Download - Chidi E.O.Ezeobi - A Terrific Poet of Quiet Tales

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Chidi E.O.EzeobiAuthor

A Terrific Poet of Quiet Tales

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Life is all about enjoying the beautiful characters you met in your life. Everycharacter has its own identity and uniqueness when it comes to displayingthem in art with passion and creativity. Following it, Chidi Ezeobi is one suchperson who tries to portray a different image of various characters in his booksand writings.

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Chidi Ezeobi

Chidi Ezeobi is a very creative and unique writer whoalways makes different stories for the readers so that, theycan relate somehow with the fictional characters tounderstand the story easily. Chidi is a passionate writerwho was born and raised in Nigeria. Talking about hisearly life, he obtained his early education from AugataHigh School, Nigeria.

After that, he shifted to the United States of America in1996. As he was still looking for more opportunities toavail, so he decided to earn his AAS in BusinessAdministration from Kingsborough in New York. Later on,he had also done B.Sc in professional Law from MedgarEvers College in New York.

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After all of this, Chidi Ezeobi built up interest in writingand reading books. It was his talent and passion thatcharged him up to take a step ahead in the world ofwriting. He then came up with several books andwritings that reflect the perception of the author in asimple manner. He always tries to fill his books withcreativity and the sense of hope that everyone might belooking for in their life.

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Chidi E.O. Ezeobi has written following books:

The Forgotten Princes and The Shark01Remind the World: Poems from Prison 02Sledgehammer Sentence03UDI and the Animals04

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After learning every detail of writing, with his persistent and diligent efforts, he started towrite more books. He has written four books in which he remains successful to present histhoughts and ideas with his writings. His books ‘The Forgotten Princes and The Shark andRemind the World: Poems from Prison are the best example of his visionary work andwriting. Also, his books, ‘Sledgehammer Sentence’ and ‘UDI and the Animals’ containmany different characters and stories that not only motivate the readers but also bring joywhile reading.

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Talking about his book UDI and the Animals, this book tells the story of a pretty girl who lovesanimals and jungles. She was always wanted to live in a jungle in between the animals. Herlove for the jungle was up to the extent that, she used to pray a lot to understand the animallanguages. Also, his book, ‘The Forgotten Princes’ contains a story of a king and his princessdaughter.

Every book written by Chidi Ezeobi beautifully and intelligently reflects his different andunique point of view. He strongly believes that every person has different angles to see theworld, and this perspective helped him in creating different stories. He always creates uniqueand beautiful characters that bring various characteristics optimism to his books.