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  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    UX For Dummies

    From UX For Dummies by Kevin Nichols, Donald Chesnut

    The world of UX (user experience) strategy may seem complicated and hard to grasp. But anyone who wants to build

    a digital experience (whether for a local business or a national corporation) can leverage UX best practices to ensure

    that the experience meets basic user needs. Optimize the user experience by following UX design phases from

    discovery and defining to designing and building. Finally, evaluate and refine your design to ensure a great user


    4 Important Parts of a UX Design Strategy

    The goal of any well-crafted user experience (UX) strategy is to focus the company's web presence on the needs of

    its customers. You achieve this by integrating web design, user research, business planning, and data analysis.

    Always remember that a strong UX design strategy includes these four parts:

    A clear, well-defined intent for the experience, goals, and objectives.

    Documentation defining the features, functionality, and content necessary to support the objectives. Here,

    the user is tantamount, meaning that you must design your experience around your users' needs.

    A testing process to make sure the design works. Validation is critical, so don't forget to test your designs and

    direction throughout the process of developing it.

    Solid planning. Good UX connects the goals and objectives of a business with users' needs by serving up an

    experience the users can, well, use. How do you do it? Start with a plan for what you need to do.

    UX Design: 8 Elements of the Discovery Phase

    During the discovery phase of UX (user experience) design for a website, you assess the current state of your UX, if

    you have one, and your competitors' experiences. The following eight points should be part of your assessment:

    Survey and define who your users or potential users are. Get as much information as you can about them.

    Look at any existing user research, consumer or customer data, and insights from user testing to gather

    information about who will use the experience.

    Assess any user feedback or analytics to determine what is working and what is not working within your

    current experience.

    Conduct a competitive analysis to identify the types of features and functionality you can offer your users.

    Find out what competitors and their users do and don't have, and then do it better in your UX!

    Review your existing content and figure out what you need to do with it, what types of content will tell your

    story, and what your competitors offer that you don't. Use a content inventory to capture your content or that of

    your competitors and overlay it with an audit to assess how well the content is performing.

    If you have a current experience, identify gaps where you could improve the experience, issues, and

    strengths. Use a tool, such as a heuristic assessment, to measure the performance of the UX. A heuristic

    assessment is a scorecard that weights what is working and what is not based on UX best practices.

    Review your technology environment and note the constraints (such as what you have in place to deliver the

    experience) and the channel outputs (where it needs to live).
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    Ask those people in your organization who have a vested interest in the experience to specify their

    requirements. Interview brand representatives, marketing teams, product leads, legal teams, tech folks, and any

    other people who need to be involved with the UX and the ultimate solution.

    Ensure that all stakeholders agree with the final list of needs, requirements, and findings from what you

    learn in the discovery phase.

    UX Design: 5 Questions for the Define Phase

    The define phase of a UX (user experience) design defines the goals, objectives, and strategy for the UX. During this

    phase you detail who your website users are and the requirements they have.

    The easiest way to define this information is to take the findings from the discovery phase, look at what's working or

    necessary and what's not, examine at any gaps or issues with your existing experience and/or that of your

    competitors, look at your business or organization, and then ask yourself, "What does my experience need to


    Start with a goal, such as, "Be the most competitive website in the market," and define a set of objectives that are

    realistic and attainable. An example is "The experience will increase overall revenue by 20% over the next six

    months ." Create a strategy around what the experience needs to do and answer the following questions:

    Who? Use personas (tools that document how users behave) and user scenarios (tools that capture detailed

    information about prototypical users) to further define your users.

    Why? Examine the user needs or tasks that need to be accomplished in the UX. Employ user tasks to detail the

    end-to-end journeys required for the user to accomplish a task. Remember, list the tasks you need the user to

    achieve and frame your journeys around that.

    What? Anticipate which devices or channels such as desktop, smartphone, tablet, and so on the user will

    employ to engage with your UX. Compose a list of every type of device the user will engage while using the

    experience. Remember, you don't control whether a user engages with a mobile device or desktop computer in

    most cases.

    Where? Predict where the user will most likely use the experience. With the prevalence of mobile technology

    today, the user's venue could vary. Ensure you capture and consider various locations, such as at home, en route

    to the store, in the store, and so on.

    When? What time of day is a user likely to engage with the experience? Don't just plot the times to a clock. Also

    consider events and holidays, such as anniversaries involving gift-giving, Valentine's Day, or any time the user

    would need to re-engage with the experience.

    When you have answered these questions, capture the information in a brief and ensure that you use this logic

    when fleshing out the lower-level designs of the experience.

    Consider the following:

    High-level requirements that list the features and functionality you want your UX to showcase.

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    Personas for representative users that capture behaviors and characteristics of your types of users. At a

    minimum, complete four or five personas. Also sketch out some user scenarios, which detail what a persona

    would do to complete a task.

    A list of user tasks that details the types of things you want your users to accomplish and a high-level user journey

    that captures the end-to-end steps the user will complete. These can be further fleshed out during the design

    phase, but remember to capture the channels with which your users will engage and the types of content they will

    need to do so.

    A list of preliminary content types for example, news releases, home page content, product details page

    content, and so on.

    A high-level sitemap or high-level architecture, which includes the primary areas of the experience grouped into

    categories and subcategories.

    Mood boards for the visual design, which define the emotional experience for the UX.

    A finalized content audit that lists issues with any current experiences or content and where the content needs to


    A survey of your competition where you learn in which areas you can differentiate your UX from your competitors'


    UX Design: 15 Deliverables for the Design Phase

    The design phase of a UX (user experience) is when you actually design the solution, including the look and feel, the

    functionality, and the detailed specifications for how the UX will perform.

    Your design phase should include these 15 deliverables:

    A detailed sitemap that lists the major categories of information in your experience, the subcategories that fall

    under the main categories, and any tertiary or additional categories. For example: Animals>Cats>Hypoallergenic


    A finalized list of features and functionality. You should account for content types with definitions for each and

    a description of where and when to use them.

    Wireframes that capture what goes on a page type or template and the placement of information.

    Navigation models that go into wireframes and show the navigation (primary, secondary, and tertiary) of the


    Page-level content strategy that lists the goals and objectives of page types and identifies who will use those

    pages. Include prioritized types of content necessary to accomplish and fulfill the objectives.

    Content matrix and models that define the rules for how content is used, from templates to each module that

    lives within the templates.

    Taxonomy (if necessary) that shows the hierarchy of information. The taxonomy is used to build search engine

    and metadata schemas.

    Detailed end-to-end user journeys for each type of task.

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    Functional specifications that detail the rules (business rules and technology requirements) for each wireframe.

    Visual guidelines for color, typography, and brand.

    Visual design comps (comparables), or final drafts, that finalize the look and feel of the experience.

    Visual style guide that captures the rules for the visual design, including measurements for each page type,

    colors, typography, fonts, margins and gutters, and specifications for content (such as images, videos, and so on).

    Include a content style guide within this document for voice, tone, and rules of use of content.

    End-to-end content life cycles for each content type that captures who supplies the content; how it should be

    acquired, created, reviewed, and entered into a system, such as a CMS; how it should be tagged and published;

    and how it should be measured and optimized and/or retired.

    Governance model for the overall solution that shows a governance committee and the tools used to govern

    the solution, such as a visual style guide.

    List of factors you want to measure and the types of metrics you'll use for measurement. These factors

    should take into account what you want your experience to achieve.

    For navigation, labels, nomenclature, wireframe designs, user journeys, and taxonomies, you can take advantage of

    user testing to validate what you come up with. Use card sorting to figure out how to group information and label it.

    Reverse card sorting (tree testing) can validate a navigation and taxonomy after an initial iteration of it. Use clickable

    prototypes to test wireframes, the placement of information, and navigation. You can also use participatory design

    techniques to test visual design comps.

    UX Design: 5 Tasks for the Build Phase

    Technology teams implement the build phase of a UX design, so UX designers might think it's time for a well-

    deserved break. Sorry, but during the build phase, you can still create some deliverables, including finalizing the

    documentation (such as a visual style guide for the UX).

    Additionally, you can complete the following:

    Final metrics that you want to measure, a schedule for when and where the data will be collected, and a

    reporting dashboard.

    Content production (creation) plan and migration plan, which may include a map for which content in the

    existing experience will migrate to the new UX and where it should go.

    Editorial calendar that plots out which content is necessary to support the future experience.

    A testing plan and scripts for testing the solution within its actual environment.

    UX Design: The Evaluate and Optimize Phase

    During the evaluate and optimize phase of UX (user experience) design, you use metrics and user feedback to

    evaluate what you've launched. As you uncover what's working on the website and what isn't, you can make

    recommendations for future releases.

    Continually evaluate your experience. UX is an ongoing process for as long as the website exists. Test yourexperience every three to four months and update it accordingly.

  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    Technology is always evolving, so remember to evaluate your UX against changes in technology and trends. Taking

    a good hard look at your experience in comparison to the new technologies that have been developed can help you

    keep your UX relevant for the future!

    function prima ( $n ){

    for ( $i =1 ; $i

    Find string palindrome or not in PHP without using strrev() function

    star triangle

  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    $star = "*" ; echo $star. "\n" ; for ($i= 0; $i

    bubble short ascending

  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    Principles Of Object Oriented Programming in PHP

    By Marc Plotz

    Object Oriented Programming, or OOP, refers to the method of programming that invokes the use of classes to

    organize the data and structure of an application. With PHP, OOP started to become feasible with the release of PHP

    4, but really came into its own with PHP 5. Now, as the world awaits the release of PHP 6 we await another great

    leap in the evolution of PHP OOP.

    While a large number of programmers shun the use of OOP as a programming paradigm, many more are seeing the

    advantages of OOP every day. Objects are here to stay - and if you don't like them yet, give it a chance: there comes

    a time in every developers career when he makes the evolutionary step up to OOP.

    In this article we are going explore exactly what OOP is in relation to PHP, and look at a few things you should

    remember about it as well. We'll end of with a simple example of how to use it.


    The first thing that we need to wrap our heads around is the principle of Classes. Put simply, a Class is an Object,

    and an Object is a Class. But, like an everyday object, PHP Objects have certain properties, and they can do things.

    A simple class might look like this:

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    This makes setting up and running methods in a current class very simple.


    So far, things are simple. But now we take thing once step further by introducing inheritance.

    Inheritance is just like it sounds - we talk about one object extending another one, and when it does, it inherits the

    properties and methods of the parent object.In terms of out human class, lets try the following:

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    $parentObject = new parentClass($var1, $var2);

    has a constructor;

    This is a magic method which is executed when the object is instantiate d. If no constructor is

    defined, the constructor from the parent class (if applicable) is used.

    function __construct()


    //code in here


    If you are passing variables into the object then you will need to use the following code:

    function __construct($var1, $var2)


    //code in here


    You can use the parent constructor instead. By defining the constructor in the child class you can

    run some processing or pass in additional arguments into the parent constructor. For example,

    function __construct($var1, $var2)

    {parent::__construct($var1, $var2, $var3);



    Page 1 of 9has a destructor;

    This magic method is executed when the object has finished, usually once the script has

    finished processing.

    function __destruct()


    //code in here


    can inherit;

    A class can inherit from another class and access all of the parent methods and properties

    contained within. This is one of the key principles of OOP; Inheritance.

    class childClass extends parentClass


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    //code in here


    can be abstract;

    This class cannot be instantiated directly and must be extended from. This is one of the key

    principles of OOP; Abstraction.

    abstract class parentClass


    //code in here


    can be final;

    This is the last class in the hierarchy. You cannot extend from this class.

    final class childClass extends parentClass


    //code in here


    can be copied;

    An object (an instance of a class) can be copied. This creates an entirely new instance of the

    object containing the data at the point the object was copied.

    $childObject = new childClass;

    $copy_of_childObject = clone $childObject;


    Page 2 of 9 can be autoloaded;

    Auto loading is a magic method which is called once a new object is instantiated. It is commonly

    used to include the class PHP file so you dont need to include all the class files in your

    application. For example;

    function __autoload($class)




    using instanceof;

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    This is used to determine whether a variable is an instantiated object.

    $childObject = new childClass;

    if ($childObject instanceof childClass)


    //this is true


    using __call();

    This is a magic method which is run when an inaccessible or undefined method is called. The

    function name and arguments must be passed in as arguments.

    function __call($function, $args)


    echo Call to inaccessible or undefined method.

    echo Method: .$function.

    echo implode(', ', $args);


    }a method;

    is defined;

    A method is a function within a class.

    function childMethod()


    echo 'This is a method.';


    is accessed;

    Use methods in the exact way as you would normally use a function. You can pass variables into

    the method if you wish. To call the method from within the class itself use;



    Page 3 of 9 To call the method from outside the class use;

    $childObject = new childClass;

    $result = $childObject->childMethod();

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    You can also call methods from parent classes in the exact same way. You reference them from

    within the class and outside of the class using;

    $childObject = new childClass;

    $result = $childObject->parentMethod();

    Alternatively, from within the child class you can use the following. This is normally only used

    when referencing static methods or properties.

    $result = parent::parentMethod();

    can be abstract;

    Making a method abstract means it must be defined in all child classes. If arguments are given,

    they must also be included in the child classes. See examples below from the parent class;

    abstract function requiredMethod($var1, $var2);

    abstract function anotherRequiredMethod();

    can be overridden;

    You can override a method in child classes, providing they are not set as final (see below). For

    example, the following method can be defined in the child class. This is one of the key principles

    of OOP; Polymorphism.

    function parentMethod()


    echo 'This is the same as the parent method.';


    can be final;

    Marking a method as final means it cannot be overridden in subsequent child classes.

    final function parentMethod()


    echo 'You cannot define another method with this name';



    Page 4 of 9 can be public;

    By default, all methods are public. However, it is best practice to add the public keyword. This is

    one of the key principles of OOP; Encapsulation.

    public function parentMethod()

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    //code in here


    can be private;

    If a method is set as private it can only be accessed from within the class itself.

    private function parentMethod()


    //code in here


    can be static;

    A static method allows you to access static properties within a class, and nothing else. You do

    not need to instantiate an object to access the static method. To define a static method use;

    //define a static constant

    static public $static = 10;

    static function staticMethod()


    //to access a static property use the self keyword

    echo self::$static;}

    Then to access the method from outside the class without instantiating the object (where

    childClass is the name of the object) use;

    echo childClass::staticMethod();

    type hinting;

    Type hinting allows you to specify the data type of arguments being passed into a method. For

    example, you may only wish an array or an instance of an object to be passed in.

    public function parentMethod(childClass $childObject)


    echo 'The variable must be an instance of childClass';



    Page 5 of 9 You can also specify that an argument is an array using;

    public function parentMethod(array $array)

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    echo 'The variable must be an array';


    using func_num_args();

    This is a function which can be used within a method to check the number of arguments passed

    into the method. For example;

    public function parentMethod($var1, $var2)


    if (func_num_args() != 2)


    ! ! return false;




    ! ! //code in here



    a property;

    is defined;A property is a variable within a class. To define a property use;

    $childVar = True;

    is accessed;

    To reference a property or set a property value from within the class itself use;

    //to reference a property

    print $this->childVar;

    //to set a property value

    $this->childVar = False;

    To reference a property or set a property value from outside of the class use;

    //to reference a property

    print $childObject->childVar;

    //to set a property value

    $childObject->childVar = False;


    Page 6 of 9 can be public;

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    By default, all properties are public. This means they can be accessed and manipulated from

    anywhere. However, it is best practice to add the public keyword;

    public $childVar = True;

    public $anotherVar;

    can be private;

    A private property can only be accessed from within the class itself, not even in child classes.

    private $childVar = True;

    private $anotherVar;

    can be protected;

    A protected property can only be accessed from within the class itself and any child classes. It

    cannot be accessed from outside.

    protected $childVar = True;

    protected $anotherVar;

    can be static;

    You do not need to instantiate an object to access a static property. To define a static property


    static public $static = 10;

    To access the property from outside the class without instantiating the object (where

    childClass is the name of the object) use;

    echo childClass::$static;

    can be constant;

    Constant properties will never change under any circumstances and are typically used as

    references for passing in as arguments into a method. For example, rather than passing in a value

    of 1, pass in the constant value STATUS_PENDING which has meaning. To define a constant use;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 1;

    To access the constant you use the class name in the same way as access static properties.

    echo childClass::STATUS_PENDING;


    Page 7 of 9an interface;

    is defined;

    An interface is an instruction manual or template on how classes must be used. It is similar to

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    defining abstract methods in parent classes but allows for greater flexibility across multiple

    classes. It is typically used for high-level tasks such as logging or exception handling.

    interface template


    //code in here


    can contain methods;

    This means that the defined methods and their signatures must be used somewhere in the

    hierarchy that uses this interface.

    interface template


    public function parseXML($xml);


    can contain constants;

    You can declare interface constants which can be used within the classes and also from outside.

    They cannot be overridden any class which uses the interface.

    interface template{

    const name = Hello;


    To access these constants use;

    echo template::name;

    is implemented;

    When defining a class, you use the implements keyword to say the class must use the interface

    template. More than one interface can be implemented if desired.

    class parentClass implements template


    //code in here



    Page 8 of 9 can be extended;

    Interface can extend from other interfaces and inherit the same methods and constants from the

    parent interfaces.

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    interface template extends mainTemplate


    //code in here



    php5 oop;


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    $child [ $this_parent ] = $this_child ;}



    // Determine the hierarchyif (! $_SESSION [ hierarchy ]) {

    $parent_child_diff = array_diff ( $parent , $child );$hierarchy [ 0] = array_shift ( $parent_child_diff );$child_clone = $child ;while ( count ( $child_clone ) > 0 ) {

    $hierarchy_last_key = count ( $hierarchy )- 1 ;$clone_last = $hierarchy [ $hierarchy_last_key ];array_push ( $hierarchy , $child_clone [ $clone_last ]);unset( $child_clone [ $clone_last ]);

    }$_SESSION [ hierarchy ] = $hierarchy ;$_SESSION [ hierarchy_count ] = count ( $_SESSION [ hierarchy ]);


    // If no active table exists, set the active table to the topmost table in the hierarchyif (! $_SESSION [ table ]) {

    $_SESSION [ table ] = $hierarchy [ 0 ];}

    // Determine the active table's order in the hierarchy$_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] = array_search ( $_SESSION [ table ], $_SESSION [ hierarchy ]);if ( $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] == '' ) { $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] = 0 ; }

    // Gather information about the parent table, if there is one// This information will be used to create a breadcrumbif ( $_REQUEST [ parent_id ]) {

    $_SESSION [ parent_id ] = $_REQUEST[ parent_id ];$this_table = $_SESSION [ table ];$_SESSION [ parent_table ] = $parent [ $this_table ];$query = "SELECT " . esc ( $name_col ). "` FROM `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ parent_table ]). "` WHERE id = '" . esc

    ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ]). "'" ;$result = mysql_query ( $query );if ( mysql_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {

    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {$_SESSION [ parent_name ] = $row [ $name_col ];


    }if ( $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] == 0 ) {

    $_SESSION [ parent_id ] = '' ;$_SESSION [ parent_name ] = '' ;

    }if ( $_REQUEST [ id ] && $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] > 0 ) {

    $this_table = $_SESSION [ table ];$_SESSION [ parent_table ] = $parent [ $this_table ];$parent_table_id = $_SESSION [ parent_table ]. "_id" ;$query = "SELECT " . esc ( $parent_table_id ). "` FROM `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ table ]). "` WHERE id = '" . esc

    ( $_REQUEST[ id ]). "'" ;$result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die();while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {

    $_SESSION [ parent_id ] = $row [ $parent_table_id ];}$query = "SELECT " . esc ( $name_col ). "` FROM `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ parent_table ]). "` WHERE id = '" . esc

    ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ]). "'" ;$result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die();while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {

    $_SESSION [ parent_name ] = $row [ $name_col ];

    }}if ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ] && $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] > 0 ) {

    $this_table = $_SESSION [ table ];$parent_table = $parent [ $this_table ];if ( $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] > 1 ) {

    $parent_parent_table = $parent [ $parent_table ];$query = "SELECT `" . esc ( $parent_parent_table ). "`.`" . esc ( $name_col ). "` FROM `" . esc ( $parent_ta

    ble ). "`, `" . esc ( $parent_parent_table ). "` WHERE `" . esc ( $parent_table ). "`.id = '" . esc ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ]). "' AND `" . esc ( $parent_parent_table ). "`.id = `" . esc ( $parent_table ). "`.`" . esc ( $parent_parent_table ). "_id`" ;

    $result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die();while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {

    $parent_parent_name = $row [ $name_col ];}

    }$breadcrumb = '

    Go back to ' . $parent_parent_name . ' ' . $parent_table . 's' ;}

    // Update or insert rows in the current tableif ( $_REQUEST [ action ] == 'Update' ) {

    $this_table = $_SESSION [ table ];

  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    $update_vars = $_POST [ $this_table ];foreach( $update_vars as $index => $cols ) {

    $query = "UPDATE `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ table ]). "` SET " ;unset( $set );foreach( $cols as $col_name => $val ) {

    $set [] = "` $col_name ` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $val ). "'" ;}$query .= implode ( ',' , $set );$query .= " WHERE id = '" . esc ( $index ). "'" ;

    $result = mysql_query ( $query );}

    foreach ( $_REQUEST[ 'new' ] as $index => $cols ) {$query = "INSERT INTO `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ table ]). "` SET " ;unset( $set , $non_empty_set );foreach( $cols as $col_name => $val ) {

    $set [] = "` $col_name ` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string ( $val ). "'" ;if ( $val != '' ) {

    $non_empty_set = 1 ;}

    }if ( $non_empty_set == 1) {

    $query .= implode ( ',' , $set );if ( $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] > 0 ) {

    $this_table = $_SESSION [ table ];$this_parent = $parent [ $this_table ];$query .= ', `' . esc ( $this_parent ). "_id` = '" . esc ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ]). "'" ;

    }//echo $query;$result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die();

    }}header ( "Location: admin.php" );


    // Delete a row in the current tableif ( $_REQUEST [ action ] == 'delete' ) {

    $del_table = $_REQUEST [ table ];$del_id = $_REQUEST [ id ];$query = "DELETE FROM `" . esc ( $del_table ). "` WHERE id = '" . esc ( $del_id ). "'" ;$result = mysql_query ( $query );header ( "Location: admin.php" );


    // Restrict the table query to only show rows that have the specified parent IDif ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ]) {

    $parent_table = $_SESSION [ table ];$where = ' WHERE `' . esc ( $parent [ $parent_table ]). "_id` = '" . esc ( $_SESSION [ parent_id ]). "'" ;


    // Begin constructing the table$table = '' ;$table .= '' ;$table .= '' ;

    // Determine the table fields$query = "SHOW FIELDS FROM `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ table ]). "`" ;$result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die();if ( mysql_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {

    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $result )) {$field_name = $row [ Field ];$field_table = $_SESSION [ table ];$field [ $field_table ][ $field_name ] = $row [ Type ];


    }// Output the editable table field names as TH cells$table .= '' ;foreach( $field [ $field_table ] as $col_name => $col_type ) {

    if ( $col_name != 'id' && strpos ( $col_name , '_id' ) === FALSE ) {$table .= '' . $col_name . '' ;

    }}$table .= 'actions' ;

    // Get the rows from the table$query = "SELECT * FROM `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ table ]). "` $where " ;$result = mysql_query ( $query ) or die();if ( mysql_num_rows ( $result ) > 0 ) {

    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result )) {$table .= '' ;

    // Output an editable text boxforeach( $field [ $field_table ] as $col_name => $col_type ) {

    if ( $col_name != 'id' && strpos ( $col_name , '_id' ) === FALSE ) {$table .= '

  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    _name . '] value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $row [ $col_name ]). '">' ;}


    $table .= 'Delete' ;

    // Drill down to the children of this tableif ( $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] != $_SESSION [ hierarchy_count ] - 1 ) {

    $this_child = $_SESSION [ this_hierarchy ] + 1 ;$query2 = "SELECT * FROM `" . esc ( $_SESSION [ hierarchy ][ $this_child ]). "` WHERE `" . esc ( $_SESSION[ table ]). "_id` = '" . esc ( $row [ id ]). "'" ;

    $result2 = mysql_query ( $query2 );$table .= ' ' . mysql_num_rows ( $result2 ). ' ' . $_SESSION [ hierarchy ][ $this_child ]. 's (view/add/edit)' ;


    $table .= '' ;}


    // Allow the user to enter new rows in this tablefor ( $i =0; $i $col_type ) {

    if ( $col_name != 'id' && strpos ( $col_name , '_id' ) === FALSE ) {$table .= '' ;

    }}$table .= '' ;


    // Update button$table .= '

    ' ;


    a {


    }.table-list th, td {

    font-family:arial;font-size:14px;padding:2px 4px;background-color:#EEE;text-align:left;

    }input[type=text] {

    border:0;} s

  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    User experience is about science, not art. Thats why consummate UX pros dont base designdecisions on intuition. Instead, they use data and feedback to improve the experience forusers of websites and applications.They think independently, solve problems and arent afraid to advocate for their ideas,according to Jen Romano Bergstrom, UX Project Leader for Arlington, Va., research firm ForsMarsh Group. Shes also the Director of Marketing and Communications for the UserExperience Professionals Association . Search user experience jobs here. You can tell the difference between a guru and an average candidate right off the bat,Bergstrom says. Average candidates provide vague answers to interview questions andmake decisions on feelings instead of facts. Real pros use an iterative process to improve theuser experience.

    To explore a candidates traits and familiarity with popular UX research methods an d tools,Bergstrom asks these questions during interviews.

    Describe your process for designing prototypes.

    What Most People Say: I dont have a process. I go with my gut instinct. My

    experience has taught me what users want and dont want.

    What You Should Say : First, I utilize proven research techniques to solicit user -

    centered feedback. For instance, I might conduct a usability study, eye-tracking study,

    field study or focus group to gather input. After reviewing the data, Ill create several

    mock ups in the lab and continue testing and refining the prototypes until I achieve the

    desired outcome or goal.

    Why You Should Say It: UX isnt about you, its about the user. You need an iterative

    process and an open mind to see things from another persons pers pective.What tools have you used to build prototypes? Do you have a favorite?

    What Most People Say: Ive used several tools but I dont really have a preference.

    What You Should Say: I consider the kind of prototype Im building, the cost,

    timeframe, user experience and so forth when selecting a tool. My favorite software

    programs are Azure and Justinmind Prototyper because they provide a comprehensive

    solution for wireframing and protoyping. But I often use Solidify App or Filesquare to

    create, test and gather insights from users when time and budgets are tight. I typically

    use MockingBird or iPlotz when Im working with software applications.

    Why You Should Say It: UX experts know how to select the right tool, according to

    Bergstrom. They should know what works and what doesnt in a given situation by
  • 8/10/2019 Cheat Sheet UX


    weighing the cost, effectiveness, ease of use and the experience for users who provide

    feedback, she says. How do you incorporate usability into the design and testing process?

    What Most People Say: We dont really worry about incorporating usability into the

    website design and testing process at my company. If someone wants to test a site,

    they come to me and I provide the data or plan a study.

    What You Should Say : It depends on when Im brought into the process. If Im

    involved from the outset, I conduct research and integrate UX throughout the design and

    testing phases. If Im brought in later, Ill conduct two to four rounds of testing and

    provide recommendations that offer the greatest return while being mindful of time and

    budget issues.

    Why You Should Say It: Ideally, UX is woven into every stage of an iterative designand testing process. However, UXers are often brought in later. So real pros have the

    ability to render fact-based opinions and improve the user experience from several entry

    points.How do you advocate for usability in your organization?

    What Most People Say: I havent had to do that. People come to me when they need


    What You Should Say : I blog about UX and speak at conferences to demonstrate the

    value of improving the user experience. To garner support from executives andcolleagues in my company, Ive taken the initiative to identify opportunities to improve

    our existing applications and websites. Its easy for them to see the merits and financial

    benefits because I validate my recommendations with facts.

    Why You Should Say It: Identifying opportunities without being asked is the sign of a

    real go- getter, observes Bergstrom. It shows the type of independent think ing that

    separates the average performers from the UX rock stars.