP unveils new intelligent products to revolutionize policy-making

(July 31, 2012, Beijing) SAP recently announced the launch of its innovative products, Feature Pack 3 that provides SAP BusinessObjects BI Solution Version 4.0, including the Edge version of SAP Business Objects BI software and SAP Visual Intelligence software version 1.0.1. These tools will provide powerful analytic tools for any companies and institutions. SAP focuses on the continuous innovation of its business intelligence, its mobility, extremity, and socialization, to provide users with a unique insight into the industry so that they can streamline decision-making process and business transformation. Weaver and IBM jointly launch “intelligent cloud”

OA industry leader Weaver and IBM China jointly held a conference on "integrated computing and coordination office platform” in Beijing, in which the coordination OA solution of Weaver and the Heavenly Worker Plan were the highlights. During the meeting they shared with attendees the IT framework of integrated coordination OA platform and its application, including the integrated gateway construction solution, knowledge management solution, process management solution and mobile OA solution, while IBM provided sound software system for the implementation of these solutions.

Assess Systems builds talent management system for Landraco

Landraco, the largest chain bookstores based in universities in China, and Assessment Systems, a leading talent assessment and consulting company, are cooperating with each other on the set-up of a comprehensive talent management system. The latter will propose job profiles of key positions and standardized competence profile, personnel assessment and development systems to support the strategies in universities. The competence model reflects the strategic goal and development requirements of the company.





Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Ushi unveils talent search concierge

Ushi, an online HR media and recruitment agency, recently launched “talent search concierge”, a service that addresses to the problems that corporate HR professionals faced with, and makes medium and senior level recruitment faster, more precise and cost-effective. The data mining ability due from network will not only increase the precision of info-matching, but also enhance the "interaction" during the recruitment process and interpersonal communication. Currently the service can help corporate HR departments to collect information on passive applicants at medium and senior levels and provide employment solutions.

Genechain holds ALFM actio-learning catalyst certification course

(July 23, Beijing) From July 6-8, 2012, ALFM catalyst training for elementary module was successfully held in Beijing, which was attended by 42 professionals from a host of companies, notably Huawei Technologies, the Queen, XCMG Heavy Machinery, and Chang'an Ford Mazda. The program was organized by Training magazine under the Xinhua Media Group and supported by Genechain Management Consulting Firm.

IDReal becomes founding member of NAPBS

(July 26, 2012, Beijing) As a member company of the National Professional Background Screeners, IDReal was recently invited to be a founding member of its Asia branch. The appointment not only suggests that the company has commanded respect from its international counterpart for its understanding and professionalism, but also shows that its background investigation service has achieved recognition of authoritative agencies. IDReal is well equipped for its screening services to fend off frauds and other risks of recruitment.





Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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SHRM Offers Country Information, Cultural Assessment Tool

(July 5, 2012, Alexandria, Vir.) Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) members doing business in other countries now can take advantage of a comprehensive information resource released this month. Detailed Country Guides, accessed through SHRM Online, provide detailed information and advice on how to conduct business and manage employees effectively in more than 60 countries. The guides also include an online assessment of your personal characteristics on five dimensions of culture, which can be compared to typical profiles in other countries. The service is powered by Aperian Global, a consulting, training and web tools company that specializes in global talent development and improving business interactions across borders. The San Francisco-based company has more than 200 employees and associates in more than 80 countries.

Neusoft Group launches TalentBase human capital management system

(July 24, 2012, Beijing) Neusoft Group held a launch party today in Beijing to introduce its TalentBase, a strategic human capital management system that fills in the void in the relevant field in China that will brace enterprises for their talent development. The system, comprising of five parts, i.e., talent supply line, corporate competence construction, high-performance organization, effective employee relationship, and core HR, will help enterprises create more value.

PageUp People to release workforce intelligence analytics platform

(Atlanta, Ga. and Melbourne, Australia, July 16, 2012) PageUp People, a multinational talent Management solutions provider, today announced the development of its cutting-edge workforce intelligence analytics solution, which will help organizations better understand, measure and plan their human capital strategies. Currently in its beta phase, PageUp People will debut Workforce Intelligence Analytics during the HR Technology Conference & Exposition to be held in Chicago from October 8 – 10, 2012.





Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Hays enters Malaysia

(July 9, 2012) Hays, a leading global professional recruiting group, today announced the launch of Hays Malaysia, extending its global reach to 33 countries. Hays is bringing its recruitment expertise to Malaysia through its new office based in the country’s capital, Kuala Lumpur. Hays will be offering its specialist expertise to employers and jobseekers in the following industry sectors: Accountancy & Finance, Human Resources, Sales & Marketing, Information Technology, Finance Technology and Oil & Gas.

Skillsoft expands with new leadership advantage solution in Germany-speaking countries

(July 25, 2012, NASHUA, N.H.) Skillsoft today announced a new German-focused Leadership Advantage solution to support organizations in German-speaking countries with their global leadership development programs. Skillsoft, a pioneer in the field of learning with a long history of innovation, is now offering a localized German version of Skillsoft Leadership Advantage (SLA), the company’s targeted leadership development solution that leverages multiple modes of instruction, including text, videos and interactive activities to help leaders build the skills they need.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Financial Status


Robert Walters Plc reports trading update for Q2, 2012

(July 5, 2012, London) Robert Walters Plc reports trading update for Q2 ended on June 30, 2012, showing that it had revenue of GBP275.0 million (2011: GBP241.6 million), and net fee income (gross profit) of GBP92.4 million (2011: GBP89.1 million). The Group maintained stable second quarter performance against deteriorating market. Asia Pacific impacted by banking sector slowdown; the Group’s recruitment outsourcing business performed strongly; Europe was impacted by ongoing Eurozone financial and political uncertainty.

SAP announces Q2 and half-year results

(August 1, 2012, Walldorf, Germany) SAP, a world leader in enterprise application and software and software-related services, announced Q2 and half-year results. Its software revenue increased 26% to €1,059 Million (19% at constant currencies) driven by double-digit growth in all regions. It has also shown strong growth momentum in its cloud business, as it has 52 subscriptions of cloud, 13 times of the number in Q2 2011. Its total revenue reached €3,898 million, an 18% increase from €3,300 million in Q2 2011, and its profit rose 19.5% to €2,686 million versus €2,247 million in Q2 2011.



Revenue [abstract] (unit: million euro) Q2, 2012 Q2, 2011 Jan.-Jun.,2012 Jan.-Jun. 2011Software € 1,059 € 838 € 1,696 € 1,453

No. of Cloud subscriptions and support 52 4 81 8Total revenue 3,898 3,300 7,248 6,324

Cost of software and software-related services (568) (495) (1,106) (990)Total Cost of Sales (1,212) (1,053) (2,374) (2,124)

Gross Profit 2,686 2,247 4,874 4,200

Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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ManpowerGroup reports Q2, 2012 results

(July 20, 2012, Milwaukee) ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) today reported that net earnings per diluted share for the three months ended June 30, 2012 were 51 cents compared to 87 cents in the prior year period. Net earnings in the second quarter were $41.0 million compared to $72.7 million a year earlier. Revenue for the second quarter were $5.2 billion, a decrease of 8 percent from the year earlier period, or a decrease of 1 percent in constant currency.

Hudson Global reports Q2, 2012 results

(July 31, 2012, New York) Hudson Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSON), a leading global talent solutions company, today announced financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2012. It had revenue of $204.8 million, a 17.2% decrease from Q2 of 2011, or 13.8 percent in constant currency; its gross margin was $77.1 million or 37.6% of revenue, a 19.3% decrease from the same period last year, or 15.3% in constant currency; its adjusted EBITDA* was $3.7 million (vs $8.1 million in Q2, 2011); it had restructuring charges of $5.1 million in Q2, 2012; EBITDA* loss of $1.9 million, vs. $7.7 million in Q2, 2011; net income of $0.4 million, or $0.01 per basic and diluted share, vs net income of $4.2 million, or $0.13 per basic and diluted share, for Q2 of 2011.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Randstad reports Q2, 2012 results

(July 26, 2012, Amsterdam) Randstad reported that in Q2, 2012 its revenue was up 10% to € 4,303.1 million; North America up 7%, rest of the World up 6%; its gross margin was at 18.2%, 0.2% below last year; its operating expenses at € 647.5 million, up € 9.7 million versus Q1 2012 including €4 million currency effects; its underlying EBITA was at € 134.9 million, with an EBITA margin at 3.1% (Q2 2011: 3.9%); its leverage ratio was at 2.4, reflecting seasonality in cash flow and dividend payment.

Yonyou releases 6-month report

(July 27, 2012, Beijing) The 6-month report released by Yonyou, the largest management software provider, shows that the company pulled in RMB1,715,368,930 in the first six months of 2012, attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of $ 134,623,150, net of 120,292,376 yuan of net profit after non-recurring gains and losses, net of net profit after non-recurring gains and losses and the cost of equity incentive of $140,267,041, a year-on-year growth rates were 17.3%, 10.4%, 15.3%, 26.8% respectively.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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HRoot announces “Best Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China 2012”

(July 6, 2012, Shanghai) Human Capital Management, a magazine published by the human resources media company HRoot, announced the Best Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China 2012 in Chinese and English. This globally unique list shows the the scenario of the HR service market in China, the market opportunities, innovative business models, new sources of profit, brand marketing of HR service providers, best practices and case studies, ranking list of Top 100 companies and their profiles. The 100 companies on the list are leading players in respective fields and also major driving forces for the China market.

ATA releases “2012 Ranking of General Job-Seeking Power of Universities in China”

(July 16, 2012, Guangzhou) ATA recently released the “2012 China Undergraduate Employability White Paper’ at the namesake conference held in Guangzhou. Relevant HR personnel from well-known domestic and Fortune 500 enterprises including Amway, Wrigleys, China Southern Airlines, Hainan Airlines and Coca Cola attended the event. Peking University tops the ranking, followed by Nankai University and the People’s University of China, Tsinghua and Zhejiang Universities. The White Paper is based on 65,582 samples collected in the investigation of China undergraduate employability conducted by ATA Assessment Institute from September 2011 to April 2012. The ranking reveals the employability of undergraduates and postgraduates of 2012 from 366 regular universities in six major areas across the country, which provide references to enterprises for campus recruitments.



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—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Research Reports

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Towers Watson survey shows Chinese supervisors have great impact on employee retention

(July 23, 2012, Shanghai) Towers Watson indicates in a recent survey on some 32,000 employees in 29 countries and regions worldwide that Chinese enterprises still face thorny issues in talent attraction and retention, while immediate supervisors / managers are playing increasingly important the role in talent retention. Relationship with immediate supervisors / managers is identified as one of the top three factors for employee retentions in China. Chinese employees expect their immediate supervisors / managers can not only lead business development, but also care about their promotion and career development, but only 23% interviewees deem their supervisors competent in this regard. The survey has also found that nearly half of the immediate supervisor / managers lack engagement due to crushing workload, and Chinese employees still face the challenges of compensation, benefits, career development to attract and to retain talent.

Towers Watson anticipates 10% increase in medical expenses in China in 2012

A research on medical insurance companies conducted by Towers Watson revealed that the medical expenses of employees maintained two-digit growth in the Asia-Pacific region. The survey anticipates that the overall increase margin will hit 10.2% in 2012 in Asia-Pacific, and given the surging demand for personal medical service and the growing personal medical insurance, the increase of medical expenses in China will also reach 10%, second only to India’s 13%.

51Job: Over 40% of young professionals face a long trial period

Over 40% of young professionals face a long trial period, according to the result of a survey conducted by 51Job, a job-hunting website in China. The survey reveals that although the Labor Law has stipulated clear the maximum probationary period and the minimum probationary wage, they are not applied to some new professionals. Over 28% of the interviewees claim that their probationary periods were longer than stipulated in the Labor Law, and among them 50% were from the private sector, and the second largest percentage came from state-owned enterprises.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Turnover rate high in luxury industry

(July 12, 2012, Guangzhou) “The China luxury industry payroll status and development trend report” reveals that the overall staff turnover rate of the luxury industry hit 15% in 2011, and will surge to 18% in 2012. The report was issued by the China Luxury Industry Association and Jones Park at the 2012 China Luxury Brands Management Week. The staff turnover rates of stores were higher than that those in the headquarters, while salaries, benefits and personal development were the main reason for resignations. Johnson Wong, a senior consultant of Jones Park Consultancy, said that first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen registered pay increase of nearly 10 percent in 2011, while the increase were mainly applied to positions in headquarters, while the salaries of store staff saw their annual fixed salary increase by less than 5% and their commission rate almost unchanged.

Inter-industry wage gap shrinks to 4.48 times

(July 11, 2012, Economic Watch) The latest report released by the Ministry of Human Resources’ Social Institute of Labor Wage shows that in inter-industry wage gap was up to 4.48 times in 2011. Among all sectors the financial industry ranked the highest with an average annual wage of RMB91,364, or RMB20,745 higher than the IT and software industry that ranked the second, or RMB70,791 higher than the lowest-ranking agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery industry. According to professionals from the institute, the inter-industry gap widened twice in 2004-05 and 2007-2008, and hit a record high of 15.93 times in 2008, twice the figure of 7.78 in 2005 and shrank thereafter.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Mercer: HR is critical to trans-regional acquisitions

(July 27, 2012) According to survey on “integration after trans-regional acquisitions” conducted by Mercer, companies that fail to be human-oriented can run the risk of failure in trans-regional acquisitions. In this survey, Mercer made face-to-face interviews with 41 companies that had recently made acquisitions and prepared a questionnaire of 20 questions. 59% of the interviewees considered talent retention is the most important issue, 60% of the interviewees believed culture was a main challenge, but most companies lacked adequate details in their integration plans, and 66% of the enterprises believed that payroll and benefit management were key issues in investigations of due diligence.

Employers in China say new skills are needed, says Hudson’s new report

(July 24 2012, Shanghai) 49.8% of Chinese employers surveyed say today’s tough economic environment has changed the skills needed to make their people high performers, according to the latest Hudson Report: Employment Trends published today. Hudson (NASDAQ: HSON), a global talent solutions company, surveyed 634 China employers in June for the for the July-September period. The report reveals employers are divided equally about whether or not the current economic environment impacts the skills needed for high performance. Of those who believe the attributes of high performers have changed in today’s economy, the majority believes the most important quality is openness to change (69.3%), followed by flexibility in embracing additional job responsibilities (66.1%)and being cooperative (54.1%).

Hay: Employee engagement of China lower than world average

Hay, a world’s leading HR consulting company, recently released the result of its survey on effectiveness of employees worldwide. The results show that only 51% of employees in Chinese companies are dedicated. Pitted against a low engagement rate, 44% of the employees believe that their employers do not give adequate support to their work, 9% higher than the world average. Hay Group suggest that engagement rate and organizational support are important to the maximization of the performance of employees.





Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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SHL publishes analytic report on applicants’ characters

SHL conducted a questionnaire survey on the vocational character of 337,000 applicants in 19 countries in 15 languages in Asia. The result shows that Asian applicants prefer stable jobs, need more time to establish inter-personal relationships, and emphasize on long-term development. Applicants in China disgust bureaucracy and excessive workload; they have distinctive viewpoints and independent thinking, but do not express themselves openly. SHL suggests that people should play attention to cultural differences and influence on other people’s behavior, avoid biased conclusions with objective assessment, think about observed phenomenon but do not make rush decisions, and compare with the results of other observers.

Average base pay in Hong Kong increases by 3.8% in first four months of 2012

(July 26, 2012, Hong Kong) With concerns about the fluctuating economic situations, employers continued to adopt a prudent approach on pay rises, according to the April 2012 Pay Trend Survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM). The Pay Trend Survey covers a total of 94 companies from 17 sectors. Key findings are as follows: Of a total of 67 companies from 16 sectors employing 74,436 employees, the overall average base pay adjustment recorded was 3.8% (weighed average), 0.1% up from the figure for the same period last year. 97% of companies surveyed offered an overall base pay increase as compared to 100% in the same period 2011. The top three sectors which offered the highest overall base pay increase are construction, engineering and shipping/terminals. Of the 74,436 employees concerned, 76.0% received a positive adjustment in base pay, 23.9% received zero adjustment while 0.1% got a negative adjustment.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



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Randsdad, ManpowerGroup and Adecco rank in Fortune Global 500

(July 10, 2012) today announced the ranking list of Global 500, in which three human resource service companies are cited. With revenue of $28.5668 billion, Adecco ranks the 387th (391th in 2011); Randstad ranks the 489th (517th in 2011) with revenue of $22.5599 billion, and Manpower Group ranks 500th (514th in 2011) with revenue of $22.006 billion. The three companies all move to the front in their ranks compared with last year.

ADP soars into Top 50 on Computerworld’s "100 Best Places to Work in IT" Rankings for 2012

(June 2, 2012, Roseland, N.J.) ADP , a leading provider of human resource outsourcing, payroll services, and benefits administration, today announced that the company has been ranked in the Top 50 on IDG's Computerworld 2012 list of the 100 Best Places to Work in Information Technology (IT). ADP is ranked #47 on the list, up six positions from 2011 and 22 positions from 2010. Each year, Computerworld recognizes the top 100 companies that provide dynamic, challenging business environments, enable their IT staff to develop and grow professionally and offer competitive benefits and compensation.

Cornerstone receives top grades in Gartner, IDC & Forrester studies

Flagship industry analyst reports recently published by leading firms Gartner, IDC and Forrester Research have identified Cornerstone OnDemand as a market “leader” among talent management vendors. Moreover, Cornerstone is presented as the only pure-play Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) vendor to compete in both the learning management and performance management categories.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Awards & Honours

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Aetna earns top honors for helping employees achieve healthy lifestyles

(July 12, 2012, Hartford, Conn.) Aetna (NYSE: AET) announced that it has received top honors for its dedication to helping its employees achieve and maintain healthy, active lifestyles. The National Business Group on Health, a non-profit association of large U.S. employers, recognized Aetna with the highest Platinum honor for the 2012 Best Employers for Healthy Lifestyles awards plus a distinction for the Best Stress Management Intervention program.

Neusoft selected for The Global Outsourcing 100 by IAOP

(July 18, 2012, Shenyang) Neusoft announced today that it was for the sixth time selected for The Global Outsourcing 100, a ranking published by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals to assess the capabilities of outsourcing service providers and advisors. In addition to being the highest-ranking Chinese companies, Neusoft was also included in a few sub-lists, e.g., the Best 5 Leaders-Automotive, the Best 10 Leaders-Medicare, the Best 20 Leaders- Telecommunications, the Best 20 Leaders-R&D, the Best 5 Companies in China, and the Best 10 Companies in Japan. The Global Outsourcing 100 is a survey that IAOP annually publishes based on independent assessment of the capabilities of outsourcing service providers and advisers.




Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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Stephen R. Covey dies at 79; wrote influential self-help bestseller

Stephen R. Covey, a former Brigham Young University business professor who blended personal self-help and management theory in a massive bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, died Monday at a hospital in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He was 79. The cause was complications from injuries sustained in a bicycle accident. Covey became a household name when The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was published in 1989. On bestseller lists for four years, it has sold in excess of 20 million copies in 40 languages and spawned a multimillion-dollar business empire. Covey's clients included three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies and scores of schools and government entities.

China ranks the third in labor cost among emerging economies

With the rise of labor cost in China, more low-margin manufacturing enterprises are moving from China to to its neighboring country India, according to a survey conducted by China briefing. The minimum wage in China is now about two or three times of India, ranking the third highest in emerging economies in Asia, next only to Malaysia and Thailand.



Industry Trends1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic


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2012 CIIC Talent Management Forum held in Shanghai

(July 9, 2012, Shanghai) The 2012 CIIC Talent Management Forum jointly held by the CIIC Vocational Ability Test and Development Center and the CIIC Talent Assessment and Development Center was held in Shanghai on July 6-7. The event briefed the latest trends in talent management, and it was attended by leadership of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Shanghai Vocational Ability Test Center, SAIC Group, Huayi Group, Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group, Shanghai Tobacco Group, Shanghai Petrochemical, Shanghai Telecom, Shanghai Electric, Dongfeng Motor and human resources departments from more than 30 large state-owned enterprises.

Randstad participates in China Medicine Industry HR Management Summit

(July 24, 2012, Shanghai) On July 20, 2012, Randstad participated in the 4th China Medicine Industry HR Management Summit, an event jointly launched by and the Shanghai Biology and Medicine Industry Association. More than 100 professionals from the government, Chinese and overseas enterprises appeared at the summit, at which Sun Haining, Marketing Director for China of Randstad delivered a speech on “Sharing Excellent HR Solutions.”

CIIC Zhejiang conducts survey on college graduate salary

(July 24, 2012, Ningbo) CIIC Ningbo Branch recently joined the CIIC HR Management Consulting Company and the Ningbo Social Welfare Bureau in a survey on the salaries of college new graduates. In recent years the foreign oriented economy of Ningbo was under pressure, and the dwindling profits of enterprises have impacted the employment of college students. The survey was conducted in some 10,000 enterprises in Ningbo, involving nearly 100 industries and nearly 1,000 positions. Its result would provide reference info to organizations of all kinds and help government departments with their policy making.




Market Events1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 35: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Kenexa Elite program launched to recognize leadership and engagement in China

(July 26, 2012, Shanghai) Kenexa (NYSE: KNXA) announced Kenexa Elite, a new awards program to recognize great leadership and engagement in China. The program will run from July through mid-November, and will be open to individual and organization level participants that meet the eligibility requirements. It is an innovative program that aims to identify and celebrate outstanding leadership in the China market. It provides a unique opportunity for organizational leaders to be recognized for their individual impact on business success. Program participants will benefit from valuable data and feedback regarding their organization’s engagement, leadership capability and performance excellence. Winners will be determined by in-depth data analysis benchmarked to Kenexa World Norms, and impartial judging from a distinguished panel of industry professionals to identify participants with the highest levels of leadership performance and engagement.

Kenexa organizes “The Cloud Era of Recruitment” seminar

(July 27, 2012, Shanghai) HR service provider Kenexa held “The Cloud Era of Recruitment” forum on July 25 in the Okura Garden Hotel of Shanghai. David Shen, President for Greater China of Kenexa, delivered opening speech, and Ben Lewis, Global Talent Management Director of Kenexa, Qian Lin, a senior manager of Shanghai General Motors, and Ding Xiang, HR Director of briefed the latest recruitment trends with the attendees.

Hirede holds “2012 Social Era Campus Recruitment Summit”

(July 13, 2012, Shenzhen) Hirede and its affiliated research institute jointly launched the “Social Era Campus Recruitment Summit” at the Jinmao Marriott Hotel in Shenzhen. The summit saw a host of attendees, notably directors of human resources from Procter & Gamble, Huawei Technologies, Deloitte, Vanke, Tencent, Thunder, Taobao, among others, who shared their opinions on the new features and strategies of campus recruitment with some 400 attendees.




Market Events1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 36: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Beisen holds “Auto Industry Talent Management Forum”

(July 13, 2012, Beijing) Beisen, a leading talent assessment agent in China, held the “Auto Industry Talent Management Forum” in Beijing’s Great Wall Sheraton Hotel. The event sought to introduce the cloud management platform to the auto industry, and help realize the talent management integration process. PR managers from over 80 auto makers, e.g., Chang’an Automobile, Brilliance Auto, Volvo, Chery Automobile attended the event. Ji Weiguo, CEO of Beisen, delivered a speech, pointing out that human resources work should be focused on organizational development and talent management; it should be shifted from traditional routine work to strategic work; human resources managers should have detailed data of employee competence, and seek development that suit their needs best.

Hogan Assessment Systems Asia Conference to be held in September

The Optimal Consultants (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will hold the Hogan Assessment System Conference Asia on September 10-11 in Shanghai and September 13-14 in Beijing. The Hogan Assessment System can help enterprises select candidates, high-potential employees and successors in accordance with their strategic objectives of talent and enterprise development, and also help career path development of current and potential leaders. The conference will take an insightful look at how to use the Hogan system and interpret the Hogan report.



Market Events1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



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Kenexa signs agreement with Bloomberg Businessweek/China

(July 16, 2012, Shanghai) Kenxea, a global leading HR service provider, has signed a 10-year agreement with Bloomberg Business/China. In this document Kenexa appoints the latter as its exclusive media agent, a move that will help enhance Kenexa’s leading position in China, and provide promotion channels of its projects, international conferences, and jointly-launched HR forums. Bloomberg Businessweek/China is a widely circulated business magazine that is jointly published by Bloomberg LP, the China Commerce and Trade Press, and the Modern Media Co. Ltd.

Weaver signs agreement with Panasonic Hangzhou

Software producer Weaver recently signed an agreement with Panasonic Hangzhou Co Ltd. Weaver sought to integrate enterprise resources and improve the overall efficiency of the office on its e-cology collaborative management platform. The project has started immediately after the agreement was signed, making for another successful application case of Weaver’s e-cology collaborative management platform in the electric appliance industry.



Contracting Information1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 38: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot

HJSoft signs agreement with Datong Securities

(July 10, 2012) HJSoft recently signed an agreement with the Datong Securities, a deal that marked the new progress that the software provider made in the securities industry. The Datong Securities sought to build a human resource management and control platform by using eHR software that HJSoft provided to break the bottleneck of human resource management and upgrade its management.

Fudan University School of Management adopts Kayang software

(July 2012, Shanghai) Kayang, a leading human resources solutions supplier in Asia cut a deal with Fudan University on the introduction of the former’s e-HR system. In a recent meeting with Kayang organized by the Personnel Administration Department of the Fudan University School of Management, Dean Lu Xiongwen, Executive Vice President Zhou Jian and other school and department leaders all attended, Director Liu made a presentation on the value of e-HR systems and the project implementation, and made a comprehensive display of the main functions of the employee self-service portal. At present, the project has entered its experimental stage, and has laid a solid foundation for Fudan University to build a reputation for management training.



Contracting Information1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 39: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange Stock Exchange Stock

CodeMarket Cap on

Jul.31 (million $) MC Amt Original Currency

1 ADP 安德普翰 NASDAQ NASDAQ ADP 27,660.00 27,660.00 USD, mn

2Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc./Mercer

美世 NYSE New York Stock Exchange MMC 18,140.00 18,140.00 USD, mn

3 AON 怡安 NYSE New York Stock Exchange AON 16,060.00 16,060.00 USD, mn

4 Aetna   NYSE NASDAQ AET 12,530.00 12,530.00 USD, mn

5 Paychex   NASDAQ NASDAQ PAYX 11,860.00 11,860.00 USD, mn

6 Cigna   NYSE NASDAQ CI 11,610.00 11,610.00 AUD, mn

7 Adecco 德科     ADEN/ADE 8,333.65 8,138.33 CHF, mn

8 Randstad 任仕达 AMS NYSE Euronext (Amsterdam) RAND 6,471.23 4,250.00 EUR, mn

9 Edenred 艾登瑞德 EPA NYSE Euronext (Paris) EDEN 6,031.37 4,840.00 EUR, mn

10 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 NYSE New York Stock Exchange TW 4,430.00 4,430.00 USD, mn

11 Robert Half International 罗致恒富 NYSE New York Stock Exchange RHI 3,860.00 3,860.00 USD, mn

12 SEEK Limited13   ASX Australian Securities Exchange SEK 2,995.35 2,850.00 AUD, mn

13 ManpowerGroup 万宝盛华 NYSE New York Stock Exchange MAN 2,850.00 2,850.00 USD, mn

14 Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation 博思艾伦 NYSE New York Stock Exchange BAH 2,490.00 2,490.00 USD, mn

15 The Ultimate Software   NASDAQ NASDAQ ULTI 2,380.00 2,380.00 USD, mn

16 Michael Page International 米高蒲志国际 LON London Stock Exchange MPI 2,187.82 1,110.00 GBP, mn

17 Yonyou Software Co. Ltd. 用友软件 SHA Shanghai Stock Exchange 600588 2,093.90 13.32 CNY, bn

18 Health Net   EPA NYSE Euronext CEN 1,830.00 1,830.00 USD, mn

19 Hays Plc 瀚纳仕 LON London Stock Exchange HAS 1,781.78 1,020.00 GBP, mn

20 Team Health Holdings LLC   NYSE New York Stock Exchange TMH 1,760.00 1,760.00 USD, mn


Exchange rate, 7/31/2012AUD1 USD1.051JPY1 USD0.01227EUR1 USD1.3329CHF1 USD1.024CNY1 USD0.1572HKD1 USD0.1281TWD1 USD0.03332GBP1 USD1.5672

Appendix 1: RankingHR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



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Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange Stock Exchange Stock

CodeMarket Cap on

Jul.31 (million $) MC Amt Original Currency

21 Neusoft 东软 SHA Shanghai Stock Exchange 600718 1,570.43 9.99 CNY, bn

22 51job 前程无忧 NASDAQ NASDAQ JOBS 997.24 997.24 USD, mn

23 McMillan Shakespeare   ASX Australian Securities

Exchange MMS 879.77 837.08 AUD, mn

24 Monster12   NYSE New York Stock Exchange MWW 879.07 879.07 USD, mn

25 Insperity11   NYSE New York Stock Exchange NSP 682.72 682.72 USD, mn

26 Kenexa 肯耐珂萨 NYSE New York Stock Exchange KNXA 650.86 650.86 USD, mn

27 Temp Holdings Co., Ltd.   TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 2181 648.22 52,830.00 JPY, mn

28 Korn/Ferry International 光辉国际 NYSE New York Stock Exchange KFY 631.10 631.10 USD, mn

29 TrueBlue   NYSE New York Stock Exchange TBI 614.85 614.85 USD, mn

30 On Assignment   NASDAQ NASDAQ ASGN 586.52 586.52 USD, mn

31 USG People   AMS NYSE Euronext USG 572.17 429.27 EUR, mn

32 Sthree Plc   LON London Stock Exchange STHR 549.34 348.13 GBP, mn

33 Resources Connection Inc. 荟才 NASDAQ NASDAQ RECN 474.11 474.11 USD, mn

34 Dice Holdings   NYSE New York Stock Exchange DHX 468.42 468.42 USD, mn

35 Kelly Services 必胜 NASDAQ NASDAQ KELYA 437.83 437.83 USD, mn

36 Kforce   NASDAQ NASDAQ KFRC 426.29 426.29 USD, mn

37 CDI Corporation   NYSE New York Stock Exchange CDI 311.26 311.26 USD, mn

38 Kingdee 金蝶 HKG Hongkong Stock Exchange 0268 289.51 2.26 HKD, bn

39 Saba Software   NASDAQ NASDAQ SABA 248.41 248.41 USD, mn

40 Impellam Group plc   LON London Stock Exchange IPEL 248.40 145.85 GBP, mn

Exchange rate, 7/31/2012AUD1 USD1.051JPY1 USD0.01227EUR1 USD1.3329CHF1 USD1.024CNY1 USD0.1572HKD1 USD0.1281TWD1 USD0.03332GBP1 USD1.5672

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Appendix 1: Ranking


HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



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Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange Stock Exchange Stock

CodeMarket Cap on

Jul.31 (million $) MC Amt Original Currency

41 Pasona Group Inc. 保圣那人才服務(上海)有限公司 TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 2168 243.56 19,850.00 JPY, mn

42 Heidrick & Struggles 海德思哲 NASDAQ NASDAQ HSII 240.65 240.65 USD, mn

43 AMN Healthcare Services, Inc.   NYSE New York Stock Exchange AHS 238.42 238.42 USD, mn

44 ClickSoftware Technologies   NASDAQ NASDAQ CKSW 236.21 236.21 USD, mn

45 Robert Walters 华德士 LON London Stock Exchange RWA 225.39 143.71 GBP, mn

46 Synergie   EPA NYSE Euronext SDG 221.26 166.00 EUR, mn

47 Group Crit   EPA NYSE Euronext CEN 195.24 146.48 EUR, mn

48 Chandler Macleod Group   ASX Australian Securities

Exchange CMG 188.52 179.37 AUD, mn

49 Barrett Business Services Inc.   NASDAQ NASDAQ BBSI 182.62 182.62 USD, mn

50 CDC Corporation 中华网软件 PINK FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board CDCAQ 177.66 177.66 USD, mn

51 Hudson Inc. 翰德 NASDAQ NASDAQ HHGP 151.28 151.28 USD, mn

52 Volt Information Sciences 渥特 PINK FINRA, over-the-counter

electronic trading board VISI 141.73 141.73 USD, mn

53 Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.   NASDAQ NASDAQ CCRN 140.18 140.18 USD, mn

54 Talent2 International 天柏 ASX Australian Securities Exchange TWO 120.07 114.24 AUD, mn

55 ATA 全美测评 NASDAQ NASDAQ ATAI 92.13 92.13 USD, mn

56 Staffline Group   LON London Stock Exchange STAF 82.11 52.39 GBP, mn

57 104 Corporation/104 Job bank 104人力银行 TPE Taiwan Stock Exchange 3130 77.64 2.33 TWD,bn

58 Harvey Nash Group   LON London Stock Exchange HVN 73.68 37.09 GBP, mn

Exchange rate, 7/31/2012AUD1 USD1.051JPY1 USD0.01227EUR1 USD1.3329CHF1 USD1.024CNY1 USD0.1572HKD1 USD0.1281TWD1 USD0.03332GBP1 USD1.5672

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Appendix 1: Ranking


HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 42: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Notes: 1.Market Capitalization:Market cap is calculated from the total value of a company's stock, namely total shares of stock times price per share. It fluctuates with stock market. 2.Above data come from the closing prices of local exchanges of the companies on Jul. 31, 2012.3.Marsh & McLennan Companies is the parent company of Mercer.4.Monster is the parent company of

Appendix 1: Ranking

Rank Company Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange Stock Exchange Stock

CodeMarket Cap on

Jul.31 (million $) MC Amt Original Currency

59 Corporate Resource Services Inc   OTC FINRA, over-the-counter

electronic trading board CRRS 73.56 73.56 USD, mn


  TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 4848 69.82 5,690.00 JPY, mn

61 WDB Holdings Co Ltd   TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 2475 69.45 5,660.00 JPY, mn

62 Meitec Corporation 明达科(上海)人才服务有限公司 TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 9744 67.62 5,511.00 JPY, mn

63 Computer & Technologies 科联系统 HKG Hongkong Stock Exchange 0046 49.17 0.38 HKD, bn

64 Clarius Group   ASX Australian Securities Exchange CND 41.09 39.10 AUD, mn

65 Hydrogen Group Plc   LON London Stock Exchange HYDG 31.83 22.46 GBP, mn

66 Humanis Group Limited   ASX Australian Securities

Exchange HUM 17.73 16.87 AUD, mn

67 Prime People   LON London Stock Exchange PRP 13.51 8.62 GBP, mn

68 NetDimensions 网维 LON London Stock Exchange NETD 11.86 7.56 GBP, mn

69 Hamilton James & Bruce   ASX Australian Securities

Exchange HJB 11.61 11.05 AUD, mn

70 DLH Holdings   NASDAQ NASDAQ DLHC 9.86 9.86 USD, mn

71 Workstream   OTC FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board WSTMF 3.29 3.29 USD, mn

Exchange rate, 7/31/2012AUD1 USD1.051JPY1 USD0.01227EUR1 USD1.3329CHF1 USD1.024CNY1 USD0.1572HKD1 USD0.1281TWD1 USD0.03332GBP1 USD1.5672

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic


HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 43: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Appendix 2:Global Ranking of Websites Traffic 1.About HRoot China Human

Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in Chinese

Company Name in English Domain Name

Wwebsite Global Traffic 3-Month Average Ranking

China-based Website Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking

Search English


1 前程无忧 51Job 341 56 2,060 45,800,000

2 智联招聘 516 83 1,720 872,000

3 国际商业机器公司 IBM 519 519 6,740 17,900,000

4 甲骨文 Oracle 605 1,146 5,300 21,700,000

5 凯业必达 656 28,993 2,880 7,240,000 375,233 57,544 262 230,000

6 思爱普 SAP 2,185 8,249 2,790 13,600,000

7 中华英才网 2,266 332 1,830 1,610,000

8 安德普翰 2,349 137,959 660 91,600 905,436 / 168 1,120

9 应届生求职网 Yingjiesheng 3,189 463 510 6,460,000

10 埃森哲 Accenture 4,150 11,960 2,150 42,700

11 中国人才热线 JobsDB 4,330 540 645 1,650,000

12 盖洛普 Gallup 5,919 34,194 1,520 35,400

13 仕睿 SilkRoad 6,208 26,716 161 51,700

14 德勒-人力资源咨询 Deloitte Human Capital Consulting 6,581 52,653 2,930 679,000

15 卓博人才网 Jobcn 10,519 1,061 338 1,330,000

16 赛仕软件 SAS 12,024 47,974 1,550 788,000

17 安永-企业咨询 Ernst&Young 12,656 60,586 2,640 83,400

18 赛捷 Sage 16,595 NA 413 241,000

19 毕马威企业咨询 KPMG Consulting 16,629 50,014 1,560 132,000



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Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in Chinese

Company Name in English Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average Ranking

China-based Website Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking

Search English


20 肯耐珂萨 Kenexa 18,519 NA 316 36,700

21 怡安翰威特 Aon Hewitt 25,083 NA 640 25,100

22 任仕达 30,906 130,301 594 539,000 451,364 61,530 37 4,260

23 金蝶 Kingdee 35,072 4,096 536 79,800

24 中智

CIIC-Shanghai 36,469 4,617 112 12,600

CIIC 829,436 60,787 178 8080

CIIC-Beijing 191,215 26,838 907 8,610

25 / PageUp People 38,749 NA 197 44,900

26 恩富 Infor Global 48,369 NA 521 20,000 2,015,456 / 189 1,410

27 翰纳仕 Hays 49,842 7,958 521 8,950

28 世泓 SHL 53,956 42,139 172 8,630

29 美世 Mercer Human Resource Consulting 57,438 72,206 477 376,000

30 北京外服 FESCO 63,293 9,221 261 182,000

31 MRI Network Worldwide MRI Network Worldwide 70,907 91,879 553 88,200

32 全美测评 ATA 76,541 16,804 52 6,420

33 必胜 Kelly Services 82,232 NA 753 5,670

34 博斯 Booz & Company 86,535 NA 312 17,500

35 第一招聘网 01 Job 87,370 11,327 88 270,000

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic


HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 45: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Appendix 2:Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in Chinese

Company Name in English Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average Ranking

China-based Website Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking

Search English


36 职酷网 Jobkoo 91,017 9,694 157 1,730,000

37 克罗诺思 93,879 NA 206 7,030 4,420,995 / 30 1,046

38 伟事达 97,600 NA 226 5,400 10,914,586 / 6 157

39 罗致恒富 Robert Half 100,855 NA 637 130

40 韬睿惠悦 Towers Watson 102,110 103,343 565 27,100

41 德科 Adecco 104,090 NA 566 6,220

42 东软 Neusoft 104,587 15,314 130 8,500

43 翰德 Hudson 104,639 NA NA 147,000

44 安拓国际 Antal International 106,144 114,217 81 1,650,000

45 光辉国际 Korn/Ferry International 106,202 NA 427 5,670

46 米高蒲志国际 Michael Page International 133,474 NA 411 9,000

47 北森 Beisen 138,811 15,911 126 1,570

48 思安 Spherion Corp 140,763 NA 145 27,400

49 合益集团 HayGroup 148,987 NA 100 35,700

50 泛微 Weaver 161,245 17,157 55 12,400

51 亿康先达 Egon Zehnder International 176,433 NA 137 32,800

52 威科 Wolters Kluwe 186,923 NA 768 8,020

53 海德思哲 Heidrick & Struggles 204,196 NA 218 1,270

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic


HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 46: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Appendix 2:Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in Chinese

Company Name in English Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average Ranking

China-based Website Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking

Search English


54 万宝盛华集团 ManpowerGroup 211,953 NA 676 6,520

55 首优 First Advantage 220,428 NA 86 3,160

56 雇得易 Hirede 225,690 40,281 23 2,870

57 路敏思 Lumesse 277,234 NA 136 2,870

58 天柏 Talent2 International 280,928 NA 103 5,630

59 上海外服 EFESCO 288,335 44,912 262 16,400

60 中华网软件 CDC 303,239 140,009 139 4,670 222,586 / 131 3,790

61 史宾沙 Spencer Stuart 312,887 NA 109 23,200

62 蓝步 323,456 NA 134 1,160

63 艾登瑞德 Edenred 333,389 26,200 189 1,150

64 用友 yonyou 369,560 42,652 NA 3,860

65 普华永道-人力资源咨询

PricewaterhouseCoopers Human Resource Consulting 373,666 88,397 NA 7,080

66 罗盛咨询 Russell Reynolds Associates 401,788 NA 135 6,000

67 华德士 Robert 405,152 68,119 85 14,600 2,442,148 / 74 5,260

68 太和顾问 TaiHe Consulting 407,723 85,791 36 798

69 科锐国际 Career International 411,413 40,772 38 8,320

70 倍智 Tale Base 411,479 84,133 28 2,310

71 云招科技 CloudRecruit 468,475 38,410 NA 32

1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic


HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 47: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Appendix 2:Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in Chinese

Company Name in English Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average Ranking

China-based Website Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking

Search English


72 易才 CTG 549,748 59,691 133 1,510

73 企顾司 Cegos 620,059 NA 223 9,660

74 安瑞雅 Northgate 745,347 NA 153 1,330 / 67 47 /

75 ECA国际 ECA International 870,724 NA 43 648

76 美国管理协会 AMA 912,295 NA NA 4

77 人众人 Genesis Education Group 965,809 NA NA 41,200

78 安立国际 Amrop Group 985,121 NA 32 721

79 伯乐管理有限公司 Bo Le 1,015,435 NA 5 2,700

80 创拓软件 InnoWeave 1,093,567 137,302 1 180

81 诺姆四达集团 NormStar Group 1,229,363 NA NA 234

82 宏景软件 HJSoft 1,254,267 NA 7 4,830

83 明基逐鹿 BenQ Guru 1,302,823 NA 39 1,900

84 善择 China Select 1,593,252 NA 9 376

85 网维软件 NetDimensions 1,711,529 NA 71 97

86 一佳一网络科技 power plus 1,842,897 131,731 64 334

87 赛捷 Sage 1,885,701 NA 28 44,900

88 中欧商业在线 eCEIBS 1,941,746 NA 96 4,240

89 海问联合 Assess Systems 2,058,867 NA 36 361

90 英格玛 Engma 2,090,411 NA 40 3,810

91 易得训 ExecuTrain 2,162,013 NA 15 25,500


1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper



Page 48: CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE INDUSTRY 2012 · fields of Mobile Internet since 2012. In 2012, HRoot has released cloud media platform based on IPhone, IPad and Android system. HRoot


Appendix 2:Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Rank Company Name in Chinese

Company Name in English Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month Average Ranking

China-based Website Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking

Search English


92 立德管理顾问 2,526,023 NA 1 673 / / 2 37,546

93 薪得付 CDP Group 2,598,287 NA 19 1,300

94 德博诺 de Bono 2,602,386 116,680 2 315

95 汇思软件 Cyberwisdom 3,202,274 NA 9 1,160

96 睿仕管理 RIGHT 4,035,758 NA 87 516 5,783,769 / 23 261

97 联源智信 IDReal 4,437,099 NA 3 44

98 欧信英才 China Team 4,809,520 NA 1 5

99 嘉扬 kayang 6,163,446 NA 7 5,750

100 中国四达 China Star 8,963,041 NA NA 1,380

101 万古科技 Vanguard Technology 11,182,305 NA 35 700

102 鼎源万家 Insupro 12,269,336 NA 20 775

103 普联中瑞 WebHr 14,052,352 NA NA 175

104 课斯维 / 14,995,396 NA NA 89

105 和致 CoreCapital / NA NA 17

Notes: 1.Traffic Rank: It is ranked according to the global traffic of the websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website. 2.All links directed by other website doucments are referred to as backward links. The more backward links a website has, the more popularity and support it has.3.The search engine traffic is counted by the Google Administrater Tool; the number of times a company's website PVs directed by Google also reflects how popular it is. 4.If a company has mutiple domain names, its website global traffic is collected from its most visited website.


1.About HRoot China Human Resources Service Industry Market Watch 2012

2.Laws and Policies

3.Industry Trends—Recruitment Trends

—Institutional and Personnel Changes

—Lasted Business Development

—Financial Status

—Research Report

—Awards & Honours


4.Market Events

5.Contracting Information

6.Appendix 1: Ranking

7.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HR MarketWatchHRoot White Paper

