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MLL 7406Methods of Teaching ELL K-12

Wilmington University2016

CHAT 3Dr. Melinda Prague

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Philosophy Assignment

Philosophy (Due Week 9 20%): Reflect and form your own philosophy of teaching ELL students. Reflect upon how you have changed as a result of what you have learned in this course.

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Guidelines for Writing Your Philosophy

Questions to consider when writing your teaching philosophy statement: What does it mean to learn a language; what exactly

does someone learn when they learn a language? What do good language learners do?

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Guidelines for Writing Your Philosophy

What kinds of exposure to language best facilitate language learning?

What roles are students expected to assume in your classroom?

How do you insure that all learners in your class, of all backgrounds and abilities, succeed?

Beliefs about second language teaching: How would you define effective second language


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Guidelines for Writing Your Philosophy

What do good ESL teachers do; what qualities do they possess? What do you see as your role as a teacher to promote second language

learning? What teaching methods (activities, strategies, etc.) do you try to

implement in your classroom? Beliefs about ideal second language programs and

curriculum: What are the quality indicators of good second development programs? How do you assess learners before, during and at the end of a unit of

instruction? What are the design features of effective second language curricula

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Guidelines for Writing Your Philosophy

What do you think the role of textbooks and teaching materials in a language program should be?

How should technology be used? Your Expectations of Yourself as an ESL Professional:

What are the characteristics of effective ESL professionals How do you advance your knowledge and practices as an ESL

professional? How do you plan to collaborate with other professionals

(mainstream/ESL)? How do you advocate for students (e.g. needed programs,

services, policies)?

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Guidelines for Writing Your Philosophy

How do you/will you serve as a professional resource in your educational community

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Rubric for Philosophy Assignment

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Structured External Assignment (SEA): Language Activity Implementation and Analysis (Due Week 14;


The teacher candidate will create and implement six (6) interactive language activities that address the four (4) domains of language learning (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and also address socially and culturally appropriate ways to use the English language. Each lesson must be taught twice – once in your own classroom and once in a colleague's classroom.

Activities should be based upon an informal assessment of students’ linguistic proficiency levels, student centered, and designed for diverse learners’ unique needs related to literacy development utilizing various materials and addressing appropriate content and language standards

DPAS Components will be annotated in videos The teacher candidate will write self reflections for each activity which include

the effectiveness of instructional decisions for the learner, an analysis of Johnson’s Eight Categories of Instructional Consideration, and multiple instructional implications.

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Johnson’s Eight Considerations for Teachers of English Language Learners

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Johnson’s Eight Considerations for Teachers of English Language Learners

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SEA FORMATLesson Plans Video Links (

Video Ant)Annotated DPAS

Johnson’s Considerations

Lesson 1

Component 1AComponent 2B

Considerations #1, 3, 8

Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6

This chart is to be completed and turned in with your SEA Assignment. This chart will be submitted with your assignment in BB and Task Stream.

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The video link that is included in the final SEA is the one I send back to you in BB containing both mine and your annotations.

Completed verification form must be submitted in Task Stream and BB.

Lessons submitted in the final SEA should include corrections! If you wish, you can also annotate Johnson’s Considerations in

the video, but it is not a requirement! If all lesson plans and annotated videos are not submitted, you

will not receive a passing grade.