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Page 1: #Charity manifesto

As a technology company, we at #charity envision a world in which good-hearted, technically-skilled human beings can find the perfect opportunities to contribute their superpowers for causes they care about. We envision a world in which:

Jose, the Costa Rican computer programmer, can create a fundraising website fora nonprofit helping the disabled victims of landmines in Southeast Asia.

Samantha, the San Francisco-based graphic designer, can create impact-demonstrating infographics for a global education nonprofit building schools for children in developing countries.

Teams of technology volunteers can collaborate seamlessly to build tools that help great nonprofits serve their causes more effectively.

At #charity we’re dedicated to redefining volunteer work by making high-impact volunteer opportunities accessible to everyone. And we don’t believe in giving back; we believe in giving forward. If you believe what we believe--if you’re an #ITProWhoCares--then be part of a world that’s working together toward a bigger purpose. Join us and unleash the potential of your superpowers.

WE BELIEVE THAT THE FUTUREOF THE WORLD STANDSON THE SHOULDERS OF EVERYDAY GIANTS.Human have always wrestled with challenges such as poverty, hunger, disease, conflict. Today, nonprofit organizations around the world work day and night to help those in need. Here volunteering plays a huge role. As volunteers, all of us have the ability to fight for what we believe.At #charity, our mission is to empower everyday people to be giants: to use their superskills to takea stand and change the world.

WE BELIEVE THAT EVERYONE SHOULDHAVE THE CHANCE TO CHANGE THE WORLD.We believe that people are naturally good, but that the lack of the right tools and the right community leaves good intentions unharvested. We understand that life does not always give us the choice to sell everything and move to the developing world and that the local volunteering opportunities don’t always fully leverage your super skills.

But what if your personal superpowers could change the world in a much bigger way? What if you could find the perfect volunteering opportunity for your skills, with a cause that lights your soul on fire, and be sure that your work would make an exponential impact? What if you could change the world from behind your computer screen? At #charity, we’re creating a future in which everyday heroes can change the world.






