Download - Chima Sanchez STEEM Research Presentation

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Chaotic Dynamics of a One-Parameter Third-Order Polynomial FamilyFrancisco Chima SanchezMathematical SciencesBjörn BirnirDepartment of MathematicsUCSB California NanoSystems Institute

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Courtesy Google Images

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Chaos is “unpredictability”Think “Butterfly Effect”

Animation by Brian Weinstein

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Models Require Analysis For models using maps of the form

where a is any real number. Some subclasses will exhibit chaotic dynamics,

corresponding to unpredictability, like this galactic revolution model

𝑓𝑎ሺ𝑥ሻ= 𝑎−𝑎𝑥−𝑎𝑥2 −𝑎𝑥3

Source: N.D. Caranicolas

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Dynamical Systems𝑓ሺ𝑥ሻ= 2𝑥 𝑓2ሺ𝑥ሻ= 2ሺ2𝑥ሻ= 4𝑥 𝑓3ሺ𝑥ሻ= 8𝑥 𝑓𝑛ሺ𝑥ሻ= 2𝑛𝑥

Note that any point x greater than zero eventually “blows up” to infinity

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Computational ApproachUsing Matlab, I designed bifurcation diagrams for each subclass of time-evolution maps

Bifurcation diagram for logistic family

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Lyapunov Exponents

Measures how quickly orbits move apartNegative → asymptotically stableZero → Lyapunov stablePositive → chaotic

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Globally Stable SubclassesOrbits converge on fixed pointMost favorable physical case

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Attractor SubclassesOrbits remain near an attractorAlso physically favorable

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Period-Doubling SubclassesSideways “family tree”Leads to chaotic regime

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Feigenbaum CascadesBecause the map has a negative Schwarzian

derivative locally, location of bifurcations given by Feigenbaum constant

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Chaotic DynamicsFeigenbaum cascade “route” to chaosLyapunov exponents are positive in

chaotic regimes

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Physical Model RecommendationsGlobally stable

subclasses are optimal

Attractor subclasses work well too

Avoid period-doubling cascades

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So, what next?Higher-order polynomialsMay include exponentials and

trigonometric equationsMore than one parameter

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Special Thanks to…

Jens-Uwe KuhnMariateresa NapoliArica LubinBjörn BirnirOfelia Aguirre