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Cheap, reliable, easily mass produced squibs for gunshot fxby tastysoup on March 21, 2009

Table of Contents

License: Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) .............................................................................

Intro: Cheap, reliable, easily mass produced squibs for gunshot fx ........................................................................

step 1: Materials and tools ......................................................................................................

step 2: Igniter goop ...........................................................................................................

step 3: Nichrome wre ..........................................................................................................

step 4: Modifying the firecracker ..................................................................................................

step 5: Blood! ...............................................................................................................

step 6: Assembling the squib ....................................................................................................

step 7: Power source ..........................................................................................................

Related Instructables ...........................................................................................................

Advertisements ...............................................................................................................

Comments ...................................................................................................................

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License: Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

Intro: Cheap, reliable, easily mass produced squibs for gunshot fx

I recently spent a lot of time researching squib designs for a short f ilm that I am working on. I found that most designs were unreliable, unworkable or expensive. I did several designs that mine ended up being a variation of which use model rocket igniters. But for my purposes, which involve a lot of squibs, this would be too expensidecided to find out how to make my own igniters and came across this great site to which I owe a great debt of gratitude to. Using their recipe for igniter goop and theinside of an old hairdryer, I was able to make igniters tat cost almost nothing.


Please note that I am not a professional anything, let alone a pyrotechnican and I take no responsibility for anything that happens from you trying to do what I have doThis is a very dangerous project if not done properly and all possible safety precautions should be taken when attempting it.

That being said...

step 1:Materials and toolsThe basic materials for this project are as follows:

For electronically ignited firecracker1. Nichrome wire (from hairdryer)2. Black powder3. Acetone4. Ping pong balls5. Black cat or similar firecracker

For blood pack:1. Fake blood2. Condom (unlubricated for god's sake!)

3. Cardboard4. Duct tape

For Battery pack:

1. 3 9v battery clips (sorry, I only had two for the pic)2. alligator clips3. Insulated wire

You will also need, along with general tools, a rock tumbler and a bunch of lead balls about 1 inch in diameter to grind down the black powder. These are probably thebiggest expense. I happened to have them around so it worked out for me. You could use a mortar and pestle but I personally would not feel safe doing that. It only taone spark to set off black powder.

If you can find another, safe alternative, please post.

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step 2:Igniter goopFor the squib to work you need to create the igniter to be able to detonate a firecracker eclectically. This can be done by sticking a model rocket igniter in a black cat bas I said before, at about a dollar each, these igniters can be pricry if you need a lot of squibs. I decided to try to find out how to make these igniters myself and I foundthis site which gives great info on electronic fireworks detonation. I modified their design to fit a squib.

The first step is to grind down the black powder. This is probably the most dangerous part of the project and great care should be taken when doing this. First take a ropolisher and plug it into a very long extension cord. Take it as far away from anything that you do not want to have blown up. At this point, make sure that the extensiocord is NOT PLUGED IN to the wall. Put about two cups of black powder in the polisher and about two cups of the lead balls. Make sure to use lead balls because thewill not produce sparks. Once you have the polisher secured away from children, fire, etc, plug it in and leave it until the powder is the consistency of flour. It took meabout two hours in my polisher.

Once you have the black powder ground down, you need to cut the ping pong balls into tiny pieces. Why ping pong balls? Because they are made of nitrocellulose. W

is nitrocellulose? I don't really know but you need it to make this so just use ping pong balls. I used a spice grinder to cut the balls up. You could just use scissors but ywant to jet them as small as possible so that they dissolve faster. Once they are cut up, put them in a jar and fill it just over the top of the pieces with acetone. Let thepieces in the acetone for as long as it takes for them to dissolve, stirring them occasionally with a piece of wood. Once it is gooey and dissolved, mix in the black powduntil it is about the consistency of creamy peanut butter.

step 3:Nichrome wreNichrome wire is a nickel and chrome alloy which has the property of producing heat when electricity is run through it. Being the kind of person who hates to buysomething if I can scrounge it, I looked for things that use nichrome wire and found that it is what the coils in hair dryers are made of. I found that there are two types ocoils that are used. One is a circular coil and the other one is a zigzag. I chose the zigzag because it stretches out perfectly for this project. The pictures show the zigztype. Try to choose a dryer with the smallest gauge coils as these will be easier to bend and sill heat up fastest.

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step 4:Modifying the firecrackerNow that you have the wire and the goop, it is time to make the electrical detonation system. First, take about an inch of the nichrome wire and stretch it into about twoinches of wire. The pictures show using the zigzag wire. If you use the circular wire, you will need to modify this process. Once the wire is stretched, bend it at the cenas shown.

Next, take a black cat or equivalent f irecracker (not too big, you just need to pop the condom (that's what she said)) and cut off the end as shown. Make sure that youexpose the powder core of the firecracker. Now take a small glob of the goop and smear it on the end, getting it into the core. Take the bent wire and stick the bent pointo the goopy core. Once the wire is in, smear a little more goop on the end to cement in the wire. Let this dry completely, overnight is best.

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step 5:Blood!Congratulations! You are done with the most dangerous and difficult parts. Now for the important part, the blood!

I experimented with several types of blood and settled with just plain food coloring and water. I tried different solutions of corn syrup and things like that which make gofake blood for other applications but for the squibs, they seemed to take to long to soak into the fabric of the shirt. Here is an example:

After trial and error, I settled on water as the medium. I used a combination of a lot of red and a little bit of blue. Play around with the amounts and test it by dripping itonto a paper towel to see what it will look like soaking in.

step 6:Assembling the squibNow that you have all of the components, it is time to assemble the squib. Take a condom and put some blood in it. You don't need too much, about a quarter cup or lwill work. Then tie the condom off, making sure that it isn't budging too much so that it can lay as flat as possible. Tape the condom onto the cardboard as shown andthen tape the firecracker onto the condom. voila! A squib!

Once you have the squib assembled, affix it to the skin with duct tape. Make sure that the cardboard side is against the skin so that the firework is separated from he sby the rest of the squib.

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step 7:Power sourceThe last part of the project is the power source. I found that using one 9v battery was not enough to get the heat the nichrome wire quickly enough for an instantaneouexplosion. Three 9vs seem to work perfectly. At this point, it is a matter of wiring it the way that works for you. You basically just need three 9vs wired to a switch or buwith the leads open. Get some sort of double wire with alligator clips on each end. Connect one side of the wires to the squib and one side to the leads of the powersource, plug your ears and flip the switch. BANG!

The reason that I leave the leads of the power source open instead of just wiring them to long wires is for safety. My safety procedure for this involves checking to maksure that the power source is off and the clips are not attached to the power leads, attaching the clips to the squib and then to the leads. This way you are sure that thewire is not hot when you attach it to the squib.

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35 comments Add Comment

Prof. Yummy says: Feb 3, 2010. 9:23 AM REP

I've been shooting blood out of people for a few years and I've worked on several f ilms with experienced stunt and special effects and pretty much theconsensus is that no one uses explosive squibs anymore. It's too dangerous and the smoke gives the effect away. Compressed air is the only way to go. Ihave been perfecting a method of multiple gunshots using an paintball co2 tank running to a manifold with cheater valves. It seems the problem with yousquib is that the explosive is on the outside of the quib, so it doesn't force the blood out of the wound. Traditionally the squib is under the blood pack. In tha

case you wouldn't use cardboard for obvious reasons. I have seen leather pads or even a full leather cuirass used for multiple shots. I will be posting my owinstructable on air squibs shortly.

jumpup_dnb_dj says: Sep 25, 2010. 7:33 AM REP

I'd love to see that. I do stunts myself and always love to see other peoples way of doing things. Like Aikido, so many ways to do one thing and everyohas their own preference.

Kindest Regards.

TheSquibDyePacker says: May 19, 2009. 6:36 PM REP

Will six button cell batteries work? Also, how powerful is the explosive? I'm planning to make a dye pack, and rig it to a wallet, so that it'll explode through tleather of the wallet, and carry enough dye to stain the hands of the would be thief.

tastysoup says: May 20, 2009. 10:18 AM REP

I don't think button cell would do it but maybe if you had enough. I have found that at least two 9vs are needed to get a reliable blast. Thing about

explosives is that the force isn't just dependent on the amount of actual fuel. The compression due to the amount of air space around the fuel as well asthe materials being blown through are a big factor. The force of the explosion is going to take the path of least resistance and hit that path with most of power. That's how shaped charges work. I doubt that a black cat could blow through the leather of a wallet but someone who knows how to shape acharge might be able to figure out how to make it work. If you used a higher powered explosive it wold probably be dangerous. I would suggest finding way to have the dye pack on the outside. Good luck!

TheSquibDyePacker says: May 20, 2009. 1:03 PM REP

Well, I know that a button cell is 1.55v each, and 6 times 1.5 is 9, I don't know much about electricity, but would 12 to 18 have enough amperage orwhatever? As for the leather, I suppose I could score the back of the inside , so that it'll be weaker, or separate the layers, and put the dye in there.was thinking shape charges too. Although, the more I try to sketch it out, the less compact it seems. I sti ll haven't decided on which switch wouldwork in the case of a thief opening the wallet to take the money, it would have to be inconspicuous. How long does this stay "armed"? is it possible leave it on for long periods?

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Thundertydus says: Nov 21, 2009. 4:58 PM REP

By no means do i want to rain on your parade, But this just sounds like a generally terrible idea...

If your wallet is being stolen and you somehow fit a wireless detonator into your wallet, and activate it, what then? His hands are dyed, But so isyour money and information cards!

It seems like a waste of money, and completely unnecessary...Please excuse my flames

TheSquibDyePacker says: Nov 21, 2009. 5:20 PM REP

That's the point, the money is now suspicious, and could be traced to the thief. As a general rule, places don't accept stained cash, due to tknowledge that dyed money is stolen money. The point is to get them caught, this is more useful in places like school, and work, but couldfind some use outside of such institutions.

RawLiquid says: Jul 7, 2010. 9:38 AM REP

I HIGHLY recommend that you check with your local law enforcement before doing what you've outlined. I know where I live, you wouldbe liable for any injury caused by your device, resulting in medical bills and possibly a lawsuit from the person injured. This also wouldbring into evidence exactly what you did and I suspect that building a 'remote detonation' device is illegal, not to mention they would alsoprobably bring up that you knowingly transported a fi rework(in my state and the neighboring states that is illegal without special permitspunishable by a $1000 fine plus up to 1yr in jail for *each* offense...2 black cats would be 2 offenses), opening you up to criminal chargethere... At that point it really becomes a game of 'just how bad do we want to f this guy in the a' because they could then easily get awarrant and search your home for 'bomb making materials' (this also adds more to the above offense if you have any leftover fireworksthat are illegal) along with possibly searching your computer, finding history and shortcuts to things like this instructable could beportrayed as conspiracy to do the harm to the person injured, next thing you know your on trial for domestic terrorism.... I'm not saying aof this will happen to you, just illustrating just how easily and quickly things to spiral out of control if someone got hurt and one of the copdecided he didn't like you...

tastysoup says: Jul 7, 2010. 10:17 AM REP

Hi, welcome to Instructables. I think that everybody is aware of the at-your-own-risk nature of these projects. I mean, come on, haveyou seen the instructions for making a rail gun out of disposable cameras?!/ 

steampirate says: May 26, 2010. 7:51 PM REP

I visibly cringed when I saw that you were using a firecracker. The ideas however are very good. I never would have tried using a condom to hold the bloodIn answer to your question about black powder, it is perfectly safe to use a mortar and pestle to grind it however your crude ball mill would work betterbecause it creates a finer grain and mixes the powder better.

jonrb says: Feb 6, 2010. 8:22 AM REP

Great instructable!Three questions:

1. Can you show me a picture with the firecracker next to a ruler? (i live inSwitzerland, all of the fireworks are different!)2. If i replaced the cardboard withmoldedand hardened plastic (or a curved metal sheet), would it be safe to put the explosive behind the pack?3. Is toaster wire the same as hairdryer wire?


tanniynim says: Jul 15, 2009. 12:47 PM REP

I haven't tried it recently, but model rocket ignitors should work instead of making your own. Yeah, it costs a little bit extra, but then you aren't playing withblack powder and you don't have to find a tumbler (which is also expensive.)

tastysoup says: Dec 3, 2009. 2:23 PM REP

Yeah, my first attempts were with rocket igniters but with the number of squibs that we needed the cost was prohibitive. Rocket igniters don’t seem tooexpensive individually but at fifty cents to one dollar each, it quickly adds up. I think that each of these probably cost a penny or so when all is said anddone.

byoho says: Dec 3, 2009. 1:17 PM REP

Model rocket ignitors tend to have a short delay. Might be an issue depending on how your scene is being shot. I prefer to have the effect go off the

moment I push the button, so I don't use them. Tried 'em, don't like 'em.

superhubbardman says: Nov 21, 2009. 11:41 PM REP

Excellent! I loved the Condom idea and the videos5*

tanniynim says: Jul 15, 2009. 12:53 PM REP

Did you wire your 9v in series or parallel? It looks like you've got them in parallel, but I can't say for sure.

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tastysoup says: Nov 21, 2009. 7:37 PM REP

Yes, parallel.

Thundertydus says: Nov 21, 2009. 4:54 PM REP

How would you? What? Its a 9V With a connector leading to the nichrome!Thats a simple series, Cant think of it being a paralel.Then again Im totally stubborn and probably wrong

thing 2 says: Nov 5, 2009. 5:30 PM REP

Wouldn't a fire cracker hurt???

stephenniall says: Jul 27, 2009. 3:54 PM REP

oOH IM going to wire up remotely so a camera man can set off the squib when he wants to

tastysoup says: Jul 27, 2009. 6:49 PM REP

That could work

kicker109 says: May 14, 2009. 9:27 PM REP

would the "blood" run out faster or squirt all over the place if you had the explosive behind the blood pack

pdub420 says: Apr 1, 2009. 3:55 PM REP

what website are you referencing? 'I found this site which gives great info on electronic fireworks detonation'

tastysoup says: Apr 1, 2009. 8:52 PM REP 

conrad2468 says: Mar 26, 2009. 9:13 PM REP

needs to be a little more viscus....blood wouldnt run out that fast.....but other than the viscosity problem.....5 * instructable!!!!!

tastysoup says: Mar 26, 2009. 10:28 PM REP

Thanks for the post. Yes, the viscosity is definitely an issue but it is something that you can play with. For our purposes we are going for a 70s lowbudget horror look so I decided on the straight water and color. If you do go with a more viscose blood, you need to work on the speed with which itsoaks through the shirt. Although real blood is viscous, it soaks through material immediately. When I tried using corn syrup or even water/corn syrupmix, it took a split second to soak through. One solution might be to use less blood in the condom but for our movie, we are kind of going for ridiculous.Let me know it you can think of something that might have the viscosity of blood with the same soak speed.

duckythescientist says: Mar 24, 2009. 10:22 AM REP

Wonderful... Now I need to come up with an idea of what to use it for.

marc92 says: Mar 21, 2009. 8:04 PM REP

So this effect is set off by a firecracker pressed against the actor's chest? Seems a little dangerous to me.

tastysoup says: Mar 21, 2009. 8:33 PM REP

The cardboard is against the skin, The fi recracker is separated from the skin by the cardboard and the condom full of blood. I have done this manydozens of times and you do not feel anything. Almost all of the force is directed away from you which is why it blows a hole through the shirt. I think thathe liquid itself creates enough pressure to reflect the blast. As a testament to this, when I have used a rubber glove instead of a condom, the blastwouldn’t always burst the blood pack. Of course I wouldn’t use anything bigger than a black cat type firecracker. An M80 or something like that wouldprobably be a bad idea and as with all explosives projects, great care must be taken as every step but a black cat is about the same thing as aprofessional squib.

marc92 says: Mar 22, 2009. 9:19 AM REP

Oh, I see. I thought that the side of the pack you can see in the thumbnail image was the side that goes against your body.

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tastysoup says: Mar 22, 2009. 10:36 AM REP

Sorry, I probably should have specified that. Yeah, if you put it on backward, it would probably be like getting shot, point blank with like a .22. I wupdate the instructions.

kenbo0422 says: Mar 22, 2009. 2:32 PM REP

Nah. A black cat going off on your skin feels like getting hit with a paintball at about 300-400fps, point blank. It WILL leave a welt.

tastysoup says: Mar 22, 2009. 8:36 PM REP

That is true if there is nothing behind the firecracker but i f it is pressed against your skin by the blood pack and cardboard duck tapedthere, the blast will be forcing a lot more pressure into the skin. It probably wouldn't be as powerful as a gunshot but shaped charge kind

of things are weird and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a lot more powerful than it would seem. But the main point is, don't do it.

kenbo0422 says: Mar 23, 2009. 3:35 AM REP

I agree, don't do it. But even with what you talked about, I 've already seen the results: A bruised big welt. (went off between theperson's clothing and skin. He-he! He grabbed at it just as it went off and basically pushed it against himself.) Just another example wondering how we managed to reach adulthood.

tastysoup says: Mar 23, 2009. 5:44 PM REP

Daaaammmnn! Ok, that would be messed up.