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  • 7/31/2019 Checkpoint NGX WhatsNew


    Copyright 2005 Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Whats Newin Check Point Enterprise Suite

    NGX (R60)


    In This Document

    The latest version of the Whats New documentation is available online at .

    Unified Software Package page 2

    Firewall page 3

    VPN page 14

    SecuRemote/SecureClient page 18

    Integrity page 21

    SSL Network Extender page 21

    SmartCenter page 22

    VPN-1 Edge page 23

    SmartView Monitor page 24

    Eventia Reporter page 25

    SmartUpdate page 26 SmartLSM page 27

    SecurePlatform page 27

    ClusterXL page 29

    Performance Pack page 29

    VSX page 29

    QoS page 30

    UserAuthority page 30
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    New Features Unified Software Package

    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 2

    Unified Software Package

    In previous versions, each product had its own software package (for example, Check Point

    SVN Foundation - cpshared_R55__.tgz). NGX (R60) binds a

    number of products into a unified software package to simplify the installation process. Thefollowing products are included in the package fw1_R60__.tgz,

    where represents the package version and represents the relevant

    operating system:

    Check Point SVN Foundation

    VPN-1 Pro

    SecureClient Policy Server

    SmartView Monitor

    QoS (previously FloodGate-1)

    Software packages not included in this list are distributed in their own packages located on

    the product CD.

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    New Features Firewall

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    In This Section

    Web Intelligence

    1 New web protections have been added to prevent:

    Directory Listing

    LDAP Injection

    Display of web server error messages in the browser, a feature known as Error


    2 Specific behavioral patterns to be blocked by the Cross-Site Scripting, SQL Injection

    and Command Injection defenses in Web Intelligence can now be defined by the user.

    3 Malicious code protector is now supported on SPARC processors.

    4 It is now possible to make all protections on specific web servers run in monitor only

    mode, while on other servers the protection will be active.

    5 Different HTTP method schemes can now be set for each web server.

    6 Server-based Security Policy configuration is enhanced, and completely integrated into

    SmartDefense. The result is an easy and granular defense configuration that retains theglobal view that is present in SmartDefense.

    Monitor-only Mode

    7 Many of the new features have a monitor-only mode where features are activated in a

    mode that issues logs but does not block traffic. This usability element is helpful in the

    transition phase, when features are applied for the first time at a customer's site, and will

    be helpful in discovering configuration problems in the deployment stage. With a singleclick the defaults of each protection can be restored. Monitor-only mode also supports

    audit-only deployments.

    Web Intelligence page 3

    Voice over IP (VoIP) page 6

    Network Security page 7

    DNS Security page 8

    Check Point Active Streaming page 10

    Application Intelligence for Additional Protocols page 10

    Malicious Activity Prevention page 12

    General page 13

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    SQL Injection

    8 VPN-1 Pro rejects HTTP requests containing SQL commands inside the URL or body.

    An attacker can use flaws in the web application to inject malicious commands that will

    be run directly in the application database and cause damage or information disclosure.This defense has three levels of protection: low, medium and high. The definitions for

    these three levels are conveniently displayed as you slide the change bar to select a

    different mode in SmartDashboard.

    Shell Command Injection

    9 VPN-1 Pro rejects HTTP requests containing shell commands inside the URL or body.

    An attacker can use flaws in the scripting engine to inject malicious commands that willbe run directly on the host. This defense has three levels of protection: low, medium

    and high. The definitions for these three levels are conveniently displayed as you slide

    the change bar to select a different mode in SmartDashboard.

    Cross Site Scripting

    10 VPN-1 Pro rejects HTTP requests sent using the POST command that contain

    scripting code. Attackers can use scripting commands inside URLs and forms to steal aninnocent user's identity. This form of stealing is particularly insidious because the

    administrator and the user do not know they are being tricked. VPN-1 Pro also

    understands the encoded data sent as part of the URL, which is an alternative way of

    submitting information. The scripting code is not stripped from the request, but rather

    the whole request is rejected. The defense has three levels of protection: low, medium

    and high.

    Directory Traversal Attacks

    11 Directory traversal attacks allow hackers to access files and directories that should be out

    of their reach. In many attacks, this leads to running executable code on the web server

    with one simple URL. Most of the attacks are based on the ".." notation within a file

    system. VPN-1 Pro blocks requests in which the URL contains an illegal directory

    request. For example, is illegal because it

    goes deeper than the root directory. is legal

    because it is equivalent to VPN-1 Pro supports the same

    capability for URLs that are encoded with Unicode and % encoding.

    HTTP Format Sizes

    12 The sizes of different elements in HTTP request/response are not limited; this can used

    to perform DOS attack on a web server. In addition, many buffer-overflow attacks

    require a considerably large buffer to be sent to the web server. It is good security

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    practice to limit these buffers. This reduces the chance for buffer overruns and limits the

    size of code that can be inserted using the overflow. This defense provides the ability to

    impose a limit on the following elements:

    Maximum URL length Maximum Header length

    Maximum number of headers

    Specific header length, by giving a regular expression to describe the header name

    and value.

    The maximum allowed length is adjustable using SmartDefense.

    Blocking Non-ASCII Characters Request

    13 VPN-1 Pro blocks non-ASCII characters (32-127) in the HTTP request/response

    headers. Other than the fact that the HTTP RFC does not allow binary characters

    anywhere in the HTTP headers, blocking them is good security practice because

    executables and buffer-overrun exploits usually need binary characters. The defense can

    be turned on using SmartDefense, in the Request\Response Headers section of the

    ASCII Only Request window.

    Allowed HTTP Methods

    14 The HTTP RFC allows a restricted set of standard HTTP methods (GET, PUT,

    HEAD, POST). Many of the non-standard methods have a very bad security record and

    so, by default, they are blocked. WebDAV methods are blocked by default but can be

    added either as a group or individually. Other methods, blocked by default can be added

    individually too.

    Header Rejection

    15 A web server or application parses not only the URL, but also the rest of the HTTP

    header data. Wrong parsing can lead to buffer overrun attacks and other vulnerabilities.

    Such attacks, while RFC compliant, can be blocked using signatures that are defined

    using regular expressions.

    HTTP Header Spoofing

    16 One of the first steps an attacker takes before attacking a web site is to fingerprint it.

    The attacker analyzes the web server's response in order gather as much information as

    possible about it. Some information in the response is redundant; this defense removes

    such information by either removing the relevant header or changing its value. The

    relevant headers can be added using regular expressions for name and value, each header

    can be stripped (removed), or replaced from SmartDefense.

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    Voice over IP (VoIP)

    17 Supported SIP RFCs and Standards

    3372 (SIP-T)

    3311 (Update message)

    SIP over TCP

    18 Supported SIP Advanced Features

    Call forwarding capabilities

    Forward on busy

    Forward on no answer Find me, Follow me

    Forward unconditional

    Registration timeout configuration

    Third party registration

    Proxy failover

    DoS Protection. A maximum number of new VoIP sessions that can be initiated perminute from a specific IP address can be set. This feature is not enforced for Proxies

    or IP addresses on the White List.

    19 Supported H.323 RFCs and Standards

    H.323 V.2, V.3, V.4

    H.234 V.3, V.5, V.7

    H.225 V.2, V.3, V.4

    20 Supported H.323 Network Configurations when NAT is in use

    Gatekeepers, Gateways and PBX can be installed using Static NAT in the external

    network, internal network or DMZ.

    Incoming calls to Hide NAT are supported.

    H.323-PSTN gateways can be installed anywhere using either Static or Hide NAT.

    21 Advanced H.323 features

    FastStart and NAT support.

    H.245 Tunneling and NAT support.

    DoS Protection. A maximum number of new VoIP sessions that can be initiated per

    minute from a specific IP address can be set.

    22 MGCP service - Support for the MGCP protocol, including:

    Dynamic management of RTP sessions (open data connection dynamically)

    Analysis and enforcement of message states

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    Verification of existence and correctness of call parameters

    Keep call state for each call

    Enforcement of call hand-over

    Logging of call information, and reporting of security vulnerabilities

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - call denial-of-service, call hijacking, fooling a billing


    Getting Here - Configure a VoIP domain, and then using SmartDashboard select

    SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > VoIP > MGCP. Use the MGCP services in the

    Security rule base.

    23 Advanced MGCP features: DoS Protection. A maximum number of new VoIP sessions

    that can be initiated per minute from a specific IP address can be set.

    24 Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) - VPN-1 supports the SCCP protocol, including:

    Dynamic management of RTP sessions (open data connection dynamically)

    Analysis and enforcement of message states

    Verification of existence and correctness of call parameters

    Keep call state for each call

    Enforcement of hand-over domains

    Logs call information, report security vulnerabilities

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Call denial-of-service, call hijacking, fooling a billing


    Getting Here - Configure a VoIP domain, and then using SmartDashboard selectSmartDefense > Application Intelligence > VoIP > SCCP. Use the SCCP service in the

    Security rule base.

    25 Advanced SCCP features: DoS Protection. A maximum number of new VoIP sessions that

    can be initiated per minute from a specific IP address can be set.

    Network Security

    Port Scanning

    26 Port Scanning detects scanning attempts in real-time (during packet processing). Scans

    are detected whether they are perpetrated by a single host or several (distributed scans).

    The feature detects two types of scans:

    scans aimed at detecting all services that a given computer runs (host port scan), and

    scans aimed at detecting the computers in a given network running a certain service(sweep scan).

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    This feature is useful in detecting worms such as Welchia that scan networks in order to

    spread themselves.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Welchia worm

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard select SmartDefense > Network Security > Port ScanDetections

    DShield Storm Center

    27 Automatic integration in the rule base with the SANS Storm Center. SANS monitors

    the top malicious sources in the Internet. This feature allows both the updating of

    SANS with malicious hosts detected by VPN-1 Pro and the ability to block hosts

    known to be malicious by SANS automatically. This offers protection from DistributedDenial of Service (DDOS) at the Firewall and further "upstream" by other Check Point


    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Code Redor any DDOS attack.

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Network Security > DShield

    Storm Center > Report to DShield

    DNS Security

    DNS Verification

    28 VPN-1 enforces the DNS protocol on DNS UDP and TCP traffic ensuring that the

    traffic that crosses the Firewall is valid DNS traffic.

    The RFC-defined header-size, domain and FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)

    syntax are enforced. This protects clients and servers from buffer overruns.

    VPN-1 enforces the proper content of the header (Z flag, QR bit, OPCODE),

    Resource Records counters and formats. This includes:

    enforcing a domain's proper syntax on queries and responses,

    enforcing proper format of the TYPE values, and

    enforcing format of Inverse Queries.

    In addition, VPN-1 verifies that every response matches a certain request by the sessionID.

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    UDP Protocol Enforcement

    29 DNS protocol inspection (supporting RFCs 1034/1035 (General), 1996 (Notify), 2136

    (update), 2317 (classless delegation), 2535 (DNS security extensions), 2671 (EDNS0),

    draft-ietf-dnsext-axfr-clarify-05. Enforcement on lengths, counters, header flags, properdomain format, Resource Record formats, response matching a previous request, bound

    checking, type and domain logging.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Trojan Horses, DNS cache poisoning

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > DNS

    > Protocol Enforcement, and enable UDP Protocol Enforcement.

    TCP Protocol Enforcement30 Inspect DNS over TCP - In addition to the UDP capabilities mentioned above, inspect

    TCP zone transfer traffic.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Trojan Horses, DNS cache poisoning

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > DNS

    > Protocol Enforcement, and enable TCP Protocol Enforcement.

    Defense Against Cache Poisoning

    31 IDscrambling- Some DNS implementation use trivial transaction ID and source ports

    that are easy to predict for their DNS queries, this allows hackers to craft spoofed

    response packets that will poison the DNS server's cache. VPN-1 tracks each request,

    and randomizes the transaction ID and source port of outgoing queries using strong

    cryptographic algorithms. Replies are validated to have matching query entries.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - DNS cache poisoningGetting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > DNS

    > Cache Poisoning > Scrambling.

    32 Birthday-Attack Defense- An attacker sends many simultaneous queries to the attacked

    server, triggering it to issue many queries to external servers, which the attacker then

    spoofs the replies for. If a spoofed reply matches one of the server's requests, the result

    may be poisoning the server's cache; because of the birthday paradox, the chances of a

    spoofed reply to match a server request are high. This defense prevents external queriesto internal DNS servers if the DNS server is not authoritative for the queried domain.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - DNS birthday attack

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > DNS

    > Cache Poisoning > Drop Inbound Requests.

    33 Excessive ID Mismatch Detection - DNS cache poisoning attacks (especially the

    "Birthday Attack") usually have a by-product of many mismatching DNS replies in ashort time. An excessive number of DNS replies that do not have a matching query can

    indicate a cache-poisoning attack. VPN-1 generates a special alert when thresholds of

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    mismatched replies in a specified duration of time are surpassed. These thresholds are

    configurable (default is 50 over 5 seconds) and administrators can be notified in a

    variety of manners (log, email, SMTP Trap or one of three User Defined Actions).

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - DNS cache poisoningGetting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > DNS

    > Cache Poisoning > Mismatched Replies.

    Domains Block List

    34 Damaging or malicious traffic can sometimes be characterized by the DNS domain it is

    trying to reach. In VPN-1 you can now maintain a block-list of DNS domains. Queries

    regarding the domains in the block-list are blocked. This method is effective forblocking traffic to this domain when the destination IP address hosts additional sites

    besides the prohibited one. This important advantage over blocking traffic to this

    domain in the Security rule-base grants safe domains access while keeping the unsafe

    ones out.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Undesired traffic to a site characterized by its domain.

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > DNS

    > Domains block-list.

    Check Point Active Streaming

    35 The new Active Streaming technology enhances the streaming capabilities that already

    exist in VPN-1 to new levels of inspection. Check Point Active Streaming reassembles

    TCP segments, enabling inspection of complete protocol units before any of them reach

    the client or server.

    Application Intelligence for Additional Protocols

    36 POP3 and IMAP - VPN-1 can verify that the username entered for reading mail using

    POP3 or IMAP is similar to the username entered for VPN authentication and/or for

    UserAuthority authentication. In addition, protocol validation including blocking of

    binary data will be made on the username, and on other protocol elements.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Restrict a user from reading another user's mail.

    Getting Here - In order to configure username verification, define the gateway object as

    a Mail Server, then edit the Mail Server page of the object, and enable the property

    Verify username with VPN tunnel user.

    37 Block Peer to Peer Applications - Peer to peer applications use their own proprietary

    protocols, which use arbitrary port numbers, and therefore are hard to block using

    standard methods (such as via the Security rule base). These applications can cause a

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    variety of problems. VPN-1 can block the common peer to peer applications, including

    Kazaa, eDonkey, Gnutella, and gives administrators the opportunity to exclude specific

    ports and network objects from peer to peer detection.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Exposing private data, exposing the network to virusesand Trojan horses, wasting CPU time, exploiting storage and bandwidth resources,

    wasting employees' time and raising legal issues (piracy and intellectual property rights).

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence > Peer

    to Peer

    38 DCE-RPC - DCE-RPC is a protocol for calling a procedure on a remote machine as if it

    were a local procedure call. The protocol uses a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) to

    connect remote machine Interfaces. Many DCE-RPC attacks are based on malformedor objectionable DCE-RPC traffic.

    VPN-1's DCE-RPC packet verification will prevent DOS attacks and exploits. VPN-1

    addresses this protocol validation by authorizing DCE-RPC UUIDs and opening high

    ports dynamically only if the UUID is allowed and the protocol flow is not violated.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Blaster Worm, Spike

    Getting Here - Enabled by default in VPN-1s DCE-RPC enforcement.

    39 DCOM Protocol Validation - Recent attacks against DCOM are based on malformed

    DCOM traffic on port 135. VPN-1 will allow DCOM communication, allow traffic for

    UUIDs needed by DCOM, but prevent the Blaster and other attacks

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - The Blaster attack creates buffer overflow on DCOM

    server on port 135

    Getting Here- Enabled by default in VPN-1s DCE-RPC enforcement.

    40 SNMP Version Enforcement - SNMPv3 is much more secure than earlier versions.

    VPN-1 will verify that all SNMP traffic is from version 3. The default is set to allow all

    SNMP traffic but if you switch to SNMPv3, all traffic from earlier versions is blocked.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - SNMPv2 trivial communities; data is not encrypted,

    poor authentication mechanisms.

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence >

    SNMP and enable Allow only SNMPv3 traffic.

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    41 Communities Block-list - Common network devices have default well-known

    community strings. These communities are often not disabled, and thus expose a

    vulnerability by leaving an easy way to create unauthorized SNMP access to the

    machine. VPN-1 enforces an SNMP domain block-list, blocking SNMPv2 and earlier

    connections that use these trivial community strings.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - SNMPv2 trivial communities

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select SmartDefense > Application Intelligence >

    SNMP and enable Drop requests with default community strings for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2.

    42 MS-SQL - An administrator can now block the Slammer worm on the SQL monitoring

    UDP protocol by looking for pre-defined patterns.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Slammer worm

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, include the service MSSQL_Resolver in any access

    rule in the Security rule base.

    Malicious Activity Prevention

    43 Malicious Code Protector - Most HTTP worms and exploits take advantage of buffer

    overflow vulnerability. This vulnerability is generally a result of mishandling of inputlength. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by sending an enlarged buffer which is

    copied on top of the smaller buffer by the application, thus creating a memory

    corruption. This memory corruption might lead to any of the following:

    a brutal application termination

    a denial of service attack

    in the event of a well crafted attack - malicious code execution

    Malicious Code Protection is a Check Point patent-pending technology that blocks

    hackers from sending malicious code to target servers and applications. It can detect

    malicious executable code within communications by identifying not only the existence

    of executable code in a data stream but its potential for malicious behavior. Malicious

    Code Protection is a kernel-based protection delivering wire-speed performance. Its

    core functions are:

    Monitor communication for potential executable code

    Confirm the presence of executable code

    Identify if the code is malicious

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    Block malicious executable code from reaching target host

    It is important to understand that this defense does not rely upon pattern detection,

    which means it can stop both known andunknown attacks.

    Sample Attack or vulnerability - Some common worms: Nimda, CodeRed, and manyexploits such as IIS WebDAV exploits.

    Getting Here - In SmartDashboard, select Web Intelligence > Malicious Code > Malicious

    Code Protector.


    44DCE-RPC can now communicate over ports other than 135.

    45 Multicast traffic can now be allowed or blocked for each multicast group. Configuration

    is per interface. For example, define a new object called multicast address range, and use it

    when defining the network topology on the interface.

    46 IPv6 security is now supported on the Linux platform.

    47 NAT hide can now be defined for PPTP clients.

    48 Authentication capabilities have been enhanced to better protect against brute force


    49 It is now possible to disable the logging of anti-spoofing activity of local interfaces and


    50 Individual interfaces can now be configured to accept or block traffic from specific

    multicast groups.

    51 ISP redundancy on the Nokia platform is now supported.

    52 ISP Redundancy DNS features can now be configured using SmartDashboard.

    53 The SmartDefense service now protects IPv6 networks.

    54 SmartDefense update can now traverse web proxy with authentication.

    55 It is now possible to define a name for each security rule. The rule name will appear inthe logs created by that rule and will persist across policy changes.

    56 Enhanced SmartDefense updates infrastructure with improved inspection capabilities.

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    New Features VPN

    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 14


    In This Section

    VPN Routing

    1 To tighten security and enhance granularity of the VPN security policy, enforcement of

    VPN rules by the direction of a connection is now possible.

    For example, it is possible to define in the VPN column:

    2 OSPF/BGP over VPN is enabled with VPN-1 gateway on SecurePlatform and IPSO.

    Every VPN tunnel is represented as a virtual adapter, enabling encapsulation of OSPF

    and BGP traffic. These virtual adapters can be used to establish integrated dynamic

    routing configurations with the routing domains in the protected networks. In effect

    this new technology enables unification of all the VPN-protected networks to a unified

    dynamically adaptable network.

    VPN Routing page 14

    VPN Tunnel Management page 15

    Multiple Entry Point (MEP) and VPN Load Distribution page 15

    VPN-1 Clusters page 16

    PKI, PKCS page 16

    NAT with VPN page 16 VPN-1 Diagnostics (Logging, Monitoring, Planning) page 16

    Connectivity page 16

    Office Mode page 17

    L2TP Clients page 17

    Multicast page 17

    Route Injection Mechanism (RIM) page 17

    Source Destination

    Community A Community B

    Community A Any

    Local domain Community A

    Local domain Remote Access Community

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    3 Support of Back-up links and On-Demand links is enabled by multiple VPN links

    between VPN-1 gateways. Multiple VPN links are available when a single VPN-1

    gateway is connected to multiple network infrastructures (e.g., multiple ISPs). Two

    VPN gateways may have several paths of communication that they can use to reach each

    other. Also new are Link Selection mechanisms, which provide additional methods to

    resolve a gateways IP address, such as defining a fixed IP address to always be used, and

    defining a DNS name to be resolved, which is most useful for gateways with

    dynamically allocated IP addresses.

    4 GRE is now supported over IPsec in order to interoperate with devices that support

    dynamic routing over the VPN only with GRE.

    5 Wire mode VPN is now available: Internal (safe) VPN connectivity is supported byreducing security checks on VPN traffic.

    6 On Linux, SecurePlatform, and SecurePlatform Pro, encrypted packets will now be

    rerouted again after they are encrypted (and the destination was changed to the gateway

    IP address). (This behavior already takes place on Nokia platforms.)

    VPN Tunnel Management7 VPN tunnels may now be defined on VPN-1 gateways. The functionality is accessed

    using the command line interface to the gateway. This extends the interface to external

    management tools for Check Point gateways.

    8 VPN links can now be configured to be always on. This feature enables:

    VPN link (tunnel) monitoring - link-properties, link-state, traffic through the link

    and more. Better support of sensitive applications for link setup delays.

    Configuration of Route Injection Mechanism when using MEP.

    Alert upon tunnel failure

    9 SmartView Monitor can now monitor VPN tunnels. SmartViews of VPN tunnel

    properties and status, both for site to site and for remote access VPN, are now available.

    Multiple Entry Point (MEP) and VPN Load Distribution

    10 For site to site VPN, Explicit MEP configuration is now available at the center of a star

    community. There are several methods to connect to the MEP gateway, including

    explicit priority among entry points (which is independent of the VPN domain

    definition of entry points). For Remote Access VPN, the old MEP configuration still


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    VPN-1 Clusters

    11 By enabling the new Sticky Decision Function, ClusterXL Load Sharing now supports:

    VPN routing of third party gateways that require stickiness

    SecureClient Visitor mode

    SSL Network Extender clients

    L2TP and Nokia clients

    Support for these features requires certain additional configuration. Consult the

    ClusterXL guide for more details.

    PKI, PKCS12 Internal CA diagnostics are now available through SmartView Monitor.

    13 Internal CA enhancements include:

    Certificate enrollment using PKCS10 is available.

    Generatecertificate - as PKCS12 (used in CAPI token)

    Additional, configurable level of administration privileges

    14 Certificate enrollment to a VPN-1 module using SCEP and CMP protocols is now


    15 Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is now supported.

    16 An existing CA certificate can now be replaced with a newer one in a VPN-1 system,

    provided that the new certificate has the exact same pair of keys as the certificate that it

    is replacing.

    NAT with VPN

    17 SecureClient now supports NAT-T.

    VPN-1 Diagnostics (Logging, Monitoring, Planning)

    18 The usability of VPN activity logs has been enhanced.


    19 SecuRemote/SecureClient can now resolve the address of the remote gateway by using

    one of the following link selection methods:

    Main IP / Single IP

    Topology calculation

    N F t VPN

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    RDP probing, which allows the possibility of configuring the primary interface and

    manual IP list for probing.

    20 The encryption domain of the gateway can now be defined differently for site-to-site

    VPN, and for remote access VPN.

    21 Third party DAIP gateways and externally managed DAIP gateways are now supported

    with certificate authentication.

    Office Mode

    22 Office Mode assignment can now be used to access other gateways in the site.

    23 A RADIUS server can now be used for Office Mode IP assignment.

    L2TP Clients

    24 Legacy authentication schemes, such as Check Point password, OS password, RADIUS,

    LDAP, TACACS, etc., are now supported for L2TP clients.

    Multicast25 Through the use of VPN Virtual interfaces, multicast traffic can now be encrypted and

    passed through VPN tunnels.

    Route Injection Mechanism (RIM)

    26 RIM is now supported both with and without MEP. It can be configured under the

    Tunnel Management page on the community.

    New Features SecuRemote/SecureClient

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    New Features SecuRemote/SecureClient

    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 18


    In This Section

    NAT with VPN

    1 SecureClient now supports NAT-T.

    User Experience

    2 SecuRemote/SecureClient user interface now supports the following languages:

    English, French, Italian, German and Spanish.

    3 The Hotspot Registration feature now limits the number of unsuccessful registration

    attempts and disables registration IP addresses once the client connects.


    4 In MEP configuration, the client MEP decision can be disabled, in which case the

    client connects to the gateway specified in the profile.

    5 In an MEP configuration, a backup gateway can be specified in a centrally managed

    connection profile. If so specified, and the primary gateways are unreachable, theSecuRemote/SecureClient connects to the specified backup gateway and does not

    perform an MEP decision.

    6 The encryption domain of the gateway can now be defined differently for site-to-site

    VPN, and for remote access VPN.

    7 SecuRemote/SecureClient can now resolve the address of the remote gateway by using

    one of the following link selection methods: Main IP / Single IP

    NAT with VPN page 18

    User Experience page 18

    Connectivity page 18

    Office Mode page 19

    Desktop Security page 19

    Secure Configuration Verification (SCV) page 19 Windows - XP-specific Issues page 20

    Miscellaneous page 20

    SecureClient Software Distribution Sever (SDS) page 20

    New Features SecuRemote/SecureClient

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    New Features SecuRemote/SecureClient

    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 19

    Topology calculation

    RDP probing, which allows the possibility of configuring the primary interface and

    manual IP list for probing.

    Office Mode

    8 Office Mode assignment can now be used to access other gateways in the site.

    9 A RADIUS server can now be used for Office Mode IP assignment.

    10 VPN-1 Pro gateway DHCP requests can contain various client attributes that allow

    DHCP clients to differentiate themselves. The attributes are pre-configured on the

    client side operating system, and can be used by different DHCP servers in the processof distributing IP addresses. VPN-1 Pro gateway DHCP requests can contain the

    following attributes:

    Host Name

    Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

    Vendor Class

    User Class

    Desktop Security

    11 When policy expiration is enabled and SecureClient is connected, it will attempt to

    update policy every expire_time/2. If it fails to update the policy, SecureClient will not

    revert to the default policy.

    12 Desktop security rules now support RADIUS groups.13 Policy server logon is by default set to the Policy Server on the gateway to which you

    connect. Centrally managed profiles can be configured to direct logons to a different

    Policy Server. Perform the following:

    1 Specify the Policy Server in the profile.

    2 Use the dbedit database tool to set the property use_profile_ps_configuration

    to true.

    Secure Configuration Verification (SCV)

    14 When enforcing Secure Configuration Verification on simplified mode VPN (VPN-1

    communities), specific hosts and services may be defined as exceptions to the rule (e.g.,

    to allow anti-virus updates, even if the client machine is not verified).

    New Features SecuRemote/SecureClient

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 20

    15 SecuRemote (which does not support SCV) can be regarded as verified when SCV is

    enforced. To enable it set scv_allow_sr_clients to true in userc.c, (by default it this

    value is set to false). This global flag can be overridden by the administrator by setting

    the matching flag in the topology, using the dbedit tool.

    16 OS Monitor is now supported on Windows 2003 Server.

    17 The operatorgreater than (>) is supported in signature file comparison in AntiVirus


    18 ZoneAlarm Pro antivirus signatures version validation is supported for AntiVirus


    19 The following enhancements for SCV monitors are now available:

    You can now check keys under HKCU, HKU and HKLM in the Registry Monitor

    While in Secure Domain Logon (SDL), each check under the Registry Monitor, OS

    Monitor and Browser Monitor can be disabled.

    Windows - XP-specific Issues

    20 Improved integration with Windows XP SP2 Firewall.


    21 The following R56 local attributes can now be centrally managed:

    Hotspot registration configuration



    22 SecureClient now reports the following parameters to User Monitor:

    OS version, Client version and build

    last known SCV failure reason

    23 Secure Domain Logon (SDL) by default will not be part of the Windows logon

    procedure when the client machine is part of the encryption domain. To force SDL

    when inside the encryption domain, use the Windows Registry editor to setSdlIgnoreEncDomain to 0 (DWORD) in HKLM\Software\CheckPoint\SecuRemote.

    24 VPN-1 Pro now enforces the amount of licensed remote access connections, this

    include the amount of SecuRemote allowed according to the gateway size plus the

    amount of SecureClient licenses.

    SecureClient Software Distribution Sever (SDS)

    25 The SDS server and the SDS agent are no longer part of the SecureClient product.

    New Features Integrity

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 21


    1 Integrity Product Family achieves Total Access Protection for all PCs that connect to

    your network. Check Point Integr ity endpoint security products ensure that both

    employee and guest users' PCs are secure before they're granted network access. Bystopping worms, spyware, and hacker attacks, Integrity maintains business continuity,

    supports regulatory compliance, and protects you against financial loss due to endpoint


    2 Integrity client and server software secures all networked PCs by centrally managing

    proactive defenses and enforcing policy compliance.

    3 Integrity for Linux offers enterprises easy-to-manage endpoint security for the growingnumber of Linux workstations, providing sophisticated attack protections coupled with

    centralized policy deployment and reporting.

    4 Integrity SecureClient unites the complementary strengths of VPN-1 SecureClient and

    Integrity to deliver the most advanced remote access, endpoint security, and access

    policy enforcement.

    5 Integrity Clientless Security mitigates risks posed by employee and guest endpoints

    accessing enterprise resources via the Web. It delivers spyware disablement, ensures

    session confidentiality, and enforces network access policy.

    6 Integrity Desktop delivers preemptive protection against the latest worms, viruses,

    spyware, and hacker attacks.

    SSL Network Extender

    1 The SSL Network Extender is now centrally managed, and can be configured on


    2 SSL Network Extender now supports SecureIDs New Pin Mode and password changes

    for RADIUS and LDAP authentication servers.

    3 SSL Network Extender now supports ICS.

    4 SSL Network Extender clients are supported on ClusterXL gateways in Load Sharingmode when the Sticky Decision Function is enabled.

    5 SSL Network Extender now supports Integr ityTM Clientless Security (ICS) version 3.0,

    including IntegrityTM Secure Browser (ISB).

    6 The SSL Network Extender end-user interface can now be customized, as well as

    localized for the following languages (user-selectable):

    English French

    New Features SmartCenter

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 22




    Japanese Traditional Chinese

    Simplified Chinese

    Portuguese (Brazilian)


    SmartCenterCloning Network Objects

    1 Networks and Host Nodes can now be cloned with a right click. The newly created

    object has field values in common with the original object.


    2 Groups can be viewed hierarchically in the Objects Tree. Additionally, a new feature in

    SmartDashboard allows you to configure group conventions. When you do so,

    SmartDashboard makes suggestions to assign newly created objects to groups based on

    their name, color or network location.


    3 Details about a network object or service, such as IP/port, version, and comment, arenow visible within SmartDashboard rule bases without opening the object or service.

    Unique Rule Identifier

    4 A new feature in SmartView Tracker allows you to open SmartDashboard to the rule

    that a certain connection matched on. Also, an enhanced rule filter provides the ability

    to search within SmartView Tracker for other connections that matched on that rule,either by rule number or unique rule ID. A new feature in SmartDashboard allows you

    to view all logs generated for a certain rule.

    Improved Manageability of Administrators

    5 In this release, cpconfig allows the definition of just one administrator. Others can be

    added through SmartDashboard. All cpconfig administrators can be converted to

    administrators in SmartDashboard by using the $FWDIR/bin/cp_admin_convert tool.

    New Features VPN-1 Edge

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 23

    Mandatory Session Description

    6 SmartDashboard users can now be compelled to enter a session ID describing the

    changes they have made. This provides a better ability to track database changes in the

    audit logs.

    GUI Client Disconnect

    7 When logging into a SmartCenter Server, an administrator can now disconnect other

    users who are logged in and locking the database.

    Central Management for Connectra

    8 Connectra devices are now part of Check Points centralized SMART management,

    integrating security, monitoring, logging, reporting, updating and intelligent

    information processing in a single interface.

    Web-Based Access to SmartCenter SmartPortal

    9 SmartPortal is a web-based management tool providing a centralized view of security

    policies, network and security activity status, and administrator information. This

    web-based access to SmartCenter extends the visibility of security policies to groups

    outside of the IT security team and enables collaborative management of SmartCenter


    VPN-1 Edge

    1 VPN-1 Pro now supports VPN-1 Edge behind NAT devices. This can implemented byusing NAT traversal (port 4500), which encapsulates the IKE/IPSEC in UDP packets,

    between the VPN-1 Edge device and the VPN-1 Pro.

    2 Enhanced VPN-1 Edge configuration in SmartDashboard, including:

    time of log generation and forwarding

    time at which the VPN-1 Edge device is updated with new configuration settings

    content filtering (CVP and UFP) Unrestricted mode (connections from centrally managed peers that do not undergo

    access control or NAT)

    3 VPN-1 Edge (with firmware 4.5 or higher) is now integrated with Eventia Reporter.

    4 Excluded Services are now supported with VPN Communities that contain SofaWare


    5 VPN-1 Edge Web UI can now be launched from within SmartDashboard, as follows:

    New Features SmartView Monitor

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 24

    Select a VPN-1 Edge object in the Objects tree, right click and choose Manage

    Device in the displayed menu.

    In the VPN-1 Edge Objects General Properties page, click Configure Edge Using

    Web Interface.

    6 VPN Enhancements: VPN-1 Edge now supports different IKE methods, rules with

    communities in the VPN column, Multiple Entry Point (MEP) enhancements, shared

    secrets, excluded services, as well as Link selection.

    7 Content filtering for VPN-1 Edge can now be centrally managed from SmartCenter.

    This can be done using the Content filtering section of the VPN-1 Edge page of the

    Global Properties, or the Content Filtering page of the VPN-1 Edge object. The

    configuration includes specifying OPSEC UFP, CVP & SMTP servers, and determiningwhich Edge devices use UFP/CVP.

    8 NAT rules can now be configured and installed on VPN-1 Edge gateways. NAT rules

    can either be manual, by placing a VPN-1 Edge gateway in a NATed rule in the Install

    On column, orautomaticby choosing a VPN-1 Edge gateway as the Install on gateway

    in the network objects NAT page.

    9 A High Availability (HA) deployment can now be configured for VPN-1 Edge devicesusing SmartCenter. Configuring HA for VPN-1 Edge is done in the VPN page of the

    VPN-1 Edge Gateway Objects Properties window. Select Use Backup Gateways and

    specify the (VPN-1 Edge) gateway that will function as the backup gateway.

    10 A configuration script can now be added to the VPN-1 Edge object window. This

    script is downloaded to the VPN-1 Edge device. It controls various features and

    settings, (for example QoS settings, Wireless Settings).

    SmartView Monitor

    1 SmartView Monitor has become a new monitoring application that combines the

    functionality of the following applications:

    SmartView Status

    SmartView Monitor

    User Monitor

    In addition it has new capabilities. The GUI is an MDI (Multi-document interface)

    application that allows users to see side-by-side multiple views of traffic in different


    2 It is now possible to monitor the following elements in SmartView Monitor Traffic


    Traffic by top or specific tunnels Traffic by top or specific interfaces

    New Features Eventia Reporter

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 25

    Packet size distribution

    Traffic by top individual connections

    Connection direction filter

    3 Tunnel Monitoring is a new feature that allows the user to view the current gateway togateway tunnels in the organization. The user can define filters to present specific

    tunnels, as well as display tunnel state and other properties. The user can also reset a

    tunnel and drill down to view its traffic.

    4 SmartView Monitor now has new ways of presenting traffic monitoring:

    Traffic data can now be presented in a pie graph or in a table.

    After drilling down into data, a back button is now available to undo drill downs. Exporting to HTML is now possible.

    Inbound and outbound traffic can now be viewed side by side

    5 The various SmartView Status applications have been replaced with Gateway views.

    SmartView Monitor now presents a table view that displays all gateways and

    configurable status columns. In addition there is a detail view that allows browser-like

    drill down.

    Eventia Reporter

    1 Eventia Reporter Add-On and Eventia Reporter Server can now be installed on a

    Solaris 64-bit platform.

    2 Eventia Reporter is faster than previous versions.

    Report generation - a report based on 20 GB of logs can be generated in little overan hour.

    Log consolidation the log consolidator can process 32 GB per day (without DNS).

    3 Eventia Reporter now provides more flexible and meaningful report content.

    Clearer Reports

    Unnecessary details and sections have been removed from the reports. By default,

    graphs are only created for time/date reports so as to achieve a smaller output. Internal filters

    Internal filters are displayed for better report comprehension and flexibility. A user

    can now filter reports based on communication direction, firewall action, VPN-1

    fields, email sender/recipient, etc.

    4 Consolidator and database management controls have moved from the SmartDashboard

    and are now integrated in the Reporter Client.

    New Features SmartUpdate

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 26

    5 When the database grows too large, the Reporter can automatically archive or delete

    the oldest records. Database maintenance can be defined in terms of database space or

    record age.

    6 Provider-1 now supports log-based reports.

    7 Improved Security Rule support:

    Rule name support: users can now tag rules with names. Names will be displayed in

    reports and can be used in filters.

    UUID support for rules can be used to track rule usage regardless of their location

    in the Rule Base.

    Rule Base Activity: the Rule Bases Analysis report includes a section that shows allrules in a policy and their usage.

    Support for Rule Base policies in reports.


    1 Packages can now be distributed to remote devices and then installed at a later date.

    This is beneficial in a number of ways:

    The risk of a loss of connectivity during installation is minimized, as the package is

    delivered to the remote device before the remote install command is issued.

    Upgrade performance is improved, as packages can be transferred in parallel to

    multiple devices.

    The process is now more efficient, as it can more easily be performed after hours,

    when the load on the network is less.

    Downtime due to upgrade is reduced.

    2 SmartUpdate can now upgrade remote devices to versions earlier than that of the

    management server. Earlier versions supported are R54, R55, R55W, and R55P, and

    their respective HFAs.

    3 The Upgrade All option in SmartUpdate allows Nokia platforms to be upgraded to any

    IPSO OS version. To do so, the desired Nokia IPSO OS package must first be added to

    the SmartUpdate Package Repository and set as the default package, followed byselecting the Upgrade All option.

    4 SmartUpdate supports an automatic revert from an unsuccessful upgrade when

    upgrading SecurePlatform gateways. SmartUpdate creates the image backup before the

    upgrade starts. Should the Upgrade not complete successfully, the SecurePlatform

    machine will revert to the backed up image.

    5 SmartUpdate supports the CPInfo utility. The CPInfo utility runs on remote gateways

    and/or the SmartCenter server, and collects information about that machine into a

    single text file. This text file is fetched and accessible from the GUI machine.

    New Features SmartLSM

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 27

    6 The SmartUpdate command line tool can make a snapshot of the SecurePlatform

    machine. A list of currently available snapshots on a machine can be compiled and used

    to revert a machine to one of the snapshots.

    SmartLSM1 When defining VPN Domain for VPN-1 Express/Pro or VPN-1 Edge ROBO

    Gateways, the user should use the new Topology table available in the SmartLSM GUI

    (or the parallel capabilities of LSMcli). It is possible to define the VPN Domain for

    ROBO Gateway in one of the following ways:

    Use the external IP address of the Gateway only

    VPN Domain includes all of the networks behindthe Gateway's internal interfaces(based on topology)

    VPN Domain consists of manually defined IP address ranges.

    2 Controlling the settings of internal interfaces of VPN-1 Edge ROBO Gateways is now

    supported from the centralized SmartLSM management. The following settings can be

    controlled and enforced on the VPN-1 Edge ROBO Gateway:

    Interface is enabled/disabled Interface IP address and netmask

    NAT Hide of the network behind the interface is enabled/disabled

    DHCP server on the interface is enabled/disabled

    Range of IP addresses distributed by the DHCP server

    DHCP server serves as a relay to another external DHCP server

    3 It is now possible to launch VPN-1 Edge Portal Web GUI when using context menusof items representing VPN-1 Edge gateways and VPN-1 Edge ROBO Gateways in the

    SmartLSM main view.



    1 SecurePlatform can be installed in two flavors: the regular flavor, and the

    SecurePlatform Pro flavor. SecurePlatform Pro is an enhanced version of

    SecurePlatform. SecurePlatform Pro adds advanced networking and management

    capabilities to SecurePlatform such as:

    Dynamic routing

    RADIUS authentication for SecurePlatform administrators

    To install SecurePlatform Pro select SecurePlatform Pro option during the installation.

    New Features SecurePlatform

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 28

    To convert regular SecurePlatform to SecurePlatform Pro, from the expert mode command

    line run: pro enable.

    For information regarding advanced routing, see the Check Point Advanced Routing Suite


    2 In this release, the SecurePlatform installation allows adding new hardware drivers for

    mass storage and networking devices, during the installation phase.

    3 There is a change in behavior from R55 and earlier SecurePlatform versions. When no

    key is pressed after the SecurePlatform installation has begun, the installation will be

    aborted, and the system boots from the hard disk.


    4 Speed/Duplex settings of Ethernet interfaces can be controlled using the eth_set utility

    in the command line, or by using the WebUI. The interface settings configured via theWebUI, or via the command line utility will survive reboot and become persistent.

    5 The patch add command now supports scp as one of the options, allowing convenient

    and secure transfer of patch files to SecurePlatform.

    6 VPN-1 log files are not included in the backup operation by default.

    7 The display of time zones in the command line was changed from the POSIX

    convention to the commonly accepted convention. For example, for a region locatedtwo hours to the east of the GMT region, the time zone will show GMT+2 and not

    GMT-2, as in earlier versions.

    8 During the installation of SecurePlatform, one interface is selected as the management

    interface. The IP address of this interface cannot be set to, as this will disrupt

    operation of the product. The commands sysconfig and ifconfig enforce this

    limitation in this release. If a specific interface must receive the IP address 0, a different

    interface must first be configured to be the management interface, and then the IP

    address can assigned to the specific interface.

    User Experience

    9 Starting with this release, Netscape 7.1 is supported for use with the administration

    WebUI. This allows using the WebUI from non-Windows systems.

    Note - SecurePlatform Pro requires a separate license that must be installed on the

    SmartCenter Server that manages the SecurePlatform Pro enforcement modules.

    New Features ClusterXL

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 29



    1 ClusterXL has a new (and optional) packet distribution scheme for Load Shar ing whichis supported with the two Load Sharing modes: Multicast and Unicast. In the new

    distribution scheme (called Sticky Decision Function), a connection that started on a

    certain cluster member will continue to pass only through that member. The Sticky

    Decision Function is not supported with Performance Pack or with an Acceleration


    VPN-1 Clusters2 ClusterXL Load Sharing now supports SecureClient visitor mode and SSL extender

    clients when the Sticky Decision Function is enabled.

    3 Third party peers can now open VPN tunnels on ClusterXL in Load Sharing mode

    with the Sticky Decision Function enabled.

    4 ClusterXL Load Sharing now supports VPN routing configuration, in which both sides

    of the connection are encrypted for peer gateways of third parties, such as Cisco, whichrequires stickiness. This support is limited to when the Sticky Decision Function is

    enabled, and requires certain additional configuration. Consult the ClusterXL guide for

    more details.

    Supported Features

    5 Dynamic routing is now supported in SecurePlatform clusters.

    6 Multicast data traffic is supported on ClusterXL in High Availability mode, and in Load

    Sharing mode under certain conditions. Refer to the Release Notes for more details.

    Performance Pack

    1 BGE interface is now supported on Solaris.

    2 SmartView Monitor is now supported by Performance Pack.

    3 Dynamic Routing changes are now supported by Performance Pack on SecurePlatform.


    1 SmartCenter Server can now manage the following versions of VSX:

    VSX 2.0.1


    New Features QoS

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    Whats New in Check Point NGX R60 Last Update 5/16/05 30

    VSX NG AI Release 2

    2 For more information on these releases, please see the documentation at .


    1 The license for QoS Express should be installed on the SmartCenter server instead of

    on the Enforcement module. QoS supports licenses for 1, 3 or 5 modules. These

    licenses should be added via SmartUpdate and then attached to the SmartCenter

    Gateway Object.

    2 QoS is now supported by and can run on the same Enforcement Module that runs WebIntelligence.


    1 UserAuthority now supports outbound identity-based access control for non-TCP


    2User credentials can now be fetched using UserAuthority Servers on other SICdomains.