Download - Chicken Pox & Shingles By Leah Olson.


Chicken Pox & Shingles By Leah Olson Chicken Pox Cause Symptoms Varicella-zoster virus
Spreads through contact with chicken pox blisters Easily spread through air by infected people Cough Sneeze Symptoms Body aches Fever Fatigue Irritability Blisters over the whole body Chicken Pox (continued)
Treatment Vaccination you can still get it but it will be more mild Shingles Cause Symptoms Varicella-zoster virus After chicken pox
Virus reactivated Associated with Normal aging Anything that weakens the immune system But can also target healthy chidren Symptoms Painful blistering rash on one side of body Usually located on face or trunk Shingles (continued) Treatment The chicken pox vaccine