Download - CHEMISTRY. What is Chemistry? What does it have to do with me?



What is Chemistry?

What does it have to do with me?

Chemical Use

Phosphoric acid Fertilizer; rustproof metals; gas additive

Dicalcium phosphate Glass additive; plastics stabilizer

Magnesium hydroxide Antacid; fuel oil additive; laxative

Sodium ascorbate Preservative

Ferric orthophosphate Fertilizer; feed additive

Biotin Part of B vitamin complex

Niacinamide Medicine

Copper gluconate Breath freshener

Zinc oxide Floor tiles; photographic chemicals; diaper rash

Thiamin mononitrate Vitamin enhancer

Pyridoxine hydrochloride Dietary supplement

Calcium pantothenate Animal feeds; medicine

Folic acid Used to treat anemia

Acetate Lacquer; magnetic tape; photographic film

Can you guess which product contains all of these ingredients?

What Does It Have To Do With Me?“What does chemistry have to do with me?” said Mr. Averageman, as he looked at a page printed with ink made by a chemical process, and tied his shoes, made of leather tanned by a chemical process. He glanced through a pane of glass, made by a chemical process, and saw a bakers wagon full of bread leavened by a chemical process, and a draper’s wagon delivering a parcel of silk, dyed by a chemical process.He put on a hat, shaped by a chemical process, and stepped out on the asphalt pavement, compounded by a chemical process, bought a daily paper with a penny refined by a chemical process.“No,” he added, “of course not, chemistry has nothing to do with me.”

Herbert Newton Casson1869-1964

[Merrill Chemistry 1995

Chemistry is the ‘central science’.

• Studies the structure and properties and changes of matter.

Scientific Method


• What is the SAME for all of the following examples?

Sodium Chloride (salt) crystal

Blue Dye Solution


•What is the SAME for all of the previous examples?

• All are made of MATTER

Matter - the ‘stuff’ that everything is made of

• Takes up space• Has mass• Has inertia• Has energy

Takes up space means that it is

Three dimensional

Has mass indicates

• the quantity of matter as determined from its weight

• Gram units

Has inertia refers to

• the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force inertia

Has energy which means

• The ability to do work– In science we say that work is done on

an object when you transfer energy to that object.

Mass and Inertia


Watch the demo!

What did you notice about…

• Their hands?

• Which was more difficult to catch?

• Which required greater effort to stop ?

• Remember that inertia is the resistance to a change in motion.

What can you conclude about the relationship between mass and


• More mass = More inertia

Mass and Energy


Many different types of energy

• Chemical• Nuclear• Radiant– Heat– Light– Electrical

• Mechanical– Kinetic– Potential

One form of energy can be transformed into another.







“Matter and energy are two sides of the same physical entity.” Alber Einstein

• E = mc2

– E = Energy–m = Mass– c = speed of light• 3 x 108m/s

Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy

• matter and energy are interchangeable

• the total amount of matter and energy in the universe is constant

Because of this, chemical rxn…

• are always accompanied by changes in energy (E)– E given off - exothermic– E used – endothermic

• Cannot gain or lose –mass of reactants = mass of products

THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY• makes up about 10% of the gross

national product.– The amt. of goods and services sold by the

US in a year• employs more than 1,000,000 people• one of few US industries with a positive

trade balance – exports more than it imports

• Chem. EXPORTS exceed IMPORTS by more than 17 BILLION dollars per year

THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY• intermediate - material [not a raw

material] that is used to make final products. – Flour - bread, rolls, crackers – thread / fabric - clothes, upholstery – sheet metal - duct work, office furniture.

• Economists can use the quantity of sulfuric acid to determine the quality of living in a country. [the greater the sulfuric acid exports the higher the quality of living for the average citizen.]