Download - Child Snatching by the State Conference 10th April

  • 8/3/2019 Child Snatching by the State Conference 10th April


    Child Snatching by the State Conference 10th AprilBy Admin | 25th Mar 2010 | in Events

    Saturday 10 April 2010 Start: 11 a.m. Finish: 5 p.m.

    Venue: Stafford Rangers Social Club, Marston Road, Stafford, ST16 3BX

    In recent years, there has been a steady increase in media reports concerning Mothers and Fathers,

    Grandparents and Families reporting the taking of children from their parents and homes by Social

    Services. Most significantly, many children are taken using false evidence, psychiatric reports and

    false accusations by Social Services, in collusion with Local Authorities, Police, Judiciary and other

    agencies. The snatching of the child or children is further facilitated by the secretive system of the

    Courts, where the parents are gagged from telling the truth about what is happening to them and

    their child. Perjury in Court to assist the snatch is commonplace.

    In many cases, evidence collected at the time, or emerging later, shows that the children snatched by

    the state are often subject to neglect or abuse within the care protection system. Some children are

    also drugged. Parents of either sex, who try and fight to keep their children, are frequently subjected

    to psychological pressure and intimidation to undermine their efforts, drive a wedge between them

    and their partner, and in a number of cases silence them by incarceration in psychiatric institutions

    and / or forced prescription of psychotropic drugs.

    Over the last three years, the UKColumn community newspaper has received many reports on child-

    snatching and child abuse, together with irrefutable supporting evidence of wrongdoing by people and

    authorities who should be protecting children and families. Some of these cases can only be described

    as horrific, and of major concern to every moral person in UK. The latest has been that of the

    paedophile rape of Downs Syndrome girl Hollie Greig. This informal conference has been arranged by

    the UKColumn as part of the growing Lawful Rebellion movement - people across UK taking peaceful

    action to say enough is enough. In this case we are working to bring victims of Child Snatching by

    the State together to learn more about the nature and sheer scale of the problem - government

    sponsored Child Snatching. We will also be setting out ways in which families, organisations and

    individuals can work together to stop this vile crime, and to bring those involved to justice, no matter

    what their personal and professional status, affiliations and wealth. Contributions from members of the

    public and especially those who have suffered the loss of their children are encouraged, within the

    time available to us.

    Speakers: Welcome and Introduction: Brian Gerrish
  • 8/3/2019 Child Snatching by the State Conference 10th April


    Canadian Indian Holocaust: Kevin Annett

    Forced Adoption: Ian Joseph (to be confirmed)

    Kendall House Abuse: Author Teresa Cooper

    Gulag of the Family Courts: Jack Frost

    A Parents Tale: Jane Webb

    Afternoon Session: Open Mike and Q&A Mums & Dads

    Way Ahead: All (Faciliator Brian Gerrish)

    Costs: The cost of the venue is 300 which we ask is covered by a small entry charge / donation. We

    realise many people are on very limited budgets and ask that people give what they can.

    NB: Precise timings and order of speakers to be announced nearer the 10th April.

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    Comments On 25th Mar 2010 at 05:54 PM Teresa Cooper said...

    For anyone wanting to attend this meeting can you please contact Brian Gerrish himself via the UKcolumn as this

    event is being held by Brian and I am a guest speaker.

    On 31st Mar 2010 at 07:54 PM Diane said...
  • 8/3/2019 Child Snatching by the State Conference 10th April


    Legalised kidnap has been going on far too long. I am still longing for a reunion with the now 30 yr old daughter

    who was my baby - but I know she has not been allowed to know the truth and we do not know each other.

    Lets stop hurting. Lets let legalised kidnapping be a thing of the past.

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