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Characteristic Cut Finite Element Methods forConvection-Diffusion Problems on Time Dependent


Peter Hansboa, Mats G. Larsonb, Sara Zahedic

a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jonkoping University, SE-551 11 Jonkoping, SwedenbDepartment of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umea University, SE–901 87 Umea, Sweden

cDepartment of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Box 337, SE–751 05 Uppsala, Sweden.


We develop a finite element method for convection diffusion problems on a given time depen-dent surface, for instance modeling the evolution of a surfactant. The method is based on acharacteristic-Galerkin formulation combined with a piecewise linear cut finite element method inspace. The cut finite element method is constructed by embedding the surface in a backgroundgrid and then using the restriction to the surface of a finite element space defined on the back-ground grid. The surface is allowed to cut through the background grid in an arbitrary fashion. Toensure well posedness of the resulting algebraic systems of equations, independent of the positionof the surface in the background grid, we add a consistent stabilization term. We prove errorestimates and present confirming numerical results.

Keywords: cut finite element method, surfactants, PDEs on surfaces, characteristic Galerkinmethod

1. Introduction

Surfactants are important because of their ability to reduce the surface tension and are forexample used in detergents, oil recovery, and in treatment of lung diseases [1]. In order to performrealistic simulations, development of numerical methods that accurately and efficiently solve thepartial differential equation (PDE) for the evolution of the concentration of surfactants on movingand deforming interfaces is necessary. The effort put in to this reserach area has therefore beenextensive.

In order to solve for the concentration of surfactants on a moving interface there is a needto represent the interface. Techniques to represent the interface can be roughly divided into twoclasses: 1) explicit representation, e.g. by marker particles, and 2) implicit representation, the level set of a higher dimensional function. In general, strategies for solving quantities onevolving surfaces are developed on the basis of the interface representation technique. Therefore,existing methods are usually tightly coupled to the interface representation, and several methodshave been proposed both based on explicit [2–4] and implicit [5–10] representations. Implicitrepresentation techniques have the benefit that it is usually not more complicated to solve theequations in three space dimensions compared to two space dimensions. However, the quantity onthe interface is often extended off the interface and given by the solution of a PDE on a higherdimension and precautions have therefore to be taken in order to ensure good conservation of thesurfactant mass.

Recently, a finite element method for the Laplace–Beltrami operator, where the surface isembedded into a three dimensional background grid and the finite element space on the surface

Email addresses: [email protected] (Peter Hansbo), [email protected] (Mats G. Larson),[email protected] (Sara Zahedi)

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is the restriction of a finite element space defined on the background grid, was proposed in [11].We call this type of method cut finite elements since the surface cuts through the backgroundgrid without restrictions. The main advantage of this approach is that it is very convenient whensolving problems that involve coupled physical phenomena in the bulk domain and on surfacesor interfaces since the same finite element spaces can be used for all problems. Furthermore, itcan be used with both explicit and implicit surface representations. In case of an implicit surfacerepresentation, the same background grid may be used both for the surface representation andfor the problem on the surface. A drawback of this type of methods is that the stiffness matrixmay become arbitrarily ill conditioned depending on the position of the surface in the backgroundmesh. In the case of the Laplace–Beltrami operator the ill conditioning can be handled using ascaling, see [12]. Another alternative, which may be more suitable for more complex problems, isto add stabilization terms, see [13] and [14].

In this paper we extend the cut finite element method to a time dependent convection diffusionequation on a given evolving surface governing the evolution of the surfactant concentration on amoving surface [15, 16]. The strategy is to combine the characteristic Galerkin scheme [17] witha stabilized version of the cut finite element method. The method is stable and yields a linearalgebraic system of equations with bounded condition number independently on how the interfacecuts the background grid. We use linear finite elements in space and a second order characteristicGalerkin scheme, which results in first order convergence in the L2 norm when the timestep k isproportional to the spatial mesh size h. In addition, the total mass of surfactant can be accuratelyconserved using a Lagrange multiplier. The proposed finite element method is straightforwardand works both with explicit and implicit interface representation techniques.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we formulate the convectiondiffusion equation. In Section 3 we present the finite element method and discuss the accuracy ofthe method. Finally, in Section 4 we show numerical examples in two space dimensions.

2. The Continuous Problem

2.1. The Surface

Let I = [0, T ] be a time interval and let Σ(t) be a smooth closed d − 1 dimensional surfaceembedded in Rd, with d = 2 or 3, which evolves smoothly in time without any self intersection.

Let Ω(t) be a neighborhood of Σ(t) and let p(t,x) : I × Ω(t) → Σ(t) be the closest pointmapping

p(t,x) = argminy∈Σ(t)|y − x| (2.1)

i.e. the point y on Σ(t) that minimizes the Euclidian distance |y − x| to x. We note thatfor Ω(t) small enough this mapping is well defined. We define the signed distance function asρ(t,x) = |x− p(t,x)| for x on the outside of the surface and ρ(t,x) = −|x− p(t,x)| for x in theinside of the surface. The exterior unit normal n = n(t,x) is the spatial gradient of the signeddistance function, n(t,x) = ∇ρ(t,x), for x ∈ Σ(t).

2.2. Surface Gradient and Divergence

We shall define the surface gradient as the projection onto the tangent plane of the Rd gradientof an extension of the function from the surface to a neighborhood of the surface. Using the closestpoint mapping we can extend a function v : Σ(t)→ R from Σ(t) to Ω(t) by defining v(x) = vp(x).The tangent gradient ∇Σ on Σ(t) of a scalar valued function v is then defined as follows

∇Σv = P∇v (2.2)

where ∇ denotes the usual Rd gradient and P = P (x) is the projection of Rd onto the tangentplane of Σ(t) at x ∈ Σ(t), defined by

P = I − n⊗ n (2.3)


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where the tensor product is defined by (a⊗ b)ij = aibj for any two vectors a and b. The tangentgradient DΣv and divergence divΣv on Σ(t) of a vector valued function v is defined by

DΣv = v ⊗∇Σ, divΣv = tr(DΣv) (2.4)

where (v ⊗∇Σ)ij = (∇Σ)jvi.We let L2(Σ(t)) denote the space of square integrable functions v : Σ(t) → R with scalar

product (v, w)Σ(t) =∫

Σ(t)vw and norm ‖v‖2Σ(t) =


v2. Further, we let Hm(Σ(t)),m = 1, 2, be

the Sobolev spaces with norm ‖v‖2m,Σ(t) =∑mk=0 ‖(⊗kl=0DΣ)v‖2Σ(t).

2.3. Governing Equations

We assume that there is a smooth vector field β : I × Σ → Rd such that the associatedcharacteristics X(t) = X(t; s,xs), defined as solutions to the ordinary differential equation

∂tX = β(t,X) t ∈ I, X(s) = xs (2.5)

with 0 ≤ s, t ≤ T , satisfy

X(t; s,xs) ∈ Σ(t) ∀t ∈ I, ∀xs ∈ Σ(s) (2.6)

In other words, the characteristics are curves on the spacetime manifold Σ. From smoothness itthen follows that Σ(t) = X(t; s,Σ(s)) = ∪xs∈Σ(s)X(t; s,xs).

We now consider the following time dependent convection diffusion problem: find u : I×Σ→ Rsuch that

∂tu+ β · ∇u+ (divΣβ)u− divΣ (ε∇Σu) = f on I × Σ(t) (2.7)

with initial condition u(0) = u0 on Σ(0). Here f ∈ L2(I × Σ) is a given function and ε is a givenpositive constant. This problem models the evolution of a surfactant on the given time dependentsurface Σ, see for example [15, 18].

2.4. Weak Form

The weak form of (2.7) takes the form: find u : I → H1(Σ(t)) with u(0) = u0 such that

(∂tu+ β · ∇u, v)Σ(t) + a(u, v) = (f, v)Σ(t) ∀t ∈ I, v ∈ H1(Σ(t)) (2.8)

where we introduced the bilinear form

a(u, v) = ((divΣβ)u, v)Σ(t) + (ε∇Σu,∇Σv)Σ(t) (2.9)

3. The Characteristic Cut Finite Element Method

We formulate a finite element method by combining the characteristic Galerkin method [17] forsolving the convection diffusion equation (2.7) on a moving surface Σ(t) with a cut finite elementmethod in space. The characteristic Galerkin method is based on splitting the problem as follows:

• Step 1: Transport the solution from Σ(tn−1) to Σ(tn) using an approximation of the char-acteristic equation.

• Step 2: Solve for the solution on Σ(tn) using the transported solution as initial data

In the following subsections we present discretizations in time and space for an exact surfacerepresentation and then we comment on a particular discrete surface representation based on apiecewise linear level set function. Finally, we show that the method is of first order.


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3.1. Discretization in Time

Let 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tN = T be a partition of the time interval into time steps of lengthkn = tn − tn−1 for n = 1, 2, . . . , N .

For each time step we define the transport operator Tn : L2(Σn−1)→ L2(Σn) by

Tnun−1(x) = un−1 X(tn−1; tn,x) ∀x ∈ Σn (3.1)

where X(t; s,xs) is defined in (2.5) and we introduced the notation Σn = Σ(tn), n = 0, 1, . . . , N .The characteristic discretization of (2.8) in time takes the following form: given u0 = u(0), we

define the approximation un ∈ H1(Σn) of u(tn) for n = 1, 2, . . . , N, by

(un − Tnun−1, v)Σn + knan(un, v) = kn(f, v)Σn ∀v ∈ H1(Σn) (3.2)

wherean(u, v) = ((divΣβ)u, v)Σn + (ε∇Σu,∇Σv)Σn (3.3)

In practice, we compute an approximation Tnh of Tn as follows

Tnh un−1(x) = un−1 Xn

h(tn−1; tn,x) (3.4)

where Xnh(tn−1; tn,x) is defined by

Xnh(tn−1; tn,x) = p(tn−1,x− knβ(tn−1 +

kn2,xm)) xm = x− kn

2β(tn,x) (3.5)

and p(t, ·) is the closest point mapping defined in (2.1). We note that the approximation is ofsecond order

|X(tn−1; tn,x)−Xnh(tn−1; tn,x)| ≤ Ck2

n, ∀x ∈ Σn, n = 1, 2, . . . , N (3.6)

3.2. Discretization in Space

Let Kh = K be a partition of a domain ΩI in Rd completely containing ∪t∈IΣ(t) into shaperegular triangles for d = 2 and tetrahedra for d = 3 of diameter hK . Let Fh denote the set offaces belonging to elements in Kh. For each n = 0, 1, . . . , N we define the set of elements Knh thatintersect Σn by

Knh = K ∈ Kh : K ∩ Σn 6= φ (3.7)

Let Ωnh = ∪K∈KnhK be the union of all elements in Knh and denote the set of interior faces in Knh ,

i.e. faces shared by two elements K+ and K− in Knh , by

Fnh = F ∈ Fh : F = K+ ∩K−,K+,K− ∈ Knh (3.8)

See Fig. 1 for an illustration of the set Fnh and the domain Ωnh.We let Vh be the space of continuous piecewise linear polynomials defined on Kh and each

timestep we define the finite element space

Vnh = Vh|Ωnh, n = 0, 1, . . . , N (3.9)

i.e. the space of restrictions to Ωnh of functions in Vh.The finite element method reads: given u0

h ∈ V0h find unh ∈ Vnh , for n = 1, 2, . . . , N , such that(

unh − Tnh un−1h , v

)Σn + knan(unh, v) + jn(unh, v) = kn(f, v)Σn ∀v ∈ Vnh (3.10)

Here we have added the stabilization term

jn(u, v) =∑F∈Fn


(c1knε+ c2(1 + kn|divΣβ|)h2F ) (JnF · ∇uKF , JnF · ∇vKF )



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Figure 1: Illustration of the interface Σ, the domain Ωnh , and the edges in Fnh in 2D. A triangulation of a domainΩI completely containing the circle Σ is shown. The domain Ωnh consists of all the shaded triangles. The edges inFnh are marked with a thick line.

where c1 and c2 are parameters, hF = (hK+ + hK−)/2 is the average of the sizes of the elementsK+ and K− sharing the face F , and

JvKF = v+ − v− (3.12)

with v±(x) = limt→0+ v(x∓ tnF ) for x ∈ F and nF a fixed unit normal to F , denotes the jumpin a discontinuous function v across F . The stabilization term is added to control the conditionnumber of the resulting algebraic system of equations. Without stabilization the linear system ofequations may become arbitrarily ill conditioned depending on the position of the surface relativeto the mesh. We refer to [13] and [14] for estimates of the condition number for various stabilizationterms.

3.3. Discretization of the Surface

The surface Σ(t) is in general not available exactly, instead we have to use some kind of discreterepresentation Σh of Σ. Our method is independent of the particular type of representation of thesurface. To formulate a completely discrete method we need to compute the exterior unit normalnh to the discrete surface, the nearest point mapping

ph(t,x) = argminy∈Σh(t)|y − x| (3.13)

onto the discrete surface Σh(t), and we also need a quadrature rule to compute the integrals overΣh appearing in the method.

A common choice in the case of evolving surfaces is to use a level set approach [19, 20], forinstance a discrete level set function may be constructed by defining ρh = πhρ where ρ is thedistance function, see Section 2.1, and πhρ is the piecewise linear Lagrange interpolant of ρ. Wenote that the zero level set Σh of ρh is piecewise linear where the facets may be triangles orquadrilaterals. We define the discrete normal nh = ∇ρh and the discrete closest point mapping isgiven by ph(t,x) = x− ρh(x)n.

Another alternative, not used in this paper, is a parametric representation where we haveaccess to a local or piecewise parametrization, x(t, ξ, η) where ξ and η are the parameters, ofthe surface. In this case the normal and the nearest point mapping can be computed using theparametrization.


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3.4. Error Estimates

Let us, for simplicity, only consider the pure transport problem: find u : I ×Σ→ R such that

∂tu+ β · ∇u+ (divΣβ)u = f on I × Σ(t) (3.14)

with intial conditions u(0) = u0 on Σ(0). In this case the exact solution is given by

u(t,x) = u(tn−1,X(tn−1; t,x))e−B(t;t,x) +

∫ t


e(B(s;t,x)−B(t;t,x))f(s,X(s; t,x))ds (3.15)

where B(s) = B(s; t,x) =∫ stn−1

divΣβ(X(τ ; t,x))dτ . Furthermore, let us consider the numerical

method (3.10) on the exact geometry Σ. The method then takes the form: given u0h find unh for

n = 1, 2, . . . , N such that

(unh, v)Σn + kn((divΣβ)unh, v)Σn + jn(unh, v) = (Tnh un−1h + knf(tn), v)Σn ∀v ∈ Vnh (3.16)

We shall estimate the error in the stabilized L2 norm

|||v|||2Σn = ‖v‖2Σn + jn(v, v) (3.17)

Theorem 3.1. Let u be the solution to (3.14) and extend it from Σ(t) by u(x) = u p(x) and letunh, n = 0, 1, . . . , N be defined by (3.16). If there is a constant c such that max1≤n≤N kn‖divΣβ‖L∞(Σn) ≤c < 1. Then the following error estimate holds

|||u(T )− uNh |||Σ(T ) ≤ CN(k2 + h2)(C + max

1≤n≤N(‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1 + ‖u(tn)‖2,Σn)


where k = max1≤n≤N kn and h = maxK∈KhhK .

Remark 3.1. We note that for a uniform timestep, N = T/k and we have CN(k2 + h2) =CT (k + h2/k) and thus for k = Ch, Theorem 3.1 gives the first order error estimate

|||u(T )− uNh |||Σ(T ) ≤ Ch (3.19)

Proof. We first split the error as follows

|||u(tn)− unh|||2Σn = |||u(tn)− Pnu(tn)|||2Σn + |||Pnu(tn)− unh|||2Σn = I + II (3.20)

where Pn : L2(Σn)→ Vnh is the stabilized L2 projection defined by

(Pnu, v)Σn + jn(Pnu, v) = (u, v)Σn ∀v ∈ Vnh (3.21)

Term I. Using equation (3.21) and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we have

I = |||u− Pnu|||2Σn = (u− Pnu, u)Σn + (Pnu− u, Pnu)Σn + jn(Pnu, Pnu) =

= (u− Pnu, u− πnhu)Σn + (u− Pnu, πnhu)Σn ≤≤ ‖u− Pnu‖Σn‖u− πnhu‖Σn + jn(Pnu, Pnu)1/2jn(πnhu, π


≤ 2|||u− Pnu|||Σn |||u− πnhu|||Σn (3.22)

where the interpolation operator πnh : L2(Ωnh)→ Vnh is the usual Scott-Zhang interpolation opera-tor, see [21]. For u ∈ H2(Ωnh), using a trace inequality see [22] and the approximation property ofthe interpolation operator, we obtain

|||u− πnhu|||2Σn =∑


‖u− πnhu‖2Σ∩K +∑F∈Fn


Ch2‖ JnF · ∇(u− πnhu)KF ‖2F



C1h−1‖u− πnhu‖2K + C2h‖u− πnhu‖21,K + C3h

3‖u− πnhu‖22,K

≤ Ch3‖u‖22,Ωnh≤ Ch4‖u‖22,Σn (3.23)

which concludes the estimate of Term I.


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Term II. Denoting Pnu(tn)− unh by enh and using equation (3.21) we first note that

II = |||enh|||2Σn = (enh, enh)Σn + jn(enh, e

nh) (3.24)

= (Pnu− unh, enh)Σn + jn(Pnu− unh, enh) = (u(tn)− unh, enh)Σn − jn(unh, enh)

Next using the solution formula (3.15) and the definition of the numerical method (3.16) we derivethe following representation formula

II = (u(tn), enh)Σn − (unh, enh)Σn − jn(unh, e


= (Tnu(tn−1)e−B(tn), enh)Σn +

∫ tn


(e(B(s)−B(tn))f(s), enh)Σnds

− (Tnh un−1h + knf(tn), enh)Σn + kn((divΣβ)unh, e


= (Tnu(tn−1)(e−B(tn) − 1 + kn(divΣβ), enh)Σn

+ (Tnu(tn−1)− Tnh un−1h , v)Σn

+ kn((divΣβ)(unh − Tnu(tn−1)), enh)Σn


∫ tn


(e(B(s)−B(tn))f(s), enh)Σnds− (knf(tn), enh)Σn

= II1 + II2 + II3 + II4 (3.25)

We now proceed with estimates of these contributions.Term II1. Using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Taylors formula we get the estimate

II1 ≤ ‖Tnu(tn−1)(e−B(tn) − 1 + kn(divΣβ))‖Σn‖enh‖Σn

≤ Ck2n‖Tn‖‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1‖enh‖Σn (3.26)

where ‖Tn‖ = supv∈L2(Σn−1) ‖Tnv‖L2(Σn)/‖v‖L2(Σn−1).Term II2. Using the fact that we are using a second order approximation Tnh of Tn we obtain

II2 = (Tnu(tn−1)− Tnh un−1h , enh)Σn

≤ ((Tn − Tnh )u(tn−1), enh)Σn + (Tnh (u(tn−1)− un−1h ), enh)Σn

≤ Ck2n‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1‖enh‖Σn + ‖Tnh ‖‖(u(tn−1)− un−1

h )‖Σn−1‖enh‖Σn (3.27)

Term II3. Using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Taylors formula we get the estimate

II3 = kn((divΣβ)(unh − Tnu(tn−1)), enh)Σn

= kn((divΣβ)(unh − u(tn)), enh)Σn

+ kn((divΣβ)(u(tn)− Tnu(tn−1)), enh)Σn

≤ kn‖divΣβ‖L∞(Σn)‖unh − u(tn)‖Σn‖enh‖Σn

+ Ck2n‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1‖enh‖Σn (3.28)

Term II4. Using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Taylors formula we get the estimate

II4 =

∫ tn


(e(B(s)−B(tn))f(s)− f(tn), enh)Σnds ≤ Ck2n‖enh‖Σn (3.29)

Collecting the estimates of I–II we obtain

(1− kn‖divΣβ‖L∞(Σn))|||u(tn)− unh|||Σn ≤ Ch2‖u(tn)‖2,Σn + Ck2n

+ k2n(C‖Tn‖+ C)‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1 + C‖Tnh ‖‖u(tn−1)− un−1

h ‖Σn−1 (3.30)


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for n = 1, 2, . . . , N . Iterating this estimate we arrive at the desired result

|||u(tN )− unh|||Σn ≤N∑n=1

Ck2n(C + ‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1) + Ch2‖u(tn)‖2,Σn

≤ CN(k2 + h2)(C + max

1≤n≤N(‖u(tn−1)‖Σn−1 + ‖u(tn)‖2,Σn)


4. Numerical Examples

We consider three examples where we solve for the concentration u of surfactants on movinginterfaces. We expect the method (3.10) to be of first order, see Theorem 3.1 and Remark 3.1,and that the condition number of the algebraic system of equations is stable independently onhow the interface cuts the elements. We use a uniform underlying mesh Kh consisting of trianglesof size h with a constant time step of the form k = Ch. The stabilization constants c1 and c2 inthe edge stabilization jn are 10 in all the computations.

4.1. Time Dependent Surface Representation

In our numerical examples we use a level set representation of the geometry. We approximatethe level set function ρ by ρh ∈ Vh/2 where Vh/2 is the space of piecewise linear continuous

functions defined on the mesh Kh/2 obtained by refining Kh uniformly once. Σh(t) is the zerolevel set of ρh(t). In the first two examples the level set function is given on closed form and ρh isobtained by nodal interpolation in Vh/2, while in the third example we will have to solve a partialdifferential equation for the level set function.

Given a vector field β the evolution of the surface Σ(t) is governed by the following problemfor the level set function: find ρ : I × Ω→ R such that

ρt + β · ∇ρ = 0, ρ(0) = ρ0 (4.1)

Using Crank-Nicholson in time and piecewise linear continuous finite elements with streamlinediffusion stabilization in space we obtain the method: find ρnh ∈ Vh/2 such that, for n = 1, 2, . . . , N ,

(ρnhkn, vn)Ω + θ(βn · ∇ρnh, vn)Ω + (


+ θβn · ∇ρnh − gn−1, τSDβn · ∇vn)Ω ∀vnh ∈ Vh/2

gn−1 =ρn−1h

kn− (1− θ)βn−1 · ∇ρn−1

h , θ =1


where the streamline diffusion parameter τSD is τSD = 2(k−2n + |β|2h−2)−1/2. To keep the level

set function a signed distance function the reinitialization equation, equation (15) in [23], canbe solved, which can be discretized in the same way as we did with the advection equation, seeequation (4.2).

4.2. Example 1: Moving interface

We consider the problem given in Example 2 of [10]. Initially the interface Σ is a circle centeredat the origin with radius r0 = 2 and β = (1, 0). The initial concentration u = y/r0 + 2 and ε = 1.The time step k = h/4 as in [10]. The interface Σ(t) and the concentration u on the movinginterface at times t = 0, 2, 4 for the mesh size h = 0.2 are shown in Fig 2. In Fig. 3 we show therelative change of the total mass of surfactant∫






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−2 0 2 4 6−3











3t = 0

−2 0 2 4 6−3











3t = 2

−2 0 2 4 6−3











3t = 4

Figure 2: Position of the interface and the surfactant concentration on the moving interface at time t=0, 2, 4.

and the spectral condition number of the equation system as function of time for h = 0.2. In thisexample, we have not prescribed the total surfactant mass using a Lagrange multiplier but sincethe velocity field is constant we observe very good conservation of the total surfactant. We also seethat the stabilization term ensures that the condition number of the resulting equation system isbounded as the interface evolves. Without stabilization the condition number sometimes becomesextremely large depending on how the interface cuts the mesh.

We compare our solution with the analytical solution

u(x, y, t) = e−t/4y√

(x− t)2 + y2+ 2 (4.4)

at time t = 2. The error measured in the L2 norm and the H1 norm for different mesh sizes his shown in Fig. 4. We also show the maximum error over all endpoints of the linear segmentsapproximating the interface. We observe the expected first order convergence. The errors canbe compared with Table II in [10]. Our two coarsest meshes correspond to the two finest meshesin [10]. For the mesh sizes used in Table II in [10] we observe smaller errors.

4.3. Example 2: Rigid body rotation

Here we consider the same rigid body rotation as in [24]. The initial interface is a circle centeredat (0.5, 0.22) with radius 0.17 and the velocity field β = ( 2π

3 (y−0.5), 2π3 (x−0.5)). In this example

we set ε = 0 and hence the concentration is only advected by the velocity field. The time step


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0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1




1x 10






0 0.5 1 1.5 210








Figure 3: Left: The relative change of the total surfactant mass, given by (4.3), versus time using the proposedmethod. Right: The spectral condition number as function of time. Stars represent the condition number usingthe proposed method and circles represent the condition number without the stabilization term jn. The mesh sizeh = 0.2.










Figure 4: The error in the surfactant concentration at time t = 2 for different mesh sizes h. Circles representthe error measured in the L2 norm. Stars represent the error measured in the H1 norm. Crosses represent themaximum error over endpoints of the linear segments approximating the interface.


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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10












t = 0

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10












t = 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10












t = 2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10












t = 3

Figure 5: Position of the interface and the surfactant concentration on the moving interface at time t=0, 1, 2, 3.The mesh size h = 0.025.

k = h/2 as in [24]. For the coarsest mesh with h = 0.025 we show the surfactant concentrationat times t = 0, 1, 2, 3 in Fig. 5 and the relative change of the total mass of surfactant in time inFig. 6. We observe a mass loss of almost 0.016% when h = 0.025 without prescribing the exactsurfactant mass. In [24] the mass loss is almost the same (Figure 3.13 in [24]) but for five timessmaller mesh size (h = 0.005). We can easily improve the error in the surfactant mass in ourmethod by prescribing the exact mass with a Lagrange multiplier, see Fig. 7.

We report the convergence in the L2 norm but also in the L1 norm in order to compare with theresults in [24]. We observe slightly better convergence than the expected first order convergence.For the mesh sizes shown in Figure 3.13 of [24] (for PeΓ = ∞ corresponding to ε = 0) we obtainsmaller errors. However, the method in [24] is second order.

In Fig. 8 we also show the spectral condition number for different mesh sizes h. The numericalresults indicate that the condition number grows as O(h−2).

4.4. Example 3: Deforming interface

We consider the problem given in Example 6 of [10]. Initially the interface Σ is a circle

centered at the origin with radius r0 = 1 and the velocity field β = ( (y+2)2

3 , 0). The initialsurfactant concentration u = y/r0 + 2. The computational domain is [−2 6.4] × [−2 2] and weuse 148 gridpoints in the x-direction which yields a meshsize h ≈ 0.06. The time step k = h/8 asin [10]. The surfactant concentration on the moving interface at times t = 0, 1, 2 is shown in Fig 9.In Fig. 10 we show the relative change of the area enclosed by the interface and the relative errorin the total surfactant mass versus time. We have prescribed the total surfactant mass using aLagrange multiplier. We observe a change in the area by less than 0.005% and the relative errorin the total surfactant mass (with respect to the exact total mass, 4πr0) is around 0.003% forh ≈ 0.06. Fig. 8 and 9 in [10] show a surfactant mass loss of 4-5 % and a change in the area by1% for h = 0.04.


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0 1 2 3−2




2x 10






Figure 6: The relative change of the total surfactant mass, given by (4.3), versus time. The exact surfactant mass( 2

3πr0) is not prescribed. The mesh size h = 0.025.

0 1 2 310









Figure 7: The relative error of the total surfactant mass,

∣∣∣∫Σ(t) u(t)− 23πr0


, versus time when the condition∫Σ(t) u(t) = 2

3πr0 is prescribed using a Lagrange multiplier. The mesh size h = 0.025.




















Figure 8: Left: The error in the surfactant concentration at time t = 3 for different mesh sizes h. Circles representthe error measured in the L2 norm. Stars represent the error measured in the L1 norm. The solid line is proportionalto h1. Right: Circles represent the spectral condition number at t = 3 for different mesh sizes h. The solid line isy = h−2.


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−2 0 2 4 6−2








t = 0

−2 0 2 4 6−2









t = 1

−2 0 2 4 6−2








t = 2

Figure 9: Position of the interface and the surfactant concentration on the moving interface at time t=0, 1, 2.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1






5x 10





0 0.5 1 1.5 2−3






3x 10






Figure 10: Left: The relative change of the area enclosed by the interface versus time. Right: The relative error

in the total surfactant mass,

∫Σ(t) u−4πr0

4πr0, versus time when the condition

∫Σ(t) u = 4πr0 is prescribed using a

Lagrange multiplier.


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