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  • 7/29/2019 Child Evan Fell Commplaint






    Child Evangelism Fellowship DECLARATORY RELIEF

    of Dauphin County, Inc.


    Harrisburg School District


    This action is not related to any previously filed case in this Court. Pursuant

    to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Child Evangelism Fellowship

    alleges as follows:


    1. This is a civil rights action under 42 U.S.C. 1983 and the First and

    Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution brought to remedy a

    violation of the constitutional rights of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Dauphin

    County, Inc. (Child Evangelism Fellowship), which offers a community-led,

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    after-school Bible club that had met at Foose Elementary School and other schools

    in the Harrisburg School District (the District).

    2. Plaintiff brings this action challenging the Districts policy, both on its face

    and as applied, of excluding Plaintiff from a category of community groups which

    receive fee waivers for the use of facilities after school hours, thereby imposing

    such fees upon Plaintiff in a discriminatory manner.

    3. Such groups are designated as Class III Community Service Groups

    according to District policy No. 707 pertaining to the Use of School Facilities (the

    Policy). Such groups are to be non-profit organizations that provide services to

    the communities within the Harrisburg School District and include Boys and Girls

    Club of Harrisburg, community recreation organizations, and other non-profit

    community service groups. Class III organizations will be provided use of district

    facilities without charge. The Policy (a true and correct copy of which is attached

    hereto as Exhibit 1).

    4. Even though the Good News Clubs that Child Evangelism Fellowship

    offers fit squarely within this definition, the District has applied the Policy to

    exclude Child Evangelism Fellowship from Class III status, therefore requiring

    Plaintiff to pay for the afterschool use of the Districts facilities.

    5. As a result, Plaintiff has been deprived of access on equal terms to after-

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    school use of the Districts facilities, and has effectively been excluded, due to

    cost, from the entire District since the beginning of the 2012-2013 school year.

    6. In depriving Plaintiff access on equal terms, the District applied its Policy in

    an unconstitutional manner, thereby violating the free speech, free exercise, due

    process, and equal protection clauses of the First and Fourteenth Amendments to

    the United States Constitution.


    7. This action arises under the United States Constitution, particularly the First

    and the Fourteenth Amendments, and, under federal law, particularly 28 U.S.C.

    2201-02, 42 U.S.C. 1983 and 1988.

    8. This Court possesses original jurisdiction over Plaintiffs claims by

    operation of 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1343.

    9. This Court is vested with authority to issue the requested declaratory relief

    under 28 U.S.C. 2201-02, and pursuant to Rule 57 of the Federal Rules of Civil


    10.This Court has authority to award the requested injunctive relief under Rule

    65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and 28 U.S.C. 1343(3).

    11.This Court is authorized to award nominal damages under 28 U.S.C.


    12.This Court is authorized to award attorneys fees under 42 U.S.C. 1988.

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    13.Under 28 U.S.C. 1391, venue is proper in the United States District Court

    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania because these claims arose there and all

    parties reside within the Middle District of Pennsylvania.


    14.Plaintiff is a non-profit, community-led Christian organization that offers

    Good News Clubs to District elementary school students after school, free of

    charge. These clubs are open to all students, regardless of the race, gender, or

    religious beliefs of the student. Children are provided good role models and a safe

    place to go after school, as well as instruction in learning responsibility, virtue, and

    maturity through Bible stories, songs and games. Permission to attend must be

    granted by a students parent or legal guardian.

    15.Child Evangelism Fellowship has been offering Good News Clubs at

    Foose Elementary School since the 2007-2008 academic year, elsewhere in the

    Harrisburg School District since the 2006-2007 academic year, and in other school

    districts throughout Dauphin County since the late 1980s. Its sister organizations

    have been offering such clubs across the United States since 1937.

    16.Plaintiff, pursuant to its sincerely held religious belief in sharing the gospel

    with these students, desires to be granted access on equal terms to the Districts

    school facilities, including those at Foose Elementary School, as a forum for

    offering its Good News Clubs to students. To that end Plaintiff desires to be

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    recognized as a Class III Community Service Group, so as to avoid paying the

    prohibitively expensive facilities fee.


    17.According to the Public School Code of 1949, Defendant District is a body

    corporate organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 24

    P.S. 2-211.

    18.An action shall be brought by or against a political subdivision in its

    name. Pa. R.C.P. No. 2102(b).

    19.A school district is a political subdivision. Pa. R.C.P. No. 76.

    20.The District is charged, inter alia, with the administration, operation, and

    supervision of all District schools, including Foose Elementary.

    21.The District is charged with the formulation, adoption, implementation, and

    enforcement of District policies, including the Policy herein challenged.

    22.The District is responsible for the enactment, enforcement, and existence of

    policies and practices related to community groups use of facilities and their

    payment therefor.

    23.The District used its unfettered discretion to exclude Plaintiff from Class III

    Community Service Group status, thereby prohibiting access on equal terms to its


    24.The District is responsible for District officials, including the School Board

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    Secretarys and Superintendents, application of its Policy pertaining to the

    payment of fees.

    25.The District is also responsible for delegating to the School Board Secretary,

    the Superintendent and other School Board members final authority in the

    categorization of applicant community groups into the four classes, and is thus

    responsible for the withholding of access on equal terms to its facilities after school



    26.On August 22, 2012, Brooke A. Morrison, the Director of Child Evangelism

    Fellowship submitted to the District his application for the use of school facilities

    for permission to hold after-school Good News Clubs at Foose Elementary without

    paying a facilities fee. (A true and correct copy is attached hereto as Exhibit 2)

    27.This was the same procedure he had followed the five previous years,

    usually without resistance, although in the 2010-2011 academic year Child

    Evangelism Fellowship was denied use of the facilities altogether because of the

    religious nature of the group.

    28.The Districts waiver of the facilities fee is a commonly sought and often

    granted benefit among other community non-profit organizations within the


    29.In the beginning of September 2012, however, School Board Secretary

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    Roxanne Bowman called Mr. Morrison to inform him that although Child

    Evangelism Fellowship would be granted permission to use school facilities, under

    the Districts revised Policy Plaintiff would now have to pay a facilities fee,

    amounting to approximately $1,200 per school, per academic year.

    30.This is a prohibitively high sum of money for this non-profit, which serves

    the community free of charge, especially in light of Plaintiffs desire to offer Good

    News Clubs in other schools throughout the District as it had in the past.

    31.The advent of the revised Policy does not, however, seem to have had any ill

    effect on certain other community nonprofits, such as the Boys and Girls Club, the

    Boy Scouts of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters, or the YMCA, as such groups

    continue to be exempt from the facilities fee under the new Policy. There is no

    relevant distinction between Child Evangelism Fellowship and these other groups,

    for purposes of the fee exemption, except that Plaintiff is perceived by the District

    primarily to be a religious group, while the others are not.

    32.In denying Child Evangelism Fellowship from Class III status, the only

    explanation provided by Secretary Bowman to Mr. Morrison was that the District

    does not consider Child Evangelism Fellowship to be a community service, and

    only those organizations which are community services are granted a fee waiver.

    33.When Mr. Morrison pointed out that Child Evangelism Fellowship serves

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    the children of the community of Harrisburg in the same ways as other groups

    granted the fee waiver, she informed him that she would go directly to the

    Superintendent and find out more information.

    34.Despite her assurance, she never called Mr. Morrison back, nor was a

    written denial ever forthcoming, nor has he ever received any further explanation


    35.On October 17, 2012, an attorney for Child Evangelism Fellowship sent an

    inquiry via email to the Harrisburg School District Solicitor, Attorney Samuel T.

    Cooper III, of DILWORTH PAXSON, LLP. (A true and correct copy is attached

    hereto as Exhibit 3.)

    36.When no response was received, the undersigned counsel followed up said

    email with a written letter on November 7, 2012. (A true and correct copy is

    attached hereto as Exhibit 4.)

    37.While Attorney Cooper did finally call the undersigned in response to said

    letter, no information was conveyed other than to say that he was unsure about the

    reason for the denial, that it could have been due to the recent change in policy,

    and that he would follow up on it.

    38.When no follow up occurred, the undersigned sent one final letter on

    November 20, 2012, to which no response has been received. (A true and correct

    copy is attached hereto as Exhibit 5.)

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    39.With no option remaining, and having already been effectively shut out of

    Foose Elementary for the entire Fall semester, Plaintiff filed this Complaint.

    40.Under the Policy, which was revised on November 16, 2011, groups seeking

    to use school facilities are categorized into four classes.

    41.Class I groups are those which are directly sponsored by the District, such as

    science fairs and athletic events. Such groups are completely exempted from any

    and all fees, and are covered by the Districts property and liability insurance

    policy. The Harrisburg Police Athletic League (PAL), for example, was

    designated by the District under the Policy as a Class I group.

    42.Class II groups are those groups that directly supportdistrict activities

    and include alumni organizations, PTAs, and formally recognized booster groups.

    Policy. These groups are exempt from facilities fees, but are subject to custodial,

    security and site manager fees in certain circumstances. Class II groups also enjoy

    coverage under the Districts property and liability insurance policy.

    43.As mentioned hereinabove, Class III refers to Community Service Groups.

    Class III represents non-profit organizations that provide services to the

    communities within the Harrisburg School District and include the Boys and Girls

    Club of Harrisburg, community recreation organizations, and other non-profit

    community service groups. Policy. Class III groups, like those in Class II, are

    exempt from facilities fees, but are subject to custodial, security and site manager

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    fees in certain circumstances. However, Class III groups, as distinct from those in

    Class II, are not covered by the Districts property and liability insurance, but are

    instead required to provide an insurance certificate naming the District as

    additional insured.

    44.Class IV is reserved for all other organizations and individuals requesting

    use of district facilities for purely private purposes. Policy. These organizations

    and individuals are required to pay all fees, including facilities fees, and to provide

    an insurance certificate naming the District as additional insured.

    45.The Policy, both on its face and as applied, grants the District tremendous

    and unbridled discretion. The Policy states that the use of any and all facilities

    shall be at the exclusive discretion of the Harrisburg School Board. The

    Harrisburg School Board expressly reserves the right to refuse to rent its facilities

    for any purpose whatsoever and to reject or cancel any application. Policy.

    46.Both pursuant to the written Policy and the application of the Policy to

    various groups, many groups are granted Class III status and exempt from paying

    facilities fees.

    47.The District first applied its revised Policy to new facilities use applications

    at its February 2, 2012 Board of School Directors Regular Meeting. Since that

    date, up to and including the January 28, 2013 Regular Meeting, the District has

    granted Class III status to 14 different community groups, some of which were

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    granted this status on multiple occasions for separate events. Many other groups

    during this timeframe have been granted Class I or Class II status.

    48.By way of example, During its November 19, 2012 Regular Meeting, the

    Board of School Directors designated American Legion Post 733 and the United

    States Marine Corps, among others, as Class III community groups.

    49.Neither organization was therefore charged a facilities fee.

    50.Some of the groups granted Class III status are not religious, while others,

    such as the American Legion and Boy Scouts, have religious tenets, but are not

    perceived as primarily religious by the District. For instance, the Preamble to the

    American Legions Constitution states, For God and Country we associate

    ourselves together for the following purposes while the Preambles

    interpretation speaks of God-given rights, defines Americanism as being the

    creed that has blazed the world-wide trail for belief in God and notes that the

    American Legion recognizes the influence of Almighty God in all worthwhile

    endeavors and declares the allegiance of Legionnaires to both God and Nation.

    (See Exhibit 6, which is a true and correct copy of the Preamble to the American

    Legions Constitution and the Preambles interpretation, obtained from the

    American Legions website on January 31, 2013).

    51.Similarly, the Boy Scouts well-known oath begins with the words On my

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    honor I will do my best / To do my duty to God and my country See Exhibit 7,

    which is a true and correct copy of the Boy Scout Oath, obtained from the Boy

    Scouts Website on January 31, 2013.

    52.From the date the revised Policy was first applied, at least one other group

    which could be perceived as primarily religious has been granted Class III status

    Redeeming Grace Church for its Backyard Bible Club and Family Night for

    Camp Curtin Students. However, the District persists in denying this status to

    Child Evangelism Fellowship.53.By way of example, pursuant to this former Policy, during its October 17,

    2011 Regular Meeting, the Board of School Directors granted fee waivers to the

    Boys and Girls Club of Central PA as well as the New Birth of Freedom Council

    Boy Scouts of America.

    54.Big Brothers Big Sisters has not reapplied for the use of school facilities

    under the revised Policy, as it enjoys the singular honor of being specifically

    mentioned therein as a Class III group. The New Birth of Freedom Council Boy

    Scouts of America was granted a fee waiver under the former Policy and has

    likewise never reapplied under the revised Policy, though Plaintiff believes and

    therefore avers that the District has nonetheless permitted it to continue meeting in

    the schools without paying a facilities fee. Plaintiff believes the same is true about

    the YMCA.

    55.Plaintiffs Good News Clubs have always consisted entirely of Harrisburg

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    School District Students.

    56.Nonetheless, even under the former Policy the District showed hostility to

    Plaintiff by outright denying access to school facilities to Plaintiff during the 2010-

    2011 academic year, explaining that they were prohibited from using the facilities

    because they are religious.

    57.Plaintiff was forced to enlist the assistance of an attorney to address the

    religious discrimination by the District, and it was not until the Spring of 2011 that

    the District finally agreed that Plaintiff was in fact entitled to use the facilities.

    58.As aforementioned, shortly thereafter on November 16, 2011, the District

    revised the Policy to its current form.

    59.Regardless of which Policy has been in place with the District, Child

    Evangelism Fellowship has always offered, and continues to offer the children of

    the Harrisburg School District services with elements similar to those offered by

    other community groups which now enjoy Class III status. Child Evangelism

    Fellowship does so pursuant to its sincerely held religious beliefs, which arise out

    of its love for the children and desire to share the gospel.

    60.Specifically, both Child Evangelism Fellowship and Big Brothers Big

    Sisters, which is allowed to use facilities free of charge, offer positive role

    modeling that results in greater educational success and the avoidance of risky

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    behaviors. However, Child Evangelism Fellowship does so based upon a

    Christian, religious viewpoint.

    61.Child Evangelism Fellowship, like the Boy Scouts of America, which is

    allowed to use facilities free of charge, teaches children values and responsibility

    as well as the difference between right and wrong. While the Boy Scouts of

    America teaches these values from a nondenominational viewpoint, Child

    Evangelism Fellowship does so from a specifically Christian viewpoint. For

    example, during their meetings the Boy Scouts may play games, welcome guest

    speakers and go on field trips to teach a nonsectarian doctrine such as the fifth of

    Cub Scoutings 12 Core Values: Having inner strength and confidence based on

    our trust in God. (See Exhibit 8, which is a true and correct copy of Cub

    Scoutings 12 Core Values, obtained from the Boy Scouts of America website on

    February 2, 2013).

    62.During Good News Clubs, on the other hand, instructors and children may

    play games, go on field trips and welcome guest speakers in furtherance of the

    specifically Christian doctrine that salvation from sins is found in a belief in Jesus

    Christ alone.

    63.While the YMCA was founded in 1844 as the Young Mens Christian

    Association, a refuge of Bible study and prayer for young men seeking escape

    from the hazards of life on the streets, it is no longer a primarily religious

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    organization, but rather a nonprofit organization for youth development, healthy

    living and social responsibility[and] is guided by four core values: caring,

    honesty, respect, responsibility. (See Exhibits 9 and 10, which are true and

    correct copies of The story of our founding and Facts & Figures, respectively,

    obtained from the YMCAs website on February 2, 2013).

    64.Child Evangelism Fellowship is a non-profit organization devoted to

    building strong character in youth and to mentoring them with positive, caring

    relationships. It teaches students about values such as caring, honesty, respect, and

    responsibility. Child Evangelism Fellowship meets these needs among the youth

    of the Harrisburg School District based upon its primarily religious viewpoint,

    while the YMCA does so as an expression of its primarily secular worldviews.

    65.To characterize Child Evangelism Fellowships service to the community

    arising out of religious beliefs and viewpoints differently than the other groups

    service to the community constitutes viewpoint discrimination.

    66.As a further example of the Districts inconsistent application of its own

    Policy, during its December 17, 2012 Regular Meeting, the School Board approved

    the Three Star Foundation as a Class III fee-exempt community group based on its

    501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Despite the fact that Child Evangelism Fellowship is

    also a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, it has been denied the same treatment.

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    (A true and correct copy of Plaintiffs tax exempt letter is attached hereto as

    Exhibit 11.)

    67.It is established therefore that the District has engaged in discrimination in

    denying Child Evangelism Fellowship access on equal terms to its facilities, and

    will no doubt continue to do so without Court intervention.

    68.Plaintiff has not been able to hold Good News Clubs in the District since the

    2011-2012 academic year due to the cost of the facilities fee.

    69.Plaintiff desires to begin immediately meeting at Foose Elementary School

    and at other schools in the Harrisburg School District as soon as it is able to do so

    without cost as other similar groups which provide community services to students

    are able to do so.

    70.Plaintiff has suffered, and is continuing to suffer, irreparable harm as a result

    of the Districts conduct.

    71.Plaintiff has no other adequate or speedy remedy at law to correct or redress

    the deprivation of its rights by the District.

    72.Unless the Districts policy and practices are enjoined, Plaintiff will continue

    to suffer irreparable injury.

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    73.Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein, as though fully set forth, the

    preceding paragraphs.

    74.The First Amendments Freedom of Speech Clause, incorporated and made

    applicable to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States

    Constitution, prohibits discrimination based upon the content and viewpoint

    of that speech.

    75.The Districts Policy and practices allow community groups access to school

    facilities after school, without payment of a facilities fee, where those groups are

    non-profit organizations that provide services to the communities within the

    Harrisburg School District. Policy.

    76.Many secular and non-evangelical religious community non-profits receive

    this treatment.

    77.However, the District has required Child Evangelism Fellowship to pay for

    the use of facilities after school.

    78.Many of the community groups permitted access by the District without the

    payment of the fee share the common goal of inculcating values and developing

    character in the students whom they serve and accomplish this goal through

    teaching students about character, morality, and positive behavior.

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    79.Child Evangelism Fellowship shares this goal and likewise teaches students

    about character, morality and positive behavior, though its motivation to do so

    stems from religious beliefs. Therefore, it inculcates values and seeks to develop

    character from a Christian viewpoint.

    80.The imposition of a facilities fee upon Child Evangelism Fellowship

    effectively bars Plaintiff from school facilities, as the fee is prohibitively high for

    this group.

    81.The unequal treatment of Child Evangelism Fellowships religious

    expression is a content based restriction in an otherwise open forum thus subject

    to strict scrutiny.

    82.The unequal treatment of Child Evangelism Fellowships religious

    expression is also a viewpoint based restriction unconstitutional in any forum.

    83.The discretion afforded to the District by the Policy would allow the District

    to make viewpoint based decisions. Therefore, the policy is unconstitutional on its


    84.The Policy, both on its face and as applied by the District to Child

    Evangelism Fellowship, is not the least restrictive means required to serve any

    compelling interest the District seeks to promote.

    85.There can be no compelling interest when the District previously did not

    charge Child Evangelism Fellowship to use the facilities.

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    86.Nor is there a compelling interest in giving Child Evangelism Fellowship

    disfavorable treatment as compared to other community groups that provide

    services to children.

    87.The Policy, both on its face and as applied by the District to Child

    Evangelism Fellowship, burdens more of Plaintiffs speech than is necessary

    because it entirely forecloses Child Evangelism Fellowship from using the facility

    on account of the cost.

    88.Even if, for the sake of argument, there were a compelling interest, the

    manner in which the District has gone about furthering its interest in this matter

    cannot possibly be considered narrowly tailored to that interest, in light of the

    fact that Child Evangelism Fellowship was denied a fee exemption due to the

    Districts broad discretion under the policy, despite squarely meeting all of the

    elements of the fee exemption under the written Policy itself.

    89.Therefore the Policy, both on its face and as applied by the District to Child

    Evangelism Fellowship, violates Plaintiffs right to Free Speech as guaranteed by

    the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays the Court grant the declaratory

    and injunctive relief set forth hereinafter in the Prayer for Relief.

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    90.Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein, as though fully set forth, the

    preceding paragraphs.

    91.The speech protections of the First and Fourteenth Amendments prohibit the

    government from censoring speech pursuant to prior restraints that permit it

    unbridled discretion.

    92.The Districts implementation of a fee for the after-school use of District

    facilities by community groups constitutes a prior restraint.

    93.Prior restraints can be constitutional provided they do not permit

    government decision-makers unbridled discretion.

    94.However, this fee system, both on its face and as applied, relies entirely

    upon the Districts unbridled discretion to determine without any oversight or

    appeal process which non-profit community groups qualify as Class III

    Community Service Groups, and which do not.

    95.The unfettered nature of this discretion is evident in the Districts decision

    not to grant Class III status to Child Evangelism Fellowship, despite the fact that

    Plaintiff fully qualifies for Class III status according to the requirements of the

    Policy, in fact had qualified under the former policy, and other groups which

    qualified previously continue to do so under the revised Policy.

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    96.The Districts Policy, both on its face and as applied to Child Evangelism

    Fellowship, accordingly violates Plaintiffs right to Free Speech as guaranteed by

    the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays the Court grant the declaratory

    and injunctive relief set forth hereinafter in the Prayer for Relief.




    97.Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein, as though fully set forth,

    the preceding paragraphs.

    98.Burdens on the free exercise of religion have historically invoked

    strict scrutiny.

    99.Specifically, the government may not burden conduct motivated by a

    sincerely held religious belief unless the government acts by the least restrictive

    means to further a compelling interest.

    100. Only paramount governmental interests suffice to justify a limitation

    of free exercise rights.

    101. Additionally, the protections of the Free Exercise Clause pertain if the

    law at issue discriminates against some or all religious beliefs or regulates or

    prohibits conduct because it is undertaken for religious reasons.

    102. However, a law that is neutral and of general applicability need not be

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    justified by a compelling government interest even if the law has the incidental

    effect of burdening a particular religious practice.

    103. Said differently, when a policy is not generally applicable because it

    contains both categorical and discretionary exemptions, and a religious exemption

    is denied, then strict scrutiny applies in reviewing the constitutionality of the


    104. The Policy at issue in the present case is neither neutral nor generally

    applicable, and therefore it should be subjected to strict scrutiny.

    105. Here, the written policy allows all non-profit community groups an

    exemption from facilities fees. In practice, the District is using its discretion to

    grant fee exemptions only to those groups it perceives as not having a primarily

    religious purpose.

    106. The Policy cannot survive strict scrutiny, as it is not justified by a

    compelling interest, nor is it narrowly tailored to advance that interest.

    107. The District has no compelling interest in charging Child Evangelism

    Fellowship a facilities fee while currently exempting other community groups, and

    in prior years exempting these same other groups as well as Child Evangelism


    108. There is no narrow tailoring to any interest in that other similarly

    situated groups are exempt.

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    109. Therefore, application of this discretionary policy to Child

    Evangelism Fellowship fails strict scrutiny.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays the Court grant the declaratory

    and injunctive relief set forth hereinafter in the Prayer for Relief.




    110. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein, as though fully set forth,

    the preceding paragraphs.

    111. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment requires

    the government to treat similarly situated groups equally.

    112. Pursuant to its Policy and practice, the District allows other similarly

    situated community groups whose purpose is not primarily religious to utilize the

    Schools facilities after hours for after-school programs.

    113. The District has treated Plaintiff disparately by charging Plaintiff a

    facilities fee while waiving it for these other similarly situated groups.

    114. By discriminating against the content and viewpoint of Plaintiffs

    religious speech, the District is treating Plaintiff differently than other similarly

    situated community groups.

    115. The Districts Policy and practice violates Plaintiffs fundamental

    rights, including the rights of free speech and free exercise of religion.

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    116. When government regulations, like the Districts Policy and practice

    challenged herein, infringe on fundamental rights, discriminatory intent is


    117. The District lacks a rational or compelling state interest for treating

    Plaintiff in such a disparate manner.

    118. The Districts denial to Plaintiff of access on equal terms is not

    narrowly tailored in that the Districts restriction of Plaintiffs speech and free

    exercise of religion is unrelated to any legitimate government interest.

    119. The Policy, both on its face and as applied to Child Evangelism

    Fellowship, violates Plaintiffs right to equal protection of the laws as guaranteed

    by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays the Court grant the declaratory

    and injunctive relief set forth hereinafter in the Prayer for Relief.


    WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully prays for judgment as follows:

    a. That this Honorable Court issue a Preliminary and Permanent

    Injunction compelling the District, its officers, agents, employees, and all other

    persons acting in active concert with it, to immediately categorize Child

    Evangelism Fellowship as a Class III Community Service Group, thereby

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    permitting Plaintiff to resume meeting in school facilities after school without

    paying a facilities fee;

    b. That this Honorable Court render a Declaratory Judgment declaring

    unconstitutional the Districts Policy, both on its face and as applied to Child

    Evangelism Fellowship, of banning from Class III Community Service Group

    status those organizations it perceives as primarily religious, in violation of the

    First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution;

    c. That this Honorable Court render a Declaratory Judgment declaring

    the Policy regarding Class III Community Service Groups, both on its face and as

    applied to Child Evangelism Fellowship, unconstitutionally vague, without

    determinate standards, and permissive of administrative discretion that exceeds the

    bounds permitted by the First Amendment;

    d. That this Honorable Court adjudge, decree, and declare the rights and

    other legal relations of the parties to the subject matter here in controversy, in order

    that such declarations shall have the force and effect of a final judgment;

    e. That this Honorable Court retain jurisdiction of this matter for the

    purpose of enforcing any Orders;

    f. That this Honorable Court award Plaintiffs costs and expenses,

    including a reasonable award of attorneys fees, in accordance with 42 U.S.C.


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