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Exploring the Role of the Reader in the Activity of


Eric Baumer, Mark Sueyoshi, Bill TomlinsonUniversity of California, Irvine

CHI 2008 – Florence, ItalyApril 9, 2008

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Blogs Abound

Increasing numbers of blogs Increasing research on blogging What about the reader? Readers' practices, roles, and perceptions

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Reader Response Theory

Meaning neither in text nor in reader, but in interactions

“good literature... permits, invites, or even compels good reading” (Lewis 1961)

Blog enables explicit interaction

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Qualitative study, ethnographic methodology, emic perspective

Semi-structured, open-ended interviews Demographic survey Iterative coding process, open then axial

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15 readers, 11 female, 4 male Students or young professionals Ages 18-33, avg. 23.3 Diverse reading habits

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Common practices Definition of the term “blog” Identity presentation and perception “Being a part” of a blog

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Common Practices

Habitual, like checking email Not information overload Non-chronous – timing less relevant than

position Overloaded terminology

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What is a blog?

Usually structural or technical definition “It depends”

“A blog is something that's still going on, that still has a conversation going on, that has people commenting,... it [has] this dialogue between the person who's posting

and the people who are reading...” Interactional definition

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Presentation and Perception

Authenticity, personal Online/offline identity negotiation Reader's expectations Reader's felt obligations

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“Being a Part”

Partly belonging, partly participation “Just by reading I feel like I'm

participating” Connection to blog, connection to blogger

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Conclusion and Future

Readership in other social media: Flickr, YouTube, Wikipedia

Readers of specific blogs Tools for reflective reading Social implications

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Acknowledgments California Institute for

Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2)

Summer Undergraduate Research Funding in Information Technology (SURF-IT)

Social Code Group Donald Bren School of Information and

Computer Sciences

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Eric Baumer

[email protected]