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What is Biology?•“bio-” means life•“-ology” means the study of

So…•Biology is the study of life

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What does it mean to be “living”?

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Characteristics of Life

1.Cellular Organization2.Metabolism3.Homeostasis4.Growth & Reproduction5.Heredity

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Organelle Cell



Organ System

OrganismCellular Organization

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Cellular Organization

•Did you know?•Your body contains about 100 trillion cells•That’s how many centimeters long a string would be wrapped around the world 1,600times!

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•The transfer of energy from one form to another in cells


•Sunlight Plants Animals Eat Energy to grow, move, etc.

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•The body’s ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world is continuously changing.•Literal translation “unchanging”

•Homeo = the same•Stasis = standing still

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• Variable Components1. Receptor

• Monitors and responds to changes then sends information to control center

2. Control center• Determines level of variable to be maintained,

analyzes information, and determines appropriate response

3. Effector• The result of response then feedback to influence

stimulus by

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Growth & Reproduction

•Bacteria increase in size and simply split in two, as often as every 15 minutes

•Other more complex organisms•Grow by increasing the number of cells•Reproduce sexually

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•All organisms possess a genetic system that is based on replication and duplication of DNA