Download - Child Rights Education Guideline

  • 7/31/2019 Child Rights Education Guideline




  • 7/31/2019 Child Rights Education Guideline



    Table of contents

    1. Introduction of Child Rights Education

    1.1. Purpose1.2. Objective

    1.3. Principle of Child Rights Education

    1.4. Methods

    1.5. Expected Beneficiaries

    2. Child Rights Education (CRE)

    2.1. Understanding of CRE

    2.2. Program frame

    2.2.1 Wants and needs

    2.2.2 Game

    2.2.3 Certificate

    3. Training

    3.1 Lecturer Qualification

    3.2. Training Methods

    3.3. Training Plan

    4. Implementation

    4.1. Preparation list4.2. The role of facilitators

    4.3. Program implementation

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    1. Child Rights Education

    1.1. Purpose

    Good Neighbors Indonesia, a children advocacy NGO, considers children's rights education is

    recognized as the first step of human rights education. Children are the first group, the first rights

    holder and the first learners of human rights education. Children have to be educated about and in

    children rights. Children are the subject of their own rights, with rights and responsibilities appropriate

    to his or her age and stage of development. The child has become the holder of legally binding rights.

    The Convention on the Rights of the Child indicates that children's rights are human rights. Children's

    rights are not special rights, but human rights for the most vulnerable group. Children's rights are not a

    question of favor or kindness to children or as an expression of charity. They generate obligations and

    responsibilities that we all must honor and respect.1

    A childrens rights culture in school involves not only learning about these principles but becoming

    aware that ones personal behavior should also reflect respect for human rights. Childrens rights

    education intends empowering to children, providing them with opportunities to exercise their rights

    and responsibilities in ways adapted to their interests, concerns and evolving capacities.

    The main goal of the project is the strengthening of respect for childrens rights and fundamental

    freedoms and the promotion of understanding, tolerance, gender equality and friendship among all

    nations, indigenous peoples and racial, national, ethnic, religious and linguistic groups

    Childrens rights education will be performed through three dimensions:

    (a) Knowledge: provision of information about human rights and mechanisms for their protection;

    (b) Values, beliefs and attitudes: promotion of a childrens rights culture through the development of

    values, beliefs and attitudes which uphold childrens rights;

    (c) Action: encouragement to take action to defend childrens rights and prevent childrens rights


    The major principal activities suggests in the project;


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    1) This project is to form a lecture about childrens rights in the classroom to encourage analysisof chronic and emerging childrens rights problems and to empower schools and pupils to

    identify their rights needs and to ensure that they are met. Approximately, it will be held at 60

    classrooms of 20 schools.

    2) To contribute in raising awareness on childrens rights, the project will hold a classroomcampaign to advocate childrens rights and to promote GNI operations.

    3) To share the best practice, evaluation of the project will be held in every 2 weeks duringoperation. Further idea to improve the educational contents will be discussed during

    evaluation meeting.

    To strategically cooperate on awareness raising activities, all the activities in this project will be

    cooperated with the guidance and coordination from expert and interns of university.

    1.2 Objective

    1) To promote the development of a cultural of child rights

    2) To promote a common understanding, based on international instruments, of basic principles and

    methodologies for child rights education;

    3) To ensure a focus on child rights education at the local and national levels;

    4) To provide a common collective framework for action by all relevant actors;

    5) To enhance partnership and cooperation at all levels;

    6) To take stock of and support existing child rights education programes, to highlight successful

    practices and to provide an incentive to continue and/or expand them and to develop new ones.

    1.3. Principle of Child Rights Education

    1) Foster respect for and appreciation of differences, and opposition to discrimination on the basis

    of race, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, physical,

    or mental condition, and on other bases

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    2) Encourage analysis of chronic and emerging child rights problems (including poverty, violent

    conflicts and discrimination)

    3) empower school and community and individuals to identify their human rights needs and to

    ensure that they are met;

    4) Build on the child rights principles embedded within the different cultural contexts and take into

    account historical and social developments in Indonesia;

    5) Encourage participation, enjoyment of child rights and the full of development of the human


    1.4 Methods : lecture in school

    Lecturer: appropriate expert from GNI network with effective teaching methods.

    Location: classroom Participant: pupils and teachers Session period : 1.5-2 hours, To provide information on international childrens rights sources, systems, standards

    and issues

    To promote pupils ability to form healthy and peaceful relationships with classmates,family and community members, including avoiding risky sexual behaviors, resisting

    peer pressure for substance abuse, prevention of bullying and harassment, and learninghow to resolve conflicts through negotiation

    1.5. Expected Beneficiaries

    As implementing the project, GNI can contribute to providing experimental education programs on

    Childrens rights towards schools in Jakarta. The project will secure GNIs place as a leader in the

    field of childrens right as providing an outstanding resource on childrens rights. GNI will get

    recognition as a leading local NGO that provides sustainable and adequate services to community and

    society, and expand its operation area and various networks through the project.

    Through the project, the participating school can get benefit in experiencing the education program,

    and another opportunity to develop the educational contents accordingly. Pupils will learn about

    childrens right and how to identify abuse and how to act and eliminate it in their reality.

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    Under the CRE project, university and other institutions will contribute to development of the

    community and society. Intern students can gain firsthand-experience of sharing and get tips on

    teaching and practice of fundamental technical skills.

    2. Child Rights Awareness (CRA)

    2.1. Understanding of CRA

    Program title: Child Rights Awareness(CRA) Program target and time: Primary school grade 4~5/ 1session, 50 minutes Object

    Understanding and awareness of child rights can be increased as implementing child rights education

    to lower grade students of primary school. Children understand their own rights and others rights as

    main actor of right, then this program contributes to promote their rights and to help qualitative

    improvement of life.

    1) CRA based on CRC

    CRA is based on UN CRC which is method and standard to protect child rights.

    This program consists of CRC establishment background, 4-3-1 principles and some agreement. Child

    can be looking for a way to protect and implement the rights in life as understanding CRC which is

    introducing practical child rights, and as understanding his/her own and others rights.

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    2) CRA to emphasize on awareness and implement of rights by themselves

    CRC more emphasizes on respect of an opinion and a right to participate. This has an important

    meaning that child can form their ability of right exercitation and of autonomy, also take a role of

    member of family, school, and community. This program helps to develop them as member of

    democratic society by teaching them to acknowledge and assert their own rights and speak out their

    opinion and participate in the area they belong to.

    During primary school period children show remarkable social and intellectual development and they

    will learn a basic skill in a culture they belong to. Their environment boundaries also become wider;

    they are affected by friends, teacher, book, and mass media and acquire a pattern of behavior.

    CRC (Convention on the rights of the children)

    Right to survival: These are rights to the resources, skills and contributions necessary for the

    survival of the child. They include rights to adequate food, shelter, clean water, formal

    education, primary health care, information about their rights. These rights require not

    only the existence of the means to fulfill the rights but also access to them. Specific

    articles address the needs of child refugees, children with disabilities and children of

    minority or indigenous groups.

    Right to protect: These rights include protection from all forms of child abuse, neglect,

    exploitation, and cruelty, including the right to special protection in times of war and

    protection from abuse in the criminal justice system.

    Right to development: These are rights to the resources, skills and contributions necessaryfor the full development of the child. They include rights to leisure and recreation,

    cultural activities and information about their rights. These rights require not only the

    existence of the means to fulfill the rights but also access to them.

    Right to Participate: Children are entitled to the freedom to express opinions and to have a

    say in matters affecting their social, economic, religious, cultural, and political life.

    Participation rights include the right to express opinions and be heard, the right to

    information and freedom of association. Engaging these rights as they mature helps

    children bring about the realization of all their rights and prepares them for an active role

    in society.

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    This time is a decisive period to learn interest of general living problem and human rights and attitude

    toward rights. It is hard to get an exact understanding of right which is an abstract concept; however, it

    is possible to get a basic recognition of right as it is, also is possible to understand not only their own

    right also others right in same context.

    3) CRA through an easy and fun method

    Right can be difficult concept to child, but children can definitely understand it, if it is taught though

    various and easy methods; drawing pictures, VOD, singing a song, game, role play and etc. This

    program more focuses on a method to assure a right to participate not theory transferring method.

    2.2. Program frame

    Time: 1 session, 50 minutes (excluding survey time)

    Introduction: Get knowledge about CRC and why it is important.

    Main: Learn the rights in practice through the game to emphasize the knowledge. Each quizslide shows a practical sample of each right. Each slide include promise slide that help to adopt

    these rights as their own and the concept of I have a right.

    Conclusion: Give certificate to all participants.Summarize and emphasize the rights.

    Make sure that children recognize the rights.

    2.2.1 Wants and needs

    Time: 20 minutes



    5 min.



    25 min.


    Want & Need

    20 min.

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    These cards will introduce children and young people to their rights by helping them to consider the

    difference between a WANT and a NEED. The basic needs that should be met so children grow up to

    reach their full potential are enshrined in the UN CRC. The 20 cards divide as follows- the appropriate

    Article from the Convention is noted beside each of the needs;

    How to play1. Explain about difference between Need and want


    Clean air (24)

    Clean water (24)

    Decent shelter (27)

    Education (28&29)

    Express your opinion (12)

    Medical care (24)

    Nutritious food (24)

    Play (31)The freedom to practice beliefs, culture,

    and language (30)

    Protection from abuse and neglect (19)

    Protection from discrimination (2)

    * (Agreement No.)



    Fashionable clothes

    Fast food

    Money to spend as you like

    Personal computer

    Mobile phone

    Television set

    Own bedroom a luxury

    Holiday trips

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    2. Children divide the cards into two categories: WANTS/ NEEDS.

    3. Lecturer can explain that childrens NEEDS should be met because they cannot provide most of

    them for themselves but rely on adults. However, there are some needs that they can ensure that they

    do not deprive any other child of.

    2.2.2 Game (Child right Roll)

    Time: 25 minutes Explanation of Roll

    1) 4 Rights roll

    Total composition: total 18 pieces of rolled paper

    16 pieces (4 pieces for survival, 3 for protection, 3 for development, 3 for participation, and 2 pieces

    for general section) and 2 pieces of black paper.

    Difference between Need and want

    Needs: Need is something which is essential for you irrespective of your conditions. These are

    the things you have to take care first and only then come other things which you can do


    Wants: These are things which you wish to have, but they are not above your needs. For

    example, bicycle is a want, when compared to clean water, or education. You can live your life

    without bicycle, but clean water is vital.

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    2) My Promise

    After completing each roll of right, children read My Promise board together as having promise time

    together to respect rights.

    2.2.4 Certificate

    After lecture, this brochure is distributed to all participants and one of participants is received

    Certificate as a representative.

    Those who participate in CRE will receive certificate.

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    In brochure, summary of lecture, introduction of CRE, CRC are included.

    3. Training

    3.1 Lecturer Qualification

    - Ability to communicate in English

    - Ability to participate during certain time

    - Independent but, good team work

    - Close to children

    - prefer to have a teaching experience

    - Good understanding of NGO work

    3.2. Training Methods

    There are 2 PPT methods; one for training and another for teaching material.

    PPT 1. Understanding of Child Rights EducationIt is for understanding of general child rights and child rights education. The main goal is to get

    knowledge of definition of child rights, types of child abuse problem and a background of child rights

    education. It will provide a better understanding about subject also will be helpful for teaching children.

    PPT 2. Child Rights AwarenessIt is the practical material that lecturer would use in classroom. They will learn about it in detail,

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    3.3. Training Plan

    1st session: Understanding of Child Rights Education 2nd session: Introduction of Child Rights Education 3rd session: Child Rights Education (1): PPT explanation 4th session: Child Rights Education (2): PPT practice 5th session: Child Rights Education (3): Simulation Extra mission: Participate in class as an observer

    4. Implementation

    4.1. Preparation list

    Projector Laptop Cable Micro phone Survey form Brochure Speaker Banner, holder. Gifts

    4.2. The role of facilitators

    Staff Lecturer

    Before class - Contact school and manage schedule

    - Manage lectures schedule

    - Print out certificate and survey form

    - Prepare materials

    - Check schedule and be ready

    - Check materials

    - Prepare lecture well and develop method

    to get a concentration of children

    In class - Set up facilities

    - Do documents

    - Support lecturer

    - Guide students to concentrate on


    - Do survey while staff sets up facilities

    - Do the lecture

    - Do survey after lecture

    After class -Arrange facilities-Do brief evaluation with lecturer

    - Write evaluation report- Do brief evaluation with staffs

    4.3. Program implementation

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    Title Child Right Awareness


    Activity Time



    -Im _______ from Gugah Nurani Indonesia working for

    children like you.

    -Confirm the level of knowledge about rights

    -Share idea about rights

    Wants and


    -Ask children to divide wants and needs card

    -Discussion: There is someone who can fulfill their basic needs.



    - Divide into 4 groupsGroup name: survival, protection, development,


    - Set the rule(communication)Word rule: Rolled right paper, mission, promise board,

    puzzle board

    Group read, discuss, and solve mission together.

    Listen carefully when other group give oppinion

    If there is multiple selection question, answer it at the

    same time.

    Explain how to play

    Implementation of Game

    - Pick one of rolled right paperPlace the bucket of rolled right papers on the desk, then

    call one student to pick one.

    - Check the mission and performStretch the roll and read information, and each group

    perform mission.

    Mission feedback and our promise

    If student complishes the mission, lecturer gives him/her


    Hold promise board and every student can read together

    to raise the attitude to respect the rights of other.

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    If there is not the promise board, lecturer lead student can

    follow to read our promise


    Remind the rights and express the impression

    Do you have fun today? Is there any student can talk about the

    rights what we learn today? (answer) Rights are the things what

    we need to be happy in our life. Do you remember the friend who

    didnt stand in line and just jump the queue? At that time,jinhos

    rights was violated,so jinho loose his temper. My rights are

    important. Also other peoples rights are also important and

    respected, right?

    Present a certificate

    Present certificate to student representative and give the booklit

    and complishment letter to all students.

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    Apprendix 1. Script of CRE PPT

    Apprendix 2. Training PPT

    Apprendix 3. CRE PPT

    Apprendix 4. Forms

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    Apprendix 1. Script of Child Right Education

    1. Survival

    Feedback: If we dont have a name, we dont know each other, maybe we just call someone, hey,

    boy who were red teeshirt. If we dont have nationality, we dont know when we are going to be

    expelled to outside of country, so cant live safely. And we dont know who we are, we cant go

    travelling to another country. Isnt it so important that we have name and nationality.

    My promise:

    Ill call my friend their own name which is precious, not their nickname.

    The right of survival, article7,8-name and nationality,

    Which one is correct about name and nationality?

    1. Living without a name and a nationality is not inconvenient.2. People doesnt know me If I dont have a name and a nationality.3. Everyone has a name and nationality.

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    Feedback: The reason we do health care is to check whether our organs work well and how much

    we grow up physically. What can we do more to be grown healthy? We should keep our body

    clean, right? We wash our hands and body when you are back from outside, and you should eat

    this and that, not pick and choose what you eat. Can you do that?My promise:

    I wash my hands and body when I am back from outside, so I protect my health.

    Article 24. Nutrition and Sanitation

    Have you ever received health care at school or hospital?

    Why do you receive health care?

    Tell three things that you receive during health care?

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    To grow up healthily, we need nutritive foods, safety home, warm clothes and so on. But, there are

    children who are in hunger, even cant have a meal a day near us and in several part of world.

    What can we do for this children?

    In South Korea, 1000 rupia is small money that we cant buy a gum, but one meal in Kenya, 20

    eggs in North Korea, and 1 Liter of milk in Nepal. Everybody can be happy by helping those

    children. Isnt it difficult?

    My promise:

    I save my pocket money then, help friends who are in trouble.

    Choose two things that these children need now.

    1. Playstation 2. Nutritive food 3. Robot 4. Shoes

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    Dont you want to live peaceful and safe world without war? But there are still wars among

    nations and endless quarreling by the intestine affairs of the nation with various reasons. South

    Korea is in truce, Korea is divided into two Korea; South Korea and North Korea. As you see the

    picture, people in war do not seem happy. War takes precious life and destroys a base of life.

    Especially, children is more in pain. A lot of children lost their parents and are forced out to go to

    war unavoidably. Everyone have a right to live at the place there is no war.

    My promise

    War is harmful for everyone, I wont fight with friend, and get along well with my friend.

    Children in war

    Express the feeling of children in war (language, acting, expression, etc.)

    2. Protection

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    Guys! Is he or she different with me because just appearance and skin color is different? Appearance

    look a little different because we live in differen place, ethnic group is different, we eat different food.

    To see in your eyes is not all. There are something more inside people. We are all friends who live in

    same world. Its not fun if everyones looking is exactly same. Lets find out good things that we are


    My promise:

    I wont neglect or tease a friend for the reason he/she is different with me.

    Dont discriminate

    Tell the different thing of three children.

    What is good thing for that we are different?

    (tall person vs. Small person, man vs. Woman, Fat person vs. Thin person.)

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    You are still young so can make a mistake. sometimes parents may scold you because of that

    mistake. But some child may go to hospital and even die of being beaten by parents or adults.

    Parents and adult should admonish you in understabable way as you are still young, indeed you

    make a mistake. In case of that you make a mistake, you can think over not in method of physical

    punishment, but in method of cleaning, errand, writing self esamination letter. You have a right to

    be protected.My promise

    Ill tell my parents to admonish me by words.

    Violation and abuse

    Children has to be beaten by adult ( O , X )

    Have you beaten by parents of adult? How was your feeling?

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    Is there any friends who are uncomfortable with eyes, ears, and so on near you? We call them

    disabled person. Disabled person became to move uncomfortable since he/she was born or by

    disease or accident. They laugh, sing,and study same like us, only their apperance is different with

    us. Even so, they are uncomfortable to live in the same way like we live, our society provide

    special care to take care of them. As you see the picture, lift for wheelchair in subway station, a

    healing aid, a braille book, and signal with sound for a blind person are provided to help them.

    My promise:

    Ill get along with friends who are sick phisically and mentaly, and help them when they need a


    Protection of handicapped child

    What is each number when person feel discomfort in eyes, ears and leg.

    tell each number.

    Tell each pictures name.

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    Have you ever thought children work to live and eat? Many children are doing heavy labours for

    themselves and family as you see the picture. They are breaking bricks and sewing soccer ball all

    day. The ingredient of chocolate we like is cocoa, children like you work at cocoa farm every 10

    hours a day. If one chocolate is 10000 rp, only 200 rp is paid to children. Children should play

    with friends and grow up healthily becuase they are still young.

    My promise:

    Ill help that every child can study and play together.

    Child labor

    What are these children doing?

    Why are they doing this?

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    3. Development

    Children should receive nursing from the parents and adults, because you are still young. But, this

    girl is always alone, and cant eat a meal on time. She needs parentss nursing to eat nutritive food

    and wear seasonable and clean clothes.

    My promise

    Ill say I love you to my parents who take care of me.

    Parents guidance

    What does this girl need the most now?

    1. Cute bear dole 2. Chocolate 3. Parents nursing 4. Handsome boyfriend

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    Children have a right to get information through newspaper, internet, and media. But the

    information should be appropriatable to development level of child and be informative. At this

    picture, there is the age limit of TV programs, internet and movies.

    My promise

    Ill watch the program or enter the internet site which is appropriate for my age.

    Get useful information

    What does the number mean above TV monitor?

    1. Watch this program with 12 people.2. Watch this program only elder children than 12 years old.3. TV is turn on during 12 hours.4. Watch TV until 12 oclock.

    Why is this sign on monitor?

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    to go to school and to be educated is to grow up

    If we dont receive an education, what will happen? We cant do what we want to do and cant be

    what we want to be. When we talk with someone, we are not able to communicate with each other.

    We should learn the wisdom of seniors, also should be educated to communicate our thinking to


    My promise

    Ill study hard to make my dream come true and use what Ive learned in a good way.

    Personality respect, the purpose of education

    What is my dream?

    What do I should do for my dream comes true?

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    Children have a right to play. But, there is no play time, just study, study, and study at this boys

    schedule. can he be a great man only he studies hard? It is necessary for children not only to study

    but also to play that can provide experience.

    My promise

    Ill make a daily schedule including play time with parents.

    Leisure time and play

    Take a look at daily schedule and think about what kind of time he need?

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    4. Participation


    Which is more important for children, play ground or parking lot? Play ground is the place to

    play and have fun. But some seniors say they need more parking lot than play ground.Everyone have their own priority things for themselves. Also the people relate to the things

    have a right to participate in and give an oppinion. Playground is important for children.

    My promise

    Ill express my opinion in all matter affecting me, and discuss with seniors.

    Respect other opinion

    Make more parking lot by eliminating play ground!!

    Do you agree with this opinion?

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    Is it impossible to think because you are young? You have a right to express your opinion freely.

    You can express your opinion about the things relate to you; such as, going to family picnic, going

    to institution, and buying a book. Of course, you should obey parents and seniors.

    My promise

    Ill express my opinion in all matter affecting me, and discuss with seniors.

    If you agree with this sentence, make O, if dont, make X.

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    I am excluded from classmate. Delinquent boys steel my money again and again. There are

    dangerous place for children near my school, and so on. You have a right to speak up your voice

    when you see, listen, and feel something. How about telling an opinion that you coundt speak up

    to make a better world for children?

    Ill try to solve the problem in all matters affecting us by gathering our voices.

    Freedom of expression

    What do you want to propose in the suggestion box for child?

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    Class meeting is very important that you become owner to decide the things relate to our life. What

    if you dont have a right to express your thought and do just what adults force you. We have a

    right to give an opinion freely. It is really good opportunity to say your thinking and solve the

    problem relate to you in your view.

    Otherwise, do you express your opinion considering others? Or can you say whatever you want

    because you have a right to express?

    My promise

    Ill listen to and respect others opinion when I share my opinion with others.

    Is it necessary to have class meeting?

    If so, make O, If dont make X.

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    Do you know about right clearly? Lets read this sentence again.

    Ill respect my friends rights as much as respect mine

    General right

    What is the common word for the blank?

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    Children have a right to participate in culture activity, such as; theater, museum, library, and so on.

    Moreover, these places are occupied by many people, you do not cause any trouble others besides

    you have a fun in these place.

    Ill keep public order not to cause trouble with others in a public place.

    Tell about who is wrong in this picture and why it is wrong.

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    Imagine the time you play with your friends and the time you play alone. Dont you feel better

    when you remember the time you play with friends? Everyone feels same. If you neglect your

    friend because he is not handsome or he is shy, your friend would be uncomfortable, you also

    would be uncomfortable. Lets get along well with friends and have a happy school life.

    My promise:

    Ill get along well with my friends, otherwise our apperances, characters, and growing

    environment are different.

    How do you feel if you are left out from friends?