Download - Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

Page 1: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

Official Brochure 2011

ChelmsfordGOLF CLUB

Page 2: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011
Page 3: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

Contents5 Welcome

7 History

8-9 TheCourse

11,13 ProfessionalandProShop

15 Tuition

17 Membership

19 Benefitsofmembership

23,25,27 Playingsections

29 Dayvisitors

31 Golfsocieties

33 Clubhouse

35 Social

37 Howtofindus

38 Contactus


Photography by Martin Roffe of Michael Wynne Photography (

Pinnacle Group, Newhaven Enterprise Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9BA

T: 08707 707 765 E: [email protected]

Chelmsford Golf Club and Pinnacle wish to thank the businesses who appear in this publication for their support and wish them every success in deriving business from its circulation. The contents of this book are believed to be correct at the time of printing, nevertheless, we cannot endorse and readers should not rely solely upon the accuracy of any statements or claims contained herein without prior consultation with the service provider.

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Page 5: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011




Ifyouarelookingtojoinaclubasamember,therearefewbetterchoices. Competitive golf abounds, with frequent matches againstotherclubsandahostofprestigioustrophiestobebattledforinourmanyclubevents.Achangeofpace isoffered in the formofdailyroll-upsorswindleswherethespiritmaybemorelight-heartedbutthedesiretodowellnolessintense.




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Althoughtheclubismorethanonehundredyearsold,2011offersthe opportunity to celebrate a second centenary – that of theopeningofthecourseonitspresentsite.

Chelmsfordisveryproudofitshistory:thefirstDeZoeteCup,for instance,wasplayed for in1895by twelveplayerswhentheclubboasted68gentlemenand21ladymembers.AllourgolfingsectionsareascompetitiveandaswellsupportedaseverandindeedtheDeZoeteCupisstillcontestedtothisday.

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The courseOur course is always in excellent condition and a warmwelcome always awaits the visitor or member in theclubhouse.

In these days of superior technology, it is perhaps easy tounderestimatealayoutthatmeasureslessthan6,000yards(itplays5,996yardsfromthemedaltees),butthiswouldbeamistake.

ChelmsfordisfarfromapushoverandwithaStandardScratchScoreof69-onemore than itspar - itprovidesa true test togolfersofallabilities.Betterplayerstendtoprofitmostonthepar-5s,butourcoursehasonlyoneoftheseandwiththefivepar-3sbeingfarfromeasyholes,onlythemostskilfulshotswillaffordtheopportunityforbirdie.

The course looks a picture throughout the year with its majesticpines and oaks, but these are the same trees that will punish thewayward drive, for straightness off the tee is a pre-requisite, as istheoft-neglectedartofcoursemanagement.Havingwarnedyouoffthedriver,itshouldhoweverbenotedlongerteeshotsenableyoutohavea shorterdistance in to thegreen, enablingyou tobetterpositionyourapproachtothesideoftheflagyouneedtobeon.



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The greens can run above 10 on the Stimpmeter even inspring if theweatherhasbeengoodandon the1st hole ifyouspinyourwedgeshot toomuchtheballcancomebacksome40yards.Membersobviouslylearntocopewiththisandplacetheirshotsaccordingly,butitislikelytocatchoutunwaryvisitors.

Thecoursehasmanyspecialholes,andit isdifficult topickoutonly a select few thatwould be consideredparticular highlights.The par-3 4th is regarded as the signature hole by members.It is set inwhatwas ThriftWood and the colours, particularly inspringtime,make it a truly spectacular setting for a golf hole. It iseasytoforgetaboutthejobathandbutbecareful,becausethegreenslopesseverelyandyoucaneasilyputtoffthegreenifyougetonthewrongsideofthehole.



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Page 11: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


Professional and the Pro ShopTheHeadProfessionalatChelmsfordGolfClubisMarkWelch,whohasbeenwithussince1998.MarktookoverfromDennisBailey,whohimselfwastheprofessionalherefor39years,meaningChelmsfordhashadonlytwoclubprosinaperiodspanningmorethan thepasthalf acentury.Thebondbetween theprofessionalandtheclubhasalwaysbeenastrongone,andMarkhasbecomeextremelypopularwiththemembers.

Mark specialises in custom-fitting clubs and teaching. He playsoccasionally inregional tournamentsbutspendsmoretimeplayinggolfwithmembers.HetrainedattheOpenvenuePrincesGolfClubbutoriginatesfromChesterintheNorthWestofEngland.

The assistant professional at Chelmsford is Lucy Clarke, who is inthe second year of the PGA’s much-respected three-year trainingschemeuponcompletionofwhichshewillbecomeafully-qualifiedprofessional.

Lucy has built an excellent reputation with her teaching skills,especiallywiththejuniorsectionwhereshehasestablishedaseriesofgroupsessionstoimproveallageranges.


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A one-stop shop for AccountAncy servicesWith a fresh approach to finance we offer the full package of accounting and administrative services

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Page 13: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


Professional and the Pro Shop continuedMarkisafirmbelieverinthebenefitsofagolferhavingasetofclubsthatmatchestheirphysicalmake-upandtheirswingcharacteristicsandisabletooffercustom-fittingforTitleist,Cobra andCallaway.Measurements are taken to determinethe correct length, lie and loft for the individual player andthesedetails are then sent to themanufacturer,whoproduceapurpose-builtsetofclubstothosespecifications.

Having custom-fit equipment should improve ball-striking andaccuracyandresult inwhatallgolferscrave–moreconsistency.Betterplayinturnbreedsmoreconfidenceandfromthereanythingispossible.

Mark stocks Odyssey and Scotty Cameron putters and Titleist’spopularrangeofVokeywedges,togetherwithavastrangeofFootjoyshoes,Footjoywaterproofs,SunMountaingolfbagsandMastersgolfaccessories.


Comfort is always important out on the course and the pro shopstocksthepopularUnderArmourgolfingbaselayers,togetherwithMotoCaddytrolleystotakethestrainoutofcarryingabagaroundthecourse.



Formoredetails,[email protected]

Page 14: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

Dedicated to your EducationOur company prides itself on its high standards.

In order to ensure you only receive the BEST services from us, we hand pick only

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ALL of our tutors are CRB checked and hold good standard degrees.

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For more information please call us at:

01245 284 076Online Education available soon

[email protected]

Page 15: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011



Chelmsford is blessed with two gifted instructors, whoseinstructionishighlysought-afterandwhoareabletomakeuseofthelatesttechnologyifappropriate.Nothingislefttochance,with theGASP systemof golf swing analysis software available,togetherwiththepopularExplanar,apieceofequipmentthatcanbeusedtohelpingrainthecorrectmovementstoachieveacorrectandrepeatablegolfswing.


TheteamhaverecentlyaddedanewindoorstudiototheProfessionalShop at Chelmsford which means you can improve your swingwhatevertheweather.



For more details, phone the Pro Shop on 01245 257079 [email protected]

Page 16: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

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These figures are based on SAPS and are representative, weather patterns vary and the orientation of your property will have a bearing. Due south is optimum. We have not taken

into account future price increases of electricity. Information correct at time of going to press.

Feed in tariff will pay you £913.00 PAYour savings due buying less £179.00 PA Total £1092.00

Pay back is approx 9.5 years Total profit over 25 years = £16975.00

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Page 17: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


MembershipMembership opportunities are currently available atChelmsford Golf Club. New male and female membersareverywelcomeand theclubalsohasaveryactive juniorsection.

A full programme of competitions and fixtures is organisedthroughouttheyearandmembersofallstandardsareencouragedtotakepartinasmanyorasfeweventsastheywish.


TheIntermediatemembershipforgolfersaged21-30offersplayersinthatagebracket thesameplayingprivilegesandoff-coursebenefitsastheirmoreseniorcounterparts.Intermediatememberspayhalfthefullsubscriptionandthereisalsoareducedjoiningfee.

Wearerenownedforthestrengthofourjuniorsectionandproudoftheachievementsofouryoungermembers.Wealsorealisetheyareour fullmembersof thefutureandofferexcellentrates for Juniormembers aged between 18 and 20 and Cadet members agedunder18.

Ourmembershipyearruns fromJanuary1 toDecember31.Forcurrentpricesandtheverylatestoffers,

Page 18: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

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Benefits of membershipChelmsfordGolfClub,atraditionalprivatemembers’club,isadministeredforthebenefitofourmembers.
















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Page 23: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


Playing sectionsChelmsfordhasaveryactiveandthrivinggolfmembershipwholikenothingbetterthantomakethemostofthebeautifulcourseattheirdisposal.

Being a club well into our second century of existence, thecompetitions open to members are steeped in history andtradition.Therearewellinexcessof40trophiesavailabletomenandladies,competingeitherassinglesorpairs,sooursiscertainlyan ideal choice for someonewho relishes the pursuit of golfingsilverware.

In recent years theclubhasenjoyed success inmanycountyandnationalcompetitions includingnotablewins in theThorntonCup,LeslieWoodand theMen’sSeniorswhilst the ladieshaveexcelledin the premier events organised by the Essex Ladies County GolfAssociation: Bronze Shield, Silver Trophy and Harris Bowl, andentered2011lookingtowintheSilverShieldforarecordeighthyearinsuccession.


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Page 25: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


Playing sections continuedMen’s sectionCompetitionsfortrophiesandcupsgenerallytakeplaceonSaturdays and Sundays. Swindle groups meet onMonday,Wednesday and Friday, generally tee-ing off at 11am,whilethe Tuesday Boys is another informal gathering or swindle.ThereisalsoalunchtimeswindleonaThursdayandothernon-competitiveplayonSaturdays.

The men compete in three prestigious Essex Golf Unioncompetitions, the Thornton Challenge Cup, the Leslie F WoodChampionshipandtheSeniorTeamChampionship.

The formatof thefirst twocompetitions involvesa ten-man teamplaying matchplay, Ryder Cup-style, with five foursomes in themorningfollowedbytensinglesintheafternoon.TheSeniorTeamisanelevenmanteammatchplayeventforanymembersover55yearsofage.

Ladies sectionCompetitiondayformedalsandtrophiesisgenerallyTuesday,thoughthesedooccasionallytakeplaceonSaturdays.

Theladiesarestrongsupportersofcountycompetitionsandalwaysdo the club proud, underlined by their recent impressive record.Theyenter thetheSilverShield(scratchhandicap,sevenplayers),BronzeShield(19+handicap,sevenplayers),theSilverTrophy(10+handicap,fiveplayers)andtheHarrisBowl(nohandicaplimit,fiveplayers).Thesefollowaleagueformat,withthemostsuccessfulteamsgoingthroughtoanend-of-seasonknockout.Theladiesalso play in the Munro Foursomes - an 18-hole foursomesmatchplayknockoutcompetition.

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Page 27: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


Playing sections continuedVeterans sectionTheRetiredMembers’Group(RMG)generallyplayfriendlymatches against other clubs onMondays or Fridays.Manyfriendshipshavebeenforgedwithourgolfingneighboursovertheyearsandthisisasmuchasocialeventasachancetoplaygolf,withasit-downmealfollowingthematch.

Cadets sectionChelmsford has an outstanding cadets section, which is well-respected in the area.Our youngsters play county competitionsin amini-league format followed by a knockout phase for thetop-rankedclubs.Manycadetshavegoneontomakealivinginthegame,eitherplayingorasaPGAprofessional.

Chelmsfordisveryproudofitsgolfingheritageanddoeseverythingitcantohelpitsup-and-cominggolfers.Forinstance,in2009wehelda Skins tournament for the four professionals attached to the club,LloydKennedy, John Tarling, Brett Taylor andAndy Pestell to helpwiththeirexpensesforthecomingyear.LloydcurrentlycompetesontheChallengeTour,whileoneoftherecentcropoftalentedyoungplayers looking to follow in his footsteps is JackHiluta. A formerEnglandjuniorcaptain,JackearnedagolfscholarshiptotheUnitedStatesand2011seeshimcompletehissenioryearattheUniversityofSouthAlabama.

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Page 29: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


Day visitorsChelmsfordGolfClubisanidealplacetovisitwhetheryouareacouple,agroupoffriendslookingforanenjoyableday’sgolforacompanyexecutivehostingacorporateeventinsearchofaspecialvenuetoentertainclientsandstaff.Youwillfindthequalityandchallengeof thecourseand thechoiceofcateringleadstoamostenjoyableday


Although we are a busy members’ club our doors are open tovisitors,whoarewelcomeMondaytoFriday(exceptBankHolidays)throughouttheyear,butwhomustbeaccompaniedbyamemberatweekends.Youcanenjoythefullrangeoffacilitiesofferedbytheclubforthedurationofyourvisit,butweaskthatyouobserveourdressandmobilephonecodes.


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Retired Homeowners:your home could be sold to fund

care home fees

“We have worked hard all our lives to leave something for our children and grandchildren.

Why should the Local Authority get it all?”If you have to go into care and you have assets that total more than £23,250 (including the value of your home), you will have to fund your care in full. A care home could cost £500-£800 a week or more. The reality is that your children could end up with very little. Although care might seem only a distant possibility right now, there are important steps you should take now to protect your home.

Married CouplesIf you and your husband/wife currently have ‘Mirror Wills’ or ‘Joint Wills’ you risk leaving your share of your home to your husband/wife for it simply to be swallowed up in care home fees. A legal trust arrangement within your Will could save your family tens of thousands of pounds and ensure your hard earned wealth passes to those you choose.

Widowed/SingleThe options available to you to protect your home are fewer and it is vital you act now.

“I’m protected, I’ve signedmy house over to my children”Have you considered what will happen if your child/children experience marital difficulties and your home forms part of a divorce settlement? What will happen if your child/ children experience financial difficulties and enter bankruptcy? Did you know that Capital Gains Tax is payable on second homes, meaning a potentially huge tax bill when your home is eventually sold by your children?

It’s not too late to put it right – contact us today for advice.


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before after

Page 31: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


SocietiesGolf societies are welcome to play at Chelmsford GolfClubthroughouttheyear.Experiencethethrillofplayinganenjoyablebut challengingcourse thathasbeendescribedasthe‘GolfingGemofCentralEssex’.

Weareaprivatemembers’clubbutourvisitinggroupsaremadeto feelmostwelcome andwe promise youwill have a day toremember.Yourdaywillbetailoredjustforyouandcancomprise18,27or36holeswithreservedtee-timesforpartiesof12ormoretosuityourtravelrequirements.

Your timewithuswillbeenhancedbyourusual friendlyserviceandanobligingPGAhost,witheveryneedtakencareof,includingtheobligatorynearest-the-pinandlongestdrivemarkers.Buggiesareavailableforhireandwehaveavoucherschemeforyourprizes.

Your chosen meals will be served in a private dining room andthe loungebaroffersanextensive rangeofbeers,winesand softdrinks.

Dayvisitorpackagesareavailable forgroupsup to40playersatadvantageousgreenfeerates.

Thereareonlyalimitednumberofopportunities,sobookearlytoavoiddisappointment.Formoredetails,[email protected].

Page 32: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

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We are a small professional and fully qualified electrical contracting company serving both the public and the building industry in Essex, London and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on complete customer service and satisfaction whether you require a written estimate or free friendly advice we are just a phone call away. From the fitting of an extra socket or light to a complete rewire we are here to help. Below are just some of the services we provide.

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For more information on any of our services, for a free estimate or friendly advice

please contact us on the details below quoting reference number CGC01


Email:[email protected]

Page 33: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


ClubhouseRelaxandunwindafteryourroundwithamealandadrinkservedbyouraccommodatingandfriendlystaff in thewell-appointedclubhouse.

There are two bars,which are both alwayswell stockedwithawiderangeofwines,beers,spiritsandnon-alcoholicbeverages.



Thereisarestaurantareathatcanbepartitionedofffromthebarsforfunctionsandspecialoccasions.Thekitchenopensat9amandclosesat 6pm, though it can remainopenafter that time for pre-bookedgolfinggroups.

ThecateringatChelmsfordisoutstanding,youwillnevergohungryandaselectionofwholesome, tasty food isavailable throughouttheday.Favouritesincludehameggandchips,toastedsandwiches,coldsandwiches,lasagneandaselectionofchef’sspecials.

Page 34: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

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Page 35: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011


SocialWith excellent facilities and a sociable, friendly groupofmembers, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy theoff-course benefits of being a member at Chelmsford GolfClub.


FridayFeveristhenamegiventoourdiningeventusuallyheldonthelastFridayofthemonthwhichishighlypopularandverywellsupportedbymembers.WemakethemostofourexcellentcateringteamandthereareSundaylunchesmostweeksof theyear,whichfeatureacarveryorafishorvegetarianalternative.

Decemberisalwaysaneagerly-anticipatedmonth,asthepartyseasongets into fullswing.Wehaveachildren’spartyearly in themonth,followedbyaclubChristmaspartyandanotherget-togetheronthefinaldayofthemonthtowelcomeintheNewYear.



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I am an accredited master photographer with the Master Photographers Association (LMPA DipPP) I also have accreditations with the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS)

and the Society of International Commercial & Industrial Photographers (LSICIP).

I have been involved in photographic industry for 37 years covering wedding’s, portraiture, corporate & social events, sporting actions, food, landscape & natural history, commercial & buildings.

We have the ability to print on the day using the latest technology in die-sublimation printing, we also offer other print options upto A2 using a wide variety of print media for that special print.

Creative photography for that special occasion be it your wedding, modelling portfolio, company day’s, sporting events, team building and action day events.

International commercial & industrial photographer. Winner of the national scientific awards for 2010 with the Master Photographers Association.

Martin Roffe

87 Albany Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4AGTel: +44 (0)1708 702622 • Mob: +44 (0)7956 966357

e-mail [email protected] • e-mail [email protected]

Michael Wynne Photography Perfection in a flash

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How to find usChelmsfordGolfClubisconvenientlysituatedlessthantwomilessouthofChelmsfordcitycentreandwithineasyreachoftheA12.


DirectionsFrom the A12 coming from London LeaveatJunction15andtaketheA414toHarlow.Travel2milestoaroundaboutatWidfordChurchandtheMasonsTooRestaurant.Takethe3rdexit,WidfordRoad,andafter200yardscrossovertherailwaybridge.Theentrancetotheclubisthenimmediatelyontheright.

From the A12 coming from Colchester Use A12 bypass and leave at Junction 15 signed A414 Harlow.Takethe3rdexitfromtheroundabout,gounderthecarriagewayandtake the2ndexit fromthe roundabout.Travela further2miles totheroundaboutatWidfordChurchandtheMasonsTooRestaurant.Takethe3rdexit,WidfordRoadandafter200yardscrossovertherailwaybridge.Theentrancetotheclubisthenimmediatelyontheright.

From M11/ Harlow/OngarUseA414toChelmsford.AtWidfordChurchtakethe2ndexitsignedWidfordRoadandafter200yardscrossovertherailwaybridge,entranceimmediatelyontheright.

Public transportThenearestmainline railway station isChelmsford,whichis2.2milesoraroundaneight-minutetaxijourneyaway.Five trains an hour run to Chelmsford from LondonLiverpool Street. Journey time on the fastest service isapproximately32minutes.


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Contact usHereatChelmsfordGolfClubitisalwaysapleasuretomeetnewmembers,visitorsandguests. Ifwecanassistyouwithanyqueriesorquestionsthatyoumayhavethenpleasedonothesitatetocontactus.

Chelmsford Golf Club Widford Road Chelmsford Essex, CM2 9AP

Main switchboard: 01245 256483 Pro Shop: 01245 257079

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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Page 40: Chelmsford Golf Club Official Brochure 2011

Widford Road, Chelmsford Essex, CM2 9AP

Main switchboard: 01245 256483 Pro Shop: 01245 257079

E-mail: [email protected] Website: